09-14-70 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AGENDA September 14, 1970 1. Call to Order. 2. Invocation. 3. Approval of Minutes of August 24, 1970. 4. Approval of Minutes of Special Meeting of September 2, 1970. 5. Recognition of Visitors. 6. Correspondence. 7. Committee Report: Consultant for Planning and Zoning. 8. Replat Saltair Subdivision. 9. Chapter 70-230 Laws of Florida (Disclosure of contributions and expenditures by elected Municipal officials) . 10. Anti-Smut Ordinance - first reading. 11. Police and Fire Chief. 12. Public Works Superintendent. 13. City Manager. 14. Commissioners. 15. Mayor. 16. Adjourn. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 ,1970 AT 3 : 00 P.M. Present: William S . Howell , Mayor-Commissioner Preben Johansen Arthur J. Longo L.W.Minton , Jr. and R.R.Rosborough , Commissioners . R .C .Vogel , City Manager Oliver Ball , City Attorney Adele S . Crage , City Clerk The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner , Mr. Howell . The Invocation was given by Mr . Minton. Upon motion of Mr . Longo , seconded by Mr . Minton , the minutes of August 24 , 1970 , were approved as written . Upon motion of Mr . Longo , seconded by Mr. Minton , the minutes of the Special Meeting of September 2 , 1970 were approved as lit written. Mr. Rosborough gave a report the Committee Planning and Zoning . He stated that they had a meeting a couple of times with Gerald Da':e Associates and they advised of the needs , benefits and costs of a long range land use planning for the City of Atlantic Beach. The last meeting was held several days ago before this Commission meeting and he has come back with a sample contract and/or proposal for what he and his concern agrees to do . Mr. Rosborough remared that he thought it all sounded good and that no decision was reached at the last meeting because they were to submit a counter-proposal which. Mr . Rosborough. received this evening. City Manager Vogel suggested that the commission take this under advisement and at some future meeting appropriate enough money and proceed with this because the City sorely needs it . It is his opinion that every commissioner here would agree that this is a great need . It could be budgeted for next year , he stated . Mr . Rosborough stated that accord- ing to the contract proposed , Gerald Dake Associates agree to finish the wor?: in six months time and they have set the payments up in six payments . The proposed cost is $6 , 500 . I Minutes 9/14/70 Page #2 Mr. Longo asked if we had any other quotations . There were none at the present , and Mr . Rosborough suggested as Vice Chairman of the Committee, that the city commissioners go in- to this as a whole and consider it and also possibly consider ;om4 Other proposals . Mr. Johansen was in agreement that We shbuld sit down as : i whole and study this thing which he had jus4 received in the mail Friday and he would like to meet and have further discus idn on it . It was moved by Mr; Rosborough, seconded by Mr. Johansen , and carried , that we consider this in depth on an entire commission level . Mr. Fred Aldrich from the audience at this time asked the Commission if they had given any consideration to Mr. Hill ' s offer to do this free of charge to the City. Mr . Rosborough commented that what he thought Mr. Hill offered were his services and knowledge as a consultant with the Commission and wgUI.d recommend certain things , but he is engaged by the 414 p ,anning B4ecd and it would perhaps be a conflict of interest to ge to *bother municipality to do this free of charge for us . It will be Poilowed through though and Mr. Hill will be contacted . 11/ Regarding the replatting of the 3altair Subdivision, Mr. George Bull outlined the area on the map for all to see which area he was talking about. He has no immediate plans for the land but is desirous of getting it redesignated as acreage so that wIien and if he desires to do something with this land , it will be easier to clan something for it rather than to try to do something with it in the manner inwh. ch it is designated now in small lots . It was moved by Mr. Longo , seconded by Mr. Johansen , and carried that the Com- mission. accept and approve the plat. as presented by Mr. Bull and that the documents be signed by the proper officials . Mr. Ball stated that under Chanter 7C-230 Laws of Florida, we arefaced with a new statute that becomes effective in June 1970 which required all elected officials to file semi- annual reports disclosing any contributions received of $25 . or more and what they did with that contribution. It makes a public record Of what they have received to see what they did and also shows if they are in any way involved in a con- flict of interest . The law exempts members of their immed- iate family. The first report will be due on February 1 of next year. f 4 Minutes 9/14/70 Page #3 An Ordinance prohibiting the distribution of obscene materia] was presented in full in writing for passage on first reading by Title oLz y. Mr . Rosborough moved that the rules be waived and said Ordinance passed on first reading by title only, seconded by Mr. Longo , and carried . The public hearing date was set for September 28 , 1970 . trhe Pblice Department report for the month of August 1970 was received for information and filing. City Manager Vogel reported his mileage for the month of August was 320 miles and Mrs . Crage° s , 210 . City Manager Vogel asked permission of the Commission for em- ployees of the Atlantic Beach City to join the Jacksonville Center Credit Union , which is operated by Central Services that allows employees to join . They are not being forced to join , it is strictly voluntary. Since this requires no action , the Commission was in agreement that they neither recommended or objected to same . 11/ City Manager Vogel also reported that he would like to call for bids for a tractor mower . After discussion , Mr . Johansen moved approved to call for bids as requested , seconded by Mr . Minton and carried . Mr . Vogel requested approval for call for bids on sewer extension to Buccaneer Trailer Park. There was discussion regarding how in the past people have cut into the sewer lines without the city knowing about it and that if we can get this regulated without further illegal cut-ins , etc . , it would be welcomed . Mr . Jahansen moved , seconded by Mr. Minton and carried that we call for bids as requested and instruct the city attorney to prepare a resolution for the next meeting setting forth regulatories for those outside of the city limits who apply to hook up to the Atlantic Beach utility system. It was moved by Mr . Longo , seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried that the Auditor ' s report on water accounts , through June 30 , 1970 , be accepted and the payment of $200 . be made to Meek and McLeod . Minutes of 9/14/70 Page #3/. Mr. Longo stated that he would like to spend up to $500 for expenditures on the recreational parks . This would be , at the moment , primarily to help the Rebel League who plays football at the park and these boys are 9 - 13 years of age. They could put some marker lines down , benches , and any other improvements for these young people as needed . They will be playing 10 games there this season . Mr. Howell men- tioned that since the amount is under $500 he saw no reason for it to come to the attention of the Commission since the City Manager has authority to spend up to that amount without Council action . There was discussion and it was agreed that the City Manager could handle it . Mr. Johansen commented that he thought the Police Department deserved a commendation in the face of the fact that they had brought the local traffic down to a lower pace - almost down to the legal speed limit - and not by setting speed- traps as many of the public seem to think. It was further stated that they made 139 arrests last month and 133 verbal warnings . There being no further business Mayor Howell declared the meeting adjourned . Ade, L.A..., - will1K, S /'iowell Mayor-Commissioner Attest : CLC&& rg .it:17 Adele S . rage , City Clerk