Permit 150 Ardella Road10534 P3R~844 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH -- - PERMIT IN~'QRMATION --_--- Permit Number: 10534 Pertt-i t Type : PLUMBING Class of Work: ALTERATION Constr. Type.: WOOI3 FRAME E~rvpos~d Use;. $INCLE FAMILY Dwellings: 1 Cade: 0 Estimated Value:. 50.40 Improv. Cost; ~O,nn Total :..Fees: X0.00 Amo~xt~t, ~~~d . , ~~ . nn ~ai~~„~1d ;. Llnwl. d1 a.. ... ... s 1Va+rhrr'r rir r*t~n tarn ra. ________..._ DwN>~R ~.NB'<~RMATION ~---=~-. ~k;~ir: LdC~I'SS ' 4~1,LI~ED Address : ~5t~ 'AR#7ELLA Rt1AD ATLANTIC ~$ACH, FLORIDA 32; Pl~~xrs t l04~?2.~F2414 -- -'- -~'~7NTRA,~TC~~~`.IN~DR,I~4A~''ION ----• Name:"'DAVE ~`OrTJS PLUMBI~ta .Ad~r~~~..., ~4~+0 i~:'I`S.AI~'~IC BLtr?~ ~4-~g~ JACKSUi~'~ILLE~ FL 32225 L? ~'~t1'~~-~ ~~'~'4$~4$ Types: 0 NOTES: ________ LOCATION INFORAiATION Address: .150 ARDELLA ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 -_-___w___ LEGAL DESCRIPTION ---_____ T,ot: B1Q~k: Section: Township; RNC; 0 Subdivision; DONNER REPEAT APPLICATION FEES PERMIT S{3 , 00 WATER IM£'ACT. FEE S(3.00 33 . aEFtE~: IH~ACT FEE ~0 , U4. ; WATER" M~'I`~RJTAP ~O.Ob RADON CAS-H.R.S. St?.00 w RADON CAB 5$s $0.00 ... CAPITAL IMPROVE, _. X0.0:4 SE~TEFt. TAP Sty . 00 , CRdSa CONNECTION 50.00 SEC H IMPACT FEE 'S{~ ~ 00 CONST. SUi~CHP,R!~E ~ ~ 50 SAO _ SCH'ARt~E f ATL .'~~ : ~ gip, . ~fl ,., , NOTICE -ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COMPLY .WITH THE MECHANIC'S NEN LAIP~ CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYINGTWICE FOR THE BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS" ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR ..VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. ATLANT(C BEACH BUILDING DEPARTMENT '. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATI~OJN FOR PLUMBING PERMIT JOB LOCATION : `r ~ ~~ f"'/~L=~~1~~~ OWNER OF PROPERTY: PLUMBING CONTRACTOR ," )i~ ~/~=~ ~f.~~ CO_S P/~°` ^''` ~ ~ '`f S CONTRACTOR' S ADDRESS : C~`~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ 'tom''`"' ~~~ ~ ~' ~' STATE L I CENSE NUMBER : G' '~~°` ~1~ `l y3~ TELEPHONE : 7 Z' Z~ ' <i HOW MANY OF THE FOLLOWING FIXTURES INSTALLED SINKS SHOWERS LAVATORY J BATH TUBS URINALS CLOSETS FLOOR DRAINS TOTAL FIXTURES: MINIMUM PERMIT FEE - $25.00 WATER HEATERS DISHWASHERS DISPOSALS WASHING MACHINE- SHOWER PANS OTHER x $3.50 + $15.00 SIGNATURE OF OWNER: SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR : ~°Cl~~~~~~ ~~ ----------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION OF PLUMBING AND FIXTURES MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE SOUTHERN STANDARD PLUMBING CODE. CALL A DAY AHEAD TO SCHEDULE INSPECTIONS - (904) 247-5826 SEWER CONNECTIONS MUST BE CALLED INTO PUBLIC WORKS FOR INSPECTION PRIOR TO COVERING UP - (904) 247-5834 P6R.384q"^t 10495 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH -- PEIt.MIT INP'ORMATiON ------ P~rmit Nurraber: 10495 P~xmit TYtae: HUILI?ING C'la~s of Wvrk: REMODJTL ~'anstr. Type: WOOD FRAME Pro~-o~led Use: SINf3LE FAMILY Dw~I l in~rs : 1 Crade : 0 Er~timated Value: 514135.00 Imprav. Cost: X0.00 Total Fees: 50.00 Amattnt_ Paid: SO.00 _ _ - .. _ .. _ _ OWt~BR I N~t3RMAT I ON - _ - .~_ _ Afatm~: L~U i SE Pd~,LARD Address: 1~O ,~Ag;~LLA ROAD AT'LANT~C $ACH . FLORII3A Ph.~n~: 1904 }2~~'-0~9~ _ - _ _ - _ _ G~NTRI~CTOR .INFO -_______ LOCATION INFORMATION -------- Addr~ss; 150 ARDELLA ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH. FLORIDA 32233 ____-_--__ LEC3AL DLBCRIPTION ---- --- Lot: Black: Section:- _ Township : R~,C : p Subdivision: DONNER REPEAT ---- APPLICATION FLLS ----- PERMIT SO.00 WATER IMPACT FEE 50.00 32 33 ' SE~+iER. IM~~~ FEE ~ ~ `~Q ~0 RMATION ---- - Name : CORPtEI,iUS CON°TRtJC`T1pN COM ~N Adctr~ss : P . C, BOX 2~~. NEP~'t1NE BEACH, FL 32233 Lic~;n.s~: CRC035389 TYpe', 1 NOTES: WATER M1rTERJTAP SO . C-0 RADON aAS-H.R.S. ,Sp,pp RADON CAB 5$ ' 50.00 _ GAP I-.TAI, .IMPROVE . 50.00 . SEWER TAP $0.00 CROSS CONNECTION SO.00 SEC H IMPACT FEE 50.00 CONST.SURCTiARaE SO:00 S~HAFtGL JA'~L ,1~CH . SLt : Oa NOTICE -ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED iN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANIC'S LIEN LAW SAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYIIVGTWICE FQRTHE BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS"A ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW, ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING DEPART ENT ~n~7~ P&R•3844 w .DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PERMIT INFORMATION -----°- _-------.LOCATION INFORMATION ----____ Permit Number: 1057 Address: Z.50 ARDELLA ROAD permit. Type: MECHANICAL ATLANTIC' BEACHF FLORIDA 32233 Class of Wvrk: ALTERATION __________ LEGAL T1E5CRIPTION ---------- Ccanstr. Type: WOOD FRAME Lat: Black: Section: Proposed Use: SINGLE FAMILY Township: RNa: 0 DwelZinc~s: 1 CQCZe: 0 Subdivision: DONNER REPEAT Estimated Value: 50.00 imprav. Cast: 50.00 Total-Fees $0.00 Amount P~.