7-28-09CULTURAL ARTS and RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Meeting Minutes Tuesday, July 28, 2009 Adele Grage Community Center 7:00 p.m. Present: Lori Gaglione (chair), Meade Coplan, Jolyn Johnson, Ingrid McCawley, Lynne Roskein. Liaison: Timmy Johnson. Recording: Karen Kempf. Visitor: Lucy Lynn. Absent: Mark Howard, JeJj`Wight, Cris Garrard, and Dawson Pickett: 1. Lori called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. 2. Guest: Lucy Lynn told the committee that she is doing yoga in Johansen Park and wanted to let the committee know. There is no charge but donations are accepted. People are encouraged to join in. The committee discussed whether this could be a city program, on the website, or advertised with signage. Timmy advised that if the committee wanted to take yoga on as one of their programs, they could. But currently the city can not take yoga on as one of its programs. Lucy left her phone number with the committee and city so that she can be contacted if needed. 3. The committee reviewed the June 23, 2009 meeting minutes. Ingrid moved that the minutes be accepted with one correction (addition of'e' to Lynng). jolyn seconded the motion and the minutes were approved as corrected. 4. New Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee member Meade Coplan was welcomed. She related some of her background and that she wanted to get involved in the community. 5. Ongoing Business a. Budget Update -Tim related that he is uncertain when the committee will present to the city commissioners. The committee is welcomed to attend. Tim will send out the date when it is finalized. b. Songwriters' Concert & Acoustic Nights -Acoustic Night was held inside the theatre again - due to concern for rain. There was no tent. Complaints were made since the children cannot play in the park when the event is held indoors. c. Art Walk & Reception -Ingrid reported that the Art Walk receptions at Adele are generally not well attended. The committee discussed reasons for low attendance and ideas to make the event better attended. Karen noted that the receptions for the artists are well attended when they invite friends and family. Timmy will take their suggestions under advisement for future monthly events. d. Tour de Parks -Karen reported that the event pulled in 42 riders and 2 runners. No money was budgeted for this event in 2010. Committee agreed that it's a great event but needs more marketing "wheels or no wheels" to the public. The committee would like to continue this event but will need more volunteer help to get the word out and staff the park positions. 6. New Business a. Volunteer Recognition August 25 -Tim asked the committee to use their next meeting as a volunteer recognition evening. The CARAC, their event volunteers, and community center volunteers would be invited for dessert and recognition for their service to the City of Atlantic Beach. The committee agreed and Tim asked that the committee email hirn a list of names of volunteers by August 1. Initiations will be handed out, emailed or mailed as needed. b. November Holiday Artisan Faire- Lynne discussed with the committee the date of the upcoming event -November 19~ at the North Beaches Art Walk. The event will have food & a wine tasting. The event is still artists by invitation and she will be inviting artists next month. 7. Other Agenda Items/Announcements a. UNF Internship -Jeff was not able to attend this meeting. Tim asked committee members to email ideas to him and Jeff regarding how to best `employ' an intern for recreation and special events. Public health internship would begin in January for 12 weeks, 40 hours a week. b. Teen Council -Dawson has been out of town over the summer. Tim is uncertain about what is happening come fall. 8. Adjournment -Next CARAC meeting will be September 22, 7 pm at Adele Grage. With no further business, Lori asked to adjourn the meeting. It was so agreed and the meeting adjourned