Permit 66 Ardella Road,~. ~, CITY OF April 13, 1982 Mr. Tommy Lyles 1.3925 Hunterwood Road Jacksonville, Florida Dear Mr. Lyles: 718 OCEAN NOL'LE\'A RD DRAN'F,R 25 ATLA\TIC BEACH, FLOR]UA 32238 TEI.EP)i0\E (904) 299-2395 On April 12, 1982, the City Commission reviewed your request to construct a building to be used as an upholstery shop at 66 Ardella Road. The City Commission granted approval of the business and the building subject• to final review of the appropriate building plans and specifications by the City Manager. Please contact Mrs. Dombrowski in this office to ensure that the building permit and plans on file accurately reflect the structure you intend to build, Sincerely, .l~ ~ r ~ ~ A. William Moss City Manager AWM: j 1 cc: Mary Dombrowski Adelaide Tucker, City Clerk «.~ ._ -. DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING /1 ~ ~ ~^ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORInA - PERMIT NO. y~ y PERMIT T4 BUILD THlS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JO B Date March 23, is ul °' Valuation # $ • OQO Fee ~ 5 • ~~ ~ ,. ~ ~ :` , ~ r '.e ,,b G,a @ , , ,w This permit not valid until above fee has been paid to City Treasurer, and is ' "` ~" ~ '~ E`"^'' `~'°' ~~ •abjeot to revocatioa for vioLtion of applicable provisions of Lw. / ~ ~ ~ w t~ t ~ c,: F / ~' 'Chia is to certify that TomiilV Lyles ` ! has permission to build ~ t'6d4 car garage as Mans submitted. }?ICr t~Ix DavLs. CIasaificatio*t $usiness I3 ~,r,ne $$ Owned by Tommy Lyles Lot Bloc k r /D House No 66 Ardella Ri:~ad. According to approved plans which are part of this permit NOTICE-ALL CONCRETE FOAMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- SPECTED BEFORE POURING. PERMIT VOID SILL MONTHS ~ AFTER DATE OF ISSUE ~-------- ~ - O Building material, robbieh and debris 1 from this work must not be placed in public apace, and mast be cleared np and hauled away by either contractor or owner. r 13 .. Iii DAVT Buildla~ Offietal. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT NUMBER DATE CONTRACTOR PLUMBING ELECTRICAL SEWER WATER aan _ ~ -- FOR OFFICE USE ONLY CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date ....................................19 ...... Permit #-----•--• ...............Fee $----•--................- Valuation $ ~'aa~/ House #...-_---.(~-UY..~. ~~.~.'~Q'~/ ~'~~ Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other structure described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach and all rules and regulations of the Building Department of the City of Atlantic Beach, shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. The Contractor or Owner-Builder who has been issued a Building Permit is automatically responsible to ascertain that all sub- contractors engaged by him are duly licensed in the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida. To prevent delay or embarrasment regard- ing intermediate or final inspections it is suggested that a list of sub-contractors be submit d to this office so that licenses can be verified. Date.-•--- --°~3-- -----~-3 --- - - - -- - - - ------------------ 19..~t~/. Owner....... ~ A/~'- r+ ~ /F~,- ~3~.Z ~ i/ - -• - - ... ~~// ..oT ~-~ ..-- •-- - -_~` Address-• ................•-•--•--.......- -•• - --••---•----Telelhone No...-•-•- ---~---•-•-•--••---• Architect--~'~!/j/....~~zrr ........... ..................................•----------..Address... ~7d.._Lse1_ _" " ....C~_~'•_-_:Telephone No.---..... Contractor Buil~r.--•-----------------------------------•-••-•------•---._.........-------.....Addreas.....--------.........--•------•-•---•----•------......-•---Telephone No.2-'f~^-p ~p.3 /S ~'~' loo - -- -- Lot No..-------•----------------•-...--•--••---......_.._Block No....__--//-~~.--•--------Sub Division_.....~ew/.~',q........--•--•--•---------•---.......--•-~-------..Zone..~~_._ •------•---•--••------•---• .........................•---•---Street_.~`!t'.... Side Between...l,.~~?,fnrR-_........_.. A~o.~/ -••------•-•-•--..and_.