Permit 1071 Atlantic Boulevardrrrv nF dTL4NTIC BEACH DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING 800 Seminole Road -Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 -Tel: 247-5826 -Fax: 247-5877 _ ELECTRICAL PERMIT .PERM#T INFORMATION LOCAfiION 1NFORMI~-TIQN - ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Permit Number: 23747 Address: 1071 FLORIDA 32233 ATLANTIC BEACH Permit Type' ELECTRICAL , Township: 0 Range: 0 Book: Class of Work: ALTERATION Lot(s): B{ock: Section: 0 Proposed Use: COMMERCIAL Square Feet: Subdivision: Value: Est Parcel Number: . OWNER IIi1FOR;MATiON Improv. Cost: Date Issued: 3/28/2002 Name: PIER I IMPORTS Total Fees: 25.00 Address: 1071 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Amount Paid: 25.00 ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 Date Paid: 3!28/2002 ~ Phone: 000 000-0000 . Work Desc: CHANGE OUT 18 TO 3 P , CONTRACTOR(Sl .` ~ ~. PLICAT`tON FEES ~ `°w 00 25 R 8< R ELECTRIC COMPANY . ~ _~ ~:,~ ~ ~ ~,~ _ _ _ _ ~ - .~ . _ -' ~ -H 5 -- X ~y~ - i _ d 9~ ~ _ a ' 4 ~ ~ - _ ~ti ~~ ._: .t r .~ .. -. J. .-: ~ `. L ~ - - ~-~ ~ s ~ ,~~ ~ ~ PECTION NOTICE - IN ~ ._ ~~. - _ ~. ~ 1~ BLIC SPACE, AND ~~ ~~ ~1~~ BUILDING MATER{AL, _ _ ~ _ _ , MUST BE CLEARED U . ~ -$Y EI ,. ~ Q ~QR O~R O . ,,:_ _ _, M1 `' - '; ~, ~ ~~ "FAILURE TO COMPL '~' TIN THE ~ fii~L ~ . ~ ~ PROPERTY OWNER PA _ .. _ ._.. _ ___ _.. - _ -~ - ~~z ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVE _ ~ _ _ ,~ ~~,.~ -~ 1~ IT AND.SUBJECT TO -REVOCATION Y l _ FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROM .r.~> ~~,_~~~~=°~ =T``^ Qper: DSMITH Type: OC Drawer: 1 Date: 3!28/82 81 Receipt no: 45977 r 14 PERMITS-BUILDING 1 (25.88 ATLANTIC BEAC BUi G DEPT. Trans nu®ber: 888386 CK CHECKS ~~ca ..u ~~ Trans date: 3128/82 Tiee: 15:35:81 _ ~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Approwdby APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL. PERMIT 3-22-2002 19 ~ TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE: IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED P SAND SPECLFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN'ACCORDANCE WITH'THE ELEC RICAL REGULAT NS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. R & R Electric of North Florida, {t16F L NAME Pi ~r 1 Im~.Qrts ADDRESS: 1071 Atlantic B1 vd. RFD 6oX BLDG. SIZE BETWEEN: RES. ( ) APT. ( ) COMM. ( ) PUBLIC (/) INDUS. ( ) ADDITION ( ) TRAILER ( ) TEMP. ( ) SERVICE: NEW ( ) INCREASE ( ) w~...n.~wr~n n~-s~ EIUDQ NEW ( ) OLD ( 1 REW. ( ) SIGNS ( ) SQ. FT. REPAIR ( ) FEE [_(1PPFR ( 1 ALUM_ C ! SWITCH OR BREAKER AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY EXIST. SERV. SIZE © AMPS 22 J PH W ~~VOLT RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE NO. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS COtdC~ALED OPEI'S TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALED ~ OPEN TOTAL 0.90 AMPB. 51.100 AMPS. SWITCHES INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT & M. V. FIXED O.1 O AMP6. OVER APPLIANCES BELL TRANS F: AIR H.P. RATING CONDITIONING COMP. MOTOR H.P. RATING OTHER MOTORS AMPS CEIL HEAT: KW-HEAT MOTORS 0.1 H.P.. VOLTAGE PHS N0. OVER 1 H•P• VOLTAGE PHS CITY OF ATLANTIC L3tACl'1 ° MECHANICAL PERMIT 800 SEMIN'OLE RdAD -ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 -TEL: 247-5826 -FAX: 247-5877 PERMIT i(~FORMATION ~ - LOCATION INFORMATION ~ _ _ _ rPermit Number: 23739 Address:. 1071 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Permit Type: MECHANICAL ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 Class of Work: ALTERATION Township: 0 Range: 0 .Book: Proposed Use: COMMERCIAL Lot(s): Block: Section: 0 Square Feet: Subdivision: Est. Value: ___ ._ Parcel Number: Improv. Cost: _ _ _ OWNER INFORMATION _ _ _-__ 002 Date Issued: 3/2712 Name: PIER I IMPORTS , Total Fees: 87.00 Address: 1071 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Amount Paid: 87.00 ATLANTIC BEACH,- FLORIDA 32233 Date Paid: 3/27/2002 ~ Phone: 000 000-0000 Work Desc: INSTALL HVAC UNIT ~ -- - i -- --- - - ` _ ~ ~ APPLICATION FEES _ CONTRACTOR,~S)~: ~ ~; - -87.00 R ~ THIGPEN HEATING & COOLING IN~c 1 ~- _ ~ ~ - „~ ,.~,~ ,~ ~ ~ ~~ c ~F Y ~. ~ ~ ^~ _ ,~ - I v Sk y1 ~~'~5~ *': S -~ xa Yc ~ C ~, ~~~ . - ~~~. ~ .. ~ x ~ 4 ~` '!s ~r~, .:vim - ~ •. ,..,gyp ~+, i~ :'s._ ' ~' _ ~ s4 t- .~ 'u~ ~..w.F - n ~ ~h ~` ~ ~. .. wr+_t yt ~ ~~ t } ~ _ ~ N- ~JS~wyQ.br~o;l "'Ey'~5' : ~ ~ d!.~ ~ ~~ ~; - - ~ ~ ~ae~ywyj ~' 4Y* i5 ~ I' '++Y ~4~v....Sa1 ,. r;y'W,'S rq+3`~1~ ~?` Y ,~ ~ ~ x ~.• '3~4 'k~ Z ~^~'f`w-n T" f' .i. ifs ~-~1. ~ 'S~:_ ~~t~'~n ~' A~~ '. - .. NOTICE ~tSI~E~T.~. ~ S~'" ~E E~E~L#I~"~`EOAT~.+~T;2+k~t~Uk~S PRi ~'f~ iN~P -CTION ,~~,~; ~Ji!31~Sk^k ~-~,IT1~.'THIS W1(QF~4.MUST Nt~T BE. P CED FI~#PLIC~SPACE, AND BUILDING MATERIAL , : `~~~ ., F~''/kk' ~'+~ETT#+f1=R GQN.FRAG"TS}R°.:.~A/ _ E~ . _; MUST BE CLEARED . ~. :: -~. w. s ~~. w , ..FAILURE TO COMPL ' ' T-H._7 ~ .~ ~7~`~~:°:: _ A~ ~~ IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PA ~ .~ .- ~ _ ~ ~"" -~' . `,r . ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPRO~~~ ~' ~_ ~ ~P 7f= T~-ll AND SUBJECT TO .REVOCATION ~ ~ ~ ~ :..: FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PR ;: Oper: CIIERYLE Type: OC Drawer: 1 Date: 3/~ll82 81 Receipt no: . 45b45 14 PERMITS-BUILDING. 1 6~~ Trans ~nu~ber: . CK Ci#CKS 181138c' fA7• N ATLAN BEACH BULLDINO PT. Trans date: 3/7/82 Tiee: 15:5®:55 I ,BUILDING AND ZONING I~ISPECtION DIVISION • CITY OF .ATLANTIC BEACH ATLANTIC ^EACN, FLORIDA 32aaa •~ ~~ ~l~ ~ ~~ APPLICATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT CALL•IN NUMBER 3~ 33 IMPORTANT -- Applicant'to complete all items in sections I, II, III, end IV. i i _ !_ _, I. LOCATION Sfnef Address: ~ , ~.. ~I~rl"~(~~ f~ 1 U~- OF laferae{ing. Streets: Between . SYb~dlYliiOn j. II. IDENTIFICATION -- To be• completed .by all applicants . ~ In consideration, of permit given for doing.fhs work~`es described ,in 'the above ststsmsnt vre.hereby agree to perform said work in eccordencs with M~ sHecltpd' plena and specifications which ere a ;pert hereof and in eccordencs with 1hs City of Jacksonville ordinsncss. end stenddrds of good.prsctics.listed therein. ' Name of Meehaniwl, ~ ~ ~ Contraefors Gekaefor (-rinf) " J ~ ( Master• . Naha of '. .;~.p.r,,, Owner ~ fir- ~-- ~ .~- 5 5 ~RC ~~ . ~: Si~eefisn of Owner ,. Siynaten of ' `•.,.`. '` , w /Wlberited Agent Architect er Enyin~er X111. ~ ~G~IERAL INFORMATION ~ ~ ' Type of Aeefinq ~' IS OTNLR CONSTRUCTION BEING OONE.ON ,~ • ~ ~~~ TNIS 6UILOING ;QR ~IT~t ~r,,,r „- ~ ~. D .GN ~- O L~ D NefYnil D Gnfnl Ufilify, • .: ... .. ^ r . .. IR YES, .a1VE`NUIs}~ER.Ofr CON>ZMNCTION ~. '. • ~'~ • Q Oil. :PERMIT ~ . 4: 1 'IV.'.M~CMANICJIL ~UUMwT 1'O SE'INSTALtED NATURE OF WOR~C ` t `x~ :(p~eviiM obespkste lief of oonspee~eft<oa beck of Phis ~I O'.~ ReaidentlSl or ~~'~1' • :Commercial Hpt D Sped' '. O d ~ ;Getaal O . Hoer • ^ Nave Bulldlnp , / _ :\: Exletlnp f3ulldlnp1~ Air t:oeddielslnq: D • Rgent , ~. G~tnl ~' .. . . - . • • y;:. ~ ` '• Replacsmenl of exlatlnfl system . ~ ' _D . DYet Sysiwn:' MNeneL. Tlsieknestr. ~ : .. ., , . i Mealinwn u~ih ~ efre, D ~ New Inatsllatlon (No system previously lna~~ltled) ~ ,. O. ' Extension ~or add-on to exlatlnp system I ~ ~.. i (~ 1~Refrigeratios .. .. ' . ^ ether -1Specih! -•---'--~.~ (~. •Coolisq,toerer:.Gpsdfy ` 9A~ ,: r{. Q `,• RN' aprinklen: Nwnber of ~Msd`.., .. ~ ,.n Q , IHewfor D:,~Mesliff ~ .D EsuNtor ; (°W"be-) ., . < TMIS,9MCE ~I+OR OFFICE .IISE•ON4Y,.. , I~ „~/e~M,~llfll ~Mllllber~ .. .. IRe)OelYe+l... • 1 ~ • Q `'Jekt_~__(nsisnber) ~ ~ ~ Remarks .. .. ~, 1' ~ Q ~ {IAfira~ FPptYlr YeMN y~,1 ~y« . F •/.~~ j r "~ wn A { 1 ~ r ~ u'a~ ~ti /ermit fh`. . , ~ ~ ,,• >, w , :x , , y ~ ~ ..,. • OONDT170NING. AND REFRIGERATION, EQ(JL~MEIVT _ .. Cspa• d ~ ~ ~ , ' ~ : ~11nte1be>c Vaita ' DMOtlpLlo~: ' ![octal Number Stanntaobn[rr (Zbaa)~ . ~ ~~ . '~ ' .. A`{,,~~~~~~~~~~,,~~ /C~ITYOF //~~///1~~__~~~/~~ fQ~+LG~fILG li~ - "tL03~~ Office of Building Official REQUEST FOR INSPECTION ~ " ~ /-v "~ ~ ~ ~~ Date 7 ermit Time .M. Received ` P.M. Job r,.,, ity Owner's // ~~ ~~ ~-- ~ /~ ,, Name /~-x~! Contracto ~`--~/~ "~'-~~-~ BUILDING CONCRETE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING ECHANIC Framing ^ Footing ^ Rough Wiring ^ Rough ^ Air Cond. & ^ Re Roofing ^ Slab ^ Temp Pole ^ Top Out ^ Heating Insulation ^ Lintel ^ Final ^ Sewer ^ Fire Place ^ Pre Fab Mon. READY FOR INSPECTION Tues. Wed. Thurs. Friday ~ ^^ ~~ '' Y ~ A. Inspection Made P.M. Ins actor P nal Inspection ^ J,¢..~ Certificate of Occupancy ^ '~ t Date OZ ~„ ~ rQ~~ic /3eutir.~s - ~~scla .. Office of Building Official J' REQUEST FOR INSPECTIO Date ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Permit No, Time R.M. Received ,t} / PM. 1-~/~~ ~~ ~ GNU` ~ v l J ~/ i`J ~ ~f" ~ . Job c~lress Locality Owner's Name Contractor BUILDING CONCRETE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICA Framing ^ Footing ^ Rough Wiring ^ Rough ^ ^ Re Roofing ^ Slab ^ Temp Pole ^ Top Out ^ Heating Insulation ^ Lintel ^ Final ^ Sewer ^ Fire Place ^ Pre Fab READY FOR INSPECTION A.M. Mon. Tues.! ''f,, Wed. Thurs. Friday P.M. iQ`\'J~Q '" A.M. Inspection Made Y pM, Inspector Final Inspection ^ Certificate of Occupancy ^ Date 5 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number 02-00024991 Date 10/10/02 Property Address 1071 ATLANTIC BLVD Application description MECHANICAL ONLY Property Zoning TO BE UPDATED Application valuation 0 - Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ PIER I IMPORTS,INC #45 CMS MECHANICAL SERVICE CO ATTN: ACCTS.PAYABLE 445 WEST DRIVE P.O. BOX 17688 MELBOURNE FL 32904 FORT WORTH TX 76102 (321) 727-2865 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit MECHANICAL PERMIT Additional desc REPLACE EXISTING SYSTEM Permit Fee 135.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date Valuation 0 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 135.00 135.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 135.00 135.00 .00 .00 BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER. "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS" ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. BUILDING OFFICIAL .~, ,, . ~~ -~. ~ ~ ~, . BCJ~LDZNG AND ZONYNG xNSPECTION D~~'ZSXON CITY OP ATLANTIC B1;~t-CI~ e+-7LAlYT1C II1:r~CJ~„ FLOIilDA )'~'7_3) APPLICA"z'XON FOR 1~XECH.~.NICAL PER~YZIT Itii [PC~RTANT --A licant to coat fete aIt items in sections I, I.F, II.I, and TV. I, Strct:t Address: d7 LOCATION OF Intecsectut~, Sweets: Between ~r ati~ Aild_,_OiW~IL, t..,~-~±E. B UYXr D IN G Sub-division !I. IiYDENTIF1C.l'CCON -To br cam lrted b all a licants. lr Lrortsitkraaon ot'flernut giyta for duiag flee wock as described in the atwvc Sw,temeat we hereby agree W perform ssis wCtk is aecordaace with the attacltod plans and spccitiQtiuRS which nee a part tiereuf aad iR o.:conlance with the City of Atlaa6c Beeobl ortiiwnces and stattdards of>oud ctcrice listed tlu:reiR. Nettle o f N[echnai+:sl ContraCLOC PRRL) \~ +RG.. • ^tC. Coatraetvrs ~'~t~ ~ M ., o s U. ptamc ut Ytoptcry owarr ._..., ~ M OR.~S Signature ofOwner Or Authorized Aei•~tt 5ignaa:te of Arehittet ur En 'aver I[I. GEYERe~L Ii ORt1'C:~TIUN A .Typtoft-etkiagfuel: m•^ Ekdric O Grs: ~t,p NsR«1 ~Cean'st Utility B• ' GS OTHER CONSTRUCTION BEING DONE ON THIS BUILDING Olt SITEZ ~0 Q Oil ' ,^ Other -Specify Lf YES. GIVE NU~+LB$R OF CONSTRUC'RON PEEt]~QT IY. MEC73At`tICAi I;QUIPtYiENT TO SE • v~YVR~ o~ wo~c __ Ctxametcia! O R~iaential or _ INS'I'~LLED ._ O rtoYtBuitains . (Provide comptae list ufcompoaents oa bade ot,'thiS forru) Q Idrat • _ Space _ Reecs:;rd _ CenGrsl or l~~Air Conditioning: Room eotrsl ^ ~ ~sring Building CtY L;eplac:emant of rtii::ting system Q ~(ew Insrtltatiun (No system preYiai•,Iy installed) ~ D~a System; Material Thickness ^ Extension or add-on to existiR~r system Ivlatitmuse capacity eS'm O Other- Spitify ~ Refiigeratioo ^ Cooling tower: Capuciry epm ' ~ Fire sprinklers: Number of hcgds l~' . F.ttYStAr : Mani'ttt T;.ii~. t~4tor (tYu~tsl)tr) Q G~sotine puat~ (Plumber) TtI1J IiPAC£ FOIL O F'F1C$ USE OYLY (Received) . O • 7Rnks (plumbeC) O LPG cnataiAtrs (Numixr) Remarkr •. ^ Unfired prts3arc vessel D Boilers Psr•mit Approved Dr Date • Q Other-$ptczfy permit Fee 'LIST r+.LL E CJIpttiCl~NT A[R caNUl7tONINC;r uvo xEFlttcERATION ECZUipN~NT Number Unitx Description Mai I number . MaauLicxurer Capacity APARViaS /t~CJIACsft. Ff 1T D T ons Aet~acY Fil~~1'tPiG -FURNACES,13UlLfliS, FtREPLrVC85 Number Unit.: Description MudCi Number Mannfacautr Capacity ApproYiq~ T atcv 7A.YKS How Many Nos,:nAt t~pacity Type Lictnid Game of 5crial /~pp[tlYina And Dimenswnt Ccaminrd ManuFacmrex N~f. A eRCv :~ bEPARTMENT OP BU(LDfNG Q ~ j~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA PERMIT NO. V V PERMIT TO BUILD ~~~~ THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB ~;?'~ sS~-CKT ~i~7 Ifx 7/~~Id Date July 23 ig $7 I:,t9iali •i'iC~~'t~ 27d ddd.dd 673.50 `1''7 i s 7lct3/~3 Valuation $ Fee $ ~ (ddd This permit not valid until above fee bas been paid to City Treasurer, and is subject to revontioa for violation of applicable provisions of law. This is to certify that Lee $ Griffin Ct:ststructiott CGCA1962b SI2d Sunbeam Road Jacksonville 3221? has permission to build _ Cotllmercial-R®«Ftai 1 Sgt ~c Classification New Cca~ercial Zone CG Owned by-- Oakbav Develop>taent Lo art of Castro-Y~Ferrer Grant ~S~rk 38 Taivnsh~~ 2 Sty. Range 29E House No. 1 7 According to approved plans which ate part of this permit ~^" NOTICE-ALL CON TE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- SPECTED BEFORE POURING. PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS ,, AFTER DATE OF ISSUE ~--r ~----- 0 Building material, rubbish and debris zi from this work must not be placed in public space, and must be cleared up a>ad`,hauled away by either con- e tra r r owner.. j rr ~ ti ing Official. ~~-._~ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT NUMBER DATE CONTRACTOR PLUMBING ELECTRICAL SEWER WATER x PLANS REVIEW CHECK LIST ~r ~ ~~ ,)~~, Address ~~~ c~.~~ 5~_C.~`_~.' `~`~, Owner~_~xx~. ~U~f~~3,~'~ Legal Description~_'~~c~ ~C~S~to~,_~~ecuj,Contractor L.~°~ ~_~~_:-.~, ~r~~~_________ `.~~~~"'~,,,;~~"_~ ~~y.1'~~'~c=~~Q~`~~~'~t~t~~f~ ~~_License Number ~~~~-~~=~----------- ~cD 5~ License on File YES HO i~ Section 24=101 * Zoning Regulat'_ns ,., ~,. -~ ~ t ~? s ,.~ Zoning District_____.~;.~"?______ Proposed Use_~~~'_~ _~~"~ Required Lot Size__ _ r? ____ Setbacks Required ~ Provided ~ r~ front `~ ' ~ ~~• rear -----~--- ---- `~ >~ side-1 ____% I ~' -~~--- v' ~ Actual Lot Size 1b~~'`'t /y4,~14LDbX2~ Section 24_17 __.._.. CORNER LOT 'INTERIOR LOT .~ Flood Zone ~ t°t` Required Elevation_ n,~ ~`___ side-2 ---=~~--- Max. Height Allowed__„~~~____ Proposed Height___~~ Section 24_82 * Minimum Lot Coverage Required Heated Area _ r~f~ ___ Proposed Area_ 7 d~ ~~_____ Section 24_161 * Offstreet Parking Humber Spaces Required_ ~~ __ C//Spaces Provided___.~ ! _± Section 24_82 * Duplicate Buildings Ie there a similar building within 500' of proposed building?Y~~NO Utilities Water and sewer service is to be provided t3y: Buccaneer Utilities __ Vf City of Atlantic Beach Utilities Private Source SEPTIC TANK WELL ----- C'' ' . Plans Reviewed b ~..' ~ ~ ~ Y ~` ~.