~.d :` $0 .00 N RA EAT ND AIR IN HUD REHAB -a-___-_-- OWNffiR IItRAiATION ___~_... _ _--- APPLICATION FEES ----~ I~~;~ L{~U'CS~ FO:LLARD PERMIT $t}.00 Address ; 150 AItDELLA ROAD WATE$, IMPACT _ FEE $0 .00 l~TLANTIC ~'~ACHr FLORiIlA 32233. _ SEt~ER .I~P~LC~'~ FFE $OaRO Ph~n~;: {op4)44~--6251 `MATER 24L~"t'ERfTAP SO~+JC~ RADON aAS-H.R.S. $0.00 _____-- ~~iNTR~~Tt~l~:. INFORMATION -__-- - RADG~N CAH 5$ ~aO.DO Name: G~CEAN..,STA'!~E HEAT b ~-IR CAPITAL IMPROVE, $0.00 SEWE}~ ~'Ag $0 .40 Address: 14?~- A'Tt,AN?IC BLVD. NEP'i~tJN}I';; BEACH , FLC}R I DA 3 2 2 3 3 CRa~S ~'ONNECT I ON $0 , 00 Licen~e:.,>rfHAR-786 Tape: 3 SEC'H IMPACT FEE S~}.00 CON;ST.SURCHARGE $Q:~O - _ SGfTARaI~'/A'I`L": BCH: ~Qr~t£~ NOTES: NOTICE -ALL CONCRETE FORMS. AND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER ', "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANIC'S LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYINGTWICE FORTHE BUILDING III~PROVEMENTS" ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING AND ZONING INSPECTION DIVISION CI~7Y OF A ~LANoRCA6EACN C~ S~~ APPLICATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT c~tL•IN Nl1MBER IMPORTANT -- Applicant to complete all items in sections 1, Il, Ill, end IV. LOCATION 51'ee1 Add-ri-~ ~~ 1~~~~.-IA 1elenrtlieq sfrrrf-: defreen And WILDING Sub•di~i~iett 11. IDENTIFICATION - To be completed by ell applicants . in eon~~der•+ion of psrmi+ given for doing the work es de-eribed in the shove tfeteTent we hereby agree to perform said woik in seeordence .i+h +he r+teclUd plant end fpeti/itrfionf which rn • prrt hrrsol end in eceordence with the City of Jacksonville ordinenus end -fendards of gocd prat+ice G,fed therein. Nave e1 Mrchrnicel ~ Cenhesle-e M 1 ~' Ceetrrt/or (hint) ~ e- et Neese el M-rrfy O.nrr S;relrn ei O ner Signrlwe of w /lrlberised Agen ~ Arehifrtl ar Engineer 111. G~~ERAL FORMATION A. Type of •nq ~. 8. IS OTN[R CONSTRUCTION •[INO DONL ON Ei~eirie THIS SUILOING OR SlT[ t ], Q 6a - O V Q Netvnl O Gnhel Utility tI Y[S. OIV[ NUMS[R OF CONSTRUCTION O Oq P[RMIT O C•ti~er - So.dly IV. N~Cf1AMIGIL ~QtlMMti'f TO 1E 1NfTALliO NATURE OF WORK (-renrib co~le/e lift t~ temOe~e~h en b.d e/ Mb tors.) ~ Reeldentlal or D Commercial Heat O Sptse ^ Reteew/ ~CeeMrl O fleet ^ New (3ulidlnp l1i-\CedA;wiM: Q Roses Gettel It ~ Exletlna Bulldinp orb ~~: M.~ Tstd I ~ O Ripiatstlment o- exletlnp syslern ~ New Inetellation (No eyett>Kn prwlouety Inetatied) htesiw-w~ upeciiy e,t•~, O Extension or add-on to exl.tlnp system p R.l.iq«+*e. O other -• Speclry ^ Cooling loser: G~etity q.p~. r+nllertl: Netelrer e/ heedtr Q R~ t ' r ~ O fie••eta O t~lih O Er'eeleler~~~(t~feber) TMii lMCE POR OMICi Y:! OM~Y Q E:awE.e w~Ma- {+wtwb«) ~ jR...ire~) . Q T~rka~..__-_~nxtnber) Renwe4~ ^ (,fG geleiMK 111YTbK1 O ve~M.d ter. r.t»« -em+H /1pMrever ~ ~-+- . O witi... O C+Mw - Soec+' fir hnhit ~ LIQ'T ALL EQUIPMENT A,n oorcw~noiwu~c Arm t~iRicelunox tQv~ xus-ser Valta De.eslacle. xoMi xun-e.e >f[auuhagtrrr (~elssj A~~ -t CITY O!/F / '' lll......./// .;; i~: Ofifiice of Building Ofificial F~9;C~UES7 FOIE INSPEC7909`; /•p i ~ 9 ~" )ate Permit No. ~=__.___.___ 'ime leceived ~~ ~ ~ ., Job Address Locality `'; )wner's ~ J ` lame 1 ~ ~ l ~ '~ (.l_ ~_~~_ Contractor ~ c~~'(~~~C.~~,~ _~C.~ C ~ c~,~`_'__ tUILDiNG CONCRETE rELECT~=' LUMBIN MECHANICAL ra~ms~" ^ Footing ^ Rough Wiring G. Rough t7 Air Cond. & f ~ _:~7 `e woofing ^ Slab a Temp Pole 1 Top Out C Heating rsulation CI Lintel ^ Final Cl Sewer ; ~ Fire Place i 1 Pre Fab `i. 'on. Tues. ~ Wed. Thurs. Friday ____ r A.M. C~~~1 ~ ~.9.'( Y~~t ~ ~spection Made _ _ ~ J __ _____ RM. -- - -- f_ spector__ ___ ___ _ __ .~ _ /'~'-_ Final Inspection it Certificate cf Occupancy I Date t TRANSMITTAL DOCtRlBNT FGR JEA DATE: ~' 3 --~' ~r The following permits have passed "rough" inspection: Permit No. Address $ws~oracsa3~s~cs~aot:sx~~zlas~naos~ds~t Please ,update your recorAs accordingly. ~~-T~k , z~ ~~ U LD NG CLERK CITY OF ATLANTIC REACH /vcb A CITY OF ~ ~~~~ ~~/~-' Office of Building Official REQUE T FOR INSPECTION Date _ Permit No. -^_ Time ~ ~ A.M. Received ~ P.M. n ~ ,~ Job Address L,~'' op'ality ~ Owner's Name -Contractor DING CONCRETE ECTFfICAL ~ ` ECHANICAL ~~ Framing ^ Footing L Rough Wiring ^ Rough S-~ Air Cond. & L1 Re Rooting ^ Slab C] Temp Poie ^ Top Out f.7 Heating Insulation ^ Liniel CJ Final ^ Sewer ^ Fire Place Pre Fab READY F INSPECTION /~~' Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Friday P.M. O ~4, A.M. Inspection Made ___- ( _~___ P.M. ~ % Inspector __ _ Final Inspection k7 Certificate of coup ncy [ Date _~__ __.- ~-. I IT OF C _ ~t.- IQ+~KIC ~ ~_ ~ ~ / H /3 - ~~0~!s / C / ~ 7 ~J~ ~~ Offic of uilding Official ~ b T 3 Y~ ,L~~ REQUE OR INSPECTION J CJ 5-~ ~ ~',~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ Date '° Permit No. / 7 Time ~ ~ ~ Received " P.M. ~... Job Address a l it L o c y r ~ Owner's ~ {? / f~ -- ~~ gp /~ ~~~ ~, ~ ~ Name ~` ~~ .,..., / ctor --~~ ~-'L- ..., CONCRETE CAL PLUMBING MECHAN! Framing ^ Footing ^ ou rung ^ Rough Air Con ^ I~ Re Roofing ^ Sfab ^ Temp Pcle ^ Top Out - Heating Insulation ^ Lintel ^ Final ^ Sewer _ Fire Place ^ Pre Fab READY FOR INSPECTION A.M. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Friday P.M. ~ ~~ ~ Inspection Made ~ P.M. inspector Final Inspecti on ~-- Certificate of ccup cy ^ ~ ^^ l' .(p (~ Date DATE : ~ -~ ~~ PRE-SERVICE DIVISION JACKSONVILLE ELECTRIC AUTHORITY 233 WEST DUVAL STREET JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32202 1'HE FOLLOWING FINAL INSPECTION(S) HAVE BEEN MADE AND ARE SATISFACTORY: / ... -, ~, s"39, / ------ ------------------------------------------------- ------ ------------------------------------------------- ------ ------------------------------------------------- Enclosed are the blue copies of the permits. SI RELY, BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION cc:FILE BID FQR~. LOUISE POLLARD (Home Owner) 150 Ardella Road (Address) ~oR-,~uEL~US ~oNST• Co. (Contractor or Bidder) .. 2~t 1 I~TLA~.<<~c g~.v Q . (Address) ~l • 3226 b tdEP• gcft., 2W 1 • D~~$ (Phone) Material Specifications Material .Labor 1. KITCHEN: Tear out all deteriorate - wood including joists, studs, and sub floor. Re-plumb including all ~ fixtures and a 40 gal electric water ~ ~~d . OO ~ ~ J,J-O , p~ heater. Hang all new sheetrock, tape ' > and finish. Texture ceilings and install trim. Prep and paint walls and trim to a semi-gloss finish. Install vinyl flooring. Install pre- finished base and upper cabinets. 2. BATHROOM: Install a new 3/4" sub- floor and vinyl floor covering. re-plumb including handicapped accessible fixture. Tear out and ~ ~ ~ ~jQ ~ QQ ~ ( ~ ~Q ~ ~0 re-tile tub surround.`Ha~g new sheet ~ ~ rock, tape and finish. Prep and pain ;walls, ceiling and trim to a semi- gloss finish. ~3. ELECTRICAL: Troubleshoot and repa r ~ illegal and faulty wiring and $ ~ oD , OU ~ (~ D ~ , 0 ~ ,fixtures. Re-wire kitchen including a 220v receptical. Install receptica in bathroom. 4. ENTRY DOORS: Re-hang and weather- strip front door. Install a pre-hung steel door unit at rear opening ~ ~k`t" _ P~~-~ ~ Subtotals: $ 5 5 C~ ~ S ~~.~~ Totals: $ q ~~~ ~ ~0 ~ • z~2•g~ (DGte) (~~ti~ ar or Eidder Signature,, BID FARM LOUISE POLLARD (Home Owner) PA •F 2 ' (Address) ~~~~aELltaS ~oNat`• Co . (Contractor or Bidder) a (Addre~~s~• ~ ~~~ 3726b N EP• 241. 0~9$ (Phone) Material Specifications Material Labor 4. (CONT.) including hardware, threshold, and acrylic finish. Insta 1 ~ ~7~' 4L~ ,~ ~ ~ "J C~ front and rear metal storm doors. • Install railings at front and rear steps. 5. INTERIOR FINISH: Patch and paint ~ ~`~0 ' Ov ~ ~~ ~ ' ~ ~ balance of interior walls, ceilings, ° and trim to spec. 6. INTERIOR BOORS: Re-hang passage doors with new hardware as necessary ~ ~~,5,Q0 ~ ~ofl.DO 7. INSULATION: Insulate attic space to R-19 with blown-in fiberglass. $. ~ 0 5 . ~}~ ~ ~ 0 ~ . OU 8. WINDOWS: Replace all aluminum windows with pre-finished single-hun units with screens. Caulk all seams ~' J~(o0 ~OZ~ ~ ~~ to be weathertight. Repair wood sashes as necessary. Subtotals: $J ~ 7~O ~, 170. $ a+~) ~5. 00 Totals : $ ~ ~.~' ~~~ ~~ G•~2•gS (Date) (Cont ctororBidderSignature) l~j !3~ Property Improvements To : ~~~ -~Ye~~[ ~d"' ~~ --~~~ l~clt - ~~ - (Address) ~) . Owner (s) ' ---~`_~~~ `5~--©~1~4.r~------------------------------ (Name} (Legal Description) 1. HOLD HARMT.F$$, Contractor shall agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Owner, City of Atlantic Beach, Florida from liability and claim for damages because of bodily injury, death, property damage, sickness, disease of loss and expense arising from Contractor s performance under this agreement to install or construct home improvements to be paid out of the proceeds of the Owner's rehabilitation loan. Contractor is acting in the capacity of an independent Contractor with respect to the Owner. 2. LIEN WAIVERS. Contractor agrees to protect, defend and indemnify, Owner from any claims for unpaid work, labor or materials with respect to Contractor's performance. Final payment` shall not be due until the Contractor has delivered to the Owner complete release of all liens for work completed arising out of Contractor's performance, or a receipt in full covering all labor and materials for which a lien could be filed or a bond satisfactory to the Owner indemnifying him against any lien. 3. SCOPE OF WORK, Contractor acknowledges that he has prepared the Contractor's Proposal (Part II of this Agreement} and that such proposal is accurate and consistent as to the name of the Contractor will undertake, and the price. Contractor acknowledges the performance requirements established in the General Specifications of the Rehabilitation Standard Performance Manual effective June 1, 1982 and warrants that all work undertaken will conform to said specifications. 