__... ,~----------------------------------•-•--Sts. Valuation ~Do ~ ..For what $.._.....--.-•----------------- Purpose will building be used._....------------.----•r-.-----...._._.TYPe of construction.....~!~'.-~...~1'~-- Dimensions of Building____°~~""_ x ~~..__-.._.._Dimensions of Lot_....~dl, X !/5 , _Size of Footings._. °~Nx.. ~~ !,._._ Size of Piers------------------•-----•------•---Size of Si11s.--_.--.-----.-..--.-----.--.--.Greatest Sill Span in ft..__............._..-.__---Type Roof---._.....P.__.•----•--....---..... How will Build'ing'be Heated? ................................................................Will Building be on Solid or Filled Ground?....._. Size of Ceiling Joists------------------------------------------- Distance on Centers---.-------. •-----........._..........--•-.-, Greatest Span...----.._..-----------•-•---------......... » Size of Floor Joists_______________________________________________ Distance on Centers.............................._....._....., Greatest Span..._...._..._._..... Size of Rafters-------------- z~-`1.~--------.-----.---------.--, Distance on Centers ....._....... ~Z.-5~ ~~ ~.L".-.--.., Greatest Span.------_ Two copies of plans and specifications shall be submitted with application. Inspections required. 1. When steel is in place and ready to pour 2. When steel is in place and ready to pour 3. When steel is in place and ready to pour beam. 4. When framing is completed. 5. When rough plumbing is completed, and ready to cover up. 6. When septic tank drain field or sewer is laid but before it is covered. 7. Electrical inspection by City of Jacksonville. 8. Final inspection. Note: In case of any rejection, re-inspection MUST be called for after corrections are made. This rectangle is to represent the lot. Locate the building or buildings in the right position. Give distance in feet from all lot-lines and existing buildings. REAR LOT LINE W z a W FRONT OF LOT W z a s W A m In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement, we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plans and specifications, av~hich are a part hereof, and in accordance with the building regulations of the City of Atlantic Beach. Signature of Builder-~~••------~~•------•----•--------•-• ................... ......................... Address.-•-•------•-•--•------•-----•--•-------- -----------,,~--f-•-------........-•-•-•---~---- Signature of Owner...Y..._~`~ /'~9~'~ ~~`""`y' ~,~ ....................••-•---•---......._ Address....--•--••---•--•--•--••--•--..._......................_.....--•------......._.......... APPROVED CITY O.F ATLANTIC f3EACli CITY OF, ATLANTIC BEACH 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA ADDENDUM TO BUILDING PLAN l . Bu i 1 d i ng Location : /g~t~`fl ,~RaL ~-r5- /~2 ~+-~ fS~ 2. The attached plan for the above building is approved subject to meeting the following applicable construction requirements: a. Footings shall be continuous monolithic concrete under exterior watts, reinforced with two 5/8" deformed reinforcing rods for one-story buildings and three 5/8" deformed reinforcing rods for two-story buildings. Reinforcing rods shall be placed in the lower one-third of the footings, properly placed and fastened on metal cables with wire. Footings shall be si'x inches wider on each s'-de than the wall above, shall be at least eight inches thick and shall rest on firm soil at least twelve inches below undisturbed soil. b. In hollow masonry unit .construction, each unit cell shall be reinforced with at least on No. 4 bar at all conrners, poured and tamped with concrete; such rein- forcing shall be properly tied into the footing and spandral beam. c. All wood truss rafters (roof construction), shall be securely fastened to the exterior walls with approved hurricane anchors or clips. d. Construction of nearby one-family dwellings, which are duplicates or intensely similar, shall be avoided. Such similarity considers the external configuration and appearance (.i.e., roof, outer