Permit 94 Ardella RoadFOR OFFICE USE ONLY CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date---.~..~~1.----'~1~--'-•-...19 `.~ Permit #--~~--.~~.Fee $--•~•~-•..... o Valuation $-~~O~Q ..............s..•/•----.......--.... House #...~.~....~ `-1"~el !!~....... ~A Application da hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans. and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other structure described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach and all. rules and regulations of the Building Department of the City of Atlantic Beach, shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. The Contractor or Owner-Builder who has been issued a Building Permit is automatically responsible to ascertain that all sub- contractors engaged by him are duly licensed in the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida. To prevent delay or embarrasment regard- ing intermediate or final inspections it is suggested that a list of sub-contractors be submitted to this office so that licenses can be verified. /"1 Date..~~~--• .................................................. 196... Owner__ST:,~.~~.~J.._../~~~.~~----------------------Address....-•--~.~-,~.~~ l'~:~•/--~p~Telephone No......_.__....---.....---•-•- Architect....~'"_/_¢/.~./ ....~..~_~?..__~1~'..~_~_'---------------^_._..--•---•-----•--Address,r7.h~.~?~._/~.~`'~~_Y/,~~.Telephone Noa~~~~~. Conti ctorBuilder.~4..'.r~~,~./.4°.A~..z.[~~+a~----C:~-~~Addresa._,.`t..~s~v~..~.i~/-.e~~~/-tF~-----Telephone No.~.~-~~ i ,S'O i Lotado..----fd-~ JZ/------------------•---•--•--Block No.--~-•6,-----•---------..Sub Division---- -.-•f--~1~i~%~5.---------•------------------------ ---------Zone----•------------ -•-•J-_T'.._.1~!:rGiPl~~...---~.----~t------------`5------- Side Between...-•---~:1~e~:---•----------------•----._..and--------...~st~p~~,t_ _~~_~1.._.__Sts. Valuation $.~eG,~%_~'~---....For what purpose will building be used.~il-~.~---__~-~~/.~.--Type of construction..~..._il.:..M_.t~.~~.• Dimensions of Building.~1. ~.__ ~"_-~--...-•--Dimensions of Lot_.. ~ ~...X...__~..~.~/_______________Size of Footings-____._-._.....__._....__....._....._ Size of Pierss~.X---L_.••-------------Size of Siils_..~~..X_~._:__._.._._.___.Greatest Sill Span in ft..._..._._.._....__.__.._..Type Roof~I9./~Z~~~J~(T't~ How will Buiid'ing be Heated? ................................................................WillBluilding be on Solid or Filled Ground?~0~- ~ p..................._. Size of Ceiling Joists-o3-_~--~------.---•-------------- Distance on Centers...----.-.h,~...--•------••--••-•-•----, Greatest Span-----...--•---.--.-••--•..•---.----•------•- " Size of Floor Joists---_f~.~/X_.~0......--•---••--.------•---, Distance on Centers-----....1 ~v---------------------•-------, Greatest Span_...-----.---••--.-.---------.-----------.-. " Size of Rafters------ ~../.L ~.----••------------------•--., Distance on Centers _.-..1.~ ._..----•-------•----•-•----~ Greatest Span------•-•-----------...._...-•-•---•----•-•- ,~ This rectangle is to represent the lot. Locate the building or buildings in the right position. Give distance in feet from all lot-lines and existing buildings. REAR LOT LINE Two copies of plans and specifications shall be submitted with application. Inspections required. 1. When steel is in place and ready to pour footing. W 2. When steel is in place and ready to pour columns and/or lintel. Z 3. When steel is in place and ready to pour beam. '~ 4. When framing is completed. r7 5. When rough plumbing is completed, and ready to cover up. W 6. When septic tank drain field or sewer is laid but before it is covered. q 7. Electrical inspection by City of Jacksonville. ~ 8. Final inspection. Note: In case of any rejection, re-inspection MUST be called for after corrections are made. FRnNT OF ~~ .~ r Inconsideration of pe it given for doing the work as described in the above statement, we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance wit ;the attached plans and specifications, which are a part hereof, and in accordance with the bu' ding regulations of the City •%Atlantic Beach. / p~ Signature of B ' e .. .... .... a~Ja~'1~.~ Addreas...OL..-j ~~- /~ - Signature of Owner.----...- --• .....................•--...............----••-----------•---...------ Address..... -. c~. ~ ~~. S~ '~"9 .f+ ~ „i q ,j~~Il p ~ ~ p }}°° < ~ ,,.y~ r'-' ' `-~ -- - ------ -- --5=- ~. ,~ February 4, 198 TO 1VIIOi~ IT DRAY CC?~CERN: 716 OCEAN BOI3LF,~JAI'iD P. 0. BOX 25 ATLANTIC BEACIi, FLOP,IDA 32233 TELEPHONE (904) 2h9-2395 1, Don C. Ford, Building Inspector for the City of Atlantic Beach, have inspected the work done at ~4 Ardella Road, Atlantic Beach. The fob tivas built in accordance Keith all codes and ordinances of the City of Atlantic i.cackl, The building yeas Le;noueled ~y 3aar,es Gipson. P,~~ ~-~ect:~ully, ~~ Don L. ford. i3u:ilcling Inspector DCF/tb cc: file ~~~` ~,~` ~~~ ~ ~ A J;' ~ T /', ~~~~ ft,• ~~~.~~~~ t~ E ~'/^~~~ ~ C~ ~ Q~ ~ d v Z ~~s~ mm .rte a.Z „-~ T D ~g v o a 0 a o "~. ~ d y ~ { o T ~ w m 7 U- tZ t O `L `L, a ~$ Qa o }o. ~ '" ZO "' .. 5 O Z T, V r r W E ~ J~v N ~ t3 ~ o ° eL a Z c ~ ~ ~ V V y a 1O!- ~ ~ tC O ~ ~ O ~ N t] Q O ~ a. a Y '~' d v ~' r t z -- ~ ~_ V ~ ~ $ N } d O Q 1 E~ p Y Z a ~''~ m , .E O J .'~ N o dm ~ ~ g 3 ~ ~ v- ~' Oy ~ G +~'' ~'` gNT ANS~M /~ ' ~ SER~i c~ ~ ,,:- INS pppT101 M O O ~ ~ Zf~ Q 7 O G~ ~ ~ Z O ~A t 2 z ~ Z ~ m ~ z m ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~' a m ~ o v Q o z -+ m 0 9 ~ ~ © ~ M 9 .d ~ O ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t~ •C ~ Cr1 ~ ~r > ~' .ri ~ m N ~' ° ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o yip ~ ~ ~ `~ ° z v ~ d ~ ~~~ ~ H ~- Z ~ Z ~ ~ m~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ z ~ v H o m C7 ~ .~ S v Cmi N -{ «~ O t.i .a -o n m ~ r ~ ~ v p 3. .=~ ~' O 0 o ~ O ~ a ~ m O rn m ~ p 9 ~ 'p N ~ r ~ ~ ~' ~ x x ~m m ~ b C ~ N ~^ H x d a r a w ~~ U ~xc~ ~ ,. M ar- ~~ y~;. ~~ ~ ~I~R'flilt~NT ~11~ l3UILk~INQ ~ Ci OF ATLANTiG HtrAC1-~ ; ~ ` ~ k ~,~ ~- f , ,,,r. ,,, „~ ~'~ ~~~ ~),,,,.......... .~ ~,. , .. ~ .... w LE~t".`~'C~[3#~ ~NR~.?Rlf,A"i' I t'3>k _ _ ~ ~.. ~ ~t ~ ~ ~ r~ ~ ~x>~ ~x~x~ ~ - .~~..~w__~-..~~ ~,a,, n ti r p y yy .^~~~~r ~',t _' f ~ , M~~~* ~~ ~~ y y ~y~ y ` . ~'F .J~~ O~N~i•~ ~ ' ~AI+ '~4~ i w w _ T y`y y~/~~.. rr ~~y r • ~y .~~~L ~ili~~'+~' ~ ;~'It ~f F ~i,~1+~i.~MM f~ ~ p }~ . ~1 #« f ~ . ~ ~~Y~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ^~ ~y ^ S 'g . ~ i M +Y11, w v .M rw~ a yyw~+ y` y = l~r' ^`~ ~ }'I~i SI' ~ .Yl.* ~~,~yy~ ~~y~~( {y/~yy ~ ~14`~~'.1~~/~ ~~ Y1~ ~' , ~ r~ r ` ``~ .Ifl~'"#.i~~"E`I>C »ICAi'+Nr ~`t~QRII7A 3223 ~ .j r .. ~~T~d1~ li~l~ }tic~s`~k` ~}" l~ ~~ ~#~, af3~?~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~~~ ,.fix, ;~: - r ' ' ~ ky ~ ` ~P~lG''7 fi>~lrC - : t 4 ~ jy ,~ - yy i.~ , ~ ' ~ r ~A ~iZT rSxlfjll~„ ~~ ~ .` ~ ~ ~ i 1 u T t. Y f_. _ irk Jt. , ~ F Jd~i , r ~ {~ }R. ~~r 1i ~i #~'t~ ~5~+. ~ ~'~ t • ~ I a41+' t '~ ~J'y~ ' . ~~ Y ~ ~ ..