4. CONTRACT AMOUNT AND PAYMENT SCHEDIILE. The City of Atlantic Beach shall pay the Contractor for the performance of the rehabilitation work, subject to additions and deductions by approved Change Order, the contract sum of ---------------- .-- _________________________ ($_.1 `1~.~~.i~t~l~ --) , Payments will be scheduled as follows, subject to the Owner's acceptance of the work to be done: Upon completion of 40~ of the work, a progress payment of 30~ will be made. Upon completion of 80~ of the work, an additional payment of 30~ of the contract price will be made. Upon completion of 100 of the work, the remaining funds will be disbursed. 5. TIME OF COMMENCEMENT AND COMPLETION. Owner shall provide written authorization to Contractor to commence work. Contractor agrees to start work ten (10) calendax days after the receipt of the written Notice to Proceed. If the Contractor fails to commence work within ten (10) days of the Owner's notification to commence, Owner shall have the right to terminate this Agreement. Such notice of termination shall be in writing. executed Change Order. No extra costs will be paid to the Contractor when he has neglected to properly evaluate. the extent of the rehabilitation work. Under no circumstances will the contingency fund, if any, be authorized far work other than totally unforeseen circumstances arising after the commencement of the work. , 7. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT. If the Contractor defaults or neglects to carry out the work as specified under the paragraph "Scope of Work" or fails to perform any provision of the Contractor documents, the Owner may, after fifteen (15) calendar days written notice, terminate this b contract and, select a substitute Contractor. If the expenses of finishing the work exceeds the unpaid balance on this contract, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Owner. If the Owner fails to perform any applicable provisions of the Contract, the Contractor may, after fifteen (15) calendar days, terminate the contract and recover from the Owner payment for all work satisfactorily completed including reasonable profit and damages. 8. WARRANTY. For good and valuable consideration, the Contractor hereby agrees to provide a full one-year warranty to the Owner, which shall extend to subsequent Owners of the property to be rehabilitated. The warranty shall extend to subsequent Owners of the property to be rehabilitated. The warranty shall provide that improvements, hardware and fixtures of whatever kind or nature installed or constructed on said property by the Contractor are of good quality, and free from defects in workmanship or materials or deficiencies subject ~to the warranty contained in this paragraph. Contractor and Owner agree, however, that the warranty set forth in this paragraph shall apply only to such deficiencies and defects as to which the Owner or subsequent Owners shall have given written notice to the Contractor, at its principal place of business, within one (1) year from the date of Contractor's final payment. The Contractor further warrants that failure by the Contractor to respond to valid complaints by the Owner, or subsequent Owners, that causes additional damages to the property are also subject to the warranty contained in this paragraph. 9. ARBITRATION. If a dispute arises as to the validity of a complaint not satisfied under the warranty clause of this contract, a panel of three (3) independent professionals shall be chosen by the City of Atlantic Beach to arbitrate the dispute. The panelists shall be~chosen on a rotating basis. The finding of the panel shall be irrevocably final, conclusive, and binding on the Homeowner and the Contractor. 10. SUB-CONTRACTORS. Contractor agrees that all warranties contained herein shall apply to all work performed under the Contract, including that performed by any sub-contractor. 11. ACKNOWLEDGMENT. The above warranties are in addition to, and not in limitation of, any and all other rights and remedies to which the Owner, or subsequent Owners, may be entitled, at law or in equity, and shall survive the conveyance of title, delivery of possession of the property, or other final settlements make by the Owner and shall be binding on the undersigned notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained in any instrument heretofore or hereafter executed by the Owner. 