10-27-09CULTURAL ARTS and RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 27, 2009 Adele Grage Community Center 7:00 p.m. Present: Lori Gaglione (chair), Meade Coplan, Cris Garrard, Mark Howard, Jo-yn Johnson, Ingrid McCawley, Lynne Roskein. Liaison: Timmy Johnson. Recording: Karen Kempf. Absent: JeJj`Wight and Teen Council Representative. 1. Lori called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. with a quorum of members present. 2. The committee reviewed the September 2009 meeting minutes. Ingrid noted a misspelling of "diner." Lynne moved that the minutes be accepted as corrected and Ingrid seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as corrected. 3. Ongoing Business a. Holiday Artisans' Faire -Lynne reported to the committee that 15 artists have accepted the invitation to show at the Faire. The fifteen are a mix of the same and new artists for this year. The artists have agreed to bring a bottle of wine for the wine tasting in lieu of an entry fee. Lynne asked that Karen send the pdf flyer to the committee for a-mail distribution. Ads will be placed in the Beaches Leader and Shorelines before the event. Meade will help set-up at 3 pm and Cris volunteered to help break-down. Lynne and Lori will float for setup. Ingrid will pour wine. Cris will bring music for the small gallery. Marc offered to bring wine. Lynne asked that the holiday lights be put up for the Faire. b. Songwriters' Concert- The September Songwriters had 50-60 people attending. c. Holiday Sing-along -Ingrid asked committee members to please donate cookies for the event. She would also like to invite local children to attend the events and pass out ~fi flyers to publicize the date. Santa will be arriving on the fire truck again. d. Arts in the Park - Call to Artists has gone out in the papers and website. Sherri Beno will coordinate the volunteers this year at the event. She will be looking for other teen groups to help as well. e. Teen Council - No news on teen council. 4. New Business a. Lynne reported that she met with Commissioner Woods regarding a proposal for a gala event "Holiday Tables" that is fashioned after a former art museum's event. Mark offered to talk to the previous coordinator and get more information. The committee discussed resources needed for a large event, location, and other concerns. At this time, the Committee did not think they could take on an event of this size as a fundraiser. 5. Other Agenda Items/Announcements a. End of Year Meetings - Due to proximity to the holidays, the committee decided to combine cancel the November 24 and December 22 meetings. Instead, they will have a "special" meeting on December 1 to conduct November and December committee business. 6. Adjournment -With no further business, Lori asked to adjourn the meeting. Lynne moved and Meade seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. .-'~ ~ l ~~ ~ ~~ll.~.- Date ~ ~ ~ Cfi ir, Lori Gaione