~yyr~~~,- ~ yy ~~~~ ~y ~ r ~y yy~~, .y ~ w.. ..4 .. .' ~Y ' ~ .. ~ ~ '~~~' ~ ~,~ 1 1"'WNN • ~I1I11~~~i\~ .. y ''.S" ~ gin.,, ~~~~~'Vi~AY "~ ~~ 1 . _ .. .. ~ ...~:e ~ . ~ i y .~ . ~14r; +P+y .. ~ { ~~ ~ yam" t ~' M nroT~S; F ~ ~5_. ' t a7 i ~ ~ ~~~~! ~" ~ .t' ,. t d'7 t ~ ~ '~ ~~I~ , f~ i ,. NOTICE.- All. Ct)NCi~E'I'E FrJf~IBS AND ~'Ofl'CItJ~& II~(?ST BE INSPECTER BB~flRE P41riRiNG - ~ PERMIT VOtlr? 5iX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE' BULLRING MATERtAL, RU.B813N A-~t~ DEBfiil6- FRQtvt_TFiI.S Wp3~i( ~+IUST NOT BE PLACED iN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND FiAULi=D AWAY BY E1Tr•+ER CC)tVTRAGTUR OR t7~lVIdER. ;~FA~~.~~~ -~o ~a~~.~r wt~rH--r~~ ~i~~~c~a~~cs~ ~i~rv ~+-w c~-N R~su~T tN THE RI~aPERt7~ OV~`N~~i PAYtNG'TW ~~~~t~R BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS." ISSUED I~CCORDiNG TO APPRO~IED PLANS ~INMICti AAE PART~OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION F`OR VIOLATfal~f`OF APALICABLE PROViSiONB Qi= [,AW: - ATL 1 f BUILDING DEPAR~C ENT - "." ~, BY_ ~. r.' f Address Heated Square Footage Garage/Shed.. ' Carport/Porch Deck Patio ~ @ $~~~.per sq @ $ per sq @$ persq @$ persq @ $ per sq TOTAL VALUATION: ft = $ ~ '` ft = $ ft = $ ft = $ OV~ U~ l U o U ~$ ~~ Tcrta Va uat is t $ ~ U c~ C~ ~G~ UU (} p ~ Do $ / Remainder Valuation ~ ~,~ er thousand or portion thereof Q --------------------------------------------~ Tota1 Building Fee $ ~ / ADDITIONAL PER1`ZLTS and/or FEES REQUIRID i + 2 Filing Fee $ ~ ~~D Mechanical ~ Fireplaces @ 15.00 $ ~_ Plumbing i BUILDING!PERMIT FEE $ p? g. a~ Electric/New ~ Electric/Temp _ ~ ~ Septic Tank Well S<~irnning Pool Sign Water Connection Sewer Connection Water Meter Elevation Certificate BUILDING PERMIT $ O~O , WATER METER CHARGE $ SEWER Il"IPACT FEE $ WATER Il~IPACT FEE $ MISCELI.~ANEOUS $ rt.~ Z~~ $ ~ y ~~ GRAND TOTAL DUE $ ~ ~ ~ ~ CALCULATIONS and/or NOTES ~' ~7 ~_.S orb ~e-c i~~,~. --- -- ----- -~--~__l~_~_ ----- C~c._ - __ ~~l- G1~-vw ~-: g..1 ~ ---- , - I , ! i i ; ---. ~ ~ -P ~n x d~d~.~ ~ o Kl -- -- --- _ --- r - ------- ,, ~ ~"-~; a o '' w id c_ ; ~ ~ ~ D~ ..-~O~N~-~ Vie.. _ o~--~-s-ra-2 s ~~+~- ~ N ~ ~ s---- ----- ,o~ (,~a ~ ~~. co' -- - H 5 ---- ~o. -- --- ~~, s; ~~ -~Ola~~ - ~ a xc. _ _tA}___o? x 8_ ~ ~ooR ~5~' L '' ~, APPROVE D ~ ~__- ('.ITS!-~= ^i1-^~1~~-I~F~E'j--- ~~y(/bJd ~c~~~1~4 BUI~~.DINC= rl~"IrF' g a x t~ ~r7,'~ c~ z~~-, ,~+~.t ~-ra ~~> '~'~1R 2 {J ion.-~--------- - ------ ~ i_i. ~J i c, i v~ ~ P1'1 if~ ~ e,~ ~ X ~ $~t ~ ~ 1 ~ a~ ~ e - ---- ---- 1 /I r _~~ ~-wa ~~ , A+s~ F7 t,~•./ d- t2 ~~ F 1~~~ 1 Il~~~t/ IQ ~ ~Q /~ d=am ~ /``// ~ ' I f ~ , - '..---1 ' . CC .'1'11 II - - - ---- -- ------------- - ~~ ~ ~a.l ~ ~I pzc (a ~--vdv~ -- -- -- - i---------------- ---- -~CiS~~~ - ----------- - a8 I ~_7 - -± ~ ~ l 7 a s - - --- - --- --- _,~ - - _ - .__ - ~,. --- _------ - j--~-------------------___ --- --- - ~l~_l'r) ~~ __ ------ __ _ _ _ --- i ~, -_ _ - ~i ! CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Owner~~°Ki.~,IL~ Address '~~/~ Q~_ ~~ , zip.'~~~~Phone`~-~ ~J. ~ Architect,-,~ , ~~ Address ~~ ~y~ zip~~, Phone S Contractor S ~, r~~ Address ~' ~ -.,,,~.~, ~ zip 5~,~s, Phone 5~^~,.~ Contractor's License Number ~ ~'p 0 © ~ © Expiration Date Copy on File Lot ~~ ~ ~ Block or Section ~~ ~ ~..~-~ Subdivision ~ '`~'' ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~; Zoning Street Between and side Valuation $ ~"` r"° ~~°~ Type of Crnzstruction Purpose of Building Utility Service: Water Distance on Centers Fireplaces If the City if providing water or sewer service, do we need to make taps? Dimensions: Building Lot_ Sz. Piers Sz.. Sills Sz. Ceiling Joists Sz. Floor Joists Sz. Rafters Distance on Centers Number of Units Size Footings Greatest Span Sills Method of Heating Solid-Filled Ground Flood Zane If located within a FLOOD HA7~ARD complete page 2 SUBMIT: Two complete sets of plans, including a detailed site flan. Florida Energy Efficiency Code Sheets Recent Survey Inspections Required: 1. When steel is in place and ready tv pour Lootings. 2. When steel is in place and ready to pour columns/ h ntel. 3. When steel i_s in place ~•uid ready L-o pour beam. 4. When framing, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, .fireplace, is completed and ready to cover up. 5. Final inspection. SETBACKS NO INSPECTION WILL BE MADE IF BUILDING CARD~IS NOT POSTED ON JOB. In case of rejection, reLnspection MUST be called for after corrections are made. In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement, we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plans and specifications, which are a part hereof, and in accordance with the building regulations of Atlantic Beach. Signature Owner~~J _. Signature Contr ]]c``t~-or ~' APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Sewer Distance on Centers Greatest Span Greatest Span Greatest Span Roof `'~ Rear Lot Line as c~ r~ a. m rt rront Lot Line ,' FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMEIQT INFORMATION ., Type of Development:' Neva Building Alterations to Existing Building Flood Zone Required Floor Elevation Actual (as built)Lowest Floor Elevation If located within a flood hazard zone (zone A) a survey must be made after the slab has been oured, certifying that the "lowest floor e evation is equa to or a ove the base flood elevation esta ~s e or that zone. No Final Inspection will be made and No Certificate of Occupancy will be issued until the survey is on file with the Building Department. COMMENTS Applicant acknowledgement: I understand that the issuance of this permit is contingent upon the above information being correct and that the plans and supporting data have been or shall be provided as required. I agree to comply with all applicable provisions of Ordinance No. 25-7-11 and all other laws or ordinances effecting the proposed developemnt. Date Applicants Signatuze Department Use ~ - -~;: - Survey filed with the Building Department on Certified Lowest Floor Elevation ` Required Lowest Floor Elevation Building Department Repxesentat~,ve ;~- !"~++ NJ l°J ° UPI ~J t~ Ut1 © Utl LJ LS ~lo• 1797 DATE OF ORDER July 29, 1987 CUSTOMER'S ORDER NO. PHONE MECHANIC HELPER STARTING DATE Gibson 7/29/8 S ecial Asses. 9/1 /61 GILL TO ORDER TA EN 8Y ADDRESS 6AY WORK 94 Ardella Road ]CONTRACT clrv Atlantic Beach F1. 32233 ^ EXTRA JOB NAME AND LOCATION ARDELLA RD. J06 PHONE Sewer Tap. OESCRIPTtON OF WORK Furnish all material, labor and equipment to either locate sewer service or provide a tap for: 94 Ardella Rd. (E. 50' of Lot 19Z B1k 16) IF sewer tap must be made, it should be made to centerline of front of Property. Obtain Telephone Co. and Cable Co. Clearance before digging.. TOTAL MATERIALS TOTAL LABOR TAX OAT OMPLETED ~ eY WORK R. Braid TOTAL AMOUNT S No one home ~ ~ total amount tlue U IOtat Dtlimg t0 for above work: or be mailed after Signature ~ ~d~e-~^--- completion I hereby acknowledge thesatisfactory completion of work of the above described work. _ _. NOTICE--RECEIPT OF CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH. FLA. SPECIAL p WATER ASSESSMENT -SPECIAL SEWER ~ ASSESSMENT DUE ON THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY MAKE REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO ASSESSMENT DATE..._..