Permit 1023 Atlantic BoulevardCITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number 08-00000469 Date 4/08/08 Property Address 1.023 ATLANTIC BLVD Application type description SIGN PERMIT Property Zoning . TO BE UPDATED Application valuation 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc renewal of sign permit 07 1284 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ BLOCKBUSTER VIDEO ANCHOR SIGN, INC PO BOX 22737 ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 (843) 747-5901 Permit SIGN PERMIT Additional desc Permit Fee 35.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date Valuation 0 Expiration Date 10/05/08 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total 35.00 35.00 .00 .00 35.00 35.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 PERMIT "IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WTfH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. a ~AnchorSigns Sign ~'ermit Renewal Request March 3 I , 2008 City of Atlantic Beach, FL Attn.: Shirley Building Department 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 904-247-5826 rear Shirley This permit renewal request is in regards to: Permit # 07-00001284 Blockbuster Video #12575 1023 Atlantic Boulevard Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Enclosed, please find a check in the amount of $35.00 for the sign permit renewal fee for the above- mentioned (ovation. 1 Have included what I btaieve to be the complete requirements needed to obtain this renewal. [f I have failed to send any important information, please contact me as soon as possible so that 1 may get it to you. Upon issuance, 1 would appreciate it if you could mail the permit back to: Thank you again. Please do not hesitate to call if you should have any questions. Anchor Sign, Inc. Attn: Permit Department 2200 Discher Avenue Charleston, SC 29405 addition, if you have the time and it is not too much trouble, could you please fax a copy to me at 843- In date our records. I appreciate your time and efforts. 576-7252 so that 1 may immediately up Sincerely, ~ ~ ' ~~ ~ 3 _~ ADDRESS ,/C ~~~~ BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER- ~ ~ ~~i INSPECTIONS: FOOTING UNDER SLAB PLUMBING SLAB- ~{~ ~ ~ . ~j S FRAMING ~o -- `T-_(i'~'~ ~ 9f~-z~ ~-Da ~~r COVER-UP_ ~ ' 7 -~7 INSULATION ~'-~ ~ -~1T )~ r FINAL BUILDING--- ~~~ 7~ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY___ ~ ~~ ~-~ ELECTRICAL PERMIT # ~ ~ ~~ ~ </' r ~~c.'= ~/ - y .~ ~ ,.~~ f INSPECTIONS ROUGH___ ~~+ ~ -~ ~F ~ ~" FINAL ~ r / _ ~~ -_ „--. MECHANICAL PERMIT #,~__ f _ r ~ ~ ~ ~- - 7 - ~ ~~ `~ PLUMBING PERMIT # ~~ NOTES: Yv2~ a,c - 3 - 3C~ -9 s'- ~--~ ~-4 ~ ~AnchorSigno Sign Permit Renewal Request March 31, 2008 City of Atlantic Beach, FL Attn.: Shirley Building Department 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 904-247-5826 Dear Shirley This permit renewal request is in regards to: Permit # 07-00001284 Blockbuster Video # 12575 1023 Atlantic Boulevard Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Enclosed, please find a check in the amount of $35.00 for the sign permit renewal fee for the above- mentioned location. 1 have included what I believe to be the complete requirements needed to obtain this c:,netivai. !f I have failed to sent: any in;portant information, please contact me as soon as possible so that 1 may get it to you. Upon issuance, I would appreciate it if you could mail the permit back to: Anchor Sign, Inc. Attn: Permit Department 2200 Discher Avenue Charleston, SC 29405 In addition, if you have the time and it is not too much trouble, could you please fax a copy to me at 843- 576-7252 so that I may immediately update our records. l appreciate your time and efforts. Thank you again. Please do not hesitate to call if you should have any questions. Sincerely, -~~~~ _ ':; /~. •r~ i Alison D. r Permit Coordinator Anchor Sign, Inc. 800-213-3331 -Toll-Free 843-576-3252 -Direct 843-576-7252 -Fax P.O. Box 22737 • Charleston, SC 29413 Charleston (843) 747-5901 • Toll Free (800) 213-3331 • Fax (843) 747-5907 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number 09-00000884 Date 6/17/09 Property Address 1023 ATLANTIC BLVD Application type description COMMERCIAL ADDITION/ALTERATION Property Zoning TO BE UPDATED Application valuation 2500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc WALL FOR SIGN (GREENBERG DENTAL) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ GREENBERG DENTAL THE MALLE COMPANY, INC. 12025 SAN JOSE BLVD ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 SUITE 1 JACKSONVILLE FL 32223 (904) 685-2321 --------------------- Structure Information 000 000 ---------------------- Construction Type TYPE 5-B Occupancy Type BUSINESS Flood Zone ZONE X ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit BUILDING PERMIT Additional desc . Permit Fee 45.00 Plan Check Fee 22.50 Issue Date Valuation 2500 Expiration Date 12/14/09 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments *2007 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE W/'OS-'06 SUPPLEMENTS. 2004 FLORIDA FIRE PREVENTION CODE 2005 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE *REPORT ANY UNFORSEEN STRUCTURAL DAMAGE TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT IMMEDIATELY. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 45.00 45.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total 22.50 22.50 .00 .00 Grand Total 67.50 67.50 .00 .00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. .. , , ctTY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AA_ ~ ) k 900 SEMINOLE ROAD. RTI.ANTIG SEAGH. FL 32233 V +'~ ! (_ OFFICE: i~3Qt)2a7S626 w FAX N0. +4)24'7-x645 6 UILDING-OEPT~COAB.US I (J ~3 BUDDING PERMIT APPL.ICATIt)N bUVAL COUNTY t.,}C)BADC1FtESS - 2,VA~UATJpN©fV!/bRtC: 3 So rr JtdOERHO,:F - ; ~. ~ _. ~ A ~ __i~ ~ ac ~. _u .~1 ~~QQ~'~- 4. LEG.~i- n-qrp EpT~f~.~. fi. GIA SS OF 'NORY, d JSF OP STF.J77t12tE_ ~ NEbV DUlLD}NG ^ DEMOLITION ,J RESIDENTIAL LGT BiOGK ~JB{'itYiStC1N GI ADDITION O COt~/ERTING USE I ;COMMERCIAL ?.DESCRtPT}ON OF woR>t_ D ALTERATION ^ ACCESSORY 8LC<i. 3. PtRES?Rp,IKLER ~~~) ~. q ~ ~ W.i • ^RE?AIR n .,,,.,~ ^POOI?SPR t't ,~~~~e ~-Y_S ^ :~A r1 ~,n E~f{Q}'~~ T USttNti{; G V N I KAG I V hE: FtRCaAI 1 C4 1 l LiWtnGCR: 8. NAMk_: 45. COMPANr NAME: 23. Gf '.+~'RN" MAME: Egtzit~ C:xe ~.ealty The Mahe Com an Inc Lat.~tude 3„ En n~erin Manc~3. eTfte~.t , ~ ni~ 9 16. NAME: Frank Mahe 24, LtGENSEE NAM€: Brian R . Stoddard f P . E . 10. ADDRESS: 17 STATE OF Ft,ORiDA t-tCENSE ND.: 25- STATE OF FtxORtOA L;CEN$E NO 2600 NE Miami Ga~clens Dr. CBCI25G~5$7 S8Z73 Miami. $~d.C~'1, FL 3.3179 t8 ADDRESS: 12Q25 San J*~se Bard, Suite 102 2Fi. ADDitESS: 1520 B g°?c021d Stye°t South Jack.snnvi=.:l.e, PL, 32223 n = ~ ~^._~ 41.OFFICE PHONE: 47.. FAX NO.' t9. OFFICE PHONE' 20. FAX NO.: 27 OFFICE PHC7NE: 28. FAX. NO.: f305~672-1234 E3a5}9443638 X904) 685-2321 {`304) 222-2323 4944k 247-1.855 {904} 247-4900 43. CELL PHONE: 2?.CELL PHONE: 29. CELL PHONE: (904} 759-6319 ta. £MAlL ADDRESS: 22, EMAIL ADDRESS: 3I1. EMAIL ADDRE SS frank~+-'~~tnallecomnanv com ~ = t- =~d~:ar .."3,a` 3 .,~.,=; . cc^ F I l : ~ ~-r+ea ? ~w+ nwt~ea. r BpNDiNG COMPANY: -tORTGAGE LENDER: ~,~; 3?. NAME 133. NAME. (,. NAME: 32.ADORE55: 134:ADORESS: 136.ADORESS: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation fi commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that alt work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in ~h jurisdiction. This permit becomes Wulf and void if work is not commenced within six {6} months, or if construction or work is suspended ~ abandoned far a period of six {6} months of any Time after work is commenced. t understand that separate permits must be secured; f Electrical Work, plumbing, Signs, Wetly, pools, Furnaces, Bailers, Heaters, Tanks, Air Conditioners, etc. '+ OWNER`S At*F10AYtT - t certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applica laws regulating construction and zoning, 1 wiA not occupy or use the referenced building or any paR therof, unfit al! inspections are finaied prior to obtaining a certificate of occupancy or completion issued by the budding official, as required Lay law. ~ i *** WARNING TO OWNER: *** YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT !N YOUR PAYING. TWICE. FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF GOMMEN EM T MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE FIRST IN N, IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER SAT RNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEM orAGfNT CONTRACTOR ~' Ag. r 4 ay ,x A3ency Letter Rnquuad) /'~) (Ouel~6er OnN~ ,~r. ~ w Signed: pate: ,~~~ Before me this da f u_ ..,, 2009 in the county of Duval, State of rids, has ersanafty appeared ~ herin by himself 1 herself and lnn S that a(I Statements and declarat(ons are true and aocuraie. Nora lic at Large, State o~_ ................ .............. -` Couny of~1G~_e... Personally Known 1] Produced id®: tiff ion - _ Notary Signature: Ef•~ . LtSSETTE DONZALEZ MY COMMISSION # DD 78180 7n BDE?!R$'.~~9bttF24, 2012 Signed: ~/' Date: 6 f 2 C3 2 Before this ~~~, day of ...) LL t\,1t~ _ , 2008 in the u~oty (~ Duval, State of Florida, has personalty appeared herin by t+imseit /herself and affirms that all statements, and deeiar ~e w true and accurate. (.q Notary Public at Large, State of ~~ i ~~,_ ~, County of "~+ ~{Personatry Knrrwn [~ Pratuced tdentif+cat+on - Qw Notary Signature: f3a $FgFq.E!`TAYtAF3 MY COMMtSS14N ~ DD 8t EXPIRES: FsbRmry 25, Bonded TMu t~btaty Public Una ~,ras...;~...~ ._ ! 0 Q w~ a ei. _ ~ S ~,~~ -~ City of Atlantic Beach a~ ~ ~ , s~ Building Department ~ ~ 800 Seminole Road ~, ti Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 _ Phone (904) 247-5826 Fax (904) 247-5845 !~st#~~ E-mail: building-dept@coab.us City web-site: http://www.coab.us APPLICATION-NUMBER (To be assigned by the Building Department:) a9-~~~ Date routed: APPLICATIQN REVIEW ANIJ TRACKING F©RM /~ 13 Property Address: _ ~~~ ~~>~t/ ~//~ App{icant: ~l~f._ ~p~ if ~Z. (:.0 /~ ,~~ Project: ~ GL ~' 7-~,~ De artment review re wired Yes No uildin Planning & Zoning Tree Administrator Public Works Public Utilities Public Safety Fire Services eRe~/ievv fee $ ~ ~ Dept S~gna#ure Other Agency Review or Permit Required Review or Receipt of Permit Verified B Date Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection Florida Dept of Transportation St. Johns River Wafer Management District Army Corps of Engineers Division of Hotels and Restaurants Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Other: APPLtCQTIrDN STaTt iS Reviewing Department First Review: Approved. ^Denied. (Circle one.) Comments: BUILDING PLANNING & ZONING Reviewed by: Date: ~" lToq TREE ADMIN. Second Review: QApproved as revised. ^Denied. PUBLIC WORKS Comments: PUBLIC UTILITIES PUBLIC SAFETY Reviewed by: Date: F1RE SERVICES Third Review: QApproved as revised. ^Denied. Comments: i~ev€e~rtded lay. Date. Rev6sed 05!14!09 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH S00 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number 09-00000752 Date 7/28/09 Property Address 1023 ATLANTIC BLVD Application type description SIGN PERMIT Property Zoning TO BE UPDATED Application valuation 10003 ------------------------ Application desc ------------ ----------------------- ----------------- NEW SIGN AND ELEC Owner ----------------- - - Contractor - GREENBERG DENTAL ---- ---------------- JAYCO SIGNS INC -------- 149-151 ATLANTIC BLVD ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 MAITLAND FL 32751 -- - - - (407) 339-5959 - - - ---------------- Permit ------------ SIGN PERMI ------------------------ T ---------------- Additional desc . Permit Fee 65.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date Valuation 0 Expiration Date ---- - 1/24/10 - ------------------ Fee summary ------- - - ------------ Charged ------------------------ Paid Credited ---------------- Due - - ------ Permit Fee Total ---------- 65.00 ---------- ---------- 65.00 .00 ---------- .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 65.00 65.00 .00 .00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORH)A BUILDING CODES. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number 09-00000752 Date 7/28/09 Property Address 1023 ATLANTIC BLVD Application type description SIGN PERMIT Property Zoning TO BE UPDATED Application valuation 10003 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc NEW SIGN AND ELEC Owner ------------------------ GREENBERG DENTAL ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 Contractor ------------------------ JAYCO SIGNS INC 149-151 ATLANTIC BLVD MAITLAND FL 32751 (407) 339-5959 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit ELECTRICAL PERMIT Additional desc . Permit Fee 70.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date Valuation 0 Expiration Date 1/24/10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total 70.00 70.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 70.00 70.00 .00 ,00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. 1 ~ ~N3 3IC .. ' ' , ~ aT9,YC0 ;wwwV~Mw wwMTw~L iLwwlow w~MOw ~w9w i i ~ ~ j ~ d E 145-151 ATLANTIC DR. M.AITLAND. FL 94757 e ~ 407-989-5262•(FA~.457-E90-7576 ~ c ~ V EYAILs JaYoosl~nsf~Yahoo.cosn ~ ' ej i~-.l FILE 9tCdLL1Y1 NU W ztv~~ ~O ~ td ma i m ~ a ~ Q c~ n g ao«~~o~ ~ ~ ~ ~ °' 44 ~ ~ 5~ ~ ~ovgTi~ oS ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ -g aWg~~ ~ . -~$ ~ '~ ~w3a• ~ ~ mg oa~ia~~~a ~N'p /6 ~.Q ~®~ ~ ~ G ~_ 4 .~ 5c ~~ o~ °a .~ 'v W .1 .~-.~ ~. a °a 00 ~~~ o ~ 3 ~~~ ~ g ~~ ~ I ~_~ ~ ~`~ b ~ z°v~ irm ~~~~ ~ ~~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ZOO/Z00'd bbBb L9~B0 6002/bZ/LO 9L9L OE8 LOb su4iS oad4P.woa~ /lpppaYon a hereby nr.ds a obhNr . pemdt a do the watt end trofta ae krNa~d. i esrfNy ttr.t ne wofk or k1w~.tlon -ns oomnrerro.d prior b the laurra. W. pamrM.nd tht sM wak wtA bs psrtormsd b meet w. sarrd.nb of M krrw. repul.Mrrp aonatuetion h !Iris JurMdlotbn. This Permit becomes twit and void N work b not oomm.nad wlMrin .br (0) nwfrtlrs. or N correlnrdlofr or work Ifs swperded a .b.edofrsd for . psrbd of sbr (a) mofrws N •nY tirrre .ttr work k oofrrm.no.d. I rsrdefst.frd tiro! .sperde p.rmMs fnrfN be secured br O!lYFtER'!s AFFIDIIVR -tardy Mr.t stl N» Wnpotnp kNonntlon k .aGrf.N and IhM M work wiN tie done b oompM.noe wbh .M .ppNo.bls I.wra npW.INtp oonMrucUar.nd rordrp. l w~ trot occupy a use ttr. ftierarrad buMdkrp a sny p.rt ttrsrot, uMN sN insPecYons s~. fkr.ted end prbr b obMYrkrp • oef~lo.a of oowp.noy or o0fnpistlon Imfsd by M prpltprp olpgrl. a wgrdrrd by Iwr. ~ WARNING TO OWNER: ~t YOUR FA~.URE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT MI YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JO8 SRE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. iF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING. C(~ISULT WITH YOUR !!Mote ~*~1~ detr d IvtUy . ,~ in ~-. aeeq et ourrM, tttsts a t~teride, n.. r.raonun ePPMred ~regy~~er hedn M fdmoMt ~ bass/ ~rM Mime srM Ml ew.re.rr~.nd d.dor.tian «. tnrs ens aoarrMs. frloa.ypare.euroe.taw a a ~.«s«rMlywrowrr aaww te.nrkron try $i0r1~/e;YT1Q -r n. e ~~-~ i%,R- e e O a Notary Public State of Florida t z~nu2oos ~.~ ow:.~L2$1~4 m. ' dey er____,Q~ _ so<I. ra w coww er tNsw w goads. ass psnaMly sppoe-ed try irMrMM J trsnsr end Mims tn.t ell wlsrrrarrbt errd dsrd.r.sorr. w awt eanrrw. ryt~raa.ttero., taw a_ _ txuray a ,, Notary Pub~~ State of Monde pdata4l~ Lei Si6:e4e-Torres o~~na` Expires 12fUV20G9 GT11 ~ A_ O~ ---_._. lOO~FAMiOLE ~~.A'ft/iN11ClEJrOFI, F1.3lA~3 OffIC~ h01~74'»p ~ l~AX gp.~00~~M7 ~~~' ~~~ ~ ELECTRICAL EP RMIT ~PLICATtON nuv~,t ccxn~rv EQUITY ONE EQUITY ONE, INC. Apri16, 2009 The City of Atlantic Beach - Planning & Zoning Department 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 RE: LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION - RACEW SIGNAGE INSTALLATION Greenberg Dental & Orthodontics Atlantic Village Shopping Center 1023 Atlantic Boulevard Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 To Whom It May Concern: This letter shall serve as the Landlord's acknowledgement that the above referenced tenant (Greenberg Dental & Orthodontics) has engaged Jayco Sims (installine lien contractor) to secure all proper permits for the installation of raceway signage at the above referenced location provided said work meets all required building codes. No other work is hereby authorized. Further, this acknowledgement shall only be valid for a period of thirty (30) days from the date contained herein. Should have any questions, please contact the Property Manager, June Conner, at our Equity One Jacksonville, Florida office at (904) 292-2222. Sincerely Ken Ch quett Vice President of Construction Equity One Realty & Management, Inc. As Authorized Agent for Equity One (Florida Portfolio) Inc. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Individual Before me, this (~ day of _~1~1 ~_~ 2009, Ken Choquette personally appeared and executed the foregoing instrument, and ac ledged before me the same was executed for the purposes therein expressed. ~a_ ___4-,,.~,,_v ,~~!'~"•"°~,; LISSET'TE t;®IVZALEZ NOTARY STAMP: =*~ *= MY COMMISSION # DID761600 Si n tur of '~?~~ EXPIRES February 24, 2012 „~ -1 ~ (407) 398-0153 ~IoridaNotaryService.corn ~;~~ ~~~' ~~ My commission expires: ,~ ~ ~ _m Print Notary Name Identification Method: / personally known Produced I.D. -Type: 1600 Northeast Miami Gardens Drive, North Miami Beach, Florida 33179 ° Tel 305-947-1664 ° Fax 305-947-1734 Offices in: California ° Florida ° Georgia ° Massachusetts ° New York www.equityone.net www. equltyone. net Number of Unit: 25 Tmol Sauon Fa-: 700,559 As Of: 03/30/2004 J x ~ ~ % ' soya Prim o--Y.O - _ =, r ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ I Iltlil ~ i~~ni~i-ili~..~ i~~~ll~t?'~1 <, CCU-~- . 33... ... ',r ` .. 0 . , ~ r ~~r;'/rs5555'~h:4~if;s ~~~ ~, z s~~sss;~~~~s~s° ";:... .R :F }: .. . _,; ~. ~_ _ -- "`ANC O'''",~ ____ _.....- ~~ A d 8a ~~ $~ m ~~ K b p. ~~ h N N.~ IV A ~~~'9888~~~A~~ E A f r f 0 •~ f9 l7 .= r .~ r. P p: p If ~Q G e .P O •_ ~~ p ~ A ~ ~ ~~ ~,r, ~ ~ ~ g ~~ r ~ ~~a~~ ~ ~S a i ^O ~~n~~ Property Appraiser -Property Details EQUITY ONE ATLANTIC VILLAGE INC Primary Site Address 1600 NE MIAMI GARDENS DR 1021 ATLANTIC BLVD ATTN: TREASURY DEPT Atlantic Beach FL 32233 NORTH MIAMI BEACH, FL 33179 1021 ATLANTIC BLVD OfRcial Record Book/Pane 08130-2297 r'r0 lJeCaII RE # 177602-0040 Tax DNhict USD3 Pi4pSr3y Use 1691 SHOP CTR COMMTY # of Bu1WNgs 8 Lepal Dasc 38-25-29E 14.040 CASTRO Y FERRER GRANT SubdWlsbn OOOQO SECTION LAND The sale of this property may result in higher property taxes. For more informatlon go to Save Our HOlnei and our ~p~ Tax Estimator .Property values, exemptions and other Information listed as 'In Progress' are subject to change. These numbers are part of the 2009 working tax roll and will rat be certified until October, l warn how the Prop~y Aonraiser's Olfice vallas prooertv Taxable Values and Exemptions - In Progress If there are no exemptions app8cable to a taxing authority, the Taxable Value is the same as the Assessed Value Nsted above in the Value Summary tax. County/Municipal Taxable Value SJRWMD/FIND Taxable Value School Taxable Value No applicable exemptions No applicable exemptions No applicable exemptions Sales History Book/Pope __--- Sale Date __.__.._. Sale Prke._.-_ ._...._..- Instrument True Codg ..-_ __ OuatiHed INied Vacant irrrproved 08130-2297 6/29(1995 55,450,000.00 -._ _ ____. WD -Warranty Deed _ ___--- .._.__. Qualified Improved 06095-2235 2/7/1986 5100.00 _-_ r_ ___.e_-_____..__~__.___.-_.._. QC - QuR Claim _ _._ -_.___ __ _ _ _ ,_,-__..___._._._______..~._ Unknown Improved -~'"_e__.____ 06095-2237 06064-1490 2/7/1986 11/15/1985 5100.00 56,300,000.OD v - _ ._ _._ l2C - QuR Claim SW -Special Warranty Unknown "^__.______-..__ Unknown ~~ ______~ Improved Q -1336 4(29(1983 5152,000.00 WD -Warranty Deed _ - Unknown ____ _ Vacant - 05642-1571 4/20/1983 5100.00 .____ `-" -______ ~ _ ~N Claim °" Unknown ^ ^_~._~_~ Vacant - Eutra Features LN Feature Descri lion _, Bb . _ th Width Total UMts Value 1 FCLCI Fence Chain Unk 4 0 0 48.00 ;250.00 2 FWDC1 Fence Wood ~J i _ 1 -~ 0 ~ - !- --- 0 ~~ 18.00 ~-_ ;67.00 3 4 LPCC3 LITC3 Light Pole Concrt ~ ~~, Lightkg Fixtures ~ 1 _ 1 - 0 0 ---- - 0 0 - 11.00 44.00 - ~ 52,849.00 ;9,592.00 5 PVACl _ - Paving Asphalt -- __.__._._,_- 1 -- -- 0 ~ '~ 0 _ 279,927.00 594,055.00 6 PVCCI ~ Paving Concrete _---' 2 0 0 23,214.00 526,325.00 7 SWSC6 Sprinkler Wet System 2 0 0 11,188.00 54,699.00 8 SWSC6 Sprinkler Wet System 4 - 0 ~ 0 41,258.00 _ 517,328.00 9 FWDC3 Fence Wood '- ____ 8 -_ 0 ______ 0 ~ 18.00 ~~ X7.00 LO FWDC3 Fence Wood-~-^ -_- 1 0 0 242.00 52,791.00 Land & Legal { 1 { 1000 {COMMERCIAL ~ ACG { 0.00 { 0.00 ~ Common ~ 611,582.00 {;4,886,540.00 Buildings Building 1 BuNding 15ite Address 1021 ATLANTIC BLVD AtlarRk Beach FL 32233 ButWinp Tppe 1601 -SHOP CTR COMMTY Ywr BuiN 1984 Gross Area Nested Area Base Area 13054 13054 canopy 500 0 Campy 1640 0 _ ^ Total 15194 13054 1 anal LN ~I De:cri~tlon_. 1 38-25-29E 14.040__ _ 2 CASTRO Y FERRER GRANT 3 PT RECD OJR 8130-2297 Element Code Detail Fxterbr Wall 15 15 Concrete BkxiC Exterbr Wall ~- 17 17 C.B. Stucco Roofing Structure 9 9 Rigk1 Fr/Barpist Roofing Cover 4 4 Bull[ Up or T 8. G [rKerbr Wall 5 5 DrywaN IrRerbr Wall _-__._ 8 8 Dewratlw: Cover IM Fboring 14 14 Carpet IM Fkaring 11 11Ceramk Clay Tile Hretlng Fuel 4 4 Electrk Heatlng Type-.____ 4 -T 4Forced-Ducted Air CondNtoning 4 4 Packaged Unft Ceiling Wall Finish 5 ~ ___ 5 S Ceil Wall Fin Comm Htg & AC ~_~ 1 __ .- 1 Htg 8. A/C Pkg ___~_. Comm frame ____.___ . 3 ___ 3C-Masonry ~~-p BAS ~~, amp A K~~~~', VnLm Gimmnn, Page 1 of 2 Tile # 9420 .___....__ _. Value Method _~~ -- Income Income Buildtny Value i _ Extra Faeturo Value ;0.00 ~~ _ ;0 00 ;0.00 ~~ ;0.00 Land Value (Msrket) _ _ __. _ S4 886 540.00 54,886,540.00 ___.__ Land Value (Aeric.l ~ ;0.00 50.00 ]ust(Market) Value ' _ x,745,800.00 _ 510,691,500.00 A~sed Value (A101 ~ 58,745,8D0.00 510,691,500.00 _ ExempUonf - ;0.00 See bek>w Taxable Value ;8,745,800.00 See bekrw Property Appraiser -Property Details clamant Code stones 1.000 Bedrooms O.ooO Baths 15.000 Rooms /Units 7,000 Avg Story Heigh 13.000 comma, wan 10.000 iaSt 1YOtice of PwooSed Proneriv Taxes /Trrdh in Millann NnK~nl Page 2 of 2 T Assessed Value Add9 Exam s Taxabb Value Lest Yesr Rollad_bsek Gen Govt USD2,2A,2B,3,4 ;8,745,800.00 ;0.00 ;8,745,800.00 ;45,510.28 ;45,420.44 X7,594.69 PubNc Schools: By State Law ;8,745,800.00 ;0.00 ;8,745,800.00 ;42,755.16 ;44,708.53 ;41,185.72 BY Local Board ;8,745,800.00 50.00 ;8,745,800.00 ;23,879.45 ;21,418.% ;23,003.20 FLInWnd NaWgation Dist ;8,745,800.00 ;0.00 ;8,745,800.00 ;302.33 ;301.73 ;310.48 Atlantic Bch ;8,745,800.00 ;0.00 ;8,745,800.00 ;26,266.52 f27,384.22 ;27,389.22 Water Mgmt Dist. S]RWMD x,745,800.00 ;D.00 x,745,800.00 ;3,643.70 53,636.50 53,925.99 General Gov Voted x,745,800.00 ;0.00 ;0.00 ;0.00 ;0.00 50.00 Urban Service DLSt3 ;8,745,800.00 50.00 ;9.00 x.00 ;0.00 ;0.00 SchaolBoard Voted ;8,745,800.00 ;0.00 ;0.00 ;1,323.23 50.00 50.00 Totals ;143,680.67 ;142,874.88 ;143,409.25 )us t Vahro Assessed Value Exmn s TaxalNe Value Last Year ;8,763,100.00 x,763,300.00 ;0.00 58,763,100.00 Current Year ;8,745,800.00 58,745,800.00 ;0.00 ;8,745,800.00 Property Record Card (PRC) The Property Appraiser Office provides avaiWble historical record cards (PRC). The Property Appraiser's Offke no longer uses PRCs; therefore, there will be no PRCs ava0able from 2006 forward. You must set your browser's Page Set Up for prirrtirg to Landscape to print these cards. ~I~sl~i~l~ll~l~sssliss~lisszl~l~ More Information Parcel Tax Record ~ GIS Man (~R this oronertv on Gooale Macs 12' MAX ALUM. 4N10 SHEET METAL SCREWS EA LETTER OR LOGO s 3/8'X5' LAG SCREWS AT 36' O.C. TOP 4 BOT INTO EXIST STUD OR ~' TOGGLE BOLT MAY BE SUBSTITUTED CHANNEL. LETTER OR LOGO ALUM. 4N10 SHEET METAL SCREWS EA LETTER OR LOGO a CHANNEL LETTEi OR LOGI 3/8'X5' LAG SCREWS IN WEDGE ANCHORS TOP E. BOT AT 36. O.C. MAX FRAME WALL M^UNTING DETAIL H^LL^W BL^CK WALL M^UNTING DETAIL L•=1'-0• I•=1'-0• 48" MAX EXTERIOR MOUNTED DISCONNECT SWITCH CHANNEL LETTER OR LOCH 3/8'X5' LAG SCREWS OR WEDGE ANCH~2 NOT TO EXCEED 36'O.C. TOP 6 BOT 1 ~ fl EQUITY ONE EQUITY ONE, INC. April 6, 2009 The City of Atlantic Beach - Planning & Zoning Department 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 RE: LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION - AY SIGNAGE INSTALLATION Greenberg Dental & Orthodontics Atlantic Village Shopping Center 1023 Atlantic Boulevard Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 To Whom It May Concern: This letter shall serve as the Landlord's acknowledgement that the above referenced tenant (Greenberg Dental & Orthodontics) has engaged Jayco Sims (installing sign contractor) to secure all proper permits for the installation of raceway signage at the above referenced location provided said work meets all required building codes. No other work is hereby authorized. Further, this acknowledgement shall only be valid for a period of thirty (30} days from the date contained herein. Should have any questions, please contact the Property Manager, June Conner, at our Equity One Jacksonville, Florida office at (904) 292-2222. Sinc Ken Vice President of Construction Equity One Realty & Management, Inc. As Authorized Agent for Equity One (Florida Portfolio) Inc. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Individual Before me, this ~~ day of ~n ~ , 2009, Ken Choquette personally appeared and executed the foregoing instrument, and ac ledged before me the same was executed for the purposes therein expressed. ~---~:~ "' NOTARY STAMP: :'~ '- MY COMMISSIOtJ # 40761600 Si tur of ~+'~'' -;a„~,8?~' EXPIRES February 24, 2012 My commission expires: `awl ~~_ (407) 398-0153 ~ FloridaNotaryService.com L t~e.~ ~mZ~le~; Print Notary Name Identificatiai Method: / personally known _ Produced LD. -Type: 1600 Northeast Miami Gardens Drive, North Miami Beach, Florida 33179 ° Tel 305-447-1664 ° Fax 305-947-1734 Offices in: California ° Florida ° Georgia ° Massachusetts ° New York www.equityone.net From:Jayco Signs 407 B30 7575 07/24/2009 08:57 #844 P. 0021002 po ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~m~~ m~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~ m ~~~~a .~ $~ ~~ m$± 3~~y~ m N _ G T A " ~f~z 4 z~iE~ 4 °' 3 ~~~ $ ~~~ ~ ~~~ o ~;o ~~~ a~ ~~~ ~~~ .. ~~ ~, ~ ~I~ aS b ~ a~-r I ~~ ~' a~ ~~~~. f~Tl 0 ~ ~.$. N O_ O u+oa•oo 4 ~r/C ®su 41>i ooR~ l :11 V W 3 9LBL'OEB'LOV ~XNd) • Z9Z5-6ES'LOt• LSLLE 7d 'ONH'111VW 't!Q Oi1N7/71V LS L-6bL as srrfirs' v;~~r ~~ ~GO,f; `~G ~a 9~ ~ tic9~ O F~~ a~ ti r ~~ ,~ ~` b r ~' ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~. ~ a ~ , ~ .~ ~- ~ ~ ~ ~~ r a ~ ~, }' V' x~ ~~tf City of Atlantic Beach ~ ; !~~ f, Building Department _s 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 Phone (904) 247-5826 Fax (904) 247-5845 ~~;~~~ E-mail: building-dept@coab.us City web-site: http://www.coab.us APPLICATION NUMBER (To be assigned b the Building Department.) ~~ o ~~z Date routed: j Q ARPLICAT101V REVIEW AND TRACKING FORM Property Address: _ 1. ~~.3 f~fl~i~i r~. ~/~ Applicant: $ ~ r?. Project: ~ ~ ~~ /~ De ent review required Yes No uil ' annin & Zorn or Public Works Public Utilities Public Safety Fire Services Review fee ~ Dept Signature Other Agency Review or Permit Required Review or Receipt of Permit Verified B Date Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection Florida Dept. of Transportation St. Johns River Water Management District Army Gorps of Engineers Division of Hotels and Restaurants Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Other: APPLlCAT{ON STATUS Reviewing Department (Circle one.) First Review: []Approved. enied. ,J Commen ~ /J BOIL ce. ~ ~~~~ ~ ~QG~ ~Q- Gt>G~ /7 ~ f ~ ~ ~~~ ' " CANNING & ZONING Date: dd 'D 2- D eviewed by: s'• ~\~_ TREE ADMIN. Second Review: pproved as revised. ^Denie A ~S PUBLIC WORKS Comments: PUBLIC UTILITIES ~~ ~~ ~ PUBLIC SAFETY 1.- Date: Reviewed by: - FIRE SERVICES Third Review: []Approved as revised. ^Denied. Comments: Revie~,~ed ~~y: _ Date: Revised 05f14P09 - " 5itlrl~~ City of Atlantic Beach ~,~'~ y ~ Building Department ~ 'ss 800 Seminole Road v Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 - Phone (904) 247-5826 Fax (904) 247-5845 -~~,•~ off' E-mail: building-dept@coab.us City web-site: http://www.coab.us ~1-f~PLtCA-T101V RE1ilEV1/ ACID TRACf~CfhlG F®RM /1 Properly Address; ~~,~.3 ~~~1.~`71 ~ ~'. ~J V G Applicant: S - 7i ~ Project: ~ ~ ~~ De ent review required lies Wo uil ' annin & Zoni or Public Works Public Utilities Public Safety Fire Services Revaew~fee $~~~.~ -- ~ Qe~t Sigrtature~ ~...~.~~.4,~.~~....~~ .,-..r. ...._ ~.~. ether Agency Review or Permit Required Review or Receipt of Permit !/erified B Date Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection Florida dept. of Transportation St. Johns River Water Management District Army Corps of Engineers Division of Hotels and Restaurants Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Other: APPLiCATI®N STATUS Reviewing Department First Review: ^Approved. [Denied. (Circle one.) Comments: ,~ ~ ~~~ -~ 'Zd.~--i",~ BUILDING /""~ ~'w~ ~~ ~` PLANNING & ZON{NG Reviewed by: 1"L" ~Cp~~M'~ Date: rO ~"y~ TREE ADMIN. Second Review: Approved as revised. ^Denied A B RE I ED PUBLIC WORFCS Comments. PUBLIC UTIL{TIES PUBLIC SAFETY Reviewed by: ~` ~''`~ Date: Z`2~ "°~ FIRE SERVICES Third Review: []Approved as revised. ^Denied. Com~ae~afs: Ai'PLICATION NUMBER (To be assigned b -the Building Department:} ~- D ~~Z Date routed: U' ~ Q: '~-~•~~rii~l~'er~i1' reaF: ~~~~ avfi~~d f€sf'@~4~~ Doc # 2009177902, OR BK 14952 Page 2046, Number Pages: 1, Recorded 07/28/2009 at 10:20 AM, JIM FULLER CLERK CIRCUIT COURT DUVAL COUNTY RECORDING $10.00 ~- - 81en d FI~,^,_ 'llax Fodo No. ~,7_„(1(~Q-tX140 oobna-er r>«I - - To Whoa U ldq C.asaan: 7be nada~eipted Itet+cby htforme you flat hap~ovamanb wilt be taiade b oorgda real papery, and in accordatwe with Sedioo 713 0l tha itlatida Slatutee~ die folk>rtrioS inlbmrdan L stated ht thte N077C8 OF ~ ~t b~ ~ 3@r~ 14-0 S.