02-26-73 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA AGENDA FEBRUARY 26, 1973 1. Call to Order 2. Invocation 3. Approval of Minutes of February 12, 1973 4 . Recognition of Visitors 5. Correspondence 6. Request for P.U.D. Lot 18, Block 1, Atlantic Beach Parkway 7. Mr.Bull - Re: Land Development 8. Mr. John Hanna - Sub-division Acreage - Donner Subdivision 9. Hotel Reservation - Application for P.U.D. -- Mr. Butts 10. Lot 820-821-843 - Section 3, Saltair - Request Abandon- ment of Easement. 11. Report on sidewalk - Seaspray, Sailfish to Seminole 12. Resolutions: (A) 73-9 (B) 73-10 (C) 73-11 13. City Clerk 14. Chief of Police 15. Supt. Public Works 16. City Manager 17 . Commissioners 13. Mayor 19. Adjourn MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1973, AT 8:00 P .M. PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor R. R. Rosborough, II L. W. Minton, Jr. F. W. Fogg D. W. Speed, Commissioners AND R. C. Vogel, City Manager Oliver C . Ball, City Attorney Adele S . Grage, City Clerk ABSENT: None The meeting was called to order by Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell . The invocation was given by Commissioner Minton, followed by the pledge to the flag. The minutes of the meeting of February 12, 1973, were approved as written upon motion of Commissioner Rosborough, seconded by Commissioner Minton and carried. Mayor Howell recognized visitors and called for any business from the floor not on the agenda. There was none. Under correspondence the City Commission received a letter request- ing zoning for the Southwest Corner of Tenth and Ocean Boulevard, Part of Hotel Reservation. The request for re-zoning is based upon: (1) the large size of the lot: 86 . 97x103 .82 'x115 'x100 ' (2) the proximity of other multi-family units - namely the Place by the Sea Apartments located directly across Ocean Boulevard; and (3) the high cost and value of the lot makes it uneconomical to build a one family residence upon it. Mayor Howell stated this property is located on the Southwest corner of Ocean Boulevard and Tenth Street and this request would be a matter of spot zoning. At this time, Mr. Joseph J. Joseph, Jr. , part owner of the property appeared before the City Commission. • MINUTES FEBRUARY 26, 1973 PAGE TWO He stated in talking with the City Manager, Mr. Vogel indicated that the proper thing to do with this property is to request it be placed under the P .U.D. Ordinance. Mr. Joseph said that he wished to modify his letter to the City Commission and request P .U.D. zoning rather than a request for spot zoning and in addition, change the wording from duplex and townhouses to two unit condominiums. Commissioner Speed stated that perhaps the owners might contact some of the neighbors in the area and get their feelings and comments. After lengthly discussion, Commissioner Rosborough moved, seconded by Commissioner Fogg and carried that this request for P.U.D. zoning for the Southwest Corner of Tenth and Ocean Boulevard, Part of Hotel Reservation be referred to the Advisory Planning Board for their recommendations. Mayor Howell stated that the Advisory Planning Board should be informed of several other request for spot re- zoning in that particular area that have consistently been turned down by the City Commission.. The next item on the agenda was Mr. George Bull' s request for land development. Mr. R. Lo Wardrep, Chairman of the Advisory Planning Board, reported the Board had met with Mr. Bull on February 12, 1973 and the Board had looked very favorably on his entire project. The only thing the Board requested is they wanted to look further into the matter of cluster housing. Commissioner Minton moved, seconded by Commissioner Speed and carried that under the Planned Unit Development Ordinance the City Commission accept the applica- tion and tentative plans and set a Public Hearing. Mayor Howell stated the Public Hearing will be scheduled for March 26, 1973, 8000 P .M. at the City Hall. Mr. Wardrep reported on the recommendations from the Advisory Planning Board on platting of acreage by Mr.. Jchn Hanna. The acreage is located in the Donner Subdivision on Church Road, George Street and the City Playground. Mr. Hanna revised his original plan of twelve lots to eight lots thereby increasing the size of the lots and eliminating the paved street parallel with the south property line which abuts Donner Playground. Mr. Hanna presented his tentative new plans to the City Commission. After lengthly discussion, Commissioner Fogg moved, seconded by Commissioner Minton and carried that the City Commission accept the Advisory Planning Board' s recommendation and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the plat when it is properly completed. MINUTES FEBRUARY 26, 1973 PAGE THREE Application for P.U.D. zoning for Hotel Reservation, East of Place By The Sea, was reported on by Mr. Wardrep. Mr. Butts has obtained the property which used to be the old Atlantic Beach Hotel site. Mr. Butts would like to construct a condominium consisting of 66 units not to exceed three stories in height with approximately 2.6 parking spaces. There will be only one access tc the property down Tenth Street and a lock gate at the southern end of Mr. Butt' s property at Beach Avenue for emergency use such as fire protection. After discussion, Commissioner Fogg moved, seconded by