05-14-73 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA AGENDA MAY 14th, 1973 1. Call to Order 2. Invocation 3. App:^oval of the Minutes of April 23, 1973 4. Recognition of Visitors 5. Correspondence: A. Bid Openings: Bituminized Fibre Pipe B. Letter Re: Mrs. Harold J. Rooks C. Letter Re: Reply to Stephen B. Lewailen Pecan Grove 6. Commission Consideration: A. Emergency Repairs to Sewer Lines B. Purchase Printing Calculator C. Committee Report on Water Meters D. Annual Contribution USO Account No. 209 7. H. C. Pierson Re: Lots 1 and 2 Atlantic Beach Parkway 0. Resolution No. 55-73-16 - Sewer Plant Fund 9. City Clerk 10. Chief of Police 11. Director of Public Works 12. City Manager 14. Commissioners 15. Mayor 16. Adjourn MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, MAY 14, 1973, AT 8:00 P.M. PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner L. W. Minton, Jr. R. R. Rosborough, II F. W. Fogg D. W. Speed, Commissioners AND R. C. Vogel, City Manager Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney Gloria June Knight, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell. The invocation was given by Commissioner Minton, followed by the pledge to the flag. The minutes of the meeting of April 23, 1973, were approved as written. Mayor Howell recognized visitors and called for any business from the floor not on the agenda. There was none. Bids on Bituminized Fibre Pipe were opened: Sonoco Products Company, Hartsville, S.C. Total Bid $3,431.40 No other bids were received. Commissioner Rosborough moved that the bid for Bituminized Fibre Pipe be awarded to Sonoco Products Company, Hartsville, S.C. , in the amount cf $3,431.40. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Speed and carried. Under correspondence, the City Commission received a letter from the law offices of John H.P . Helms notifying the Commission that Mr. Lee G. Whitfield, 349 Tenth Street, Atlantic Beach, Florida, opposes Mrs. Harold J. Rooks Child Care Facilities, 355 Tenth Street, Atlantic Beach, Florida. At this time, Mayor Howell asked if there was anyone in the audience representing Mr. Helms or Mrs. Rooks. No one appeared at this time. Mayor Howell suggested this item be passed. There were no objections from the City Commission. MINUTES PAGE TWO MAY 14, 1973 Mr. Vogel reported that the City of Atlantic Beach received a letter and payment form Pecan Grove Apartments, Phase II, in the amount of $1, 509.66 for the quarterly payment of October, 1972 and April, 1973, thus, bringing their account up to date. Mr. Vogel stated in his reply to Mr. Stephen B. Lewallen, representative of Pecan Grove Apartments, that the City has not and will not obligate itself to future connections to the sewer system outside the City Limits un- less the gallonage is reserved. Mayor Howell stated that the United Service Organization of North- east Florida, Inc. have requested a check in the amount of $500.00, which the City of Atlantic Beach have under special act of the Legis- lature provided since 1957 . It was moved by Commissioner Rosborough seconded by Commissioner Minton and carried that we allocate $500.00 from Account No. 209 to the United Service Organization of Northeast Florida, Inc. The next item on the agenda was a request from H. C. Pierson to construct two single family residences on Lots 1 and 2 Atlantic Beach Parkway using a common wall on a common lot line. After lengthly discussion, Mayor Howell referred this request to the Advisory Planning Board for their recommendations. Mayor Howell presented and read in full Resolution No. 55-73-16 covering the "Sewer Plant Fund" . Mayor Howell stated the resolution should be corrected to read "the City Treasurer and Mayor- Commissioner is hereby directed to receive said money and apply the fifty percent in interest-bearing securities that are most ad- vantegeous to the City' s interest. " Commissioner Minton moved for passage of said resolution with the change to include the Mayor- Commissioner along with the City Treasurer, seconded by Commissioner Rosborough and carried. Copy of Resolution No. 55-73-16 is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Gloria June Knight reported that the City of Atlantic Beach was presented a plaque in appreciation for cur participation in the Welcome Day Parade, Jacksonville Beach, 1973. MINUTES PAGE THREE MAY 14, 1973 Mr. Hilliard reported that the sidewalk has been started at Seminole Road to Sailfish Drive along Seaspray. He stated the Public Works Department had blacktopped the sidewalk Mr. Hilliard requested permission to hire someone part-time during the summer months to clean up the area around Jack Russell Memorial Park. Mr. Hilliard stated that the Little League has ball games everynight and the area surrounding the Little League Baseball Park is littered with trash and debris. After discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Fcgg, seconded by Commissioner Minton and carried that Mr. Hilliard be allowed to hire someone during the summer months to clean the area surrounding the park. Mr. Vogel announced that he plans to attend the City Manager' s Conference, May 20th through May 23, 1973, in Miami, Florida. Mr. Vogel stated that Resolution No. 5-72-8 requires Commission approval when ycu exceed the $25.00 per diem and this amount will not cover his expenses. It was moved by Commissioner Speed, seconded by Commissioner Fogg and carried that Mr. Vogel be given approval to attend the City Manager ' s Conference and turn over his expenses incurred to the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida. Mr. Vogel stated that the City of Atlantic Beach will have to devise an alternate method of disposing of solid waste because the landfill that the City is presently using at Jacksonville Beach, Florida, has almost reached its capacity. After lengthly discussion, Mayor Howell stated that nc action could be taken at this time until the City of Atlantic Beach has cbtained information on the subject of solid waste disposal. Commissioner Speed reported that he had received complaints about the water level at the lagoon in Selva Marina Subdivision. He stated algae has formed on the top of the water and that the water is not moving downstream. Mr. Hilliard stated that in order for this condition to be cleared, the City needs a heavy rainfall which will raise the water level. Mayor Howell welcomed Mr. Mike Anderson, the new reporter from the Florida Times Union. There being no further business Mayor H. ell •e ed th= feeting adjourned. 44,/ ATTEST: 1 S. owell, Mayor Gloria J e Knight, City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 55-73-16 WHEREAS, the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, has built and expanded a sewer treatment plant for the purpose of complying with Federal and State Pollution Laws and WHEREAS, the citizens and property owners of the City of Atlantic Beach have obligated their real and personel property for the construction of said plant and WHEREAS, the extension of this facility to property beyond the City Limits of said City for the purpose of receiving and treating sewage from said outside sources requires a sewer service charge with applicable rates specified in Section 19-2 (City Code) increased by fifty percent. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, AS FOLLOWS: 1 The City Treasurer and Mavor.-Commissioner is hereby ' directed to receive said money and apply the fifty percent in interest-bearinn securities that are most advantageous to the City's interest. Said securities shall be entitled "City of Atlantic Beach, Sewer Plant Fund. " The sole purpose of the said "Sewer Plant Fund" shall he used for capital improvements to the sewer plant or the retirement of General Obligation Sewer Bonds . * * * * * * * * * * * * Passed by the City Commission on 7l�j� fry , 1973 . ATTEST G fria J57l/4/1(41e Knight, C y Clerk ;SEAL)