~TBQ.Y.t G~ ~,~a„e ~, ~, ~, 1 n93 ANantic , Suite 10-8. Atlan~~ Ft~ 3Q433 Ontad~~~ 1RStt1n.t7fli¢ j~:.Sel' nf1?lCt~N~f rrtrxtnted intprnaNv iAtxr>inated d~tnei Owner, Fn i1v C~1'1P_ Inc'. Addma:~,~Q,j~',t~,~ G~f~G15 DtINt:, hlOrtll MIS11N i3each, fl. Owser'e ittteoeu io site of the {mprovamau: Fat SWtpW 1ldeboldas(itother thtm owaa): Name: ~i~rn riARC ~r1~'. • +W .'i~lnf~ ~;1~,e_~ ~:~ ew..,t~,- nriuo~ Maitland FL 3Q~1 Talapbone No.: L4Q.Z} .~~~~~._ Fan Na j,~7~ 850-7~5 Sataq (t[a~y) Add~e Aoauot oilload i 7atepltoaaAW: Ftnc No: Nerve cad addnaa Decay person mttkind a Wan for ehe a>ttahuation o! dte imptovwaeatr: p~ ~; Fiat No•. Nape of paaoa ~rithia 1be State o[ FWt1da, odtar then hitnratl~ dadpteeed by oenrar open rlwa uoticae ar othar doaarteob tttay ba 7elepltona Ala Fax No: 1o addidoa b himelf. owner deiipaba dte foilowiuS pereou b rer:eiMe a copy of the tdaaot"r NotWe as provided ht Section 71~.aQpl(b~Fbrida~~~~. n ~mrc'a oplioa) ltdata~ ~ 44.-•1 t;1 eti~„t;~ n~-,15,,,.-~~llcl. f 1~~7~~ ~ u L,~n ltelepiio.eNo:~4Q1,1,~'~~9-5 59 FaxNa ~~ data olNolioe et?Coppaaocrostartt tdro axpiratlaa daq >a is attaootdhy artier a dilpetNt?~ttta it • r»,•. 'tmle erscs Fos xzcolxnsa+e ass oNiv oWNOt OfPlatide,tw _ 1fIRy eoimtrhelert ex~Net» {,ISdsB'fTE t30NZALEZ ,,• .-„ n.~ , ,,, .,, . ~ dNtLbmW o De~~ . as ~ ~..._.r __ar ~~~_! _ EXPiREB Februsry 24, 4012 ~'" 1T Pp` cA 4pt.1 # A ~~ ~~ I'~~~~~~ S ~,„!1f 1 J'!~ r °w i~'~ ~r,~le goad , 32233 t -~ ~ a ~~~ a~p• ,~~1 ~}~ J ,~+~7•~~ ~$~ ~ 111 ~' ~.; ~1 r~:~i; ~~~ ~~:. ~r~ t~~ ~~ ( ~ __---- ~~~~G~~t: ~. _ ~~ur.Y: HDF$~ D~..~,. . t`ny p,EQU1RED p.~ P R c~ a Y ~ S.J.RW.M- CARpE ~R °c Y N ~pS ~ E~ ~uFS'f~L ui owc. ~ N HQ~ ~` R~ S 4 ~ Y " ____...---- ©~ STATUS .~- App~tiCA ~v- ~^ 1S'~ ~ 2ND R~ P1~gd1NG ~ `~" V D~P~ • 3RD R~ PUBLiC SAFE y.s/ 5 la' ~~ ea~~ o~~e yon haws en~~~ q~ • fob ~° the B~aim~ ~~p$~ ~. fh~s Shirley, .. .: _ .. . __. __. _ .. The following jobs are not approved and need corrections as noted: Populo Offices 590 Sturdivant Ave. 1. Provide fire hydrant within 500' of remote point of structure 2. Max tread depth 11" riser height 7" 3. Provide egress lighting 4. Provide exit signage 5. Provide fire extinguishers ~ Advantage Plumbing 880 Mayport Road 1. Provide fire hydrant within 500' of remote point of building 2. Minimum tread depth 11" 3. Provide 2 hr watts with 90 min doors separation doors between storage and business occupancies 4. Provide handrail on both sides of stair 5. Provide fire extinguisher on each level (mezzanine) __.__.____.__w_.~_~_a_-__ _, .____. '~ Blockbuster _ - - .--. _ _ __ 1023 Atlantic Blvd. 1. Provide 2 hr separation between business and mercantile occupancy (plan south side) 2. Remove exit sign over new ingress door or reverse swing of door (your option) ~ _ Lt. Bob Ratiif~__.~____w...~,~w._..__._.~._.~.._~._.~~_.__._...~._.._.~._....__._.____._.__._~_~- _ Jacksonville Fire & Rescue Department Fire Prevention Qivision Plans Review Office (904) 255-8562 "Fire Prevention is Good Business" ~4 ~ti ~~~ L~ ~~ 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 (904) 247-5800 (904)247-5845 Fax w~vw.coab.us APPLO~A`~I~~G ~`C~I~G F~~6~6 ~>r®~~~~a ~~ r .. fZo~z~ To .~• PER6V911- APPLICAY90N # ~~ -137 REQUIRED DEPT: Y N PLANNING ~ Z Y P9 BUILDBNG I" Y N PUBLIC WORKS ~ V N PUBLIC UTILITIES FIRE DEPT. Y Pusuc sAFETY ~ w APPROVAL U o REQUIRED AGENCY: RECEIVED BY: INITIAL: DATE: w ~ c7 Y N D.E.P HUFSTETLER ~ ~ ~ Y S.J.R.W.M. CARPER w ~ N ARMY CORPS of ENG CARPER Y @V HOTELS & RESAURANTS HUFSTETLER APPLICATION STATUS CIRCLE CNE: SITE BUILDIN DA AP REVIEWED BY: L: TE: ® 1ST REV ~! ~tlOT~~/G~ ~£R~+rj S//N~'!vl~ES O _ ~..~--dam PvaNNING ® EV BUILDIN ~/ PUBLIC WORKS PUBLIC UTILITIES / ~ [~, ~ V ~ D FIRE DEPT. ~~ PUBLIC SAFETY ® ® 3RD REV ® ® ` I r ~~ t ~~ ~e>taa~°~ g-a>~ f®n ~~ tfla~ ~ua~a~an~ I)e~~a°~ffiemlt ®n~~ g~®~a flaa~a~~ ~~~~>re~ ~®a>lr ~®mm~mma~>mt~ in>t~a 4~a~ ~54~®. 'r, ; CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 07 ~ ~~~ ci' ':,~ 800 SETINNOLE ROAD. ATLANTIC BEACH. FL 32233 ' ,:. rr OFFIGE: {904}247 5826 ~ FAX NO.:(904}247-5845 - BULL.DYrG-DEPTQCOAB•t~ . ~~ ~j:»~~ BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION .~ ' puvA~.=COUNTY - .. a a„~'a~W~ ~ 1'23 a-7u~.~~~~ g~tr~ l0T _ BLOCK _ 5UB DMSlOW ~. DESCRmncx+oF wt~lc 7F~v~-~ ~ 13~..~.ca c u-t P RTY 0411H1?R: 9. NAAB=: /~~c r=te "Z3c/.y %'~ 10. ADDRESS: /OV63 ~".q~' cs~~~ ~,~~°~ ~1"R~r, Fes- `3~a5~ 11.OFFICE PHONE: T12. FAX NO.: cELL PHONE: S. CLASS OF WORK: ' OF S7RLIGTt3R) ^ hIEYI! BUILDfNG ^ DEMOLITION O ~~Tw-' ^ ADDITION ^ CONVERTING E ~' ALTERATION t7 ACCESSORY 8. FfRE SPRINIO_ER: ' ^ REPAIR ~'~a. ~ SPA , ~ ^ YES O wA ~-, ..w.~~ r~ t 5. COMPANY NAME: .7o u7`~i ,~i~-s} ~~KTiz.3 c~c~~c. 23. COMPANY NAME: .S" 7f P ft Rev f~R AS d,d ~t.~ ~/tc>,t 18. NAME: ;7©ffN C'. G'c[:Ely~/~.v 24. LICENSEE NAME: 5Tr-P1~11~i`s r3~ZA5C~~~-~-./t 17. STATE OF FLORtbA LICENSE NO.: 25. STALE OF FLORIDA LICENSE NO ~ C ~rC - coo ~ ~t,2.. o A~ R Z 2 3 18. ADDRESS: 7'SG z'Efrc~c~'~ ~~vG~ ~~- 1a 26. ADDRESS: r LV ~ 7tG/ W. AstQ w.tno 3 . 7A~ ~ /=L v~.~.~a`".4? 114L<lti7<1 Tiny .lCl ~.3~f 7 19.OFFK~ pFK)NE: 9®Se/ ~ ~2.ch5'>$'~' 20. FAX NO.: o~i,l2G2- t S3 ~' 27.OFF1(~ PHONE: 9s 5~/ to J y~- 3 Sao / 28. FAX NO.: 95s S'~9~t--' 3 t 3 ~ 2s. cELL PHONE: EMAa. ADDRESS: 30. EMAIL ADORe -- - PL BONDING COMPANY: ~ ,„ z` 31. NAME: 33. NAME: ~d ~~ ,~ '?s 32. ADDRESS: 3~. ADDRESS: { AppllCatlWt iS hereby made to a71)ialn 8 permit to d0 the work erKt It~lat~ .:,.~% ~ CarilrrlerlCed prior t0 the issuance Qf a pemtit and IhBt eii work Will tk! pertonned ~ cfi'-,. , . jurigdiCfjon. This perTrrtit becanes rtt~l and void ff Wont is not cortlmertCed wit' ,F;. `a ~ardptted fa' a period of six (6j rrtortdts at any time after want. is corrlrrler-~ ~ , _ MORTGAGE LENDER: 7 :._. ~~ ;~ ~. 4 ~~"~~ .l `„or OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT -1 t~rlify that all the forega-718 in6ormatiort is accuratE:~'-~ ,,~, ~ _ laws rt~utating oor~truction and zoning. I wiU rat otxxipy ar use the refe~x , ~~'? ~_ ;'an to obtaining a certificate of ocxx~ancy a compiefion issued by the buik~' ~ ~ ~'" ,k11r* WARNING TO w~- _~`~~` ~ ` ,s ;F ~,~~. YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF CON ~~ = ` . ; - PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TOAND f ~. - ~ E COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED ,. 1=1RST INSPECTION. iF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIrr~ :~t ~ ~ ~ _ _NT. LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING ~~~ ~.~:~ ~ - OWNER or AGENT ~ ~' `=- ` tf Agent. Power of At~mey a A~ioy t.~ter R®quired) ~ tCh~~al+frer bray- : . (.- t..f.-~~+. J'n'a."`.. Date: ~ ~~ Signed: .~l9.wi- l Date~6~=== c7?~'O i Signed: _.. Before me this ~ day of Cam. ~~ 6~,v- -- .2007 in the oour-ty of 8etore me this z^ °~ day of ~ ~a moo-- .2007 rc~ the county of Duval. smte of Florida. has personalty appeared Duval. State of Florida. has personalty app~red ~ian~,a z ~~n herin by himself I herself and affim-s that a6 statements and declarations are true and accurate. Notary Public at Large. State of /~G . C~ntY ~ ~. ~~ j D P~onarY Known $`Proeuaea mentifioason - rY~ ~~ -~--`' ierin by himself / trerself and affirms that a8 statements and declarations are rue and accurate. Votary Public et large State of ~~ . Corxlty of ~, J... ^ Pereone8y Krwwn ®'Produced Mentificatbn - /^~ n c COAB FORM BLDG01: REVISED: 8/2/2007 Shirley, -- . __._ .~_~_ _ ~ .... The following jobs are not approved and need corrections as noted: Populo OfFces 590 Sturdivant Ave. 1. Provide fire hydrant within 500' of remote point of structure 2. Max tread depth 11" riser height T' 3. Provide egress tighfing 4. Provide exit signage 5. Provide fire extinguishers ~ Advantage Plumbing 880 Mayport Road 1. Provide fire hydrant within 500' of remote point of building 2. Minimum tread depth 11" 3. Provide 2 hr walls with 90 min doors separation doors between storage and business occupancies 4. Provide handrail on both sides of stair _ 5. Provide fire extinguisher on each level (mezzanine) _ __ '~ Blockbuster -- 1023 Atlantic Blvd. ~~ ~'~'`~~~ 1. Provide 2 hr separation between busin ~-f~ h side) W 2. Remove exit sign over new ingress door ~ Lt Bob Rat ~ Jacksonville Fire ~ Rescue Department / Fire Prevention Division ~ ,~ Plans Review Office (904) 255-8562 ~~ "Fire Prevention is Good Business" \~ ~~ ~~ ~?~' ~/b~ Y~/~~ ~o f v+ r'~~ ~~ ~p R Oot OS 0? 06t07p 'a `~'& ~~ p. i CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH eoo StE reOAn. ATLANTIC tKACtt. rt 922J3 O~+:MKi• C~t~a-sstxe . r•~1s I'b.:l>M~C1T-~+~ Q7-. ._.j ~ ___.~......~ ~ BUILDING PERMi7 APPLICAT10Nri:~;,`.'~•:' `'. ' -`:•DO.Y,~iis:000NTY ,. s vnLSN- woaw ~ ~, ~ w+owtoor IO2~ .~7'/..IlN7%G 13~-4/O .9'0~'" v...', -~ r S h 4. Ls:-csu. ~saaarson: s. cLA~ s~ w ov s ' sa Dt1e0Ln aN O rts•:~wr1~L r, N1~rr oulLOSwc LOT DLOCK }il1N ~nAS10M Q nOgTION ^ COMICRTNG T. OElICIOPiION Of WON(: nITCRAT1aY C~ nCCF~Y 1.1~ ~: ~,e•~R.~.>< Q~.~.,, ~,,.-i o~1~1 ~Ptl0l;tfP~ ~ arES.__.. Nr~ o~ t~ .jpur l:'i~•sl CotiTilL.ttlrrL S ~` P Frv 9R AS 6A t~ ,¢Rc/,l /~4CaK'~t'/.~%F.C' +o. NAME:: 2a.UC1?1rs~6ww[: 7rrNn. G'. G'cc:.Eh~.~iw. sr~r!/~.s. ,C~nasGa~ut iQ AnOn[:S~ ~. S n - l L ' N ... Y>. A it.Or11D1-LICCJrSE NO.: •~ aClcvs~ s v'A•v Ta: /LyOb C Ga- ryes i ~.~. e a R Z 2.3 ri e r .. ~}- ~o~c9.'S~J `TAY ie. AODE1[S5: l iZ.7d'G 7~+S~iclstf'r R~OG~' Oa- 9a. ADOREii: .~~~;/ W, ~Rp W,(AO i3Lv0 , 1,. o1=~EaF r++o~: 1z. ~~x w0,: p -. .? © ~ sa. s•.>r-~ :: 90. I:AiE No.: yOy .Li-1-a~7s'E I .>!es-iSli« x.. vFn>~ r+a0r+e 4 Gi -3pei 9a. enx No.: 9S 3i i 19. CCLL PNONC: 21. CELL IY10ra:: p. CELL P-1~lE: ». t~ ~ODkESS: 2z ~AAIL AflORt:92i: i0. ~.++~ AOOAESS: f pFOnex,•~w+ tWNOaiC CCMI•Atill: MOR1~iA~aE LEIOER: J1. WAMF: NMIK: ~ 1'r. NAA~E: ?2. A01a1eE'~f: ~. nMrIFSS: . MDlIE56: Ap~c.~Eion is Hereby made b Obtain a plsrrrrlt t0 dC M! work and init8118tiOt~ it1S indicated. 1 certify ~t n0 work Or Utsiolt t1'JS typrrlrrst}r-COd P~ to Me wsstaarsco of 0 psas'rttit and ttsat oN work w~i ba performed to meet Y''e standards: of ap taws rsagutaWtg oanstrsxfion in this jlsriShcdiOn. This taormtt DC1~ImCt rxtll and vsrid it wlxis Is not cattrttertoed within Sbt (6) montM>6. say d asarlstructlorl say wsark is swsspondsxt or ataandonod for a ptxlad of six (8) rrlorlttts at any Carle aRer work is carmmenced. l understand that swparata psxrlli~ must 4s- securod for Elecbls:M Wstwrk, PiW-Ibi N-stRi, Pirols, Fw+race>' Boilers Nesters, Yanks. Air CondlNbrwrss, ate. 01AlNtiER'tii AFFIDAtAT - 1 eeKRy that ali the forOgohsg irKOsmaUsin is 9CCUra[O and drat aN work weih tae done in oorltpiianeo w~1 all appfieab-e laws reguladllg caomstrtsstion and zvnisut. 1 wisl neat OGWpy or use tho roforancod building Or anlr part thetof, ursb'1 eM inspections 1X0 fsrtaled and prior to obwlntng a saonUK~te of occutaaulcy or ownpiatiorl issued ralr ase txaildirsg ot~betld, es restuireo Dy law. *** WARNING T4 OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEiwENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEF©RE THE FIRST INSPECTION. iF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR R OR ANA RN Y B FORE RE ORDING YOUR NOTICE OF CO CEMENT. OAIMNER 1X ARi~1r1T T Fawrd orM~IlrylallarRsau~ndi gelOfA mr? thie..,,~."'`. dsy a Ce _./ • ,~,~.- . 2iaor to 1n. eornly d 8afaa ~+. evs ~ day d c.~ _ J. ~ ; _ . 20pr n atia eouMy or ouvDi. Sta6o d Flenaa, nas p~sonaay aopcaros- thAr.•-s, State d Flarf6a, nas versonatY slppNred hefir by himselr! hsraei and si5rms the all r;Wsrn.nEa and declaratirnrs are herin M hirn:oK I MxsWl OrHf ot6Ems ~ ~Iem1S+1L+ and daclxaYor~ aro Uue t+as :+C1'tr+'Ia N). a and amaaa. nora+ry RdM~ Al 4'II~A, $t.MA M ~'c . eouroy d C'~ , ~ _ 1 ~Y rutlk as Lane. slam d r- ~ . cou,+ty a ems....,, ^ 1w.oe.nv 1sn0iM d r'~rb wwr~ !~ s+oercoo cam - _/-'fi'n. t3ts~aeu~.s r~+~xen. • C ^~ ,...,-, _ N01:Ity/ Sgnrltuf6: .~1 lVcltary $IQna1Nr0: 1 "-•'~i`'-'~'-'~ •.... AI~tRW d NMNJII~) caAa Fo1a. rsLSarto,: pis: ~ u, Zot 1 ~1..~~ ~N~ ~~~ 1 s NpAf•ry P11111C • tiUM a< F10 ' GeaaaltvbllE>vierwft420,2g10 cwsllei~lm- r Oo sr~s3t Y111tthtl b NsMtetM Attsn. NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT State of ~~~/ t~~ Tax Folio No. County of ~u V~~ To Whom It May Concern: The undersigned hereby informs you that improvements will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with Section 713 of the Florida Statutes, the following information is stated in this NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Legal Description of property being improved: improved: ~ Doi ~ Address of property being Q~~a <'1 ~7G ~/~ V ` _ General description of improvements: 7F-.N •~.+r 7 13w%Lp ~ ~''` - --- Owner ~7.L U G k• ~'~' ~ - - Address loam ~P~.~ ~ T~ s~ ~s ~1~ , ~ ~.9sC ~,~- ~ ~=~-~~l Owner's interest in site of the improvement Fee Simple Titleholder (if other than owner) Name Address Contractor .5 c~vt/f /~ d!S f C o~Y' 7rr~'f-c 7~~ t2 .~.ti c Address 1 ~.7 5 ~' ~' ~~ / c /d .c ? !2 ~ [7 G ~' left 7rA.~'; f ~ ~`' 1' ~',~d' ~~ Phons No. 9 ~ 4`r _'7- G ~-•- ®,5'~• Fax No. ~° ~'! ~ G ~-- -- I f ~ ,s~ Surety (if any) Address _ _Amount of bond ~ Phone No. Fax No. - Nams and address of any person making a loan for the construction of the imprpvements. Name Address Phone No. Fax No. Name of person within the State of Florida. other than himself. designated by ovmer upon whom notices or other documents may be served: Name Address Phone No. Fax No. In addition to himself, owner designates the following person to receive a copy of the L.ienor's Notice as provided in 4 Section 713.06 (2} (b), Florida Statutes. (Fill in at Owner's option). Name Address Phone No. Fax No. Expiration date of Notice of Commencement (the expiration date is one (1) year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified): THlS SPACE FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY ,. OW ER Siynad- / ~l'~-~ Data: ~ ~~f~G~ • Before me is v"~^ °~day of ~c ~~~~- z~-~ in the County ofi Duval, State of Florida, has personally appeared p~ N~ ~~N ,A~`1''.=_ ANDREW J. NIANAVEN ~1AN/CI ? /1 BP251I03 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Application Tracking Action Log Inquiry Application . : 07 00001374 Address ; 1023 ATLANTIC BLVD Application type COMMERCIAL INTERIOR BUILD-OUT Revision/Path/Step/Seq/Agency: A 01 00 FD FIRE DEPT. Action date 10/09/07 Action type FR DISSAPPROVED - 1ST REVIEW Action by SLG SHIRLEY GRAHAM Time spent .00 Date/Time/User added 10/15/07 14:42:30 SGRAHAM Comments *2004 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE W/'05-'06 SUPPLEMENTS. 2004 FLORIDA FIRE PREVENTION CODE 2005 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE PER FIRE PROVIDE 2 HOUR SEPARATION BETWEEN BUSINESS AND MERCANTILE OCCUPANCY {PLAN SOUTH SIDE) Press Enter to contiaue. F3=Exit F8=In/Out Status F12=Cancel Print Y Y Y 11/16/07 13:28:14 More... CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 INSPECTION EMAIL REQUEST: Building-dept(a~coab.us Application Number 07-00001284 Date 9/25/07 Property Address 1023 ATLANTIC BLVD Application type description SIGN PERMIT Property Zoning TO BE UPDATED Application valuation 2244 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc INSTALL SIGN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner ------------------------ BLOCKBUSTER VIDEO ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 Contractor ANCHOR SIGN, INC PO BOX 22737 ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 (843) 747-5901 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit SIGN PERMIT Additional desc . Permit Fee 65.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date Valuation 2244 Expiration Date 3/23/08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total 65.00 65.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 65.00 65.00 .00 .00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. Date: 9/4/07 City, State: ' Atlantic Beach, FL SHEET: 1 OF 5 Client: Anchor Sign Overall Height: Varies, See Drawings Sean M. McFarland, P.E. Sign: Blockbuster Wind Speed 120 mph Project Description 1023 Atlantic Blvd. Table of Contents Height Varies, See Drawings Content: Page ME Job: 07-10361 Design Loads ................... 1 AS Job: ANC 07-143 Connection Design ...............1-2 Overall Size: Varies, See Drawings Installation Details ............... 3-5 Mounting Height: 25'-0" Mounting Style: Wall Signs Mounted to Stucco over Plywood Structural Variables and Code Loading Specifications Sign Type: Channel Letters /Wall Signs • Code: 2004 FBC ~ Existing Wall Material: other • Wind Speed: 120 Sign Weight Per Foot: 5 ~ Wind Exposure: C ~ Wind Loads Per ASCE 7-02 Connection Design Using ASCE 7-02 (Simplified Procedure} Topography: Exposure: Enclosure: Structure: Building: Total Load Homogeneous C Enclosed Components and Cladding Category III Pnet = (lambda)*I*Pnet Pnet (25) _ -53.87 I = 1.15 (Table 6-1) lambda = 1.35 (Figure 6-3, Exp. C, height=25 ft) Zone = 5 (End-Wall -Worst Case) Effective Wind Area = 10 Sq. Ft. Net Wind Pressure = -34.7 (Figure 6-3) SEP 0 5 2007 PSF Sign Loads Area Pressure (Suction) Force Sign A (Blockbuster) -Each 1.33 FT^2 -53.87 PSF -72 LBF Sign B (Torn Ticket) -Total 5.25 FT^2 -53.87 PSF -283 LBF License Expkes FEB 2 8 2009 Connection Design Connections Force Per 3/8" Dia. 3/8" Dia. Total Connection Lags (Ply) Thru Bolts Sign A (Blockbuster) -Each 3 -24 LBF 145 LBS (OK) 2 -36 LBF 495 LBS (OK) Sign B (Torn Ticket) -Total 3 -94 LBF 145 LBS (OK) 3 -94 LBF 495 LBS (OK) FILE ~~ C~ F IL E Sean M. McFarland, PE • 19526 Kuykendahl Spring, TX 77379 • Phone (281) 813-7439 r date: 9/4/07 City, State: Atlantic Beach, FL SHEET: 2 OF 5 client: Anchor Sign.` Overall'. Height: Varies,. See Drawings Sean M. McFarland, P,E 5ign~ Blockbuster Wind Speed 120 mph Connection Specifications (Blockbuster Sign) Blockbuster Sign: Attach Letters to Building with Either (3) 3/8" Dia. Lags (into 5!8" Plywood) OR (2) 3/8" Dia. Thru Bolts w/ Angle or 2X Backers (Continuous). Space Connectors Evenly. Attach Through 1/8" Thick Structure in Letters Connection Specifications (Torn Ticket) Torn Ticket Sign: Attach Cabinet to Building with Either (3) 3/8" Dia. Lags (into 5/8" Plywood) OR (3) 3/8" Dia. Thru Bolts w/ Angle or 2X Backers (Continuous). Space Connectors Evenly. Attach Through 1/8" Thick Structure in Cabinet. v~ N ~- as ~~ O r ~~~- o~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ II II ~aa n~ ~ ~ i C~-J (~VI O ~O ~ ~ O O 0 0 4 ~ O 0 0 I ~ ~ " I l"' io 1 1111 0 0 ~ ~ ~ .~ y y ~~ O O 4 O ~ CO O r ~ N w ~Q 7 Q N w, ~ ~ II c ~ ~ ~ W ~`p to ~ Q fC ~ to ~ Y ~ ~ M U _ ~ r I ` m N ~ cfl ~ ~ '~_ ~ _ ~ I- N f/1 C ~ ~ m Y -p O :? >+ C J ~ EL m > "0 _~ N >+ +N, N ~~ O ~_ • 5 rn L ~, ~ N fII w N Q ` m O N _ ~ ~ ~ C ~ ~ ~ ~ N _ fn ~ _ t/1 ~ v . 3 y '.3 Q W ~ p m .G _ ~ co .2c U ~.c ~c is ~ co d O ~ ~ 2 f~9 ~ ~ 2 M ~ U ~ V ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~°' ~°~ ~'~ ao co ~ s oo ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ Q N ~ ~+ N C1 >. f°w' ~ '~w O ~ ~ M ~ t+) v c v c Q 0`>(J p NU ' w~ wa im a ! 3N v 3N ~ C_ N h ~ ~ w _C N ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ Y m p i m p 4~oc s ~ Eoc ~ ~ m i a ~c '.~~. t ~ ..-~. U cy5 ~¢ ¢ c~ i. ~p~0 .cV y~y aC O h ~ N ~ O/ N ~ O N ~ O N ~a 3 ~~ 3 E c°~m c°~~ N N J L N Q C R J z r C y N J ~ ~ Y ~ o U .V ~ U ~ ~ 20 m of~~ arn~ cm W=c~ ~ m ~~ ~~ y ~ ror..- ccALL ~ " U m O ~- N (n ~ N 7 N ~ oU c.. U d ~ N .L-. ~ of E W~N3a Uvcc~ ~ fA U N fn ¢L~L CO ~ ~ O 2 V M N C~ rrte'; vJ .C C ~ Q O ~p N ~ ~ ~ ~ t1 ~ W ~ ~ ~ X17 M 0 0 0 [h ~ N a> ~ L ~ O) ~ ~ y C O O U 'sa ~ C ~ O c ~ H -c a~i m me ~ ~~ rn y 3 ayi o -o c d o~p O y C p O .G m ~ L iZ4 ~ d #~~~ ~~`~ >~ ~~~ i• ~ O ~ ~~~ ~ p II c"-0 iV ~ M ~~; W M Q~ ~~~S~~ ~ .. w ~ °o N rn~ ~ N O ~ cc ~ t1 d ~ ~ - ~ X cco cLp ~ Z W ~ c~v c c ~ 7 X ~ U U YI- J~ ~~maocom C N C '~ iJ ~ ~ O O fn ~ fA ~ L.L LL N N .Q Y U O m g .C ,G m Q O 0 g W , c'~ O Y U -° ~. ~ I, v .~ n m: p .- m w .~ M -p M ~ N ~ M ~ J O LL m t U MMU W Q N fd O Q ca ~ v ~~ U U '~ ~- ~-°y 20 c O L ~ ~ ~ O. O~ N C m W=~ ~v O N ~ cw c(~i° 0 ~~~~m~ d N(nLLN N ~ Y ~ ~ V N O O ~ .. c .L-. N C N w NN°~ 3 d a N c-p n vUi~°u, ~ min aL'- f0 ~ ~ O = v rn 0 O N rn~ ~ N O_ ~ (O N LL a ~d 7 K m~~ ZW ~ ~ M ~'X~ U U Y H ~ J J fD Of ~ N l9 ', C N C ^'O V (n~(n~l1.LL. N .~ Q U L ~~ ~ U ~;'- ~ J II p N M ~ d.~ i Q. N ~ N E wLL~~ ti ~~+ m J ~ (n ~ a ~ c~a ~ J U ~ ~ "ate L u~ L ~ v N . ~ y C c0 N - 'd f6 DO S U 3 v N c c 0 U U m S o c ~~c~~c C ~ ~ ~ N U O O rn ~~~~a Qc•- o = N O p, p_ ~ '~ym~viN OLZ ~ N N CL NL 7+L. ~' " O ~ O C 3 ~ `, ~ VO\O!q c m O O C~ O N ~ N ~ N L a~ ~ ~ o o ~ H mQU ~ m '~ H !0 y r C H Q C_ fA ~ C_3 w O ~"~ ~ ` T N .a ~ L ~ ~ U ~ O ~ fn C N a~a ~ ~~ s ~c m~ EE ~ cf0io w N O~ ~~ ~ U C ~ r. °° ~ o -o o a~ o ~° mao~w ~ ~ rn:= O 7~~~ c 0 c N N c ac ,c>>a~~ ~~ 30 ~ O~ L O O C C O- O O > N~ ~`p U~6 X117 O~ C C O y~~ N fC N U~~~ O C U'="'~M U~ E N~ EC~OL ~ .-~ C U L L .C C~ C~ a'O rnX o °~ o~ 3 u, ~~ o c ~ ~ M 1. f0 'Op ~ c0 ~ Y U N C O- N a0 N -_ O_ U X X N C~ }~ Q U O fU6 O- f6 N W v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ISmLL ~-- iV M d' ~ tG ~ , V 0 a f6 M N c 0 .~ w m y O c~ 'v c ate v o _o M L1J d (~~ t N d h ~CC C a~ °c' o ;r f9 :_ f! ~ C p1 ' C N •~ C 7 3 a (0 U ~ ip w E M 00 N X ~ E O ~ CV ~ ~O X O «~ CV ~ L ~ ~ ` ~ 0 3 N N= ~+ ~~~c ~ O N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O O O U ~ O ~ O r-~w o .` d 3 ~ N 7 ~ ~ C fA ~ N C O p N f6 ~ U M O- i ~ ~; t/~ ; M L ,~ ~ ', o ~' ti O_ 0 ~ M O O p v ~ o p~p N N # ~ L W Q) N C 7 Y O .° € w N N 'C T N rn c ~~ v~ c, C 3 `~` dg .S c d o~o R U o ~ ~B 0 -°-' O N m ~~ m O_ ti N r Y U O m C O .~ .p ,C 3 O rn N O O O W , 0' Y U! 3" ~' .> - OL m w m d M M ~ M ~ J O V' m ~ U U C N ca m Q U '++ M C N ~ O Q r ;', ro ~o 0 O N .~' ~ U " aj ~ ' i~ ` o> 2 p . C- 6> N d' , U ~~r~ ~~ ~LL fl. ~ ~ O ~p '" 'cN U] = tD U = lil n m ~toc,)a corn Z-~ 3' 3 mmO t9MM N N LaNNaN 4? N O L CO N~'Q G N U Y~ ~' ;~ U On'ONd `y~YrJJ ~oU~~ m~ ~~~~~-p U d y C N~ r ~ p~~y N ~"' .N 3 Q qj rn N N~}L L% fi3 w~~~, ~ Qt~ o ~ = N C i~ s d O ~ N N Y ~ N 3 'O ~ ~ d m ~ N N.p N 3 ~- ~ ~ ~ ° ~'~ O d as N O V 3~ O y 0 ~j 0 N N G~ ~~ ~ ~o~~~~ o a ~ N ~ °- ~ O t; ~ ~d~fl.c°i ~ Q '`L u~~a a a m ~ a~-- f o D ~t 'O ~~ O d ~' ~. ~ ~ 'O .~ ~- N `Ur' ~ tJ tom; M O N N r C ry C?M ~~`'. tb ~N~cnN O ~ ~ d'r tC 1- M ~ ,,,~ ~Z~4 ~0. ° o z --~~ 'G a~+ ~ N _ ,r G ty N = V ~ O ~ N c ~uJ~ ~ ~ 7 G V O C N O N ~ m ~ N ~ -O Nz~~N i1N -Op r N 7 +L~' G c~y~~o Q N t'- +' O G G.3 O O N ~ ;E 'N ~ O C F" C ~ C ~c~0 t0 O ~. N9 U O O ~r ~ Q CJ O N ~f O N j ~C6 N QS ~ V •~ ~ '~ o ~ a ~ :o c '~ ~ c N CJ .+ E N V ~ N O O p~ U C p ~p ,~ „ O N N ~ ~ 4 ~, fl- (~6 = 7 -~' O. 4 7 N = .~' O ~ ~ ~ 'D O V~ C C xi "' O fl. U U~ 'C ~- Y Q1 N r. ~ ~" i ~~s~Ec ~~~~""O~~o~'~~ aomc~m~'c~c-a~o~~.o p 3~ Q m X ~ N ifl K O N~ p~ *N' cD i0 ~ r p. M u)°•°-°• °' oo~° r~ :. i ~ c~ Ni Q u' <o r: '"- ~ ~ "''°"" `N/ 1 cM .~ ~ I a c ~~- ~,, ~~ N O O o cis tt~ c G O v i]- sh ~~ N d ~; .~'' t~ ''t n ~;~ r~~'~o ~~tm C7 c O N I C .C m 0 a rn c ;p o I .~ r~ I~~~ l ~ ~ "~ 0 ~~ crn ~~ .S' m 3 ~~ u E ~ ,c Gaya A a 0 '°" c0 ~j 8 a C U ~ Ly Y f ~~ a~ ~- N 0 °o W O ~ u~O v_ '• Q•,, d I 1 3 M ~ ~M J N QLL 'r m U yf U ~ C :/ y N ~ m ~ Q C O O ~ CO 'r < ~ rs r~`J rlr.' ..jj,~ CITY Ol' ~1~L'll\ 1 ,8.~ LE2"~vll 1 . F k... ... 'y~ BUILDING I ZONING DEPART'iV~NT `+ ' ~ 800 Seminole Road '~ ~`~' ~~: ~ ~ .~ . • V~ Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 '',:`a,sl~.,. (904)247-5800 (904)247-5841 Fax www.coab.us APPLICATION TRACKING FORM Property Addres3: ' ~t~~.l ~~~,~1__,I ~! Y/J( . Applicant: v ~ 1t Project: PERMIT APPLICATION # . -!~~" QUIRED DEPT: N PLANNING ~ a N BUN.DING _ F" Y PUBLIC WORKS ~ Y PUBLIC UTILITIES Y FIRE DEPT. Y Pusuc sAFErr w • APPROVAL z o REQUIRED AGENCY: RECEIVED BY: INITIAL: DATE: w ~ C7 Y N D.E.P HUFSTEfLER = ~ w Y N S.J.RW.M. ~pp~ _ ~ Y ARMY CORPS of ENG CARPER d Y N HOTELS 8 RESAURANTS HUFSTETLER APPLICATION STATUS • CIRCLE ONE SITE BUII.DIN DA AP REVIEWED BY: IN A ^ 1ST REV ^ ~f ! /3 ?~~ PLANNING BUILDING/ ^ ^ 2ND REV ^ ^ PUBLIC WORKS PUBLIC UTILITIES FIRE DEPT. PUBLIC SAFETY ^ ® 3RD REV ^ ^ Retarn this form to the Briiiding Department once yan have entered your comments into the AS400. i Date' 9/4107 City, State: Atlantic Beach, FL SHEET: 1 OF 5 Client: Anchor Sign :Overall Height: Varies,. See Drawings Sean'M. McFarland, P.E Sign; Blockbuster Wind Speed 120 mph Project Description 1023 Atlantic Blvd. Table of Contents Height Varies, See Drawings Content: Page ME Job: 07-10361 Design Loads ................... 1 AS Job: ANC 07-143 Connection Design ...............1-2 Overall Size: Varies, See Drawings Installation Details ............... 3-5 Mounting Height: 25'-0" Mounting Style: Wall Signs Mounted to Stucco over Plywood Structural Variables and Code Loading Specifications Sign Type: Channel Letters /Wall Signs • Code: 2004 FBC Existing Wall Material: other • Wind Speed: 120 Sign Weight Per Foot: 5 ~ Wind Exposure: C Wind Loads Per ASCE 7-02 Connection Design Using ASCE 7-02 (Simplified Procedure) Topography: Homogeneous I = 1.15 (Table 6-1) Exposure: C lambda = 1.35 (Figure 6-3, Exp. C, height=25 ft) Enclosure: Enclosed Zone = 5 (End-Wall -Worst Case) Structure: Components and Cladding Effective Wind Area = 10 Sq. Ft. Building: Category III Net Wind Pressure = -34.7 (Figure 6-3) Total Load Pnet = (lambda)*I*Pnet Pnet (25) _ Sign Loads Sign A (Blockbuster) -Each Sign B (Torn Ticket) -Total -53.87 PSF Area Pressure (Suction) 1.33 FT^2 -53.87 PSF 5.25 FT^2 -53.87 PSF Connection Design Sign A (Blockbuster) -Each Connections Force Per Total Connection 3 -24 LBF 2 -36 LBF S E P 0 5 2007 Force -72 LBF -283 LBF License Expires FEB 2 8 2009 3/8" Dia. 3/8" Dia. Lags (Ply) Thru Bolts 145 LBS (OK) 495 LBS (OK) Sign B (Torn Ticket) -Total 3 -94 LBF 145 LBS (OK) 3 -94 LBF 495 LBS (OK) Sean M. McFarland, PE • 19526 Kuykendahl Spring, TX 77379 • Phone (281) 813-7439 Date:'. 9/4/07 City, State' Atlantic Beach, FL SHEET: 2 OF 5 Client: Anchor Sign Overall Height: Varies, See Drawings Sean M. McFarland, P.E. Sign: Blockbuster Wind Speed 120 mph Connection Specifications (Blockbuster Sign) Blockbuster Sign: Attach Letters to Building with Either (3) 3/8" Dia. Lags (into 5/8" Plywood) OR (2) 3; 8" Dia. Thru Bolts w/Angle or 2X Backers (Continuous). Space Connectors Evenly. Attach Through 1/8" Thick Structure in Letters Connection Specifications (Torn Ticket) Torn Ticket Sign: Attach Cabinet to Building with Either (3) 3/8" Dia. Lags (into 5/8" Plywood) OR (3) 3/8" Dia. Thru Bolts w/Angle or 2X Backers (Continuous). Space Connectors Evenly. Attach Through 1/8" Thick Structure in Cabinet. In`'n`~nI ~ ~ U ~ ~ o~ N ~ as ~~ O ~aa ~n ~~ I '-' 1~ I O O \// LLL/// ~ ~ ~~~ O O 0 o Q~ O O .Q O O O l"~ t0 ~ ~ It~I ~ 0 0 M ..' y ~ ~~ O O _. ~ 4 `~-~-~ O 0 r ~ N f0 7 aT N ~, ~ II ~ c _rn ~ ~ W ip ~ ~ Q' ~ ~ N 3 m c~ .r Y ~ y U ri v O :« J II ` m N ~ N ~ ~ ~_ ~ ~ F- N ~ C ~ ~ -p O N U c v ' 0 C ~ m ~ a ~, N ~ C ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ y _ ~ ~ ~ r a ~ m O N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y ~ - ~ N N ~ N ~~ ~ O ~ C m ~ m t J cv t U ~ c ~ c rd o ~d m ~ ~ 0 ~ C 7 ~ M ~ ~ U Y ~ CJ O ~' O ~' ~~ ~ ci o a o m~ in r cow ~n t cQ cQ ', C ~ >. 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D) ~ S t~ _ .p O 'O y y C O ~ O (~0 ~ U ~ ~ m y rn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L ~ 'S m ~ a • ° c eo Q p ~ o .... ` ~; a fl. p> NJ c ~ N ~ (~ y y ~ O Cy NY 7Y ~. ~ - C '3 L O C O ~• Q (0 N O O y ~ M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~,. .N Q U ~ .a • ~ L v~ O p c f-- NQU v m ~. ~~~* c cC U L F''~ _ y - N - ~ O d ~ N >N 7 ~ N r Q' u r C C 5 Q C 3 N O 0 N w 04 U' ';M ~' '> ;" ~,ti DI~ w m d M M ~ M ~ J O ~ m = U U f3 L~ a M C O ~ ~- Q ,! .~ - ~, ~IT~.,I?Il~~ / ~l~II~TG ~~+ P 1®TT ~ 800 Seminole Road '~ Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 `~ ~;tl ~r (904) 247-5$00 (904) 247-5845 Fax www.coab.us /~PPLICATIC~6~ T~~IP~G FARM ~~D~S~C~EHt: r PERMIT APPLiCAT90~9 # ,~ ~~- R QUIRED DEPT: M PLANNING ~ Z N BUILDING Y PUBLIC WORKS ~ V PUBLIC UTILITIES Y FIRE DEPT. Y PUBLIC SAFETY ~ w APPROVAL U o REQUIRED AGENCY: RECEIVED BY: INITIAL: DATE: ~ Y ~- D.E.P HUFSTETLER ~ ~ V Q~ S.J.R,W.M. CARPER _ ~ Y N ARMY CORPS of ENG CARPER O Y Al HOTELS i~ RESAURANTS HUFSTETLER Q-PPLIC~ITIOIV STATUS CIRCLE ONE: SITE BUILDING DA AP REVIEWED BY: INITIAL: DA E: ® ® 1ST REV ® S CI !3 P NNING DING ® ® 2ND REV PUBLIG WORKS PUBLIC UTILITIES FIRE DEPT. PUBLIC SAFETY ® ® 3RD REV ~3etua°~ this f®t~a t® tia~ ~uildin~ Dep~rt~ent ®>ln~~ g~~u inaav~ ~~t~¢°e~ y~anr c~mm~ffi~~~ int® the AS40®. ` ~'~ ~~`~'`'~~ BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ~~ ; ~ ,~t l~ . ~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach FL 32233 ''~'.'