~./'-~' - Date 7~, k~, ((~~ _ ` `, Building Permit #__ ~~~P3___ fi~~UED DENIED City of Atlantic Reach Fixture Unit Worksheet for Water .Impact Fee FIXTURE UNITS ARE ESTABLISHED AS THE MEASUREMENT OF WATER DEMAND FOR EACF{ WATER FIXTURE UNIT INSTALLED ANA CONNECTED TO THE CITY WATER SYSTEM. THE WATER SUPPLY CHARGE IS HEREBY FIXED AT TEN DOLLARS PER FIXTURE UNIT CONNECTED TO THE CITY WATER SYSTEM. _ ©__BATHRODM GROUP CONSISTING OF WATER CLOSET, LAVATORY & BATH ~j TUB UR SHOWER STALL ( 6 ) _ `! __WATER CLOSET, TANK OPERATED ( 4 ) _V __BATHTUB/SHOWER l2) . _~,_S}TOWER GROUP PER HEAD ( ~ ) _~__SfiOWER STALL DOMESTIC ('2) _~ _LAVATORY (1) _Q _WASHING MACHINE (3) _ l_! _DISHWASHER ( 2 ) _~ _KITCHEH SINK (2) _~__KITC}!EN SINK WITH WASTE GRINDER (3) _~ _BIDGET (3) _~ _FLUS}lING RIM SINK _~ _URINAL, PEDESTAL, BLOWOUT (8) _~ _LAVATORY, SNOP (2) _ Q SERVICE SINK TRAP STAND {8) ~r , _ _WATER CLOSET VALVE (~ VALVE OPERATED ($) _` __URINAL WALL LIP (4) '. _~ _FLOOR DRAIN (1) _~ _LAUHDRY TRAY (2) _l`1__COMBINATION SINK AND TRAY (3) _v__POT, SCULLERY SINK (9) _~__WASH SINK EACH SET OF FAUCETS (2) _® __DENTAL LAVATORY (1) _Q__DENTAL UNIT OR CUSPIDOR (1) _Q _URINAL STALL, WASHOUT (9) (8) _~ COMBINATION SINK AND TRAY WITI FOOD DISPOS. (4) SYPHON JET _ _ _DRINKING FOUNTAIN (1'/2) BARBER/BEAUTY _„~ _SURGEONS SINK l3) _ ~ _LAVATORY, _ Q_ICE MAKER SURGEONS (2) (1/2). TOTAL FIXTURE UNITS__,~ b___ _ @ X10. 00 EACH ~____ O '~- ~~ JO$ INFORMATION__~~~__ __~ _,__/c~.Z-~~-°~Lr~ ~_ l~e v ~_______ Address• heated Square Footage Garage/Shed Carport/Porch Deck Patio tC /~..~c ~- . ~' y 1 3 @ $ ~_____--~aer sq f t = $ .~ ' ~~r t~ ~} +~ . $ persgft=$ $ per sq ft = $ $ persgft=$ $ per. sq ft = $ ___.. TOTAL VALUATION ; ~ $____,~,~Qr~'~~' '1'otaT ~Val~iation ~ 1st $ ,~ N R~a~~ainder Valuation / .per thousand or •$ ~~,~ $ ~/~~~ portion thereof ~ ~~ Q ------------------- ---.,.._____.._....__....--_ ___-~ Total Building Fee $ r • _.__ ADDITIONAL PERP~IITS and/or ~ •'S REQUIRED ~ + 2 Filing Fee $ ac~~-(a .,~~~ i Mechanical / ~Fireplaces @ 15.00 ING PPERMIT ~ ~ B i $ $ S'~a ~ 7~ Pltn»bing ~/ LU ~ U , p , . _ Electric/Necv / ~--------------------- -- -- ---- -------------------- Electric/Tgirp ~ ~ a~ BUILDING PERMIT $ ~ ~~ ~~ Se tic Tank P Well •. WATER MCiI;R CHARGE $ ,~:~<~-_<~ ..,,~..~_ SEWER IMPACT FEE $ `1 Scrinming Pool -~/ / WATER IMPAGT FEE $ Sign ~. ANEOUS G MISC $ Water Connection G ~ L _y $ Sewex• Connection ~/ _ $ Water Meter _,~ Elevation CertiLlcate' ^!~ GRANll TOTAL DUE $ __ CALCULATIONS and/or NCIL'ES CITY OF ATLANTIC HEACH APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Required Submittals: 1. Two complete sets of plans 2. Detailed site plan including setbacks snd utilities 3. Recent survey 4. Florida Energy Efficiency Code Sheets 5. Contractor's license on file Inspection Schedule: 1. Footing 2. Rough Plumbing 3. Slab 4. Framing, rough electric, fireplace 5. Final inspection 6. Certificate of Occupancy mechanical, top out plumbing, inspection Requests for inspections will be accepted fromm 8:00 am until 4:00 pm. All inspections will be made the following working day between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm. In case of refection, re-inspection must be called for after corrections are made. There will be a 510.00 charge for all re-inspections, to be paid in cash before the re-inspection ie made. Pour no concrete or cover up any work until the building card is signed by the inspector. You will be required to uncover any work that has not been inspected. BUILDING CARD MUST BE POSTED OR NO INSPECTION WILL BE MADE Building Department 716 Ocean Boulevard Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 249-2395 page 1 ~, ,,, ~, . , _, `'`9~ ,~ '~ ,~~L ~ ~ ',v;v, ~.; - CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR BUILDING ~ERMIT ~~ ~ ~ L ~~ ~1^ , fy ,~ Owner_~,F ~~"~ Q~~~~ m~~ Address ~^~ ~_ ~~ .~ _ ~'~' ~~ 335~'~, ~, •-.~if`a~i~j ----- =~---- / =-= -"- ~-=- - zip---_=_phone_~ ~ _a-- _ .~ Architect -~~~,/ ".r„yt~^rr~,;~~L___Address_~,~,lL_~->,~1~~,_"~~ r,;,~-~_-zip- /f ?~~~phone _.. Contractor ~~~ y ~~r .~cr,_~~i~5 ~ Address _~~'~ .~ ~ _---------ziP_Zt ~ A ~^phone /~-1'.~~P' ~ .'~.1" - __ - Contractor's License number__ ~~%_,L'_1fh~%'__expiration_f,~ _~~'~_~~';__ Lot_______Block or Section_________Subdivision_______________Zoning________ Street Ar~,~Ly1'ICB4vA _between______________and_________________side Type Construction 1Ul}Til•~. (~v,~y,r/L, No. Units ~ ____No. Fireplaces -------- ------ ----------- Purpose of Huilding___RaT~~I_S~DR~ __________Est.Valuation S_30D~Dod.OD-___ Utility Method - Water__~~,T `L______ Sewer__C-L~'______ Dimensions - Building__~ dD6~ S„F___Lot_ 5l ?~}_D______Size Footings_SGE ~iH._~z_ Sz. Piers ~ 5µ S~___Sz. Sills ____Greatest Span Sills ------ --------- --------------- Sz. Ceiling JoistssEe ~`A~y2 Distance on Centers_________Greatest Span_______ ------- Sz. Floor Joists _~(_ ,,___Distance on Centers_________Greatest Span_______ Sz. Rafters _ /1~ ____Distance on Centers ___Greatest Span____ Method of Heating C~l`t~T~'i4--L _Solid or Filled Ground_~~G~~___Roof_ 6~/( ~ i~-L^ Flood Zone_~•I?•__If located within a FLOOD HAZARD ZONE complete page 3 In consideration of permit given far doing the work as described in the above statement, we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plane and specifications, which are a part hereof, and in accordance with the building regulations of Atlantic Heach. The contractor agrees at its expense to provide the necessary access to the properties being developed over dedicated City rights-of-way and to clear, clean, grade, and drain said right-of-way to City specifications. Signature Owner,~~~ _ .____ ~_ _ _ _Date ~_~"~_-_~_ ~___ Signature Contracto _ _ ___ _ _ _ ___Date.,,,~ ~~~~~?___ page 2 FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION Type of Development: Flood Zone• Required Lowest Floor Elevation:_______________ If building is located within a flood hazard zone (Zone A), a survey must be made AFTER THE SLAB HAS BEEN POURED, certifying that the LOWEST FLOOR ELEVATION is equal to or above the base flood elevation established for that zone. No final inspection will be made and no certificate of occupancy will be issued until the survey is on file with the Building Department. COMMENTS: Applicant Acknowledgement: I understand that the issuance of this permit is contingent upon the above information being correct and that the plans and supporting data have been or shall be provided as required. I agree to comply with all applicable provisions of Ordinance No. 25-7-i1 and all other laws or ordinances effecting the proposed development. Date______________Applicant's Signature__________________________ Department Use Required Lowest Floor Elevation ----------------- As Built Lowest Floor Elevation ----------------- Survey Filed with Building Department ----------------------------------- Building Department Representative page 3 a~ Y 7 ~' j .o ~ a~ a ~~ ~` w 6J~ ~ ~ '- t~, t) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~a~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ ~ V GZ- ~- ~' a ~ J `~ o o ~ Z" d1 -dc 'a- `n `~ 2 4 Q '~ ~ o -• ~ W "_..--- ~ .'aj w 3~~ ~ ~ 'its" 'S~ ~ O ~~, Q ` O . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ .L _ w b y ~' ~ ~ q r S~ ~t d)~ ~ 4.~ ~~~v ~.~~ ~~~z~o~~~~~~~~~+ ~~ ~- ~ ~ }~ ~ U 4 ~ '~' ~ Z ~tl z ~ Z ~: g ~ Q ~ o ,~, ~ o ~ _ ~ ~, ~ ~ ., o ~ - of _ ~ ~~ a~ O~ ~. vJ ~ z .~ .A n. r-- v .. City of Atlantic Beach Fixture Unit Worksheet for Water Impact Fee FIXTURE UNITS ARE ESTABLISHED AS THE MEASUREMENT OF WATER DEMAND FOR EACH WATER FIXTURE UNIT INSTALLED AND CONNECTED TO THE CITY WATER SYSTEM. THE WATER SUPPLY CHARGE IS HEREBY FIXED AT TEN DOLLARS PER FIXTURE UNIT CONNECTED TO THE CITY WATER SYSTEM. _____BATHROOM GROUP CONSISTING OF WATER CLOSET, LAVATORY & BATH TUB OR SHOWER-STALL (6) _ ~ WATER CLOSET, TANK OPERATED (4) _____SERVICE SINK TRAP STAND (8) _____WATER CLOSET VALVE VALVE OPERATED (8) _____BATHTUB/SHOWER (2) _____SHOWER GROUP PER HEAD (3) __ _SHOWER STALL DOMESTIC t2) LAVATORY (1> - ~-`}+-- _____WASHING MACHINE (3) _____DISHWASHER (2) KITCHEN SINK (2) _ ___KITCHEN SINK WITH WASTE _ GRINDER <3) _____BIDGET (3> _____FLUSHING RIM SINK (8) _____URINAL, PEDESTAL, SYPHON JET BLOWOUT (8) ____ LAVATORY, BARBER/BEAUTY SHOP (2) _____SURGEONS SINK (3) _____URINAL WALL LIP (4) __~ _FLOOR DRAIN (1) _____LAUNDRY TRAY (2) _____COMBINATION SINK AND TRAY (3) _____POT, SCULLERY SINK t4) _,~ _WASH SINK EACH SET OF FAUCETS (2) _____DENTAL LAVATORY (1) _____DENTAL UNIT OR CUSPIDOR (1) _____URINAL STALL, WASHOUT (4) _____COMBINATION SINK AHD TRAY WIT1 FOOD DISPOS. ( 4 ) _____DRINKING FOUNTAIN (1/2) _____LAVATORY, SURGEONS (2) _____ICE MAKER (1/2) {~ ~.~ a-~ ~~ TOTAL FIXTURE UNITS_~_______ @ X10.00 EACH 5~__ ____~ f., -~" JOB INFORMATION_ ~ ~ _______ ~ ~"~` -r- ~,~ /~ ~ r y ~ m o= „~ ~ ~ 1" r '~, m ..~ ~ r o °`\ a ~ ~ ~ ~~f,1 t J..' ~~ h J~ ~° ~ p N yi.{ r -C x.~t n "*~ ~ G n m z ~ ~ ~ o~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ C 1 > J ~ ~ ~ y ~ ~ ~n Z i ~• '~ ~ ^~ «~ ~~ •``~ ~~ PI C m 9~ __--- ~ v ~ =-~ v ~. ~ 4 -~ m rn -n N Z -~ w ~ ~ ~ .~ H ~ ~ ~ N ct ~{ ~ ~_ ~ ~ ~w or' ~ o © ~ y~ ~+ ~ J ~~ c+ w N ~ © G Z 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~~ ~ CA ~. ( ,, J N V, v Q ~ ~ .o .. p O y C~~r~ttf irtt#~e ~f (~rr~~~nr~ CITY OF ~~ ~r~tt~#mrn# of +~ntl~ing Jns~rrfinn This Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 109 of the Southern Standard Building .Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in com~iliarace with the various ordinances regulating building construction or use. For the follosoing. Use Classification ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~~ ~' ? ~ ~~` Bldg. Permit No. _ e. Group Type Construction Fire District_ - ~ ~ ! W i Owner of Building ~ i 't "' tP Address .. - -- .. . „ Building Address _ Locality 1 ~- ~- , i -. rs • t c, Building Official Date: _ - ~ ~1 •WT IN A CONS-ICUOU~ LAC[ ~ ~.. M BUILDING, PLANNING AND ZONING INSPECTION DEPARTMEt1T CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACfi, FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WORK SHEET Date Requested: February 4, 1988 Building Contractor: Lee ~ Griffin Construction Building Permit Number: 8908 Address: 1071 Atlantic Boulevard Legal Description: Part of Castro-~-Ferrer Grant Sec. 38 Township 2 So. Range 20 East Improvements to the above described property have been completed in accordance with the terms of the permit and is certified to be ready for occupancy as Commercial-RetailiSales ----------------------- ,~~~~~ Lowest Floor Elevation: / ~' ' . __ N A ---- ---------- =--+------- required as built n/a 5alee Tax Certificate: ~!~_ 2!~ e sitted +r * * +r BEFORE ISSUING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY THE FOLLOWING MU5T BE COMPLETE DEPARTMENT' Fire Chief Public Works Planning Director Building Inspector DATE NOTIFIED: -- 2L4/88 ------- -- 21488 ------- -- 2/488 --- DATE APPROVED: ,.~ - 7 - ~~ r- ~.~ , 2/3/88 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING C~sQ'~ rl7y OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA PERMIT NO. ~:,~.>~. PERMIT TO BUILD ~ "• ~~~~~ "THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB 9'~~ C, 1 "! °~ / 1 f4~1' Date M~CtI 21. _ 19_88 ':5~4 ! '1 3I~1 /Q 1 ~IIQt Valuation $ ~ $ ~~' ~~ ~'~ ~ This permit not valid until above f« bas bcen paid to City Tceasuce:, and is subject to revoation ftx violation of applicable provisions of law. This is to certify that iiATIONAL COI~-4tINICATIONS' P© BC1X 54Qi2 Jacksonville, FL 32216 has permission to b~i~d install 28' advertising balloon ~Fnr ~nw week March 25th thru A~S;7 tat Classification ('~,tta>~;,~~, fl t _ -Zone Owned by Lot Block S/D House No. t D7t aTi ANTLI~ Rtltti FVAR11 According to approved plans which are part of this permit NOTICE-ALL CONCRETE FORMS = AND FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- SPECTED BEFORE POURING. PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE ~~ ~--D O Building material, rubbish and debris ~ from this work must not be placed in public space, and must be cleared up and hauled away by either con- = tra "~ dr owner. ' u! ~ ~~ / Bu' sg Official. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT NUMBER DATE - CONTRACTOR PLUMBING ELECTRICAL SEWER WATER ~` ~~!'!'L1l.HL1Ul~ ruts .,~1~,-+ 1L1~111 ~~0~ Sec. 20-3. Sign Permits - Required - It shall be unlawful for any person to install, alter or relocate any sign, marquee, canopy, awning or other advertising structure permitted under section 20-2 without first obtaining a permit from the City T1anager and making payment to the City Clerk of the required fee. All illuminated signs shall, in addition, be subject to thr •provisions of the City Electrical Code and any permit fees required there- under___SOrdinance_No__60_66_lt4_Z_______________________________________. TYPE OF SIGN Name Address & Phone No. A licant Flat ~~ianl~A-c ~0~~~~/rl'<9~ir~'s Horizontal Projecting `v< ~b7~ .S~ 0~2 Vertical Projecting ~~x ~~-- - 3~/6 Roof .~` ~~o~) ~s S- db®.~-~ Pole Name, Address"& Phone No. Owner Marquee or Awning ~Pi~ ~ ,~~JQy~ VALUATION ~$ ~i~~ ,~.l~~r,i' ~~ ~p ~/ ~f~~ic° ,~/~• ~,,, Address of the Sign ~~ ~ d~~ ~~. ~~ i ATTACH THE FOLLOWING TO THIS APPLICATION: a. The location fo the building, structure or lot to which or upon which the sign or other advertising structure is to be attached or erected. b. A Plot plan showing the position of the sign or other advertising str~ ture in relation to nearby buildings or structures. c. A blueprint or ink drawing of the plans and specifications and method of construction and attachment to the building or in the ground. d, The name of the person/contractor erecting the structure_ e~ Any electrical permit required and issued for such sign. f. Registered engineer's drawings must be submitted with applciations fo; roof signs over fifty square feet in area, and for any sign the top of why is more than seventeen feet above the ground or weighing more than one thousand pounds, or solid sign of area more than thirty square feet, show: that such sign will be erected to withstand a wind pressure of at least thirty--five pounds per square foot and that the weight of such sign will 1 amply supported by the roof of the building or the ground support on whicl it is to be erected. g, Such other information as the City rlanager shall require to show full compliance with Chapter 20 and all her laws and ordinances of the City. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT ~ DATE ~ / SIGNATURE OF OWNER DATE ~~ - ~ ~ ~~ S/ ~ ~ . ~,1 CITY OF t~~tt`ic 1~'~~i - ~~vuda 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD P. O. BOX 26 ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 TELEPHONE (904) 249-239b January 18, 1988 Third Floor Pre-Service Section Jacksonville Electric Authority Building 233 West Duval Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202 The following final inspections have been made and are satisfactory: Permit 5650---.-1071 Atlantic Boulevard Permit issued to Williams and Tucker Electric Company, Permit #5775----551 Stewart Street Permit #5776„-~_-553 Stewart Street Permits issued to Bill Thompson Electric Company, nce~lyr, Renee Ang rs Communit Deve r RA/tb cct file t~ , ~ „ ~- ~,~,~ `, C i ~° 1( ~ ~~+~ ,r~ . February 3, 1988 Third Floor Pre-Service SEction Jacksonville Electric Authority Building 2s"3 L~Jest Duval Street Jacksonville, Florida .32202 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD P. O. BOX 25 ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 TELEPHOIQE (904) 249-2395 The following final inspections have been made and are satisfactory: Permit #5741-.T~--2246 Oceanwalk Drive West Permit issued to George Elian Electric Company. /Permit #5650---1071 Atlantic Boulevard Permit issued to Williams and Tucker Electric Company,. ly, Rene' Ange Community Dev lopnlent Director RA/tb cc: file CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Approved by APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE:,~/~--• ~~ 19 `~ IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND iN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. BLDG. SIZE ~~~~ `~~n-c,1 _BETWEEN: RES. ( 1 APT. ( 1 COMM. ( 1 PUBLIC ( 1 INDUS. 