08-11-69 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AGENDA AUGUST 11, 1969 1. Call to Order. 2. Invocation. 3. Approval of Minutes of meeting of July 28th. 1969. 4. Recognition of Visitors. 5. Tax A3sessmcnt Roll and billing. 6. Pension Plan - City Employees. 7 . Resolution #69-12 - Transfer funds. 8. Public Works Report. 9. Municipal Court Dockets for July 21, 28, & , august 4, 1969, and Fire and Police Dept. Reports for July, 1969. 10. City Manager 1. Commissioners. 12 . Adjourn. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, AUGUST 11th, 1969 AT 8:00 P. M. Present: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner Louis C. Holloway, Jr. Arthur J. Longo R. R. Rosborough John W. Weldon, Commissioners and R. C. Vogel, City Manager Oliver Ball, City Attorney Adele S . Grage, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell . The Invocation was given by Commissioner Rosborough. Minutes of the meeting of July 28, 1969 were approved as written upon motion of Mr. Longo, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Mayor Howell recognized visitors present and called for any busi- ness from the floor not on the Agenda. Mr. Charlie Young advised he was pleased with work being done to keep the park areas clean. Mr. Weldon spoke regarding the tax assessment roll and tax billing for us by the City of Jacksonville. It is quite obvious we have adopted the tax assessment roll of the City of Jacksonville for the City of Atlantic Beach. We have an official offer from the City of Jacksonville through its legal counsel for the assessment and collection of these ad valorem property taxes by the tax assessor and tax collector for the City of Jacksonville. We have a letter dated August 8th updating a prior opinion, and it is the opinion of the General Counselor and his associates of the City of Jacksonville that while they are not compelled to do so, they may voluntarily assume the tax collecting and assessing for the City of Atlantic Beach. We are not certain exactly what this will cost. It will be done strictly on a cost basis whatever that may be and it may be nothing for they are making the change already for the same property on the City Tax Roll (former County tax roll) and the latest indication we have is that they are unable to estimate exactly the additional cost if any, but a rough estimate would be that the cost to Atlantic Beach would not exceed $1,000.00, if that. In addition there could be an additional cost of $500.00. We estimated on Thursday evening that it might take approximately two months for the girls in the office to prepare bills and get out, and we have an offer from the City to do it at bare minimum cost and he feels it is too good an offer to go down the drain. He therefore moved that the City of Atlantic Beach appoint a Committee to negotiate with the Consolidated City of Jacksonville a contract agreement for the assessing and collection of City Minutes 8/11/69 Page #2 taxes for the City of Atlantic Beach and that this contract when completed will be subject to the approval of this City Commission; further that we would go into this contract only in the event the City of Jacksonville is able to program its computers so that they can handle our 1969 tax assessments and collections, seconded by Mr. Rosborough. Mr. Rosborough inquired of Mr. Weldon as to item 3 of Mr. Buckman' s letter stating that the City of Jacksonville Assessor is currently furnishing the City of Atlantic Beach a copy of tax roll and that this practice would be discontinued and City of Atlantic Beach would rely exclusively on the assessments placed on the property in the City of Atlantic Beach by the Jacksonville Tax Assessor, and does that mean we lose our tax equalization board and our citizems would have to come under the equalization board of the City of Jacksonville? Mr. Weldon advised we are already accepting assessments made by the City of Jacksonville, but there is no reason why we shouldn't continue to have our Assessment Board to assist individuals in protesting their assess- ment as made by the City of Jacksonville. After further discussion it was agreed that we should have our own Equalization Board. Mr. Ball advised we have no authority to abolish our Board. There is a legal question as to whether the Clerk of the Circuit Court has lawful authority to issue tax deeds for the City of Atlantic Beach according to the letter from Mr. Buckman. Tax certificates would be issued but a tax deed would instigate a sale. Mr. Longo asked the Committee to investigate further the question as to whether our citizens of the City of Atlantic Beach can pay their taxes separately to the City of Atlantic Beach or will they have to pay them in one lump sum for the City of Jacksonville (Old County) and City of Atlantic Beach. There was a lengthy discussion as to fact that there are those who can pay City of Atlantic Beach taxes early and get discount, but have to postpone paying City of Jacksonville (County) taxes until later date. This money would be received early as anticipated in budget for the City. There was further discussion following which Mr. Howell advised it seems to him the City of Atlantic Beach for the year 1969 has anticipated in its budget the sending out of tax bills without any additional cost to the City, and he sees no reason to rush