~/14~E~ .................._._.. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SS • 97-1)-~ ~~ ~ _ INSTALLMENT DATE_ 8 ~ 14 61 C ~ ~ >• • ~ ._._-~~ TOTAL AS8~58MENT ~ o ~ c Gloria Jeanette Cross and Sam Cross UNPAID Z = - ~ 94 Ardella Road s 34.70 as of ° ~'IFZ. = Now James E. Gipson ~ ' C C 6 F NOW DUE MENT ~ w ~; E. 50' OF LOT 19Z BLK 16 '. . o c ~ ~, PT. OF GOVERNMENT LOT 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ $ v ~•~ 17-2S-29E .: ... .. Ws''m >_°~ w ~ ? ~ RECEIPT NO. W ~' PAYABLE WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER ASSESSMENT J DATE, 6°/, INTEREST THEREAFTER THIS "NOTICE-RECfIP'T" BECOMES A • AMOUNT PAID 34.70 $ INTEREST PAID $ 31.17 TOTAL PAID s 65.87 BALANCE DUE ~ -0- RECEIPT ONLY WHEN NUMBERED AND SIGNED CITY TREASURER, ATLANTIC BEACH, FLA. THIS RECEIPT SERVES AS A WORK ORDER, TAKE RECEIPT TO PUIILlC WORKS DEPT. TO SCHEDULE WORK. 1ZQ0 SANDPIPER LANE sz ~ ~+'Pd ~ ~' ~7Y , ~ { { ~ ` ~ h 32.azr ~ ~ 1 f / '•' i' ~',U ~_ ~, c~ d~ ;~` i ~~ . .,~ , uffalj }S~~v~r_:pro~ -yi ~ ~-,, o ? ~ G'oncr'et~~-3'tab • a ,~ ~ 3 -s6 1'~ '' .. __ lJ9- / J 7 .2 ~ __ :~. .s2g _sz ~ ~~ 6- ~ ~ vo ~ \ /7Z 9-z ~'M .;n ~~Q G~~'L'la~Cs_ :dn _ •~~ ., .. _ ~ / 74 ~' _ tG ~, ! ~ ~ --- _ .~_.._, Wiz: 6 .Z o ~ ~. ~~ r u , ~ ....~. ~ "' .~ ~~ , ,+., .~.. .. See .~ ~~ ~_ ~j ~ ~ •C ~~~~~~il ~~.~-,;;~: ~ r ` ~ ~,.i~"4~tGJ~1 .1 ~~I~l~.~~' ~~.~~~'1 ~~~~~`~~~.C;; %IN+~~ d.,.Ali r~~f, ~~~~ ~ 1~,:t° .. ~~j~t ~~ ~ 1~ i. .~ii'~~F l t ,.l d.'F h t+ r & 1. ~ ~ a r ' t .. ~ P ~ ,'~ 1 . . ,vi. &~:~dt_~~ ~. 6 'w'r ~ ? 4 'ii 11 I ~WR' ~ ~.. ~C+l'y{` ~J'4T11~ nit' l ~u-" fir, .``Y` ~ -~.w4 ~. ~ f '•1~ ~~ X. 'N°l ~i~T~„7~`;; 1FF { _ _ ~ i. ~qqr ~ `~ fir' ~r `Y ~'~ f, ~'. ~ ~ ~. M ~ ~. ~ - - ~ u : y ~ ay.k [~,~' std *~v T Y~ ^„1~+ ~ Zy~~ ~.~y~~~~ l ~' '~ n7 ' ` .~ ,~ ~ -r'r~ ~ ~+' '""~ ~ t ';~~~' t .- _ Mi } yw x : a'~. ' ~ ~ ~ r 7 a= ti A "'~ c „,,; ~~ ~, ~ r~ ~~~ F t. h ~ _ + ~~ ^~ l ~ ;. ~ '~~. h` ~~;~ sk `.~ac.;. ~,~ ~`~ ~., '~ ~,~ri -~ E.~ J ~ HFj ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ - ~x 'f ~ x~~ _ F ~ ;S .. 'ie~i. _." ++, - ~ ;fir,.-: t ~4n, e ti s,+ r )` t 7' ~~ 7 _ ~ i r ~~~ L ~ ~~ .r, r y.,;.;;` x °~ w' $ «~~~ t ~t h 1~ } j ~` ' ~"7~ S -~ ~. ~„~ fi~iq ,;~ ~4 ^Y ^~J~yr j,'V'.~ ~ i; P ~clfu;~'.!; T.~. *- r -n . ;. t x:' .~ F_. ~ ~'® '~ ~ j LS• -~ ~( ~ 1`( i ~? _ ~ l r y _ ~+ "~ MOH y '~fi ~ ~. ~.. _ _ tt y _ < 7 , 3~n ~~ ~~ S~iA t ~a ti S Sys fi ~ ;` I! { a /R-i' ` 'fh~S x ~ r::, b_. I ~~}7Yf ~:° .~ ~' k,: .L.. .\~ ~ r t ~ , ~ 1 _ - h'Ny y'~ ~` .~ { ~ ~y ,,y2`7t ,~ Z ~~F`.,~ r. v 7 Lh n,7 ~~_ ~~ ~, ' ~~~ r" ~ ,bt~a ~ { -` z. `I .~ _ ~ f~,__ ~ F' _v c °ts s- i . `,~~,.~ i ..,., f~ rY }' 3 ~~~ ~ `~; Ni } ~ r k 4~ .'r . . .+ is T .x ~ ~ r w ~~`. '` o. vhe F~t 'tY ''~ S ~` Y~~ +r ~~: _ .~r, ~ i~ -z~, s „~ rt- ,~ a ~A r ~ ~ , ~:; ~ '^:~ ~ „ -~ .s_~ February 4, 1988 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: 716 OCEAN BOI3LEVARD P. O. BOX 25 ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 TELEPHONE {904) 249-2395 1', Don C. Ford, Building Inspector for the City of Atlantic Beach, have inspected the work done at 94 Ardella Road, Atlantic Beach. The job was built in accordance with all codes and ordinances of the City of Atlantc'B.eackl, The building was r~,moaeled by James Gipson. R _ ectfully, Don C. Ford Building Inspector DCF/tb cc: file _ _..T .--,--~ ~~.... ~ -, - _ ~a i rs' ~ A`i'f~kNT#C MACH Cl~"',' 01= ~, ~, , ~/~ a +w ~. r .y .~' ' ~ t 3 ~+R 7. ~ ~ ' 4~. w ` ~ ~ " ~~t f~~ q ~~j~ t ~y]~ 1 L/~Hn r. w.!~ wf +r .r .~ .r ~Aw r - .. a_ aw w ~ j'„ `rw~f 3. 1 ~ i~i~~iZLZAT W ~ j/ ~~ y{ y ~ ~ ~ r A y A y~ g } ~ Perr;~~~.. Tyke ~~~~-~~~ ~' . CiA~s~ _~~ ~~~k~~LT#'~Tt~l~ `~: AfiLA~fi~~ B~G'~I, 1~QRI~A 32233 ~.~,..._,.~.... ~1~. S~RBGRIP't?It?i~ _ ~....__.. P~ra.~~>s~3 ~satST.~1~#i.~ :~' ~e~tf.n~YS r~ $~sbd: Rnq: ~`>ya nee ~ . Q~ >~~ t.. ~ , }y ~}/V ~ i ~ ~ ~~ I yam,> , `P / ~ .~ ~ ,i..~~ ~ i. 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ANf~ A~V_~A-~ REST ~N ~L~E `1`t~ ~~~1C WITH THE ~~A~N~'S ~~E~' ~ "~A . , TNT PE~T'~ C~~~ AAYtAI~"~"~Kl~~ THE BtI#L.~~~G ~M~RC~VE~1'~~' tSSUED ACC~Rt~!fNG TO Af'PR4VED PLANS WHICH ARE pAfT{' C'~TM#S P~RMIT~~A1~iU 5t113JECT TQ ~t#ON E'C~R ~JtC3~,h~TiO~N OF A#t,#CABI~ F~iE7ViSIC~N~ OIL E.~~iW: ~: tt~; 4/~4~`~fs 01 ~ 0'b~~'S >,: 401:#tItUG ATLANTIC BE CH $UILDf PA ENT N MANS £NT SE~IC£S ,~ ~ ,,V tN FORM A~ '!~ n m z m . n D (!1 ~ ~ Z r ~ O n ~ ~ ~" m Z n ~ v rt' v m Z '~ n ~ ~' 2 c i~ Z 9 ~' m o c n n ~ O m ~ to 9 c n c i s~ v ~ Z ~ ~ ~ ,~~,,' ~P v W ~ a ~~ ~ ~ W~ Y3 ~ ~m ~ N ~ 9 W ~ a ~ x x M Y r -~ ~ y c~°n a ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~c~ Cl C'1 W ~ ~ © .~ Z n r.~ H n, v Z ~ ~ n a~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ m ~ _ -~ -~ m ~ ~ Z -~ n ~ m m N m = vm ~ p ~N~ ~~ o o y. ~ ~, ~ N ~ ~ O~ v g ro ~ pJ m m ~ ,p ~ tr .a ~ C? ,,~ F.. W ~~~ ~ t'~1 D m O .~ Cl ~ r o ~ r Q ~, ~,,,~ ~, _ . ,~ . ~°--~,-~ ~zo CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,. FLORIDA 7~ q Aov by APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT TO THE CHLEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE: ~ ~ 19_..L IMPOt3TANT NOTICE: 1N CO:NSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN. FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE. TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES.. ~ Q y ~~ ~ BILL THOMPSA,fV ELECTRIC CO., INC.. M E25 8 a ~ q - 5(oU ~ P. O. B',OX 50398 ELECTRICAL fIRM: MASTER. ELECTRICI `L U ~/ ~j,~ NAME (~~ .~•G'C~i~l- -ADDRESS: ~T ~.h/.~~%~~ /~-~C 'RFD BOX BLOO. SIZE BETWEEN: RES~ APT. 1 1 COMM. ( 1 PUBLIC ( 1 INDUS. f 1 NEW ( l OLD ( 1 RfW. 1 1 AODITiON~ TRAILER (1 TEMP. '1 i SIGNS (' 1 SQ. FT. 8ERVICE: NEW ( 1 INCREASE ( 1 REPAIR ( 1 1( FEE ....... wux r_naa~a 1 1 OWM_ 1 1 Wnvvvr v.. v..r~ TCH OR BREAKER AMPS - ---- PH W VOLt RACEWAY EXIST. SERV, SIZE AMPS PH W ~ ~OLT :RACEWAY FEELERS NO. SIZE NO. SIZE NO. SIZE LItiHTING OUTLETS ~ CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL O.30 AMPB. 31.100 AMPB. SWITCHES Z...- INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT & M. V. O.f00 AMP FIXED 8. OVER . . A~P~~aNCES BELL TRANS F. AlR H.P. RATING .CONDITIONING COMP. MOTOR H.P. RATING OTHER MOTORS AMPS CEIL HEAT: KW-HEAT Q-1 MOTORS H,P. Y©LTAGE PHS NO f)YER 1 H.P. VOLTAGE PHS MISCELLANEOUS CITY OF ~4r~ic ~'e~~i - ~~CVrcida DATE • ~ ~~" ~~~ ____ 1'!t!:-SI•:}tV1l:L•: U1V1:~1.UN JACKSUNVILLE 1:;LEC7'}2IC AU7'HO}2I7'Y 233 WEST UUVAL S'i'REG:T JACKSONVILLE, FLO}2IUA 32202 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD P. O. BOX 26 ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 TELEPHONE X904) 249-239b THE FOLL01VItdG FINAL INSPECTION (S) HAVE BEEN .~1AUE ANU AF2E SATISFACTORY: SINCERELY, Z~ ~~ ~ BU DING INSPECTION DIVISIO cc: FILE V / J l.