4 1 NEW 1 ! OR D ( - REW. ( 1 ADDITION ( 1 TRAILER ( 1 TEMP. ( ) SIGNS ( ) SO. FT. SERVICE: NEW 11 INCREASE 11 REPAIR 1 1 FEE CONDUCTOR SIZE AMPS CAPPER ( 1 ALt1M_ ( 1 SWITCH OR BREAKER AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY L'XIST. SERV. SIZE ~ ~ AMPS ~ PH ~ W (~ . ,. ' ,VOLT ~ ~ ` ACEWAY -M =s'~ FEEDERS NO. SIZE•~ 1t~ NO. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL 0.90 AMPB. 31.100 AMPS. SWITCHES INCANDESCENT . FLUORESCENT & M. V. _ yet, ~''?',~,. ~ ~' M , "`1 ~j -^ `7L7 W A Z" i` . ~-_ ~; ° Z ~~^~_.'° !/l, F~, _ ~'~~ ~~--- ~ ~~t~r Q~ FIXED - 0.100 AMPS. OVER APPLIANCES - BELL TRANS F. AIR CONDITIONING H.P. RATING COMP. MOTOR N.P. RATING OTHER MOTORS AMPS CEIL NEAT: KW-HEAT MOTORS ~ H -~ .P. VOLTAGE PHS NO. OVER 1 N.P. VOLTAGE PHS CLLNIYC NAME_ l ~~~~ ._._ADDRESS: ~~'?~ ~~~`'~"'~ ` ~'' Br.~r~' RFD BOX ,~ ~.._ ~ ___. T..~~...__ ~, PSR•3844 d P- A A ~f DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH _.. ---- PEFtMIT I14FORMATTC?>V -._____ - LpOATI~JN INFORA~fATTC'N ____.,._.,_.. !'ecmit. N~am1;Ar: 155'7 A~~dre~s: ~~?I ATLANTI~~ SOLTLEVARD S~erma~ Type>ELECTRT~F.L ATLAf~TTr BEA~'H FLORIDA 32:'3 ~'l~s~ ~± ~d-~~rk'ALTERATI~N _._____.__._.._ LEGAL L'ES%WRIRTIn~i _~..___._-.-- ~'T)_T'1S~ r . Tv~`~ ~ ~'n~~``RETE ~~,~''-w~. ~~. nrbj~ ~ Y,i1t : TY7L"' : ~' Pr~pn,e~~ [J~e t ^C.t~i~IERCIAL . ~. ~ecti cn : ~ Subs : - Rn ~~ L~we~ t~.n~rs; r1 ~uk~divi~aon: Tots ~ F'~`~a : 2 ~~ . J~ AII1D1..t~t'i~ P~I~' '4'~,~i,l?(1 ___...____-. ?WNER IiVP'ORMATTO~f _______ _ ___~..__._ APPLTCATTON FELS - ---_. -_-__ I~~rrte. FIEF I IP~FJ!?T'B PER.3~4TT nn 25 Ati~~' : 1U71 ATLRtdT`IC FS~ULE~fARL' , A~I,ANTIG BEACH. FLnRTDA 3223? ~h~n~' ! 0~~~) ~J~?t~ ~r~!~4a ._ _ _ _ _ ~ ~"+?t+iMRACTCP. T~NFOTt.MAT I f3Tl _ _ ._ _, _ _ ~lar~e : MILLER ELEt~TRTC CC~I~dPA1~FY A~~r' ~ ? ~ 5.2 I?OSS)rLLE STREET ~A~'I~S~JLdUILLE, ~'LORIISA, 322n4 Lice E~'T3~f1~'?C? EXp: ~ ~ NOTES: NOTICE -INSPECTIONS MUST BE REQUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBR15 FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPAC E, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW. CAN RESULT IN ., THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMpR(~~I~NTS." ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJEO'/~ RENQCiA'TION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING PARTMENT ^'~' B y: - ~~1"LL11 ~1~~ 1 V'~ ~ V ~V~ TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH. FLORIDA ~""' Application for Perncut for N~,acellcu~,eous Alterations, and Repairs FOS OFFICE IIBE ONLY Date._ "" ~ ~ 195, , .: Permft No_ O ..~._ Fee s.~.~-,. Valuation ~...,1~~ Q° House No. _.~.,._. ; ~ ~-- ~-~-- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ....y 193 Y'o thi Sup~rvisat t!~ Buildiag. ---- - - ~ The undersigned hereby applies for permit. ._...~_~: ~'./ ~~~~~ (Blots t - o °'-ai.._-~aitsr add to or move bu ~ t awn[n6. s4gn, atc lnatall botIsr, elevator. stc.)~ Building on --- ~~tC'~ .` _~~~+.__~~~~~~~~__ .....:!~a+b._ (Biel. traca~ i Dan) ~' ._ !"~ ./' ,,. At._.L~~~i5ide No _ ~~'.~~~~.~~r.___ St. Between.~____..~~ and_... .._._._.,._ Sts. Valuation ;. ~° _. _ ___-_ ._..._ ._.. ._.~ _.~.. ___.._ (Sts-~improvaansat) BUB.DINGS Ar1D O(:CUPANCY What is present use of building-Residential or Business?___~_ ___ ._ Ii residential, what type-Dwelling, Garage Apartment Apartments ar Rooming Housed ...:.._. ~._._ Haw many families accommodated now?_._._._.~.__._._......,..__..How snarly when altered?._._.._.___. If business, what type?___.;~.__.._.___ :,_..____..__.___._.~----_-._....Will food be prepared. far sale on premises?! What plumbing work to be done? .......... ....... ........ ..........._ Size of present ~build#ng...__ - ~.._._.-.Size of extension.._........w._.~-_~.-~.,~. Size ai lat_.._..Y... Number of stories now ........ ..:.............. ..........otter altered........._....__.._..___.~___--Material of roof ._._.. Material of present building,._._,..__._..._.....~.._._._.._.---____~.~~Material of extension.._. _ _ NECESSARY PLANS IN DUPLICATE TO BE 'SUBMITTED HEREWITH _ OII. BURNER 4R GASOLIIQE EQUIPNIEhiT Na,nte of Oil Burner or Gasoline Pump ......... . _ ................... A Type or Model.._...~_~_.._..,_.. Isame and Address of_Manufacturer .Y.. __. ~.~__-~__.,~..__-- In connection herewith,-application is also made to install:,__ _- _.._.,gallon capacity tank (a} (How .many) made by'' ._.-_...:...~_..._........_ of ~~_~.___~...._..rquage metaL_..._._ ground. (Norse of Manufacturer) (Under or'abave) ..._of building. Far_ .________......~...._.~~._.__ __.. (Ir~s4de or outside) (Name of Purchaser) FQRNIS~S' DRAWIIITG SHOWING ENTIRE LAYOUT ON RASE SIDE OF THIS BLANH, ~ ~ $IGN3 Size..l.~/~ __ Classification. _a~~.~re~~____-- -- _ _ (8tste whether Ground, roof, wal), p%1~t(ng, banner, specfa(, etc.) Weight....:____.~_ ___.Material of construction.~~l,~ ~..,G~~.~~.~._.~~--__-_-- _ Illuminated? __--._ Type illum3nation~._-_~ - ~ - ----._ (9tate whsther LamPa or Neon) Will sign be over public propgrty?___.,~-_ _ SUBMIT .DRAWING IN DUPLICATE SHOWING COIti STRUCTION OF SIGN AND METHOD OF HANGING: WRITE ADDIITQNAL INFORMATION BELUW (For canvas awnings provide dimensioned drawing on reverse side) IMPORTANT NOTICE: In consideration of permit given for Joing the work as described in the above statement, we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plans d•s e~cifications, which are a part hereofi, and in accordance with the building regulations of the own of Atlantic Beac Signature of Builder ~~ ~ •~ __ Addresst~?~ ~~~ 3~p ph(>ne N~~2~~ Signature of Owner__~~.~~l~/~i~ ___-____ Address~~~ c2~ ~~~ : Phone No.~--~_ CITY OF r~~ztic ~'~2C~i - 7r~yrida 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD -- P. O. BOX 25 ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 ~ TELEPHONE X904) 249-2395 April 28, 1987 Memorandum To: Building File - PIER I IMPORTS, INC. _~ From: Rene' Angers, Community Development Direc or~ Subject: Determination of Side Yard Parcel-I has deeded 7.35' to Parcel-2 in order for Parcel-2 to have adequate front footage to construct a service station. In return for deeding the 7.35' to Parcel-2, Parcel-I was granted an easement over said property for the benefit of Parcel-I "for whatever purpose (Parcel I) deems appropriate". In effect, Parcel- 2 has relinquished all rights of the property to Parcel-l. Therefore, it is my opinion that the 7.35' easement can be utilized by Parcel-I in calculating the side yards. The structure on Parcel-2 will still remain 25.15 from the easement. ,_ _~ ,. ~~ ' p ~' ~o `~~ ~`~~ `~ ~. // r~ S t` 1' ~/, R as ~~ ~ ,N -nS . I ~j'I ---~"" r` l .~-- ptZ~~<1 ~' SPp`c~ `5. tea' ~~ \ \\ ` ~\ \ ~ ~ ~~ 1 ~`~ '~ Q p D.' ~, ~ ``, ~ ~~ ~r ~ ~ u, ~ ~ r ,1 ~ ~ ,1 ,,,U~ 1 1 ~ it's ~o h ~ G AQE ~ ~ ~~a 32\5 ~ 1 ~~ ~ ~ 1 ~~ 1 2 1 ~ 1 l ~~ 's,.. 1 '{ .~.~ ~r~ , ~" ~~ / ~~ ~` ~2 ' ~ Nca ~ .. --. ~~q~,K~~s _ ,..- - Vv $~\\\, .s i WARRANTY DEED, AGREEMENT AND DECLARATION THIS INDENTURE, AGREEMENT AND DECLARATION, made this day of 1986, by an,d between JAHAH, INC. , a Florida corporation ("Grantor"), and SUPERLUBE 10 MINUTE OIL CHANGE, INC., a Florida corporation, 106 North Bronough Street, Talla- hassee, Florida 32301 ("Grantee") (the words "Grantor" and "Grantee" to include their respective heirs, successors and assigns where the context requires or permits). W I T N E 5 S. E T H Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and No/100 Dollars 0].0.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid at: ~an~l i~et'~re t h~~ r~,nl i nc~ ;rncl ~lr l i vcrr y of t t~<~:ce presents, the receipt hereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold, aliened, conveyed and confirmed, and by these presents does grant, bargain. sell, alien, convey and confirm unto the said Grantee, subject, however, to the covenants and restrictions hereinafter set forth, that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Duval County, Florida, and being more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof (herein called the "Property"). This conveyance is also made subject to those matters identified in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof (the "Permitted Exceptions") and is subject to the exclusive easement hereinafter reserved by Grantor. TOGETHER WITH any and all rights, easements and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. RESERVING TO Grantor, its successors and assigns, a per- petual, exclusive easement over, under and across the property described on Exhibit "C" for the benefit of Grantor's land adjacent to the ~Pro~erty for"whatever purpose the Grantor, its. successors or assigns deem appropriate. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said tract or parcel of land, with all and singular the rights. members and appurtenances thereof, to the same being, belonging or anywise appertaining, to the only propex use, benefit and behoof of the Grantee, forever in Fee 5impte, subject., however., to the f.ollowinq covenants ,,nil rortrin-- tions which, it is hereby covenanted and agreed, shall be binding upon the Grantee, its successors in title and interest and assigns. '. ~ , i,i~ AND the Grantor will fully warrant and forever defend the right and title to the Property unto the Grantee against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. ANU the parties hereto further covenant, agree and declare as follows: ARTICLE I .- Section 1.01 .Improvements. Any building, driveway, curb, parking area, sign, structure, or any other improvements and shall also mean any excavation, fill, ditch, diversion, dam, berm, or any thing or device that alters the natural flow of water from or upon the Property or any abutting land, and any change in the grade of the Property of more .than six (6) inches. ARTICLE II GRANTEE COVENANTS FOR EXHIBIT C PROPERTY Section 2.01 Grantee Covenants. Grantee covenants as follows: 2.01.1 No improvement, either permanent or temporary, shall be erected or placed on the property described on Exhibit C, attached hereto ("Exhibit C Property"). 2.01.2 If any Improvements shall be erected or placed on the Exhibit C Property, such actions shall be deemed to have been undertaken without the requisite approval and in violation hereof, and upon written notice from the Grantor any such Improvement in' violation hereof shall be removed and any such use shall be terminated so as to extinguish such violation, all within thirty (30) days of said notice. 2.01.3 No sign of any kind or description shall be placed, exposed to view, or be permitted. to remain on any portion of the Exhib it C Prop erty. In the event that any signs other than those so approved shall be placed or exposed to view on the Exhibit C Property, the same shall be promptly removed at the expense of the owner of the Property. 2.01.4 Grantor agrees to keep the Exhibit: C Property in good repair, including, but not limited to, seeding, watering and mowing of all lawns, and caring for all trees, shrubbery and plantings, in a manner consistent with good prop- erty management. Grantee shall prevent any unclean or unsightly conditions of~Improvements om the Exhibit C Property which shall tend to adversely affect the aesthetic appearance thereof. 2.01.5 Grantee. agrees that~no poles or wires for the transmission of electricity, telephone service or other services shall be placed and maintained on, over, under or above the surface of the ground on the Exhibit C Property and no external or outside antennas shall be placed on the Exhibit C Property. 2.01.6 No lumber, metal, bulk material, refuse or trash shall be kept, stored or allowed to accumulate on the Exhibit C Property. . 2.01.7 These covenants shall. remain in effect for the duration of the easement reserved herein by Grantor on the Exhibit C Property. Nothing contained herein shall, prevent Grantor from exercising any of its rights under the easement, which rights may be contrary to the covenants refer- ARTICLE III REMFDTIES Section 3.01 Enforcement of the mattecs of this inst.rumsnt shall be. by any proceeding at law or equity, either to restrain, or enjoin violations and/or to collect damages, and failure by the, Grantor to enforce any of the matters per~taininq to this deed shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. Damager~ shall not be deemed adequate compensation for any breach or violation of any provision hereof, but Grantor shall be e[[titled to relief by way of injunction, as well as any other valuable remedy either at law or in .equity including, but not limited to, the right in Grantor to cause the removal of any Improvements or signs. ARTICLE IV MI S(:1:LLANEOUS Section 4.0). invalidation of any of the covenants and restrictions herein by judgment or court order shall in [ro way affect the validity or enforceability of any other provisions and all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. Section 4.02 The heading of the Articles herein are for convenience only and shall not affect the meaning or interpreta- tion of the covenants hecein. Section 4.03 Notices given pursuant to this instrument shall be in writing, delivered in person or by certified mail, return receipt .requested, addressed to the mailing addresses appearing at the end of this Section. Grantor shall be required to give written notice to any subsequent grantee provided that ,five (5) days prior written notice of any such subsequent gran- tee's mailing address is given to Grantor; otherwise, subsequent grantees shall be deemed to have received notices hereunder, if such notices shall be delivered to the Property and given to arty person in apparent charge of the Property. Forty-eight (48) ,,hours after postmark shall be deemed the time of receipt of mailed notices. • To Grantor: Jahah, inc. 2215 South Third Street Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250 To Grantee: Super.lube 10 Minute Oil Change, Inc. .106 North Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Section 4.04 Grantor. shall not be held liable for any act or failure to act under this Agreement or for withholding any of the approvals-hereunder or for failure to .seek to enforce any provision hereof. Section 4.05 Grantor. may, by approptiat:e instrument, assign or convey t4 any person or corporation all of the rights, powers, reservations and privileges herein reserved by it, and by such instcument being made, assignees or grantees of Grantor. may, at their option, exercise, transfer or assign those r.ighte or arty one oc more of. them at anv time or times, in rho same way and sEr-/2°-.P.--~ N 89° 18~ 38~~E --- 7.35 I I IZ ZI O o m ~ o N'- ~ ~0~ '" O °~z+ N f ~_ Io _ w A M, t0 N J O W.~ ~ o ,A µ -J 1~w m I ~-SET i/2" I.P. c!~ NWa ~` N te`n' ~ ° m ~~ z 0~ ~ ~ ~ ~O ~ ~ O ~i~ Qom. ~ O .~ z sEr vz" 1. P R= 25.0 A = 21.03 ~~ S 31°2145°E \ CH. = 20 ~1~ ~ = 48°! 1 50" SE7 I/2" I.P. 07 0 VA CA niT o 12,41 I * S4. FT. , O 0.285* ACRE N IIW 1~ I "F-~SEr I/2" 1. P. I / D = 96° 34~ 4 / R= 25.0 A = 4; CH.