into this for the year 1969. Mr. Holloway feels it is to best advantage for the City of Atlantic Beach to use this procedure as recommended by the Committee. There was discussion of what would become of the two people in the office moose services would not be needed. Mr. Holloway advised they would be prorated to other Departments. In the discussion it was agreed that the City of Jacksonville may be unable to take care of us this year. Following the discussion the Mayor put the question and the call vote was: Aye: Holloway, Rosborough, Weldon Nay: Longo, Howell Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried. He asked the same Committee to serve. They are Louis C. Holloway, Chairman, Harcourt Bull and Ros Covey. • Minutes 8/11/69 Page #3 Mr. Weldon feels strongly that it would be highly advisable to have a retirement plan for the City and there are funds set up in this year ' s budget for one. At the meeting Thursday night, Mr. Weldon gave out an outline of a possible plan together with employee anticipation in varying percentages. He outlined the plan and believes the one for Police Department could be worked into the plan. Those with 2 to 3 years service would be eligible, but would not apply after attaining age of 60. These figures are flexible. He outlined the plan further and suggested the City Manager sound out the employees and see if interested. There was further discussion following which Mr. Weldon moved that the City Manager make every effort to make this suggestion known to the employees and give us their reaction at the next meeting of the City Commission, seconded by Mr. Rosborough and carried. Resolution #69-12 covering transfer of funds in 1969 Budget was presented and read in full. Mr. Holloway moved adoption, seconded by Mr. Longo and carried. Copy of Resolution #69-12 is attached hereto and made a part hereof. A report was presented from Mr. Hilliard on the playgrounds and there was a display of news items on bulletin board of what has been accomplished this year at our playgrounds. Mr. Weldon moved that we express our appreciation of the good work done, seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried. The Police and Fire Department reports for month of July, 1969 were presented for information and filing. Also Police Department dockets for July 21, 28th and August 4, 1969 were received for information and filing. Mr. Vogel presented samples of siding suggested for the City Hall and advised it would cost approximately $3100.00 with 30 year guarantee. It was agreed this was more than anticipated at this time. Mr. Vogel advised that on dog control the equipment would run about $600.00 and manpower would run about $1, 030.00 a year. There is nothing in budget and would have to come out of emer- gency. Chief Stucki advised he had a meeting with a Humane Society director and worked out a better program of taking care of digs. Mr. Vogel suggested we wait and see results of this conference with the Director of the Jacksonville Humane Society. Mr. Vogel requested authority to spend necessary funds to repair the Air Conditioner at City Hall. Mr. Holloway so moved, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Mr. Vogel advised we have started work on the shed at the Public Works Garage and he needs authority to purchase steel on which he has received estimates that exceed his authority but are within the Commission' s authority. Following discussion Mr. Longo moved approval of expenditure of $713.00 to purchase steel as requested, seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried. Minutes 8/11/69 Page #4 Mr. Weldon advised he is glad we investigated the siding for the City Hall, but we don' t need a 30 year covering for this building and he would therefore suggest that the City Manager be authorized to go ahead with the painting of the City Hall, using City labor, and if necessary paying extra. It was brought out that bids were called for and none received. Following discussion, Mr. Holloway moved the City Manager go ahead, seconded by Mr. Rosborough and carried. Mr. Weldon asked Chief Stucki regarding surfboards and if we are having any trouble. Chief Stucki advised that there was none that was knowledgeable to him. There have been a few routine incidents and doesn' t feel any action by Commission necessary at this time. Mr. Rosborough complimented City Manager and Mr. Hilliard for cleaning up the place on Seminole Road. The mileage bills for July were presented from Mr. Vogel in amount of $38. 50 and Mrs. Grage in amount of $21.00. Mr. Longo moved approval for payment, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Mrs . Grage announced that petitions were ready to be given out for the coming Primary Election to be held October 7, 1969. Candidates can start getting signatures on petitions August 15, 1969. Petitions may be filed beginning at noon September 2nd and ending at noon September 16th, 1969. Seats 1, 4, and 5 are to be filled at this time. Mrs. Grage requested approval of and amount of registration fee. After discussion, Mr. Holloway moved the registration fee be set at $10.00, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. There being no further business, Mayor Howell declared the meet- ing adjourned. Ardi lam. William S. Howe 1 Attest: Mayor-Commissioner Othi2-cL Adele S. Grage City Clerk