~ CITtY OF //~~~~~~ t~,~`~ Q~ - ~f~O~RKt~ Office of Building Official REGtUEST FOR INSPECTION `~ ~ r ~ ~ Date Permit No. _ Time A. M. Received -- a p.M. ~/-'piatrtct No. t.ocelity Owner's Name Contractor BUILDING CONCRETE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING Framing ^ Footing ^ Rough Wiring ^ Rough ^ Re Roofing ^ Slab ^ Tergp Pole ^ Top Out ^ MECHANICAL Alr. Cond. & O Heatlng Lintel ^ ~~4.~ /~ ~ Fire Place ^ Pre Fab RE Y FOR INSPECTION A Mon. ~ Tues. ed. Thurs. Friday ~ ~ ~ A. M. Inspection Made Inspector "~ Finallnspectlon ^ Certificate of Occupancy Date F . [[ qq,~,. 26903 ~ a[oaoEa ~aow Q~~urrpusiHessrbar.+s (nc roai sss-wsz ~ `~" 1 ' ~ , ~ LY ~ ,,, Q 2"`F~8 ~ -v 1 ~ F,~,..~ - ~... r CITY OF ~ f-'" ~ ~ ~-- v / ~ ~ ~ / ATLANTIC BEACH L~' No. 5222 FLORIDA July 31 19 87 I NAME____._ James E. Gipson ADDRESS 825 Plaza CITY_ Atlantic Beach Water Impact Fee #40-3433700 Sewer Impact Fee #41-343-5200 Lot 19 Block 16 DQnner's Replat 94 Ardella Road BJ.....( a/ic I understand i(Apact fees may be due and agree to pay as indicated above if they are determined to be due. When 5~'gned,_.Ddted 'and Numbered, This Becomes an Official Receipt MAKE CHEGKS PAYABLE TO Raceiwd Payment CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA $50.00 $1,035.00 $1,085.00 7G, D'a TREASURER CITY OF ~~'~i~ vatic t3'cac~ - ~~C-u~a 800 SEMINOLE ROAD --------- ---------- - _ _-_ ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE (904) 247-5800 ~~ FAX (904) 24'5805 October 31, 1995 Mr. James E. Gipson 2726 Dahlonega Drive Jacksonville, FL 32224 Dear Mr. Gipson: Our records indicate that. you are the owner of the followina_ property in the City of Atlantic Beach; Florida: Re: 94 Ardella Raad a/k/a Part Govt. Lot. 2 RE#172042-0010 The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach will meet again on January 2, 1996. Should you fail to correct all of the listed violations and have the property inspected prior to Monday, December 4, 1995, you will be required to appear before the Board. You should have more than ample time to correct the violations. Sincerely, ~~ ~, /t P Karl W. Grunewald Z'" Code Enforcement Officer KWG/pah Enclosures cc: City Manager VIA HAND DELIVERY CITY OF r~~a~ct~c t~'eatk - 17levtiala 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE (904) ?A7-5800 FAX (904) 145805 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, ~--~~~`~~C_-/~ hereby certify that I delivered a notice to_ James Gipson at City Ha11 Atlantic Beach, FLorida 32233, this ~ ~ day of ~--~~~ ~~$3fiX 1995 at ~ 3 ~ 0~clock ~ M. This notification was in reference to CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH CODE ENFORCEMENT 4 Ardella Road _._ _~ ~ ~,G.^r SIGNATURE OF SERVER. SIGNATURE OP RECEIVE DATED • l O '- -~ ~ - ~J ~- .~ C~ f'r'» ~"~b ~G CITY OF r~rxic ~eac~ - ~~Cr~tial.~ 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ---- ---- -- -----_ - -- ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 322.33-54.15 TELEPHONE (904) 247.5800 ~_ FAX (904) 247-58pS October 20, 1995 Mr. James E. Gipson 2726 Dahloneaa Drive Jacksonville. FL 37.224 Dear Mr. Gipson: Our records indicate that you are the owner of the following property in the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida: 94 Ardella Road a/k/a Part Govt. Lot 2 RE#172042-0010 On December .13, 1994 you were noticed for violations of the Standard Housing Code. Upon completion (within 30 days) you were to call this office for an inspection to assure compliance. I am enclosing a copy of that notice for your review. Call this office within. five (5) days of receipt for inspection scheduling. ,~' In addition the storage shed on the east side has deteriorated ~"?d its contents are a health and safety violation. Chapter 12, Section 12-1-2 Atlantic Beach Ordinan~~e. Sincerely, / ,/~ 'K'arl 'W. Grunewald Code Enforcement Officer KWG/pah Enclosure cr,: City Manager VIA CERTIFIELi MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED <~,. CITY OF r~!C'a~rt~c ~-'ea~ - ~l K~ia~a it00 SEMINOLE ROAD ----- ATLANTIC BEACH, FI.ORIIM 32233-5415 TELEPHONE pW) 24x5900 ~_ FAX (99Q 247~S90S December 13, 1994 Mr. James E. Gipson 2726 DahloneQQ~~ Drive Jacksonville,'~FL 32224 Dear Mr. Gipson: Our records indicate that you are the owner of the following property in the City of atlantic Beach, Florida: 94 llydella Road a/k/a Part Qoverntaeat Lot 2 R8~172042-0010 Investigation of this property discloses that I have found and determined that a violation of Chspter 12, 8ectio~ 12-1-8 (Unsafe-Unsanitary Building) and Standard Housing Code violations as follows: ~'~ Main bathroom tub has 3" hole in bottom - Section 302.1 - Standa~rd Housin Code• g //ll Heat and air-conditioning thermostat inoperative - Section 304'.~~1 - Standard Housing Code; ~~~ Bathroom exhaust fan blade loose - Section 303.3 - Standard Housing Code; ~,~4. Smoke alarm inoperable (fails Stand rd Housing Code; ~~3: Dryer not vented to outside Standard Mechanical Code; test) - Section 302.9 - air - Section 308.9.1 - Dishwasher inoperative - Section 302.6 - Standard Housing Cod; ~/~Z. Range has missing heat coil - Section 302.6 - Standard Hotisinq Code; Porcelain light fixtures in ceiling not protected by shade or ; 9. Crawl space exterior openings not protected With screening - Section 1302.6.3 - Standard Building Code; James E. Gipson Page Two December 13, 1994 ~/~10. Facia board in front of house rotted and porch roof collapsing - Section 305.3 - Standard Housing Code. When the above violations have been brought into compliance call this office at 247-5826 for an inspection. Thia will prevent any further action on the part of the City of Atlantic Beach. You are hereby notified that unless the condition above described is remedied within thirty (30) days from the date of your receipt hereof, this case will be turned over to the Code Enforcement Board. Under Florida Statute 162.09, the Code Enforcement Board may impose fines of up to 5250.00 per day for a first violation and 5500.00 per day for a repeat violation. Sincerely, ' d~ arl Gr newald Code Enforcement Officer KWG/pah cc: Charmine Kennedy City Manager CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED r, ~~~~~~ ~F~:, 2 7 1994 Building and Zoning ~,.° ~~-- ~ ~~yo~ .. .- CITY UP' AL'I'AN'rIC I31:ACIi COMPLAINT MANAGIMEN1' .SYSTEM .~ "'~ 1~9~ :'~.ICEN (date/time) : ..~~....../ _ ~~ ....:k~~ ~~~z ~` _. c~021PLAINANT: ~_~~ /~1-2 ___ ~ , i ,~ _ Last ,>~aA-e7~"r- F rst Name lii~ ~~DUfiESS: 7 ' ~r~ry jSTATEi Z ~t'ELEPNONE: { CoJdPLAIN~/ ~ ~ ~y' ~~~~~y9 rya/ w~ ~- ~ ~ I_c)CATION: p ' FItOPERTY OWNERS PHONE: -~~ I':,OPF.RTY OWNERS NAME: ~ 5, ~. ~;~~ I~rPARTMENT FORWARDED TO: c~t~ttl~I.AINT TAKEN I3Y: DATE/TIML•': OFFICE USE ONLY _.__ INVESTIGATED: {date/time) PSSIGNED DEPT./aIVISION: PRIORITY: _ iI~VESTIGATOR: ~~ CONDITIONS FOUND: ACTION TAKEN: ~'~''~" ~~~ .rte ~" ~ ;~-•i• ~-- _ _ _ _ CC)DIPLIANCE: ~C ,i-~ ~~, ~ r~c'r,~- ~" tl~TES: AGREEMENT I, James Gipson, hereby apply for financial assistance in financing the cost of water and sewer impact fees and agree as follows: Total Due $1,085.00 Cash down 285.00 Balance Due 800.00 Payable monthly at $208.00 per month with first payment due on or before December 21, 1987 and on the 21st day of January, February and March 1988. Failure to make payments as agreed will result in termination of water and sewer service to 94 Ardella Road and filing of lien for payments due. James Gipson Witness .