= 37.33 ___ SET I/2"-.P. / 7.35 S 89° I8~ 38~~ W 62.54' SET I/2° ,. P POINT OF BEGINNING EASEh1ENT ATLANTIC A PART OF THE CASTRO Y FERRER GRANT, SECTION 38, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 29 EAST, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: FOR A POINT OF REFERENCE, COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF ATLANTIC BEACIj VILLA UNIT NO. 2, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 31, PAGE: 13, OF THE PUALIC RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE SOUTH 07°16'02" EAST, ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF AQUATIC GARDENS, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 38, PAGES 71 AND 71A OF SAID PULBIC RECORDS, AND A SOUTEIERLY PROJECTION THEREOF, A DISTANCE OF 906.18 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF ATLANTIC BOULEVARD (STATE ROAD NO. 10, A 100 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY AS NOW ESTABLISHED); -THENCE SOUTH 89° lt3'38" WEST. ALONG SArn N(1RTL-IFT>r v Bo 100 R, ~fvc.f~ ~=oi2 G can Pt~~t~. CITY OF S G.,q ~ jlus p, r4~ic~i'c /3er~,ls- ~,Gvlci~,~~ ~ ~~ F-~3 Office of Bul{ding Official ~~ J~' ("~C7,(7~/1~_~J((~ REGtUEST FOR INSPECTION Date (~~___~`T ~,1 ` Permit No. _ Time A. M. Received P.M. District No. _.. r ~ /1 J ~~ Jo ddress L lily Owner's `~ Name Contractor BUILDING CONCRET ELECTRICAL PLUMBIN MECHANICAL Framing ^ /j,Footing CJ Rough Wiring ^ Rough ^ Re Rooting ^ -[:fY.($lab (~ Temp Pole ^ Top Out p Air. Cond. 8~ ^ Heating Lintel ^ Final ^ Fire Place ^ Pre Fab Y OR INSPECTION A.M. Mon. Tues. ~ Thurs. Friday P.M. 6,.. A. M. Inspection Made t ~ ~~ ~ Finallnspection ^ Inspector Certificate of Occupancy Date ~~ ~~` CITY OF ~~ ~-~-'~-~~~ 1/ Office of Building Official /,~~ ~ U~~~C1 REQUEST FOR INSPECTION ~ [' ~ Dat .~ % Permit No. `~^~' ~~ Time A.M. Received P. , Distrjt~ No. ~r~Address //_~ ~ y Locality #r ,fig Namer s ~--k~ -~,~„". Contractor ~t/:,{t ~~.-~ t- "ya-^"'~.- ',ft~ P r ~ f~~".tr - BUILDING CONCRETE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL Framing ^ Footing ^ Rough Wiring ^ Rough ^ Air. Cond. & ^ Re Roofing ^ Slab ^ Temp Pole ^ Top Out ^ Heating Lintel ^ Final ~ Sewer ^ Fire Place ^ READY FOR INSPECTION Pre Fab ~ Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Friday P.IGC action Made ~ ~ ~ ~ P.M Inspector final Inspection ^ Certificate of Occupancy Date CIT/Y OF nn //~~',r'~_~~~ lQ~~ t~~- "tLWt~tLC~ Office of Building Official REQUEST FOR INSPECTION ~ ©^ ( .... ~~ !~ ~~~ Date Permit No. Time A. M. Received P. M. District No. 1 a ~~ ~TL~ rrc ~ L v~ Job Address r L.ocaiity f Owner's ~ ~ ~ 1 1 ~~~ Name Contractor ~ " ~.~-'~~ ~ BUILDING NCRETE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL Framing ^ Rough Wiring ^ Rough ^ Air. Cond. & ^ Re Roofing ^ Slab Temp Pole ^ Top Out ^ Heeting Untet ^ Final C Ffre Place ^ Pre Fab READY FOR INSPECTION- A.M. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Friday P.M. ~P, as Inspection Made ~~ _ ~ ~ P.M. Inspector FlnaltnspeCtion ^ Certiticate of Occupancy Date CITY OF `"~~'t~'~O ~a ~~~ `ar ~~~ N ~ ~ Q ~z s a ~~. tom, s-~-~~~,y ,, l ~l~i 13e~~c~i- ~lo~tr'aP~ P~,en ~ r' ~ ~as~'~ V Office of Building Official REGIUEST FOR INSPECTION Date ~~ '" x ~~ ~ Permit No. ~~ Time A. M. Received/ ?( / ~ P.M. District No. ~~b Address ' ~ L.ocality h '~ ~ ~ Owner s ~~ ~ ~ b r ~. r ~ ~ ~ i ~ ° ~ ,.~- (~. Name ~' ." ~1°'~ ~- ~ Contractor -- BUILDING CONCRETE ELECTRICAL UMBING ~ MECHANICAL Framing ^ Footing ^ Rough Wiring ^ ~"--~Reag~==•"" ~ Air. Cond. & ^ Re Roofing ^ Slab ^ Temp Pole ^ Top Out ^ Heating Lintel ^ Finai ^ Fire Place ^ Pre Fab READY FOR INSPF~~M°~1 ~Cz I`~(J A.M. Mon. Tues. Wed. ~ TNurs.' ~) ' ! Friday P.M. A. M. Inspection Made P~M• Inspector Finailnapection ^ Certificate of Occupancy Date CITY OF >Q~us~ic f3ecu.~S - ~~ivtu~ Office of Building Official REQUEST FOR INSPECTION "/~~J ~("y Date _=7 ~ _=T Permit No. Time A•M• Received P.M. District No. Job Address t.ocalit Owner's Name Contractor ~ BUILDING CONCRETE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING / MECHANIC Framing ^ Footing ^ Rough Wiring ^ Rough ~8" Air. Cond. & ~ Re Roofing ^ Siab ^ Temp Pole ^ Top Ouf p Heating llnrel ^ Final ^ Fire Place O Pre Feb READY FOR INSPECTION A.M. Mon. Tues. L We¢: ~ Thurs. Friday ~ ' ~ Inspection Made _ ~; F ,~.~1. ~ ~ ~ i ~ Inspector ~;~.~ ._- _- Finallnspection ^ ~ ~___ Certiticateof Oxupancy Oate aleq douednoop {o air'o!3!l~aq ^ uo!loadsu! ieu!d _ _ ~ , ~'~ ~oloadsu! ^ d ` ~ L,` apeW uo!laadsu! ` ~ `W `d ~(ep!aj 'sanyl f(,f>t~~ PeM 'sang 'uoW W v N01103dSN1 NOS X Qed sad ^ aoeid s~!~ ^ leu!d ^ lalu!l fiu!3eeH ^ ln0 dol aiM dwal ^ 9e15 ^ 6u!looa ay ^ '8 `puo'J `~!d ^ 46noy C " @y*~ ^ 6u~lood ^ 6u!we~~ IV/OINtlH03W JN18Wtild ~ ltlOitil~ 't3-~ 313li IVOO JNiOliflB aweN / ` ~ ~ ,~o~~e r n,,, ~ .~ "~ ~t~~~~ ~ s,aau,v~p ~ ~v/. ~'~~ ~ ~ ~3!hol ~ ~ sSa~PPV QaC ~'.~>~"Y~" ' :Yb~. ' ~~ ~~ ~. ~" 'oN lo!~ls!q W d Pan~aaw y ~ ~ l yq y - -oN 3lw~ad l /,Jl ~ slag ~' f ~~ N011~3dSNl aOd 1S3fli~3a -!~~'' ~ }~plg~hlll0 B~ut)pi~h8~/;tio aalllO ~t .d0 AlI~ CITY OF ~~~ fin.. GAV-~2.-~tP r~A°a..rtic ~eae!- Edda r ~ ~ ~ Office of Building Official ^~ REQUEST FOR INSPECTION ~, Date `~ ^ ~ ' ~ ~ / ~~ ~~ - ~srmit Ns. ~ Time A.M. Received P.M. ,, District No. 0 r11 b Address Locality ,..__... Owner's „ ( _._ .. ,' t . Name .l >>_~.' _#- ~,~/j2~n~~~.-~~-'~ Contractor ~~ emu'. "~ ~~ti~.% ~~~ ~,' BUILDING CONCRETE 'T ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL Framing ^ Footing ^ Rough Wiring ^ Rough ^ Air. Cond. & ^ Re Roofing ^ Slab ^ Tsmp Pole ^ Top Out ^ Heating Lintel ^ Fi al ^ Sewer ^ Fire Place ^ .~`~u'~,~ Cl Pre Fab READY FOR INSPECTION A.M. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs.1 ?~./?'? ' Friday P,M. A.M. Inspection Made 1 ~ P,M. Inspector Final Inspection ^ Certificate of Occupancy Date 8380 ~uednoop to eleo!i!UaQ ,g uo!laedsui !eu!~ ,~ \ ~oloadsui ~/ r ~ i spew uo!3oedsul •yqd ,tepuj •s~nyl •pa/y~ sang vow •w•v qe~ a,d Nolla3dsNl ao~ ~ab3a ^ aoe!d aa!~ ^ aamag !8u!~ ^ 183u!l 6u!leaH ^ inQ dol / ^ e!od duael ^ g81S ^ 6u!looy ey ^ ~ •puoQ •~!y ^ y6no ^ 6uu!M y6noy ^ 6u!loo~ ^ 6wwe~j '1VJIN1tH~3W JNIBW(ild l{f~IH1.~3'13 313d~N0~ l7NlOliflB ~~'~~~~ ~~ aoloe~luo~ s,aeump ~tl!leoo't sseaPpb qof ~' n~ ~/ 7 1 <Y~/ 7-,L L p i •oN lo!~is!o ~wa pan!aaay •y~•y ew!1 8 ~ ~ •o~ 3!w,ad ~ ~ _ ~ J ~ also !~~ ,~% NOi.1.03dSN1 liOd 1S3f103li „(- f ~`~r ~ IBI~!«O 6uiPilnB to ~y1~0 ~l ~~` ~o ~i~ ~ `b~ ~~~ ~ ~ S ~_ -- U'I'ILI'I'Y SEItVICL AGREEMENT (Water and Sewer) T'IiIS AGREEDIENT entered into this __Jtb.__ day of .T„~ ~ , 198 7 , between the City of Atlantic Beach a Municipal corporation, hereinafter called "City", and Oakbay Investments, Inc. a , corporation, its successors and assigns, hereinafter called "Developer". W ITNESSETIi WIIERCAS, Developer owns land in Duval County, rlorida, more particularly described as SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION refer to acreage, plat engineering drawings, or legal description as Exhibit A and WHEREAS, Developer plans to develop said land by constructing ' one buildings," residences and/or other improvements tlrereorl consisting of ~ ' one commercial/retail buiding and WIIEItEAS, City is the owner of water and sewage treatment plants and water distribution acrd sewage collection systems in the vicinity of the property described above; and WNf:ItLAS, Developer dcsiros that City provldo water and sewage collection service to said property and City desires to furnish same; and to them and to their occupants water and sewer service subject to all terms and conditions of this Agreement; and W1IEREAS, in order to provide water and sewer services to Developer it ]ras been or will be necessary for City to enlarge and expand its offsite water and sewer plants and facilities and ~it is the desire and intent of Developer to contribute financially to the costs of building • such additional offsite water and sewer plants and facilities and to reserve capacity in City's water and sewage treatment plants so t}gat City can provide service to .tire Development without imposing a burden on its existing customers; NU{V, TlIEREFURE, in consideration of t}~e premises and ot}ier good and valuable considerations and in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions Hereinafter contained, subject to any necessary approval by of}per goverrunental agencies having jurisdiction, it is .agreed by the parties hereto as fellows: 1. Developer agrees that City shall have the exclusive right to furnish water and sewer service to the zeal property described above and hereby grants to City this exclusive riglit.to provide water and sewer . service for all uses within all structures now or Hereafter cvristructed on the real property described above. 2. City agrees that after Developer leas connected to t}ie systems of City, City will provide at its own cost and expense, water and sewer service to Developer's property iri a manner conforming to the reasonable requirements of public or governmental agencies or parties having jurisdiction over City's water and sewer operations; provided, however, that suc}~ service shall be in accordance with other provisions of this Agreement, including City's rules and regulations and rate schedules, 3. In the event that Developer or assigns fails to complete construction of all improvements required to be built by Develoner and Agreement under this prOV~5i0Ir, City xeserves the right to negotiate with Ueveloper a new agreement for any additional sums to be paid by Ueveloper to City as plant capacity and service availability charges, fees or other charges based upon increases in thecost of living and/or such other factors as relate to the cost of supplying water arrd sewer service. 4. All taxes or charges imposed upon the property described above by any govertunental entity•or agency shall ba paid by Ueveloper except such part thereof that has been deeded to the City in accordance with tho tcrrns of Lhis agreement. 5. 7'Itie xates charged by City for water arrd sewer service shall be in accordance with its rate schedule which shall be subject to change from time to time. City shall have the right tv determine reasonable meter sire and location, G. Ueveloper will grant to the City, at Ueveloper's expense, adequate easements for water and sewer lines, for access to lift stations and water stations and xelated appurtenances. Said easements shall be transferable. Ueveloper will also furtrislr title evidence satisfactory to the City that said easements axe superior to mortgages or other interest in the land, and Ueveloper shall cause any such mortgages tv be released or subordinated to said easements. Easements will also be furnished to provide for onsite water distribution lines, itrcludirtg meters and sewage collection lines. Sites for lift stations arrd water stations and related appurtenances shall be conveyed by warranty deed itr fee simple by Ueveloper• to City. Ueveloper will furnish City a warranty deed, title evidence satisfactory to City arrd any releases from lien holders for any sewage pumping station anri Wear to sold state road riglrt•-vf-way, Developer shall further grant to the City, its successors acrd assig~rs, the exclusive, perpetual right, privilege and easement tv construct, reconstruct, operate, maintain, repair, replace, improve, alter, remove, relocate and inspect water transmissions and distribution mains, sewer collection mains, sewer lift stations, pipe lines, lateral lines, valves, connections and appurtenant equipment over, across and under the Developer's property, including the right to ingress and,egxess to each of the building sites on Developer's property which are served~by City. All such easements shall have a width wlricl- is acceptable to the City. 7. City does riot guarantee an uninterrupted supply of water, or water at arry particular pressure, and reserves the right to shut off the water in its main at any time for the purpose of making repairs or extensions of for providing temporary or emergency water supply. City will not be responsible for any damage caused by law pressure or interruption of service. Neither Developer nor any of its successors or purchasers shall discharge into the sanitary sewer system water from "non-domestic" drains irrcluding without limitation swimming pools, air conditioning condensation lines, cooling lines or ether discharge from any type of equipment. City shall not be obligated to furnish any water or sewer service to any building which is built on Developer's property to wlriclr Lire City does rrvt leave access. '}'lie Developer hereby agrees grid warrants that the City will not be held responsible for flooding problems which may result from the failure o£ sewer line back flow preventor valves on Developer's property. The Developer hereby agrees to bold harmless and indenurify City for all costs and damages resulting from flooding due to .back flow preventor valve failure. 8. The construction and design of all ,facilities to be Developer or its contractor. Developer will pay the cost of all such construction. 1'he Developer's engineer shall incorporate into the Developer's engineering design, plans and specifications the applicable standards and specifications of the City. 9. A. If the Developer modifies his development plans for • Developer's proyexty which would xequire greater water usage, greater fire flows, additional water facilities, greater sewage flows, or additional sewage facilities than the watex and sewer demands previously approved by the City, them the Developer must obtain approval by the City for the construction of such additional water or sewer facilities which sl-all meet all City and governmental design requirements. 77ie Developer s1-a11 pay all additional contributions and fees as may be authorized by tl-e City's service availability policy wlric}i is in effect on the date said new agreement is executed. I3. In addition to paragraph 9A above, any other change order between Developer and its utility contractor issued after City approval of original plans must be a~rproved by the City before the change order •is put into effect.. ' C. City shall have the right to review the systems design drawing and specifications to ensure that they meet the requirements of the City. 1'he systems design drawing ar~d specifications are to be in accordance with tl-e City of /ltlaritic l3eac}r requirements unless otherwise ,specified by City or its engineer. U. 