="' Office: (904)247-582b • Fax (904) 247-5845 JobAadress: 1023 Atlantic Boulevard PermitNtimber: Legal Description Valuation of Work (Replacement Cost) S 2244.00 ^ Gass of Wo~g(CiKk one~ew Additio j Aiteration Repair Move ^ Use of exis " s Circle one : Comt>~rcial Residential ^ Ids ~ of ~w+~r s assoctatia~ ~ ~ ~~~7 (ale one): Yes No N /A • approv private eirttty require (Circle one): Yes No Describe in detail the type of work to be performed: ~y„ A (1) i„n,,,asy W,a,r„a~ el.ocimttsr~t tom tidmt ~ siyn ^ s.25 aqus-• rest sign B (1) aet of 18' IntemaMY laninsded lra>ivid~ ~OCKBUSTER ehareNSl le8ers moaned d4scily to the tacsde =13.83 aquere teat. t~ C(1) aet of 12.00 square tool BLOCi43USTER mv~te~a~ kxan as~bb Property Owner Iaformafioa One Realty 8 MttnagetnerttiJane Flerrrian City LBKe Maf~/ State FLZip 32748 Phone Contractor Information: Name of Company: Anchor Sign, INC. Q~i~,~g Ag~t. David W. Jackson Address: rzoot7iseAsrAw~a,e City ~ State ~ Zip X05 Office Phone mss- ~a Job SitelContaet Number a~3sra- 3208 State Certification/Registration # Esooooser Office Fax # Architect Name 8t Phone # Engineer's Name 8t Phone # seen tdcFaA~d (2a1) e13-~a3s Application is hereby made to obtain apermit to do the work and installations as indicated I certify that no work or Installation has commericedpriar to the rssuance ofapermit and that all work wi11 be wormed to mee{tlte standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction This permit becomes null and void fwork is not commenced within six (lsJ months, or i construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of six ((t5) months at time er work rs commence I understand that separate ppermits must be secured for Eledrieal 1WorllS Plrintbing, Signs, l~ell~, Pools, Furnaces, Bolles, Beaters, Tanks and.4ir Conditioners, eta WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTT~E OF COMIvvIENCEMENT. t hereby certi that 1 have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and or~nances goverrdng this type of work will be complied with whether specked herein or not. The granting o a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or ca»cel the provisions of arty other federal, state, or local lfiw regulating construction or the performance of construction Signature of Property l7wiier. Signature of Contractor: Sworn to and subscribed before me Swore t and subscrib~l before ~e this ~ Day of ttris [ ~ Day of 5~ i,, b~ri ~ o o ~ Notary Public: Notary Public: ~ i c,., :.LJ. ~I ~11,r s ; REVISED 03.05.07 .~ OFFICtAL SEAL ERICA D BROWN Notary Public For the State of South Caro~rta iwy Car: mission Expires ta;~ri! 23, 2097 EQUITY ONE ` The Supermarket REIT'" EQUITY ONE REALTY & MANAGEMENT FL, INC. '~~~ ~ ~ 2U07 August 27, 2007 Building & Zoning Department City of Jacksonville Beach RE: SIGNAGE INSTALLATION PERMIT, 1023 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD, ATLANTIC VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER Dear Building & Zoning Department, This letter shall serve as the Landlords acknowledgement that Blockbuster Video has engaged Anchor Sign, Inc. to secure proper permits to install signage at the above location. Provided that Anchor Sign, Inc. installs said signage, on behalf of Blockbuster Video in accordance with all zoning requirements and shopping center sign requirements. No other work is hereby authorized. Further, this acknowledgement shall be valid for a period of 30 days from the above date. Sincerely, Nicole G. Hooper, Property Manager As authorized agent for Equity One (AtlantlC Village) Inc. ~_ n STATE OF FLORIDA ) ,'1,~J~ SS COUNTY OF DUVAL ) i, Beatriz Owens Padgett, a Notary Public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, do hereby certify that Nicole G. Hoo er personally known to me, to be the authorized agent and Prooertk Manager, of Eouitv One (Atlantic ViNage) Inc. , a Florida limited liability. Appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that he signed and delivered the said instrument as his as his free and voluntary act and as the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN under my hand and Notarial Seal this day of , 2007. v ~„- vY r YA (SEAL) .~ v N~, , ~ of Florida a4 ~~r, Bea , ;,- ~'aagetP NOTARY PUBLIC o uU1r +s. >=t OD559405 4• ~orn.~ LxpEi~so~~,U~~~OtG 10601 San Jose Blvd • Suite 3 • Jacksonville, Florida 32257 • Te{ephone 904-292-2222 • Facsimile 904-292-1255® Regional Offices in: Jacksonville • Lake Mary • North Miami Beach • Palm Beach Gardens • Tampa NYSE. www.equityone.net ~.#nchorSigno Sign Permit Request September 10, 2007 City of Atlantic Beach, FL Attn.: George Worley Zoning and Planning 800 Seminole Road ,/ Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 C This sign permit request is in regards to: Blockbuster Video BV-12575 1023 Atlantic Boulevard Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 I have included what I believe to be the complete requirements needed to obtain this permit. If I have failed to send any important information, please contact me as soon as possible so that I may get it to }-ou. Upon issuance, I would appreciate it if you could mail the permit back to: Anchor Sign, Inc. Attn: ,Trion Brewer 2200 Discl~er Ave Charleston, ~C 29405 In addition, if you have the time and it is not too much trouble, could you please fax a copy to me at 843- 576-7208 so that I may immediately update our records. I appreciate your time and efforts. Thank you again. Please do not hesitate to call if you should have any questions. Sincerely, { G~ _.. Trion Brewer Permit Coordinator P.O. Box 22737 • Charleston, SC 29413 Charleston (843) 747-5901 • Toll Free (800) 213-3331 • Fax (843) 747-5907 g CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number 09-00000209 Date 2/11/09 Property Address 1023 ATLANTIC BLVD Application type description MECHANICAL ONLY Property Zoning TO BE UPDATED Application valuation 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc 1 cu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor GREENBERG DENTAL SCOTT AIR OF FLORIDA 9556 HISTORIC KINGS RD S #306 ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 JACKSONVILLE FL 32257 (904) 288-9300 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit MECHANICAL PERMIT Additional desc . Permit Fee 115.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date Valuation 0 Expiration Date 8/10/09 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 115.00 115.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 115.00 115.00 .00 .00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. - ` ` " ~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ~' d 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 n OFFICE: (904~47~5828 ~ FAX NO.:(904)247-5845 BUILDING-DEPT~COAB. US `'`~~_~ _ >r MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION 09- I I I I I DUVALCOUNTY ~. ~~~~ A }i~~: ~ 3~.~ . ~,. ~. i ~ . ~ ~ND ^ YES PERMIT #: 4. NAME: ~ u.rt l~l~~ 5. ADDRESS IF DIFFERENT FROM JOB ADDRESS: 6. PHONE: ~ 7 AME OF CO PANY: c ~f ,~~ ~= I~ ~~ 6. ADDRESS.: , 9~~ +~~5~0~',c k;:~cc ~ 9. STATE pF FLORIDA~,~ICENSE NO: 7 10. CELL PHONE: //' tt. FAX NO.: !~~ ^Gi-QU W 12. EMPdL ADDRESS: 13. OFFIC E PHpONE: 2 '! !~ 14 Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. This permit becomes null and void if work is not commenced within six (6) months, or if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of six (6) months at an time after work is commenced. CONTRACTORS SIGNATURE: 3tf. CU38 OF YIN~tZI(: 1R Bt1H.~INf3: ii, iEEt1flCE:: 1& Vii' GQOE: ^ NEW INSTALLATION ~REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING SYSTEM ^ ALTERATION /ADDITION TO EXIST SYSTEM ^ REPAIR ^ NEW EXISTING ^ RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL 'O6 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE- MECHANICAL ^ OTHER 19. HEAT: ^ SPACE ^ RECESSED CENTRAL ^ FLOOR BURNERS: 20. AIR CONDITIONING: ^ ROOM CENTRAL 21. DUCT SYSTEM: MATERIAL: THICKNESS: MAX CAPACITY: cfm 22. REFRIGERATION: MAX CAPACITY: cfrri 23. COOLING TOWER: CAPACITY: gpm 24. FIRE SPRINKLER: NUMBER OF HEADS: 26. LEFT SYSTEM: ELEVATOR: MANLIFT: ESCALATOR: AUTOLIFT: 26. COMMERCIAL HOOD NUMBER: 27. FIREPLACE: PREFABRICATED: MASONRY: 28. IRRIGATION: ^ PUMP ^ WELL ^ PIPING 29. GAS PIPING: # OF OUTLETS: ^ GAS AHU: ^ GAS WATER HEATER: 30.OTHER -SPECIFY: SOLAR HEATING, BOILERS, UNFIRED PRESSURE VESSEL, HEAT EXCHANGER OR COIL IN DUCTS ETC. ALUE FOR OTHER ITEMS: 3i. taQ1A NUMBl~F2 OF UNITS DESCRIPTION MODEL# MANUFACTURER TONS APPROVING GENCY .~, ~~~~ ':C ~za jo ~~. A~ OF UNITS DESCRIPTION MODEL# MANUFACTURER BTU AGENCY .TANK NUMBER GALLONS CONTAINED MANUFACTURER SERIAL# AGENCY BLDG04 PefmR Appicaton Mecfi: REVISED: 1 2/1 8 2 0 08 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number 09-00000083 Date 2/02/09 Property Address 1023 ATLANTIC BLVD Application type description COMMERCIAL ADDITION/ALTERATION Property Zoning TO BE UPDATED Application valuation 130000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc interior build out ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ BLOCKBUSTER VIDEO TRI CITY ENIRONMENTAL INC 119 LK RENA DR ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 LONGWOOD FL 32779 (321) 231-6455 --------------------- S f t' 000 000 ---------------------- Construction Type . Occupancy Type Flood Zone Permit Additional desc . Permit Fee Issue Date -----Expiration Date . Special Notes and c *2004 FLORIDA BUI: 2004 FLORIDA FIRS 2005 NATIONAL EL *REPORT ANY UNFOR DEPARTMENT IMMEE ----------------------- Other Fees tructure In orma ion . TYPE 5-A BUSINESS ~,~ ~ 8~ v Q 3~'- ~3~- ~ 55 Fee summary Charged Paid Permit Fee Total 550.00 550.00 Plan Check Total 275.00 275.00 Other Fee Total 18.00 18.00 Grand Total 843.00 843.00 ;k Fee 275.00 i 130000 rs. BUILDING ---------- ~URCHARGE ------------- 16.20 SURCHARGE 1.80 ----------- - ----------- ~.L~3ited - Due ---------- --- .00 ------- .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number 09-00000150 Date 2/02/09 Property Address 1023 ATLANTIC BLVD Application type description MECHANICAL ONLY Property Zoning TO BE UPDATED Application valuation 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc 1 cu Owner ------------------------ Contractor ------------------------ WEAVER AIR INC 17445 WOODFAIR DRIVE CLERMONT FL 34711 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit MECHANICAL PERMIT Additional desc . Permit Fee 115.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date Valuation 0 Expiration Date 8/01/09 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 115.00 115.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 115.00 115.00 .00 .00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. ~r ~% ~ ~14'`~''' ~~~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Vii. ` , ~ a ,~ J 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 rs OFFICE: (904)247-5826 ~ FAX NO.:(904)247-5845 M n ~ ~ BUILDING-DEPT(~COAB.US ~2> `'"~~.-.mow MECHANICAL PERMIT aPPUC,aTl~nl nl Iver r~n1 u.~Tv 1; JOB:ADDRESS: '' - - '2: IS THIS A SUB PERMIT: -- - 3. DATE: ^ NO W'ES PERMIT #: l ~ O PROPERT Y, OWNER: 4. NAME: ~ r _ 5. ADDRESS IF DIFFERENT FROM JOB ADDRESS: 6. PHONE: "' M ECHANICALCONTRAGTOR: 7. ME OF COMPANY: ~ 8. ADDRESS.: 9. STATE OF FLORIDA LICENSE NO: /vL G c~ s'-t ~ 10. LL PH o~ - o 11. FAX NO.: ~ ~ b 2. EMAIL ADDR SS: ~ 13. OFFICE PHONE: ~ G 14, Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. This permit becomes null and void if work is not commenced within six (6) months, or if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of six (6) month /s~ at any time after work is commenced. CONTRACTORS SIGNATURE: ''~V '15. CLASS OF WORK: 16: BUILDING: ,_ 17: SERVICE: 18. CURRENT CODE: ., ^ NEW INSTALLATION ^ REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING SYSTEM ALTERATION !ADDITION TO EXIST SYSTEM ^ REPAIR ^ N W ~XISTING ^ RESIDENTIAL frG~OMMERCIAL 6 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE- MECHANICAL ^ OTHER MECHANK:AL EQUIPMENTTO BE IN STALLED: 19. HEAT: ^ SPACE ^ RECESSED 6r CENTRAL ^ FLOOR BURNERS: 20. AIR CONDITIONING: ^ ROOM CENTRAL 21. DUCT SYSTEM: MATERIAL: THICKNESS: MAX CAPACITY: cfm 22. REFRIGERATION: MAX CAPACITY: r--~ cfm 23. COOLING TOWER: CAPACITY: r----- gpm 24. FIRE SPRINKLER: NUMBER OF HEADS: -r-- 25. LIFT SYSTEM: ELEVATOR: ti- MANLIFT: "'~- ESCALATOR: `~- AUTOLIF~:-- 26. COMMERCIAL HOOD NUMBER: r---~ 27. FIREPLACE: PREFABRICATED: MASONRY: 28. IRRIGATION: ^ PUMP ^ WELL ^ PIPING 29. GAS PIPING: # OF OUTLETS: ^ GAS AHU: ^ GAS WATER HEATER: 30.OTHER -SPECIFY: SOLAR HEATING, BOILERS, UNFIRED PRESSURE VESSEL, HEAT EXCHANGER OR COIL IN DUCTS ETC. ALUE FOR OTHER ITEMS: 3L COOLING EQUIPMENTr°::' AIR CONDITIONIN REFRIGERATION E UIPMENT CONDENSORS ETG. NUMBER OF UNITS DESCRIPTION MODEL # MANUFACTURER TONS APPROVING AGENCY FURNACES<B 32 HEATING EQUIPMENT: ILERS FIREPLACES` AIR HANDLER ETC. OF UNITS DESCRIPTION MODEL# MANUFACTURER BTU IN AGENCY 33. TA NKS: NUMBER GALLONS I CONTAINED ANUFA l;ll"Y UF.9,T~,.~f~'1~~, ~~~C~I BLDG04 PertnitApplicaton Mech: REVISED: 12/18/2008 S~E ~~~~~~ I"Ult ~'-+~ITI(_}NAI. REQUI~~N~`S AIvD CUCY:I)I'I70NS. REVIEWED HY; CE DATE; :~~"O ,y, ` ~,~ /OZ3 JAN 3 0 2009 ~ !.rs, '",~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH n •'~ ~~~ 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 - 'fix _') OFFICE: (904)247-5826 ~ FAX NO.:(904)247-5845 BUILDING-DEPT~COAB. US ~''=1,~,~s RI 111 1'11A1~± ncor-arr w nn. .A ~ T.A~• - - -- - - •,• •-••••-• • w~• ut,1vAL GCJUNTY ?1. JOB ADDRESS: 2. VALUAT10N OF WORK. 3. SO.'FT. UNDER ROOF G ~) / - "V- E/l/ 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 5. CLASS OF WpRK 6. USE OF STRU$TURE: (; LOT ~ LOCK UB DIVISION 2 -I t ~ ,Ci ~G' ^ NEW BUILDING ^ DEMOLITION ^ RESIDENTIAL ^ ADDITION ^ CONVERTING USE OMMERCIAL 7 DESCRIPTION OF,„WORK 'ALTERATION ^ACCESSORYBLDG. B,:FIRESPRINKLER:'''. ~ ^ REPAIR ^ POOL /SPA ^ YES ^ N/A '7 ^ MOVE ^ OTHER PROBERTYQWNE NO CONTRAt"r OR: ARCHITECT'f ENGINEER: 9. NAME: 15. COMPANY NAME: 23. COMPANY NAME: 6~~~~ Dot . , 18~. NqAME: 24. LICENSEE NAME: ~ c t c; ~ ITr` 10. ADDRESS: ( (zL~ o ~ t ~J 4T ~/ 1J~2 Z -~v 17. STATE OF FLORIDA LICENSE NO.: 25. STATE OF FLORI A LICENSE NO.: .. Cy _ ~t /~ ~ 1. ~` ~ ~ n 1 ' V~f7/ ~ `~'Y ~~ ~~1`G ~~~ ~-~ 18/Ar ~E C ~ A D 26rr. DRESS:~+ - i>'t~~ 77 [ ' 2 ~ 1 .~~ f •~ ~11._OFFICE P~ NE: G °~ 12. FS NO.: Y ~ ` 19. OFFICE HONE: 2 . FAX NO.: 27. OFFICE PHONE: 26. FAX NO.: O i - 7 5 - Y C1 p 13. CELL PHONE: 21. CELL PHONE: 29. CELL PHONE: 1jj4++.~~EMAIL ADDRESS: 22. EMAIL ADDRESS: 30. EMAIL ADDRESS: ~ / l..y ~ ~ ~,y ~ / ~ ~o~ FEE3IMPLE TI 'E HOLDER: (IF OTHER TFi4N OWNER) BONDING COMPANY: MORTGAGE LENDER: 31. NAME: L 33. NAME: 35. NAME: 32. ADDRESS: 34. ADDRESS: 36. ADDRESS: Appliption is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. This permit becomes null and void if work is not commenced within six (6) months, or if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of six (6) months at any time after work is commenced. I understand that separate permits must be secured for Electrical Work, Plumbin ,Signs, Wells, Poots, Furnaces, Boilers, Heaters, Tanks, Air Conditioners, etc. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT - I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. I will not occupy or use the referenced building or any part therof, unti- all inspections are finaled and prior to obtaining a cert~cate of occupancy or completion issued by the building offiaal, as required by law. ~ WARNING TO OWNER: ~ YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. OWNER or AGENT C TRACTOR (Ifggent, Power of Atlomey or Agency Letter Required) ualifi~r Only) Signed. !~/ Date: ~ Signed: Date: _ Before me this ~~, day of -~ , 2009 in the county of Before me this ~~ day of e~I"A~t7 , 200 in the unty of Duval, State of Florida, has personal) peered Duval, State of Florida, has personally appeared herin by himself /herself and affirms that all statements and declarations are herin by himself /herself and affirms that all statements and declarations are true and accurate. . ~ true and accurate. ~ ~~~ Note ublic at Large, State of ~~?:u~f,R-T'~ounty of `~ Notary Public at Large, State of F~`QQi County of /[L~Y~ Personally Known Personally Known ^ Produced Identification - ^ Produced Identification - Notary Signature: Notary Signature: ~ ~. t4i~A"''t1JFfi~WIR~{ ' ,I ~ a t g, , . ~_~'~ MY U1Rirti~p IN a Uth, 14! Sk ~ ^' " '~~~5~// ~' ~ 1.. '`1R~~ 1 •,~ut hsuwar..len~ 1 r. ~~ ~ • . ~ - t n ~4~ j ','~ 1 ~~ BLDGOt Permit Application Bldg: REVISED: 12/1 ,1~ 4I1~~~. 2~ ~., ~ _ _ . n.. ~ ~._~.._~,_ ' CATHYFUHRMAN MY COMMISSION ~ D069110li n. k0 .w.-aeM1at~9:•i ..,. '. .fit FILE COPY :Vnnhrarimg lat,~k.z.:+, ~ 7 i;I. ~1 t'1 rz~ ~ ,t ~ ~ _ ; f~ L-. ~,~ ~~ 0 (a~ t. 14oax dad Cxiling Runners - (rot shown) - Channel sha11wd run- _ Hers, 3-5/li in. wide (min), I-1/4 u~. Legs, foamed from min Arn. 25 MSG {min No- 20 IvfSG when Item 4C is used) gate sleet, attached to floor - and ceiling with fosterers spaced 24 in. OC maw ' 2. Steel Studs- Channel shaped, 3-5(8 in. wide (min), ;-114 ut:legs, 3/8 in. folded back returns, formed from nun No. ?5 MSG (min No. 20 MSG whet[ Item 4C is used) gale steel spaced 24 in OC max 3. Batts and Bisrtkets•- (Optional) -Mineral wool or glass fiber bads partially or mmp(etely filling stud cavity. See Batts and Blankets (BZJ~ category for names of Classified mmpames ` 3A. Fibey Sprayed` - Aa an alternate to Baits and Blanlsxts (Item 31- SPnY aPPBed cellulose iruulation material. The filter is applied with water to mmpketely fill the enclosed cavity in accnniance with the application instructions supplied with the product. Nominal dry den- sity of 3.0 Ib/ftr. U 3 GREENFIB]]t L L C-Cocoon stabilised cellulose insula- tan. 4. Gppsvm Board` - 5/8 in. thick, 4 ft wide, attached to steel studs and floor and reeling trade whir 1 m. long, Type S steel screws spaced 8 in OC along edges of board acid 1z in- OC in the field of the beard. Joints oriented vertically and staggered an opposite sides of the assenbly. When attached to item 6 (resilient channels) or 6A furring channels), wallboard is xrew attached to furring channels with 1 in. long, Type S steel screws opened 12 in. OC. A1v1EItICAN'GYI+5tlM Cu=1`ypes At-l;, Atz-t. BEIJING NEW BUILDING MAiERlALS C9 LTA -Type DBX-1. BPB AME1tICA INC SPB CF.LOTDC-T pe I. , CANADIeW GYPSUM COr14PANY -Types AR, C, 1P-AR, IP-X2, IPC-AR, SCX, SIiX, WRC or WRX. CONTINENTAL GYPSUM COMPANY ---Types CG-G CG5-5, CGS6, CG9A, CGTC-C GP GYPSUM CORP, SIJB OF GEORGIA-PACTFiC CORP-Tyypes 3, 9, C, DGG DS, GPFS6. JAMES HARDIE GYPSUM INC-Type Max °C' or Fire X. LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA INC -Types LGFC2, LGFCZA, I.GFC6,1.GK5A, I.CFC-C, LGFCL/A. NATIONAL GYPSUM CO-Types 1~IC G FSK~, ESWC, FSW-G, FSN! NORGIPS A/S - NORFIRE XA. PABCO GYPSUM, DIV OE PACIFIC COAST BUILDING PRODUCTS LYC -Type PG-C. SIAM GYPSUM INDUSTRY CO LTD-Type FX-1 STANDARD GYPSUM L L C-Type 5G-C. TEMPLEdNLAND FOREST PRODUCTS CORD -Type TG-C. UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO-T AR, G FRXG, IP-AR, II'-X2. IPC AR, SCX, SHX, WRC or WRX. USG t•47LiiC0 S A DE C V Type AR, G IP-A$ II'-X2. IPC-AR, SCX, SI-IX, WRC or WRX. WESTROC 1NC-Type Weshvc Fi-Rak. 4A. Gypsum Heard'- (As alternate la Item 4) -Nom 5J8 in. thick gyp sum panels with Lxveleci, srPlate or tapered edges, applied vertically of horizoruaBy. Vertical 7'oirrts centered over studs and staggered ore stud cavity on opposite sides of studs. IiorizontaL edge joints and horizontal trutx joints o~n opposite sides of studs need not be stdggereel cx backed. Panels attached {o steel studs and floor nearer with 1 in. long Type S steel screws spaced 8 in OC when applied horizonta8y, or 8 ur._OC along vertfc~ a bottom edges and 12 fn. GC in the Creid when parcels ~ADIAN GYPSUM COMPANY-T AR G IP-AR, IP-X2, IPC-AR, 5C)4 5iDC, WRC or WRX. UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO Typpee AR, C, FItX-G, iP-AR, IP-X2,IFGAR, 5CX, SI-IX, WRC or WAX. USG MEXICO 5 A DE C V -Type AIZ. G IP-AR, IP-X2, II'C-AR, SCX, SIiX, WRC or WRX. 4B. Gypsum Hoard` - 1,.4s an alternate to items 4 ar 9A) -Nam 3!4 in. flock, 4 ft wide, installed as described in Item 4A wide screw Length increased xt i-t f 4 in. CANADIA,~I GYPSUM COMPANY Types AR, IP AR: UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO -Ty AR, IF-AR USG MEXICO S A DE C V -Types Ail, IF-AR 4C. Gypsum Board" - (As an alternate to Items 4s 4A and 4B) - 5 (8 in... thick gypsum panels, instaikd as desrnbed in Hem 4A with Type S-IZ steel screws. The length and sparing of the screws as speci5ed under Item 4A. CANADIAN GYPSUM COMPANY-Type FRX. UNITED SPATES GYPSUM CO Type FR?L. 5. Joint TiPe sra[ Compound - vinyl, dry or p )Dint compound, aanppLe' ddm two coals to joints and screw headstape, 2 in. wrde, +bed eel in &st layer of compoemd over aFljorrus. As an alternate, nominal 3/,"r2 in thick sum veneer plaster may be applied to tkre /1 entire surface of Qassifiecl veneer baseboard. Jonrts n>anforced. (/f I 6. Resilient Chaaae! - {Optional-Not Shown) - ?$ MSG gate steel resilient charnels spaced verttpliv max 24 in OC, flange portion attached m each intersecting stud with 1/2 in. long type 5.12 panhead 1 { ~j U steel screws. Not for use rvrth Typppee FI1X gypsum panels. f y 6A. Steel Fnming Members (.Yot Shewn)• - As an alternate by Item 3, ~~ ~ furring channels and resilient sound isolatmn dip as described below: a. Furring Channels -Formed of No. 2S MSG ale steel. 2~3/Sin. wide by 7/8 in. deep spaced 24 fie. OC perpendicular to studs, Clean- j / J~ eels seaaecl to surds as described in Item b. 1.1 (/ b. Steel Framing Members" -Used to attach fusing eharurels (!teat a) ~l to studs (Item 1). Clips spared 48 in OC. and secured to studs with .1-518 in. wafer a hoc lead Type S sled screw tharnrgh She center gmmmet. Furzingg clrarmeis are frictiear fitted info clips. PAC INTERNATIONAL -Type RSIC-L ` 'Searing fire III Classification Mark i Florida Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction Florida Department of Community Affairs FLA/COM 2004 v2.5, Effective Dec 8, 2006 -- Form 400A-2004R Method A: Whole Building Performance Method for Commercial Buildings PROJECT SUMMARY Short Desc: 6240109C Owner: Greenberg Dental Addressl: 953 Atlantic Beach Blvd. Suite lOB Addressl: Atlantic Beach, Fl. 32233 Description: Greenberg Dental Atlantic City: State: Zip: Type: Healthcare-Clinic Class: Jurisdiction: ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FL (261100) Conditioned Area: 3886 SF Conditioned & Unconditioned Area: No of Stories: 1 Area entered from Plans Permit No: 0 Max Tonnage If different, write in: Atlantic Beach Fl. 32233 Renovation to existing 3886 SF 3886 SF 10 EnergyGauge Summit®v3.15 Incorporating Florida Energy Code Version - FLA/COM 2004 v2.5 Effective Dec 8, 2006 1/24/2009 Page 1 of 7 Component Gross Energy Cost Compliance Summary Design ~~~ 4,992.2 LIGHTING CONTROLS EXTERNAL LIGHTING HVAC SYSTEM PLANT WATER HEATING SYSTEMS PIPING SYSTEMS Met all required compliance from Check List? Criteria Result 5,750.0 PASSES PASSES None Entered PASSES None Entered PASSES None Entered Yes/No/NA I~VIPORTANT NOTE: An input report of this design building must be submitted along with this Compliance Report. EnergyGauge Summit®v3.15 Incorporating Florida Energy Code Version - FLA/COM 2004 v2.5 Effective Dec 8, 2006 1/24/2009 Page 2 of 7 CERTIFICATIONS hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by this calculation are in compliance with the Florida Energy Code Prepared~VOCI AEa~or= p+l~ C~~sic~~° I'ic.', Building Official New Cammeric~l 8: ~~bii.: Date: ,~ r' #75, Date: ,~~~D ~ .. I certif that this buildin is m compliance with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code Y 9 Owner Agent: Date: If Required by Florida law, I hereby certify (*) that the system design is in compliance with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code Architect: Reg No: Electrical Designer: Reg No: Lighting Designer: Reg No: Mechanical Designer: Reg No: Plumbing Designer: Reg No: (") Signature is required where Florida Law requires design to be performed by registered design professionals. Typed names and registration numbers may be used where all relevant information is contained on signed/sealed plans. EnergyGauge Summit®v3.15 Incorporating Florida Energy Code Version - FLA/COM 2004 v2.5 Effective Dec 8, 2006 1124/2009 Page 3 of 7 Project: 6240109C ' Title: Greenberg Dental Atlantic Beach Type: Healthcare-Clinic (WEA File: JACKSONVILLE.TMY) Building End Uses Design Reference Tota I 342.40 392.90 $4,992 $5,750 ELECTRICITY(MBtulkWhl$) 342.40 392.90 100246 116000 $4,992 $5, 750 AREA LIGHTS 42.10 61.00 12326 17851 $614 $893 MISC EQUIPMT 39.00 39.00 11387 11387 $567 $569 PUMPS &MISC o.20 0.20 58 S9 $3 $3 SPACE COOL 66.20 71.90 19404 21034 $966 $1,052 SPACE HEAT 3.so s.6o 1010 1602 $50 $80 VENT FANS 191.40 21s.2o 56060 63067 $2, 792 $3,153 Credits & Penalties (if any): Modified Points: = 342.11 PASSES EnergyGauge Summit®v3.15 Incorporating Florida Energy Code Version - FLAICOM 2004 v2.5 Effective Dec 8, 2006 1/24/2009 Page 4 of 7 External Lighting Compliance Description Category Tradable? Allowance Area or Length ELPA CLP (W/LTnit) or No. of Units (W) (W) (Sgft or ft) None Project: 6240109C Title: Greenburg Dental Atlantic Beach Type: Healthcare-Clinic (WEA File: JACKSONVILLE.TMY) Lighting Controls Compliance Acronym Ashrae Description Area Design Min Compli- ID (sq.ft) CP CP ance Greenburg Dental ,004 Exam/Treatment (Hospital) 3,886 24 2 PASSES PASSES Project: 6240109C Title: Greenburg Dental Atlantic Beach Type: Healthcare-Clinic (WEA File: JACKSONVILLE.TMY) System Repo rt Compliance Greenburg Roof Top Constant Volume Packaged No. of Units Dental System--902 1 Component Category Capacity Design Eff Design IPLV Comp- Eff Criteria IPLV Criteria Hance Cooling System Air Conditioners Air Cooled 11.00 10.30 9.80 PASSES 65000 to 135000 Btu/h Cooling Capacity Heating System Electric Furnace 1.00 1.00 PASSES Air Handling Air Handler (Supply) - 0.80 0.90 PASSES System -Supply Constant Volume Air Handling Air Handler (Return) - 0.80 0.90 PASSES System -Return Constant Volume Air Distribution ADS System 6.00 3.50 PASSES System PASSES EnergyGauge Summit®v3.15 Incorporating Florida Energy Code Version - FLA/COM 2004 v2.5 Effective Dec 8, 2006 1/24/2009 Page 5 of 7 Plant Compliance Description Installed Size Design Min Design Min Category No Eff Eff IPLV IPLV Comp Hance I None Project: 6240109C Title: Greenburg Dental Atlantic Beach Type: Healthcare-Clinic (WEA File: JACKSONVILLE.TMY) Water Heater Compliance Description Type Category Design Min Design Eff Eff Loss Max Comp Loss Hance Water Heater 1 Electric water heater > 12 [kW] 333.0: PASSES PASSES Piping System Compliance Category Pipe Dia Is Operating Ins Cond Ins [inches] Runout? Temp [Btu-inlhr Thick [in] [F] .SF.F] Req Ins Compliance Thick [in] None EnergyGauge Summit® v3.15 Incorporating Florida Energy Code Version - FLA/COM 2004 v2.5 Effective Dec 8, 2006 1/24/2009 Page 6 of 7 Project: 6240109C Title: Greenburg Dental Atlantic Beach Type: Healthcare-Clinic (WEA File: JACKSONVILLE.TMY) Other Required Compliance Category Section Requirement (write N/A in box if not applicable) Check Report 13-101 Input Report Print-Out from EnergyGauge F1aCom attached Operations Manual 13-102.1, 13-4 Operations manual provided to owner Windows & Doors 13-406.ABC.1. Glazed swinging entrance & revolving doors: max. 1.0 cfmlftz; all other products: 0.4 cfin/ft2 Joints/Cracks 13-406.ABC.1, To be caulked, gasketed, weather-stripped or otherwise sealed Dropped Ceiling Cavit 13-406.ABC.3 Vented: seal & insulated ceiling. Unvented seal & insulate roof & side walls System 13-407 HVAC Load sizing has been performed Reheat 13-401.BC Electric resistance reheat prohibited HVAC Efficiency 13-407, 13-40F Minimum efficiences: Cooling Tables 13-407.ABC.3.2.1A-D; Heating Tables 13-407.ABC.3.2.1B, 13-407.ABC.3.2.1D, 13-408.ABC.3.2.1E, 13-408.ABC.3.2F HVAC Controls 13-407.ABC,2 Zone controls prevent reheat (exceptions); simultaneous heating and cooling in each zone; combined HAC deadband of at least 5°F (exceptions) Ventilation Controls 13-409.ABC.3 Motorized dampers regd, except gravity dampers OK in: 1) exhaust systems and 2) systems with design outside air intake or exhaust capacity 5300 cfm ADS 13-410 Duct sizing and Design have been performed HVAC Ducts 13-410.ABC Air ducts, fittings, mechanical equipment & plenum chambers shall be mechanically attached, sealed, insulated & installed per Sec. 13-410 Air Distribution Systems Balancing 13-410.ABC.4 HVAC distribution system(s) tested & balanced. Report in construction documents Piping Insulation 13-411.ABC In accordance with Table 13-411.ABC.2 Water Heaters 13-412.ABC Performance requirements in accordance with Table 13-412.ABC.3. Heat trap required Swimming Pools 13-412.ABC.2. Cover on heated swimming pools: Time switch (exceptions); Readily accessible on/off switch Hot Water Pipe Insular 13-412.ABC.3 Table 13-411.ABC.2 for circulating systems, first 8 feet of outlet pipe from storage tank and between inlet pipe and heat trap Water Fixtures 13-412.ABC.2. Shower hot water flaw restricted to 2.5 gpm at 80 psi. Public lavatory fixture how water flow 0.5 gpm max; if self-closing valve 0.25 gallon recirculating, 0.5 gallon non recirculating Motors 13-414 Motor efficiency criteria have been met Lighting Controls 13-415.ABC Automatic control required for interior lighting in buildings >5,000 s.f.; Space control; Exterior photo sensor; Tandom wiring with 1 or 3 linear fluuorescent lamps>30W EnergyGauge Summit®v3.15 Incorporating Florida Energy Code Version - FLA/COM 2004 v2.5 Effective Dec 8, 2006 1!24/2009 Page 7 of 7 ^~ . ~ b! •~ (~ ~ ~ U ~ y~ '~, N U o . ~ v 7 ~ O oho x V-~ H ~ ~ W ~i ~ ~ O vl y ~ O d y~ .~ ~~ O *rrr~+++~~~ ~ V1 ~. V ~ ~ M~ r+ ~'^ /^y' ^/ F~ ® W ,y.. '/ 4 / , ~ R~ rM~ 1+~ ' i M ~ H ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y~ ~'~" 7~ ~ ~ 0 ~ a y ~ , W ~ M 4ti ~ N cn ~ ~ Q ~ W M +a w ~ ~ •~ ~ ~-+ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O '~ ,r. ~ Q N r~ rS ~, M W 'v = y F ~ ~ ~ N J d v c L a. a ~ o L OD ~ ,~, M O s. r g 0 ~~ ~ M W N ~ I Q a~ d O Q 0 T Q ~'"' U l(1 tfi 7 F 011 Ct3 d w v C ~,; 0 4. fl„ O ~~ ~ ~ ~ A p ~ ~ ~ o A N d (~ Q N z ^ ^ ^ o ~ y O ~' 00 00 00 ~ G~ M M M a~ 7 O ~ ~ w ~ N ~ o ~ p y z ~- ~ M V ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 F ~w ~• ~ U ~ ~ ~ d' ~ ~ F Z U ~ rn o; o; ~e ~- M c O H +"' ,~~ 4 ~'+ ~' 4.i ~.~ ~ ~ ~ N N N ~ ~~,,, ~ ~ 0 0 0 ~~. 0 ~ 03 ~ o Y ~ Y • u o a ~ ~ ~ a W x ~ z A ~ a~ •L' O .C ...~ O G ~ ~t 'Cu -, y.C O O O 3 3a ~~ o o 4 o D1 N o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ as ~ ~ U ~ c ,~ ~ ~ ~ r- ~ Q M ~ C •[ ~ Y? a ~ J ~ v .