12. INTEREST OF CERTAIN FEDERAL OFFICIALS. No member of or delegate to the Congress of the United States, and no Resident Commissioner, shall be admitted to any share or part of this Agreement or to any benefit to arise, from the same. , 12b.BONUS, COMMISSION,OR FEE. The Borrower will not pay any bonus, commission, or fee for the purpose of obtaining the Government's approval of his application for this loan, or any other approval or concurrence required by the Government or its deSirrnac +-^ ^^M-~'--~- ~`- Homeowner-Contractor Agreement cont'd or"employee of the Public Body who exercises such functions or responsibilities, shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in the proceeds of this loan, or in any contract entered into by the Borrower for the performance of work financed in whole or in part with the proceeds of this loan. 12d. INTEREST OF OTHER LOCAL PUBLIC OFFICIALS. No member of the govern- ing body of the locality in which the property to be rehabilitated is situated, and no other public official of the locality who exer-"' vises any 'functions or responsibilities in connection with the administration of the loan shall have any interest, direct or indi- rect, in the proceeds of this loan, or in any contract entered into by the Borrower for the performance of work financed in whole or in part with the proceeds of this loan. 13. CIVIL RIGHTS. The Grantee agrees to abide by the spirit and intent of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, and the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended, and the anti-discrimination provisions of Chapter 120 of the City Ordinance Code, in that its operation under this contract is free of discrimination against its employees, persons, or groups of persons on the basis or race, color, sex or national origin. 1~. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY. The Grantee agrees to abide by the Equal Employment Opportunity Clause for Contracts subject to Execu- tive Order Number. 11246, as described in Attachment 1, attached hereto and made a part thereof. 15. LEAD BASE PAINT HAZARD ACT. The Grantee agrees that no lead based paints or substances containing lead shall be used in any part of this project. Treatment necessary to eliminate immediate hazards shall, as a minimum, consist of the following: a. All surface conditions identified as immediate hazards shall be thoroughly cleaned (washed, sanded, scraped, wire brushed or otherwise cleaned) so as to remove all cracking, scaling, peeling, chipping and loose paint on applicable surfaces. Such surfaces that ,have been so treated shall then be repainted with two (2) coats of a suitable non-leaded paint. b. Where the paint film integrity of surface cannot be maintained, the completely removed or the surface suitable material such as gypst plywood or plaster, before any undertaken. Co~2,yEL~(JS ~i/•3T2UCTiD~t! ~o Name of Contractor i re f Contractor Date the applicable paint shall be covered with a ~m wall board, repainting is ll L~u`s"e d~~ov~ Names} of Owner(s) Signature o Owner Date ATTACHMENT 1 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY CLAUSE FOR CONTRACTS SUBJECT TO EXECUTIVE ORDER 11246 During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as follows.: 1. The contractor will not discriminate against any employee oar applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or nation- al origin. The contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to the following: employ- ment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment adver- tising; layoff, or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensa- tion; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The contrac- tor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to~ employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the contracting officer setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. 2. 'The contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor, state that all quali- fied applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin. 3. The contractor will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice, to be provided by the agency con- tracting officer, advising the labor union or workers' representative of the contractor's commitments under Section 202 of Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment. 4. The contractor will coc~ply with all provisions of Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, and of the rules, regulations, and rele- want orders of the Secretary of Labor. ATTACHMENT 1 Page -2- 6. In the event of the contractor's noncompliance with the nondis- crimination clauses of this contract or with any of such rules, regula- tions, or orders, this contract may be cancelled, terminated or suspended in whole or in part and the contractor may be declared ineligible for further Government contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order Na. 11246 of September 24, 1965, or by rule, regulation, or order of the Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law. 7. The contractor will include the provisions of Paragraph (1) through (7) in every sub-contract or purchase order unless exempted by rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary of labor issued pursuant to Section 204 of Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, so that such provisions will be binding upon each sub-contractor or vendor. The contractor will take such action with respect to any sub-contract or purchase order as the contracting agency may direct as a means of enforc- ing such provisions including sanctions for noncompliance; provided, however, that in the event the contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a sub-contractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the contracting agency, the contractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States. The offerer's or bidder's attention is called to the "Equal Opportu- nity Clause" and the "Standard Federal Equal'Employment Opportunity Con- struction Contract Specifications" set forth herein. The goals and timetables for minority and female participation, ex- pressed in percentage terms for the contractor's aggregate work force in each trade on all construction work in the covered area, are as follows: 1.