4-28-09'~', .. ,, ,: ~~ :~. - r J CULTURAL ARTS and RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Meeting Minutes Tuesday, Apri128, 2009 Adele Grage Community Center 7:00 p.m. Present: Lori Gaglione (chair), Ingrid McCawley, Laurie Melancon, Dawson Pickett Lynne Roskein, Jeff Wighty and Timmy Johnson (liaison), Karen Kempf (recording). 1. Call to order -Lori Gaglione called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes -Laurie moved that the committee accept the March 24 minutes with two corrections [Dinner to'Dine~' and maybe' (no space]. Ingrid seconded the motion and the minutes were accepted as corrected. 3. Ongoing Business a. Events and Updates i. Songwriters' Concert & Acoustic Nights -Ingrid attended the Acoustic Night and reported that the event had 17-20 performers. There was no canopy but the event was well attended. ii. Arts in the Park -Lynne reported that she believed that at least half the artists did very well at the event The committee then discussed what worked well and what might be improved next year for the event Most artists were ready to start at 10 a.m. and perhaps end at 5 pm. Some confusion about the spaces & didn't know what to do with flags; parked in the park to setup. Some of the elder/disabled artists could have used some help setting up. The volunteers were good and artists appreciated the volunteers giving them breaks. Teen Council might walk around with cart of water and t-shirts for easy availability. People liked the music but could eliminate the dance next year (only 2 hour program, had trouble booking, and expense of tent and stage). Next year, emphasize music at both ends of the park. Food vendors added to the event and did well/sold out -perhaps add more food (local seafood) for next year. iii. Health Lecture -Jeff reported that only a few people attended the health talk that he gave at Adele Grage. He would like to do it again in July and get the word out in the city newsletter and other publications. iv. Art Walk & UNF reception -Tim reported that the event was very well attended with approximately 150 people who came to do printmaking with the students on the parkside porch of the Cultural Center. Tim appreciated Cris 'hosting' of the event and did a great job. b. Teen Council -Dawson reported that the Teen Council brought in $515 from the car wash which will fund the scholarship that they will be awarding to a senior in May. The deadline is May 1 and a school counselor will help with judging the essays. The Teen Council also helped at the Arts in the Park with water sales and t-shirts. The Teen Council is having a Geo-caching event on May 25, Memorial Day. c. Comcast grant -Jeff discussed with the committee the amount and purpose for which the grant should bewritten - CARAC events or for the Arts in the Park event only? After a discussion, Laurie motioned that the committee submit grant for Arts in the Park and to ask for $5000 in matching funds from Comcast. Ingrid seconded the motion. All voted in favor of the motion. Jeff & Tim will work on the grant and move it through the city. d. Budget -the committee discussed the need to review last year's budget and determine the 2009- 2010 budget with the City Manager's request to cut 5 to 10°x6. The committee proposed the following money be allocated for existing events and community organizations. i. Artisan Faire - $1000 ii. Dial-a-Ride - $1500 iii. Discretionary - $1000 iv. Teen Council - $2000 v. Working Warrior - $2000 vi. Beaches Resource Center - $1000 vii. Arts in the Park - $5000 viii. Advertising & Mailings - $2000 ix. Beaches Fine Arts - $3000 x. Songwriters & Acoustic Nights - $5800 xi. Holiday Sing-along - $750 xii. Atlantic Beach Elementary - $16,500 xiii. Mayport Middle School - $14,000 If further money is to be cut from the budget, the committee agreed that Working Warriors and/or 1096 be cut from the school budget items. Laurie made a motion to accept this proposed budget for CARAC for $55,550. Ingrid seconded the motion which was unanimously accepted by the committee. 4. With no further business, Ingrid moved to adjourn the meeting; Dawson seconded the motion; and the meeting was adjourned at 8:08 p.m. Date ---~~ v / Vice-c ir, CARAC