'The City also reserves the right to approve the utility contractors to which construction bids axe sent by Developer as well as the contractor to which the award is made. C. A representative of City or its errgirreers will be the inspector of the project along with the Developer's engineer, but City absolute and exclusive owner of the facilities of said water arrd sewer systems wlretirer located on, under, above or outside of the property described and regardless of who may have installed or constructed same to the extent described below: A. All water mains, pipes, valves and fittings and appurtenances up to and including all metexs shall be dedicated to and will be owned, operated and maintained by City,. All water .pipes on the customer's side of the meter .strall be owned, operated and maintained by the customer ox its assigns., i3. All sewer mains, manholes, pumping stations, force mains and appurtenances, including service pipes in public right of ways and dedicated easements, shall be owned, operated and maintained by the City. Except as provided in paragraph 9C, all sewer litres orr the customer's side of the property litre shall be owned, operated acrd maintained by the customer or its assigns. C. With reference to any blanket easements for multi-frunily projects such as apartments, mobile home developments, condominiums and PUU's or for co»unercial developments, all water mains to arrd irrcludirrg ,~ the water meter, all sewer mains, force mains and manholes in such blanket easements over private property allowing utility operations shall be dedicated to and shall be owned, operated and maintained by the City except that the full lerrgtlr of sewer services from tyre sewer main or manhole shall be owned and maintained by the customer. All such City lines shall terminate with a manhole. U. Uy these presents, Developer hereby transfers to the City, tyre title to tyre water distribution arrd sewer collection systems to be installed pursuant to this Agreement, such .conveyance to take effect without further action upon the completion and acceptance by City 11: Developer s}iall pay the City upon. execution of this Agreement the sum of .lad per water connection per equivalent residential connection (ERC) as an advanced deposit to cover engineering, plan review, inspection, test, legal and administrative expenses of City in connection with this Agreement. Developer shall also pay to City upon execution of this Agreement the sum of •il)~ per sewer connection per ERC as an advanced deposit to cover engineering, plan review, inspection, tests, legal acid administrative expenses of City in connection with t}tis Agreement. T he charges for engineering and legal expenses and for engineer's inspection artd plan review fee, for non-residential units s}iall be based upon estimated cost to City: Actual cost will be determined. and a refund or additio~ral c}rarge will be made for the difference between tl-e advanced deposit as calculated above and actual costs., City agrees to .provide water and sewer service, to the i ••, ~ U. A meter installation fee to cover meter cost and meter ii•istallation (but not including curb stop ar meter box) according to the City's service availability policy at the time of installations which • $85.00 per 3/4" x 5/8" meter currently is _ E. If available, construction .water will be charged to building based on metered usage its accordance with cuxrent rates. F. Hydraulic share of main extensions - payment or refund. 1. Ueveloper recognizes that water or sewer utility service to tlse peveloper's property.. is prgvided by t}se use of a m~irs • ~ • extension and other improvements constructed by a prior developer and that Ueveloper is obligated to xefund a said prior developer Ueveloper's share of the cost of said main extension or other improvements. Accordingly, Ueveloper shall pay its pro rata share of tlse cost of said' main extetssiors or other improvements to City. Said pro• xata share shall be based on Ueveloper's percentage of the hydraulic capacity of said extension or other improvements. For the purpose of this Agreement, the cost of Uevelopex's said }sydraulic share s}call be $ ' payable upon execution•of this Agreement. 2. Witls xespect to utility facilities installed ,by ,; , lleveloper to which futuxe developers connect directly, and an consideration for monies expended by Ueveloper toward said facilities, City shall refund to Ueveloper, or Ueveloper's successors or assigns, solely from monies collected from said future developers, said future developer's pro rata s}rare of t}te cost of said facilities. Said refunds shall be calculated on the basis of the hydraulic capacity and demand of said future developer wlsenever.feasible. Tlse refund obligation of City hereunder and the benefits to Ueveloper related thereto shall expire at a cost of 12. All charges to Developer shall be paid by lleveloper to the City iii accordaitice with the following formula and:procedures: A. The advance deposit for engineering, administrative and legal fees and the inspection and plan review fee upon the execution of this Agreement, a total of ; and B. Water plaTit capacity charge upon the execution o£ this Agreement, a total of ; and , C. Sewer plant capacity charge upon the execution of this Agreement, a total of '~ " " " ; and D. Meter installation fee according to tl~e City's service availability policy at time of installation which currently is ' ~ - upon application for Book-up of i~idividual lots, apartments, multi-family lots or units; and ];. Construction water based on meter readings in accordance with City's rate schedule; and F. Ilydraulic share payment, in accoxdar~ce with paragraph 11C-1 of this Agreement upon execution of t}iis Agreement, in a total amount of ' $ ... ~.... ~.... .. ... , ~ and G. Sexvice availability charges and other additional aids in construction in accordance with paragraph 11G of this Agreement in a total amount of $ " ' " ' " ' ~ ' ~ '•~ 13. City agrees to connect individual buildings and structures on the developed property upon application by the builders, plumbers or individual owners subject to the operating rules and regulations of the City grid payment of all fees acid charges in effect on date of application and compliance by Developer with all provisions of this Agreement. , 14. 1'}ie charges, .costs grid fees for any separate emergency fire protection water systems, for subject project will- be subject to negotiations between City and Developer. if buildings of more than two stories are a part of the project, Developer shall furnish at its expense water pumps and other appurtenances as necessary for pumping water above. 15. All plant capacity and service availability charges, fees and other charges as outlined above are based on normal domestic sewage defined liereirt as containing riot more t}ran three ]rundxed (300) parts per million biochemical oxygen demand or three huaidred (300) parts per million suspended solids. Whenever water which contains more than these amounts is to be admitted to t}-e sewers, both the City and t}re pollution control agencies must specifically agree to the connection. An additional c}rarge will be calculated in direct proportion to strength .at seventy-five cents ($0.75) for each part per million of either biochemical oxygen demand or suspended solids over three hundred (300) parts per million. All such connections shall provide for a suitable point for the waste to be sampled by the City or .the regulatory agencies. An additional charge equal to the pro rata share of any additional sewage treatment plait costs above ninety percent (90$) treatn-errt, and of the cost of any additional required outfall pipes to " '"'" may be required by Citv. subordinated tv tl-e terms of tl-e Agreement and easements xequired i-ereitt prior to any acceptance of the facilities by the City. 17. Upon application by owners, builders yr their authorized represer-tatives, tl-e City agrees to con-iect tl~e •requested dwellings or structures on the said property at no additional coruiection fee (i.e., ' ~ in addition to those provided for above in this Agreement), but subject to t!-e continuing operating rules and regulatior-s of the City including, without limitation, the petriodic payment of the water usage and sewer usage cl-arges ir- effect on the date of such application or thereafter reflected ir- tl-e City's rate sct-edule. 18. phis Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to tl-e benefit of the peveloper, City and their successors and assigns. Ilowever, in the event the Ueveloper has not paid and delivered to the City the plant capacity and service availability charges, fees and other ' charges provided to be paid to tl-e City by Ueveloper under the terms of this Agreement, and all easement and conveyances required by this Agreement, tl-en this Agreement shall, not inure to the benefit of the successors or assigns of the Ueveloper. 19. It shall be.~tl-e responsibility of Ueveloper to locate for builders any water and sewer taps or lines necessary in conjunction with • residential or conunercial construction. 20. Unless the damage to any onsite improvements, are the result of the negligence or willful act of the City, its officers, or employees or authorized agents, tine owner or Ueveloper .of such property upon which the damage occuxs shall be respoiasible for the payment tv tite City of such damage tv City's property ittc~uding all necessary and reasonable repairs which must be. made by tire City or independent contractors t ' prior Hereto, for the payment of suc}t necessary and reasonable costs and expenses for effecting such repairs and restoration tv such onsite facilities located upon t1~e ow-ter's or Uevelvper's property. Notice of such lien yr claim on lien describing the xeal ~rzopexty and the amount owed may be filed within ninety (9U) days of the date from the last date upon which any such repairs or restoration were made by the City or its authorized representatives. Thereafter, the City .shall be entitled to bring an action for the fox;eclosed w-der the laws o£ Clorida. 2l. Prior to final acceptance of the utility and other public facilities improvements by the City the following requirements must be met at Developer's expense: A. If the property is platted, one copy of the recorded plat shall be furnished to the City.' I3. "As built" drawings of util).ty improvement shall be furnished one week prior to final ,inspection.. "t1s built" drawings shall be certified by a registered engineer with the cost being borne by the Developer. Twv mylar and three printed copies o£ said drawing shall be furnished to City. C. All lot corners shall be properly marked so that utility company or its engineex can, upon receipt of "as built" drawings, verify the marked water andfor sewer sexvices as to location attd depth, ltt addition, far purposes of locating and protecting installed service lines and valves Developer or his catttractor shall mark each service line and all valves with an eight (8) foot pressure txeated wooden post in the manner as sltowtt vtt the design drawings and specifications. Developer's contractor is required to install curb stop, meter box and valve box vn each watex service and valve as shown on design drawings. h Al l ....a... .__J __.._~ __.. ~ - 1 irrevocable letter of credit, the terms of which will indenurify and save . harmless the City fxom any loss, damages, costs, claims, suits, .debts yr ; demands by reason of defects in the workmanship or materials used in the facilities discovered within a period of one year from and after the date of acceptance by the City o£ the facilities.. F. A Bill of Sale for £acilities from the Developer to City. G. Conveyance v£ easements as xequired under this Agreement. !!. A deed for•.any and all land on which lift stations or water stations or other improvements if required by City. I. '1'Ire title .evidence, mortgage releases and mortgage subordinations as xequired in this Agreement. J. ror onsite and offsite cvnstxuctivn provide City an accountirtig of the actual costs (schedule of values) and releases of liens from utility contractors in such detail as tl~e City requires. K, City shall have the right to• refuse tv accept title to Developer's construction until Uevelo~er's construction has passed certain tests, including, without limitation, closed circuit television inspection of the gravity sewer lines, witnessed by a City representative, to determine whether tl}e Developer's construction is constructed in accordance with the approved engineering plans and • specifications. Said tests may be performed at • least tlrrea (3) times: the first test upon completion of the system; the second test upon completion of all building, roads, paving, drainage,. and all. construction within tltie right-of-way easement area of adjacent areas. A tliixd test sirrxll be required if the City deems it necessary within a one (1) year period after acceptance. L. Letters of acceptance from the appropriate regulatory agency for the water and/ar sewer system, are required vrior to fi»~t CITY OF ~a~af.1G $'eack- ~~ Office of Building Official REGIUEST FOR INSPECTION ~/ '/ ~ ~ Date Permit No. Time A.M. Received , , P.M. District No. ~, , ob Address Locality Owner's o„~ ~ Name Contracto ~r 6-sQ.rt't BUILDING ONCRETE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL Framing ^ Footing Aough Wiring ^ Rough ^ Air. Cond. & ^ Re Roofing ^ Slab ^ Temp Pole ^ Top Out ^ Heating Lintel ^ Final ^ Sewer ^ Fire Place ^ READY FOR INSPECTION Pre Fab A.M. Mon. Tues. ed. ~ Thurs. Friday P.M. ~ A Inspection Made r o Final Inspection ^ Certificate of Occupancy Date CITY OF ~,t`~sstiC /.~P,ec.li - ~~ivtic~ Office of Building Official REQUEST FOR INSPECTION Date Permit No. Time A. M. Received p.M. ~~~~`_"`_`~ District No. fD~/ Qg~ Job Address Locality Owner's Name Contractor BUILDING CONCRETE ELECTR{CAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL Framing ^ Rough Wiring ^ Rough ^ Air. Cond. & ^ Re Roofing ^ Stab ^ Temp pole ^ Top Out ^ Heating Lintel ^ Final ^ Flre Place ^ ~~ Pre Fab )G ~~//~,Y~/ ~AEADY FOR INSPECTION A. M. Mon. ,~7p4~~1' ~ Wed. Thurs. Friday P.M. Inspection Made / ~ ~ ~ P M~ Inspector ~-~ ~ Finallnspection ^ Certificate of Occupancy Date CITY OF ~~ ~- ~ ~~ ~~:~ ~ ~ Office of Building Official REGIUEST FOR INSPECTION ///) Date "~O ~ Permit No. ~ `~ Time A.M. Received P.~. ~// / ~ if District No. t b ress Localit , ~ Own is BUILDING / CONCRETE ELECTRICAL ~ PLUMBING M ~ ' Framing ~f Footing ^ Rough Wiring Rough A Re Roofing ^ Slab ^ Temp Pole ^ Top Out ^ h Lintel ^ Final ^ Sewer ^ F FOR INSPECTION ~ Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Friday _ Inspection Made Inspector Final Inspection ^ Certificate of Occupant Date 1 22. All notices that may or must be given under this Agreement shall ~be in writing and shall be valid if mailed by United States ;' registered or certified mail, postage and charges prepaid from addressed ; as follows: ' To Beveloper.: ' To City of Atlantic Beach 'City Manager 716 Ocean Boulevard ~• ' Fost Office Box,25 • Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the paxties hereto have executed this Utility Agreement the day and year first written above. . Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: peveloper Wztness ~/~ ' . r ~~ -..~ , _ a, , , ~ ~ /~ /~C..