Commissioner Speed and carried that under the Planned Unit Development Ordinance the City Commission accept the application and tentative plans and set a public hearing. Mayor Howell stated the Public Hearing will be scheduled for March 12, 1973 . Mrs . Grace Roberson appeared before the City Commission with a re- quest to abandonment of Easement, Lots 820-821843, Section 3 Saltair Subdivision. She stated the easements are now under the houses. Mr. Ronald Altman obtained a building permit from the City of Atlantic Beach and they have actually been abandoned, but to get the records clear and off the title insurance policy Mr. Altman needs to get the necessary papers from the City of Atlantic Beach to present to the title company so they can take it off the title binder. Mayor Howell stated this goes back to the old deed re- strictions or deed covenants. Mrs. Roberson stated it was done by the Saltair Development Corporation. In the discussion it was brought out that the abandonment should be from Lots 810 through 850 Saltair Subdivision. It was moved by Commissioner Minton, seconded by Commissioner. Rcsborough and carried to abandon the easements on Lots 810 through 850 Saltair Subdivision and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the necessary abandon- ment. Mr. Vogel reported cn the sidewalk along Seaspray from Sailfish east tc Seminole Road stating he had discussed this with Mr. Hilliard, Director of Public Works, and they have come to the conclusion that inasmuch as the land abuting Seaspray has been converted back to acreage and there are no plans for developing it at this time, so instead of paving the street an asphalt sidewalk four feet wide abuting the property on the same side of the street as the sewer line will be constructed. It was moved by Commissioner Minton, seconded by Commissioner Rcsborough and carried that a sidewalk be constructed from Sailfish Drive east to Seminole Road on Seaspray. MINUTES FEBRUARY 26, 1973 PAGE FOUR Mayor Howell presented and read Resolution No. 73-9 appointing Gloria June Knight Acting City Clerk with a beginning salary of $7,624.00 effective March 1, 1973. Commissioner Minton moved for passage of said resolution, seconded by Commissioner Fogg and : carried. Copy of Resolution No. 73-9 is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Mayor Howell presented and read Resolution No. 73-10 appointing Adelaide R. Tucker Assistant City Treasurer-Comptroller effective March 1, 1973. Commissioner Minton moved for passage of said Resolution, seconded by Commissioner Rosborough and carried. Ccpy of Resolution No. 73-10 is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Mayor Howell presented and read Resolution Nc. 73-11 appointing Mary S. Fletcher Assistant City Clerk effective March 1, 1973. Commissioner Fogg moved for passage of said resolution, seconded by Commissioner Minton and carried. Copy of Resolution No. 73-11 is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Mayor Howell stated regretfully that this will be Mrs. Adele S. Grage' s last official meeting of the City Commission as City Clerk after some thirty-one years. She will go into a leave of absence commencing March 1, 1973 . Mayor Howell stated that he was certain we all hate to see her go and trust that she will be happy in her retirement. At this point Mayor Howell turned the meeting over to Mrs. Grage. Mrs. Grage stated that City Hall was "home" . Commissioner Minton said that since he was one of Mrs . Grage ' s old boys, and it goes back a long time, that it would not be the same at City Hall without hero She received applause from the City Commission along with all the citizens present. Ccrm.issioner Fogg stated that he thought it would be appropriate if the City Attorney would write a letter to the President of the United States expressing our thanks and gratitude in bringing about a Viet Nam cease fire. It was moved by Commission Fogg, seconded by Commissioner Minton and carried that the City Attorney be in- structed to write a Resolution to the President expressing cur thanks and gratitude in bringing about a Viet Namcease fire. There being no further business Mayo owel the meeting adjourned. ry VOL ATTEST: William . Howell, Mayor C (x _ ,( Adele S. Grage, City Cl k RESOLUTION NO. 73-9 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION CF THE CITY CF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, That Section I . Gloria June Knight be appointed Acting City Clerk effective March 1, 1973. Section II . Be it further resolved that the beginning salary shall be $7,624.00. * * * * * * * * * * Passed by the City Commission on February 26 , 1973. ATTEST: SEAL ! r Adele S. Grage, City Clerf RESOLUTION NO. 73-10 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION CF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, That Section Ie Adelaide Re Tucker be appointed Assistant City Treasurer-Comptroller effective March 1, 1973 . * * * * * * * * * * * Passed by the City Commission on February 26 , 1973 ATTEST: (SEAL) Adele S. Drage, City Cler RESOLUTION NC . 73-11 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, That Section I . Mary S. Fletcher be appointed Assistant City Clerk effective March 1, 1973 . * * * * * * * * * * * * Passed by the City Commission on February 26, , 1973. ATTEST (SEAL) (4J. r - • Adele S. Drage, City Clerf