~. 7~ ~y ~~fi~ `~6 ~~'~~~ ~~ C I?Y OF l~LllN? I C BEACH ROOFING FERMI? APPLICA?ION v Owner(s). J~;_ L~-'t,.r 'J(~/y s ; [.~- ...Q, - Phone Add r e a _ ! -~, ~-.r.~ __r__. ~--- Lot ~ Block or Unit ~ Subdivision: ~~~eN~d1, Contract Address: City, St /~ State License ~ ~„Q ~ - Describe work to be performed:,,~o~ ~ -~.c~c,~ ~~~._._~~~~'~ ,;L, Valuation of Proposed Construction: Materials to be used: Signature of Owner; Signature of Contra Liability Insurance Supplied-%~~ Workers Compensation Insurance Supplied License Information- ~ ~ ~~~ L-~~, _ ___ __. _ _____ ___ _- -- -- ~o ?~~ t `~~`~--- -- _ _ i ___ _-- - --- - ~aN-r,, _.__. _ _ a a. 6 • o C ~ I p ~ y - - . _ _. '~+ ,• n ea _. _ _ _ --- ~ - -- _ - . _ - _- --- _ _ _ _.- - -- --- _. _ -- -- - ~ -(p--- ~ k---- -za - __._ ~ _-__------ --- '' ~ ~ - - - - J ~ 1-- ~1 ~ n '? _ __ __ _ ~ ~ -- _ - o ~ ,. - - -- n 4 ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~' t , ~ r ~ n _ __ - _ -- ~- ` __ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'f-' T~ --__--~ _- - -- ----~5 ~v \ T S ------ - ___ --_~-- -- __ _ _ __------------ __-- ._------- ------------ ----- ------- -~t -- J - ~--1'.J ~ ~ - - -- -i u J ,} • ~ _~~ ~ ,. NEG~ .~ _ _ -- _ _ _ r _ - __ _ ~ _ __ - -- - --------- ---- -_---- - --- ---- ----- ~------ -- 2.. ~ Q- _------ - ---- ------ --- --- -- -- --_- o ~ _ l~~ 1 i ~ _-- -_ ...___--- --- ---- ~ ~~5~- _ __ _-- _ - -_ __. __ _ _---- __ _--~ - ~.-- ~~ - -- ----I --__-.\ - --- _-_----------- _---_ _ _ _ o~ -------- ~ -~~-------- --~-- --- y'~ ~L~ ~ -----------~ - ~ - __-----J -_-- -- --_ ___ ------- ----- ~, ---- --- -___ -------~_ .ate. ~..~ __ _ _ _ . _ !r,-_- -_--t---- ~~ (~V ~~ U ,. O Z ~ ~ E ~ W a ~ a ~` o ~ , C ? ~ ~ ~ ~ N 00~~ ~ M m u. O ~ W O ~, !U d ~ U E ~, F- ~ ^ ^ ~ ~ ~ v ¢ z °° <L C~~~ S ro oca V U'~ LL Q d ~ ¢xaa W y ro m ~ ,, ro ,v_ c ro ^O^ u`. ~ ,~ U O ~ V O ~_' 2 y ~ ro m 7 C n i a ~ ° u. U ~ n r - ~ ~~ 1 ~ 2 ¢a ~ O~^ ~ ~ o J c a ~ cn c~ pp~ L a ? ~ W ~ °' m ~ v ~ ~U^ w W ~ I ~ ~ o ~_ ~ ~ ~ v ~~ I N a ~ ^ ~ ^ i { m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fn 2 Q cc c ~$ O c ~ o ~ i and _J ~~ p j y 6~z ~ u.¢5 ~ y ~ i ,~. CITY Ot= ATL,~-NT1C BEACH, FLORIDA App~owd aY APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL. PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE:_ '~ 'Z~ 19~G..t--~/ ~ ~~~ IMPORTANT NOTICE: ~~~ IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN E FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECLFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOf, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF' ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. BLOC. S12E BETWEEN: RES~ APT. ( 1 COMM. ( T PUBLIC ( 1 INDUS. 1 1 NEW 1 OLD 1 REW. ( 1 AODITiON 1 1 TRAILER (1 TEMP.1 1 SIGNS 1 ) SQ. FT. SER1/ICE: NEW INCREASE 1 1 REPAIR 1 1 FEE.. CONDUCTOR S12E C~ AMPS COPPER ( ALUM. SW17CH OR BREAKER AMPS PH W Z. VOLT RACEWAY .EXIST. SERV. SIZE AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. - SIZE NO, SIZE NO. SIZE LI~3HTING OUTLETS CONCEALEE© OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES ~ lP 'CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL -0.90 AMPB. 91.100 AMPB. " SWITCHES. INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT. & M. V. FIXED 0.100 AMP 8. bYER AepuANCES $ELL TRANS F. AIR CONDITIONING H.P. RATING COMP. MOTOR H.P. RATING OTHER MOTORS AMPS' CEiL HEAT: KW-HEAT MOTORS 0 H .1- .P. - VdLTAGE PHS NO. OVER 1 H.P. VOLTAGE PHS MISCELLANEO US TRANSFORMERS: UNDER.600 V. OVER. 600 V. ~-3- Date Time , Job Ad. Owner's CITY OF _ ~ Office of Building Official REQUEST FOR INSPECTION VJ d7`~ >>~'Q~ Permit No. ~~~ / ~~~ A.M. p M ~ District No. Locality ~S Name Contractor ~' ~ ~ BUILDING CONCRETE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING Framing ^ Footing ^ g ^ Rough ^ Re Roofing ^ Slab ^ Temp - ^ / Top Out ^ Lintel ^ Final READY FOR INSPECTION Mon. Tu s. ~QI d. Thurs. Friday_ („ ~ A. M. Inspection Made P. M. Inspector Finallnspection ^ Certificate of Occupancy Date (,~C v MECHANICAL Air. Cond. & ^ Heating Fire Place ^ Pre Fab A.M. t, ~.. CITY OF ATl~NT1C BEACH, FLORIDA A~p•~ pY APPLICATION. -EOR lLECTRICAL PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE: ~ ~ 19 IMPOF~TANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT `GIVEN FOR .DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM>5A(D WORK iN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, .WHICH AREA PART HEREOF, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. - ~ tom: f ~`Z- -~'~ >~ A V ELECTR~~C-AL FIR/M':~ ER ELECTRI ! N i NAME. 1 "~.~' '.VtP~O/li ADDRESS: ~ ~ s RFD' BOX $LOCi. SIZE BETWEEN: R APT. ( 1 COMM.1 1 PUBLIC INOUS. ( I NEIA~~.~,. OLD ( ) REW. A (TION ( - TRAILER.! 1 TEMP. ( SIGNS ( ) SQ. FT. SERVICE: NEW (~ INCREASE ( - REPAIR f 1- FEE. CONDUCTOR SIZE Z AMPS /J ~ COPPER ALUM. $WHCH OR BREAKER AMPS' H W ~/OLT RACEWAY EXIST. SERV. SIZE AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE. NO. SIZE NO. SIZE. LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL. RECEPTACLES ~ CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL O.30 ANIPB. 9 f •:100 AMPS. SWITCH'E3 INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT & M. V. FIXED- O•tOO AMP S. OYE'R APPL1ANCE3 BELL. TRANS F. AIR CONDITIONING H.P. RATING COMP. MOTOR H.P. RATING OTHER MOTORS AMPS CELL HEAT: KWHEAT a MOTORS 0 H .1 .P. VOLTAGE PHS NO.' OVER ) H.P. VOLTAGE PHS MISCELLANEOUS ~- .TRANSFORMERS:: UNDER 600 V. - OVER 600 V. `? (~~`~d~ CITY OF a ~ ,. O © Office of Building fficial `, '}11~~ REQUEST FOR INS ECTION Date Time A-M- Received /~ ,~, P.I~{l. ,, ,~~ Job Addr ss ~ caury Owner's ~ Name Contractor BUILDING CONCRETE LECTRICAC4~~ PLUMBING MECHANICAL Framing ^ Footing ^ Rough Wiring ^ Rough ^ Air Cond. & ^ Re Roofing ^ Slab ^ Temp Pole ^ Top Out ^ Heating Insulation ^ Lintel ^ Final ^ ^ Sewer ^ Fire Place (/'^ Pre Fab `A.M! READY FOR INSPECTION Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Friday P.M. r~6 A.M. Inspection M ade Inspector Final Inspection ~,[//~ / ~~~/~ ~ ,~ /-~~Ur~ / upancy ^ Date CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING 800 Seminole Road -Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 -Tel: 247-5826 -Fax: 247-5877 ELECTRICAL PERMIT _ PERMIT INFORMATION -- _ _ ; _ _ LOCATION tNFQRMATI©N _ _ _ _ ------ -- Permit Number: 19390 Address: 94 ARDELLA ROAD Permit Type: ELECTRICAL ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 Class of Work: REPLACMT PERMIT Township: 0 Range: 0 Book: Proposed Use: SINGLE FAMILY Lot(s): Block: Section: 0 Square Feet: Subdivision: Est. Value: Parcel Number: _ Improv. Cost: _ __OWNER INFORMATION -_ Date Issued: 12/28/1999 Name: J. E. GIPSON Total Fees: 45.00 Address: 2726 DOHLONEGA DRIVE Amount Paid: 45.00 JACKSONVILLE, FL _ Date Paid: 12/27/1999 Phone: (904)727-5466 ____`_ Work Desc: REPLACE ELECTRICAL PANEL-150 AMPS, 1 PH, 230 VOLTS, CABLE - CONTRACTOR~3~ ___ __ _APPLfCATtON FEES _ _ _ __ _ a MCCLURE ELECTRIC SERVICE - PERMIT 45.00 -~ ~~ __ _ - __ Inspections- Required ___ ___ - ___~_ _ _ _ NOTICE -INSPECTIONS MUST BE REQUESTED_AT LEAST 24_HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION _ BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER ___ __ _ _ "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS" _ _ ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING DEPT. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA q C~ ~~ Approved by APPLICATION IrOR ELECTRICAL. PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE:~ ~ Z ~~ 19~ IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. BLDG. SIZE BETWEEN: RES. (/)' APT. ( ) COMM. ( ) PUBLIC ( ) INDUS. ( ) NEW ( ! OLD (~ REW. ( ) ADDITION ( ) TRAILER ( ) TEMP. ( ) SIGNS ( ) SERVICE: NEW ( ) INCREASE ( ) CONDUCTOR SIZE AMPS REPAIR ( 1 SO. FT. COPPER f 1 DI IIM t 1 FEE ~ i7 !f . SWITCH OR BREAKER AMPS PH W VOLT ACEWAY EXIST. SERV. SIZE .,~Q AMPS PH W 2- ~1/OLT /~" C..6~-~ RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE NO. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL 0.90 AMPS. 31.100 AMPS. SWITCHES INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT & M. V. FIXED p•100 AMPS. OVER APPLIANCES BELL TRANSF. AIR CONDITIONING H.P. RATING COMP. MOTOR H.P. RATING OTHER MOTORS AMPS CEIL HEAT: KW-HEAT MOTORS 0-1 H.P. VOLTAGE PHS NO. OVER 1 H.P. VOLTAGE PHS MISCELLANEOUS TRANSFORMERS: UNDER 600 V. OVER 600 V. NAME ~ ~ - ~ L ~©~ ADDRESS: _; (~' ~ ~r71~ DC ~~-~°'1` . . . RFD BOX > DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA PERMiT TO BUILD THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB Date ~~~~ 19 $7 N Valuation $ Fee $ I41 . fi0 This permit not valid until above Eeel has been paid to City Treasurer, and is subject to revocation for vioUtion of applicable provisions of law. PERMIT NO. "'~~~ is 1 . ~~±~ T~ ~ 1.~?COtTC . ~~7 1 ~ i~lc 4/i ~1.1~.~ •~~~°.~~ )«E3~ ~ ~ ~1~~~~1 KE~LOW PttlMB # NG COMPANY 1=.-t3tJ This is to certify that Classification RCS # D ENT # ~#- 2one Owned by ~ ~ G # BSON Lot Block S!D House No. /~~~ 1tl~t3~~i~-i~BA$ According to approved plans which are part of this permit NOTICE-ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- SPECTED BEFORE POURING. PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS „ AFTER DATE- OF ISSUE ~--- ~---~ O $uilding material, rubbish and debris ~ from this work must not be placed in public space, and must be cleared up a hauled away by either con- ;a tract' ~r owner.. 1 Building Official. FOR OFFICE PERMIT DATE CONTRACTOR USE ONLY NUMBER PLUMBING ELECTRfCAL SEWER WATER r' CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING .PERMIT JOS LOCATION PLUMBING CONTRACTOR << ~, ~ .~ ~ ~ e. LICENSE NUMBERS- ~-~~ d -- ~~ i~ ~ ~' ~ ~`~ ~ .7 OWNER ~ ~r - ~ ~ S o ~-~ BUILDING CONTRACTOR ~Q ~~ ~ ' TYPE OF BUILDING ~~~5 C SINKS SHOWERS Z LAVATORY _~WATER HEATERS 1 BATH TUBS DISHWASHERS URINALS DISPOSALS __~CLOSETS _~WASHING MACHINE FLOOR DRAINS _~_OTHER ~~45~ ~` TOTAL FIXTURE COUNT INSTALLATION OF PLUMBING AND FIXTURES Mi;ST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE SOUTHERN STANDARD PLUMBING CODE. DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA PERMIT TO BUILD THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB Date Shpt • 25 19 87 Valuation $ Fee $ IIO feF' This permit not valid until above fee has been paid to City Treasurer, and is subject to revoation for violation of applicable provisions of law. PERMIT NO. ~~~~ sf1CAC 11•!~C! This is to certify that St>~t1lej+ Schat~l3C'.nbLrg has permission to 1i~~CX t4 T@ID©~/C Q'[1L-'CTI~ Classification RCS3.Clt~21t18I Zone Owned by x.8185 Gi.~Stm Lot 19 Block 1b S/DDonner t s Real att House No. 94 ATdella Road According to approved plans which are part of this permit 2 ~-~ ~~ t Building Offidal. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT NUMBER DATE COI~ITR~.~TOR PLUMBING ELECTRICAL SEWER WATER ~. NOTICE-ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- SPECTED BEFORE POURING. PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS „ AFTER DATE OF ISSUE O Building material, rubbish and debris -zi from this. work must not be placed in publi ace, and must be cleared up a~led away by either con- CITY OF ~~~°~uct`ie i5'~2cli - ~~CVU'c~ 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD P. O. BOX 26 ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 TELEPHONE (904) 249-2396 APPLICATION FOR TREE REMOVAL PERMIT DATE ~, ~ d,_e~,~, 1 ~'~ ~_ Applicant NAME ~f' ~ __ ~ __ .d .S'~.~, ADDRESS y,~.7 ~cu-yn fC'~. ~xZ~ { ~C ~, /"lf~, ~ a NAME r/~ r ~ ~ ~ G~ Location of tree i.f different from owner's address: Reason for Removal : ~ ~ r~E~1' ~" S~i9 P.~ p` 'P 'PAR ~ ITC BEACH - CLTY OF ~F mar-tr.F_ eu_ t-~.~ indicate possition of tree on lot a~ .,~ a +~ 0 a a b .~ ~~i -~`R Rear Lot Line Front Lot Line a~ a QY ~ _. 0 a al _ b .r., Building Official CITY OF r~~i°c~~ic ~~ - ~~yrlda 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD P. O. BOX 25 ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 TELEPHONE (904 249-2395 November 19, 1987 Third Floor Pre-Service Section Jacksonville Electric Authority Building 233 West Duval Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202 The following final inspections have been made and are satisfactory: Permit #5763----94 Ardella Road Permit issued to Barkoskie Electric Company. Permit #5529----1973 Seminole Road Permit issued tc~ Bill Thompson Electric Company. Si'nc~ere~, f`~ Rene' Angers Community Development Director cc: file RA/tb Address • ~~ L~ ~1 ~ ~ ~ ~- ~--~ ~ f~~= !'~ C) per. c Iteated Square Footage Garage/Steed Carport/Porch Deck Patio -~ $ per sq ft = $ $ persgft-$ . $ persgft=$ $ per sq ft = $ $ per. sq ft = $ TOTAL VALUATION ; $ f ~j ~ d Q , ~ /~, DDS. d a ~ i~ . o c~ ~ • 1'o to cation 1st $_. ~ O Q O : b a . $ i~.a a ILen~ainde~r Valuation 3 , y~er thous-an~c or ~. -portion-thereof •• ------------------ ---------- ~ Tota1 Building Fee $ ~~/. ~~ ADDITIONAL PEiZrLLTS and/or ~ ~ ~ S REQUIRL'D ~ • --_ ~ + Z Filing Fee $ p~ ~/, S'b Mechanical ; ~ Fireplaces @ 15.00 $ Pltn~iving ~ ; BUILDING iPEIZMIT ~ ~ $ ~~~ ~ Electric/Nccv i • • • • • Electric/Tai~~ :--ter Septic Tank ~ ~~: We11 ' S~sinming Pool Sign Water Connectioci Sewez Connection Water Meter Elevation Certificate' BUILDING~PERMiT WATER MCTER CI LARGE SEWER IMPACT FEE WATER llKF'ACr "E MtSG~NEOUS $ 7 ~..