12-28-70 v (TTY OF AT LANT IC BEACH AGENDA DECEMBER 28 1')70 1. Call to order 2. Invocation 3. Approval of Minutes of December 14, 1970. 4. Recognition of visitors. 5. Correspondence. 6. Resolutions : (a) Public hearing - sewer & water rate outside City. I244 76-4-7 (b) On oil clumping at sea. if 7O " S� (c) On Rayonier Corp. outfall J70 -).7 (d) On Rent Supplement of H.U.D. o.yp- ?-b 7. Committee Report on: (a) GasOlin: Bid (b) Insurance Bid. 8. Hobart H. Joost: Re rezoning. 9. Approval to Call for Bids - Garbage truck. 10. 3id opening: Police Car 11. Police and Fire Chief 12. Public Works Superintendent. 13. City Manager. 14. Commissioners 15. Mayor 16. Adjourn 1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY , DECEMBER 23 , 1:70 at : 00 P.M. Present : William S . Howell , Mayor-Commissioner Preben Johansen L. W . Minton , Jr . Arthur J . Longo R. R. Rosborough , Commissioners and R . C . Vogel , City Manager Oliver Ball , City Attorney Adele S . Grage , City ClerkA The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner , Mr . Howell . The invocation was given ' by Mayor Howell , followed by the Salute to the Flag . motion Upon//of Mr . Johansen , seconded by Mr . Rosborough , the minutes of the meeting of December 14 , 1970 , were approved as written . Motion carried . Mayor Howell recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor not on the Agenda. There was none . Under correspondence , Mayor Howell read a letter received from the City of Jacksonville Beach in regards to the pro- rata share of the sanitary landfill as it stands as of the present date . There is still some minor wor'• to be finished , but at present the cost of the installation is $ 13 , 1'`0 . 1.5 , and divided by per capita, Atlantic Beach ' s portion is $3 , 735 . 7)7 , for which they enclosed bill . It was moved by Mr . Longo , seconded by Mr . Johansen , and passed unanimously , that the bill be paid since it was budgeted in the 1'370 budget . Mayor Howell presented Resolution #70-24 which was adopted at the December 14th meeting and called for Public Hearing on sewer and water service charges to users outside city limits . Notice of Public Hearing was posted and published . Copy of certified proof of publication is attached hereto and made a part hereof . Mayor Howell declared the meeting in session for Public Hearing . As no one appeared either for or against the present rate , the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed . After due consideration , it was moved by -6 Minutes 12/28/70 Page #2 Mr . Rosborough , seconded by Mr . Longo , and carried , that Resolution #70-29 be passed and that we continue our present rates for out of city users as listed in Ordinance #10-55 (Sewer Service Charges) and Ordinance #30-59-3 (Water Service Charges . ) Copy of said Resolution is attached hereto and made a part hereof . Mayor Howell presented Resolution 70-2$, which Resolution covers the dumpong of oil at sea . It was moved by Mr . Longo , seconded by Mr . Johansen , that the Resolution be passed , striing out the first paragraph . The motion carried unanimously and a copy of said Resolution is attached hereto and made a part hereof . Mayor Howell presented Resolution 70-27 , which Resolution was passed at the meeting of Decem ger 14 , 1970 , and it was presented for information only at this meeting . This Resolution covers the proposed installation of outfall lines into the Atlantic Ocean by ITT Rayonier , of Fernandina, Beach , and a copy of the Resolution be forwarded to all interested parties . A copy of the Resolution is attached hereto and made a part hereof . Mayor Howell presented Resolution 70-25 , covering Rent Supplements Housing Urban Development . It was moved by Mr. Longo , seconded by Mr . Johansen , and carried , that the Resolution be carried . Copy of said Resolution is attached hereto and made a part hereof . City Manager Vogel reported on the bids received on petroleum bids . It was the committee ' s recommendation that the hid be awarded to the American Oil Company for gas and oil , and to the McCall 3ervice , Inc . for .erosene . It was moved by Mr . Johansen , seconded by Mr . Minton , and passed , that the recommendation be accepted and the bids awarded to the American Oil Company and McCall Service , Inc . A report was made on the Insurance bid received at the December 14 meeting which had been referred to the Committee for study . The bid was from McNeill Insurance Agency at a cost of $11 , 391 with options , and $11 , 457 without option . This cost was based on the payroll of l70 . Mr . J . L. Loper of the Agency had stated that if the payroll be increased , the amount of increase in insurance rates would be approxim- ately $230 , on Wormen ° s Compensation . There would be a 6 percent dividend- payable six months after the expiration of the policy on the earned standard premium. It was moved Minutes 12/2:/70 Page #3 by Mr . Rosborough , seconded by Mr . Longo , that the award of the Insurance bid . e made to the McNeill Insurance Agency. Motion carried unanimously . Mr . Hobart H . Joost appeared before the Commission in regards to a request for rezoning of certain property. He stated that he owned Blocks 44 through 47 and 60 through 63 , which are all presently zoned Business B with the exception of - Blocks 44 and 45 which are zoned Business A. He made applica- tion under FHA under the 235 program, for building of apart- ments . He stated that apartment usage is allowed under the Classification of Business B zoning , but not under Business A, and requested a rezoning of his r,roperty which is - resently zoned Business A, to Business 3 . He stated that to make more effective usage of this land , he would be willing to deed a 10 foot strip of land to the City of Atlantic Beach to widen w 12th Street , if they would close off W. Plaza that divides his property , then change the name of W . 