03-08-71 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AGENDA MARCH 8, 1971 1. Call to order 2. Invocation 3. Approval of Minutes of February 22, 1971 4. Recognition of visitors 5. Correspondence. 6. Committee Reports on : (a) Municipal area planning 7. Police and Fire Chief 8. Public Works Superintendent 9. City Manager 10. Commissioners 11. Mayor 12. Adjourned MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY , MARCH 8 , 1971 AT2 : 00 P.M. Present : William S . Howell , Mayor-Commissioner Arthur J . Longo R . R . Rosborough Preben Johansen L. W . Minton , Jr . , Commissioners ; and R . C . Vogel , City Manager Oliver Ball , City Attorney Adele S . Drage , City Cler'.� The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner ; Mr . Howell . The Invocation was given by Commissioner Minton , followed by the salute to the -flag . Upon motion of Mr . Longo , seconded by Mr . Minton , and carried , the minutes of the regular meeting of February 22 , 1971 , were approved as written . Mayor Howell recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor which was not on the-'asenda. There was none . Mr . Johansen reported on the Municipal Area Planning Committee and stated that they had met the previous Saturday and had decided to put off for the time being, any decision as to the hiring of a City Planner . Mr . Longo asked if there were monies allocated for this in the budget and received an affirm- ative answer . The Police Department report for the month of January , 1:71 , was received for information and filing . Public Works Director Hilliard reported that they were con- tinuing with the paving work in Royal Palms . Bids were presented covering a two-way radio for the City Manager ' s oar . Bids were received from the following : General Electric Company $857 .46 Motorola Communications & Electronics :35 . 30 Mr . Longo moved the bids be referreto Committee for tabula- tion and report back to the next meeting, seconded by Mr . Rosborough and carried . Commissioner Longo and City Manager Vogel were appointed by Mayor-Howell to act as the Committee . lir Minutes 3/8/71 - Page #2 City Manager Vogel reported his mileage for the month of February was 393 and Mrs . Crage ° s , 190 . City Manager Vogel brought forward a building permit which had been issued to Mr . Ernest Davis in 1965 for the purpose of building a restaurant and dancehall on Roberts Street . The original permit had been issued in 1960 , at which time construction was begun , but set aside . The question being raised at this time was due to the fact that the building-to- be is now within 50O ° of churches , which were not there when the original permit was issued , would he be eligible for a beer license when the building was complete . City Attorney Ball stated that the building permit really was of no con- sequence and not valid due to the fact that there had been so many changes made in the building code since the permits had been issued , and if the building is situated within the 500 ° of a church as stipulated , the request for a beer license would automatically be turned down . He further stated that the State usually left it up to the municipalities and their Ordinances on the issuance of such licenses . The question was raised that with Mr . Johansen being elected as Councilman for the District one on the Jacksonville Council , how would his seat be filled? Mayor Howell stated that the City Commission would elect a replacement when he left the Commission on July 1st , 1971 . Mr . Longo commented that he had been in touch with our Sgt . H. P.Craig who had been seriously hurt during the course of performing his police duties , and he is now back on the job . Mr . Johansen publicly thanked the Atlantic Beach Commission and citizens for supporting him in the recent election . Mayor Howell commented that there would be a meeting held in the City Hall of Jacksonville Beach on Tuesday . March 9 , 1371 , at which time the Legislative Delegation of the City of Jacksonville would be present to hear any and all comments or complaints or requests the citizens of the beaches areas would like to present to them. Mayor Howell further commented that according to the treasurer ' s report of February , 1971 , the City of Atlantic Beach , with all due respect to the Jacksonville Journal , was not in a bad financial shape as you were led to believe in a recent article . In fact , he emphasized , that the City was not in any financial straits . 107 Minutes 3/3/71 - Page #3 There being no further business , the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned . *;#1,0 m' S . Howell Mayor-Commissioner ATTEST : 0-Ceee.C— Adele S . Grage CITY CLERK