~~ --~ $ fib. 0 d • GRANll TOTAL DUE $ ~~ /~~. `~G `.. -, :, . ~: City n~ Atlantic Beach . Fixture Unit Worksheet for Water ,Impact Fee FIXTURE UNITS ARE ESTABLISHED AS THE MEASUREMENT OF WATER DEMAND FOR EACH WATER FIXTURE UNIT INSTALLED AND CONNECTED .TO THE CITY WATER SYSTEM. THE WATER SUPPLY CHARGE IS HEREBY FIXED AT TEH DOLLARS PER FIXTURE UNIT CONNECTED TO THE CITY WATER SYSTEM. _ ~ _BAT)(R[70M GROUP CONSISTING OF WATER CLOSET, LAVATORY & BATH TUB OR SHOWER STALL (6) __'__WATER CLOSET, TANK OPERATED t4) _ ~__BAT!lTUB/SHOWER (2) , _ Q__SHOWER GROUP PER HEAD (3) _ ~ _S!lOWER STALL DOMESTIC (+2) _~__LAVATORY (1) WASHING MACHINE (3) __ _DISHWASHER t2) KITCHEN SINK (2) ___ KITCHEN SINK WITH WASTE GRINDER (3) _ _BIDGET (3) FLUSHING RIM SINK (8) __ SERVICE SINK TRAP STAND (8) _ ___WATER CLOSET VALVE VALVE OPERATED (8) _ _URINAL WALL LIP f4) ___FLOOR DRAIN (1) _ __LAUNDRY TRAY (2) ___ COMBINATION SINK AND TRAY (3) _ _POT, SCULLERY SINK (4) _ ___WASH SINK EACH SET OF FAUCETS (2) __ _DENTAL LAVATORY (1) __DENTAL UNIT OR CUSPIDOR (1) _ URINAL STALL, WASHOUT t9) ___ COMBINATION SINK AND TRAY WIT1 .FOOD DISPOS. (4) __ __URINAL, PEDESTAL, SYP}!ON JET BLOWOUT (8) __ _LAVATORY, BARBER/BEAUTY SHOP (2) ___~,_SURGEONS SINK (3) '_~___DRINKING FOUNTAIN (1/2) LAVATORY, SURGEONS (2) _____ICE MAKER (1/2) ©© , CC/ ' ~O ~- TOTAL FIXTURE UNITS____~? ____ @ X10.00 EACH ~~____________________ ,- JOB INFORMATION__ ~ CJ___~_~ ~~ L ~/~ __ _1~~ l~(O ~~L CITY OF AIIANT'IC BEAC1i APPLICA7.'ION TO Ml1[~ ADDITIONS OR ALTL~lLTIONS Gc.,ner \C~ n~-~ ~~~~b n/ Address ~~ _ Phone ' --~ l~rclti.tect 5 ~ ne~,~ Address ~ U--n..~^~~Q Phone 5 U ~,T~ 4 Contractor 5 c, ~,~~ Address ,~ c. ~~~~ Phone co rv. ~ Contractors License/Certification NutUers Expirativti Date Property Address~~~~r2,r .-~ C..~,c,~ ~~~ a~ti,i,,~r LoC ~~ ~ ~~ Blcok or Ucu.t ~~_~_~r_ Subdivi.sian ~[a /~a/~.~ ~ ~~ ~~ ,, Valuatiaci of .Construction $ ~ j i)0 ~„~1~_Z~pe of Construction W C~ cZ~ a rr Describe Work td be Perforu~ed ~~.la ~, ~ w a R (t ~ t Rn~ p,p,.~a tJS `Z`~i ,~, r1~ t~ «i~[aterials to lie Used V~-r1~-12 S Present Use of Building . C,~~~s~.~ r.,r.,..~.1_~~~ ~ V Proposed Use of Building ~y ~ ° Gtr ~ ~h- 1'~~5 r• loodLvcie r,,. U v Dunensior~s of New Area: `~~ k ~ b Gl~[u1C~ O[Z S1nIU1GE ~r~ CARi'0[t1: U[Z i'ORG1[ ~~_____ I~GTC N© PATIO A~~ ~, r Will there be an increase in nu~er,of units? Will there be a decrease in number of twits? ply acicli.tional plta~bing fixtures? !'~` _ ~ ~~ !- J 4~ ~ ~,^ F- b ',:._ YE5 ~ NO NUMBER ~_ . y ~ ~~3~rrf Any new fireplaces? ~ ~_ SUPd•iL'r 7.~`U C7UrIPLCI~ SETS OF PLl1NS INCLUDING SI'.CE FLAN J 5igna tw: e UWfd1:[t ~ ~' y~„i .., M'i ~e . Signature C~t~di'[u1Ci'OR S ~ Date ., ^~~s~tE!~~ ~lllt~ ~f};~}~"~ PLANS REYIEW CHECK LIST J' ~ . "1 ~~ '~ v~ Address_~~ ~~^r'~'~F~.R ~';!s"_ ~ ~',i~~ ~ Owner ~-~:~.~~~.~ :;~ ~-_ ~'~r~..- _______~_______ --4 ----- ----~---r+~---------------- h t`a 7 ~ ~r . Legal Description ' ~'~ f ,~ ~ ~~' ~ ~"!`,,=_Contractar_~.`~~' ~ "~.:~.~ ----------------- .~~"~"~` _ L.~_~ _.~. ' ~ ________________License Number______________________-- _, License on File YES ~O ;1 Section 24101 ~ Zoning Regulations ~'~' Zoning District___~.~? _______ Required Lot Size_ !l~ ~.%`'~-2._____ Setbacks Required Provided front --___-__ ________ Proposed Use --..,_~ ~~3~~ ~'' ~' ~Frv°` r ? Actual Lot Size~.S ~ ~ 1 ~ __ Section 24-17 CORNER LOT ,_::~NTERIOR LOT rear --____-- ----._____ side-1 ________ ________ side-2 ________ ________ -~ t Max. Height Allowed__ ~~~ ____ Section 24_82 * Minimum L.ot Coverage Required Heated Area ~ ~t~_?ff'_ Section 24^161 * Offstreet Parking Number Spaces Required_ ~____ Section 2482 * Duplicate Buildings Flood Zone___ J.~~-~~_~__°=______ Required Elevation_1?~t~ ___ Proposed Height_C~-~! ~,...c~ _ + ` C: Proposed Area__ ' ~;-~ ~~_ _*~~ _..T__..Lr ri.. A.\~ \_ ~-. ~ ~I Spaces Provided_1~_______ Is there a similar building within 500' of proposed building?YES NO Utilities Water and sewer service is to be provided by: Buccaneer Utilities __G-__ City of Atlantic Beach Utilities _____ Private Source SEPTIC TANK WELL Plane Reviewed by ~.,~_~.~~^r~,,_`-~_`~~ x_~rr.e. ~ __---------Datcy ,,~~G,.~~+1 _ ~ '~ ~_4f' _ .. ~, _._... Building Permit #__~_~~ ~ ___ ~'fiISSUED ~ DENIED ~....__ DEPARTMENT OF gUILQING 8 C~ ~' CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA PERMIT NO. ' PERMIT TO BUtI.D THIS PERAAiT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB Date_ July 31 19 $7 Valuation $ 15.OU0, UO __Fee $ ?3.5E? ~' This permit not valid until above Eee has been paid to City Treasurer, and is subject to revoation for violation of applicable provisions of law. ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ Japes E. •, .,+ This is to certify that G1pSt7ri ~ S ~~^ I n ra tzlrrys~~._l~l~ esnr nt.-~~ A.r7 ...nf:n Ra3n~t '~.~~~~~~C2~ •',~tVt. Ft~ has permission to renovate existing house; nc~ outside wall changes Classification Residential Zone ~~ Owned by James E. Gipson Lot 19 Block 16 SID tbnl~:er' S Renla, House No. ~~ Arde1 i a Rosd According to approved plans which are part of this permit NOTICE-ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- SPECTED BEFORE POURING. PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE- OF ISSUE ~_~~ ri O Building material, rubbish and debris ~ from this work must not be placed in public space, and must be cleared up and hauled away by either con- = tr or owner., f r / ! Building Official. ~~ f 1 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT NUMBER DATE CONTRACTOR PLUMBING ELECTRICAL SEWER WATER `s}, .~U sled ~usdnoop ~o eie~!~!3Jep ^ uol~oedsul Isu!j - Joloedsul •wd • • / _. / spew uoi~edsul W tl ~ ~ •wd ~(eplJj ,. .ps •sJnyl ~~i1~; se nl vow w ~ 4'~C ~ N011.~3dSNl dOd AUtl31i qe~ eJd ^ eoeld eJlj ^ ` JBM9$ ^ Isul~ ^ lelull Bu!leeH ^ in0 dol ^ elod dwel ^ gelS ^ 6ul~ooy ey ^ ~ •puop •i!y ^ y6nod ^ 6uuIM y6noy ^ 6ui3oo~ ^ Bu!weJj 11/91NtlH03W °JNI9Wflld ~tl~IFl.L~313 313tl~NO~ ~JNIQllf18 ~•. . IOlOBJ3U0'J S J6UM~ ~~ , L ~ F3lleoo-I sseJPpy qof •oN loiJ~s!p r%• •wd penieoey •w•y ew!1 - oN 31wJed ~ sled NOIJ.~3dSNl liOd 1S3f1031i lal~l~O 6ulPlinB ~o aall~O ~O l~.l.l~ ateQ ~(ouednoo0 to ateolt~Uap ^ uolloadsulleuld .+oloadsul ~Yy~- ~ a apeW uoitoadsul •W'd ,(epl~j 'sin ~~ 41 '~~_ 'Pe t •sanl •uoy~ W ~ N01103dSNl d0~ Jl~`3!! Qed aid ^ aoe~d e~ld ^ leuld ^ lalu!'1 BulteaH ^ ln0 dol ^ alod dwal ^ gelS ^ 6ul~ooy as ^ ~g •puop •~ly ^ yBnoy 6ui~iM y6noy ^ 6upood ^ 6ulwe~d lt/OINt/H03W ~JN18Wflld ! ltJOltlla3l3 3131iON00 ~JNI 11f18 ~otne~luo~ aweN ~ s,~aun~p ` tileoo'I ssa~p of~ 'oN loi~lsiQ v W'd e~aoea 'W'b' awll 'oN llwaad ateq ~ ~~~g~ ~~ , ~ ~'~ ~~~~ ~ N011~3dSNl ti0.~ 1S3f103» F ~ lel~lll0 Bu[pll~9 !o a~tllO ~~ V ~` ~~~Q~ - ~~y~ Elsa Itousdnoop;o eieo!;!iJe~ ^ uo!~edsu! !eu!~ _ , Jo3oedsul •W"V _, _ ~ ~ epeW uolloedsu! :WW'd~ ~SePuj .~,~ sJny 'PeM sanl voW qe~ eJd 3dSN1 HOd A4V3N ^ eostd eJ!~ ^ JeMeg iEU!d ^ 181u!~ 6u!3eaH ^ in0 dol ^ etod dwel ^ gBIS ^ fiu!;ooa ea ^ '8 •puop ~J!y ^ y6noa 6u 6no ^ 6ugooj ^ Bu!weJ~ 'IWJINVH~3W JNI9W(ild lb~laJ.a3l3 313t~~N0~ JNIQ'i1f18 Jolo J eweN S,JBUMp ~3!I- 0'1 ssaJ qo~ 'oN louls!Q ' r'" ~ ' W ii pen!eaey ' W'b' aw!1 /~ oN llwJej ~~~ y elea NOIJ.03dSN1 NOd 1S3f103a ~ 911 ~J 161~1~~0 ~~IpilnB io a~!