Permits Folder 287 Ahern Streetr._ ~,a P,_ a. 1 CITY OF >ttic ~'~acli - ~~vud~t 800 SEMINOLE ROAD - -- ----- ---- --- ---- ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE (904) 247-5800 FAX (904) 247-5805 SUNCOM 852-500 .luty 1, 1~i97 Dwight Cooper On Top tnc. 't663 Htue t-ieron Lane Jacksortvitte Beach; FL 32250-551 .Dear Sir: Our records indicate. #ttat you..are fhe owner of the fntiowfag property. ist the City of Atlantic Beach; Florida: Re; 287 Ahern Street altda. Lot 8, Athantirc Beach. Terrace t~E#'f7~535-gQQQ trtvestigatiort of this property discloses chat F have f at~d determtnec~#F~at you are in viotatiort of City of Attanfrc Beach Ordinance Chapter t2,_ Section- t2 4-8 ~tJnsafe- thtsanitary 6uitciirtg) and Standard ~taus¢tg Code_viotations as fiottows: Front and rear doors are not weathertight; Sederal windows are inoperable; Bathroorrr: Dism-arrtled-faucets Leatcing tub spout Vanity top- not secyre Y.ar~ity s~k.drain leaking Hall ceiling file falling in; Electrical panel box: Not labeled properly t~pen space En cntcer Kitchen: .Sink .faeteetbrol~ert off ~inir.drain leaks Na sarok~e a#arar- ic~lat+chen Dear entrance: -Exposed ~ciring-on light-6~cture f~ wiring -on spe#ligiits .Shingles r~frssing front of Moose; Address. otunits not prsperfy-displayEd . Numbers sho~td-be: mirtirrrra~r 4 inches When the above violations have been brought into compliance caA this office at 247- 5855 for art inspection. This wilt prevertf any further aetiort on the part of the- City of Atlantic Beach. ~y, ~;~ 3 ~ Dwight Conger Page Two ,tuty t, 1997 Ysnr are hefeby notifi`ied that urge-the-eond~ions-abave~eseribed ace-ree-e~ie~-within thirty (3flj days from the date of your receipt- hereof thiscase-will be turned- o~Er to ttre bode Ertforcemertt Board Under' Florida Statue 4&2.~; the Code E~forcernent Board may-impose €ines of up to $25Q.D0 per day for a first violation ate! $5flf? DE~pef daq--for a repeat-violatiorr. Sincerely, // , ~ l~ ~~r,R~,,,,~~ ~q~ v Ct~cte-~t1fAt-Offlcer KWGfpah Ertctosure cc: Public Safety- Director vrk e~r.~~nx~,« ~--1~ED~PI` ~C1E~T ~ D ~oa~ -~ CITY OF >'~a~ct~c ~eac~ - `~ecvuda 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ~___~_. ____._`__ __~_______- __~ ATLANTIC BEACH, I'LORIDA 322:3:3-5~k~5 TELEPHONE 1904) 247-5800 FAX (904) 247-580.5 SUNCOM 852-5800 April 22, 1997 /~ uri G,v T' Ci dojos-.~ Hariette Salter ~G G3 P,~ ~~ ivr-~~zt/ ~,~ 129 Myrtle reet Neptune Beac , FL 32266 -~~ir ~` ~ ~''s` ~"~ 3 ~ ~' ~ - s s Dear Sir: Our records indicate that you are the owner of the following property in the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida: Re: 287 Ahern Street a/k/a Lot 8, Atlantic Beach Terrace RE#172535-0000 Investigation of this property discloses that I have found and determined that you are in violation of City of Atlantic Beach Ordinance Chapter 12, Section 12-1-8 (Unsafe- Unsanitary Building) and Standard Housing Gode violations as follows: Front and rear doors are not weathertight; Several windows are inoperable; Bathroom: Dismantled faucets Leaking tub spout Vanity top not secure Vanity sink drain leaking Hall ceiling the falling in; Electrical panel box: Not labeled properly Open space in cover Kitchen: Sink faucet broken off Sink drain leaks No smoke alarm in kitchen Rear entrance: Exposed wiring on light fixture Exposed wiring on spotlights Shingles missing front of house; Address of units not properly displayed - Numbers should be minimum 4 inches When the above violations have been brought into compliance call this office at 247- 5855 for an inspection. This will prevent any further action on the part of the City of Atlantic Beach. ~ ' ~ ~, Hariette E. Sailer Page Two April 22, 1997 You are hereby noted that unless the conditions above described are remedied within thirty (30) days from the date of your receipt hereof this case will be turned over to the Code Enforcement Board. Under Florida Statute 162.09, the Code Enforcement Board may impose fines of up to $250.00 per day for a first violation and $500.00 per day for a repeat violation. Sincerely, Karl W. Grunewald Code Enforcement Officer KWG/pah Enclosure cc: Public Safety Director VIA CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED ~, Q" L1. ~ ~ti dpi C .°~ ~ a o d ~~ i~ V m` U 1r O C .Z~v_ *~ `~ 11~ r' .~ \U o V c G ~" ~ O O ~(rzo