~ ~{ i~~ ~~-'1 . City Atlan i Beach Wi ness ' :,- ~ ~`/ ~,. D RAF T MINUTES OF THE ADVISORY PLANNING BOARD OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA January 25, 1983 7:00 PM City Hall PRESENT: W. Gregg McCaulie - Chairman Ron Gray Ruth Gregg Guy Jennings Commissioner John W. Morris AND: A. William Moss, City Tlanager Mary L. Dombrowski, Recording Secretary AND: Joan Pullen Eileen Olson Tim Shea Stan Cole Jim Cheshire John Heard John Carter The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman McCaulie. Commissioner John Morris advised the Advisory Planning Board members that the City Commission had appointed Mrs. Ruth Gregg to the Advisory Planning Board for a period of four more years, with her term to expire on January 25, 1987. Chairman McCaulie requested the Board to direct their attention to the first item on the agenda. Application for "Use by Exception" Submitted by JAHAH, Inc., on Behalf of the Sunrise Community Evangelical Free Church The Advisory Planning Board reviewed an application submitted by Mr. Shea on behalf of the Sunrise Community Evangelical Free Church. The church has requested a "Use by Exception" for a tract of land currently zoned RG-2. The request for a "Use by Exception" is for a church in a area zoned RG-2. The chair asked for any questions from the Board. Guy Jennings advised that because of a conflict of interest he would abstain from voting on the matter at hand. Mr. Jim Cheshire, Pastor of the Church, stated that the church planned to construct a building on the five-acre site directly east of Cornell Lane (extended). Mr. Gray questioned whether or not a school would be part of the church activities. Mr. Cheshire responded that there were no plans for a school. Mr. Morris advised of the future expansions of the City, and that bars and restaurants serving alcohol in commercial zones around the church may affect church activities. Mr. Cheshire responded that that would be no problem and that the church would have to live with what might happen. Mr. Cheshire advised that the church was ready to begin construction immediately. Mr. Gray questioned the status of Cornell Lane. Mr.Cole, representing the church, advised that Cornell Lane would serve as access on the west side. Their deed would provide a 30-foot easement to the church through the south part of the property. Mr. Gray advised that Cornell Lane was necessary for access. Mr. Cole advised that the plans did not provide for Cornell Lane to extend to Aquatic Drive, although the church would prefer that Cornell Lane have an access onto Aquatic Drive. Mr. Moss Page 2 ADVISORY PLANNING BOARD advised that the developers of Aquatic Gardens (Ron Crofton) would agree to allow Cornell Lane to enter into the development if Cornell would serve as his secondary means of ingress and egress. Mr. Moss stated this was not an acceptable trade-off and that access to the Aquatic Gardens should be further north. Mr. Moss advised that Ron Crofton preferred not have access onto Cornell_ Lane from Beaches Aquatic Drive. Mr. Cole stated that the Cornell Lane was not paved up to the property line. Mr. Moss stated that the City wouldn't insist that the church improve Cornell Lane up to the property. Mr. Cole stated that the church had agreed to do so. Discussion ensued regarding water and sewer. Mr. Moss advised that the same engineer working on the Crofton project was also assisting the church in their water and sewer needs. Chairman McCaulie summarized the plans and again asked whether the church intended to build a school. Mr. Cole advised that the school had not been discussed and that one was not projected. Mr. Morris stated his main concern for additional development on the property centered around the adequate provision of police and fire protection to the area. Mr. David White, representing the church, stated that they cannot do anything more at this time, but did not want to be restricted for future development. Chairman McCaulie advised that the City did not want to give a carte blanc to the church for all types of activities. Discussion continued regarding traffic congestion on Mayport Road, the potential for development around the area, etc. Mr. Cole reiterated that the church would be granted a 30-foot easement from the property owners to the south to allow access to Atlantic Boulevard. They would also use Cornell Lane to Mayport Road. Mr. Moss advised that he was not comfortable with the access to Atlantic Boulevard. Because the street going to the south would be private, the City would not be in a position to maintain the street. The potential for future conflict exists. Mr. Cole advised that the sales agreement assured that the property owners to the south would maintain the private drive. A discussion regarding access to the Beaches Aquatic again ensued. Mr. Moss advised that Mr. Crofton was concerned with traffic going through his development onto Cornell Lane. Mr. Moss also advised that the City is not in a position to require Crofton to change his plans after granting preliminary approval of the Aquatic Gardens Subdivision. He also advises the State may require that the Publix Shopping Center use Aquatic Drive as a means of egress and ingress. Chairman McCaulie called for the question. Offering clarification, the church was advised that a "Use by Exception" would apply to the church and not for a school or any other use. Mr. Gray made a motion that the "Use by Exception" as requested be approved. Mrs. Gregg seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously, with Mr. Jennings abstaining. The chair called for consideration for the second item of the agenda. Consideration of a Request to Change Zoning Classification Submitted by Ruth Mae Spivey - Owner - Donner's Replat - Block 23, Lots 2 & 3 Mr. Jennings advised the Board the he would refrain from discussion and voting on this matter because of a potential conflict of interest. Mrs. Olson, repre- senting Watson Realty, stated that the property in question was zoned RG-2. The building on the property was originally constructed and operated as a restaurant. The property, located at the southeast corner of Church Road and Page 3 ADVISORY PLANNING BOARD Mayport Road had previously been used as a restaurant. Mr. Gray noted that the building was the only commercial property on that part of Mayport Road. Mr. McCaulie asked how long the property was out of use. A Mr. Heard responded that the last light bill was paid September 28. Mr. Moss requested that know what the last business was that used the establishment. Mr. Heard from Watson Realty advised that it had been an ice cream parlor, and prior to that a bar-b-que. Representatives of Mrs. Spivey advised that she wished to sell the property to an individual who wanted to use the building as a tailor shop. Mr. Gray as Mrs. Gregg why the property was zoned residential. Mrs. Gregg responded that the City was trying to get all residential uses together. Mr. Heard advised that Lhe nronerty in question is worthless as a residential unit because the property faces Mayport Road. Mr. Moss advised that the general area, while previously zoned business, actually developed into a residential area. In order that the new zoning ordinance limited businesses and replaced it with a zoning designation of high density residential. Mrs. Gregg asked if it was possible to rezone for a daytime operation only, and advised that the intent was to get away from the bars. Mr. Olson responded that the rezoning request to Commercial Limited was restrictive and would not allow bars. He suggested there would be no traffic increase due to a tailor shop. A discussion ensued regarding Page 3-17 and the meaning of "non-conforming use". Commissioner Morris suggested the Board address the question of the best use for that land. Mr. Jennings again called for a study for Mayport Road. The chair called for a motion. Mr. Gray moved that the Advisory Planning Board approve the request and rezone the property Commercial Limited with a provision to the City Commission that this is a special case. Because of the existence of a building, that this is the best use of the property. Mrs. Gregg seconded the motion. Mr. Gray and Mrs. Gregg voted to approve the motion. Chairman McCaulie voted to deny the motion. Air. Jennings abstained. Mr. Moss then advised that if approved by the City Commission, the property would have to be rezoned through the ordinance procedure, and that the neighbors would have a chance to respond to the request. Motion passed with one nay and one abstention. The chair called for comments and questions regarding item number three on the agenda, a request by James L. Carter to rezone property from RG-2 to a commercial designation. The property in question is on the corner of Mayport Road and Jackson. Mr. Carter advised that he was not aware of the rezoning of his property from commercial to multi-family residential. He asked that the property be rezoned to its original zoning. After considerable discussion, the members of the Advisory Planning Board generally expressed opposition to a zoning change at this time. Mr. Carter withdrew his request for the time being. Page 4 ADVISORY PLANNING BOARD The chair called for any other comments. Mr. Moss suggested that the Advisory Planning Board plan to meet on a regular basis on the third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM unless there was no business to be considered. Mr. Moss also suggested that should matters arise which require the immediate attention of the Advisory Planning Board, special meetings or a rescheduling of the monthly would be arranged. The Board suggested that an ad be placed one time in the Beaches Leader to advise the public of the regular scheduling. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM. W. Gregg McCaulie - Chairman On January 25, 1983, the Advisory Planning Board considered request for a "Use by Exception" for a church on a parcel of property east of Aquatic Drive and west of Cornell Lane. The "Use by Exception" was aprpoved after some discussion regarding the means of ingress and egress. The permit was granted subject to the extension of Cornell Lane to the church property. The pastor of Sunrise Community Evangelical Free Church, Jim Cheshire, has requested approval for a change in ingress/egress from Aquatic Drive rather than Cornell Lane. The extension from the parking lot of the church to Aquatic Drive would be a private driveway across property owned by James Jaffa and/or the Beaches Aquatic Pool. The church would be required to obtain private ~ eastments and have them accepted by the City. i Iv 1~ q• ~Ik Y ' ~{ ~~~~~ ~ ,~ .. .Dt ~~~/ ~ ~~ ~•. w+ + ` y = x~- . ~~ "~ `1 ? ., I <~ "jam ' ;~1 ~`a~. ~1 a v e 't ;;:;r' t ~ ~' r ~ o~ ti~ ~~.': i• :~ J N lw ~ '~~~ A .r~ ti~ yVyy~~ w ~~ ~> ., _, _, ~ mod. L • ~~ ' .. .- ~?~'~ .~ ,.,erg `~ " ~ - ' ~ - f~ ~~ r ~ ;` '` fi~, X ~t ~ ,tea' ..--- .- ~- ~ ~ ~~. r~ ~' ~ ~yy~/'ryy '~oW ~~ ~ -~' fY"' a ` ~ e M ~ Y/ ~ ? ~ :• k~. ~"^`""'~ a Y ~ p ~ J ~ ~ ~;. `~ ~ ~ ~" ~~~~ ~ ~ !~ . -- ~ ,~'' .3~r ~ . .~ _ ,. ,. ~nl-- i "" ` .• - - .. .r CITY OF i~ `~ r~llaKtlc !~'eacl-~ida Office of Buliding Official / REQUEST FOR INSPECT{ON Date / /~~ Permit No. ~~ Tima A.M. Received P.M. ~~ ?l "' Distric o. , A~dress r - Locality Own s Nam ~ Contractor BUILDING CONCRETE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING ~ MECHANICAL Framing: ^ Footing ^ Rough Wiring ^ Rough ^ Air. Cond. & ^ Re Roofing ^ Slab ^ Temp Pole ^ o Heating Lintel ^ Final ^ Sewer ^ Fire Place ^ READY FOR INSPECTION Pre Fab A.M. on. Tu es. Wed. Thurs. Friday P.M. Inspection Made ~ ~ Inspector ~ Final Inspection ^ Certificate of Occupancy Date ~~ MINUTES~~OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY _ CO:~IISSI'ON HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON FEBRUAP.Y 14, 1983 AT 8: QOP] PRT'SENT: Robert B: Persons, Jr., Mayor-Commissioner Robert B,.~ Cook, Sr. William ~; Gulliford, Jr. Catherine G. Van Ness, Commissioners AidD: A. [,lilliam Moss, City Manager Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney ta--~~'"? ~ ~'~~-r" .'- ~ ~^ Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk ABSENT: John W. Morris, Jr., Commissioner (Out of town) The meeting was called to order by Mayor Persons. The invocation, offered by Commissioner Van Ness, was followed by the pledge to the fla Approval of the Minutes of January 24, 1983 Motion: The minutes of the regular Commission meeting of January 24,- 1983 be approved as submitted. The motion carried unanimously.. Advisory Planning Board-Meeting of Jan.25th and February 8, 1983 A. Change of Zoning Classification Request-Ruth Mae Spivey-Donner's Replat - Block 23, Lots 2 & 3 The City Planager reported that the Advisory Planning Board met on January 25, 1983 and recommended a change of zoning classification from RG to CL for Ruth Mae Spivey, Donner's Replat, Block 23, Lots 2 and 3. The property will be used for a tailor shop.Discussion followed Motion:Accept the recommendation of the Advisory Planning Board and approve the request made by Mrs. Ruth Mae Spivey to rezone the property to Commercial Limited with a provision that this is a special case and because of the existing building, that this is the best use of the property. The motion carried with 3 ayes and one nay by Commissioner Van Ness. B. Application for "Use by Exception"-Tim Shea, President,JA1IAH,Inc. Sunrise Community Evangelical Free Church The City rlanager advised that the Advisory Planning Board at their meet- ing of January 25, 1983 recommended a Use by Exception be granted to the Church. Discussion followed. ?Motion: To approve the request of Use By Exception for the Sunrise Community Evangelical Church. The motion carried unanimously. 4c it * ~ ~ '.c ~ * * k ',c -.~. ~ ~ ~ k * * is ~ * ~ & ~ Sc ~ ~ * '.c ~ ~ * ~ * ~ 1 ~ AME OF COMMRS. I O S E C O N D V O T E D Y E S V 0 T E D N O Cook x x Gullifor x x Van Ness x Persons x Cook x x Gullifor x x Van Ness X Persons x Cook x x Gulliford x x Van Ness x Persons x SUM1'1T,RY OF REVIEIJ GUIDELIfaES 1. Ingress and Egress to the property and future structures shall be provided via Cornell Lane, a platted, dedicated road which adjoins said property. Safety, convenience, traffic flow, control, and access in case of emergency, are all afforded a very good rating via this access off Cornell Lane. 2. Off-street parking will be controlled very easily. The property in question is nearly five acres. As to economic, noise, glare, and odor effects to adjoining properties, by granting the Use By Exception for Church purposes, there will be no adverse effects in any of these areas. 3. Refuse areas will be easily controlled due to the size of the property and due to the minimal amount of refuse created by a Church. 4. Aftez checking with Atlantic Bench Water & Sewer Dept., it was determined that venter and sewer is located approximately 200' west of property line on Cornell Lane. Water and Sewer use by ,, a church would be minimal. 5. Tvo screening and or buffering will be associated with this use. 6. Signs, if any, shall conform to the Code Requirements of the City of Atlantic Beach. Exterior lighting will be no more than that normally needed to provide adequate safety and security for auto traffic and pedestrian traffic. Scid lighting shall be designed as to impose no adverse effects to surrounding properties. 7. Due to the size of the property in question, rear yards and open space will be at a maximum. 8. As to compatebility of Church use of said property to adjacent properties, Atlantic Beach's schedule of District Regulation specifies that Church's are a compatible use by exception in Zoning Classifications RS-1, RS-2, RG-lA, RG-2, RG-3, CG, and CI. All of the adjacent properties fit into one of the above zoning classifications. t SUNRISE COMMUNITY , EVANGELICAL FREE C}}URCH Office: 249-2916 246-8776 743-2776 725-6561 246-7852 Office: 241-8954 249-3924 1407 Kings Road, Neptune Beach, FL 32233, Phone (904)241-895 Anderson, Mark b Minka, Mendy, Muzek, Marri 727-B Everglades Circle North, Mayport, FL 32228 Bennett, Art b Carol, Janet, John, Robert. Natalie 1501 Kings Rd., Neptune Beach, FL 32233 Bowden, S[eve b Tricia, Lisa, Elaina, Christina 7657 Kingstree Drive S., Jacksonville, FL 32211 Bowden, Mark 7528 Arlington Expressway, Apt. 0120, Jacksonville, FL 3221] Cheshire, Jim b Carol, Jimmy, Jennifer, Joy 1407 Kings Road, Neptune Beach, FL 32233 Cole, Stan b Joy, Jason 99 Orange St., Neptune Beach, FL 32233 725-b561 Cummings, Louise 7528 Arlington Expressway, Apt. t~120, Jacksonville, FL 3221 249-9781 Day, Jerry b Inge, Christina, Jeff, Erica 1516 First Street, Neptune Beach, FL 32233 246-8124 Dodds, Al b Terri, Jedidiah, Melody 190 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 246-717b Doughtery, Lee b Diane 209 Davis St., Neptune Beach, FL 32233 246-4418 Everett, Larry 1664 Sea Oats Drive, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 249-7704 Grandy, George b Mary, Jennifer, Monica 135 13th St., Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 241-4655 Hans, Nancy 901 Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 249-3646 Hardman, Chuck b Hank, Michael b Lynne 241-2165 1644 Park Terrace West, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 725-3243 Johnson, Frank b Lillian, Andy 721 Seabrook Pkwy., Jacksonville, FL 32211 241-2830 Lawson, Chas. b Jan 214 Lora, .Neptune Beach,. FL 32233 249-8518 Luchs, James b Jeanette 626-B Oregon City St., Mayport, FL 32227 246-7921 McBride, Peggy 377 5th St., Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 ti' 246-0013 McManus, John b Lynn, Sean, Sarah 2120 Beach Ave., Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 246-7837 Merrill, B.J. 1335 Beach Ave., Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 246-0847 Read-Wolfson, Don b Karen, Kimberly 1725 Beath Ave., Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 246-8054 Rowe, Frances 913 Patricia Lane, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250 241-8380 Schultz, James b Beth, Carolyn, Jeffry 517 Oakhill St., Nayport, FL 32 228 358-2214 Senesac, David b Judy, Chad 4032 Liberty St., Jacksonville, FL 32206 249-4941 Smith, Miriam ~~ 380 3rd St., Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 2G6-1846 Watkins, Tom b Cindy, Jennifer, Travis 912 Patricia Lane, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250 249-0842 White, David b Susan, Rene, Amy, Hillary 573 Valley Forge Rd. N., Neptune Beach, FL 32233 24b-9638 Whittle, Elizabeth, Heath, Mary Margaret 315 19th St., Atlantic Beach, F L 32233 D STANDAttD AGRECMCNT RhCOM.1dENOED dY THE JACKSONVILLE tIOARD OF REALTORS (~'~ ~~ DFI'OSIT RF,CF.II'T h I'UTtClIA6I; AND $AI.I; ACCiIF:I;)•LENT ~ tu~,j ~. u•~wa• a.,wa Watson Realty Corp. hereinafter called ACENT, Receipt Ia hereby acknou~lcdged by ............................................................................................................................ of the sum of i 1 000.00 Sunrise Corr~nunitX Evangelical.,Free Church.,•..