-. ~ , w o 0 0 o 0 0 •~ ~u o 0 0 x ~ x ~ .p ;, ~ ~ o F y a o o o ~ ~ 0 M N M N M N a i U U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ °' U w w F' a O 6) ~+ R C. ~ ~ A ~ N p ~ 'J bA F. A~ ~ A=~z A q ~ is i.. ,fl i, CL • C V" C CJ" v i V sue.. C. ~ ~ O O O d' C7 ~ O A C Ln ~0 a1 O O Cr, C- i '~' N N O z c ~--~ C V M M ~7 8 f/1 bA C7 ern L w O O N e7' N ^ M i. ~~ D ~ M ~ ~ N d.. ~+ o `"..+ 7 Ww`+ E'' W 4y, ' °: mo ' ~ ~ d d , ~ ~ ~, o o G d ~ ~ ~ U ~ or ~, mss ~ d x~ w N C > ~ ,.. .y i' ,_, N a A G ~'" W ,-., w N .~ ,.~ ~ . O ~ O U U O O p ~ G i ~ ~ ~ 3~ ~~ ,~ m 0 0 x ~ =~ o a a o .o 'c-' ..~ y ~ .n r ~ 3. ~ ~ M ~' 7 y M '~ ~ ~D ~ y ..+ d .e~ ca ~ ~ O ~ ~ y U ~ o '~ ~ ~ ~ °~ O o p Vf x d N ~ ~ ~, ~, ~ ~ o ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ 3 o ~ x ~ ~ o O ~ N •r ,,... ~ M .+ ' ~ ~ .p 'fl 'fl ~ _ 'z ~' .fl ~ , d ~ cT -" ~ ~ H ,~ 'C ~ y ~ y G~ un ~ ~ Q O O ~ ~ ° y °" GA ~ p C 7 ., , N ~ ~ ~ d A A o C ° ~ ~ p ~ ~ ~+~' •, ; G n w ~ ~ R ~ ~ v G ~ s. d .~ ^ cC ~ ~ v y a~ '~' C t d A U ~ R V A A L7 ~~ Ga d R 3 o c "-' G 3 -' N ~ 3 ~ 6 O 3 ~ Z, ,~. W ~ ~ N ~ ~ 3 0 ~' 3 ~ N ;; ~ ~ ~ ~ ' 00000 a~ ~. G ++ L/~ "~ GA ~Q J •~~+ m a a~ W 0 7 Q~ ~ O T~/1 U zn ~: w O Yr. G O O O ~ O 0 o O0. O .Q r• ~, a .-~ O N O ~ O ~ ~ SY ° ~, a I 0 H 0 0 I~ y a A G U i. .-+ ~ y N T Y 0 v U, ~ ~ .9 c ~ ~ ~ ~ .r ~~~xxQ ~ 'Q I°x~'~ N M ,. ~. °ab d y ceS V Q a U .- ~~. F~ N d ~ R ~ S Q~ 13 E ,w M ,~ 0 C.7 b~A s. ~~ w 'v G U O y . V 6~ A x 3 a U x ~ .., ~: c~ U ~ (~ ~ y U~ o ~ o ~ za d 6 z ^o^ ^a^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ 0 c 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 °'~ ° ~~ O O O 0 0 w ~ M ~w o N O a y a~ O O O O .~'', ~' f`1 ~ ~' .~i O O O C'~ O O vi ~ h (`1 . . v~ ~ y O ~ ~ V ~ O y ~ "~ O~ ~w ~w a ~.: o a. ~.: ~r O 0 O 0 O O ~o 00 O ~n O M CC `~' ~ U~ h rn CQ 'n ~ U~ M .~ o roc o 0 0 ~ W ~ W o --~ , 0 0 0 0 x~ ~ y O O O ~" C y O O '~ ~ 0 0 00, '~ ~ °o °o e~ R o 0 0 ~~ 0 0 C~ C W O O h ~n O M O ~ ~ O ~ O p .C N p .~C~ C ^~ 0 0 O O O ^p ~ O ~~ O O ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ V u ~ ~O \O O ~ O ~ ~, M O O ~ O O N ^„ O O ~ ~ '~ H O O O '~ ~ O O O O O O o v~ O N o M ,-, N O A ~D M M ~ '~ ~.+ ~ u ~ C ++ ~' u ~ G N C '--~ N N O V y O Z . L . Z ~ C ~ C ~ U U ~ 3 o ~ =~ ~ ~ .--i ~~ y ~ o0 ~i f-+ ~ rr~~ ~~ii f-+ f-+ ~~ii H yy f-~ ~ ~ ~i ~ x p ~ ~ ~ M vaV ~ V c ¢ ~V 0o N p4~ k. O °~' x ~ Q ~ o ~ ~ ~ x H ~ ~ Q, ~ '~ O q ~ ~ . G~ ~i Ca . vi u ~ ~ ~ y ~ O y a G ~~ x ~ ~ o ° o ~ ° ~ ~ ~a ~ ~3 ~ ~ N ~ y Q Q fn •y ~ ~ ~ Z a !"' ~ ~ ~ CC z O ~ ~ ~ ~ z ~ ~, M N V h ~ ~ M ~ ~ N ~ 1 ~o Ux ~ CA '_"' i, ~-+ N M O L~. y R ~ N ~n ~n O~ M ~ a bA "O ~ ~ \p ~ O ~O M `S z ~' O O ~-. ~ O N ~ N N ~ ~ M ~' C u oro a y C W 0 0 N N M Y .r d /CC^ Y 3. W Q~ 0 ~_ d' N yS~~~~'r,,, City of Atlantic Beach ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~s ~~~ Building Department GC'~'r 1`~ } 800 Seminole Road ,~ _ , ~r Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 Phone (904) 247-5826 Fax (904) 247-5845 :.~~;35~%' E-mail: building-dept@coab.us City web-site: http://www.coab.us APPLICATION NUMBER (To be assigned by the Building Department.) Q 9' 00,3 Date routed: ~ a~ ~ 7 APPLICATION REVIEW AND TRACKING FORM ioz a Properly Address: ~~~~~~ t/ ~i~~ Applicant: ~' /`~I i~ /,~1C. Project: ~7lj"~ie%D ~ ~ ~~L y D lC ~'' nt review re uired Ye No Building g & Zoning Tree Administrator Public Works Public Utilities Public Safety Fire Services Other Agency Review or Permit Required Review or Receipt of Permit Verified B Date Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection Florida Dept. of Transportation St. Johns River Water Management District Army Corps of Engineers Division of Hotels and Restaurants Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Other: APPLIOATION STATUS Reviewing Department First Review: Approved. ^Denied. (Circle one.) Comments: yy~ G I ro~Q ~1QC~i^ o ~ //~ XJ ~ J'ry) ~c~an ~ e c BUILDING ~~ PLANNING & ZONING TREE ADMIN. Reviewed by: Date: ~ 0~~~'2~ q PUBLIC WORKS Second Review: DApproved as revised. ^Denied. Comments: PUBLIC UTILITIES PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE SERVICES Reviewed by: Date: Third Review: DApproved as revised. ^Denied. Comments: Reviewed by: Date: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number Property Address Application type description Property Zoning . Application valuation . ---------------------------- Application desc rewire Comm 400 amps ---------------------------- Owner ------------------------ BLOCKBUSTER VIDEO ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 09-00000151 Date 2/02/09 1023 ATLANTIC BLVD ELECTRIC ONLY TO BE UPDATED 0 -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Contractor ------------------------ WEAVER AIR INC 17445 WOODFAIR DRIVE CLERMONT FL 34711 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit ELECTRICAL PERMIT Additional desc . Permit Fee 145.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date Valuation 0 Expiration Date 8/01/09 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total 145.00 145.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 145.00 145.00 .00 .00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. \ \ ~ -t,~~~r`••'""" n.~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH tl b '~'"~ ~~aca 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 /G A ,Fr ~ OFFICE: (904)247-5828 ~ FAX NO.:(904)247-5845 p J C~ S~„ S ~ BUILDING-0EPT~COAB.US 1 ~ ~e ~~~ ~9~~ s ,,~ Y ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION DUVAL COUNTY ~.:1:JOB ADDRESS: 2:15'!THtS A`,SUB'FERMIT: 3z DATE 0 Dj ~'' ^ NO a'S'ES PERMIT #: P OPERT y QWNER: 4. NAME: ~ 5. ADDRESS IF DIFFERENT FROM JOB ADDRESS: ~'i~ 6~r- 6. PHONE: 2~°~r E LECTRICAL CONTRACT R: 7. NAME OF COMPA _ ~ `~~ ! 8. A~ RESS.:~~ ~ /1~~ 7 7/ `' r 9. STA OF FLORIDA LICENSE NO: m® D 10. C LL P H ONE: e 2 to - [~ 11. F AX NO.: Cfo ~ ~ ~l 12. EMAIL ADDRESS: ,rtr~., 13. OFFICE PHONE: ~o ? Y G - O~ 14. 15. Application is hereby ade to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. This permit becomes null and void if work is not commenced within sbc (6) months, or if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of six (6) m1 onths at any time after work is commenced. CONTRACTORS SIGNATURE: 1 .LL/~-~-~ 16. CLASS OF WORK: 17.'SERVICE: 18 METER. NUMBER: ^ MULTI FAMILY - # OF UNITS: ^ SINGLE FAMILY ^ TEMP SERVICE ^ RESIDENTIAL ®'G~OMMERCIAL ^ ADDITION ^ TRAILOR 19. BUILDING: 19. CURRENT CODE: ~,=ALTERATION ^ SIGN ^ REPAIR ^ POOL /SPA ^ OLD ^ NEW ~1'REWIRE B''05 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE ^ OTHER: L15T ALL ELECTRICAL WORK:` .. 20. TYPE OF SERVICE: f~OVERHEAD ^ UNDERGROUND ^ UNDERGROUND UP POLE 21. NEW SERVICE: CONDUCTORS PER PHASE: OWER IS ON ^ POWER IS OFF 22. SIZE OF CONDUCTOR: AMPACITY: OPPER ^ ALUMINUM 23. SWITCH OR BREAKER SIZE: AMPS: ~ ~ PH: J~ W: VOLT: RACEWAY SIZE: ~_ 24. EXISTING SERVICE SIZE: AMPS: ~D PH: 2 W: VOLT: RACEWAY SIZE: ~_ 25. FEEDERS: # OF _~~~ AMPS: ~ # OF AMPS: # OF AMPS: 26. LIGHTING FIXTURES: INCANDESCENT: ~_ FLUORESCENT & M.V.: vr~ 27. FIXED APPLIANCES: 0-30 AMPS: _~ 31-100 AMPS: _~ OVER 100 AMPS: -®-- 28. FIRE ALARM: ^ YES O 2931 DO NOT APPLY TO NEW SINGLE FAMILY, MULTI-FAMILY AND ROOM ADDITIONS 29. SMOKE DETECTORS: NUMBER: _~ 30. RECEPTACLES: 0-30 AMPS: ~_ 31-100 AMPS: OVER 100 AMPS: 31. SWITCHES: 0-30 AMPS: 31-100 AMPS: OVER 100 AMPS: 32AIR CONDITIONING: # OF UNITS: COMP. MOTOR HP RATING: Z AMPS: ~ HEAT Kw: ~~ # OF UNITS: COMP. MOTOR HP RATING: AMPS: HEAT KW: 33 MOTORS: NUMBER: VOLTAGE: Z ~O HP: '~ KVA: NUMBER: ~`I _ VOLTAGE: Z C'~ HP: ~ KVA: c 34: TRANSFORMERS: ? UNDER 600V: NUMBER: KVA: OVER 600V: NUMBER: KVA: 35. MISCELANEOUS REP DESCRIBE IN DETAIL: Il/` P~ BLDG02 Permit Application Elec :REVISED: 12/182008 (1 aU ~~ WED FOR CODE COM~'L E SEE MITS ~'UR AUUI'~fIUNAL REQUIREM~EjNT~,S,,AND CONDITIONS. REVIEWED HY: -~_ DATE: ~~"~ HP Officejet 7470 Persona! Printer/Fax/Copier/Scanner Log for Information SystemsClTY O 904-247-5845 Feb 10 2009 1:21 PM Last Transaction Date Time Ty,~e Identification Duration Pa es Result Feb 10 1:19PM Fax Sent 96657372 1:17 2 OK CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number 09-00000182 Date 2/05/09 Property Address 1023 ATLANTIC BLVD Application type description PLUMBING ONLY Property Zoning TO BE UPDATED Application valuation 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc repipe 26 fixtures ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner ------------------------ GREENBERG DENTAL ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 Contractor ------------------------ MERCURY PLUMBING, INC. 2617 FERNCREEK AVE ORLANDO FL 32806 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit PLUMBING PERMIT Additional desc RE PIPE 26 FIXTURES Permit Fee 217.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date Valuation 0 Expiration Date 8/04/09 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total 217.00 217.00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 217.00 217.00 .00 .00 PERMIT I5 APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. ' ` ~'>~.; CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 5. ~~ 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 '~, ~~ i OFFICE: (904)247-5826 ~ FAX NO.:(904)247-5845 J ` BUILDING-DEPT~COAB.US ~~r+,~= PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION 09- _ 1 I 1 _I _I DUVALCOUNTY 1. J ADD 2. A U RMIT: S. DATE: ~'O ^ No ~ Fip~QGO~ 3 ~~S PERMIT#: / 2,3 d P ..,E 4. NAME: 5. ADDRESS IF DIFFERENT FROM JOB ADDRESS: 6. PHONE: ~ .~ 0 6 P LUMBING CONTRA TOR: 7. ME OF COMPANY: r~ c 8. ADDRESS.: d l s• ~=' orlczndo 3 ego to 9. STA O LO IOA LICENSE NO: ~ootplo a s 10. CELL PHONE: 11. FAX NO.: o?_ -to 9 0 12. EMAIL ADDRESS: 13. OFFICE PHONE: 07 _ 8'Q 8-!o Go 0 14. Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. This permit becomes null and void if work is not ~mmenced within six (6) months, or if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of six (6) months at any time after work is commenced. CONTRACTORS SIGNATURE: ~ ~" ~- 16. N RE OF WORK: t8. CU COQ: NEW 6 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE- ^ RE-PIPE PLUMBING ^ OTHER: 19,.NUMBER OF FI " R 3: BATH TUB ~ SEWER CONNECTION BIDET `~- SHOWERS DISH WASHER ~ SHOWERS PANS DISPOSAL ~Iv SINK DRINKING FOUNTAIN ~ WATER CLOSET TANK FLOOR DRAIN ~ WATER CLOSET VALVE HOSE BIB ~ WASHING MACHINES ICE MAKER Glr~an~,b WATER CONNECTION INTERCEPTOR -~ WATER HEATER Z' LAVATORY -~ URINALS `~- LAUNDRY TRAY OTHER (SPECIFY): ROOF DRAIN 20. PLUMB G P MIT Ff&S: PERMIT ISSUING FEE: $35.00 TOTAL FIXTURES: ~t~ x $7.00 (PER FIXTURE) + $35.00 =~ ZI? ~~~d BLOG03 Permit Applicatiion Plumb: 1 211 6/2 0 0 8 :arl K. Wood, Tax Collector Local Business Tax Receipt Orange County, Florid its local bU51nPS5 tax receipt is in addition to and not in lieu of any other tax required by law or municipal ordinance. Businesses are subject to regulation of zoning, health and othe afu! authorities. This receipt is valid from October 1 through September 30 of receipt year. Delinquent penalty is added October 1. ***ORIGINAL*** 2008 EXPIRES 9130/2009 1803-0962368 1803 (REG MASTER PLUMBING) $30.00 2 EMPLOYEES TOTAL TAX $30.00 PREVIOUSLY PAID $30.00 TOTAL DUE $0.00 MURPHY THOMAS L MERCURY PLUMBING 2617 FERNCREEK AVE ORLANDO FL 32806-4839 2617 FERNCREEK AV A -ORLANDO, 32806 PAID: $30.00 99-405901 9/2/2008 This receipt is official when validated by the lax Collet tcx. AC# ~ ~ 4 Jr" ~ ~ ~ STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY LICENSING BOARD SEQ#L07081600681 8i16f2007~078024261 IRF00S6822 The PLUMBING CONTRACTOR Named below HAS REGISTERED Under the provisions of Chapter 489 F5. Expiration dates AUG 31, 2009 (INDIVIDUAL MUST MEET ALL LOCAL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO CONTRACTING SN ANY AREA) MURPHY, THOMAS L MERCURY PLUMBING 3215 CLEMWOOD DRIVE ORLANDO FL 32803 CHARLIE CRIST HOLLY BENSON GOVERNOR DISPLAY AS REQUIRED BY LAW SECRETARY From:Vicki Abear FaxID: Page 3 of 4 Oate:02/05/09 09:32 AM Page:3 of 4 A ORD CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE OPID VA DA~(1AM1D°'m") . MERCU-1 02/05/09 PRODUCER TH18 CERTIFICATE 18183UE0 AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE Hugh Cotton Insurance, Inc . HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR P . O. BoX 1701 - ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Orlando FL 32802 Phone:407-898-1776 Fax:407-894-5278 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURED INSURER A: Mid-COAtinent Casualt Co. 23418 INSURER e: American $tdteS 1115. CC•. 19709 MOICOry Plumbing, IAC INSURER C: 2617 lZrncreek Avenue Orlando FL 32806 INSURER D: INSLK2ER E: COVERAGES TFtE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED PROVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REOUIREMEM, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, TFE INSLLWJCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO PLL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BV PAID CLAIMS. ' LTR TYPE OF NSURANCE POLICY NUMBER DATE (MMlDDlYY) DATE (MMiDD/YY) LMARS CENERALLIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1000000 A X X COMMERCIAL GENERALLIA8ILITY 04GL000681879 04/28/08 04/28/09 PREMISES (Eaoccurence) $ 100000 CLAIMS MADE XD OCCUR MED EXP (Any One Dersan) $ Excluded PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ lOOOOOO GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2000000 GENLAGGREGATELIMITAPPLIESPER: PRODUCTS-COMP/OPAGG 52000000 POLICY JECT LOC AUT OMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ 1 000 00 Q B X ANYAUro OlCH463599-20 04/28/08 04/28/09 (Ee accident) ~ r ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) $ X HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY X NON-OWNED AUTOS (PerecciderX) $ PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) $ GARAGE LIABILITY P,UTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT $ ANY AUTO OTHER THfW EA ACC $ AUTO ONLY. AGG $ EXCESSMABRELLA LUIBIUTY EACH OCCURRENCE $ OCCUR ~ CWMIS MADE AGGREGATE $ S DEDUCTIBLE $ RETENTION $ $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND ' TORY LIMITS ER EMPLOYERS LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE E.L. EACH ACCICEM $ OFFICERRV~MBER EXCLUDE04 f E.L. DISEASE • EA EMPLOYEE $ I yes. d65Cnbe Under SPECWL PROVISIONS below E.L. DISEASE • POLICY LIMIT $ OTHER DESCRE~TION OF OPERATIONS /LOCATIONS /VEHICLES /EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT / SPECULL PROVISIONS Certigicate Holder named as Additional Insured as respects general liability coverage. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION A~16).A I SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRESED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATKNJ DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUMIO INSURER WLL ENDEAVOR TO IAAR 1 O # GAYS WRrtTEtd City of Atlantic Seach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach FL 32233 NOTK:E TO THE CERTIFK:ATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO 80 SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIA&LITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR ACORD 25 (2001/08) From: Nobu Nakata At: Huckleberry Sibley & Harvey FaxID. HSH INC To: Mercury PlumbinDate: 2/5109 06:07 AM Page: 1 of 2 acoRn. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE OPID NN DATE (MM/DDMNYI MERP001 02/05/09 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Huckleberry, Sibley 6 Harvey ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE Insurance 6 Bonds , Inc . HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOE5 NOT AMEND. EXTEND OR 1020 N Orlando Ave, Suite 200 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Maitland FL 32751 Phone: 407-647-1616 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE ' NAIC?t INSURED - _ - _. ... -... - - - i _~__ 0tid9~tuld E~ploy~rs Ins. Co. Mercuryy Plumbing inc. ~-~.~ ID311601 _ _ Tom Murphy 2617 Fern Czeek Ave Orlando FL 32806 -~` vYCRMVCJ [1f'. i+c 1 ~ t:~i. ~~f. ,~ ti.1t 1i'1 ., .. .. ... ~~ ~ - -. ,: ~:: f. r ~.~-. r il't ,i .i... ,C~.; 9E:~T~EnnEt~ _..~+~OR~ ~ .t_c .~. . - ... _-_.,c'.- ., _ ~_ ..~H.~,. - _ -. _ . FE ~' _~JE. .... p ~ .. M NS Rp FOLICYEFFECTM1'E "POLICYEXPIRATfON LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER UATE (MMIDD/YY; DATE (MM/DDNY) LUAfTS GENERAL LIABILITY _ _ .... f .,_ .,,~ - 1'l. v:. SAi. f.... ~ , ~. t'i'n li A<. ~ _t T_ __-.____._._...____. ._.__._-__.... _.__.._...___-_.~_._.__~..__._ ._ _- AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY _ _ ._._.._...___.~ _ ,~, _ x ~.. ~.. . , y. . . , ~.,, ~ '. GARAGE LIABILITY - - - - - -. _ . __ .- _ v ~. ~ E%CESSIUMBRELLA LIABILITY ti_ ... ,~ , q. a WORKERS COMPENSATION AND x , ~"` '. EMPLOV RS~ uB A F n R ~vI,E 0830-28105 11/30/08 11/30/09 L~ ~'r; ~ a 100 000 yL CFFCER,TnEMBE ~ IiCEC^ - ".,~ _,.~.~,c, ,_-, _. .. .. , ~100 p00 vi 7.~ri rib?„-.4,,, • , _- _. _._ ~, I'I~c,;; ,,, ~4, :1 .: - ' x' 500, 000 OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS 1 LOCATIONS 1 VEHICLES 1 E%CLUSIOtJS ADDED 8Y ENDORSEMEtJT ~ SPECIAL PROVISIONS CZTYATL SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE E%PIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 10 DAYS WRRTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILVRE TO DO SO SHALL City of Atlantic Beach Ih1POSE NU UBIIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE WSURER. ITS AGENTS OR 8~~ Seminole Road REPRESENTATNES. Atlantic Beach FL 32233 AunioR¢~ RFPRF __.- „J~/ l n\.VI~Y LJ (LVV I~VOt U ACORD CORPORATION 1988 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMiNOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 INSPECTION EMAIL REQUEST: Building-dept~a7.coab.us Application Number 07-00001374 Date 11/29/07 Property Address 1023 ATLANTIC BLVD Application type description COMMERCIAL INTERIOR BUILD-OUT Property Zoning . TO BE UPDATED Application valuation 35000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc INTERIOR BUILD OUT/BLOCKBUSTER VIDEO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner ------------------------ BLOCKBUSTER VIDEO ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 Contractor ------------------------ SOUTH EAST CONTRACTOR 12?56 THICKET RIDGE DR JACKSONVILLE FL 32258 Structure Information 000 000 Construction Type TYPE 5-B Occupancy Type MERCANTILE Permit BUILDING PERMIT Additional desc . Permit Fee 205.00 Plan Check Fee 102.50 Issue Date Valuation 35000 Expiration Date 5/27/08 Special Notes and Comments *2004 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE W/'05-'06 SUPPLEMENTS. 2004 FLORIDA FIRE PREVENTION CODE 2005 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE *2004 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE W/'05-'06 SUPPLEMENTS. 2004 FLORIDA FIRE PREVENTION CODE 2005 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE - = --------------------------------------------------------- --- Other Fees . CITY RADON SURCHARGE -------------- .91 ST CONSTRUCTION SURCHARGE 16.49 AB CONSTRUCTION SURCHARGE 1.83 STATE RADON SURCHARGE ---------------------- 17.40 ----------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited ----------- -- ------------- Due - --- ---------- ---------- ----------- --- Permit Fee Total 205.00 205.00 .00 ------- .00 Plan Check Total 102.50 102.50 .00 .00 Other Fee Total 36.63 36.63 .00 .00 Grand Total 344.13 344.13 .00 .00 PERMIT ES APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. a PSR•3844 ~ 10 2 4 2 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINQ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACW ____.. PERMIT IN~`OI~tMATTON --~___ _____.._., L~+CATTpN INFtJ)~MA~'YQN ____.._... Permit Nutrber: 1t32.4? Ad~r~ss: 1.23 ATLANTIS' BLVR Permit. Tygae: !~(ECIII~,NICAL. ATZ,ANTIr BEACHr FL,f3fiSBA 3~~3 "lass ~~ 6?c~rk: ADT~ITIOiV __________ LEt3AL DESCRIPTI+~N ______-_ Cc~n~tr. `Y'yPe: NJ'A Lit: B7rek: Sect~an: Pt~~~se~ ~.is~: MIDIGAL!I~QBFTTAL• T~,wrtshaP; RNG. n I~ta~Ilin~~s: ~ C,~de: ~? Sub~~.visian: Est.i:n~t~ci Vala~: ~n,~~r~ T~ta ~ F~~Q , X93 . n3~ AFTiGIIX"l~ ~'$13:C~ ~9~ R'» Date Paid. ~~ ~,~~ t~~r:k L~~~~~~^.: ins±~~i d ~r~t~l:~-a1 I-i~at aa~~~ ~ai.r. ian~_t ____.._..-_-. ~JWME~ TNFQRM.ATIQN -----~-- _~- ----- APPLICATION FEES ----- PiaY~'~+~: ST tri!~CENTS "1`?`Ab1ILY F:~FIcE ~~E_ ER PERMIT 593.4s~ Ad~l~~~~~ • ~Dk 3 i~TLA!VTIC BLVD f7ATER IMPACT E''EE ~~ . ~4 RTLRNTI~' BEA~"H )*LOR11~A ~~2 33 SEWE;G2 ?MPACT FEE $(7,1~tt I~hs~r~e.. ~. ~ ~7ATER bIETEFC.f TAP ~Q . OCR RADON GAS-H.R.S. ~Q:Q~ _w___,... CC~NTRACT41It INFORMATION ~--- -- RADt1t0 ~`A8 5~6 ~1?.C~G Na~r~e° BIi.Ta ~ZLLI~',1~lS AIR f"~`~NDsTI"~ I(y~; ~`APITAL IMPR©VE. ~!?.nn Aclclr ess : ~~ Y~~ LE,PIO~'. _A~,E. SE'WE£t 'I'2~F aC?' . ~?t~ ,:7A'~'[~Sr.~Nt! I LLE P'L .3'? 2 3 ~ t~ROBg !w'`~NNEGTI4:iN fir . ~~} ~.ra. r.,"t'~~~ : r.:~ir~'~~} ~+j 4(, i1 rf' ~~jF? ; (1 C`J~,'('~ ~ IMPA~`T F~E ~~ . ~(~ ~ ;` ,, , :~c~EiAl~;E~tAT`L . BCH . $0 . t~0 NOTES: NOTICE -- ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MlJST BE INSPECTED BEFQRE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED 1111 PUBLIC .SPACE,. AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER 3 "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANIC'S LIEN .LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYINGTWICE FORTHE BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS" ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. ATLANTI BEACH BUILDI EPA MENT ~~'~ (-0 4ys t>tj ;~ ~a . ~y~ pp~ Sf~I7,,1 Ol RL ~ti ~~~iJ ` ~` 4313 ~ , gy. .~ 14QQ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number 03-00027403 Date 12/29/03 Property Address 1023 ATLANTIC BLVD Tenant nbr, name SPA INTERIOR BUILDOUT Application description COMMERCIAL INTERIOR BUILD OUT Property Zoning TO BE UPDATED Application valuation 65000 Owner -------------- Contractor ----- ATLANTIC AMILY MED. ----- CTR. ------------------- SAMCO CONSTRUCTION ----- INC 1023 ATLANTIC BLVD. PO BOX 24299 ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 JACKSONVILLE FL 32241 (904) 292-2222 -------------- (904) 262-7695 ---------- Permit ---------- BUILDING ---------------------------- PERMIT -------------- Additional desc . Permit Fee 320.00 Plan Check Fee 160.00 Issue Date ----------------- - - Valuation 65000 - - --- Other Fees ---------- ---------------------------- WATER CROSS CONNECTION -------------- 35.00 Fee summary ---- Charged Paid Credited Due ------------- Permit Fee Total ---------- 320.00 ---------- ---------- -- 320.00 .00 -------- .00 Plan Check Total 160.00 160.00 .00 .00 Other Fee Total 35.00 35.00 .00 .00 Grand Total 515.00 515.00 .00 .00 BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER. "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS" ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WH1CH AR7"cYART fDF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. BUILDING OFFICIAL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH cc. Ford BUILDING /ZONING DEPARTMENT L. Higgins 800 Seminole Road S. Doerr Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 (904)247-5800 (904)247-5845 Fax PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS Permit Application # ~ ~ -- 'oZ-r1 ~{ ~~ Property Address: `~~-~ ~_.l ~,r1 'I-'f~~' ~~ ~ ~ . Applicant: ~~1, ~~ Cam? ~ ~ 5`CY'~.1C'~-- ~ G~-~ ~-~ C.-- T Project: ~..pr~l'~'~1 - .~l'~•= ~~ • ~, This permit application has been: Approved ~ Reviewed and the following items need attention: Please re-submit y ur application when these items have been completed. Reviewed By: .,,.,. ( Date: i ~ ,. ^~ ~ ~ f .~ s~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ~~~ ~~r'31~' BUILDING PERMIT .APPLICATION ~ ~ : ~ (FOR INTERIOR REMODEL) r Date..... ~ . Q ,%?/ J ~,/ -.. lob Address: ~ [I7 ' a / ~G ~ v/,~/ ~`hC" ~~ %~~ ~.~ ~ ~")fCr~. /L~ ~ ~7!~-~ 7 CG I / Z1C,1 Owner of Property: ~1~~~~ QnG.~ ~~f/f]/G LI~~~ogL),~.lnG , q flySid~ «~,yC~o ~o~L Address: ~ F~f-/cmf7 ~ ~°3 enCOzJ , __~a =~,'3 3 Telephone: c~--:~:,~~2., Legal Description: Block Number: Lot Number: Zoning District: / Contractor: ~n~~ L,~,f JsfruCf7C~Z ~ ~nn,~'/~(_J . State License Number: ~C~ 0~~8~~0 Contractor's Address: ~~(n S S~~ ~ ~ ~%/30~c1l~ /~Oir7~' ~c~c~~~ c (~c%'~onc//J/~ ~~- ~3~?as~ Telephone: `Tay - ~ ~O ~ ` 7~ ~ ~ Fax: ~'O y- Z G 2 ~ r75 1 J3 Describe proposed use and work to be done: L'! j~CLi ~u, lclnut ~~ /~J~1~C'!t J ~J~', ~~1~~~ ~ Present use of land or building(s): ^ ~C1SSC?Q~ T~Ic°!tzlJr S ~~ Valuation of proposed construction: ~o 5~~~ New electrical or increase in service? T Add plumbing fixtures? ~ ~S Add fireplace? ~ (~ Add heating/air conditioning? ~ ~~ Is approval of Homeowner's Association or other private entity required? If yes, please submit with this application. Procedure: In order to expedite issuance of permits, please follow all steps and provide all information as appropriate. Incomplete applications may result in delay in issuance of permit. Please submit Building Permit Application, Energy Code Forms, Notice of Commencement, Owner/Contractor Affidavit if owner is contractor, and two (2) complete sets of construction plans to the Building Department, which is located at the Atlantic Beach City Hall, 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Telephone: (904) 247-5826 In addition to construction and engineering detail, plans must contain the following information as appropriate for the type of work being performed. Scale of drawings should be sufficient to depict all required information in a clear and ]egible manner. I hereby certify that all information provided with this application is correct.. Signature of Property Owner: / I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of the laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with, whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any federal, state or local rules, regulations, ordinances, or laws in any manner, including the 800 Seminole Road • Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 Telephone: (904) 247-5800 • Fax: (904) 247-5845 • http://www.ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us Date: ~ Page 1 Revised 1/15/03 governing of construction or erformance above information bein rue and correct and Signature of of con coon of the property. I understand that the issuance of this permit is contingent upon the that a p1 sand supporting data have been or shall be provided as required 12-If-U3 Address and contact information of person to receive all correspondence regarding this application (please print). %~ Name: ~5o-r~ J~rn~~1.~ ~~/~C~Q Mailing Address: `i'~. ~. ,(3OX ~`/~ ~~ t /C/C'/~S~/~tii/~~~ /`'L. ~~z`~~-y'~ ~ q Telephone: ~ (~ - `'7G 4 ~ Fax: ;;7~ 02- ~? S i3 E-Mail: ~~ c~/~l ~, S'pi~'C~'O!1 S ~ructz~/s . C' U/~ AS T~ ConrI~QCT~~% Sworn to and subscribed before methis /~ day of ~ ~-/'~ ~~-R , 20 ~ State of Florida, County of Duval ,~~~~~~~~, Melinda McAnnally Notary's Signature: ~' nc~~ % ~ ~ry/2(Kl/~ ;i°:`~YPUe4~, Commission#DD190062 *~~:~=Expires: Mar O6, 2007 ^'~ersonally known l9~OF F~°Q~ Bonded Thru ^ Produced identification ~'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ Atlantic Bonding Co., Inc. ,,`'A ~ '~{~ yy/ / 1 , y~/' Type of identification produced AS TO^^"T'TUA/~T`/_ll]. oYV/V~r /•//'t l V//~?/~ Q~Qcftlc~. Sworn to and subscribed before me this State of Florida, County of Duval day of Notary's Signature: ^ Personally known ^ Produced identification Type of identification produced Page 2 20 800 Seminole Road • Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 Telephone: (904) 247-5800 • Fax: (904) 247-5845 • http://www.ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us Revised 1/15/03 f CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH S PERMIT CALCULATION SHEET a -~ "~~~i~>>' Date: /~ -/ ~ - 4 3 Address /~ ,Z 3 f f ' ~ eI.,7 T/ c ,~~ r,D ~- ~~ ~c~B~~TiA~1~,C3C~/4th 4 ~/ ~ Heated Square Footage @ $ per sq ft = $ Garage /Shed .~,t, (,: @ $ per sq ft = $ Carport /Porch '` ` @ $ per sq ft = $ Deck JS ~'~ @ $ per sq ft = $ Patio @ $ per sq ft = $ ~-p a a TOTAL VALUATION: $ cs / Total Valuation 1St $ Remaining Value $ .per thousand or portion thereof CONSTRUCTION TYPE: TOTAL BUILDING FEE $ ZONING: C C~ + t/2 Filing Fee $ FLOOD ZONE: ~~ OFireplaces @ $35.00 $ r- 4 r IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: `j ~S`~o ~o BUILDING PERMIT FEE $ WATER IMPACT FEE $ SEWER IMPACT FEE $ WATER METER/TAP $ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT $ SEWER TAP $ C ( )RADON HRS .0050 $ SECTION H PAVING ( } $ CROSS CONNECTION $ ~ ~ ST( )SURCHARGE $ G OTHER $ GRAND TOTAL DUE: $ 1/13/03 ~~:,, I ~. i ~ti t__ _ W ~ )NE REALTY & MANAGEMENT FL, INC. ovem er , Ng Building & Zoning Department City of Jacksonville 200 East Bay Street, Rm. 100 Jacksonville, FL 32202 ~ ~~ RE: BUILDING PERMIT, r 1023 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD ATLANTIC VILLAGE SHOPPING CENT Dear Building & Zoning Department, This letter shall serve as the Landlords acknow __ __ Construction to construct and secure proper permi s or their buldout at the above location. Provided that Samco Construction constructs improvements, on behalf of Aqua Spa in accordance with all building and zoning requirements. No other work is here authorized. Further, this acknowledgement shall be valid for a period of 30 days from the abov~date. Since Doron V~~, Vic` President Equity One (Atlantic Village) Inc., a Florida corporation STATE OF FLORIDA ) L/ ) SS COUNTY OF p ~* ) I, RQ °~° a Notary Public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, do hereby certify that Doron Valero ,personally known to me, to be the Vice President of Equity One (Atlantic Village) Inc. , a Florida Corporation. Appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that he signed and delivered the said instrument as his as his free and volunta act and as the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein set' ~ h. ~,~ GIVEN under my hand and Notarial Seal this day of y""--003. (SEAL) ,o:~P•"•'~e~;~,, Robert S. Mendota ~C,1~t., MY COMMISSION # CC923804 EXPIRES NOTARY PUBLIC :?, July 17, 2004 '';~'• oe~ ~tONDED THRU TROY FAIN INSURANCE,INC. / ,e of F ~,. !