~i0 +, ~O Jl.l.l~ ~~ `~' ~~ 3Ci' 4 CITY OF rrtic l~eacC - ~~C-nida 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE (904) 247-5800 FAX (904) 247-5805 October 20, 1995 Mr. James E. Gipson 2726 Dahlonecxa Drive Jacksonville, FL 32224 Dear Mr. Gipson: Our records indicate that you are the owner of the fol:iowing property in the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida: 94 Ardella Raad a/k/a Part C,ovt. Lot 2 RE#172042-OQ10 On December 13, 1994 you were noticed far vialatians of the Standard Housing Code. t3pan completion (within 30 daysl you were to call this office for an inspection to assure compliance. I am enclosing a copy of that notice for your review. Call this office within five (5~ days of receipt. f.c~r inspection scheduling. In additior, the storage shed on the east side ha^~ deteriorated and its contents are a health and safety violation. Chapter 12, Section 12-1-2 Atlantic Beach Ordinance. Sincerely, a '~harl 'f~. rrur~ewalcl ~:ade Enforcement Officer. KWGlpah Enclosure ct:., : City Manager VIA CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REc~iJESTED CITY OF r~ct~e ~t-'ute! - ~l rods s00 SEMINOLE W0~1D ~,,,,__`...__._.._____.__-_. _ __...____. ATt,ANTIC BEACH. FLORItN X2213-SNS TELEPHONE pM11A'f~sr0o .,~~ FAJ(p~ 21'1.l~OS December 13, 1994 Mr. James E. Oipsan 2726 Dahlone~~ Drive Jacksonville,''~'L 32224 Dear Mr. Cipson: our records indicate that you are the owner of the following property in the City of l~tlantic Beach, Florida: 94 l-rdella ttoad a/k/a Part Oorermwsnt Lot 2 RE~172042-0010 Investigation of this property discloses that I have found and determined that a violation of Chapter 12, Section 12-1-8 (Unsafe-Unsanitary Building) and Standard Housing Code violations as follows: 1. Main bathroom tub has 3" hole in bottom - Section 302.1 - Standard Housing Code; 2. Heat and air-conditioning thermostat inoperative - Section 302.5.1 - Standard Housing Code; 3. eathraom exhaust fan blade loose - Section 303.3 - Standard Houainq Code; 4. Smoke alarm inoperable (fails teat) - Section 302.9 - Standard Housing Code; 5. Dryer not vented to outside air - Section 308.9.1 - Standard Mechanical Code; 6. Dishwasher inoperative - Section 302.6 - Standard Housing Code; 7. Range has missing heat coil - Section 302.6 - Standard Housing Code; Porcelain light fixtures in ceiling not protected by shade or ; 9. Crawl apace esterior openings not protected with screening' - section 1302.6.3 - Standard Building'Code; James E. Page Two December Gipson 13, 1994 10. Facia board in front of house rotted and porch roof collapsing - Section 305.3 - Standard Housfnq Code. when the above violations have been brought into compliance call this office at 247-5826 for an inspection. This will prevent any further action on the part of the City of ]atlantic Beach. You are hereby notified that unless the condition above described is remedied within thirty (30) days from the date of your receipt hereof, this case will be turned over to the Code Enforcement Board. Under Florida Statute 162.09, the Code Enforcement Board may impose fines of up to $250.00 per day for a first violation and $500.00 per day for a repeat violation. sincerely, ~ ~ ~ ~~ arl Gr newald Code Enforcement Ofticer KWG/pah cc : Charmine ltennedy City Manager CERTIFIED l1~1I L. RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED u ~~ ~~ „~ ~'~t, 27 199 Building and Zoning __ `~ Fenn 3800_June 1991 ( a a n {J (fr j 1 , /~ f'~'`.~r'1. ~ ,r 3 ~` / ~ ~ ...J ~``F. ~ ' " t°? X1 ~~ cu ro ~ ,~~ ,~ .~. A. m. ru w tr .~ w r r. ~ !- r /, ~_. ,~ i :~ a t ~~ ~~.. t -~~ -, ~~ , A '~~ f ~~PC i % ~ ` _~ t a a~, ~ ,Y a n> ~;~, c'• ••,_ ~, ~'~, `"c~, ~' F~ a~ `.- -cam '--~ _r ,,... ? ~ . ~ ~ ~ N t N t '~..~ .z ~' N O M t-."+J ~ .~ ~ '~" ~..o . ~ ~ii °°'~: ~` J 4 ~~ • r- O N U ~~ ~-• N 'z. N ~ +9x ~ ~•~ i ,.1. i~ ti•.t •7 ti ti{ ~~ ti'! `i e ~~ I °' c~ N ~` ~ ~ a ~ o LL o- U4 ul LL m U O Z tl 4 V `1 Q I O Q lf1 J Z W 1~ o CITY OF ~~~ ~ - t.,~ ~ ! ATLANTIC BEACH ~1~p~° ~ No. 5222 FLORIDA v °~` `~ 4 ~D Sr July 31 NAME_ James E. Gipson 3 '~] ~,~,~ ADDRESS 82S Plaza CITY Atlantic Beach Water Tmpact Fee #4 0»343=-3700 Sewer Impact Fee #41-•343-5200 Lot 19 Block 16 D ner~ Rep 94 Ardella R d I understand i~ipact fees may be due and agree to pay as indicated above if they .are determined to be due, ~~ ~ -~--~r 8/5/87 When S gne tad and Numbered, This Becomes an Official Receipt MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO Received Payment CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 19 87 $50.00 $1,035.00 $1,085.00 TREASURER AGREEMENT I, James Gipson, hereby apply for financial assistance in financing the cost of water and sewer impact fees and agree as follows: Total Due Cash down $1,085.00 285.00 Balance Due 800.00 Payable monthly at $208.00 per month with first payment due on or before December 21, 1987 and on the 21st day of January, February and March 1988. Failure to make payments as agreed will result in termination of water and sewer service to 94 Ardella Road and filing of lien for payments due. James Gipson Witness / G ZI~E~h~'~s~ . - /L.. Date 27937 aTY of ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA Nlo. 0405 FP ri~ary 1 E, 19 88 NAME Tames E. G~nGC~n ADDRESS 825 Plaza CITY Atlantic Beach payment tpwaxds sewea' impact fee #41~-343-5200 94 Ardella Road METROORAPHICS-JACKSONVILLE, FL p ]4. I. TJ~ FHB ~ 619~~ $208.~~O~DIi TL ~.(~('CKTD 71 '~ I A 2/ 16/80 '~D5 .OUCAC'G 71 ?2 I !1 2116/Q(? Balance $176.00 I D~JU1 When Signed, Dated and Numbered, This Becomes an Official Receipt MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO Received Payment CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA TREASURER 2 793 7 METRO ORAPHIC&JACK80NVILLE, FL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH No. 0299 FLORIDA January 18 19 88 NAME James Gipson ADDRESS 825 Plaza 208.00 TL CITY Atlantic Beach 32233 208.OQCKTp A I/18/_8E G 31 7 I A I/ I B/B(' Palo ~O1J01 payment towards impact fee #41-343-5200 JAN 1 $ $208.00 i96~3 94 Ardella Road Balance I $384.00 H7CdX I When Signed, Dated and Numbered, This Becomes an Official Receipt MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO Received Payment CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA TREASURER 27937 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA No. 0067 Tlecemher 14 Iq 87 NAME James Gipson ADDRESS 825 Plaza CITY Atlantic Beach 32233 Pa~D DEC i 41981 payment towards impact fee #41.343-5200 Balance 94 Ardella Road When Signed, Detect and Numbered, This Becomes an Official Receipt MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO Received Peyment CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA ' METRO GRAPHICo-JACKSONVILLE, FL 208.00 TL 208.000KTD 2 90 I A 12/14/87 67 $208~p~1~JCACG 2 Oa IA 12/14/87 $592,0010001 TREASURER 26903 REORDER EROM (~UALIiY DUSINE,SB rURMS ~NC 18011798-7654 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA November 18 nlo. 6077 1987 NAME James E Gipson ADDRESS 825 Plaza ~ _ . ~05.OC1 TL CITY Atlantic Bea h 285.0[]CKTC I 11/18/87 E 077 .000ACG _ I~45 I A I I/f®/137 ~ ~~ 3~3 ~ 285.00 aid payment towards impact fees NOV 1 ~ ~9aj $ p balance $800.00 94 Ardella Road I ~5 refer to misc #5222 When Signed, Dated and Numbered, This Becomes an Official Receipt MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO Received Payment CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA TREASURER