wall materials, window size and design, and other like characteristics) of structures. In accord with the foregoing, similar and shall be at least 500 feet apart if any one similar dwelling is visi'61e from any other similar dwelling. e. The final connection between the house connection (at the property line) must covered. plumb.in ain and the sewer-service be ins ted by the Ci efore being ~~ ~ City Manager The undersigned hereby certifies that he has read the above and understands that this addendum takes precedence over any contrary details to the plans and specifications and agrees to comply with the intent of this addendum. Contractor/Ow er 3 1a ,~ Date DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING /~ ~ n ' ` CITY OF ATLANTIC ®EACN, FLORIDA T T PERMIT NO. """`BERM IT TO BUILD THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB March 23, 81 Date 1s 5.000 Valne-tion a Fee ~ 5.00 -,,-~ - ~.~~~ E ~a ,t ..,~, Tbb`psrmit not ~aUd au[il above fea bas bean paid to City Treasurer, and b ~+~~+'ti, s~ ublac[ [o revoca[!on for viobttion of applicable provisions of Lw. ~ ~ ~ `~ ~ "~ x !~ ~ ~ ~ T'hia is to certify that Tommy Lyles ~ , hriia permission to build a two car garage as plans submitted. per Mr Davis . `. Classificatioa...Business i3 2~ne BB Opened by Tommy Lyles Lot Bloc k S/D Honsia No 66 Ardella Road. According to approved plans which are part of this permit NOTICE-ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- SPECTED BEFORE POURING. PERMIT VOID 31X MONTHS 'n AFTER DATE OF ISSUE ~-- ~ i O Bnildin~ material, rabbish snd debris Z,1 from this work mnst aot be glazed is public space,. snd mnst be cleared np and hatiled away by dither contractor or owner. ` Mr SILL M. DAVIS Hulbfin~ O~efal. FOR OFFICti UBE ONLY PERMIT NUM®ER DATE CONTRACTOR PLUMOINfi Rt eCTftICAL ftiW6R W.AT(LR D"PARTiNENT OF BUlLD1NG n n 7 p CITY OF ATLANTIC REACH, FLORIDA PERMIT NO.~" ~~ ~ _ PERMIT TO BUILD THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB Date FEBRUARY 23 19 82 j Valuation $ 13, 452.24 Fee $ 69' ©0 i A This permit not valid until above fee has been paid to City Treasurer, and is subject to revocation for violation of applicable provisions of law, TOMMY LYLES This is to certify that 13425 HUNTERWOOD ROAD, JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA. .has permission to build GARAGE AS PER PLANS SUBMITTED SINGLE FAMILY BB Owned by TOMMY LYLES ~e Lot 15 Z ~` 16 Z ,/.~ Block 16 S/D DONNER II House No. ~DELLA ROAD According to arororoved plans which are part of this permit ~--- ~--~ 2 NOTICE-ALL CONCRETE,,~ORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- SPECTED BEFORE P©URING. PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS „ AFTER DATE OF ISSUE O Building material, rubbish and debris ~ from this work must not ~ed~ in public sp r~' ~ +~ ~nd m~st~ be lli~ up and haulefiy by 'thf#~f~~lf1{ tract ~~ " is/~a/E f ~~ii Building Official. .FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT NUMBER DATE CONTRACTOR PLUMBING ELECTRICAL SEWER. WATER DEPfIRTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA a PERMIT TO BUILD Thl,.~~:...., ~ MUST BE POSTED ON JOB Date APRIL 15 19 82 Valuation $ PLUMBING Fee $ 5.0© PERMIT NO. y 0 O ~/ This permit not valid until above fee has been paid to City Treasurer, and is subject to revocation for violation of applicable provisions of law. This is to certify that ALL BEACHES PLUMBING & REP P. O. Box 643, Neptune Beach, Florida 32233 has permission to build INSTALL NEGI PLUMBING AS FER PLANS SUBMITTED Classification BUSINESS Zone BB Owned by TAMMY LYLES Lot Block S!D House No. 66 ARDELLA ROAD According to approved plans which are part of this permit NOTICE-ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- SPECTED BEFORE POURING. PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS „ AFTER DATE OF ISSUE /-~-~ T---D O Building material, rubbish and debris ~ from this work must not be placed in public space, and must l~+~rec~ up and hauled away by ei (j~}(i~ tractor or o FOR OFFICE PERMIT DATE CONTRACTOR USE ONLY NUMBER PLUMBING ELECTRICAL SEWER WATER ,tom .e~l~lk. CI TY OF ATLh!ITI C t3~AC}~ .. . A~L~ CA7) 0'J .FOR f'Ltt_:3.1 NG_~~E ~•~I1 ~~ fJ~ „} ~.