~/~,~_ 10601-107 San Jose Boulevard • Jacksonville, FL 32257 • Telephone 904-292-2222 • Facsimile 904-292-1255 EQY Regional Offices in: Coral Springs • Jacksonville • Lake Mary • North Miami Beach • Palm Beach Gardens • Tampa vvww.equityone.net NYSE The Supermarket REIT~"' N b 14 2003 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 804 SENIlNOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number 03-00027403 Date 2/03/04 Property Address 1023 ATLANTIC BLVD Tenant nbr, name _ SPA INTERIOR BUILDOUT Application description COMMERCIAL INTERIOR BUILD OUT Property Zoning TO BE UPDATED Application valuation 65000 Owner Contractor ATLANTIC AMILY MED.CTR. SAMCO CONSTRUCTION INC 1023 ATLANTIC BLVD. PO BOX 24299 ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 JACKSONVILLE FL 32241 (904) 292-2222 (904) 262-7695 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit PLUMBING PERMIT Additional desc . Sub Contractor JOHN MOON PLUMBING Permit Fee 140.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date Valuation p Fee summary Charged ----------------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 140.00 Plan Check Total .00 Grand Total 140.00 Paid Credited Due ---------- ---------- ---------- 140.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 140.00 .00 ,00 BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER. "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS" ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED ALANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. ~.~:~ BUI DL~IIVG OFFICIAL R,;~~, 4i~~fi~, CITY. OF ATLANTIC BEACH ~S '~„~ PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION 1 ~~ ,. r~~d ~~ Date: ~ _ ~~~ Property Address: ~~ ~ ? ~ l:-(~3" ~v~Yu~~ ~-' ~ t°-U Owner: ~ ~1``fi r ~ V ° ~'~~ / ~~/~~ -S~'~ Telephone #: r` Contractor: --l ~ ~~ ~~ / ~l y~~ / ~ ~ 27J'~ ~G~~ Telephone #: ~~ ~jb-~ ~l'~~d~ Contractor Address: ~_~,-~-, <.S`~ 'Fax #: ~1 ~Z7~ In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement, we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plans and specifications which are a part hereof and in accordance with the City of Atlantic_Beach ordinance and standards of good practice listed therein. Installation of plumbing and fixtures must be in accordance with the most recent edition of the Southern Standard Plumbing Code. Plumbing Type' If other construction is being done on this building or site, ^ New list the build ermit~~~ ~ ~ ^ Re-P}pew / ~~~( Number of Fixtures: Bath Tubs ~ Showers Closets Shower Pans Dishwashers ~ Sinks Disposals ~ Urinals Floor Drains _!~ Washing Machine Lavatory ~ ~ Water ^~_ Sewer Water Heaters Other ~-~~~ Cr.~- ~~~ Fees Permit Issuing Fee: $35.00 Total Fixtures: ~ X $7.00 + $35.00 = 800 Seminole Road • Atlantic Beach, Florida 3ZZ33-5x45 Phone: (904) 247-5800 • Fax: (904) 247-5845 • http:llwww.ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number 04-00027863 Date 3/11/04 Property Address 1023 ATLANTIC BLVD Tenant nbr, name 14 SQ FT SIGN Application description SIGN PERMIT Property Zoning TO BE UPDATED Application valuation 0 Owner Contractor EQUITY ONE REALTY & MGT. AD AMERICA 10601-107 SAN JOSE BLVD 8679 W. BEAVER ST. JACKSONVILLE FL 32257 JACKSONVILLE FL 32220 (904) 292-2222 (904) 781-5900 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit SIGN PERMIT Additional desc . Permit Fee 65.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date Valuation 0 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 65.00. 65.00 .00 ~ .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00~~ Grand Total 65.00 65.00 .00 .00 BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER. "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IIvIPROVEMENTS" ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. ~'~.. BUILDING OFFICIAL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING /ZONING DEPARTMENT 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 (904) 247-5800 (904)247-5845 Fax PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS Cc: D. For boerr ''1 Permit Application # ~~- 2 ^jg (A~ ~~ Property Address: ~ Cj ~ 3 ~~.~OJ-T1 C ~t-V L7 Applicant: ~ ~~-(1~1,~t C ~ Project: l ~- SQ ~ ~ G l~ This permit application has been: Approved ~ Reviewed and the following items need attention: Please re-submit your application when these items have been completed. Reviewed By: u' ~-~' Date: 3 ~~ a `~ ~ `~~t~ ~ ~~~~~~ J~ n. ~~ r ,~, s1 ~~~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION Date: Job Address: ~y ~~ v~ ~ Owner's Name: ~ Q ~ i ~`~' d GU L ~ ~ A L " CITY OF ATLANTIC REACI~ BUILDING & ZONING MAR 0 9 ~~p~ B~: ~ , ~~ / Address: % U ~ ©~ ~- (y 7 SQ,h ~vS~ ~/ dQ ~~ f L ~il~~hone: Gj0 ~( "Z~ Z - 2 LL L Legal Description: 'Block Number: Lot Number: Zoning District: Contractor: ,~(/ N~ -S/= Sr'6-~.S State License Number: Address: / 6 ~~- ( ~"t"4~,~~~c gL %D Phone: 5 !~ C(- ~~ ~~ ' `~Y t( City: ~} ~ f~nn. T c C ~~...~. (' ~ State: r L- Zip: ~ LL ~ 2j Fax: `j 0~ .' ,~ ~ t'~ yy 7( Electric Permit Required? (~'Yes* ^ No *Electrical Contractor: Dimensions and total square footage of sign: f ~( S F• Please provide two (2) copies of application and the following required information: 1. For all Freestanding Signs, include survey or site plan showing location of proposed sign(s), and all dimensions including height and distancd from property lines. or right-of--ways. For Wall, Fascia and other types of Signs, include elevation drawing showing location in relation to adjacent signs, mounting detail and type of illumination, if any. 2. Provide linear frontage of office, business or storefront, or entire building, as appropriate. 3. Provide completed owner's authorization form if applicant is other than property owner. 4. Other information as may be required by Chapter 17 of the City of Atlantic Beach Municipal Code. I hereby certify that all information provided with this application is correct. Signature of Owner: ~ Q a~ r u. e ~ Date: I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of the laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with, whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any federal, state or local rules, regulations, ordinances, or laws in any manner, including the governing of construction or the performance of construction of the property. I understand that the issuance of this permit is contingent upon the above information being true and correct and that the plans and supporting data have been or shall be provide required., Signature of Contractor: Date: ~=1~ "~ ~ 800 Seminole Road • Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904) 247-5800 Fax: (904} 247-5845 http://www.ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us Page 1 Revised 1/30/03 Address and contact information of person to receive all correspondence regarding this application (please print). Name: Mailing Address: Phone: Fax: AS TO OWNER: Sworn to and subscribed before me this State of Florida, County of Duval day of E-Mail: 20 Notary's Signature: ^ Personally known ^ Produced identification Type of identification produced AS TO CONTRACTOR: Sworn to and subscribed before me this ~'~ ~~ day of ~ (JL ~~~%~ , 20~. State of Florida, County of Duval F Notary's Signature: L~ ~ ~G'/`..~V~~l~--`. =Qti~v'~y:~, JENNIfERSCHLUETER~ _... .. MY COMMISSION ;< DD 121301 ^ Personally known -., ~o EXPIRES: May 2T, 2006 ~ofw;.^° BaWedTMuNolotyPublkUMerrniters 'Produced identification ,Type of identification produced ~ ~" ~ ~ ~ " j ~-~ _ j ~ - a~~(, 800 Seminole Road • Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904) 247-5800 Fax: (904) 247-5845 http://www.ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us Page 2 Revised 1!30/03 EQUITY EQUITY ONE REALTY & MANAGEMENT FL, INC. ONE'" January 29, 2004 The Supermarket REIT`" Building & Zoning Department City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 RE: SIGNAGE INSTALLATION PERMIT, 1023 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD ATLANTIC VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER Dear Building & Zoning Department, This letter shall serve as the Landlords acknowledgement that Aqua Spa has engaged Sunrise Signs to secure proper permits to install signage at the above location. Provided that Sunrise Signs installs said signage, on behalf of Aqua Spa in accordance with all zoning requirements and shopping center sign requirements. No other work is hereby authorized. Further, this acknowledgement shall be valid for a period of 30 days from the above date. Vice President of Tenant Relations 'or Equity One (Atlantic Village) Inc. STATE OF FLORIDA ) SS COUNTY OF DUVAL ) I, Nicole G. Hooper , a Notary Public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, do hereby certify that Drew Margot ,personally known to me, to be the authorized agent and Senior Vice President of Tenant Relations, of Equity One (Atlantic Village) Inc. a Florida Corporation. Appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that he signed and delivered the said instrument as his as his free and voluntary act and as the free and voluntary aet and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN under my hand and Notarial Seal this 2.~`day of , 2004. (SEAL) "~/r',u„~" I' .~ ~P~'~p'''~ rv~cole G Hooper NOT RY PUBLIC trf, ' ; Any ^ammission D0100310 '~ Fz>ires April 15, 2008 10601-107 San Jose Boulevard • Jacksonville, FL 32257 • Telephone 904-292-2222 • Facsimile 904-292-1255 E® Regional Offices in: Coral Springs • Jacksonville • Lake Mary • North Miami Beach • Palm Beach Gardens • Tampa NYSE www.equityone.net Cc: i~;,,y;. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH D. Fo ~~ ~ ~~,~ BUILDING /ZONING DEPARTMENT ~~ ~, Ss1 .Doerr ~ ;ti"~~ ~ 800 Seminole Road J E, ~,• Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 (904) 247-5800 '~~~31~~ (904) 247-5845 Fax PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS ' Permit Application # OBI- ~ 2 7g~ ~ ~-~.~"_ _. Property Address: ~ O Z3 -f'L,~cr~~"rl G ~...~ Applicant: -~`[~ ~~4--«~„ (G~ r Project: ~ (_.~- ~[~ ~ ~( C9 t~.~ This p~~t application has been: Approved ~ Reviewed and the following items need attention: Please re-submit your ppljeation when these items have been completed. ,' Reviewed By: ~G~-- Date: ~ -3 ~ ~ ~f ~~ i~ , ~~,~ J~+~ ,. ..+ ~~ '++ 'Y' f' '~ H1' n ~, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ~ ~,~~:~ ~~ iY } SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION s ~ `', _ ~ 1 Date _..._ __._ ~ ~ ~ " `f ~~ Job Address: Owner's d o2 ~ ~~+C~~~c gL v n ~ Q~f T7 ~vU t ~ ~ A c'7 t, ~~ ~ Address:l ~ ~ ©j - trd ~ SQ,h ~ys~ ~ /Q ~R.Ar f(.. ~i12~~hone: r70Y `~S Z - 2 LL t. Legal Description: Block Number: Lot Number: Zoning District: Contractor: .S~/NQ 1S/= S/~/VS State License Number: Address: /b ~7-( ~--t4~~~c gL %D Phone: 5d c(-~''~'f - YYY 3 City: ~} ~ ~M t r c ~.~ j= L State: r~- Zip: ~ LLB Fax: `7 O~ ,~ `f (~ c(y 7( Electric Permit Required? [~Yes* ^ No *Electrical Contractor: Dimensions and total square footage of sign: r ~{ 5 F Please provide two (2) copies of application and the following required information: 1. For all Freestanding Signs, include survey or site plan showing location of proposed sign(s), and all dimensions including height and distance from property lines or right-of--ways. For Wall, Fascia and other types of Signs, include elevation drawing showing location in relation to adjacent signs, mounting detail and type of illumination, if any. 2. Provide linear frontage of office, business or storefront, or entire building, as appropriate. 3. Provide completed owner's authorization form if applicant is other than property owner. 4. Other information as may be required by Chapter 17 of the City of Atlantic Beach Municipal Code. I hereby certify that all information provided with this application is correct. Signature of Owner: ~g _ Date: I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of the laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with, whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any federal, state or local rules, regulations, ordinances, or laws in any manner, including the governing of construction or the performance of construction of the property. I understand that the issuance of this permit is contingent upon the above information being true and correct and that the plans and supporting data have been or shall be provide required., A Signature of Contractor: Date: ~" ~ ^ ~ 800 Seminole Road • Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904) 247-5800 Fax: (904) 247-5845 http://www.ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us Page 1 Revised 1/30/03 Address and contact information of person to receive all correspondence regarding this application (please print). Name: Mailing Address: Phone: Fax: AS TO OWNER: Sworn to and subscribed before me this State of Florida, County of Duval E-Mail: day of , 20 Notary's Signature: ^ Personally known ^ Produced identification Type of identification produced AS TO CONTRACTOR: Sworn to and subscribed before me this L'~ ~~~ day of ~ ~~ Y` t ~'1 , 20~. State of Florida, County of Duval q Notary's Signature: ~6'~ti'~" ~'~ ~ ~~~"~iti~~(-'L____ ~'Y'~y• JENNIFER SCHLUE7ER ~ = MY COMMISSION # OD 121301 ^ Personally known '~~..,~,h.~:' ~N~Mp~~s ~'' Produced identification ` ~ ~, , _ ~- '~" Type of identification produced ~''~ ~ ~ ~,~ J ~ ~ J 0 ' ~~ 800 Seminole Road • Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904) 247-5800 Fax: (904) 247-5845 http://www.ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us Page 2 Revised 1130/03 ,.~ EQUITY EQUITY 4NE REALTY & MANAGEMENT FL, INC. .:~: ~~`"' January 29, 2004 The Supermarket ItE1T~"~ Building & Zoning Department City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 RE: SIGNAGE INSTALLATION PERMIT, 1023 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD ATLANTIC VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER Dear Building & Zoning Department, This letter shall serve as the Landlords acknowledgement that Aqua Spa has engaged Sunrise Signs to secure proper permits to install signage at the above location. Provided that Sunrise Signs installs said signage, on behalf of Aqua Spa in accordance with all zoning requirements and shopping center sign requirements. No other work is hereby authorized. Further, this acknowledgement shall be valid for a period of 30 days f>; om the above date. Vice President of Tenant Relations For Equity One (Atlantic Village} Inc. STATE OF FLORIDA } SS COUNTY OF DUVAL ) 1, Nicole G. Hoover , a Notary Public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, do hereby certify that Drew Margot .personally known to me, to be the authorized aae~t and Senior Vice President_of Tenant Rela ' , of Equity One (Atlantic V{Naae} inc. , a Florida Corporation. Appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that he signed and delivered the said instrument as his as his free and voluntary act and as the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. G{VEN under my hand and Notarial Seal this ~ day o , 2004. ,,,~ ~~,~ (SEAL) `'~"l ~'xl •`~-E "'°P"~ ,~ w,cae G Hooper NOT RY PUBLIC M~ '::xnmisaion D~i0sa3'19 '~ Exrnres April (5.2008 1060(-107 San Jose Boulevard • jacksonviNe, FL 32257 • Telephone 904-292-2222 • Facsimile 904-292-1255 lC.~ O v r ~ ~ 3 ;~ '~ ~ t~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~~ o ~ -~ ~ ~= mov, ~~ add y > ~~ ~ 4 w ~~ ~~ err .,~ VI ~4„ m ~ wy ~~ea~ d~.Q ~.-~ ~~ ~,~~~~ 3 ~ ~c~u m- ~ rt~~~~ ~~ ~ i 0 .a i~~ ~~ ~~~ • ~~~~Ww~~1 ~~ i ~ ~ ~~ ~, t ° • '!'' ~r~ ~i~ ~* ~ ~ ~~~ ca ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~d ~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ Site Map (Atlantic Village Shopping Center) Page 1 of 2 Atlantic Village Shopping Center .Print 953 Atlantic Boulevard Atlantic Beach , FL 32233 100,559 square feet ;;.~ ~~~1'~ f~.l~rics ------., -=---~ ~-.-., Current Tenants Sq ft ~ Vacancies Sq ft 14B GNC 1086 16B Dollar Tree 9375 08 ~ H&R Block 1200 106 Aqua Spa 3780 11 Sally Beauty Co. 1400 28 6060 12 Village Shoe Box 1400 15 1086 14A Four Seasons Tanning Salon 1079 24 Whart of the Beaches 1002 7 Hop Shing Chinese Restaurant 900 P1~+a ~+d 21 Rent-Way 3162 29 Royal Dry Cleaners 1500 zonFnq, aat~d#v#sk-q • development ro~,tfan, ilvut deea nat eosnr! approval for tM tawacwe a! t,o~npiii 1-3 Sergio s 3150 with a<k~~da 9 Code ~ ~ ot#n- ehpgo 25 Advance America 1002 ~~. State snd Federa# Perms must be ver#fled s~aturo vt the C1~r ~ Ate 5&6 EI Jibarito American Cuisine 2090 ~u~oa aeacN Bui#d#rtq ~ fo tl~+ / Bui#dkta Parmk. 9B/10 Sportsfans & Collecti'~~s 1500 ~pprored ~ 17 8o Ann's Cards And G;rts 1750 m un op '` Date: 23A Acu Nails 996 d• e EQUITY ONE REALTY & MANAGEMENT FL, TNC. ~• Penman Rd. «. D ~- ao O ~y ~G+' IW .~ •!~' ;n a x %~.\ Sorgio'S o~ Q ~ ~ '. ~ ... R U ^~ r,, Sl ~S sn«s Mwnntt tc~ _, .~v Boarln Csrtlt ~ ~ ._ • ~- ----~ F~~ Mrar~a V RcnNray v ~~~ .~~~:~ {~ _ __ ~ fak~rics Il-- naru a.iu U ToOacco ~a..w SM Burnor Bbr eurmr --~ CkaMre I F ~~~~1~~. 1 ~'1. /~^~~~ / //,.~ ~~ Royal Palm Drive / f Atlantic Village Shopping Center, Atlantic Beach, Florida 1696 N.E. Miami Gardens Rrive, N. Miami Beach, Florida, 331 T9-4902 305/ 672-1234 (F) 3051672-6606 3867 Lake Emma Road, Suite A, Lake Mary, Florida, 32746-6121 4071333-1940 (F) 407! 333-1963 2955 Hartley Raad, Suite 102, Jadcsonvipe, Florida, 32257-6284 904! 292-2222 (F) 904! 292-2222 ~~ ~-3T+~,N 7 2 SIGN EL~~~,TI oN 318"~ tHRU BOLL; UJ! NU1' ~ IUASHER: SEE ELEVA71ON 2x4 CONt PRE-ENC~'RED CHANNEL LEtTERS z 0 w oc 4 EXIStINC~ WD OR M SCUDS ~EGTION ~ I.~1t~R (OPTION U 3/8" ~ x 5" SLEEvE ANCHOR (SEE ELEVAtION~ EXI ST INCA 8" CMU u1ALL SEGtfON 4~ t ~~o K i 3~~~~ t~l ~s ~5+~ o~fiaN s~ 3!S" ~ tOGGLE 80LTS CSEE ELEVATION) EXISTING UJD OR MTL STUDS PRE-ENG'RED CHANNEL LET1 z~ 0 ~. }, ~I ~ SEC?ION a LETTER (OP110N 3) PRE-ENG'RED CHANNEL LETTERS 0 4 ~I iu LIB ~' _W OC 4 }_ f IUIND DESIGN CRITERf~4 wn~c KLOCITY rzm >~ ripoara~ l4-croa Im acraoeul~c caT~,o~rr crr~, ~ es~aL eoa~luarr .m -m ca~r~onwr i cr,aoclr~ ss..c +~ PORQe eo~ICleKt ef. 1.2 NOTE: I. oESIGN wiND PRESSURE IN CONFORMANCE wi ASCE 7-98, 12m MPH REGION, fPER F.B.G. 2PJ01 EDITION) 2. PRE-ENG'REO SIGN FACE BY OTHERS. DELEG~4TE ENGINEER SHALL PROVIDE DESIGNS TO RICHARDSON ENGINEER11J~s FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO FABRICATION OR ERECTION. 3. BOLTS: ASTM A3?~1 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR wATERPROOFiNG. RICHARDSON ENGINEERING CONSULTING ENGINEERS, UR=.r11~TD`D F>L. LIC# 00123811 / ID# EB 00001;;£3 ~ , PROJECT: ~ETT~R ~~PTI®N 2~ AQUA SPA cI.>Errr: , V I~I~R~~ /~ C \~~BH .._.., ~ DESIGNED BY: DRAR'N BY: HECI~21 BY: I., ~_ GB GB RBR DATE: OB NUMBER: HEE'f: 2-11-m~ m~~21~4 I ~~~ J ~~~ M ~p ~- ~~~y V ~ y~ 1=__ ~ c ~a L "- =~:~ ~ ~~~ ~:~~ ~ ~F ~~~ yh ~- ~ L ~ ~~m ~.;:: y ~,~t,a,a__:::~' ~ S f ~ ~ '~>~ ~~ ~~ ~j y ~i'::i3e4 e-.. ::--r..~:'i ~~ ~ yyah G3 k Ir i ~_ ~~ ~~ `.. u O v ~ ~ D ~- X1.3 4ry:Y 4 ~kLZGyIti -s~ :.~ 9~3ey~e.~f:~ ~- i.l) '^S ~a ~ ~ rt: fy, a ct ~ ~ ~: 4 h .~ ~ / ~ ~ Lie '~'.,!'' `~ • Ltl c/l ~~+ ::'nlii3: iA_ 1-' ~ Y R ii ~?--- ~~iai;i W Z b~.y pC~ki:_~iN ~~ EJ /~ W r: jai t L.~;~ ~;~,,--,°~u~ Toy E-.iy3s:'~~~i§"r-ii~lSi~rN.~;i;; ~ 2.". Z ^ ~ ~ ~-/ F..... iX ts.E 3)7 ``/ ^' c. Q ~ ~ s ..._. cl. C9z~ F..... ~ Cn ~` ~ tl EJ.A ~,. F- ~ W 4-- d' Cl3 .-.. !, Fes- ~ J ~~ Q3 L%1 ~ VJ 4 O Q i ~~ n ill ~O R! ~ _ ~ G d F- t~-- EL3 ~~K p..... d m 4C: f ` M ~ Q ~o~~ >~ N ~ J r3 •qC jn ym~ v G ~°- \„J 2 u"- o N N ~ 1- ozu X ~H~ ~':': ,~: '~..~ - °' ~ ~ Z V' .:. --- :. - ~- a J ,_,: ~ ~ ~ ~rQo "~- a ~ . ~..... ~~ ~ a ~- ;; ~ \ . I ... c....... x LL k emirs ~~~~~~~~ ~ fl 1 l~ i ;~~ ~~~ ~ QLi ~.S+~E oPfic~pt ~~ PRE-ENG'RED CHANNEL LEt' 3/8" ~ tOGGLE BOLtS tSEE ELEVAtiON) EXIStING lUD OR MtL StUDS ~1 ACTION a LEtTER (OP110N 3) U PRE-ENG'RED CHANNEL LEtTERS z O 4 } w ~i 111 4 } LEttER ~ OPt I ON 2 ) i UJIND DESIGN GRItERl~4 wn~D vtsLOCrrr am rIPH +~ Ir~xra~cE tiuoa Im canter n'">~3 e IIJSI~L4L. t~rE=eeura co~lclwr •m -m ccrn=one~r ~ cLaooll~ r~eseu~ zz.c AeP ~+.P~IZOVEU ~~~~~ ~ i_2 :;II; ii AitAvi1CBEACH NOTE: 8U[LDiNG QFFICE 1. DESIGN WIND PRE88LIRE IN CONFORMANCE W/ MAR ~ (~ ZQ~'~t EDITION~• 12m MPH REGION, CPER P.B.c. 2mml 2. PRE-ENG'RED SIGN PACE BY OTHERS. DELEGATE ENGINEER SHALL PROVIDE DESIGNS Sy_ .~ TO RIGHARDSON ENC*INEERihIG POR APPROVAL PRIOR TO FABRICATION OR ERECTION. 3. BOLTS: ASTM A3m'1 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPOI\ISIBLE 1-0R WATERPROOFING. RICHARDSON ENGINEE~Ir+iG CONSULTING ENGINEERS, ORI: ~.NDO FL LIC# 0012380 / ID# EB 00608x3 PROJECT: __~ SEAL. AQUA SPA ~~ `~? DESIGNED BY: DRAA'N BY: HECBJsD BYz GB GB RBR ~` DATE: OB NUMBER: HEFT: /'~ 2-11-PJ•~ ~~214 t t `~~~! ncN~ 1 SIGN EL~~/ATION 3t8"~ tHRU BOLL; UJ/ NUt ~ IUASNER: SEE ELEvAt I ON 2x4 CONt PRE-ENC~'RED CHANNEL LEttERS z 0 4 } w ,u oc ~a >_ EXIStINC~ UJD OR M SCUDS SEct~®~ ~ LEttE~ ~oPtfo~ ~~ 3/8" ~ x 5" SLEEvE ANCHOR IEEE ELEvAtfON~ EX(St INC: 8" CMU UJALL S~ct~o~ largo Etoak i1E,17 Faue 717 EQUITY oNE'~ 71rc Supacmtrka ftEIT'• EQUITY QNE REALTY & MANAGEMENT FL, INC. November 14, 2003 Building 8 Zoning Department City of Jacksonville 200 East Bay Street, Rm. 100 Jacksonville, FL 32202 RE: BUILDING PERMIT, 1023 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD ATLANTIC VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER Dear Building & Zoning Department, ~~ ~~e~~.~7T~1 Uonk: 1 1 6 1 7 Panes: 716 - J' 17 Filed 8 kc~orded 82/84/884 82:19:22 Ph JIfI Ft~lEk CL:.kK CIkUIlT CENfkl DtNIRI CfdKiTY kECfKttllNG 3 9, b8 tRUST FUND { 1,58 This letter shall serve as the Landlords acknowledgement that Aqua Spa has engaged Samco Construction to construct and secure proper permits for their buildout at the above location. Provided that Samco Construction constructs improvements, on behalf of Aqua Spa in accordance with all building and zoning requirements. No other work is here authorized. Further, this acknowledgement shall be valid for a period of 30 days m the abo date. Sincere) Doran V , Y Preside t Equity O (Atlantic Village) Inc., a Florida corporation STATE OF FLOf2113A ) /Q ,~ ~,(,~2~ ) SS , COUNTY OF ~N~"Q"~-c- ) 1, s"'~'•+ "a ~ a Notary Public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, do hereby certiy that Doron Valero .personally known to me, to be the Vice President of E it (Atlantic VlNaoe) Inc. , a Florida Corporation. Appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that he signed and delivered the said instrument as his as his free and volunta act and as the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN under my hand and Notarial Seal this day of 003. """"~- Robert S. Mendota (SEAL) ;ia'~'~j:Y MYCOMMISSIONaw CC923A04 EXPIRES ;~~ ` ]uly 11, 2004 y,~~` eo~omeumorrawurwwwctwc - 10601-107 San Jose Boulevard • Jacksonvipe, R 32257 • Telephone 904-292-2222 • Facsimile 904-292-1255 Regional Offices In: Coral Springs • Jacksonville • Lake Mary • North Miami Beach • Palm Beach Gardens • Tampa www.equityone.net EQY E'd ETSG-Z9Z-b06 'ouI •uot~onu~suo0 ooweg dST~ZT ti0 SO 9a~ souk 1 ira17 1=•ave 716 ~~~~~~ PIIONEa1 ~~'7(v~' NOTICE,OF COMMENCEMENT State of /~'~O/~ / cd~ County of ~t, a 1 To Whom It May Concern: Tax Folio No. ~ ~,~,r~c~„~ 7`~;7~,f ~~~~4~3 The undersigned hereby informs you that improvements will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with Section 7l3 of the Florida Statutes, the following information is stated in this NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. LegaE description. of property being improved:/ Address of property being unproved: l(] d 3 Athrnl7~ /.jl da /9~-~t7T~ft~ ,~~Orh., /=L ~a a ~3 General description of improvements: / Owner., ~U /~ one (~tl Address: /d~L?l-Kl Owner's interest in site of the improvement: ~ Fee Simple Titleholder (if other than owner): Name: Contractor: eo 'o ~ o ~~ a1n Address: ~ K # o~i Cnc~.t~' c7QCKsQnu. ~/f, /= C. !2 ~2 S~ Phone No: ~~ Q- 7G 9S _ Fax No: aG 2 -'7S'l3 Surety (if any): Address: Amount of Bond S Phone No: Fax No: Name and address of aoy person making a loan for the construction of the improvements. Name: Address: Phone No: ~ Fax No: Name of person within the State of Florida, other than himself; designated by owner upon whom notices or other documents maybe served: Name Address: Phone No: Fax No: In addition to himself, owner designates the following person to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.Oti(2xb), FIw(da Statues. (Fill in at Owacr's option}. -- Address: 1 0 •n ~ r' C ~ =L ~ Phone No~ 'j~,+~;!f'z' - rf 5r5/ ez t ~{[,~~ - 2~ Fax No: ~i'(~ S'- O ~y Expiration date of Notice o commencement (the expustion date is one (1 }year from the date of recoFding unless a di8`erent date is specified): THIS SPACE FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY OWNER ' Signed: Date: Before me this day of in the County of Duval, State of Florida, has personally appeared Notary Public at Large, State of Florida, County of Duval. My commission expires: Personally Known: cr Produced Identification: Z'd EISG-Z9i;-b06 'ouI 'uot~on.a~suo0 ooweS dSi ~Zl ~0 SO qa~ GLOBAL REALTY & MANAGEMENT, INC. i~ D rt_ r~•~- ~• 0 ~_ C ~. •I Serglo's Baptist 1 St. Vincents Medical . 11 ~, 12 14A • ,3e 16A . Dollar Tlee • 17 C ~_ X• IC v ~ 18 U 20 • 21 • JoAnn Fabric 23A 23B ~~ 24 ~~ 25 m 0 3s 2~ ~ N ~ " U ^ w A 33 - U y ~• 4 ~. E \ ~ ~ a_ 9 Penman Rd. Royal Palm Drive / Atlantic Village Shopping Center, Atlantic Beach, Florida 777 17th Street, Penthouse Suite, Miami Beach, Florida, 33139-1854 305/ 672-1234 (F) 305/ 672-6606 3967 Lake Emma Road, Suite A, Lake Mary, Florida, 32746-6121 407! 333-1940 (F} 4071333-1963 2955 Hartley Road, Suite 1068, Jacksonville, Florida, 32257-6284 904/ 292-2222 (F) 904/ 292-2222 Jacksonville Miami Orlando Tampa/St. Petersburg Palm Beach n` CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number 03-00027403 Date 1/27/04 Property Address 1023 ATLANTIC BLVD Tenant nbr, name SPA INTERIOR BUILDOUT Application description COMMERCIAL INTERIOR BUILD OUT Property Zoning TO BE UPDATED Application valuation 65000 Owner Contractor ATLANTIC AMILY MED.CTR. SAMCO CONSTRUCTION INC 1023 ATLANTIC BLVD. PO BOX 24299 ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 JACKSONVILLE FL 32241 (904) 292-2222 (904) 262-7695 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit ELECTRICAL PERMIT Additional desc . Sub Contractor UNITED ELECTRIC CO. OF JAX Permit Fee 70.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date Valuation 0 Fee summary Charged ----------------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 70.00 Plan Check Total .00 Grand Total 70.00 M Paid Credited Due ---------- ---------- ---------- 70.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 70.00 .00 .00 BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER. "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS" ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. .~ !r ~ BUILDING OFFICIAL ~~a~ ~~ r ~ ;~ ~~, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACI-I ~ ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION '`LIJ3 ~~ Date: a -•,~ , O~ Property Address• I ~ a 3 /~}~Gn +~ c.. t_7 ~ ~ /~ Owner: ~, ~ ~ pp S (-~' ~-- Telephone #: ~3 1- 0 ~ yG Contractor: ~ P.~i' ' ~tE~. /`~ t_ ~ Telephone #: ~ 3l ' `~a ~~ Contractor Address: ~J ~ I L Sl" ~~~1v,S~ ~.<. ~ Fax #: ~ 3/ - 5 3 /l In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement, we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plans and specifications which aze a part hereof and in accordance with the City of Atlantic Beach ordinance and standards of ood ractice listed therein. Building: ^ New Old Re-wire Building Type: ^ Trailer ^ Residence ^ Temp. Commercial ^ Si ns g ^ Addition Sq. Ft. Service: ^ New ^ Increase ^ Repair [f other construction is ~~g done on this building or site, list the building Permit number: Conductor Size: AMPS: COPPER AL UMINUM Switch or Breaker AMPS PH W VOLT RACE WAY Existing Service Size L' ~O AMPS ? PH ~ W p VOLT ~~ 4 WAY Feeders: N0. SIZE NO SIZE NO SIZE Lighting Outlets CONCEALED e I ~ OPEN Rece tacles CONCEALED ~ OPEN /-~ Switches Incandescent „5 Fluorescent & M.V. Fixed o.too aNtPS ovER BELL A liances TRANSFER. Air Conditionin H.P.RATING COMP. MOTOR H.P. RATING OTHER MOTORS AMPS CEILING HEAT KW-HEAT Motors 0-I H.P. VOLTAGE PH NO. OVER 1 I-I.P. PHS UNDEK600V VER600V Transformers NO. KVA NO. KVA No.Neon_Transf. Ea. Si n Miscellaneous ; a ~ ~d, ~ ~ ,~~' ~~ fl3 ° a ~ ~~3 800 Seminole Road .Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904) 247-5800 • Fax: (904) 247-5845 • http://www.ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us PSR 3844` DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH _.___ PERMIT INFORMATION ----__ ermit Number; 168?0 permit Type; SIGN lass of Work:ALTERATION Constr. Type:WOOD FRAME Proposed t~se:COMMERCIAL Dwellings: 0 Est. Value: 0.00 irriprav . Cost : Q , 00 Total F'eeS: 30 00 .Date Paid: ?~23/.i99$ ork Desc:19 SQ FT ___._ .. OWNI~R TNFt}RMATION -____._-__ ame: GL023AL MANAGEMENT/MAZE BQXES ETC ddr; :ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 hone : f 000 ~ CtQt~ -p000 -----` CONTRACTOR INFORMATION - --- ame: CtJMMERCIAL SIGN CONTRACTORS ddr: 4735 PHYLLIS STREET JACKSt}NVILLE, FLORIDA 32254 Lid; Exp: / / ype: '.SI'bt~ NOTES: V'V 1 ------ LOCATION INFORMATION ----_--_ .dress: 1023 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 -"--`-- LEGAL DESCRIPTION Block: Lot: - Twp: - 0 Section: 0 Subd: Fang: Q Subdivision: ~_ ---- APPLICATION FEES -_---____-- PF:F.MIT 30.00 NOTICE -INSPECTIONS MUST BE REQUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION BUILDFNG MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST 8E CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS." ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. t38.BB t4 ATLANTI~EACH BUILDING DEPARTMENT Br 4~~._I c~--... t, . CASH ~18~3~''c19~ ~; . i ~` # W. a^ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR SIGN PERMIT NAME: m~f ~ L ~C~~ ~ S ~~G ADDRESS : I. (~ ~ ~ ~~ Q„"Y~-~ ~ `J~ PHONE : ,~~ ~~ ~- TYPE OF SIGN • ~ -~9-.J~ SIZE : ~ ~p f ` k ( '~- PROPOSED LOCATION : ~~~~,J WILL THE SIGN REQUIRE AN ELECTRICAL PERMIT? C/~ L~-'J ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR : ~r~.~~ ~ ~ ~.~~ Signs over fifty (50) feet in area, and/or any sign which is more than seventeen (17) feet above the ground, or any sign weighing more than one thousand (1,000) pounds, must be submitted with drawings from a registered engineer. Signs with a solid area greater than thirty (30) square feet must be erected to withstand a wind pressure of at least thirty-five (35) pounds per square foot. Drawings must also show that weight of sign will be supported by the roof or ground support on which it will be erected. This application must be submitted along with the following: 1. A plot plan of the land, showing the position of the sign in relation to buildings or structures. 2. A blueprint or ink drawing showing the plans and specif- ications, and the construction and/or attachment to the building or in the ground. 3. Other information as may be required under Sec. 17-2(b), Code of Ordin s, City of Atlantic Beach. APPLICANT SIGNATURE. Date: ~ "'~0 OWNER SIGNATURE: ~ 1'1.l ,tu Date : / I (o ~~g Qc~u ~~~®{`;~ V ! `t ~ .,.,~~ to ~ ~ . ~. ~:; O Y!I +) D op N °' v t~~er~~ftrtt~e .~f t~x~cu~r~~r~c~r (~it~ ttf z~ttttntir ~ettr1~ - ~Riaridtt ~r~ttrfi~pnfi of ~utt~din~ ;Jzt~~rPrfii.~~ fihis Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 103.$ of the Southern Standard Building Code certifying that at tlxe time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances regulating building construction or use. For the following. Use Classification ~'1;~d-~-t .~ ~ G:~€~~ ~`i? ti.C ~ Ifi Bldg. Permit No. Group °s 4 ~7~ K Type Construction ~''J~irt*3~ Fire District ~~, ls.tir ~c s3~~ T }~ 'i~ ~rx,~7lLa 13~ir ~ 'i.lJ. ~ l~ a2C,.: ~ ~t.~_~'-~S~+?4? w;/~:~ 2. ~'t~ ~ f .~31?xT<ar OwrierofBu~~mg :, ~~~~~~ ~~ Address ~-~4,.t'~~ ~;~~~ ~, ~, " B~I in Address ~' ~ ~ ~ ,.t. 5~=.... ~- ~ ~ s ~ ~j ~~ g ~~.~.K_21 c ~ ?' ' -? locality rl at' f r- 13r f~ h s ~ i ~+' f "i ~~ ~ ~. _ C~-> W-: ,.,... TMBuilding Ofti ial Date: .+" - ~ F~;~. ~:'" POST IN A CQNSPICUOUS PLACE '~ ~ G~•b .- ._. ... ~ , . _ N ~ ~ o%d'XZO~ o'' ~ . . . ~., ~, ~ N __.. _. • -~,wioE ran u~r-~:n..+t~~~taw~_ ...ytR~rPIN`~ ~ ~YPrc~rt.°..._ .... ~.. _; ._ a. f ` T ~ 8 _ _ '~. - 4 . ~~ •' H • ~ ~ o'er ~ ,;`'~ d - - ,i CiCo'_ 5 11 ._ fG~ CuKG IKVf~P ..=G..{t~.~ _ . . ~ . z p'1 ~i~~G-'G'YP ` Y ~ p O I~ ~ ~ ?~~~~~' x,3.0 -_ 10.~~..... ,.• ~.. ~ .~i .~01~7rp - hL i7 ~6 CCU I t, nnJ~ ._ _ o _ ~ ~ ~Q111Q~L...... ~~! FL ~=- ~ ~ o 2 ~ ~ ~s . 1 ~-- ~ - - ~ _- µ t2t-O ,• ` ~~ . 5~-~Gfc ,o .. .. D II ... . ~ ~ F~ 5T-'N 6 t~~p~~. . S ~. P 141995 r N r--~ ~v i o =o" . . ~ . ~~ - ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ .Building,and Zoning __:.:. ~ ..... 5 . - .~ ._,~_s•QS . ......~ ~~~ .. 1~ 20'-0" ~ w. ~'cO0 E/NO ~M ~Z DARDERA ~ Associates, Inc. ~ 5-~; v~NC~.1r's sNT• No Architects b .Plow .~ ~+i~Y MG ~~~ ~ ~ fi~R ~ _ (, ~' Aft-At1t~ ~ t° ~ or o,-Te 2 q q ~o~ Mo ~ 30 $ q , ._ •. ~_~- ,. ,~. `~1:~~t~n ~ I~ I ~1,,~ ~'F ~, ~ ~ ~ 1, `~ ~> fin, ~o~U ~c~ _ -- -. t , ~~ .. - . , ..''paV 1 N ~ ..-r* ref .. • r~ . ~p ,J ~ • ~:. . ~~ ', ,, _. ~ ,: ~' ,; S ~y /, r •r-- ,~ ; . ~ - ~~ ~ ~ M ~ • r / F V'f' I2~I-~ A.a1~~Y~t4~ltOP Pa Q. .~ -, ~ :, ~ ~~~ , •,' 9 d' ~,. . ~ ~. a _e . ,~'~ + •~ i /~ n ~. ~ ~ .~ •~ ~ ~; ~ -- ~ r~~ ~ ~ L7 W ( ; t+k i ~ ~N~ .. ~~° . ti.~`ty'S'~ .._~• . .... off;" - ~ . Q~---t`t'~` ==~TM~'*' ~M~~ art ~ ~ ~ • • ~ °~ d.o tY~ ,~ .,. - . .._ - -- 5 ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ • ~ ~ ~,~.nc~b ,. ~-~O_ .. Y y ~. ~I ~l Ct~~y~~~~-rtP Q „~ ~c ~ _.g4C1 ~ ~~~ ~ o~_ o ~ ~1 ~~ Z ~ ~~ a ~ ~"' 1 ..• 2 ,_ • IY f ~~ . 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A.1 Floor Plan Plan Legend; Revise d~~ption of exerio i 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH y 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number 03-00025961 Date 4/28/03 Property Address 1023 ATLANTIC BLVD Tenant nbr, name 40OAMP,3PH,210V,PVC Application description ELECTRIC ONLY Property Zoning TO BE UPDATED Application valuation 0 Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ EQUITY ONE AMERICAN ELECTRICAL CTR 1023 ATLANTIC BLVD 5065 ST.AUGUSTINE RD #3 JACKSONVILLE FL 32210 JACKSONVILLE FL 32207 (904) 737-7770 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit ELECTRICAL PERMIT Additional desc SAFETY INSPECTION Permit Fee 70.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date Valuation 0 Fee summary Charged ----------------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 70.00 Plan Check Total .00 Grand Total 70.00 Paid Credited Due ---------- ---------- ---------- 70.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 70.00 .00 .00 BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS" ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. ~~ ,~~: ~'~ ' BUILDING OFFICIAL +~`.' T C~' If~rt~ /-1l ,~ G .~ O1J7"f-f, I-?/-t tUGFi Z ~' E ~ S T ~.S REC~'t?DE~ !N ~~AT ~^~K PAGES CF Tr',E GUH±?ENT PU©L!C RECORDS OF ~~-'v'a't-' CQ~1N'Y, FLORip, C,,^.~IED j'J G=/-"-r?B~`~?~q c~ ~.SSJC/~;~"Ej ..~ ;-; ~~~'- i 1~ t-- ~L~C7r2tC'•~~ S1 t ~ t~LA~ ~. - ~•AsnHAr_T SP~LtWAY ~ pr-rGH s.a' C9.3°>> (g 53 ------- ~ ~ • _•' C6 •~~ C EDFJ L+A, ~ ~ygoNA4"r `~ qc7 ~& i ~~ . ~~ ~~ ~ N+nur~c~~E.I~SZ.3,~ ~ ,~ C ~°~~ ~ Cd• ta~.lz,~ r~+tw~ 6r-6'J. r~/Z• / /40•Cnlr 8 B"R/.C~ If Rt P . c~~ ' -- ~ t !J. r ~i J'/' ~~Ka ~ I 9. • EWER C~EAn:o~, ~~~n ~r rA4•C ~pl.t~/ 9~°..s2 Asn. ~ ~• ~--~_ ~ ~ L ?.o~ / S y.8p T•~,V. rvP > TOA RCVF Fc AS Hri.?6` y s1u. ai Za•24~ , i4 I f N / ,~ d 't YI} ~, ~~r o1,Z '~ ' ~, ~ r . ~, I~ s i~ .~ I a . i~ ~ ~~ ~ a ~ j i ~, 1 ~ ~ ~ jg h ~ ~% ~ ~ 1, ~ wJ Fr2An-~E FA~,E ~ *---~'" i~l Gj ~ / ~ F'. Kt-.tom' o O ~ j `~ '~.~ ~ ~~ I ~ ~ ~-~Ul"~IQ-'~ ~ ;~ ~~ G' yy '~, ~~~ ~; ~~ % ~ .~`. Viii 'a l~ '. o '~ % 4 it Q~(ti ~=~' ~s _ i 1, ~~n G w, ~ ~) ~!~~ c ~' I I ~ u ~ 13 ¢' Q yS• ~ • ~ N . F .a, m i C ~j N "~\ ¢?~ 24 ~•• V 9 ~ ~Q~ ~" co~~r+v ~ ~l'I r ~ ~r~.- ~ c9~~6' ~pP RopF - (~ - ,' uuwi'J ~. y: ~~. ~ +l ~1T~'' '.~ - -- "-N~~~1.r~ roiv FtO~F ~'ti1~E ~'o~ p ~~ "~ti ~~' CVs, ~ ~ ~' rvt-{T LAY' i ~ r C~ir ~~~ G ~hrq~ ~tw+w ~ . ~~.4~Xt~~~'~ L Ltt~ ~-{~~.~~U= . t~,~ ~~a`w~t~ ~, t ~~ ~ ; ,~---~2tt GA Intl ~~' ..... __ ~v~S Ta u~n,4,wS i n~ ~(z~w~~ ~ a ~~~Y~ ~~ ~~~. ~ ~ -tit~~ ~ h t~UGtu~ ~ `' ~ ~ ~~ = U~p~r~ ~X,ryjJ G C,,,~,,~,vv -~ YP !'~~ ~f ti~~ . 1 ~•~<+'n ~ mac. ~~ - N ~ ~~~ ~{. G~« ~ ~lN~ile• ~ ~ I ~2 . . ar ~~c~ to-do~r ~~c ~- .. _ -.. _ ~ .. ,CIh~11-11~ 8~~ G•r1~U N6 -~ . . _ ~p ~un~. (~ S t'SAS~ ou ~u~v ~cA~.IF~"' A 2-IG-12 ~ van~.rc.5~~~'~ or- Mkt t7+~GK ~~- IytN~W G~'~ ti~X~ ,~ ft q~p~~.--_..__ . ~L~.-- `t _- ~_. ,; -- ~:/ -~' U1N~~'t~~i trM. G ~ ~ ~~ ., ~A' ~~ ~ ./ tir ^7 l~~ ~~ ~~ t~- 7 ;s~ WAV 5 4' D~rGr{ C9• ~ ~~~~ ~-~ ,~~ ~~~t5 fiv P Gti~ '•o~ 56' ~1 ~'.1•L~ MME e- w /• C /.. .•e• ~-~/4R CLF~-~ou'r7 r„~•rses ~ ,~ w~~ ,..~- ~ y ~ ' r.rv ~~ «ws«r''a~ ~ ~. ls~' ~~ 01 ~o N ,~kNY li ~ '~ _ ..acX ~, ~. 04~ ~ r.f~- ~ ~,~t ~,~,t~-• PSR-3844 ~~~~ DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ,~ 1L1iJ1 ------- L~CATIQN INFORMATION ---_____ Address : 1423 ATLANTIC BOLII,EVARD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA. 32233 - LE4AL DESCRIPTION ------"'~' Blocks Lott Twp: 4 Section: 3B Srabd:29 Rnq: 4 5ubdivision:ATLANTIC $EACH Work DeS~.~"°~z,, ~,~:~,~4~•; T© EXISTING CIRCUIT ___ _ ,~.,~.__~_ _ - APPLICATION FEES -____-- _-.._ ~?~~ TIOi~ - _ ,--~--- 25.04 N~.me ~,~~~. ~ ~~~ ~~LY MED . CiE> >~'A ~~ p~IT Add>:`~; _~ ~L~ BLVD. , SUITE 2 ;~3,~IL ~~LORIDA 32214` Phon~~~ ('~~~:~~~- 3~~ ~: _..____ CA~R~~ FORMATI~I`i ------ >Ya~rne : ER~CS ALE ~~~~ RICAL C~I~TRACTOR ~~ ,. JACKS4N1~'~E f FL 3 2 216 Li c >- .0901 ~ 2s~' E~cp : / j ,~ T y ,:. ~I ~ Y. ', - KF31 - h~ +~» 'Fdr. o ~}' ':?;s.:-.'rt".~ - .- ,..z^`d'rtWaT~e'~^ --'--- PERMIT INFORMATION -----' Permit Number: .12141 permit Tyke:ELECTRICAL Class of Work:ALTERATIQN Constr. TypetMASOMRYjBRICK Proposed Use: Dwelli~gst 4 Est. Value: 4.04 Improv. Cost: 0.44 Total Fees: 25.40 Date .~~~ _ .614 j 1996 NOTES: NOTICE -- ALL CONCRE'T'E FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE @UILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CiInARED UP AND H1~1LED AWAY 13Y EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO Ct,~MPLY WITH THE MfCHANLC'S .LIEN. LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PRQRERTY pdNNER PAYINGTWICE FORTHE BUILDING tM_PROVEMENT" ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND~JL~~~~EVC]t:A~ ~ON~FO~A VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. m,,,~~~~ ATLANTIC BEP~CH BUILDING. By: :~ ~' PsA-~ ~ ~ ~ _~ ....._~.:~ ~.. 1210Q DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ------ PERMIT INFORMATION -- -- - LOCATION IPiFORMATION ------_- Permit Number: 12100 Address, 1,023 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Permit Type: SIGN Class of Work:NEW ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 _________ LEGAL DESCRIPTION ---------- C'onstr. Type:MASONRYJBRICK Block: Lat: Twp: 0 Pxoposed tJs~: Section: 38 Subd:29 Rng: O Dwellin~ts: 0 Subdivis.ion:ATLANTIC BEACH Est. Value: O.ttO Improv. Cast: 0.00 Total Fees: 19.54 Amount :.~~i.~:. `;~.` 0.00 Da><te ~~~ .~ ~ t Work ~~`".~~~~ ~T~1,:>°ER PLANS r x.:rr .r,:r ____.. ~ ~ ~~~TION -----~~-~-- Name ~,~ ~ I~~~~13, "~`~'LY tdED . CAE II~A ` ~~ __ APPLICATION FEES __________ PIT 19.50 Adds : ~~.~>~~ BLVD. , SUITE 2 . ~ IL ~' FLORIDA 32 , 2Lfl ~ P~on~ (9~~ ~ 3 4 ~ :~~ r: ~ ~ _ ~. , , ~ ~~... CA~R~~ ~ FOR.Ir1AT 14~ - _ _ _ _ _ Pi`~ ' Name : SE i N~p~ [. SN CO » r ATLAAITIG ~$:~ACH FL 32233 Li c ~ '_ Exp : J / ~ T Si x • ~ ~ t ~ 'y SSb Li y~ i -.en c ~_E NOTES: NOTICE--ALL CONCRETE F4RfIAS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE BUILDINGS MATERfAI, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TQ C+pMPLY WITH THE MECHANIC'S LIEN E.AW CAN RESULT IN THE PRORERTY OWNER PAYINGTWICE FORTHE BUIL.~lI~~G IMPROVEMENTS" ,. ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLAN5 WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMI ~)~'1T0 ~ ; ~ FOR T VIOLATfON OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. ATLANTIC B~ H BUILDING,DE RTM ~ / ~ / By: - ,~_ ~r. y CITY OF ATLAN'PIC BEACH Af'i'LICA1'lON 1'OR SIGN PERMIT NAME:---~~~=~(1~X\_ ~-~t_ __~__~ IAV~.. ~O . C ~ ,r ADDRESS : ~ Z (~.~ • `~ ~ c~~ PHONE: ~~~ -~ 1 C~tp TYPE OF SIGN : ( ~/ YULJt ~ I ~:.. SIZE: ~~ ~ X. i (~~p++ PROPOSED LOCATION : ~ (~ Z3 I~'~~0~.~ ~+ C ~~V~ WILL THE SIGN REQUIRE AN ELECTRICAL PERMIT? MM}~ ~j ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: ~i(~ ~(...SOiM ~~~tY1~C Signs over fifty (50) feet in area, and/or any sign which is more than seventeen (1'7) feet above the ground, or any sign weighing more than one thousand (1,000) pounds, must be submitted with drawings from a registered engineer. Signs with a solid area greater than thirty (30) square feet must be erected to withstand a wind pressure of at least thirty-five (35) pounds per square foot. Drawings must also show that weight of sign will be supported by the roof or ground support on which it will be erected. This application must be submitted along with the following: 1. A plot plan of the land, showing the position of the sign in relation to buildings or structures. 2. A blueprint or ink drawing showing the plans and specif- ications, and the construction and/or attachment to the building or in the ground. 3. Other information as y be required under Sec. 1'J-2(b), Code of Ordinance ty of Atlantic Beach. APPLICANT SIGNATURE: ~/~ at : ~'~2`-~5 OWNER SIGNATURE: /~~~~~~-~-~ DatefQ'/Z'JQ~~ ~. ( c~' .. ~~ }~ ~~ { v' / ~( v i Rev 6~~~ ,.Pp P Z~PN~\C~ oFF~ct C~Q~ON N & Z~N1N . ,a9~' ~~ C ,, ~ ( ~ a i , ~ i o i a 6 ~¢ ;,F ~`; ; , ~ 199 .f 4. ,. ;~~'~ ~,,, . ~t.~~,t.' ~ ~ r ~Rtrnr ~~r ~ ~ , ~, ,~ ~ ,tli~ i~ ~~ a 1 ~~~'~ . t ~~ 1 ~{~ r +` ~~ ,~~,. ~~: ~;,~~,: ,.. , wuthot~ssri~oh ~:~~+~~'" ' ' ~ trot et ,.. Ng; s G~~,carn ~ na oar lie~rns~ed To Who«~~~ 11aY ~ Sign ~aoPanY to ~AQy=a gaa.ah Haan os ~,ubaontractots=apovaXe- OY Thie ,authorf ~ta+~ ~hri ~rtor~ts yns ~ 11r,bivna ~ ~a!~or 4 or sidt- sigma aon~r 4^d' p 1ocw~ad at pr:aiia. vRr'~+~~h~aprap~r~ as r~anrnes at 1 ~ ~~ x gY ~ ~- ~, . gYh`T8 Og ~~uYAp~ GOUt1'1`Y OP ©Mi~ ~ s. A G8R !~"CATB OF FWRN ,,r•, , ~ 1t3N 1~p.~CR~Z+1 ~nbli.a. r.ta +- NetsrY t-bavs irsr ~~..',;~ ;r~, , ~~, ~~ p.. ,, „ ~, , !1y Cor~niAe~o~ gxo r, . ~~~ ,, .. •, i ~! ~7c v o. V in~e`~t~s~ 5~~~y N1edlcal Care Cente ~~D~~,~ ~ti~~ PSR-384a 1.844 DEPARTMENT OF BUII.DIN~i CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH --- PERMIT. INFORMATION ~-____ ______ LOCATIfJN INFORMATION -__..____ ermit Number;. 15844 A dress: 10.23 ATLANTIC BOtJLEVARD Permit Type: ELECTRICAL ATLANTIC BEACH. FLORIDA 32233 lass of Work:ALTERATION _ ______ LEGAL DESCRIPTION' -_. ...-_..____ Constr. Type ;MASONRY/BRICK B1QCk; Lot: Twp: 0 Proposed tJse: Section; O Subd:O Rng; 0 Dwellings: !~ Subdivisian:ATLANTTr BEACH Est. Value; Or00 Imlarav . Cast : Q . 00 Total Fees: 25.00 Atn©unt Paid:... 25.00 t ork Des ,'C~1 E 1~'O g O AT DE TTST OFFICE ...___.._ OWNER INFORMATIONY _____. _ _.___.~_... APPLICATION FEES --_a ____ ame; ST. VINCENTS ERMIT 25,Q0 ddr: 1023 ATLANTICBOULEVARD A'TLANT~C BEACH ~ FLORIDA 322 i3 hon~;~9Q4`~387~3541 - - -- °- CONTRACTOR I NF'QRMAT I ON -- _ _ _ _ _ ame: FIRST CHOIOE ELECTRIC dclr: - 2755 ADMIR~iI,~ 6~ALK DRIVE PAST .ORANGE PARK "E'LORTDA 320?3 Lip; ER(7014604 I:xp; ~' / °YPe' ~~~ NOTES: NOTICE -INSPECTIONS MUST BE REQUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST 8E CLEARED UP AND HAULEDAWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR-0WNER , "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS." CH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUB,fECT TO REVOCA T (O~il ~QR ~ ~ ~ VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROV SIONS OF LAW t ~ Fr~~ i r~~~~i ~~: ~:t,~~,~i~~ f1~~+N 1~~+3~~~rlw°~ 3Y;`I~~ ATLANTIC EACH BUILDING DEPARTMENT By: 1 Cf-i~Y 01= ~,~1~L,~1~!-1~IC il1~C;i-i, 1-L.OR11~~ +'+"~",.~ii~,. ~ APt'LiCAT{UrJ FOR kl.>E;CTRICAI. PFRMiT (U iltC L'lilEF Fl GcI111cn1. 1N;t'E<;it)It: ttnt[: ,~ ~ ~U.'~ 19 i~ It.tl'UI1 i nll l tJt) 1 It:l ItJ t:c-rtslurltn f fUtJ ur I'Lfthil l t,lvl ri I c)It nOll~it. i llt wc)ltlc n~~ ul_sctlltlt l) IiI l llr i t)I l uwirlc;, avl ilt ItE1JY nt.ltt t 1t) I'I IICURM Sn1U Wl)1tIC tid nCL'UI2UnNl;1 Wtlll Illl. nt Int;IIi.U 1'InP15 nt1U Si'Li:-[ICnliOtIS wlllc;ll n{lt_ n f'nltl III. itEt)f, nh11) itl ncCC)ttUnFJt;E WIIII tlll Ft tt;Iliicnt itfGUlnlit)t15, t:UUrs nttn t:IIY Ut n l t nrt t l(; lienc:il t)ItuUlnilct_s. ELEGiIiICnL flll_ht: _ _ hinSlEi1 L-l_L1;11iIt:IniJ;;It;PJn11111E,: - N nhti ~ .~ l ~-o,~', t" tsa.t.,z~-_ C ~~_ - n U [) I1 F°i 5 ; ~ 0~ ~ ~~ ~`^-' _- ~ G~1 V ,'I''_ ' ._ Ill () _ I)LUG. SIZE ___ _-- - _ -----_.__ -------__- _____ _ _______ i)t: I Wf[:hJ: __ _ __ .. ilES. t 1 nt' i . l 1 CQMM, ~ PUI1l.1c% S I itJU(I +. ( { NEW ( 1 OLl) t~[. nUUl1 IUN 1 [ 1 t1/+.ILE11 1 f 1 EMP, ( I sit;NS ( ! Sc). I` 1. SI:i1VICE: PJEW 1 1 INCiiEnSF. 1 1 itl_I'nlll ( } CUtJUUCiUI1 SIZE HMI's Cul'I'l:ll ( ~ n) Uhl. ~ ~ swI c c11 U11 1)Il1:hK[:Il HMI's t'll w vul_ I Ilnci:rvn~r L'XIS1. SEI1V. SIZE HMI's 1'11 W V(11 1 14nC1.\NnY FFt~U[:IIS lJt). Slli" _-~ NU 51ZE ~ IJU. SIZE t_{(.~tlitN(i UIJiLE1S CO[JCEnLEU t)f`[~N IUlnl. iIECEP 1 nCLES Ct)NCt:nLt;U UI'EtJ [ c) t nl. v.~o nrtre. _ ~+ tvc+ nnrs _ .. . SWIiC:ItL9 INt:nNl)fSCt_Ni FLUUiIESCEN! & ht. V. f1XEt) o tc~o nt.+rs. _ wen ~ nr-~1.1nrlc ce ~ t1ELl_ lilnNSl'. nlil II P. IinllNCl Ii.t'. IlnllNCy t,UNU111UNItJG COMP. MUIUI I U111E11 M(-)1U(I5 HMI's C1=11_ Iil:nl: ItW Ilf:nl .-._.__. 1 _ _ - --- -....... _ _- ------_ _~_- ---_ __ _____ _ ) f h1U1tJi1S ~ -- IJ' ,~ _VUl_ Tn(iE--- Y-1'115__ !_.. NO_ ^__ 1 11 P. ~ VUl_1nGI: ~ I'IiS fit.>ltl{Ill~litt~,[I HUX Itt:ty. t l f (= E h11 sc A L L nrJ E ~ u s_~.__r~!~,~~l~~~l~.c_~__..~xa~t)i~?c,_ _ ~i cam ~, ... s .. rn o T. 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' I ~ • °bl .~ s (cod •67 N ~ ~„ ~ O ~rM~~~~s 1 ~--~s r ~- ~~~ a3•• ~ •^T! ti •'IS ~l ~?01111rN 'r~ i ~_ ~6 b$ 04 G, oN sor b b Z ~l~o w Crf'C-gtY - • ~ti "1~i3 • . . ~ ;.. ~. ,~ - U .,- y :~ ~ n ~ . ~ 1 ~ 1{ u .~, . ~ li _ 1tdN0 d~~~~~a ~~a~n~a ~~~ ~~~ , ,• . .~ d c--~ 11 ~ Q _ a ~, .. d ~.~ g L ~ S . a .. ._...~ • .'W~7d~x ~3t~ld~~~•._ _ ~~o ~~~`+p'0 ~ ~~ - . SAS. yJ~ y-75~~ ~- _'~,01~ . 9 ~{~7 9 t11SS ~yt~ .. ~. :r CfTY OF A7LANTIC~ BEACH, FLORIDA L App~owd by APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMtT _~ TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL tNSPECYpR IMPORTANT NOTICE; IN CONSIbl:RA71pN OF PERMIT GIVEN HCREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAib WOR II WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND tN AC ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. ERICKSON ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. PATE: JUNE 1 2 ,_ ~P 9 6 iOING THE WORK AS DE5CRtBEp IN THE FOLLOWING, WE RDANCE WITk THE ATTAGHED PLANS AND SPECiFiCAT10NS, WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGUlAT10NS, CODES AND Ci7Y OF NAME BAPTIST-ST VINCENTS A6DRE88: 1 023 ATLANTIC _BLVn ~,,,, RPO 60X,. SLOG, SIZE _ >s6T1AllEN: REB. I 1 APT. ( ? COMM. 1 ~ PUBLIC ( 1 INDUS. ( ) NEW f ? OlD ( 1 REW. ( 1 AOpIT10N l ) TRAILER ( ) TEMP, ( ) 8ERVICE; NEW ( ) INCREASE f 1 REPAIR ( ) FEE nnun~It•tno ever SMPC []f~PPER i 1 ALUM. 1 1 SIGNS 1X1 tGu. FT. ~VItITCIi OR BR~„gK,ER --- P ~ ~'~. •_... _.-- ~ - VOLT ,,,g _ 612E 20~ SERV EXiST t AMPS ~ 1 PH 3 W ~240VOLT ~ 2.. RACEWA , . FEEDERS NO. SIZE N0. SIZf SIZE li NO' __._ ._._ -~- - ----- , _ -• -T- LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN I TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN __ TOTAL .•.. _ OHO AN-• 11.100 AMri ~WITCH[s ~-~ , _ INCANDESCENT _ ______ ...~ „ .._._~_ _ ...__~_ _ FLUORE>jCENT a M. v. ~_ ,.___. ~__ __ _ _ ~IxEd o goo ,-M . o~~~ ~ ~Pp1.uNCES _.y _ ___~__ __._ _ BELL TRANSF. AIR H.P. RATING H.P, RATING CONDITIONING COMP. MOTOR _ OTHER MOTORS aMPS _ EIL MEAT: KW•HEAT ~~ _~ 0.1 OVER MOTORS H.P. VOLT AGE PHS NO. 1 H.P. VOLTAGE PHS 7g 1.7MG `Vr.r~cvvv l.,Vl` ~{ t~//~~~ .~~~` CITY OF 7~^~~GG:f9~GtC Office of Building Official REQUEST FOR INSPECTION G // ,~ Date -__-~-.~ ~` .._-~ ~ _ Permit No. ~ ~ - Time {~~ .-,-A M: ~"~"' , Received ~ ~/ - - _pM~ i ~ ~ -` ~~'G,~Y.._,. / .Locality Owner's--7~~=^~~,~i~ f~ ~' ,gyp, ~ Name _ K.- ---- -- Contractor ~ ,~_~~C _.~~~-~' -- _. BUILDING CONCRETE ~"ELEC'CRtCA~ L`''~~~ P~.UMBING MECHAN{CAL Framing Footing i-~ ~-Rec~g+,-v~rirtn~---~ "- Rough CF Air Cond. & Re Roofing - Slab Temp Pofe Top Out .7 Heating Insulation Lintel ~-~ Final ~~ Sewer ~; Fire Plaae ---=-,.,, ~." l Pre Fab REAdY FOR INSPECTION ~~ Mon, Tues. Wed.. ~ Thurs. ~ Friday P.M. Inspartion fviade __ _ ~~Lf`" ~ ~ -- _RM. Ffna! Inspection ~ ,,ispectcr---~~. r'~-~- -- ------- Certificate of ccu anc ~'-- f ~,~ Oate _ 1,, r }, J ' ~. CITY OF ~9(Al~t1c ~~i~ -'1~ler~ald w~ ~aE ^o~w A7'[.AN'!IC ~. !'1rORHaA 32Z1J-S1~1S 't'ltl~llDt~i AM Mf~l~M ~ A~4 34'~l~Id 1i0?ICa TO: Water Departient FROM: Building Depar went DATE : ~-~ ~=~ Please be advised that the final building iaspsction hu been completed oa each of the follorinq addresses ate! construction rater is no longer seeded: Permit Iixnober l~ddresa .~ ~~6 a rel ` t~ u~l nq Departswrat CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH N° 16215 FLORIDA ~'~~~ r~ ,~ NAME ~ o'-- ~.~ ADDRESS ~ ~' CITY ~ ~ _ _ ~ ~ AE_. ''$$ J ~4 ~~ ~~ ~ 3 ~-_~ ~~~~ ~~ i ~> ~ ~Z ~~~~ When Signed, Dated and Numbered, This Becomes ~ ~cia ecei) MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO Receivedu~3etiiit~~?u CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 19 ~'~ ~~ ~~ _____ 5.00 74 ~999t-- 436$4 TREASURER CITY OF ;~~t~ Office of building Of ' ia1 FiFQtJFST FAR INSP !ON Date ~~~ ~~S - Permit No. ~ ~~ Time A.M. /~ Received _,,, ~-~ ~M a _ , !f ~ .9 ! Job Addr ss ~.r ~ Locality }~ ,/ Owner's ~t / J ~; "~ % --., ~ ~ ~ Name d ~L~~ --, Contractor ~_~ ~ C BUILDING ( CONCRETE ELECTRICAL PL BI MECHANICAL Framing C' Rough Wiring C Rough Air Cond. & ~_ Re Roofing C Slab ~ ' Temp Pole r_ Top Out Heating Insulation ~: Lintel ~ Final i=, Sewer ~j'/~ Fire Place C Pre Fab R~ ~~ f}~f {NSPECTION -., Mon. Tues. lNed. Thurs. Friday P. 2 q ^_"~ A.M. .-- ~ i Inspection Made -` ` P.M. lrspector_ .. Final Inspection _ ficate of Occupancy ':= Date _ n / ~ CITY O/F • ~ ~^t~l.Qili~aC ~t~'t - ~s Office of Building Official R~ST FOR INSPECTION Date ~ ~~ ~~ Permit No. Time '/"~~ A.M. Received lJ M a Job Owner's Name ~ ~ ~' J ~~~~ ' - ~ 9~~~ ~,; ~ Localit~ _ Contractor Hll~itbl~~ CONCRETE Framing ^ Footing Re Roofing ^ Slab Insulation ^ Lintel Mon. Inspection Made Inspector Tues. ~.. ~ f ' ' ELECTi~f C MB NG P } EC L At ^ Rough Wiring R ugh , . ^ ^ Temp Pole ~ i Top Out ^ Heating ^ Final (-:' Sewer ^ Fire Place ^ REAgY FOR INSPECTION Pre Fab Wed. Thurs. A.M~ Friday _ _ P.M. -' ~ 1~ ~ A.M. Date _ (./ 4'76 Time ~~ A.M. Received P.M. ~ Job Address ~ Locality Owner's ~ "' L~'~'~ ~ Contractor ~ C-~, 1 BUIL CONCRETE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL Framing ~ Footing C Rough Wiring ^ Rough ^ Air Cond. & C Re Roofing ^ Slab I_- Temp Pole ^ Top Out ^ Heating Insulation ^ Lintel C Final ^ Sewer ^ Fire Place C r Pre Fab /~ ~~ ~1 ~ Rt READY FOR INSPEC TION ~""~~~.~ H~ j/ Ager~-- ----,~ Tues. Wed. Thurs.'s ... Friday P.M Inspection Made ! J ---PM. Inspector Final Inspection n Certificate of Occupancy F- Date _ ~I/~ __ ~~~t.~~~ /C~[TY OF Office of Bsrti{ding Official Ri~QUEST FC3F3 INSPECTION ..~ r- ~~~, Permit No. rr~"dC ~~ ~ ~~~ CITY OF '" ~ ~_ _ ~[~~~as~ ~~ ~~`` ~_ 'r=a of Buitding Official ~y _ C:ff- '~ REQUEST FOR INSPECTION 5 Permit No. Date _ - A.M. Time P.M. i r Received ~ ~~ ~? ~j Locality ~~ ~`~ Job Address l ~~E'.p"z f Contractor MECHANICAL Owner's UMBING Name ELECTRICAL ~~ Air Gond. & i-' CONCRETE lying ^ Rough C7 Heating ~ BUILDING - Roug G Top Out ~- Footing `~, Temp Pole ~ Sewer ^ Fire Place Framing ~, Slab ~_ Final C Pre Fab Re Roofing r-, Lintel A.M Insulation READY FOR INSPE~ION Thurs. Friday _-------~" Wed. j Tues. A.M. P.M. 1 Mon. O - Cj ~ -__, _- Final Inspection Inspection Made _ ancy 7- _ Certificate of Occup icspector Date __- `f~~ D ARE L'' ~:- ~~Cf --~ Enclosed are the blue copies of the permits. SINCERELY, /~~~~ -~ ~ ,+ BUILDING INSPECTION 0?YISION cc:FILE 1 CITY OF ~ ~~~~ ... Offica of Building C7ffi~iai R~CQUEST FOR lNSPFCTlOIV Date__~ ~ ~- ~ ~_.,f Time - -' Permit No. Received A, M. --' __,_ -- - P.M. Job Address ~ r `'' ____ Owner's ~- ,+ Locality - - Name ~-~!, ~~C-e22~ y! .r a BUILDING -- Contractor _ _-~ ~,~ ~ CONCRETE ~~--- Framing ELECTRIGAL PLUMBING,, MECNANtCAL Re Roofing J S ab'nQ f' Rough Wiring _ Rol` ~ h --' Temp Pote ~_ 9 ~ Air Cond. & t Insulation _ Lintel -SQL Out '', ~~ Final i, $ev/er --- Heating Fire Place READY FOR INSPECTION Pre Fab Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. ~. A.M. y ~ ~ Friday ~ ~ Inspection Made A_M. Inspector ----__ P,M. ._c_ - Final Inspection G' Certificate of Occupancy r, Dafe CITY OF ___ _ ___ __ t3ffice of Building C?fficial RFC~EJFST ,FOR lNSPFCTlON Time -----~ Permit No. _____ Date __ ~ - ~/ ~~ '~ __~'°-~.~ ____- RecerJed ~5 C "" A.M / - /'1 ` L../ o:_ /~ ___. L Job Addre - - -------.----- Locali ~~- -`-' Owner's ~ Name Z -ZC_k_.~ - ~ ""'`~~~~ontractor BUILDING CONCRETE ---- _ ~~, EC7`#?ICAL LUMBING Framing i7 Footing C; ou h Wirin MECHANFCAL Re Roofing ^ Sfab g g R°ugh Air Cond. & ,.~~ Insulation t.) Temp Pole To Out ~~~ -~ Lintel CI Fin 1 7 Se er ~-. Heating r ~ ~' Fire Place ~? R PECTION Pre Fab PAan. Tiles Wed. Thurs. ~ Frida Y -- ,P.M. ~-~-- inspeetior. Made __ ~ •~`1 A.M. --- - ~ -P.M. - --- ;; . ~ . _ etor __ __ Final Inspection ! I Certificate a1 Occupancy f'~ Oate BUILDING AND ZONING INSPECTION DIVISION CITY OF ATl.ANTlC BEACH AT6ANTIC •tACM. /1.ORtoA iiiii APPLICATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT ~~~'~ MUMeER IMPORTANT ----1~ppiicant to comp{oto sil iten+s in secfio~t I, It, Itl, a,d IV. 1. s,...f Address: O l ~/~ LOCATION I.fs-sssfie~ Sfrssfs: ~/rs.e Aid WILDING Sr`•diviiNe ~ 11. IDENTIFICATION - To be completed by ett eppiicent:. ____) In cons~dsy+~on of psrnut q~..n la Ieinq fh. weti as dascr+INd in tbo .bev. tbf.n~N-1 w INr.bp aqr« fo p.rforrn said wOr+ ie .cco.dsncs ~ ..M Ms sffsclipd plans and spsciliea~ions wAieA •rs+ • MH Aorooi .nd ie seeerd«eo wifM 11~ Cilr of JselsoRriflo adioane.s .nd ss.ndsrdr of good pHtfid Gdtd ihsrsie. ++a.. d /Ash.ois.l MC~„"'"' C'~1 Gd y/6 ~~ „T~ ow11.f r ~/~~.t+v/J /~ ~,~(~~~ [i lJ Ni 4 ~/U Y 1. V ~s' wl/ ~.wIM .~ ow111r =i~ra+wa M Ast-s~ir1 Agent ~j~~~AG /~-' ~ ArsAibtl M ~MM A • T~ PI 1»aHnf Iwl: e' - j +s o~ oonoteucr+oN K+++o ooMt Ou ~J ~;i t~+as rua.o+MO at o+ts f yeJ p G« - D v O N.f~nl O ~«~ ~Mh +- vu. s+vs ++we~l or oo++sT+weT+a+ p ~ ~aw+i _ 47f~6 O of+~.. - sP~M ------ - -• - - Iv. wawac~ ~~+t ro of Mat~u~o I-~ «..la» A+.r «~^yno.alti « It..~ s>~ IAt. ht+Atl ~,n;, eft O Ra~aet D~C«Nta16 ~ ~. Q~''poN >N~: •rlagtW~lJG7B~ ~ L ws~ s+Ps+gf , ~' QOO slw O trhi~«.ts,. (~ ~ trinlMw: Naw-M d iradk - p ~.,-.+.- O wain p b..i.+.r_.._.....~.-I~tteb«t p ~.ns.. lt>rt.N.l . p t.~__.___r.l•w~«t Q 1.1ri iMNia.~ar.... ~~..(~NI p u.twr rtttt~w. '"wn O ~. p o++... - sr«iM LifT ALL >ZQvilMttNT Ao~ ool!mmow~lu+c wx~ ~+rc~~-it~on cQt~noxr llttwMr Valti ~ ~MMI „~~ w-nais or wo~c O IIiiMNnthl or ~cottw++«c+N ~~ lMo11nY •~ , r O ~a~~~ k+~4 iz~`~. t~rbw +~.+.++iaa+ ~ •~ a.wwNy/ D tNNttNitt a tttte}o~ to ~dNMy O oaw- - si.at+- try >t-~ gat o~wc~ w~ oMtY I~~i htwM M~w...~.......... ~~ K _ 5 ~ PSR•3844 _ ly lUll~ " ,=' DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING ,,:.~''` CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ..__a- PERMIT INFORMATION ------ F~rinit Nurab.er. 1f~?113 Permit Tv~;~; SIC`N ~~` 1 ass a~ Wank , NSW r.a~s t r . Tye±e : W~JOD I?RAME k~ro~a9~ed E3s~e: MEDI!:AL~'I30~PITP,L Dwelltn~~: 0 Cade' !~ Estimated Value, 54.04 IrEtProv. Carat: 54.44 Total Fees: S34.Op Aa'aat Paid. ~: S~3C- . ~Q 1'1mb-~ bb~.]. c /tr, one -------~ LOCATION INFORMATION -~-_--_--. Addrps~ . I,023 ATLANTIC BC~UL}?VARD ATLANTIC BFAGH~ FL4RibA 32?~? -----_____ LEC3AL DESCRI~'TI©M -----____. Lat: Hlcrck: Se~tien: Towr~shiP. RNa: 4 Sui3d%visz~+n: ATLANTI!~ BEACH Work Ii~,~~.: EIhCT _HA.I.,I~ .SIGN PER PLAPtiiS _..______.~.~ 41~1N~R Ii~F`(3RMATION - -_ t~a~~q!': 5T_VTNC'E>PIT'~: FAM?L~ MEL~1+~~ Ad~~re~~ : 1(323 ATL~NTIr ~3~~-tJLEVARIM~ ATI.APIfiIC $~ACH, FLORII~A`32 Pine' I~~0~1~24~,-11.~~~ ---~ --- 04?NTRATO~I IN}a'ORkfA'~IUN ---- Name. "`BEA~`T~ '~EQI~ SIGN CO. Add~~~ss : 4t W~:~s'f' BTH aTREET A3'LATZ BEAC~Y F'L 32233 Li~~~se:: Tv~~: CI APPLICATION FEES PERMIT $34.04 WATER,_ IMPACT FEE S4 .0!? 3 SEW)~'R I~1~'ACT' FF«E $~} . ~4 RADON ~+AS-H.R.S. $4.00 - RAI?ON rAB ~$ ;~~} . 04 CAPITAL IMPROVE. .:...50.04 SEWER 'I'AF~ ,_ S4 . ~0 ~"RtJSS CONNECTION 53.40 SEC H IMPACT 1xEE 50.00 r~JNST . s3URCHARGE 54''. ~J4 S~T~3Rt~E,~AfiT, :~R~"i~ . ~„ Sq . ~1{} ' ~_~, y NOTES: ,~ NOTICE -ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANIC'S .LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYINGTWICE FORTHE BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS" I ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. ATLANTIC BEA~H BUILDING DEPA~i' ,'F By. L ~ f~~ F X46000000 040004040 (30.04 U ~t S/12/~ OE ~j 046312+4 ~43~+d000 11047 P ~ G PP P~~' oN`N ~ CF e & 1 G\t~ NN~~~ 1 ~ ~, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Q~P ,i~ APPLICATION FOR SIGN PERMIT ~~~ l NAME °~ S ~~ ADDR~SS : ~~ ~ ~` ~~d-L.e~=t' PHONE : 02 ~` ' //' d ~, TYPE II OF SIGN: (t.)~GX. SIZE: PROPQSED LOCATION : 1d Z 3 ~Qy~a.,~~-~ ~ ,Ql U ~ ; ~~~ ~ c.~. ` WILL'THE SIGN REQUIRE AN ELECTRICAL PERMIT? ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: Signs over fifty (50) feet in area, and/or any sign which is more than seventeen (1']) feet above the ground, or any sign weighing more than one thousand (1,000) pounds, must be submitted with drawings from a registered engineer. Sign$ with a solid area greater than thirty (30) square feet must be erected to withstand a wind pressure of at least thirty-five (35) pounds per square foot. Drawings must, also show that weight of sign will be supported by the hoof or ground support on which it will be erected. This, application must be submitted along with the following: 1. A plot plan of the land, showing the position of the of the sign in relation to buildings or structures. 2. ~ blueprint or ink drawing showing the plans and specif- ications, and the construction and/or attachment to the building or in the ground. 3. Other information as may be required under Sec. 17-2(b), Code of Ordinances C' of /Atlantic Beach. o APPLICANT SIGNATUR ~ G~--ate : ~~ ' J OWNE#t SIGNATURE: ~`; /3yH.c~~ ~~ ~'~' ~? Date • ~'~' D C~g~~ ~~ ~ , ~.~ AY (~ ~ 1995 Building and Zoning a .~ t33 .+ rn ~~ ~NZ ~~ ~~~ ~;° .~~ ~~ ~ L"~ Z ~~ ~; ~~ .... ,~ -~~ .~... s~ -~ .~ " ...~i I ~---~ _.~ ~~ ~~ ~, r9 ~K f~ a ~. ~ ~' ~. t N ~ ~ ~ ~. W. r' .,p ~ , '~ ~ ~ ~ -'' C7 ~ ~ ~ r3 ~ ., r-.. ~ '%y ~ ~ d ~ ~~'' ~ x ~ Z O H r4 _ G'a ~ 9t -- ~ ~ N H r~ 3 ~ p ~ r ~ ~ ~ iy ~4 ~ ap 2 ~ C ~ to ~ n -3 ~^ ~ ~ ~0 ~ ~ ~ H C+y 7p r-3 ~" '~ 9 n 7 ~ r„a b ~ x ' G N £ [~ "d ' d x r+ ~ ~ C'~ ,~~~~ 7 :5 ~ 7o a r -3 a n' U' ~ 9 r L~ ~~+•~ tr i N W ~- r ~. ~1 ~: N J obi i~ ~~ ~.~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ s~ ~~ w ~v ~~ y~•' ..~- "'' C~ "'~ t"~J ,~ ..•~ 'fir t~ C ~ ',/,.1\ ~:.. " ~J ~~=~ ~~~ o~~ ~~ -~ ~~ ~~ UG .~ 3 s~ ~r p ~-~3 w ~a T ~G cD Q n Q? n -t (D n (D ~« CD -t _... • ~~, ao ,o O b ~ o { a ~+ ... ate' ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~x ~ ~"'' G W , • o H ~R ~~ cn ~~ ~ q , ~ ~ ~ v ~ ~ b --. _ -, c _.._ o Z Ip ~~ ~, Z ~~ ~~~N~ ~i-u+'^ x -~ 9 ~~u~~ cn ~, . ~~ 7D O J'^ r r~ ~~ ~~ ~i$~~'S ^' ~ r Or '~ s R (~~ ~ -1 ~~'~~•~~ ~ ~ aG~z^ p ~ ~ p p2 oa~~~w ~c~z~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~z { ~ 1" c> W ~. c' bCo ~"~ -- ~ i, ..