~ The goals for minority participation are 21.88 for each trade. 2. The coals for female participation ara ~ o~ c^~ ---` ~~ MORTGAGE NOTE Atlantic Beach, Florida For value received, the undersigned (jointly and severally, if more than one), promise to pay to the order of the City of Atlantic Beach, a municipal caiporation, $00 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233, the principal sum of Fourteen ThoLSand Ong HLm~red 11>irty-five and 00/100 Dollars (514135.00) being payable in lawful money of the United States of America at 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 or at such other address as the holder from time to time may specify by written notice to the maker. Said principal sum shall bear no merest and shall be reduced in amount at the rate of 1110th per year until reduced to a zero balance at the end of 10 years. Any unforgiven balance shall become immediately due and payable if the maker transfers title to or moves from the premises securing this note within the 10 year period In the event of the death of the maker of this note, this note shall remain in effect and the principal sum reduced at the above rate of 1/10th per year only if a member of the makers immediate family takes up residence in the subject home, under any other circumstances ~e note shall become immediately due and payable. This note is to be construed and enforced according to ~e laws of the State of Florida, and is secured by mortgage on real estate of even date herewith If default be made in the payment of auy of said sums or in the performance of aay agreements contained herein, then, at the option of the holder of the same, the grincigal sum then remaining unpaid shall immediately become due and collectible without notice, time being of the essence of this contract, and said principal sum shall bear interest at the highest rate allowed by applicable law, from such time until paid Each maker and endorser waives presentment, protest, notice of protest and notice of dishonor and agrees to pay all costs, including a reasonable attorney's fee, whether suit be brought or not, if counsel shall after maturity of this note or default hereunder or under said mortgage, be employed to collect this note yr to grvtect the security thereof Name of Maker (seal) Makers Address: 150 Ardella Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 STATE QF FLORIDA DOCL~rIENTARY STAMPS IN THE AMOUAIT OF S HAVE BEEN AFFIXED TO THE MORTGAGE SECURING THLS NOTE AND CANC'F.~D. PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE REPORT READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING I (WE} THE UNDERSIGNED NAVE ON THIS DATE AT E 1'I" PARTICIPATED IN A PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE PRIOR TO THE SIGNING OF A CONTRACT FOR THE REHABILITATION OF MY (OUR) PROPERTY. WE ACKNOWLEDGE THAT WE UNDERSTAND THE TERMS OF THE CONTRACT, THE EXPLANATION OF THE WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR, THE ROLE OF THE CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR OF THE REHABILITATION LOAN PROGRAM, AND OUR RESPONSIBILITIES DURING THE CONSTRUCT- ION PHASE. I (WE) HAVE BEEN GIVEN AN ADEQUATE EXPLANATION TO OUR QUESTIONS, IF ANY, AND ARE AWARE THAT ASSISTANCE WILL BE PROVIDED 8Y THE STAFF OF THE REHABIL- ITATION LOAN PROGRAM IF REQUESTED. WE FURTHER U`NOERSTAND AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE REHABILITATION LOAN PROGRAM ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE WORK PERFORMED AND DOES NOT WARRANT ANY WORK PERFORMED. /~ ~ ~/ r gnature of roperty wner to gnature o roperty ner tea e I, THE UNDERSIGNED, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE WAS HELD ON THIS DATE BETWEEN THE HOMEOWNER(S), REHABILITATION LOAN PROGRAM CONTRACT ADMIN- ISTRATOR AND MYSELF. I UNDERSTAND THE PROCEDURES TO BE ;FOLLOWED FOR CHANGE ORDERS AND REQUESTS FOR PAYMENT. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT THE WORK PERFORMED MUST MEET THE STANDARDS OF PERFORMANCE REQUIRED BY THE REHABILITATION LOAN PROGRAM AND ESTABLISHED BY THE REHAB STANDARD PERFORMANCE MANUAL. ,. g re ontrac r t o t I, THE UNDERSIGNED, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I PARTICIPATED IN A PRE-CONSTRUCTION CON- FERENCE THIS DATE AND THAT I HAVE COMPLIED WITH ALL OF THE PROVISIONS OF 7HE REHABILITATION LOAN PROGRAM PROCEDURAL MEMORANDUM #49. ~- at~~ n a ~ -_ - -y ~~..