09-22-69 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AGENDA SEPTEMBER 22, 1969 1. Call to order 2. Invocation. 3. Approval of Minutes of meeting of September 8, 1969. 4. Recognition of Visitors. 5. Harry Boggs, State Treasurer, s Office - Municipal Pension - Police & Firemen. 6. Communications - (a) Letter from Mr. George Bull. (b) Mayor Tanzler re traffic to Recreation Park. 7. Appoint Officials for Primary Election October 7, 1969. 8. Appoint committee on Pension Program. 9. Approve application for Ice Cream Truck Sales. 10. Ordinance - First reading - Annuity for City Employees. 11. Public Works Report. 12. City Manager Report. 13. Municipal Court Dockets for Sept. 8th & 15th„ 1969. 14. City Manager 15. Commissioners. 16. Adjourn MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1969 AT 8:00 P. M. Present: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner John W. Weldon Louis C. Holloway, Jr. Robert R. Rosborough, Commissioners and R. C. Vogel, City Manager Oliver Ball, City Attorney Adele S. Grage, City Clerk Absent: Arthur J. Longo, Commissioner The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Weldon. The minutes of the meeting of September 8, 1969 were approved as written upon motion of Mr. Rosborough, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. The Mayor recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor not on the Agenda. There was none at this time. Mr. Harry Boggs of State Treasurer' s Office has been delayed due to road conditions caused by the heavy rains and will be late arriving. A letter was read from Mr. George Bull commending Chief Carl Stucki and Sergeant Phillip Craig for their fine, valuable assistance rendered following recent death of Mrs . Joyce Bull. A letter was read from Mr. Hams Tanzler, Mayor of the Consolidated City of Jacksonville, acknowledging receipt of our Resolution #69-13 relative to the Park and Recreation Center as to access roads and traffic. Copy of Mr. Tanzler ' s letter is attached hereto. Mr. Weldon suggested that the City Manager reply to letter acknowledging and thanking, and advising we would like to be of assistance in the development of this project. Mrs. Grage presented the following names for approval as officials for the Primary Election of October 7, 1969 to be paid $20.00 each: Mrs. Zoe ' Moore, Clerk Mrs. Cynthia Whittlesey Mrs. Mollie Allen Griffin Mrs. Marian Pridgen Mrs. Doris Hoke and Mrs. "Neese" Goodling, Inspectors Mr. Holloway moved approval as requested, seconded by Mr. Rosborough and carried. Mr. Howell stated that he had talked to Mr. George Pharr relative to acting as Chairman of Pension Committee, and he advised he would serve. He therefore was appointing Mr. Pharr Chairman, and City Manager Vogel on the Committee. He has asked Mr. Pharr to look into Minutes 9/22/69 Page #2 other members for the Committee who are knowledgeable on the subject. Mr. Weldon suggested Mr. Douglas Speed and Mr. Charles Young. These names will be referred to Mr. Pharr. An application from Clifford C. Bunker, 1608 Coquina Street, North Atlantic Beach for a license to sell ice cream and novelties via truck was presented for approval. Mr. Vogel advised these licenses have always been approved by the Commission and he had advised the applicant that he would have to be approved by the County Health Department. Following discussion Mr. Holloway moved approval of license, subject to approval by the Health Department, seconded by Mr. Rosborough and carried. An Ordinance was presented in full in writing providing for an annuity for employees with specified qualifications. Mr. Howell read the title in full on first reading. Mr. Weldon moved the passage of said Ordinance on first reading by title only, seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried. The Public Hearing was set for October 13, 1969. The Public Works report to September 22, 1969 was presented. Mr. Rosborough inquired as to painting of the City Hall. It was advised the shipment of paint had been lost and a duplicate order has been sent, and expect it anytime. Mr. Vogel advised that the City Hall heating system is going to need extensive repairs or replacement and he would suggest we go to oil heating. He was asked to present a report with definite recommenda- tions on the heating. There was a discussion as to the 1400 feet of drainage ditch which is being dug on Levy Road Extension West of Main Street and the fact that Levy Road extends to the Marshland. Mr. Weldon asked as to status of Public Works equipment shed. It was advised it was about 70% complete. We are waiting on roofing company to put on roof deck, then we can go ahead with finishing. The City Manager' s report was received for information and filing. Mr. Weldon inquired if Dorothy Circle and Alley Road were in Atlantic Beach as there was some abandoned and dilapidated houses on them. It was advised that Dorothy Circle and Alley Road are in the Consolidated City of Jacksonville. They are located North of Church Road and Church Road is our City limits line. There was discussion of the condition. Police Department dockets for September 8th, 15th, 1969 were received for information and filing. Chief Stucki announced that they are conducting a Seminar by Agents of U. S . Treasury Department updating us on recent Federal Laws on this Thursday night, September 25, 1969 from 6 to 9 P. M. at the Police Courtroom and any interested are invited to attend. The Reverend McGahey advised he has talked with the City Manager in regard to putting up a gospel tent on Donner Playground ballpark for a revival service. There was a discussion and it was referred • Minutes 9/22/69 Page #3 back to the City Manager to contact Ministers and get their feeling and work out as best he can and would suggest it go on West end of field. Mr. Harry Boggs of the State Treasurer' s Office arrived and presented in detail the State Insurance Plan for Police and Firemen. Those participating would pay 5% of their salary and he estimated the City' s share of cost would be $3 , 772.00 per year for Police and $3, 019.00 per year for Firemen. However subtracted from the City' s cost would be 1% of all casualty insurance sold in City and 1% of all fire insurance sold in the City which the State would send to us. This would not increase insurance premiums. There is also a plan where other City Employees can be brought in but the State would not send anything on theirs. The matter was discussed at length, following which Mr. Holloway moved we approve receiving the proposal as pre- sented and let the Pension Committee see if can work into overall project so that all employees can be under Pension plan, seconded by Mr. Rosborough, and further discussion followed in which it was brought out that the Police and Firemen would be retroactive. Also Mr. Howell advised we would need an Ordinance but understand the State Treasurer' s Office will set up. Following this discussion the Mayor put the question and the motion carried. Mr. Vogel advised that he and the City Attorney, Mr. Ball, would like to go to the Florida League of Municipalities meeting at Daytona Beach on October 26, 27, 28, 1969. It was agreed that they go, representing the City. There being no further business, Mr. Howell declared the meeting adjourned. Willi• S . Howe 1 Mayor-Commissioner Attest: Ct.,Ce-d12- Adele S. Grage City Clerk