~.. . r ~~ ~~` ~P ~ _ PLI~•,3l t!G FI Rt~l ~ ~'d .~ r~ r^~~-~~=c°~-5,~_~~~~~~c-~L-----~j,(f'~ ~- ,% (~' ~ , I~:~,STER PLU :3ER ----~ -~~~"'_~"-c1_' ---- - H ~ C?,k,-. ` ~ -- _l -- ,,p~ ~ C) i YjG'~'~,.iY C~_,.~U'ATI O'1AL LI Ct-1~SE iJO._+____/---'" /G~-/ ---- . ___/_~I ~`~~ -_=---__- ~'~~ e,~- S 1"f,TE CERTI F ! CA7E tJO.~___tdC -_-~'__G~G~ ~' - ---- __ _---- - /~~~~~ ~~J~..~4. BUi LDER OR C~•':7PJ;CTOf~___----~~-~~~~,~r%~a~-~..~=~--- TYPE CF BUI Lol NG -- --~'~~~~`??-~'_ -.___-- - S 1 t.~'S I LA'~'i,TOrRI( p ~r~ -iv3s L~I tL'1L S __~ _a.os~Ts FLC)OR fsRAI NS -- ---- -- - -_ - --- -- ~- /i'~ SHO'~ti' E RS ---1°~A7cR F:=~TERS Dl SF~'rfP,SNr`~2S D! SGOSALS f~l ~•J11i fYJ f :~r.,-ll tVE OTF=R '2-- TOTAL F1 ~ LURE CO~_i~Ti' I i15TALLATI OfJ CF PLLt•:31 tJG AND F{ X~iL'RES f ;UST 8E } N ACCuRO.~,tYCE t~'! TFi TFiE ~ ;OST RECENT FDl T) ON CF T1--iE SC1'~fP-FERN STktJD RD PLIS:•~l t`v CODE. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ~~~ _~,~~ FLORIDA i..- ~~ _~j-~- ~~J' APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMI'~_„,.~ FOR ICE USE ONLY Date__~~~._-......19 .~ 2 Permit #--"! _.f_.~ 4---.Fee $ ...............•.•--.._. Valuation $--•--_~~f_..1-~~---~_~... House #-•---• ............... s~ ~ o ~ /0. nv ~ ~ ado, der. do i~~ -~~ urr.,~a/~.;:e~~}dL3t~ c Application 2a hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and~erfic~tions herewith submitted for the building or other structure described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach and all rules and regulations of the Building Department of the City of Atlantic Beach, shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. The Contractor or Owner-Builder who has been issued a Building Permit is automatically responsible to ascertain that all sub- contractors engaged by him are duly licensed in the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida. To prevent delay or embarrasment regard- ing intermediate or final inspections it is suggested that a list of sub-contractors be aubmitte to this office so that licenses can be verified. ~ 1..3 ~/ •- - / - ._ ._ . ~~Uz~ --- -- ~Oinrn 1 / /~~- /392, htv.~yv .G ~~.8-e/K~ ~~6- ~Cf3 Owner---------------•---•~----...^'~_~....------•---------•----•-------._.....----...._..---•---•--Address._-• - -•------•---•---••-•--•---••--••------.,._.._..___.TelePhone No..__...---•--••----.._....--- Architect-.~i1~~/..-----m•'-..._. A~ 7_!•c ....................•---•------....._..._Address._...... ~?v----Cam`-~...:~'~-----.Telephone No.__........-•--••---•--...... -•-_--•--...._._.Addresa..._. ~3 5 ~.~ . 'x-?._.~..~_1.~~....TelephoAe No..~ S~~' `r~5~---- Contractor er..-----•-••---......--•-•-- ----••-•----•-•-----------•--•- -- ~ ``-- ~~rt ~~ Lot N ---•-•--•-- ...----•--•--•-••-------------------Block No._..---I..---•------•-----•---Sub Diviaion---------------.-_......_._...----•--•-----------•---••--------•-•----•--• C~~.~!~':~~ - - A---•---,L~°'4 -----------.Street------------- -- -------'Side Between....._~ w(NA ~ pn ~ ,J` iso.EJ'a . - -- ......~ _ _ and ...............•-•--- ------...-----------•--•--------Sta. Valuation $_._'~~_...._~_.._. _s:-...:For what purpose will building be used ......................................Type f construction.._._......_.__.._._-__._-_____._..... Dimensions of Buildin Z~ x ~ ~O ~°f•. X t ~ ~ .Size of Footin °ZO X ~ ~ g---•-•--•-------------------------------Dimensions of Lot-- ~•- - --....----.....--•-•--.._...----•--•-•-' g's..__....--•-•-••----...__..__.._...... Size of Piers--------------------•----•--_--_--.Size of Silla.._..-._-.---.--------------_--.Greatest Sill Span in ft.---•---.---------.._..._..Type Roof_f~sp!~~.°.~?:'.._S'`!! How will Building be Heated? ................................................................Will Building be on Solid or Filled Ground?....