•Ir _....! .. ... ........................ as binder deposit from.................. ............................................................................................................................................................. hcrelnaflcr calird BUYER. ............................... . (which term may be singular or plural and shall include the hcin, successors, personal repreacntath•es and aaaisna o t e owners of public record BUYER) on account of offer Lo purchase the property of .................................................................................................................................. ......................................................................................................................................................................................... hereinafter called SF_LLER, (which term may be singular or plural and shell include the heirs, auccc•ssore, persona) representatives and assigns of the SELLER) said property being 1n ................Duval ...County, Florida, and dcscribrd as follows: ..................... As described on Exhibit "A" agtached hereto. Adercaa: 1071 Atlantic Boulevard, Atlantic Beach, Florida. The FELLER hereby asrccs to sell said property to the BUYER and the BVYER hereby agrees to purchase said property from the SF_LLER upon the following termr and conditions, If compictccl or marked; In any confirct of terms or conditions, that which 1^ -dJcd shall aupcracdc that which Ia printed or marked. 1. The total PURCHASE PRICE to be paid by the BUYER to payable ea follows: (a) Binder deposit will remain a binder until cloning, unless sooner forfeited or returned, according to the provisions of thin agree nt .. .... .. .... ................. ... .. ...... _...-,...1.~ 000.00......... e~ Add'en'~:iiit at:ta~€he~f { P~rac~ra~'tt" >~~ 5 500,,-00 ,... (b) AJdlticr,al binder Jepoalt due u•f In ................ days a er a e o ecc pt ce n paragraph 20 ....,.........._............r. .. ........ (e) AJJltional payment due at closing (not Including BUYER'S closing coat and/or• prepa-d Itemi) ........s.....• ................................ (d) ProcecJs of new note and mortSagc to be executed by the BUYER to say lender nthcr than the SELLER .................................._......58, 500.00- - - .............................................................................................. ........................................... .. .... (e) Existing mor-lsage balance encumbering the property to be nryumed by the BUYER ................................ .............................................................................................................................................................................................. i....................................... BUYER understands that loan Inicrcnt Q u•111 Q will not escalate. 7f mortgage approval of BUYER la required for loan assumption, provisions of paragraph 15 will apply whether or not marked. (f) Balance due to the SELLER to be evidenced by a negot(able promissory note of the BUYER, secured by a valid purchase money mortgage, in a form acceptable to SELLER, containing standard prov[a- iona unless noted to paragraph 22, on said property executed end delivered by the BUYER to the SELLER dated the date of closing, bearing interest at the rate of ................~/r per annum and pay- ablc f........... ......................... per .................................... Mortgage amounts ..........................................................; i'rivitcge of prepayment Q d,x•a e)rply Q does not apply. SELLER may invoke the pr•ovtslons of paragraph l5 for approving EUYF.R for this loan. ' TOTAL PURCHASE PRICE : ............. ~ 65, 000.00 2. It is unctcratood that the aefcl pr•upcrty will be conveyed Dy GENERAL WARRANTY DEED (Unless otheru•!se mqutcrd) sub;cct to taxes, existing zoning, ~ov~•nanta, resU•Icttons and cnaerncnts of record. 3. The BUYEP, will pay for: t X) Recording Eros; 1 X) Note Stamps; (X) Intangible Tax on mortgage; 1 ) Credit report: t X) ... ~uyeX•'.9....rind..Mortgt~.gee.'.s..... Attorney's fcc 1 ) l.tortgage transfer charge; (X) Mortgagce'^ orirlnatlon fee; 1 ) T'thotos; / ) APPr'oisal fee; t ) T~tortgage insurance pri•mium; ( ) ....................................................................... Title binder; ( ) Prepaid insurance: taxes and interest ( 1 Opinion of title; t X) which-••~o_s~s_-. st)a.l.l-. not:.._exceed.. $.x...009..00_.. Any incurrcJ cxl~cnse on behalf of BUYER ~viil be deducted from binder deposit in the event loan and/or sale fa not closed through no fault of the SEi,LER. 4. The SELLER will pay for: (X) Stamps on decd: (X) ...........................f.4<C..............................................-.......................... Title bindrr; ( X) Survey; ( X) -.....•...5•el•~Err-~•8•-•-•••••••-•••••••••••• Attorney's fee; (*) Appraisal fee; (X) Rcnl Estate sales commirslon; ( ) Ab- stract of title; 1 ) Opinion of title; () Discount on FHA/VA Mnrtgngc .......................................: ( )Photos; ( )Satisfaction of Atorlgage and recording fns; 1 ) Termite inspection; t 1 Repairs or replacements required by FHA or VA not to cxcreti X Excess of Buyer's closing costa over $3,000.00 Any expenses incurred on behalf of thr BUYER or SELLER in this transaction. shall be paid by the SELLER in the event the SELLER is ur.abic or umvilling to complete the Uanaactlnn for a qualified BUYER. S. PROBATIONS: All taxes, rentals. monthR• mortgage insurance premiums and interest on existing mortgages shall be pro-rated ea of the date of ciosinF. If part of the purchase price is to be evidenced by the assumption of a mnrtsage requiring deposit of funds In escrow for payment of taxes, insurance or other charges, the BUYER agrees to reimburse the SELLER for said escrowed funds asxigned to BUYER at closing. and any unearned hazard Insurance premiums assumed, with all mortgage payments to be current at the Ume of closing. t 6. TITLE EVIDENCE: «'ITHIN .. ..10..... Jaya ( ) After date of acceptance ( X) After date of satisfaction of all icttered conditions :n paragraph 2:1, the SELLER u•111 furnish and deliver to the BUYER, AGENT or closing ATTORNEY: IX 1 Title insurance binder [or a fcc policy In the amount of the purchase price 1 ) TIt1e Insurance binder for mortgage policy fn the amount of S ....................( 1 A continuation abstract of title from the last title Insuring policy or lnatilutlonal mortgage. 7. SURVEY: Within ..10..... clays ( ) After date of acceptance (X) After date of aatisfactfon of alt lettered conditions in paragraph 23, the SELLER ~~•ill furnish and deliver to the BUYER, AGENT or closing ATTORNEY: lX) A neu• staked survey shoo mg all improvements nou• existing thereon. ( ) An accurate survey of said property certified within 3 months of thr flair of cinsing. t 1 A copy of a previously made survey of acid property, st,owing all Improvements now existing thereon. 1 1 Vo arrr~•cy is required. I"I-(rftI:F:Y'S FEES AND COSTS: In cunnecllun ~•!th any Ittl6atlnn arlring out of this Abrc•cmcnl, the l~rev~,r~ ,r t., cnlrlled to recover all coats incurred, Including reasonable attorney's fees. ,2. LOSS Uft UA1`tACE: if the In~provernents are damaged by Are or other cacuelty prior to closing, end the custa•of r,•sc eArne -does not cxuc•d !0"o nJ the As~r.ti~rd Vahrntiun of the improvements so damage<I, cost of rcaturaUon shall be an ob11g of the Sc•11er end clusin~ shall proceed purouant to the terms of Agreement t~'rth cost therefor escrowed at closing, Hhen pc alble by the Tfurt6agee, otherw•fae all repairs to he completed by a ]Icenaed contractor within 90 days and pnor Io closing. 1 event the coot of repair or resturatlun exceeds 10~/ of the axscsaed valuation of the hnprovrmenta so dnmel;rA, BUti'ER have the option of either taking the property ea ta, together with either the said ]0'/, or any inawence prorr.da payab virtue of such loss or damage, or of canceling this Agreement and recelving return o[ deposit(s) made hereunder. I3. The SELLER agrees to deliver the property In Its PRESENT AS IS CONDITION, excepting normal wear and tear O~ti'^:ER dues hereby certify end represent that he has legal authority and capacity to convey the property with all iml meats. OWNER further certifies and represents that he known of no latent defects to the property, except the following ...... ............................................................................................................................................................................ ....................... ... ... BUYER a that they have Inspected the property and have not relied upon any representation made by REALTOR In desrribrng the pre and BUYER agrees to accept the property in its PRESENT AS IS CONDITION, except as hercln otherwise specified. I4. OCCUPANCY: SELLER represents that there are no parties in occupancy other than SELLER, but if property is int to to rented or occupied beyond closing, the fact end terms thereof shall be stated herein, and the tenant(s) shall be disc SELLER agrees to deliver occupancy of properly at time of cloning unless otherw•iae apecifled .................................... ......... .......................................... If occupancy Is to be delivered prior to closing, BUYER assumes all risk of lose to property dote of occupancy, shall be rcaponslble and liable for malnter.ance thereof from said date, and shall be deemed to have ace the property, real and personal, In Its existing condition as of time of taking occupancy unleaa otherw•!se noted in writing. 15. ( ) FIIJANCINC: It is agreed that the BUYER will require a mortgage loan In order to finance this transactlon• n Ucation jor such,mort •a c will merle w th lender 1 tad b the ( ) SELLER or ( ) BUYER• nd c a •~~ ciont>.ngenc>.~s .~c~ce~t ~e ~o ~el~~r a~r~ ~>11bye~ ~y ~~~~~r gage oan ra a prove wet out oat ngenc ce o her t ant ose a ew ,ere covered to this Agreement v?S(fi~.... 1:" date of acceptance of this Agreement, the SELLER or BUYER shall have the right to terminate this Agreement and there the AGENT twill return to the BUYER ell soma deposited hereunder, lees any Incurred mortgage processing costs am BUYER will return to the SELLER all the title evidence and surveys received from the SELLEK and BUYER'S copy o Agreement. BUYER shall make application for financing within ..........3 ...................... days of the date of acceptance of this A meat and furnish any and al! credit, employment, financial and other information required by the Lender. The BUYER, quested by the SELLER or his AGENT, will reapply within ........3 ............. days al an alternate Lender in the event the or loan application is declined. 18. ( ) FHA FINANCING: It is expressly eRrccd that, notwithstanding any other provisions of the AFrccmcnt, the BL shall nut be obligated to complete the purchase of the properly dcseribcd herein or to incur any penally by fu~fciture of ca money deposit or otherwise unless the SELLER has delivered [o the BUYER a written atatemcnt Issued by the Federal Ho Commissioner setting forth the appraised value of the property (excluding closing cost) of not less than j ............................ ~ atatemcnt the SELLER hereby agrees to deliver to the BUYER promptly alter such appraised value statement is made at•a to the SELLER. The BUYER shall, howcvc•r, have the privilege and option of proceeding with the Consummation of the Agree without regard to the amount of the appralacct valuallon made by'thc Federal Houa[ng Commissioner. The appraised t•aluat arrived al to determine the maxtmwn morl('egc the Department of HoualnR and Urban Dcvclopmcnt ~• r,s re. 17. / ) VA FINANCING: It la exprc~sly agreed that, notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement, the BUYER not incur any penalty by forfeiture of earnest money or otherwise be obligated to complete the purchase of the propert; scribed herein, 1f the Agreement purchase price or cost exceeds the reasonable value of the property established by the Vet Administration. The BUYER shall, however, have the prlvllege and option of proceeding with the consummation of the A mast w•Ithout regard to the amount of resaunable value eatabllshed by the VA. ]B. ( ) TERrtITE INSPECTION: The SELLER agrees to furnish without expense to the BUYER, an Inspection report she all buildings on the premises to be tree and clear from visible infestation and/or free from visible damage by termites and wood-destroying organisms. This inspection report Is to be furnished by a )icensed pest control firm on HRS Form 1145. If a r ahow•s such visible infestation or visible damage, the SELLER shall have the right, ~•ithin a reasonable time, to remedy the tation and~or damage so reported. If the SELLER elects not to remedy same, the BUYER shall have the right to complete transaction or to terminate this Agreement and receive a refundy{li;ra~ ~tet w'' h ~T7J~~ ~ ~~~j'~'`~ ~~~ ~~~'~, ~~~ ~~~ii~~mt ate 19. (X) ZOI.'ING: Unless the property is properly zoned for .................~..... ..........................................................---................. .. and there arc no deed restrictions against such use at time of closing, the Buyer shall have the right to terminate thin Agree and receive a refund of all sums theretofore deposited with the AGENT. 20. PERSONAL PROPERTY TO BE INCLUDED IN THE PURCHASE PRJCE: All fixed equipment, including drapery ware, attached lighting flxturea, televlaion antenna, mailbox, fence, plant and shrubbery ea now installed on said properfy, Clonal persona) property ................................................................................................. 21. ( )The oiler of the BUYER shall terminate If the SELLER has not Indicated his acceptance of this Agreement by all and delivering acme to the AGENT before 11:00 P.M. on ......................................... ......