05-12-69 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AGENDA MAY 12 , 1969 1. Call to Order 2 . Invocation 3. Approval of Minutes of meeting of April 28 , 1969 4. Recognition of Visitors . 5 . Correspondence 6. Approve purchase from Account #1501 7. Call for Bids - Fainting City Hall 8. Public Works Report 9. Municipal Court Docket April 21,28th and May 5th, 1969. Police & Fire Monthly Report 10. City Manager ' s Report 11. Approval of car mileage for April - City Manager & City Clerk 12. Commissioners 13. Adjourn MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, MAY 12 , 1969 AT 8:00 P. M. Present: William S . Howell, Mayor-Commissioner Louis C. Holloway, Jr. Arthur J. Longo R. R. Rosborough John W. Weldon, Commissioners and R. C. Vogel, City Manager Oliver Ball, Acting City Attorney Betty Jean Barnes, Assistant City Clerk Absent: Adele S . Grage, City Clerk (Vacation) The meeting was called to order by the Mayor Commissioner, Mr. Howell. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Weldon. The minutes of the meeting of April 28, 1969 were approved as written upon motion of Mr. Holloway, seconded by Mr. Longo and carried. Mayor Howell recognized visitors and called for any business from the floor not on the Agenda. There was none. Mr. Howell read a note from Mrs. Grage thanking the City for their gift and their expression of sympathy in the passing of her Mother. Correspondence from the Jacksonville Electric Authority was read by Mr. Howell concerning the installation of five lights on the North side of Atlantic Boulevard, and the City will be billed monthly for them. The question of who would bear the expense if the aluminum poles on the overpass had to be replaced due to any cause had not been decided and the City of Jacksonville would meet with the City Commission to decide on this at a later date. Mr. Weldon raised the question of the lights on the South side as to the billing, and Mr. Howell said that Atlantic Beach would pay for the North side and Neptune Beach would pay for the South side. A letter was read extending an invitation by the Florida State Road Department for the City Commission to attend a workshop meeting for the Beaches Area concerning long range highway and street needs. This will be held Tuesday, May 20, 1969, at 7:30 P. M. in the Council Chamber of Jacksonville Beach City Hall. A request was presented for approval of purchase from Account #1501 for 1" meter and connection parts in the amount of $212 .42. Mr. Weldon moved approval of purchase, seconded by Mr. Longo and carried. Bids were called for by Mr. Howell on the painting of the City Hall and there were none received. Mr. Holloway suggested using City personnel and proceed on this basis. Mr. Howell instructed Mr. Vogel to study this and report back at next meeting. Minutes Page #2 May 12, 1969 The report of the Public Works Department was received for information and filing. There was discussion on the street paving, especially on 7th Street, good curb on North side and approximately a foot left unpaved. The City Manager said this would be taken care of at first opportunity. The Police Department report for April, 1969, and Municipal Court dockets were presented for information and filing. Also, Fire Department report for April was presented. The City Manager' s report was presented and there was discussion on the addition to the Sewer Plant. Mr. Weldon moved that Mr. Parks prepare final work plans and that either a Committee or Commission as a whole meet with Mr. Carrison. Mr. Howell was in agreement with the Commission meeting as a whole with Mr. Parks and Mr. Carrison, but should be studied carefully as this was a lot of money to be expended for this project. Mr. Vogel stated just for information that the priority list for Public Law 660, Federal participation, comes out latter part of July, and the City has to have application by first of June. This will give the City one year to accomplish what we have outlined and if ready to proceed increase our priority points. There is possibility of being fined after 1973. A copy of City Manager' s report is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Mr. Weldon moved that the Mayor make arrangements for meeting with Mr. Parks and Mr. Carrison, seconded by Mr. Longo and carried. The City Manager' s mileage bill for the month of April in the amount of $41. 50, and the City Clerk' s in the amount of $11.20 were presented for approval. Mr. Longo moved approval for payment, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Mr. Weldon asked when the steps at 2nd Street would be finished. Mr. Hilliard advised should be finished the next day if the tide was out. Mr. Holloway suggested a Committee for the study of computerization of the City' s bookkeeping. Mr. Howell said that he already had a list ready for presentation. Mr. Holloway rescinded his suggestion. Mr. Rosborough questioned the yard on Seminole Road that has been in disrepair and Mr. Vogel said he would place this on the lot cleaning list for this year. Mr. Howell appointed the following for the Committee to study the computerization of the City' s bookkeeping: Mr. Louis C. Holloway, Chairman Mr. Ros Covey Mr. Harcourt Bull, Jr. Mr. Howell advised Mr. Holloway he could add to this list if he felt it was needed. • Minutes Page #3 May 12, 1969 Committee for the Proposed Planned Unit development appointed by Mr. Howell were: Mr. L. B. Macdonnell Mr. D. M. Maxwell Mr. Norman Runyon Mr. Wallace A. Brown Mrs. Jay Carver, P.H.D. There being no further business, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. diiel11 Mayor-Commissioner Bett n Barnes Assistant City Clerk lir CITY OF. . . TAI: Ataafliii/ Dea€4-UM4da May 9, 1969 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT TO CITY COMMISSION The following is a brief summary of a subject covered at the City Manager' s meeting in Daytona. We were briefed on the new Constitu- tion by several attorneys and the consensus of opinion was that it will be several years before all of the changes in the Constitution will be understood as to our application at the local level. One item I was very interested in was Section 1-H of Article VIII, and I quote, "TAXES - LIMITATION: Property situated within Municipalities shall not be subject to taxation for services rendered by the County exclusively for the benefit of the property or residents in unincorporated areas" . Another subject covered was "H.B. - 117" which provides collective bar- gaining of public employees for the State of Florida, and the League of Municipalities has taken the position of being opposed to collective bargaining of Municipal employees for one or more of the following reasons: 1. Collective bargaining could provide third party influence in the decision making process. 2. Increased expense would come as a result of collective bargaining and would have to come from increased taxation, and I do not feel that Municipal taxing powers should be bargainable. 3. There is considerable difference in collective bargain- ing for Municipal employees than for private employees, because public employers do not have the opportunity to increase the "cost of products" which is necessary to provide for increased cost of benefits. 4. Municipal employees have recourse through public opinion and the ballot that is not available to private employees. 5. It is my honest belief that increased unionization and collective bargaining procedures with Municipal employees will not restrict work stoppages even in the face of the right to work provision (Section 6, Article I) of the new Constitution which prohibits strikes. 6. I believe that it is only right that the citizens involved should have the right to vote on established collective bargaining procedures and on increased expenditures result- ing therefrom. 7. There is a fundamental difference between public and private employees in that public service during a strike cannot be duplicated while in the private sector, another product or service can be used. 11P7111 CITY OF, , , Atii4414/ Beadefr-riatitia City Manager' s Report to City Commission Page #2 May 9, 1969 8. Once public policy has declared that public employees have the right to engage in collective bargaining, I believe that the question of public employees striking has already been answered, particularly if legislation and public sentiment provide no remedy for this illegal action. I also learned at the meeting that there is a splinter group of labor that is called the A.L.A. (Alliance for Labor Action) . This group is headed up by the brother of Walter Reuther and is becoming very active in the organization of Municipal employees in the northern part of Florida. We arrived at the following conclusions in summing up preventative action and heading the list was management relations with all seg- ments of City employees. Considerations other than pay will often forestall labor action. If an employee is adequately compensated and his working conditions are above the average and job security prevails, he really cannot justify paying out monthly dues to an organization that can offer very little to improve his lot. Respectfully submitted, f11,(74rd R. C. Vogel City Manager RCV/s