04-09-73 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH , FLORIDA AGENDA April 9 , 1973 1 . Call to Order 2 . Invocation 3 . Approval of Minutes of March 26 , 1973 4 . Recognition of Visitors 5 . Correspondence--Florida League of Cities 6 . Request Beaches Leader : Advertisement for qelcome Day issue 7 . Mrs . Harold J . Rooks : change in permit for child care n . City Clerk 9 . Chief of Police 10 . Supt . Public “orks 11 . City Manager 12 . Commissioners 13 . Mayor 14 . Adjourn MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, APRIL 9, 1973, AT 8:00 P. M. PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner L. W. Minton, Jr. R. R. Rosborough, II F. W. Fogg D. W. Speed, Commissioners AND R. C. Vogel, City Manager Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney Gloria June Knight, Acting City Clerk The meeting was called to order by Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell. The invocation was given by Commissioner Minton, followed by the pledge to the flag. The minutes of the meeting of March 26, 1973, were approved as written. Mayor Howell recognized visitors and called for any business from the floor not on the agenda. There was none. Mr. Vogel read in full a letter from the Florida League of Cities, Inc. , wherein they acknowledged receipt of the City ' s check to cover annual dues for the 1973 membership and are pleased with the City of Atlantic Beaches expression of continued support. Mr. Vogel reported that Mayor Howell has been elected to the Board of Directors of the Florida League of Cities, Inc. The next item on the agenda was a request from the Beaches Leader for advertising in their annual Welcome Day Parade Edition. Mr. Vogel requested Commission approval. It was moved by Commissioner Speed, seconded by Commissioner Fogg and carried that the City of Atlantic Beach place one-half page advertisment in the Beaches Leader for the Welcome Day Edition to be taken from Account 209 Advertising. Mr. Vogel read a letter from Mrs. Harold J. Rooks wherein she stated that since starting the child care service she has come upon situa- tions that she did not realize would exist. She has five children now, but out of the five, one is in school and she only has this child for two hours in the afternoon. Another child is present two or three days a week and one child does not come until 11:00 A.M. each day. MINUTES APRIL 9, 1973 PAGE TWO In her letter she stated that the Division of Family Services and also the Health Department has inspected the premises and given their approval for the care of at least ten children. After a lengthly discussion, Mayor Howell instructed Mr. Vogel to write Mrs. Rooks advising her that she would have to take the original petition back to the neighbors in the area stating she would like to keep ten children in her home instead of five as stated in her original petition. Mr. Vogel suggested that the City ask the Supervisor of Elections to move Precinct 36A to the Court Room at the City Police Station. He stated they have amply parking, ample room and it will not interfer with the City Hall operations . The City Commission concurred that Precinct 36A be moved to the Court Room of the Atlantic Beach Police Station. Mr. Vogel stated he had received a request from the Amber Corporation to build business offices on Mayport Road and Saratogo Circle North and South. It is currently zoned single family dwellings and the Amber Corporation requested that it be placed under P .U.D. After discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Rosborough, seconded by Commissioner Minton and carried that this request be sent to the Advisory Planning Board for their recommendations. Mr. Vogel stated that the City has issued a building permit for a house to be constructed on Belvedere and David Street. Mr. Jack Bennett, 385 Fifth Street, Atlantic Beach, wanted to know if the City is going to run sewer lines down Belvedere? After a lengthly dis- cussion about setting up sewer and water districts, it was moved by Commissioner Speed, seconded by Commissioner Minton and carried to allow Mr. Walter Parks, Consulting Engineer, to go ahead and de- sign the sewer system and call for bids. Mr. Vogel stated that in Supplement No. 4 of the City Charter, which the City has just received from Michie City Publications Company an error had been made on Resolution No. 72-14 covering Outside City Sewer Charges (Downstream Pollution) . Mayor Howell instructed Mr. Vogel to write to Michie City Publications Company to correct this error. MINUTES APRIL 9, 1973 PAGE THREE Commissioner Rosborough suggested that since the City of Jacksonville has not done anything about placing signs to notify the citizens that Seminole Road is closed at Hanna Park, then the City of Atlantic Beach should do something about the situation. Chief Stucki stated he had met with the Park Ranger at Hanna Park and discussed this with him. Commissioner Rosborough suggested the City place a sign at Atlantic Boulevard and Seminole Road that this road is not a thoroughfare and that Seminole Road is closed at Hanna Park. There were no objections from the City Commission. Mayor Howell reported that he and Mr. Ball, City Attorney, traveled to Tallahassee, Florida, March 19th and 20th, 1973, for the purpose of attending the First District Court of Appeals and after concur- rence by all parties moved to withdraw a motion previously filed to hold in escrow monies from Occupational Lisenses. After lengthly discussion, the question of the City refunding monies for Occupa- tional Lisenses and methods of dispersing funds was referred to the City Attorney to report at the next City Commission meeting. There being no further business Mayor Howell declared the meeting adjourned. i / / ^i I 'm S . Howell, Mayor ATTEST: Gloria J e Knight Acting City Clerk (SEAL)