12th to W. Plaza as it is directly opposite Plaza in Royal Palms . The apartments he wants to build would be two-story , garden-type style . It was moved by Mr . Johansen , seconded by Mr . Longo , that the City Attorney prepare an Ordinance to be presented at the meeting of January 11 , for this rezoning. Motion carried unanimously . Mr . Joost asked for sora,?. type of a commitment from the City that he could present to the FHA authorities for their use in determining the preparation of the papers to be submitted . Mayor Howell asked Mr . Joost if he would get from FHA the proper type of Resolution or Ordinance that they required in orderfor City of Atlantic Beach to prepare the forms properly for the expedition of this project . City Attorney Ball will prepare the proper Ordinance to rezone the property and close the street as soon as this information is received from Mr . Joost . Mayor Howell stated that Mr . Hilliard had asked that 'bids be called for a new garbage truck . It was his estimation that it will take approximately three months for this to go through and the truc=r be obtained , and it is needed by the City . Approval was given to call for bids to be received January 25th . Bids were received covering police cars from the following: Big R Chevrolet Co . , $4 , 772 . 2 Thor Chevrolet Regency Dodge 5 , 035 . 3 All bids were net with trade-in for two police cars . It was . . • ; .g Minutes 12 /23/70 - Page #4 moved by Mr . Longo , seconded by Mr . Minton and passed , that the bids be referred to Committee for study and report bac'-,. at the next meeting on January 11 , U71 . City Manager Vogel at this time , commented that he wanted to commend the Police Chief and the activities of the Police Department ; Mr . Hiiiiar Public Works ;superintendent ; and City Clerk Mrs . Grage . He stated that with the cooperation of all within the area who work for the City , it has mac3e his• job much easier and he has sufficient time to get out and make the electrical inspections as rau.i red . He further • stated that the City depended on people doing their odips properly and well , and that was the way the City of Atlantic Beach employees were cooperating . There were five trucks out picking up garbage and trash on this date and he stated that they would continue to pick up until the City was cleaned up again followinf the holiday season . Commissioner Preben Johansen read a letter of Intent which was addressed to Governor Claude Kirk, Jr . , with copies to Secretary of State Tom Adams and City Clerk Mrs . Grage , announcing his resignation of his scat on the Atlantic Beach City Commission , to be effective July 1 , 1371 , his intent being to run for the Jacksonville City Council District 1 seat , which covers the Beaches area . Mr . Rosborough commented that he thought it was an admirable position that Mr . Johansen: was taking to represent the Beaches on the City of Jacksonville Council and that he would be missed by all on this Commission . All commissioners were in agreement with Mr . Rosborough ° s statements and so stated . There being no further b-_1usiness , tie meeting adjourned at 3 : 33 p .m. ///7 Willa• S . Howell Attest : Mayor-Commissioner (L007-e_ S . 1 Mrs . Adele S . Grage ' City Clerk Lcr-- o-r. `9e-ewe & : C? RESOLUTION NO: 70-26 RESOLUTION APPROVING APPLICATION OF THE RENT SUPPLEMENTS PROVISIONS OF THE HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1965 TO ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, under the provisions of Title I of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965 (Public Law 89-117, 12 U.S.C. 1701s) , the Secretary of Housing and Urban Develop- ment is authorized to make rent supplements in the form of annual payments to certain housing owners on behalf of tenants who are disadvantaged as set forth in the criteria of that Act; and WHEREAS, it appears desirable and in the public interest that such rent supplements provided in that Act be made available within Atlantic Beach, Florida. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Commission of Atlantic Beach, Florida, as follows : The application of the provisions of Title I of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965 to Duval County, Florida is hereby approved. PASSED BY THE CITY COMMISSION ON THE 28th day of December, 1970. Attest: aC"- Adele S. Grage, City C , rk RESOLUTION NO : 70-27 WHEREAS , it appears that the Rayonier Corporation, a corporation owned and operated by International Telephone and Telegraph Company, is planning to build two ocean outfalls to pump its paper mill wastes into water 25 to 30 feet deep, 2. 