-~- ~ -~0-y5 THU 14 40 ST VINCENTS FMCC FRX N0. 3870341 p,Oq /~ ~ cA~lr~G ,rS~.4c+~ ,3/ '~ ~Ct,~crs x ~ 4~ sib., h , C~It~1 IC.I r ~~f " r'ed O~t/r•,i hya.. ~A/ N 7~•D'' MtN ` "'~'~ . ~i.cQ i ~ ~ - _ ~x~o , t~lt7 ~t~l, i~ ~ I ~ ` '~ ~ ~ r ~~ ~ r `' ~.~ __ ~;rri~~y Medical Care. C~-r-ts.r '~ * ,v~.~ ~ V~~~'~ GII/~. W ~ ow ~~ S1~W Co~~t'LI~Gt'UR ~, off' f~,.F ~` ~IIdV 1~1dt~ ' ~~~~~ 6 t~ ~ -I~--- ~CcP~~"IdL-~ ~1OR1~1- ~tl~~fi ~Lti'la DARDERA ~ Asscxiotes, Inc. Architects ~ Pic~nners ~- . roar ws.~~ ~l r ~_1l l~,-t~ ri ~.l ~o~~.. SM7. NO ~ 6,2 ~. of .~ 5~~~ ~ \ ~~s e, ~..~ 3~~ ~ ~-~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA ~~ APPLICATION tOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE: ~ ~ ~ 19 ~~ ~ IMPORTANT NOTICE: r~ "~ 9 °7 ~' [~jt-l7Ca t'~ 2M z i (-f~ !N CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED {N THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF AND INACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. rte, ~ , ,~~ ~TEFANEI~~r F~ ~~. NAME. ~~' Vz r,1 CE-'I.! i S z+.v ~~4DDRESS: /Z`a ~ 3 .~T~~1~:' 3 ~G'- ~t. ~~~3 RFD_~~$OX 8L00. SIZE BETWEEN: REB. l 1 APT. ( ) COMM. PUBLIC ( ) INDUS. ( ) NEW,! OLD ( ) REW. ( ADDITION 1 I TRAILER ( ) TEMP. SIGNS ( ) SD. FT. SERVICE: NEW. INCREASE ( ) REPAIR ( ) FEEFEE ~nwtn~iMno auo ~/~1.Pd '~~r, eiuas ~C~~ cnaaaa i t et_un~t_ i~ ! ' ~. E 4cZ- 3~ 4w ` ~~ s~~ EXIST RV. IZE AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY FEEDERS ~ N0. SIZE ~~S N0. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS ~ `~ CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL itECEPTACLE8 ~~ CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL O.iO AMPS. it•100 AMPS. ttwireHts ~ ' INCANDESCENT FLtiORESCENT 8c M. V. rtxrc AMP S. OVER A~PLIANCBf BELL TRANS F. AIR H.P. RATING CONDlTIONINO COMP. MOTOR H.P• RATINa OTHER MOTORS AMPS CEIL HEAT: KWHEAT ~ a ~~. rj MOTORS 0~1 H.P. VOLTAGE PHS N0. OVER 1 H.P. VOLTAGE PHS ISC L A O US ~~~sTiNb G~~b ~ ~ p:d~~C?,pL 0'' N -~"~v~nE p+~t ut~n..+fg~tto~_ . s ~ ~ ~~tI1~ ~~Pt?~G.. tYP«kc...... __ . ~ _A 4 r o•o *r~ . ,~ f.C•? c~~c c5v~-eF..~. C11M~ ~tl.N °-~q ~oN ~,t,c~'~~ tYP ~ ~~ ~r.3•o ~ zo-o ~ ~ ~t20f~`Ir`.1~ _ Pil.i7 6 ~I ~_ s ' ~ ~ ~ . ' w• r ~P ~ . - ' __._ .. ~~~ ~i¢ : I -o ~ A~ ~NI~ UM Z DARaERA ~ Associates, Inc. 5-t; viN~-'s ~ SHT. No Architects ~ Planners ~, 1~~~Y MG n' C~~ C~t~(~ ~_ ~ ~ ~. - . ~~3 ,~fi-t.Ar-~ty ~~-~4 ~ 1~ ~, of ..~ OATS Z 9 94 JO• NO °1 ZjO g /, ,~; ~ CfT~r` OF ~3fficc of Suiidit~g Official d~~C•dE.~~ST ~Od~ ir9~d~~G`f'dOd~ _ __ ~s' ~/J'~ ~ Dare _^_ ~ /~ ~---^-_.-- Permit No. __~_ F _~~ Tlrne ~ ` 3Q r1.AR- Received _. __ P.M. •^/ --- - Job Address ~ calit~ 1 Owner's ~ -A ~~ ~I~ Name ~~~ 2~~~s~:.!Se4' -_____ Contractor ~-_`'"~` ~- uu(LCING CO~:ORETE ELF:C~"Fe;CA~ PIUMBIN PJIECHANICa1L Frurniny ' ! Footing Rough Wiring ;5 Rough Air Cond. & Re Roofing Slab Temp Pole i Top Out f 7 Heating Insulation lintel C! Final i Sewer ~ Fire Place Pre Fab ftELll31` FOR IPtSPEC710N A.M. rv4on. Tu~_:~ Mved~ Thurs. Friday _ __.__.____ _ ~ '~" A.N. Inspection P,1sdc -_- P.M. '- i ; ! -„ .~~i .-r- Final Inspecticn I I _ - - _ _ -__ Certificate of Occupancy CITY OF AlL11N! I C HBIICH PERMIT CIILCLIL]!l I ON SNEa'P Adcress ~~~ ~ ~, f ~~i CG l~/~,~ ~!. ~ ~~" ~~l,C~~7`S' 1 Date ~-Zz-gS heated Square Footage ,~3 ~ @ $ '7~~ U`' oer sq f t = $ ~1v1, ?' y'~ Garage/Shed @ $______.V,per sq ft = $ Carport/P~rch @ $ per sq ft = 5 Deci; @ $ per sq ft = $ Fat io @ $ per sq ft = $ TOTAL VALUATION : $ ~ ~ r~ `7.92 2 ~j, 7.9Z Gf~p. "`~ S ~~,D~ U~ fiotal Valuation 1st $~"'G> 00 l~l, 742 ,~ ~~ $ ~S~.oo Remaining Value $ ~. per thousand or portion thereof TOTAL BUILDING FEE $ ~ ~U `~ + 1/2 Filing Fee $ X73.°° ( ) Fireplaces a $15.00 $ BUILDING PERMIT FEE $ 1 ~/ q• ~' `~ WATER IMPACT FEE S / 2 `°!o° `~ r> SEWER IMPACT FEE S r4~~ ~'- ~f-a r-~" WATER METER/TAP $ 25©.~'~' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT $ ! 6'T5~°~ __ SEWER TAP S ! iv (~3~) RADON (HR5) .0050 $ /°?•27 •~'/ SECTION H PAVING ( ) $ ~' HYDRAULIC SHARES $ -~' CROSS CONNECTION S 35-mot' (~~j~) SURCHARfiE .0050 $ t~-3~ ~ •1SL •OTHER $ t3RA11D !Ol7lL DUE $ ,5"509. '76 ADDITIONAL PERMITS OR FEES:Mecha~cal ", Plumbing / Electric/New / Electric/Temp ;SwimmingPool Septic Tank~~; Well Sign Finish Floor Elevation Survey i Other CALCULATIONS and/or NOTES: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Use-by-Exception for Medical Clinic SUBMITTED BY: George Worley, Community Development Director ~~~ DATE: February 6, 1995 BACKGROUND: The applicant is St. Vincents Family Medical Care Center. They propose to construct an addition to the Atlantic Village Shopping Center and to operate a medical clinic in the addition. The CG, Commercial General, zoning district lists medical clinics as a permitted Use-by-Exception. The proposed addition for the clinic will be constructed in the northwest corner of the existing shopping center and will "connect" the two legs of the shopping center. Parking spaces will be provided to accommodate the additional demand of the clinic staff and the existing parking for the shopping center exceeds the required parking spaces. RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Board reviewed this request and unanimously recommends approval. Staff has also reviewed the request and finds no abjection to the Use-by-Exception as requested. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Application for Use-by-Exception 2. Minutes of the Community Development Board Meeting 3. Staff report to the Community Developme t Board REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER ~ ~~~~ ~. ~~ ~ l~ O0A Y~~J AGENDA I TEM NO . ~G~,,,, ~ f` ~,", ~ G~"~ ,~ 12/22!1994 10:43 3056726606 GLOBAL MANAGEMENT PAGE 06 Please Typo or Print fn Ynk Application Fea SloO APPLICATXON~F012 "V58 HY EXCEPTION" Data Fi].sd: DeC~mber,~ 20, ,1994 Name and Address of owner or Tenant in Possession o~ Premises: ,~~V~ir,~ttt • s F~ami_ly Medic~l,,,Cara Cnnt~t Phone a-}~9 Roossve t _ivdT , Suite ~ Wnrk: 9d4-38.x- 84 ~,S,pnville. FL 322 ,Q,~,.~,~,_ Home: -• 85,-5 Street address and legal description o~ the pramisRS as to Wh~iCh the "use by Exception" is requested: ' v 'c g,~orida• Section 38 Township 2 South Range ~9 Eg~t A dascription oP the ~'Uas by Exception" desired, which sha~.i specifically and particuidxly describe the tiyps, charactQr and extant of the proposed "Use by Exception": jda wild„ congf~~a 3 ~ 7RA ~csuare foot~nC'~ lity which.~rj,~,,1 be sed as t:,pr~aEy c~hv~,~~,ans~ medical cars c~ic uti~,~iyi~q,~g~}~____,,,_ Specific reasons why the applicant Zeels the reque~+t should bo granted: Th re is a B_c~d for p imery rsra ;n 8_~an iG Bgach aild doctor's pj',rices a-re a permitted ure hewev~~, for cslinic6 w must apply or this "~~„ excc:ntion.. Zoning Claszification: ~ w.v.. ~~l . i Ate/ Signature o~ ~licant app! Cmnt~r authorized agent or att n i! agent or attorneys inalu +a •tter 1!retn atdnl i e~mr~f~ fe than aP*ont! _ property. Application can- not bo proces8ed without nWMStM ~ ~ ~ i rw.a tnwa . LTD. r Aoron Valero Global Realty & Management Authorized Agent for Atlantic village Associates, FINDINGS OF FACT i _~ i. Ingress and epreara to property and propased~ YES NO •truatures i• adequate. Partioular reference is made to automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffio floc and oontrol •nd access .. in case of catastrophe: 2. Off-street parking and loading is adequate. Particulsr attention i• paid to the items in 1. above and the ~oonosia, noise, glare and odor effector of the speoial exception on adjoining properties and properties generally in the distriot= 3. Locations of refute and service areas are coapatible rich surrounding poperties and are easily accessible. ~ ___ __- 4. Locations, avsilability and compatibility of utilitie^ are adequate. ~__ ___ S. Typs, dimensions and oharaater of aoreening and buffering ar• adequate. ___ ___ 6. Sign• and proposed exterior lighting,, with reference to glare and traffic safety, are in harmony and are oompatible rith other propertie• in the district. ___ ___ ?. Required yards and other open •paoe• ar• adequate. ___ ___ 8. The use i• generally compatible with ad~aaent propertier and other property in th• distriot. ___ ___ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT HQARD REPORT AHD RECOMMENDATIONS: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD STAFF REPORT MEETING DATE: January 17, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: # 4a Application for Variance to allot=~ two Accessory Structures to remain on her property as a result of renovations ~=~hich will eliminate a third structure.. The applicant is the owner of record of Lot 6, bloc4; ~7, Subdivision "A". The lot currently contains a Principal dwelling structure and three accessory-structures. The applicant proposes to demolish an existing one story, garage and an existing two story garage apartment and replace it with a nee=i two story garage apartment. It was suggested by staff that demolition of the studio would satisfy Section ~4-151, but the applicant makes extensive use of it in her tuork and hobbies and desires to retain it. because this structure is within the jurisdiction of the CCCL adding to it to provide the needed garage and apartment space is impractical due to the lengthy permitting process with the state. Staff has reviewed this thoroughly and believes that in order to provide the same level of ;use as the existing three structures, in a single structure, the new structure would have to encroach east of-the CCCL. This new structure would provide three parking bays, an apartment and a studio. It would be physically impossible to locate such a structure west of the CCCL and still meet the setback requirements of the city. The question becomes how much of a hardship does compliance with the states regulation constitute? Staff does not believe that compliance with the regulations of the state should, in itself, constitute a hardship. AGENDA ITEM: # 5a. Application for Use-by-Exception to construct and operate a medical care Cllnic in the Atlantic Village Shopping Center. Applicant desires to construct and operate a medical clinic in the Atlantic Village Shopping Center which is zoned CG, Commercial General. In CG districts medical clinics require a Use-by-Exception. Adequate parking exists and St. Vincents proposes to add a number of spaces to accommodate employees. Staff has reviewed this request in light of the definition of clinics and finds that the requested use is not detrimental to adjoining businesses. As a note to board Members, the CG district allows doctors offices as permitted uses but requires clinics to obtain a Use-by-Exception. At the time that this _ section was originally drafted Doctors. offices had few examination rooms and rarely had laboratory or x-ray equipment. "'° Those functions t•rere almost exclusively provided by clinics and hospitals. Today we find that mast doctors offices have multiple e.:am rooms and the lab and :r-ray. facilities. Staff recommends approval of the Use-bv-Exception. AGENDA ITEM: # 5b. Application for Variance to permit construction of a screened porch addition which encroaches the rear yard setback, at 551, 55~ David Street. Applicant desires to construct a screened porch addition on to the rear of her duplex unit. The front yard, as defined by the zoning code, is on Poinsettia Street. The individual dwelling units face David Street. The proposed addition includes a carport and a screened room, bath of which will encroach the setback requirement of ~O feet. The carport will be nine feet from the rear lot line and the screened parch trill be six feet from the rear lot line. Staff has reviewed this request and recommends denial based upon the fact that the granting of this Variance will convey upon the ,,~,, applicant a special privilege denied to other property owners in the district and that no demonstrable hardship exists. ,. ~• DRAFT COPY MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC.BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 17, 1995 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL PRESENT Don Wolfson Robert Frohwein Pat Pillmore Mark McGowan Mary Walker Sharette Simpkins AND Alan Jensen, City Attorney George Worley, II, CD Director Pat Harris, Recording Secretary Chairman Don Wolfson called the meeting to order and asked for approval of the minutes from the meeting of December 20, 1994. Upon motion duly made and seconded the minutes were approved. I. Application for Variance filed by Mary U. McLaughlin to allow two accessory structures at property located at 42 Third Street. Mrs. McLaughlin introduced herself to the board and presented a letter to the board that was signed by her immediate neighbors expressing their approval of the proposed construction. She stated she would like to demolish an existing one-story garage and two story garage apartment and construct a new two-story garage apartment with a three-car garage. Contractor Bill Gellatly introduced himself to the board and presented a site plan showing the deletion of a proposed deck. He stated that the applicant desired to upgrade her property and at the same time reduce the existing four violations to two violations. After discussion regarding alternative construction plans for which a variance would not be required, Mr. Frohwein moved to deny the variance and Mrs. Walker seconded the motion. After further discussion and before the vote, Mrs. McLaughlin requested to that action on her application be deferred. The board consented. II. Application for Use-by-Exception filed by St. .Vincent's Family Medical Care Center to construct and operate a medical care clinic utilizing eight examination rooms at property located in the Atlantic Village Shopping Center. ~,~FT (OPY Bill Lee, Real Estate Manager for St. Vincent's, introduced himself to the board and stated that due to a glitch in the definitions between a family medical clinic and a physician's office, it became necessary to apply for a Use-by-Exception was required. He stated the facility would be approximately 3800 square foot and would have at least one physician for primary care and eight examination rooms. Vincent Barbera, architect, introduced himself to the board and explained the parking calculations to the board and that an additional eight parking spaces would be added. After discussion, Mr. Frohwein moved. to recommend to the City Commission that the Use-by-Exception by granted solely to the applicant for the purpose requested in the application. Mrs. Pillmore seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. III. Application for Variance filed by Anita R. Brand to construct a screened porch and carport that encroaches the rear yard setback line of property located at 551-553 David Street. Mrs. Brand introduced herself to the board and explained that she ,, desired to construct a screened porch addition to the rear of her duplex residence. She presented letters from neighbors indicating their approval of the construction. After discussion, Mrs. Walker moved to deny the request. Mrs Pillmore seconded the motion and the variance was denied by a vote of 5 - 1 with aye votes from the Chairman, Robert Frohwein, Mark McGowan, Pat Pillmore and Mary Walker and one nay vote from Sharette Simpkins. IV. The Chairman called for election of officers. Mrs. Walker nominated Don Wolfson as Chairman and Robert Frohwein as Vice Chairman. Mark McGowan seconded the nomination which was unanimously approved. The board discussed holding a workshop meeting on Tuesday, January 31, 1995 at 5:00 p.m. for the purpose of reviewing the zoning code revisions. The Chairman is to contact staff to confirm the date for notification purposes. There being no further business to come before the board on motion duly made the meeting was adjourned. SIGNED: ATTEST' .D Cif r t CITY 01= ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA ~-~ ~ APPt~ICATION fOR ELECTRICAL. PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE: r ~~ ~ ~y„ ~~ IMPOgTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING WE HEREBY ARREE TO PERFORM SA10 WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS ANO SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH'THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, ODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. ~ , ~~, 5 ~ --~- a, -~ `ATE ~~ ~'.~ V ~ ~' r'P 11 ~° r C ~ NAME ST ~ Ili ~~t c cw ~ ~5 .A~DORESS: ~~ ~~C -c~ ~ -----~ B . slzE -~' ~ eETw RES. l 1 APT. t 1 COMM. ( } PUBLIC ( } INDUS. ( ADDITION I I TRAILER (I TEMP. SIGNS ( 1 iERVICE: NEW ( ! INCREASE ( 1 nlwrou-rnQ ~I~x ~ ii"" eMae ~~ N; NEW OLD ( I REW. ( ) SO. FT. REPAIR ( I FEE [_APPCL7 / 1 el IlM_ tX 1 E ~~ P ~3 w ~~ , XI ERV. IZE AMPS PM W VO T RACEWAY FEEDERS N0. SIZE N0. SIZE N0. SIZE LIGHTlNO OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLE8 CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL O.>f0 AMPS. i 1.100 AMPi. swlrctlas INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT & M. V. rlxrn AMP S. oven A~!•L1ANC6t{ BELL TRANS F. AIR CONDITfONINO H.P. RATING COMP. MOTOR H.P. RATINQ OTHER MOTORS AMPS CEIL HEAT: KWHEAT O MOTORS .1 H.P. VOLTAGE PHS NO. OVER 1 R•1°• VOLTAfiE PHS Z C C ~ 'r' O1= Ottice at 0uilcfin~ Official REQUEST C?R fNSPECTI~J~! I Date____ I rime ---- Permil No. Received ,. - -__ Q~~ ~ _ -- P f Job Ad ec~ v -- -- ~(.L a~ Owner's , Name t3tltt_t?ih;~ Framinc Re Roofing Insulatlor, /~~f Locality -4;~!'L ~ -`- -- ____ Co~~tractar _ ~,,, CONCRETE ~ EtECTRtCAI. _ ----._ __^-- Footing.. _.._._ ~ PLUMf3R~lG flrtECW,4t~!lCAt~ Slab ~ Rough Winny Rou h Temp pt~ie y Air Cond. ~, Lintel ~ Final Top Out Haai;ng Seer Fire Plare ~>~>~~ ~~"~jgfjtEADY FOR 1tBSFECFIOAi pre Fab `- Mon. Tues. W~~ "~ ..r"~ ' Thurs- A.M Friday _ inspeeiion Made '-'--- A.M. Flna! Inspection ^ Certificate of Occupancy ; ; Date ~\ ~~~ _ ~fiic~ t~f E3ui;ding Officiaf ~t~CC~~JL~~' t~OF~ 4~1~~'~~`~'8:7~~d Date_____~__._ Perrnit No. __._____ ---------- -- - ---------- Time / ~ A.fv'; Recewed _-_ ~ _ ___ _~ P.M. F '~ ~ -- ~T~~4~J Tic -- %~ r v~ ___ ice'-?~_~ _____--_ __-- _----- - Jo~cr / dress lily c Owner's ~~ ~ j Name _----- ~E~~?~.~'~"! __- -- Ccntractcr - - --5.,[.!1~- _ -- ---- ----- BUtt_dING CCINCRETE. ~LcC~`Rtr~ LU~d~ - G P!!EC'ri~NiCa'kL Framing 1 Footing ' ~~~F~,G~qtr-4#1*+*+c~ Rough Air Cond. & Re Roofing Slab t ~~ Temp Pcie ~ Top Cut Heating Insulation Lintel f ' FinalSewer Fire Place Pre Fab REAdY Ft')F~ tN:~faEt;i f~J~ti' A. h'1 Mon. Tues 1 f iNed. i ~s. Friday _ _ _- _ _ Ri1/ __X 4 ; ~ A.h!. Inspr~cliun M~idc r.Ph. - - I~ rp~,r•iUi ~ ~ Inspect, n ! ~~ ~.. Ctirtificatc of Oo ;up2urcy ,.- PRE-SERVICE DIVISION JACKSONVILLE ELECTRIC AUTHORITY 233 WEST DUVAL STREET JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32202 THE FOLLOWING FINAL INSPECTION(S) HAVE BEEN MADE AND ARE SATISFACTORY: ~~j _ ~~ Enclosed are the blue copies of the permits. SINCERELY, i BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION cc:FILE i P$R-a$4q _ 09959 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH _____ PERMIT INFORMATION -- ~-- _____ LQCATION INFQRldATION - Perrrsit Number: 939 Address: 1023 ATLANTIC HOt1LEVARDl---~~ Perre~it Type; PLUMBING CZ ass at Nark: NElr+t ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 ""'------ LEGAL DESCRIPTION C'anstr. TY~ae: MASC+N}~Y/BRIC'K Lot; Block: _----__-- Pro aced Use: MEDICAL,~HOSPIT~4L Section: S~c~e1 ; tlgs ; 0 C+~c~e : ~ Township ~ RNG: t? Sui~divisi+an: ATLA~ITI~' BEACH I~'stimated Value; $0..00 Irnprov. Fast: $0.0+3 Total Fees: a"~5,~4 Amo~t Paid; 595.5Q }~a>~:e Paid : 41 4/ 95 4~rark Dec.: INSTRLL ~LUMH?NG IN NEi~ MEDICAL ~`LINIC _.._ ___~_.. OW?iER I1hFC~RMATION - - - ____ APPLICATION FEES - l~?:A)Z1@: ST, VTMC`LAITS- - PERMIT Sg5b50 Ad~~~~s : 1423 ATLANTIC BOCrLEVARI~I WATER IMPACT FEE 54 , 00 ATLAZVTYC I~~,ACH . FL4RII)A 322 3 SEW~~c' IMPA`"I'' FEE 54 , Q© F}~~sn~> ~~Q43387-35~l1 WATEFt`M}~T~R,t''I*AI~ ~~.4Q RAL~L~N GAS-H.R.S, $C~.OQ ..__..___ G4NTRA~TOpt .INFORMATION - RA1?ON rAH 5~ SO.4Q Flame: RAv' S PLUMBING COPtTRACTaRS" rAPITAL IMPROVE. SO. QQ Ac3.,res~ ::..1.433 EI?GEY,7aQ~ AV'FNUE S~JUTH BEWEI~ T~3P ~t~. CEO ~ACI~:S©I`1VILLE, FLORIDA 322Q~ CRt~SS C!~NN~CTIOt~i $O,Q4 License: G'F'CO<Q3~4 TYPe: ~ SEC H IMPACT FEE $Q.Of3 _ G~3NST . S~JRGHAROE $0.00 _ SCHARGE/ATL..B-CH. $G.~Q NOTES: NOTICE -ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE DING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE RED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER ~` iLURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANIC'S LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN PROPERTY OWNER PAYIiVGTWICE FORTHE BUILDING IMPROVEMENTYS" UED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR ~~ , TION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. ~.. TIC~BEACH BUILDING DEPARTMENT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT JOB LOCATION : ~~~3 1iP~ /~~%r/"~, . ,~ .~. i OWNER OF PROPERTY: BUILDING CONTRACTOR: PLUMBING CONTRACTOR AND ADDRESS: 22dS TELEPHONE NUMBER : ~~ ~` ~ ~ l "- ~S ~ ~ .,.. STATE LICENSE NO: ~d 203~~ ._.. TYPE OF BUILDINGS: ~~// _. TYPE OF WORK : ~~/~J' HOW MANY OF 'SHE FOLLOWING FIXTURES INSTALLED SINKS Z LAVATORY BATH TUBS _~_ URINALS 3 CLOSETS ~_FLOOR DRAINS ` SHOWERS WATER HEATE?~: DISHWASHERS DISPOSALS WASHING MACS SHOWER PANS OTHER TOTAL FIXTURE COUNT: °2~ x $3.50 + $15.00 = $ INSTALLATION OF PLUMBING3 AND FIXTURES MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE ' THE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE SOUTHERN STANDARD PLUMBING CO'°' CALL A DAY AHEAD TO SCHEDULE INSPECTIONS - (904) 247-5626 ,« ~ ~~ ! '~ J t' ~i~~ i,r t ~ ~r ~~A T 11 ~»• ~11 i a~ ~ ~~ ~ +11~V~ {~~ i,~~• ~` - ~~ ~r r~ N~ ;~ ~a ;~. ~~~~~E~:" ~F ~ , ~ `j 4' lac ~,.a '~'~:';"`~,"t~ Ate, ~~.~ u --, r- ~~ t ri_ ii J ~ ~ ~.~ M F y ~ ~ } ~ ~~ ~ ~~ 4i ;1 s j Ci tx i f °}''' ~ K~j: ~ a x ~ ~-~ ~ # °...' s~ ~-s• ,,~...,.-a-,.- _ .. _... ~~~~~ e`r'a ~ ~ a ..++~ ~~ `p~ ~ ,~a~ ~~, I~t ~'4 jR~ y~} i r .; ~ 4+ ~c ~,' y,~r fiAt~#+I~ j .~ ~; °~ ;_- .,~ ,~, . ~~ T~~~ o = ~'~14M+P #b ACAi' ~ } ~ .~~ ; ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~. -~ ~ ~~; • ~ x, ~ ~ ~# .y # p - v ~~ s ~ f~ ~ r a .. ~ ~. HTL E~~:H Pl!BLI~_ ~IOF'K t t1hLL , H.I L IS I.Fi TEL r~d,~,.<=1~~1~,_~ Dec 9,9~ ~~3 hJo.~JC11 P.Q2 i ~~ rro , ~u r~~u5 Dcc Z , 94 ~.'2 33 .Nri'~~0~~.~,~0~: X,:~. 7 ] r . .. ~. PRICE @~AOTE ~-pL~C,!-TIab ~o~ N~1s~t ~tp/OR 88it8~t r~~ ~1t3 l1DDRB8$~.. - (~ ~ ~ ( n ~ "~ ~ : ~ - r~r~1 ~ ~~ G L./~ ~'{' ~ VRia~ ^ rw~r^ 4 ~ `.-J 1-1 ` c~ ~ ~~ r~ ___ _f/~i 8/!s~. .. ~ _7 ~-,, ^ wr ~~rrarr~ n i? ~'a &' :, C6 ~ ~ $$RYICS D71'~'~ $a!1'! TQ PpB~•IC D]~Tfi RET1?it~~D '!D ~f I PUH[.IG iIaRKB D~CPAR!liEl[z PRIG ~O'rM~ tt1GBPOMB~ Rl~ER : ~ - ~7^ww~++~•I r +NwlAll^1~ a .~w~ • I ___ \~ t' ~ . 1'R I Cy! Q~QOT6 ~'RSPI~RBD BT : ~~, Z _ ~.r~~.~p'- :_~~~.~,.. ~. ;~ -title DA~'t dlfll~R 110'~'~lI~D ,;.~ r, . ~'(?]~ !•t'~' ~(~/1`~"'i~` ~~1 ~It~~~ C-~ ~~tY~ L'fF71/1{9 1 `~~`l~`t~'~ ~--- PSA3844 ; ; { 4't ~~oa ~~::-n .: ~~ c~•+~at~ as ~~~ ;~~~u - 400<~tN~,~ DEPARTMENT OF BlIILDl~ft~''~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH _ __ p~~IT INFORMATION --- ~-- P~rmit Number: 9796 i'~rmit TYFe' HUILDI1~iG !"lays a~ work: IyEW Cans t r,~ Tyne : M14SONRY i B~ I CK k?roposed Use: AiEDICAL/H+~SFITAL Dw~l l inks : C? Ceade : n E~~intate~3 value: 526379~.~q Imlarflv. Cast: SG-.!!D ~~ Tata1 Feea ; S55q~9. 7~a ~ Amount I~~.~d:~, ~55C~Q.?F ,, o974s ~OOOd000 $ ______~._ LOCATIC~At INFQRMilTi4N - - ~.~-- Ad~.re~s : ~.J~3 ATLAI~ITIC BOULEVARD ,~ AT LANT I ~' BEACH , FLC3R I DA 3 2 2'~ 3 -_-- - - LEGAL DESCRIPTION ---- s' - Lat ~ Block: ,~,_ Section; "3 Tawr~shiQ ; ~ RNA ; 24 ~ Su1~~3ivisian: ATLANTIC HLACH N ~ ~8 -------- 3V;>It~-ra~: -= t~WN~t i~V>~"~3RMATi4N -~__-~_ ~~.VI,.~CI~`IYTS F`AJ~IILX ME~ rAR ~ FX~~ ---- AgPLICATI4N gEEB - ~ ~dr~s: . ~~~~ 1~t~OSEVELT BLVD., SUIT ~A~ 2 PER)w1IT WATER IMPACT gEE ~I419. p~-~.--- -~12 4 0 . t~ D -- .. ~~ne r ~w G~V I LSE ; FL©I~ I DA ~2.~ I (9~?9?~26t~• -3~4~ ~ ~ SEy~;~R z-MF~~iC`".C' P"EE ` ~,~ ~ ~ ~~~ 4 ~~ . ~:~~''~ ,~ ,.. , WAFER NiI~TER/TAP `OG t^-^'" $25n ~- __ - > ~ ___ NTRR+~TO~f~:iN~'ORMA~'~iC~N - _ RADON GAB-H.R.S. . X3.'7.27 ~ Natme: A~t~'t«e~~~~ MET'E' EL~ILDERS, I'C~C.: ~~B~J-~ ~A;~1` ~~tS`E ~ L V _ RAI>>~bN CA8 ~~ CAL~I_TAI, ,IMi'R~3VE, S0. ~1 ,, S.L075.,t~Q OU E ARI SE'WE?"? TAP DO $~ Ly ce~i~~~~~~s JAC~f~~~~3JZLLE, FL 32257 C~f3C~8~ ~~>3 Type : ~ r ~~ c~ R SS UNNECTION . S35.flQ . ~' SEC H IMPACT FEE ~~ . C~ :. ~ . , ,.: ~z_- ' ° = .. CQNST.SURCHARGE ,' 515.5 ~L'9E'9t# 00c'!(18~~ I0040U44Q0 ~$ NOTICE -ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE POURMCi g'" PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFT OF ISSUE ,. .* ,~.,. .. DING MATER~AL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MU Nei BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST E .RED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OV1~IE~ ~; ,... c ` !LURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS LLEN LAW CAN RESULT~~! T PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR TIE HULLOING IMPROVEMEN m" • Cb~.JED ACCORDING TQ APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF TH ,,RERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR 1~f~ATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. ~~~n m ATL~tNTIC BEACH BUIL~ T (1475.00 57 0000CK]t~00 000400000 X1419.00 14 Date: / 0~'" 4at~: r /~7ft35 4f Rcpt: 0(135431 BY: „ p, ,~" 04031000 " ~- .. . NUTES`:' , 1 1 1..11NI~.L ~ N 1 L pt..t'1 -~-TEL No .2~7130~ i tL tvo .tor 5t~U5 _ .. ...... , . Dec y ~ 94 9.38 ~o .001 ~' .02 1 x ~c nec 7.94_~~2.3,3 Nn,..O~t'~ey ~.~:: ~~cE ~~-re ~pyl~,~-:so~t colt it11'~~'R ~iploR SiitBR ~c~p .~• ~.. ~~ /_ r•. XppLi ~~ M!1-Ii•i1tG 11DDR68 P'MOME ~R'R .. SERV ICt BERvIC~ DlN~ ~O{'! '!"~ 'iC D11'Y't R!'l0~~ '~`~ X01----- sR~res ~~~s Nassr~~ saw ,~~~ C ~;,ka~ ... r ~ ~~~11 11t t,>r.~ ~,~ lMI~ ~Q1'Iri~D .~. r ~~. , , PRICE ~1ADTE APPLICATION FOR WATBR AND/OR SEWER TAP APPLICANT HAKE c~.~.l~,,!`~''~,", ~-' /-, r- t; ~- j ~ , t ~~- ~ f;:. r ,! ``` 1 A . ~ ;lr' r= r. .. , _.- - { ~ - ~ ~ l l ~~ r~ 1 ~ ~ ~ - :. ~_ ~l,r T1 ' ~ r .art r~-- I I ~ ! I ' F t ~ l [, MAILING ADDRES3~~ ~ ~ `' ~ - /- PHONE NOMBBR --- ~ E _ . , < ~~ DA?BI , , °~ '_j , ; SERV ICB RB4D8STSD `',+ .'Cl .t~ ; ,{ `X r ~ ~' dry t,€~ __ .~ } m_, ~-z ;1 ia~ _(~ C~ ,~ ~ ~; ~ _ ~ ~,- _. r _. - SERYICB LOCA?ION ~ _ ~ '~~ ! t' ~,: ~ ~ ~ ~-' "~'i , ~% ,7 ~~ DATB SBNT TO PQBLIC s~-~. ~ ;,~ _ f~~ f - DATB RBTORNBD TO SDILDING DBPARTMBN? PDBLIC WOR1C8 DBPARTMENT PRICB QOOTB RBSPONSB WATBR• SEWER' PRICB QOOTB PRBPARBD BY' . Signature -Title DATB OWNBR NOTIFIED CETI` Oi< _d'~.. k r. g~~g ,~ 5~~aa 54~"'~.'«~"W~% Awd ~+i.~~~~w`~ " 6a~;,S~w~^~~~5 ~3ffice Of 8eai€G"s~;g Official f~~(~Lf~~T ~4F3 ENSP~C~'tC?~ Date ____-___.~.___. Permif No. ____ _ _ Time ` Received ~` `- _`_! - P.R . ~ ,_ 1 _- _ Address. ~ Locali Ownor' ~/ ~ ~`l Name ___ ~" ~~ ____ Contractor _ BUILDING CONCRETE^'~`~" ELECT°RICAL PLUMBING PJtECHANICAL Framing Rough Wiring ^ Rough ^ Air Cond. & Re Roofing Slab Temp Pole ~ Top Out ^ Heating Insulation Lintel ~_ Final C' Sewer ~ Fire Place 1-~ (~'~ Pre Fab Y ~,.e b ~l-•I'~_, READY FOR INSPECTION A.M. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. , Friday P.M. Z ~ ,.. ~ ~'` A.M. Inspection Made ____ / P.M. Ir~spector__~_.___ __ ~~c ~~~~ ~_ Final Inspection ^ ~'` ,_y_ f-~ rf-1 Certificate of Occupancy L l~ ~~ ~~ ~C /-~ /~~ '6 I` ~ ~..~ ~~ V " Date - itlit .,owwr ortvtlew WATER ~M ~IIIMM Alrl MANAC3EI~AENT DIlBTAICT September 26, 1994 Mr. Vincent Barbera, President Barbera & Associates, Inc. 12187 Beach Boulevard Jacksonville, Florida 32246 Henry Dean, Executive Director John R. Wehle, Assistant Executive Director Charles T. Myers III, Deputy Assistant Executive Director POST OFFICE BOX 1429 PALATKA, FLORIDA 32178-1429 TELEPHONE 904/329-4500 SUNCOM 904/860-4500 TDD 904/329-4450 TDD SUNCOM 860-4450 FAX (EXECUTIVE/LEGAIJ 3294125 (PERMITTING) 3294315 (ADMINISTRATION/FINANCE) 3294508 FIELD STATION 616 E. South Stmet 7775 Baymsadaws Way PERMITTING: OPERATIONS: Otlartck, Fbrlda 92!01 SuAs 102 305 East Driw ~ 2133 N. Wickham Road 407/897.4300 Jadaonvi9s, Fbrkla 32256 Msboums, Fbrlda. 