__..:: S.`'~~~____....._..._._.._ Size of Ceiling Joists .............___......_.___, Distance on Centers...._._......__..._________., Greatest Span..__..____..._._..-._____..___._...._....__. „ Size of Floor Joists--------------••-------...---...--------•._•_-, Distance on Centers-.....-•--...--•---.-.-.--.._..---.....y., Greakeat Span..--.---•-•-.--.--.._....~_...--.---•.-- " Size of Rafters.--•------------------~X..."'~---.-----.-------_.-, Distance on Centers ............-'~'~..-.., Greatest Span---.----._ ~.L.F'._......._.-.-_-- » This rectangle is to represent the lot. Locate the building or buildings in the ~ P ~ ~, ht position. Give distance in feet from p R _ ~-~ lines and existing buildings. Ct~Y O F A71 ' ~ ~ ~ REAR LOT LINE Two copies of plane and specifications shall be submitted with application. Inspections required. 1. When steel is in place and ready to pour footing. 2. When steel is in place and ready to pour columns and/or lintel. 3. When steel is in place and ready to pour beam. 4. When framing is completed. 5. When rough plumbing is completed, and ready to cover up. 6. When septic tank drain field or sewer is laid but before it i 7. Electrical inspection by City of Jacksonville. 8. Final inspection. Note: In case of any rejection, re-inspection MUST be called for a; corrections are made. W z a W A . FRONT OF LOT In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement, we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plans and specifications, which are a part hereof, and in accordance with the building regulations of the City of Atlantic Beach. Signature of Bui er ............ ................... ...... ..•--........_........._--•---. Address....._...__._...----------------•--------------------...-------...-----••-----••---.,....-----....-- Signature of Owner.......----- ......... .....................:.............._ Address......._......_...._...._....---._...._........--------......................._........._........... CITY OF, ATLANTIC BEACH 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA ADDENDUM TO BUILDING PLAN 1. Building Location: 2. The attached plan for the above building is approved subject to meeting the following applicable construction requirements: a. Footings shall be continuous monolithic concrete under exterior walls, reinforced with two S/8" deformed reinforcing rods for one-story buildings and three 5/8" deformed reinforcing rods for two-story buildings. Reinforcing rods shall be placed in the lower one-third of the footings, properly placed and fastened on metal cables with wire. Footings shall be si'x inches wider on each side than the wall above, shall be at least eight inches thick and shall rest on firm soil at least twelve inches below undisturbed soil. b. In hollow masonry unit construction, each unit cell shall be reinforced with at least on No. 4 bar at all conrners, poured and tamped with concrete; such rein- forcing shall be properly tied into-the footing and spandral beam. c. All wood truss rafters (roof construction), shall be securely fastened to the exterior walls with approved hurricane anchors or clips. d. Construction of nearby one-family dwellings, which are duplicates or intensely similar, shall be avoided. Such similarity considers the external configuration and appearance (i.e., roof, outer wall materials, window size and design, and other like characteristics) of structures. In accord with the foregoing, similar and shall be at least 500 feet apart if any one Similar dwelling is visible from any other Similar dwelling. e. The final connection between the house plumbing drain and the sewer;service connection (at the property line) must be inspected by the City before being covered. City Manager The undersigned hereby certifies that he has read the above and understands that this addendum takes precedence over any contrary details to the plans and specifications and agrees to comply with the intent of this addendum. Contractor/Owner Date