5 miles offshore from Fernandina Beach, and WHEREAS, this disposal of waste matter would be subject to ocean currents, winds and tides which could have serious, dangerous and harm- ful effects on marine life within the tidal and off-shore waters of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and WHEREAS, the citizens and City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, have deep concern not only in regards to marine life, but also in regards to the affect of depositing such waste matter so close to the shores of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, thus per- haps causing harm to human life, and WHEREAS, the United States Department of the Interior has recom- mended aaainst building any such ocean outfalls, and the National Water Quality Act requires that applications for them may not even be considered unless approved by the States, and WHEREAS, initially, the Florida Air and Water Pollution Control Board rejected such a proposal, and WHEREAS, the President , s Council on Environmental Quality has specified that ocean dumping of sludge "should be phased out and no new sources allowed", and WHEREAS, the United States Army Engineers appear to have gone against the best interest of the public in advising that this plan to build these two ocean outfalls by the Rayonier Corporation be allowed to be put into force as it "is an improvement on what is now being done NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMr SSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS : That a copy of this Resolution be sent to Colonel A. S. Fullerton, District Engineer for the United States Army Engineers, that he may be appraised of the attitude of this Commission and the peo_'le of Atlantic Beach. The economic consideration balanced against ecological aspects should be taken into consideration and a method of disposal be found that would be acceptable to the President's Council on Environmental Quality, as well as other agencies charg- ed with the protection of the environment, and that all necessary steps be taken to nulify any recommendation which has been made in regards to the plan of building two ocean outfalls . 1`f PASSED BY THE CITY COMMISSION ON THE lath DAY OF DECEMBER, 1970. p-d-y • ATTEST : ad_ezz_ J. ' Adele S. Graae. City Cl k RESOLUTION NO. 70-28 WHEREAS, it appears, and it is admitted, by the United States Navy, an agency of the United States Government, that said Navy de- posited directly off the shore of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, waste oil sludge in a quantity in excess of 500,000 gallons on the night of November 30, 1970, and WHEREAS, the oil slick covering the surface of the ocean in an area of many square miles of surface approached and drifted toward the City of Atlantic Beach, to within approximately fifteen miles of the shores of the City of Atlantic Beach, before favorable winds reversed its course, and WHEREAS, the citizens of the City of Atlantic Beach and its gover- ning body were deeply concerned, fearful and apprehensive over the matter of the United States Navy in their deposit of sludge oil in our bordering waters, and the possibility of the resulting loss to the citizens of the City of Atlantic Beach of clean water, beautiful beach and the resulting effect upon marine life inhabiting local waters, and WHEREAS, the citizens of the City of Atlantic Beach and their governing body is desirous of being assured that these actions by the United States Navy never re-occur, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That it is urged that the Federal Legislature consider and adopt strong legal measures to prevent a re-occurrence of the deposit- ing of waste oil matters or other pollutants by any agency of the United States Government, other public agencies, private industry and other foreign interests, adjacent to our shores, in the ocean areas, that would prevent a threat of financial and ecological damage to the citizens of this community and to the bordering marine ecological environment. 2. That a true copy of this Resolution be immediately directed to the attention of the Honorable Bill Chappell, Jr; to the Honorable Spessard L. Holland, U. S. Senate; the Honorable Edward J. Gurney, U. S. Senate and to the Honorable Lawton M. Chiles, Jr. , U. S. Senate elect. PASSED BY THE CITY COMMISSION ON THE 28th day of December, 1970. Attest: Adele S. Grage, City C11 k • LOTION NO: 76, - 9_61 WHEREAS, the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, pursuant to Resolution No. 70-24, passed by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, on December 14th 1970, announcing its intention to convene in Official Special Session for the purpose of a public hearing at 8:00 O'clock P.M. on the 28th day of December 1970, to afford a public hearing open to all interested parties, in the matter of Water and Sewer rates for such services outside the boundaries of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and pursuant thereto Notice of said Official Special Session being published according to law, and WHEREAS, said Official Special Session was, in fact, conducted and all interested persons were heard, or given an opportunity to be heard, and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, having deliberated in these matters, it is NOW, THEREFORE, RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMIISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Sewer Service Charges and the Water Service Czarges, as presently expressed in Ordinance No. 80-59-3, Ordinance No. 80-61-6 and Ordinance No. 80-65-8 in regards to Sewer and Water customers being serviced outside the City limits of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and rates are to continue as presently expressed in the above Ordinances. 2. The said Sewer Service Charges and the Water Service Charges and rates as expressed in the above Ordinances shall continue at their present rates until such time as said Ordinances may be amended. PASSED BY THE CITY COMMISSION ON DECEMBER 28th 1970. Attest: a ck� ., • Adele S. Grage, City Clerk,