32904 Msboums, Fbrba 32935-9109 Too 4o7/ev7.5%tl 904/730.6270 ao7/sead940 4o7rzse-T 762 TDD 904/730-1900 7DD 407/722-5368 TDD 407/253-1203 Re: St. Vincent's Family Medical Care Center @ Atlantic Village Shopping Center Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Barbera: The District has reviewed your request dated September 8, 1994 for a determination of the permitting requirements for the referenced project. Based on the information provided by you, I understand the project consists of constructing a 3,800 sq. ft. building addition on an existing paved azea. This work is below District permitting thresholds. Therefore, no District permits will be required for this work. This letter only applies to the requirements of the St. Johns River Water Management District and does not relieve you from meeting the requirements of other agencies or local'governments. Please call me at (904) 730-6270 if you have any questions. Sincerely, David Miracle, P.E. Compliance Manager -Jacksonville Field Office Department of Resource Management cc: Mike Cullum PDS -Gail Boone (NPR) Patricia T. Harden. CHAIRMAN Lenore N. McCullagh, VICE CHAIRMAN SANFORD ORANGE PARK Reid Hughes Dan Roach DAYTONA BEACH FERNANDINA BEACH "9' ~~~~ puT ~`y' "F'' Jesse J. Parrish, III, TREASURER TITUSVILLE Denise M. Prescod Joe E. Hill JACKSONVILLE LEESBURG William Segal, SECRETARY MAITLAND James H. Williams OCAUI CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Fixture Unit Worksheet for Water Impact Fee FIXTURE UNITS ARE ESTABLISHED AS THE MEASUREMENT OF WATER DEMAND FOR EACH WATER FIXTURE UNIT INSTALLED AND CONNECTED TO THE CITY WATER SYSTEM. THE WATER SUPPLY CHARGE IS HEREBY FIXED AT TWENTY DOLLARS PER FIXTURE UNIT CONNECTED TO THE CITY WATER SYSTEM. BATHROOM GROUP CONSISTING OF WATER CLOSET, LAVATORY b BATH TUB OR SHOWER STALL (6) WATER CLOSET, TANK OPERATED (4) BATHTUB/SHOWER (2) SHOWER GROUP FER HEAD (3) STALL DOME; LAVATORY {1) WASHING MACHINE (3 ~~ ~~ ~l ~ .Z ~., ~~~'e~..' DISHWASHER (2) y-, ,~ .1~~. KITCHEN SINK (2) ~Q~~'~``~ SERVICE SINK TRAP STAND (8) WATER CLOSET 2 / VALVE OPERATED (8) URINAL WALL LIP (4) / ~-t FLOOR DRAIN (1) (2) KITCHEN SINK WITH W GRINDER (3) BIDET (3) FLUSHING RIM SINK (~ URINAL, PEDESTAL, SYPHON JET BLOWOUT (2) LAVATORY, BARBER/BEAUTY SHOP (2} ~' INK AND TRAY (3) SINK (4) H SET OF ~ 4 tY (1) . CUSPIDOR (1) WASHOUT (4) ~K AND TRAY WITH i) DRINKING FOUNTAIN (1/2) ICE MAKER (1/2) LAVATORY, SURGEONS (2) SURGEONS SINK (3) JACUZZI (2) ~ URINAL STALL, WASHOUT (4) TOTAL FACTURE UNITS ~ ~ @ =20.00 EACH ~ I ~ y~ • a~ JOB INFORMATION f ~ ~ -~ T 1- l~~~ i ~ C ~-~ ~ '~° ~ ', Whote Building Performance Method for Commercial Buildings ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Community Affairs FLA/COM-94 Version 2.1 PROJECT NAME_St Vincents family Medical_ ADDRESS: Atlantic Beach, Florida_ OWNER: _St Vincents AGENT: Form 400A-94 PERMITTING OFFICE: _Atlantic Beach CLIMATE ZONE: 3 PERMIT N0: _- JURISDICTION NO: 261100 BUILDING TYPE: _Institutional (Health) CONSTRUCTION CONDITION: New construction DESIGN COMPLETION: _Finished Building CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA: _3636 MAX. TONNAGE OF EQUIPMENT PER SYSTEM: 13 COMPLIANCE CALCULATION: METHOD A DESIGN CRITERIA RESULT ----------------- ------ -------- ------ A. WHOLE BUILDING 77.15 100.00 PASSES PRESCRIPTIVE REQUIREMENTS: LIGHTING EXTERIOR LIGHTING 100.00 150.00 PASSES LIGHTING CONTROL REQUIREMENTS PASSES HVAC EQUIPMENT COOLING EQUIPMENT 1. EER 8.50 8.50 PASSES IPLV 7.50 7.50 PASSES HEATING EQUIPMENT 1. COP 2.90 2.90 PASSES AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM INSULATION LEVEL 1. Unventilated 6.00 6.00 PASSES WATER HEATING EQUIPMENT 1. EF 0.88 0.86 PASSES PIPING INSULATION REQUIREMENTS 1. Circulating -------------------------------------- 0.50 ----------- 0.39 -------------- PASSES COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION: -- ----------- I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by this calcu- lation are in compliance with the Florida Energy Efficiert~ Cade. DATE:~j~f ~~~ " ' I hereby certify that this building is in compliance with the Florida Ener y Efficiency Code. C!' OWNER/AGENT: DATE • /Z Review of the plans and specifica- tions covered by this calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code. Before construction is completed, this building will be inspected for compliance in accordance with Section 553.908, Fl~r"da S tuts BUILDING OFFICIAL: \~~~--~,%" DATE• i. NUMBER OF ZONES: 1 I hereby certify(*) that the system design is in compliance with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code. SYSTEM DESIGNER REGISTRATION/STATE ARCHITECT °f MECHANICAL : ~'~ ~~~~.w/ ` ~ ~~ ~~ ~"' PLUMBING S ' ELECTRICAL:_ ~' v. '(/ LIGHTING ~ } ~ ' (*) Signature is required w 're orida law requires design to be performed by registered designs professionals. Typed names and registration numbers may be used where all relevant information is contained on signed/sealed plans. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- a BUILDING INFORMATION COMPLIANCE CHECK 401.------GLAZING--ZONE 1------------------------------------------------v- Elevation Type U SC VLT Shading --------- --------------- ---- ---- ---- -------------- Area(Sgft)° ° ---------- East Commercial 1.1 .85 .85 Continuous Ove 96° Total Glass Area in Zone 1 = 96° Total Glass Area = 96° 402.------WALLS--ZONE 1------------------------------------------------°--- Elevation Type U Added R - -------------------------------- ----- ------- GrosstSgft)° ° ----------- -------- North L & Hvywt. Concrete Block + 8" H 0.172 0 660° East L & Hvywt. Concrete Block + 8" H 0.172 0 216° South L & Hvywt. Concrete Block + 8" H 0.172 0 96° West L & Hvywt. Concrete Block + 8" H 0.172 0 864° Total Wall Area in Zone 1 = 1836° Total Gross Wall Area = 1836° 403.------DOORS--ZONE 1------------------------------------ ------------°--- Elevation Type U Area(Sgft)° West 1-3/4 Steel Door-Polyurethane core (18 0.29 40° Total Door Area in Zone 1 = 40° Total Door Area = 40° 404.------ROOFS--ZONE 1------------------------------------ ------------°--- Type Color U Added R ------------------- ------ ----- ------- Area(Sgft)° ° ---------- ----------------- Steel Sheet with 1" Insulation Dark 0.213 19 3636° Total Roof Area in Zone 1 = 3636° Total Roof Area = 3636° 405.------FLOORS-ZONE 1------------------------------------ ------------°--- TYPe R ---------------------------------- ------- Area(Sgft)° ° ---------- -------------- Slab on Grade/Uninsulated 0 3636° Total Floor Area in Zone 1 = 3636° Total Floor Area = 3636° 406.------INFILTRATION-------------------------------------- °_-_ ------------ °CHECK° Infiltration Criteria in 406.1.ABC.1 have been met. ° 407.------COOLING SYSTEMS----------------------------------- ------------°--- Type No Efficiency IPLV ---------------- --- ---------- ----- -- Tons° ° ------------ ------------ 1. Air Cooled ( >= 65,000 Btu/h 1 8.5 7.5 12.50° 408.------HEATING SYSTEMS----------------------------------- ° ------------ --- Type No Efficiency ----------------------- --- ---------- - BTU/hr° ° ------------- --------- 1. Air Source (>= 65,000 Btu/h) 1 2.9 150000° 409.------VENTILATION-------------------------------------- °--- ------------- °GHECK° Ventilation Criteria in 409.1.ABC.1 have been met. ° 410.-----AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM-----------------------'--- -- ` -"-""----°--- AHU Type Duct location -------------------- ------------------ R-value° ° ---- ------- --------------- 1. Split / PTHP Air-to-air Heat Unventilated 6° 411.-----PUMPS AND PIPING-ZONE 1---------------------~---- -------------°--- Ty~ R-value/in Diamet er Thickness° 1. Circulating 5 .5 .5° 412.-----WATER HEATING SYSTEMS-ZONE 1--------------------- -----------'-°--' Type Efficiency StandbyLoss InputRa te Gallons° 1. ------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- -- <=12 kW .88 .88 9 -------- 52° 413 .-----ELECTRICAL POWER DISTRIBUTION----------------------------------°--- °CHECK° Metering criteria in 413.1.ABC.1 have been met. ° Transformer criteria in 413.1.ABC.2 have been met. ° 414 .-----MOTORS------------------------------------------------- --°-----°--- Motor efficiencies in 414.1.ABC.1 have been met. ° 415 .-----LIGHTING SYSTEMS-ZONE 1-------------------------------- -------°--- Space Type No Control Type 1 No Control Type 2 No Watts Area(Sgft)° General Ar 1 On/Off 8 None 0 7200 3600° Total Watts for Zone 1 = 7200° Total Area for Zone 1 = 3600° Total Watts = 7200° Total Area = 3600° °CHECK° Lighting criteria in 415.1.ABC have been met. ° 16. HVAC load sizing has been performed. (407.1.ABC.1) ° 17. Duct sizing and design have been performed. (410.1.ABC.1.2) ° 18. Testing and balancing will be performed. (410.1.ABC.4) ° 19. --- Operation/maintenance manual will be provided to owner.(102.1)° ° ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whole Building Performance Method for Commercial Buildings ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Community Affairs FLA/COM-94 Version 2.1 PROJECT NAME St Vincents Family Medical_ ADDRESS: Atlantic Beach, Florida_ OWNER: St Vincents AGENT: Form 400A-94 PERMITTING OFFICE: Atlantic Beach CLIMATE ZONE: 3 PERMIT N0: _- JURISDICTION N0: 261100 BUILDING TYPE: _Institutional (Health) GONSTRUCTION CONDI710N: New construction DESIGN COMPLETION: _Finished Building CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA: _3636 MAX. TONNAGE OF EQUIPMENT PER SYSTEM: 1'. COMPLIANCE CALCULATION: NUMBER OF ZONES: 1 METHOD A DESIGN CRITERIA RESULT ----------------- ------ -------- ------ A. WHOLE BUILDING 77.15 100,00 PASSES PRESCRIPTIVE REQUIREMENTS: LIGHTING EXTERIOR LIGHTING 100.00 150,00 PASSES LIGHTING CONTROL REQUIREMENTS PASSES HVAC EQUIPMENT COOLING EQUIPMENT 1. EER 8,50 8.50 PASSES IPLV 7.50 7.50 PASSES HEATING EQUIPMENT 1. COP 2.90 2.90 PASSES AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM INSULATION LEVEL 1. Unventilated 6.00 6.00 PASSES WATER HEATING EQUIPMENT 1. EF 0.88 0.86 PASSES PIPING INSULATION REQUIREMENTS 1. Circulating -------------------------------------- 0.50 --------- 0.39 PASSES COMPLiANCE CERTIFICATION: -- ---------------- ----------- I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by this calcu- lation are in compliance with the Florida Energy Efficiency Q de~ PREPAP,ED 6Y : ,> ~ '~,~,w,1 DATE:~T~ I hereby certify that this building is in compliance with the Florida En rgy Efficiency Cod OWNER/AGENT• DATE: Review of the plans and specifica- tions covered by this calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code. Before construction is completed, this building will be inspected for compliance in accordance with Section 553.908, FIQFt~a St ut~~ BUILDING OFFICIAL:~_,~ ' I hereby certify(*) that the system design is in compliance with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code. -. . SYSTEM DESIGNER REGISTRATION/STATE ARCHITECT MECHANICAL: .: ~~iv ~` 5 "' ~ 'ZS ='L PLUMBING ~F '~ a l~L' ~;,; ELECTP.ICAL:_ LIGHTING s ~ .w- (*) Signature is r•equirYd where~lo •da law requires design to be performed by registered desig~'~rrfessionals. Typed names and registration numbers may be used where a!! relevant information is contained on signed/sealed plans. ~- BUILDING INFORMATION COMPLIANCE CHECK 401.------GLAZING--ZONE 1----------------------------------- -------------v- Elevation Type U SC VLT Shading --------- --------------- ---- ---- ---- -------------- Area(Sgft)° ° ---------- East Commercial 1.1 .85 .85 Continuous Ove 96° Total Glass Area in Zone 1 = 96° Total Glass Area = 96° 402.------WALLS--ZONE 1------------------------------------- -----------°--- Elevation Type U Added R - -------------------------------- ----- ------- - --- Gross(Sgft)° ° ----------- -- - - North L & Hvywt. Concrete Block + 8" H 0.172 0 660° East L & Hvywt. Concrete Block + 8" H 0.172 0 216° South L & Hvywt. Concrete Block + 8" H 0.172 0 96° West L & Hvywt. Concrete Block + 8" H 0.172 0 864° Total Wall Area in Zone 1 = 1836° Total Gross Watl Area = 1836° 403.------DOORS--ZONE 1------------------------------------- -----------°--- Elevation Type U -------------------- ----- - Area<Sgft)° ° ---------- -- --------- ------------------- West 1-3/4 Steel Door-Polyurethane core (18 0.29 40° Total Door Area in Zone 1 = 40° Total Door Area = 40° 404.------ROOFS--ZONE 1------------------------------------ ------------°--- Type Color U Added R ---------------------- ------ ----- ------- Area(Sgft)° ° ---------- -------------- Steel Sheet with 1" Insulation Dark 0.213 19 3636° Total Roof Area in Zone 1 = 3636° Total Roof Area = 3636° 405.------FLOORS-ZONE 1------------------------------------ °_-_ ------------ 7ype R Area(Sgft)° Slab on Grade/Uninsulated 0 3636° Total Floor Area in Zone 1 = 3636° Total Floor Area = 3636° 406.------INFILTRATI -------------------------------------- ° --- -------- -- °CHECK° Infiltration Criteria in 406.1.ABC.1 have been met. ° 407.------COOLING SYSTEMS----------------------------------- °--- ------------ Type No Efficiency IPLV ---------------- --- ---------- ----- -- Tons° ° ------------ ------------ 1. Air Cooled ( >= 65,000 Btu/h 1 8.5 7.5 12.50° 408.------HEATING SYSTEMS----------------------------------- ------------°--- Type No Efficiency ---------------- --- ---------- -- BTU/hr° ° ------------ ---------------- 1. Air Source (>= 65,000 Btu/h) 1 2.9 150000° 409.------VENTILATION--------------------------------------- °--- ------------ °CHECK° Ventilation Criteria in 409.1.ABC.1 have been met. ° 410.-----AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM-------------------'- " ----- -----'--"""-°--- AHU Type Duct Location R-value° 1. Split / PTHP Air-to-air Heat Unventilated 6° 411.-----PUMPS AND PIPING-ZONE 1-------------------------- ----------'-'°--- Type R-value/in Diameter Thickness° 1. Circulating 5 .5 .5° 412.-----WATER HEATING SYSTEMS-ZONE 1-------------------'--------------°--- Type Efficiency 5tandbyloss InputRate Gallons° ~. - 1. <=12 kW .88 .88 9 52° 413.-----ELECTRICAL POWER DISTRIBUTION----------------------------------°--- °CHECK° Metering criteria in 413.1.ABC.1 have been met. ° Transformer criteria in 413.1.ABC.2 have been met. ° 414.-----MOTORS---------------------------------------------------°-----°--- Motor efficiencies in 414.1.ABC.1 have been met. ° 415.-----LIGHTING SYSTEMS-20NE 1---------------------------------------°--- Space Type No Control Type 1 No Control Type 2 No Watts Area(Sgft)° ° ---------- --- -------------- --- -------------- --- ------ ---------- General Ar 1 On/Off 8 None 0 7200 3600° Total Watts for Zone 1 = 7200° Total Area for Zone 1 = 3600° Total Watts = 7200° Total Area = 3600° °CHECK° Lighting criteria in 415.1.ABC have been met. ° ° 16. HVAC load sizing has been performed. (407.1.ABC.1) ° 17. Duct sizing and design have been performed. (410.1.ABC.1.2> ° 18. Testing and balancing will be performed. (410.1.ABC.4) ° 19. Operationlmaintenance manual will be provided to owner.(102.1)° ° ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trane Air Conditioning Economics By: Trane Customer Direct Service Network ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** ** ** ** T RAC E 6 0 0 A N A L Y S I S ** ** ** ** by Trane Customer Direct Service Network ** ** ** ***********,r**,r*****w,r********,r***************,r****************************** *************,r,r************************************************************** ST. VINCENT~S CLINIC ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA ST. V]NCERl''S HO5PI7AL EDWARD J. ENG P.E. ~5,~.-~~ MANUAL N CALCULATIONS Weather File Code: JACKSONV Location: JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA Latitude: 30.0 (deg) Longitude: 81.0 (deg) Time Zone: 5 Elevation: 24 (ft) Barometric Pressure: 29.9 (in. Hg) Summer Clearness Number: 0.95 Winter Clearness Number: 0.95 Sumner Design Dry Bulb: 94 (F) Sumner Design Wet Bulb: 77 (F) Winter Design Dry Bulb: 32 (F) Sumner Ground Relectance: 0.20 Winter Ground Relectance: 0.20 Air Density: 0.0760 (Lbm/tuft) Air Specific Heat: 0.2444 (Btu/lbm/F) Density-Specific Heat Prod: 1.1144 (Btu min./hr/tuft/F) Latent Heat Factor: 4,905.3 (Btu-min./hr/tuft) Enthalpy Factor: 4.5588 (Lb-min./hr/tuft) Design Simulation Period: June To November System Simulation Period: January To December Cooling Load Methodology: TETD/Time Averaging V 600 PAGE 1 Time/Date Program was Run: 19:25:53 12/ 5/94 Dataset Name: STVINC .TM Trane Air Conditioning Economics V 600 By: Trane Customer Direct Service Network PAGE 2 AIRFLOW - ALTERNATIVE 1 ----------------------------------- S Y S T E M S U M M A R Y - ------------ ------------ --------- (Design Airflow Quantities) ------------------------- Main --------------- --------- Auxil. Room Outside Cooling Heating Return Exhaust Supply Exhaust System System Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Number Type (Cfm) (Cfm) (Cfm) (Cfm) (Cfm) (Cfm) (Cfm) 1 SZ 480 4,955 4,955 4,955 480 0 0 Totals 480 4,955 4,955 4,955 480 0 0 CAPACITY - ALTERNATIVE 1 --------------------------------------------------- S Y S T E M S U M M A R Y --------------------------------------------------- (Design Capacity Duantities) --------------- Cooling --------------- --------------------------------- Heating --- ---------- ------------ --------- Main Sys. Aux. Sys. Opt. Vent Cooling Main Sys. Aux. Sys. Preheat Reheat Humidif. Opt. Vent Heating System System Capacity Capacity Capacity Totals Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity Totals Number Type (Tons) (Tons) (Tons) (Tons) (Btuh) (Btuh) (Btuh) (Btuh) (Btuh) (etuh) (Btuh) 1 SZ 11.1 0.0 0.0 11.1 -67,068 0 0 0 0 0 -67,068 Totals 11.1 0.0 0.0 11.1 -67,068 0 0 0 0 0 -67,068 ENGINEERING CHECKS - ALTERNATIVE 1 ------------------------------------ E N G I N E E R I N G C H E C K S------------------------------------- Percent ------------- Cooling -------------- --- Heating ---- System Main/ System Outside Cfm/ Cfm/ Sq Ft Btuh/ Cfm/ Btuh/ Floor Area Number Auxiliary Type Air Sq Ft Ton /Ton Sq Ft Sq Ft Sq Ft Sq Ft 1 Main SZ 9.69 1.36 444.6 326.3 36.78 1.36 -18.44 3,636 1 Trane Air Conditioning Economics By: Trane Customer Direct Service Network System 1 Peak SZ - SINGLE ZONE V 600 PAGE 3 ************************* COOLING COIL PEAK ******************************** CLG SPACE PEAK ************ HEATING COIL PEAK ******** Peaked at Time =_> Mo/Hr: 6/16 * Mo/Hr: 6/16 * Mo/Hr: 13/ 1 Outside Air =_> OAD B/WB/HR: 97/ 76/105.0 * OADB: 97 * OADB: 32 * * Space Ret. Air Ret. Air Net Percnt * Space Percnt * Space Peak Coil Peak Percnt Sens.+Lat. Sensible Latent Total Of Tot * Sensible Of Tot * Space Sens Tot Sens Of Tot Envelope Loads (Btuh) (Btuh) (Btuh) (Btuh) (%) * (Btufi) (%> * (Btuh> (Btuh) (%> Skylite Solr 0 0 0 0.00 * 0 0.00 * 0 0 0.00 Skylite Cond 0 0 0 0.00 * 0 0.00 * 0 0 0.00 Roof Cond 0 41,203 ~ 41,203 30.81 * 0 0.00 * 0 -18,349 27.36 Glass Solar 2,688 0 2,688 2.01 * 2,880 2.82 * 0 0 0.00 Glass Cond 2,006 0 2,006 1.50 * 2,355 2.31 * -4,646 -4,646 6.93 Wall Cond 7,933 0 7,933 5.93 * 8,289 8.11 * -5,536 -5,536 8.25 Partition 0 0 0.00 * 0 0.00 * 0 0 0.00 Exposed Floor 0 0 0.00 * 0 0.00 * 0 0 0.00 Infiltration 1 1 0.00 * 1 0.00 * -1 -1 0.00 Sub Total==> 12,628 41,203 53,832 40.25 * 13,524 13.24 * -10,184 -28,533 42.54 Internal Loads * * Lights 24,821 0 24,821 18.56 * 24,821 24.30 * 0 0 0.00 People 10,080 10,080 7.54 * 5,520 5.40 * 0 0 0.00 Misc 15,687 0 0 15,687 11.73 * 15,687 15.36 * 0 0 0.00 Sub Total==> 50,588 0 0 50,588 37.83 * 46,028 45.06 * 0 0 0.00 Ceiling Load 41,203 -41,203 0 0.00 * 42,587 41.70 * -18,349 0 0.00 Outside Air 0 0 0 29,316 21.92 * 0 0.00 * 0 -21,346 31,40 Sup. Fan Neat 0 0.00 * 0.00 * 0 0.00 Ret. Fan Heat 0 0 0.00 * 0.00 * 0 0.00 Duct Neat Pkup 0 0 0.00 * 0.00 * 0 0.00 OV/UNDR Sizing 0 0 0.00 * 0 0.00 * -17,139 -17,139 25.56 Exhaust Heat 0 0 0 0.00 * 0.00 * 0 0.00 Terminal Bypass 0 0 0 0,00 * 0.00 * 0 0.00 * Grand Total==> 104,420 0 0 133,736 100.00 * 102,139 100.00 * -45,672 -67,067 100.00 -------------------- -------- --------COOL ING COIL SELECTION---- -------- --- ------------ ---- ------ ------------ --AREAS-------- ------ Total Capacity Sens Cap. Coil Airfl Entering DB/WB/HR Leaving DB/WB/HR Gross Total Glass (sf) (%) (Tons) (Mbh} (Mbh) (cfm) Deg F Deg F Grai ns Deg F Deg F Grains Floor 3 ,636 Main Clg 11.1 133.7 109.7 4,955 76.8 63.5 66.7 56.5 54 .6 60.5 Part 0 Aux Clg 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 .0 0.0 ExFlr 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 .0 0.0 Roof 3 ,569 0 0 Totals 11.1 133.7 Wall 1 ,480 96 6 ------------HEATING COIL SEL ECTION------------- --------AIRFLOWS (cfm) -------- --ENGINEERING CHECKS-- --TEMPERATURES (F)--- Capacity Coil Airfl Ent Lvg Type Cooling Heating Clg % OA 9.7 Type Clg Htg (Mbh) (cf m) Deg F Deg F Vent 480 480 Clg Cfm/Sgft 1.36 SADB 56.5 80.3 Main Htg -67.1 4, 955 68.1 80.3 Infil 0 0 Clg Cfm/Ton 444.56 Plenum 110.8 56.1 Aux Htg 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 Supply 4,955 4,955 Clg Sgft/Ton 326.28 Return 75.0 72.0 Preheat -0.0 4, 955 68.1 56.5 Mincfm 0 0 Clg Btuh/Sgft 36.78 Ret/OA 76.8 68.1 Reheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 Return 4,955 4,955 No. People 24 Runarnd 75.0 72.0 Humidif 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 Exhaust 480 480 Htg % OA 9.7 Fn MtrTD 0.0 0.0 Opt Vent 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 Rm Exh 0 0 Ntg Cfm/SgFt 1.36 Fn BIdTD 0.0 0.0 Total -67.1 Auxil 0 0 Htg Btuh/SgFt -18.44 Fn Frict 0.0 0.0 t r ~Y. Trane Air Conditioning Economics V 600 6y: Trane Customer Direct Service Network PAGE 4 BUILDING AREAS - ALTERNATIVE 1 --------------------------------------------------- B U I L D I N G A R E A S--------------------------------------------------- floor Totat Exposed Number of Area/Dupl Floor Partition Floor Skylight Skl Net Roof Window Win Net Wall Room Duplic ate Room Area Area Area Area !Rf Area Area /Wl Area Number Description Flr Rm (sgft) (sgft) (sgft) (sgft) (sgft) (%) (sgft) (sgft) (%) (sgft) 100 X-RAY 1 1 195 195 0 0 0 0 195 0 0 0 101 DARK ROOM 1 1 42 42 0 0 0 0 42 0 0 65 102 EXAM 1 1 110 110 0 0 0 0 110 0 0 105 103 EXAM 1 1 110 110 0 0 0 0 110 0 0 0 104 EXAM 1 1 110 110 0 0 0 0 110 0 0 105 105 EXAM 1 1 110 110 0 0 0 0 110 0 0 105 106 EXAM 1 1 110 110 0 0 0 0 110 0 0 210 107 EXAM 1 1 131 131 0 0 0 0 131 0 0 120 108 NURSE-DOC. STAT 1 1 367 367 0 0 0 0 367 0 0 0 104 CORRIDORI 1 1 9b 9b 0 0 0 0 96 0 0 0 110 CORRIDOR EXTERIO 1 1 58 58 0 0 0 0 58 0 0 55 111 CLOSET 1 1 41 41 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 112 XRAY MACHINE 1 1 42 42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 200 FILES 1 1 150 150 0 0 0 0 150 0 0 0 Zone 1 Total/Ave. 1,674 0 0 0 0 1,632 0 0 825 201 RECEPTION 1 1 240 240 0 0 0 0 240 0 0 85 202 RECEPT HALL 1 1 1b8 168 0 0 0 0 168 0 0 0 203 HG MALE TOILET 1 1 36 3b 0 0 0 0 36 0 0 0 204 HC FEMALE TOILET 1 1 36 36 0 0 0 0 36 0 0 0 205 MANAGER 1 1 85 85 0 0 0 0 85 0 0 0 206 HALL 1 1 78 78 0 0 0 0 78 0 0 0 207 WAITING 1 1 339 339 0 0 0 0 339 96 58 69 208 TOILET 1 1 25 25 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 209 BREAK 1 1 180 180 0 0 0 0 180 0 0 0 210 HALL-8Y BREAK RM 1 1 121 121 0 0 0 0 121 0 0 55 211 JANITOR 1 1 46 46 0 0 0 0 46 0 0 70 212 OFFICE 1 1 216 216 0 0 0 0 216 0 0 120 213 EXAM 1 1 99 99 0 0 0 0 99 0 0 0 214 EXAM EXTERIOR 1 1 99 99 0 0 0 0 99 0 0 110 215 LAB 1 1 140 140 0 0 0 0 140 0 0 0 216 ELECTRICAL 1 1 30 30 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 50 217 CLOSET 1 1 25 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zone 2 Total/Ave. 1,962 0 0 0 0 1,937 96 15 559 System 1 Total/Ave. 3,636 0 0 0 0 3,569 96 6 1,384 Building 3,636 0 0 0 0 3,564 96 6 1,384 CITY OF ATLANTIC HEACN PERMIT APPLICATION REMODEL, ADDITIONS aR ALTLRATi0N8 DEMOL I~'ION3 ^Owner a): / ~v r~G~ C ~ ,-i r~i~ ~~ t-~ c ~ r~ ~so n y,'//2 ~,~t ~3.z ~ og Address : L a_~v„~_ c~,,,~' Su .7tc ~'7~71~ne : / Lot ~~„~„ B1aCk or Unit #,,,.__,,,• Subdivision: Contractor: Stan Linen Fresent use of building: //. Valuation of Pxopeaed Construction: ~z~o oo~ ~° Proposed use: X~f~li~Y~ __ Is this an addition? ~~°`~ if yes, what are the dimenr:ions of the added space : f t . X 70„~,,,,,,.,f t . Wi 11 the added ttrea be heated and cooled? , e 5 New elcGtrical (or increase)?_~S New plumbing fixtures? is New fireplace? ^ New Heat/AC?_y.~.. SUBMIT THREE COMPLETE $ET$ 4F PLAliB, INCLUDING SITE PLAN, 5URVEY, ENERGY CODL+ I~ORl~l3, NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT, AND OWNER/CONTRACTOR AFFIDAVIT, IF OWNER I3 CONTRACTOR. Signature OWNER: Date• ~~ _f~¢' Signature CONTRACTOR: ~~_ ~~~`~ ~ t~ License Supplied: ~ ; . ~ ~°~ 1994 Liability Insurance: Worker's Compensation Insurance: ui4di~°-~ a;r~; ~~~~i~a Address: 98~iD -2 Sah~`~,~~ ,~~~ ~ac~s~yw./l2 phone No; 9o~i~,26o -~~'9t s2zs ,.,-~ Describe work to be done• ~`~ ~ -y CITY OF rc~ic ~-'eae~ - ~le~cala A00 SEMINOLE RQAD ---- ATLANTIC dF.AG'H, FL.ORm4 3223-54/S \ TFI,EPHONE ('904) Z4RSt00 1 FAX (904) 24'5005 M E M O R A N D U M February 8, 1995 To: John Ruley, Fire Chief (' From: Don C. Ford, Building Official ~\~ Re: St. Vincents Family Medical Center Plan Review I am forwarding your review dated February 6, 1995 to the architect of the St. Vincents Family Medical Center. I am giving him your number so that you may discuss this directly with him. In the future we will be sure to include the developer/contractor/designer information with tfie plans far your review. This will alleviate the Building Department as middle man and hopefully speed up the review process. Thanks. DCF/pah cc: City Manager CITY OF 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE (904) 247-5800 FAX (904) 247-5805 February 8, 1995 Mr. G. M. Metz Consolidated Health Care Services, Inc. 1801 Barrs Street, Suite 574? Jacksonville, FL 32204 Re: St, Vincent's Family Medical Center Atlantic Village Shopping Center Dear Mr. Metz: Enclosed is a copy of the review by Sohn Ruley, Fire Chief. Please contact him directly regarding the enclosure at (904) 247- 3173. Sincerely, ,~'~. Don C. Ford Building Official DCF/pah Enclosure CITY OF t~t,~aorfi~c Secu~ - ~~aud Z ATLANTIC BEACH FIREIRESCUE S50 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 TELEPHONE (904) 249-5606 February 6, 1995 Ta: Dan Fard, Building Official From: John Ruley, Fire Chief Ref: Plan Reti~iew for St. Vincent's Family ~~ledical Care Center, Atlantic Village Shopping Center The Atlantic Beach Fire it~larshal's Office had an opportunity to review the plans for the St. ~ incent's Family Medical Care Center. As a result of this reti~iew the following questions need to be addressed prior to the approval fire Department: 1. t~'hat is the true address for this business ? 2. Un page :~-~ The emergenc~;~ lights need to be so an~anged in such a manner as the light will measure 1 foot candle of light measured an the floor along the exit path. (NFP ~ 101- 26-2.9 and 5-9.2.1) . There will be an inspection prior to final that will require the contractor to demonstrate that 1 foot candle is obtained along the chit path. On pager A-4 The code requires that chit marking be installed in such a manner as the signs are visible from any directiar_ of exst access. (~~FP ~ 101-?<-2.10 & 5-10:1,2). Additional chit sighs may 1}e required prior to final approval. -4. On Page ~-8 Fire stopping is required for any penetration of a fine rated wall, floor, or ceiling. Special attention needs to be given to fire rated walls butting up to floor!ceiling decks. On page E-l, the electrical legend identifies a manual fine station and magnetic door holding. Is there a fire alarm system in this project `? G. On page E-? the electric door lock shall not be installed or maintained on or in connection with any door which id intended to prevent the ~frea nse of the doer for the purposes of e~~ess. ('~TFP~.1 Oi -5- y Note: chapter 5-2.1.Ct b,i identifies special lockizlg arran~;amen~. '' . On M-1 the RTLT-1 is identit~~ ink S~~Cx:a C:f.~'M unlit. As per i~rF~I'.~ 9t~.'~ -~-3 duct smoke detectors are required to shutdown the system if the System. is over 20t)Ci CFM. The above questions need to act<~c~essed on the plans and resubmitted. for final approval by the Fire Department. If you have any questions please feel free to coniaci: the Fire Department at 249-3173. ~ .. -_. -_ -^- Y ~ DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING X6837 CITY OF ATLANTIC 6EACH f __~` PERMIT INFORMATION - errnit ~i~~mber: -__ _- I'~rmit T 158.3? ----__- LOCATION INFORMATION - ` }'fie:ELECTRICAL A ~re;~s ~ .1023 {bass °~ Work:ALTERATION ATLANTIC -'__.___ Constr. T ATLANTIC BOULEVARD YP~:MAS~'1NRY ___.__-- BEACH, F'LC3RIDA 32233 ProPesed r,~,s,~ ~ lBRICK - LEGAL DESCRIPTIC}N - _ _ Est~lVal~aae 0 Seatian, DLat~ Twpz ~ 0 a Subdivis$an;ATLANTICO ImArou. Cost: ~J.OC BEACH Rnq: 4 fiatal Fees : 0 . ~JO A~aunt Paid; 25.00 L''at~ Pa; 5.00 7 2 1 ark Des=WIRE FOR SIGN i -----.,--- 06~NER INFO ,' $me: ST RMATION -..___-_ 1 VIIVCENTS FAMILY CARE - - APPLICATrO dclr : 1 Q 23 ATLANT,I C .BOULEVARD CTR . ~ _ - ~ ~ N FEES - AT~AN'TIG $EAr ERMIT -----____ ~ hone:I<5!~b4~~388-917gN. FLORIDA 32233 25.00 i ``~`` g2QNpRACfiOR I i aiii~: ~'IE~ST CHOICE ELLCTRIC~N d rldl4: 2758 ADMIRALS WALK DRIVE EAST ;i DR~GE PARK, FLORIDA 32073 ,' Li~»: ?~t}~I,~604 YP-`~ ~ Exp ; ~ ~ I NOTES: ~( i ~ r 4: ~y. NOTt~ - INSPECfiI S MU REQtTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION ~~~ i ~.~:f~, ~~~~~ ~~ ~ M THIS WORK M ~~~T NQ~' BE P ~ F~~~~pustfc sP~Cr:,~aNa Musr sE ~~ ~` ~ AND ~ E _~~' NTR , TOR OR ~Efl B~ ~ v MATEa~,~~Ea ~~~ r s~ti~~ir~G~P a~t~ NA x..R ,'' LI `LAW CAN :.RESULT I N CHA G~EAREO BUI NG ~MPR4V~~FNTS." 1 ~E TO ~, A ~;, 4~?~A~~"~ ER ~ ~ EMIT AND SU ~ Td RE1fC?CATIQN FOR I . ,. >~~ "HPART Y; 4, SHE ew ~, ~;~ ~F~ _ F 'k ~ ISO ;O;-~P ~ ,~ rr~ i u~o ACCORD I~p,gLE ,~~:~~ ~ ~.~~~_~~ ~~ tSS 710N APPt ~. viO~A ~~ °~'` RT . ~ AG~~ B~~ N ~~ ~.r .;ti~~u;MMU.P ~~ _~, ~.uTfe BE 1 ~. _ Cf~i~Y Of= ,~~i~L~f~1~i~iC i3i~C;f-f, f~L.OIZIU~ 1 ^~'~""~~~+~'Y ~ APi'L1CAT10~~ FOR EL~CTitICAI. ('FRMfF ru Illr_ clller rt i c-nlc:nl. IrJ<;rrclun: unit: ,2- ~ ~U1~ 19 6~ Ir.~rull Fnrl1 Nu 11,_i Itl CF-tlSiUl ltn I I(-tT Ui- f'I ittvlll (~IVI N I lllt UUIt~1G I tit WURI( n5 i-l->(;RIiil l- ttl 1IIC i (-I 1 UV'Jitl(~, Y~ I Ii itl:IlY nl;ltl r i t- I'i:Itrt)ItM ,niu wuitlc Iri ncr,ultunNl;I. wI I N f lit: nl I nt:NLn i'I nrts nrtu ,rrcll l(:ni tc-rl~ bvlllc;il nltt n I'nltl III.ItLUr, nrlu IiI ncet)Itunrtt;r wllli 1111 I11t;Iltlenl Itlculnlic-tts, t;clots nltu city u n I I nrt - Ic nrncl l c-Itulrlnrlcl_s. . ELECIIII(:nL ~Illhi: h1nS1[11 kl_Ll;Iliit;IntJ 5111tL`~fUIIE tinh9E Glal~o..~,- t"lfJ.i~,_ cr.1~ nl)[)IIE~,:- loz3 ~~~'~G~1/~ ._ .I{I ()_ IiLUG. SIZE -.-__ - -__ . itl. I WLF:rJ: iIES, 1 I nl' i . ( ) COMM. ~ PUE1LIC 4 I INUUS. 1 1 NEW ( 1 UI U (~.. /1UU111UN 1 1 T iInlLEfl ( 1 T EMi'. ( I SII;tJS ( 1 S(l. P i. si_nvtcE: rJEw I 1 INCnr_nsE 1 ) Itern lll cOrluuciOn SIZE nhtl's (:urri_It 1 ~ nt l-ht. I f swli(:li uii [~i~F;hKEn HMI's 1'ti w vOt_I nncLlvn'r E'Xltii. SLitV. SIZE ___ _._ HMI's F'll __ W vc-1. t IlncEavnY FE LULIlS rJU. SIZE ~NO SiZt_ , tJU. 511[ t_I(,fiTIN(; Ullil_ETS CUNCEl1LEU ul'l~N {Ulnl ({Et;EP T ncLES cUNCEnLEU Ui'[:N l c) t nl. o ao ~-ar'e tl loo nltrs. 4 SWI1C t1E9 IrJ(:nNUi?SCENi f-LUUfiESCENI &h1.V. _ - - -- _ rIXEI) o ,iio nt,re. _ _. _ oGen _. nrr-.Intlc is -~--~ -- y ItELl.lI1nNSF~. I nlll ii.P. S1nTlid(3 II.P. I1n11tJ(, CUNUI TIUrJIrJG c:Ur~-t'. MU1U11 - UiItE1t MU1U115 HMI`s cLlt_ Ilt_nl: Kw IIF:n1 ~ _ _ _. . 01 - -- __ --- - - ` I 1 - htUlUliS H t' VUt_i n(lE I _ ,I'IIS _ ~ _ N(1^- -.t 1 ~P. .. 1 VU1-1n(;I:' I'ii 1V ~ I I I i l it t f,11~ EIOX ItI:1^r. I I r t. E h11SCE:L1-ntJEUt1S ~ -'~lbt/~_ --~-_~K~ ~~_C, _o~l_q,-~ ~~-_