~ . i ~ ~~~ ~4 ~o NHUL .:314 PROCEED ORDER a nAZ~: -- ~ - / 7- 1-~ T0: C'~ r~?~ li a 5 Cod, s~/'~~c fvvL, ~ yi ,~ t/~, ~;~ ~3~.~ l~ vQ,~~ ~c~~HC act. _FL _322GG This is to .authorize you to proceed with work specified 1n our contract dated -` /~- /rJ- ~',$~ fox impzovement work oa the property located at ~~ ~ / eGie f ~C~ ~~~ The amount specified in the Rehab- ilitation Agreement is $ ~`~,=,~3,~'.._ Please proceed in accordance with the Contract. You are to co~nce work no. later than A11 work shall be comp3eted according to the Work Write~Up, plans, Change Qrders, Addenda and Specifications within Sixty {b0) calendar days after s~art- ing construction. ' /--tlLl ~ S~ ~~j~rd Name(s) of Her(s) (Owner's Si.gx~ature) (owner's Signature) .ADDRESS ~~ ~, ~_ cal ublic A,gency~ epresentative) . Copy: . RLP~3-~3 REHABILITATION LOAN PROGRAM RESPONSIBILITIES OF HOMEOWNER AFTER CONTRACT IS SIGNED Until Work Begins ~~ Start planning ahead. Plan adequate storage space for the contractar' tools, equipment and materials. Make arrangements for the contractor t~ get into your property if you will not be home during the day. To avoid mutual confusion, one member of the family should be delegated a: the spokesman to discuss problems or questions that may come up. If all household members work or will not be home during the construction, consider designating an agent such as a close friend or neighbor or rela- tive not living with you to supervise the contractor's work. You are responsible to make sure the contractor does the work exactly as he stated he would do in your contract. Prepare your property and furnishings for the rehabilitation - use this period to send your drapes to the dry cleaners - wash your curtains. There will probably be dust and dirt from the work - protect your furnish- ings and clothes - put all breakable and valuable items away so they won't be broken or misplaced. When the Work Begins Keep your copy of the work description handy and refer to it often. Check with your Case Manager if there is anything you da not understand. Remember you are responsible for ensuring that the contractor does the work correctly as bid. Assistance will be provided if required but the work must be acceptable to you. Try to stay out of the construction area, especially children; this will help prevent injuries and allow the workmen room to work. Try to keep a good relationship between your family and the contractor - again, delegate someone to be the spokesman for the family. Stop problems before they start - if something isn't going the way you feel it should, or if you don't understand it, speak to the contractor at once and get an acceptable explanation or correction before it progresses too far. If the contractor cannot give you an acceptable explanation, stop the work and call the Case Manager for assistance. Expect the unexpected - in most cases changes and improvements will be new and exciting to you and will give you much pleasure; however, unforeseen prcblems may be uncovered during the course of the work which may require a change to the contract. He prepared if this should happen - discuss changes with the contractor and get a good explanation of the change required and why. Try to .visualize what the change will look like. Be flexible. All changes to the contract must be approved by you and your Case Manager and must be in writing. Your contractor is responsible for supervision of his workers. If he cannot be present, make sure. that he tells you who to talk to if you have a problem or questions.. Win cooperation from the workmen with good basic human relations. A word of appreciation - unexpected pot of coffee or evon ~ ~jl-'- CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA `~ Approved by APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL. PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE: ~ ° 2~ 19~ IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM- SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN ACCORDANCE TTH-THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. ~ ~ ( ~ ~ NAME ADDRESS: L~~L~RFD BOX BLDG. SIZE BETWEEN: RES. ('1 APT. ( 1 COMM. ( 1 PUBLIC ( 1 INDUS. ( 1 NEW ( ) OLD ( 1 REW. l 1 ADDITION ( 1 TRAILER f 1 TEMP. f 1 SIGNS ( 1 SERVICE: NEW ( 1 INCREASE 1~ REPAIR ( 1 ceNeuc~roQ s-iE .'~~~ etu-a ~~~ r_nPPFR i - SQ. FT. FEE e l ~ IIUI v _/ ~ ~< ~ SWITCH OR BREAKER ~~ AMPS ` PH ~ W OLT ~ RACEWAY l S ' ~ ~ EXIST. SERV. SIZE AMPS ( PH W ~•~t,JVOLT ~ RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE NO. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL 0.80 AMPS. 81.100 AMPS. SWITCHES INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT & M. V. FIXED 0.100 AMPS. OVER APPLIANCES BELL TRANS F. ` AIR CONDITIONING H.P. RATING COMP. MOTOR H.P. RATING OTHER MOTORS AMPS CEIL HEAT: KW-HEAT MOTORS 0 H -1 .P. VOLTAGE PHS N0. OVER 1 H.P. VOLTAGE PHS MISCELLANEOUS /I • ;-- - a ~- G TRANSFORMERS: UNDER 600 V. OVER 600 V. Rewtnto:pnuoHSdFaddr~sutls4mpW~nwlop~) Name, ~ ( Addi~tt: NOTIGL O!' COMMLltCLMLNT RAMCO FORM aG: ii 71i.1i t .3 .f1 This instrument Prepared by: AdO.~u: Property Appraisers Psrcel Identification (Folio) Number(s): 8PACE ABOVE THB UNE FOR PROCEBBUq DATA APACE ABOVE TFYi LINE FOR RECDROlNO DATA Permit No. NOTICE OF' COMMENCEMENT State of Florida County of ,pV v A L J} The undersigned hereby gives notice that improvements will be made to certain real prope~'ty, and in accordance with section 713.13 of the Florida Statutes, the following Information IS provided in this NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Legal description of property (include Street Address, if available) _ 1 !5 ~~Rr~s.LL A General description of Improvements_ _ RF~,1~Jf~TtON.S Owner 1.0U1S~ ~ot t_ARG Address__ 15o ARe~tLA Owner's interest in site of the lmprovement,.._ Fee Simple Title holder (it other than owner) Name Address Contractor r~ R1.tEL1(1~ ~0 ~l sr• Co . Address 241 ~T u4iJTt ~ i3f..v D • ~t/~ty NAG 'f3C H •~, FL • 3Z2~ 6 Surety Address Amount of bond S Any person making a loan for the construction of the improvements: Name Address Person within the State of Florida designated by owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.t3(1)(a)7., Florida Statutes. Name- -- Lnr~tsF_ _ Pfl(LaRn - - - -- - - - - Address .1,~ Rt~u A (kTc.w-.t~t t c. F3c t•I • ,~ ~ L . 3226 ~ In addition to himself, owner designates Ot to receive a copy of the !tenor's Notice as provided In Section 713.13(1)(b), Florida Statutes. Expiration date of Notice of Commencement (the expiration date is 1 year from ~he date of recording unless a different date is spe ed). -~'~ f ;' Swpxrt ~ a st7~~scribed be me thli~- `~ !'~Z ~ 1 {~.~-~ ,~ ~°L' f~~~f day Of ~ -C. 19_~~ ~ ` 6lenacwe of Oiw,p \ ry 'Z-~-C4~ t~tMq~d alenilwra Or OrmM ~ Naary na n PATRICIA j ~' OF' FLORIDA My Commisalon ax~i~{:It' 1~ty Corrtm ExF~j/27~~ corflrvl u'3R CC220011 ~A ~ 4 f rM `W ~ "••.... ;: 1 ~ J 5 ~~ :.~ ~~ ~~~J ~;~i~:~;rl evil€.; l ~ Elr~~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PERMIT APPLICATION REMODEL, ADDITIONS OR ALTERATIONS DEMOLITIONS Owner (s) : ~..outS~ Peu..AR'~ Address : 15o ARDEt_LA Phone : tS• 14. Lot # Block or Unit # Subdivision: Contractor: CO RNELIUS CoNST• Co• State License # c.8 Co~aq(o'7 Address: ~~1 pts~NTIL. 13ti.aly. ~IEP•BCii• 32Z~olo Phone No: 2~i1 • ~~9$ Describe work to be done: sEE P•TTA-~Fi-Ed~ Present use of building: ~~~--• F~m~~1~ Valuation of Proposed Construction: '~~ 135•p0 Proposed use: Sc-~>,• FN->_Y• Is this an addition? N'n If yes, what are the dimensions of the added space: ft. X ft. Will the added area be heated and cooled? New electrical (or increase)?1'~s New plumbing fixtures? ~S New fireplace?NO New Heat/AC? DES SUBMIT THREE COMPLETE SETS OF PLANS, INCLUDING SITE PLAN, SURVEY, ENERGY CODE FORMS, NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT, AND OWNER/CONTRACTOR AFFIDAVIT, IF OWNER IS CONTRACTOR. Signature OWNER: Date: Signature CONTRACTOR: ~! ~ Date: ~•a0'~•~ License Supplied: yES Liabi 1 ity Insurance : oN FILE Worker's Compensation Insurance:ou F~• BID F LOUISE POLLARD (Home Owner) 150 Ardella Road (Address) .Material Specifications I. KITCHEN: Tear out all deteriorate wood including joists, studs, and sub floor. Re-plumb including all fixtures and a 40 gal electric water heater.•Hang all new sheetrock, tape 'and finish. Texture ceilings and install trim. Prep and paint walls and trim to a semi-gloss finish. Install vinyl flooring. Install pre- finished base and upper cabinets. 2. BATHROOM: Install a new 3/4" sub- floor and vinyl floor covering. re-plumb including handicapped „y accessible fixture. Tear out and re-tile tub surround.`Ha g new sheet rock, tape and finish. Prep and pain walls, ceiling and trim to a semi- gloss finish. 3. ELECTRICAL: Troubleshoot and repa r illegal and faulty wiring and fixtures. Re-wire kitchen including a 220v receptical. Install receptica in bathroom. ' 4. ENTRY DOORS: Re-hang and weather- strip front door. Install a pre-hung steel door unit at rear opening Subtotals: Totals: (Date) BID F LOUISE POLLARD (Home Owner) PAGE 2 (Address). Material Specifications 4. (CONT.) including hardware,, threshold, and acrylic finish. Insta 1 . front; and rear metal storm doors. Install railings at front and rear steps. 5. INTERIOR FINISH: Patch and paint balance of interior walls, ceilings, and trim to spec. 6. INTERIOR DOORS: Re-hang passage doors with new hardware as necessary 7. INSULATION: Insulate attic space to R-19 with blown-in fiberglass. 8. WINDOWS: Replace all aluminum ;~~ windows with pre-finished single-hun units with screens. Caulk all seams to be weathertight. Repair wood ~ sashes as necessary. }~/,qG $~llJ~t ~4DD~~ Subtotals: Totals: (Date)