_.................................---•--................................... 22. ADDITIONAL TERMS OR CONDITIO:v'S (Lettered A, B, C, D, E, etc., or terms): See Addendum to Purchase and Sale Agreement attached. 23. TI1`[I2~G. The timing of paragraphs fi, 7 and 8(A) will become operablq after satlsfaetion of Condition 15, if applicable these additional conditlor,s lettered ..................A_B ff ............................................................. 24. There arc no agreements, promises or understandings betw•cen these part'ea except as specifically set forth herein. No al lions or changes shall be made to the Agreement except In writing and signed or lnltialled by the partica hercln. 2S. REAL ESTATE SALES FEE. The SELLER agrees to pay the listing AGENT, n commtsslon of ................:; of the total price accepted by him no later tT,an at the closing of this transaction. Ltsting AGENT . ..............................................................:......... ................................................................ abrccs to pay ..........................................................-................---............., cooperating agent .......5.. of the tale price on clcsing. ?8. This Legal and binding Agreement shall not be recorded and if not understood, partica hereto should seek competcr,t I advice. EXHIBIT A A parcel of land in the Castro Y Ferrer Grant, Section 38, Town- ship 2 South, Range 29 East, being no less than 4.85 acres in size to be subsequently described by survey but which is described as a portion of the lands described in the instruments recorded in Deed Book 1072, page 922 and Deed Book 1082, page 222, being that portion which lies in the northermost portion of said lands, being bounded on the North by the Southerly line of Atlantic Beach Villa, Unit 2, according to plat recorded in Plat book 31, page 13, being bounded on the West by a line which bears South 07 degrees 16 minutes 02 seconds East from the most Northeasterly point of said lands above described, and on the South by a line which runs parallel with the Northerly right of way line of Atlantic Boule- vard less the Westerly 30 feet thereof together with an easement for ingress and egress over and across a parcel of land 30 feet in width running parallel and adjacent to the Westerly boundary of the lands described in Deed Book 1062, page 222 from Cornell Road to the Northerly right of way of Atlantic Boulevard. ADDENDUM TO AND A PART OF THE PURCEiASE AND SALE AGREEMk;NT A. Buyers warrant that congregational approval of purchase by Sunrise Community Church has been obtained. B. This agreement is subject to Buyers obtaining financing in accordance with Paragraph G below by December 31, 1982. Upon approval of financing, Buyers agree$5,500.00 deposit. Total deposit of $6,500.00 will be credited to purchase price at closing which shall occur on or before March 1, 1983. If financing is not approved by December 31, 1982, Sellers, at their option, may extend the time for securing same until January 31, 1983. C. The property is presently zoned RG-2 whereby use by excep- tion for church use including classrooms and all functions normally associated with church property is permitted subject to municipal approval. D. Sellers shall grant an easement for the location and main- tenance of a sign on a sufficient size parcel located within 10 feet of the Southwest corner of Sellers' property. Said sign must conform to requirements of the City of Atlantic Beach but it shall be no larger ;than b0 square feet in size. The easement shall terminate if Buyers sell the property or ceases to use the property for church purposes. E. Sellers shall construct and maintain an all-weather road upon the 30 foot easement from Cornell Lane to Atlantic Boulevard prior to closing. Further Sellers agree that upon the deve- lopment of their property to the South, said easement will be paved and maintained by owner of said property. F. Sunrise Community Evangelical Free Church, Inc. hereby agrees to write a letter on the said church's stationery and signed by the proper officers of .the church having the authority to represent the congregational members as a body stating in essence their support without any objection as to a request to the Atlantic Beach Planning and Zoning Board for a zoning change from RG-2 to CI for all or any portion thereof, the property-lying South of and adjoining the South property line of the church property now or at any time in the future that this application should be submitted for the above-described zoning change to the governing body of Atlantic Beach, Florida. G. The mortgage financing called for in Paragraph 1(d) of this agreement must have terms at least as favorable as follows: i) Monthly payments of principal and interest of no more than $800.00 per month. ii) Period of amortization for payment purposes of no Less than 20 years. 1+;;.'.'r:!:~~UM TO h!7D A F'hk'I' GF :i?F. i'liF<C}?hSF. IadD ~i+LE A!:i~.i:::1:}:NT P.. .,his ~lgroc:;gent contingent u. on and subject to congregaticr;al approval of •.~rchase by Sunrise Cor~,unity Church within 15 days after acceptance. E. Su:-,ject to financing approval on or before 1 January 1983. C. r.ny e>:teT:s=un of time stipulated in A r.nd B above shall be at the discretion of the smeller. D. ?ro:~erty presently zoned RG-2; shall be pe~~itted for use by exception for church use including classroo^s -=nd all functions no~:r,ally associated with church pr certy. E. ::rittrn cc:;sent by seller for t~.e placing of an attractive sign to be placed ca atlantic Boulevard for use by the church. Size of sicn and ler_oth of time to be acr~•ed to prior to closir:g date. F. I~,cress ar,d ecress by easer,~nt of not less than 30 feet wide frem Atlantic ~oul~vard on the south to point of intersection with Correll Lane on the :,orth lice as sho•~n on flat :rap ___. in Plat =ook _ This ease-,ent shall be often at all tiP.les for access to and from as cescribed above. T'nis r:ovision shall be included in any and all de_ds that ..ay :;e issued now or in the fu'.ure and any chance of this provision ~~•ould recuire a_i_oval by all _ roi erty o-..-nF_-s. Each rroperty c::, er tiould :^e rosponsible for -ainter•~nce of ~:-,i s ease-,_nt of that portion ~. _reof y r-staining to his or :l°r _ ronerty, G. S-~nrise Cc:-n,;nity Church i:~reby ~c~-cos to write a lettar on the said church's stationery and s~ aned :oy the i'•r;,: ~r c,ffic~.rs of the : such having the authority t0 rep;-ese_^.t L7A COng'_'e~otiG":al :"_:-,~•~rs aS a .~,dy 5'_. Ll'?g ir: eSSc'lce their _tlil t. +v1 ~t_.tv J~~ al.l' ~.L~ -.. _...._ _~ .,.~ - _ ~_-J .. ~v ~ll~' __.-.- t_1~ Lt=01~11 Yi U~ -,l try a::d Zoni^g =0arr1 `Jr a zcnir_g c~~^ge ?rcm RG-2 to CI for'al1 or any pcrt,on t.~reof, the _ roperty lying south of and adjoi-ring the south prcperty lire of the Chu. Ch DrOD°_J:ty nC'.. Or dt any t1'".? 1n the future fiat ~~'?i5 c?p11C2%lOn s::ould be si:•:~itted for the ab~-:=-c~scr=bed zoning chance to the eoverning moody o` Atlantic F~ach, Florida. .._ ~,ess ..~ ~-:~ss ~-- -- - -- ----------------_ -_- j3 i•i .~JS .__.._ g ,r. aj~ i~ 'r '~.•••~s''<< --~ --~vu~ ~. r 1 ~c c~~~- ~ ~``~ J N r RG L .a t P~ 1h 4 . ; ,,J'' .. ~` O~ N .. j4 "~^ ~•_.. h~~ ~oc ~- t 4~ ... Q N ~~ ~; ~.. ~Q ~ O N t J ~~,~ ; d 7P B~~` .._ ` p~v 1 0 ~~~ ~ 1 .. d ~h.,, V~ r~r `,~ `~ V ,V ~ ~ h w ~ '~ v w ._ ?p w b ~` . a s ~v~zrz ~'v I~vccLci~ ~ i~~~ Lar~~ Surveyor :8 Penrr.an Ro,,d Scn~th Jack~on~Z11e Beach, Flurida 3'LZ50 (~04) 241-8550 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL "A" FOR: FRED AHERN AND JOHN HEARD A PART OF THE CASTRO Y FERRER GP.ANT, SECTION 38, TO!~1NSHIP 2 SOUTH, °ANGE 29 FAST, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOt•1S: FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING COf1~SENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF ATLANTIC BEACH VILLA UNIT N0. 2 AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 31, PAGE 13 OF THE CURRENT PUBLIC RECORDS OF DUVAL CQUNTY., FLORIDA; THENCE SOUTH 7°16'02" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 323,13 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89°18'38" WEST, A DISTANCE'OF 500.2 FEET TO A POINT HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS REFERENCE POINT "A"; THE`~CE NORTH 7°16'02" bJEST, A DISTANCE OF 527.2 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID ATLANTIC BEACH VILLA UNIT N0. 2; THENCE SOUTH 69°31'25" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE, A DISTANCE DF 561.45 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; CGNTAINING 4.8.50 ACRES MORE OR LESS AND BEING A PART OF THE LANDS DESCRIBED IN DEED BOOK 1082, PAGE 222 AND DEED BOOK 1072, PAGE 422 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY. RESERVING A 30 FOOT EASEh~ENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS LYING 30 FEET EAST OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE; BEGINNING AT REFERENCE POINT "A" AS PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED; THENCE NORTH 7°16'02" t•JEST, A DISTANCE OF 414.50 FEET TO AN EASIFRLY PROJECTION OF THE 'NORTHERLY LINE OF CORNELL LANE A.ND POINT OF TER- MINUS OF SAID 30 FOOT EASEMENT i ?AGE 1 OF 3 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH. FLORIDA PERMIT TO BUILD THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB Date October 1~ _ 19.~~. Valuation $ ~.5Q0•~~' Fee $ 7. SO Thit permit not valid until above fee bu been paid to City Treasurer, and is subject to revocation for violation of applicable provisions of law. This is to certify that Q~ITY S1~~Ei Cf~+IPANY .PERMIT NO. " '"` 7.a 7 s ~~11~1{ ~ 7~37C; 1 "~ I t~/ ~! a~ ,tl 5160 Sunbeam RoaB Jackson~i~ , '~L 3.2ai71 ~~ I ~~t~' has permission to build. Fo1e S1En a.3 1~eTp~f~$~S Classification CtilAAterCi82 Zone ~' Owned by Pier Y Il~pc>rts Lot Block S/D House No. 101 IAt l ant ~ +C_BOL3 ward According to approved plans which are part of this permit si r---~ t Official. FUSE ONLYE I NUMBER I DATE I CONTRACTOR I 1 PLUMBING ELECTRICAL SEWER WATER ,~- .~. NOTICE-ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- SPECTED BEFORE POURING. PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS „ AFTER DATE OF ISSUE O Building material, rubbish and debris ~ from this work must not be placed in public space, and must be cleared up a>~d-.hauled away by either con- tractor or bwnen. ~~ 'Sec. 20-3. Sign Permits - Required - It shall be unlawful for .any person to install, alter or relocate any sign, marquee, canopy, awning or other advertising structure permitted under section 20-2 without first obtaining a permit from the City TSanager and making payment to the City Clerk of the required fee. All illuminated signs shall, in addition, be subject to the provisions of the City Electrical Code and any permit fees required there- under___SOrdinance_No__60_66_lt4_~________________________________________. TYPE OF SIGN Flat Iiorizontal Projecting Vertical Projecting Roof x Pole Name. Address & Phone No. Applicant c ~ ~• ~a4 ~• . ~~-Ci~So~y~ E ~/. 3 zZr ~ Name, Address & Phone No. Owner Marquee or A~~rningT /~~ / ~~~~~~~5 VALUATION ~$ ~Q7~ f~T~-~nTrc ,C3Gv~ .Address of L-he Sian ~%~~T1e ~a~r-~ ~/•3zz.33 ~7'Z~n~Ti'c' ~~c~ ~Gh' 3 zz3 3 ------------------ ----- --o-c~~~~~az_ ATTAC~i Tl-IE rOLLOWING TO THIS APPLICATION: Bui~ldin~ and Zoning a. The location fo the building, structure or lot to which.or upon which the sign or other advertising structure is to be attached or erected. b. A Plot plan showing the position of the sign or other advertising strut ture in relation to nearby buildings or structures. c. A blueprint or ink drawing of the plans and specifications and method of construction and attachment to the building or in the ground. .' d, The name of the person/contractor erecting the structure. e, Any electrical permit required and issued for such sign. f. Registered engineer's drawings must be submitted with applciations for roof signs over fifty square feet in area, and for any sign the top of whit is more than seventeen feet above the ground or weighing more than one thousand pounds, or solid sign of area more than thirty square feet, shown that such sign will be erected to withstand a wind pressure of at least thirty-five pounds per square foot and that the weight of such sign will be amply supported by the roof of the building or the ground support vn which it is to be erected. o. Such other information as the City Manager shall require to show full compliance with Chapter 20 and all other laws and ordinances of the City. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT ~,~ ~-zi~ ~ .~~~~.~DATE /~n~j/~ -~ SIGNATURE OF OWNER ~~~_ / ,-Z~`' ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~/~ t ~i'~.~ DATE ~e _~_ w. ~: ~~~ ~ , o -~' a d.~ ~•,r~ ~., ~ ~/~ ~ ~~ • V ~, ~~~~- ..i•r _ ._~~/ 9. ~Q' F. 4. i 8'1~ ~~ 35'; o' '~ wo o r W. _~- ~.~ 02' ~_ ~ 40'00 9. >~ ~' .J ~. .' Q , U~ .. . •O 'lad b ~; N v ~ 1 ~i F'Z. t~~t~- /~tPo~Ts / o ? ~ ~4TZ~rrr c f3c,..,~ ,a-T~,~T-sue ,3~.~,u, ~'C.4 ,.. .~ e~~- -~ wo 0 1-1 el. , •p ~ 7 r.; i ; 0~ i i ~~~~ dKE-_ ymPo~Ts ! 07l 1-~-7z.~Mvnc f~c..rn f~T«nc ~e.~,~, ,T,tit ._~~ ~..~'~ •• 1 i ~`~ ~"" -^"~ BY._~YV~r.---- DATE-Q.:-iGd--:~Z SUB.;['C~ .-~K,~~ ~D--- -5~~~.-.. /'.~O!'~,~ CHKD. HY._.-.-.__ DATE ----------- - °- --- - ASSt~/~'11'Tiv~s/5 2, o00 ~-~' ~- 3 L ~T EEL ~, v rye PS ~ CD ~1~,~~T~ ~' s' x'A,_bi, x~~~_6,~ f qo) ~7 ~-- ~~,1~3 ~ o ~, 7 gQ -~f. # o~ ~o~. ~,t .-~t.~. ~~o~. . ~R~aa, - --- =- 3 8' 2~ ~1,33~ v sE ~ 1 ~ ~ /4~ "-..zsi " r,~~u-~- P~„p R ~N~o~~~~~, C~Z 90 ~o~NG ~~~ ', ~~-~ 1 6~ SEE S i-+T 3 ~o~ ~T~. 'D~ )LS t ~ `- D '~ n ,+~ 1 m ~ Jo2, ~a ~t~ ~~ ~= 38a ~ ~ # ~ 2.~.G~.~_ ,2.5-9f ~~ .f ' ~ `~ SHEET Nv. _Y`___ C>f-" .._~._ ~a~ Nom.. -~7f ~_ •__- ----- Lo,v ~ -~ ~' ~ ~ 3 8~3~ 7.77 3 z S ;979P.s~ ~,t~ ~ ~-~~c.-r- t~T o~ cr~r~G, T a~ NAT soi~. p~~ssc~R~s y 1 ~. "_ Z C ~'~ 2 C 3~ ". M = .#-~ 's J Z- p~pOd ~ ~~2'~ L....5 0~ ,8 p 7'j.D ~„~ S !"r' D ~' ~t,s"(a, ~3~z<s)t i~~"~) ~ ~ 2~5 77 .fit. ~ ~- 2tl~~h0 ~~G~ C ~ a xS'Wro~ E3'ro-__.~`~`'~~. DATE__.-.---.'-- _`iUc3JF'CT-.----._. SHEET tvl7.--~---- OF'___-~--• _- ..___ - _. ___ Q'~} x GHKU. aY__.--. C3.A7E:_._.._.. J+JB NO..____.Sl__~f/+!_•-----°- /3~,~0~~ t A~ -f-- l.2 577 - 3, ~©~ ~ ~ • s'Z~ -fit, ~ > I~ > /v ~. y~o ~ D- ff a l~-" n~~~ . 2 8 t 'r W a- ~- ~- ~ -# /-~'S G R~~~ • ,• - %• /o - ~ ~' ~5 f ~ ~9 jp -#~-~5 ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~5's , { O~+ /o,, ~ ,~ .. J FORM 8 OOA - 84 FLORIDA MODEL. ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SECTIOIi1 8 -- SIMPLIFIED ANNUAL ENERGY METHOD AOMINItIT~AEO sr THt DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS $C STATISTICS NON - RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ~ ~I10JECt NAME ~ PERMITTING OFFICE ~ ADORE!! \ " JURISDICTION NO. CITY. 21- CODE ~„ ~ PERMIT NO.~ eull,oER : ZONE owNEli SUIl01N0 CLAISIFiCATIONfEI ~ ~, .Z„ tltlllOlNO VALUE f SYSTEMS AIR CONDITIONING UNIT NUMBER TYPE ,~, EER SEER COP TONS R-TU -I U 8.0 ~$,5 -2 8. o I , 5 ~. U ~ UNITARY C = CENTRIFUGAL P ~ POSITIVE DISPLACEIYIENT ENVELOPE NeArsa U NO. Z AooF q o 13 0,05 RAISED FLR / INT WALL c3LAS3 x-100 0,~5 TOTAL COND. FLOOR AREAS p~~j S. F. LIGHTING' TOTAL K W s , 05 ~~~,.~, ~~ ,J HEATING UNIT KUMSER TYPE ~~ COP STUN (Z U- I ~. I, o g O~ -r -Z ~ 1,0 8 hoc ~~• E • ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE HP ~ HEAT PUMP O = GAS 0 ~ OIL COMPLIANCE SECTION 0 BUDGET Gj~ BUILDING MieYU/SP '~ ~ , "~`~ ~ SECTION 4 BUII.DIN~3 MSTU/SF ;~ CALCULATION METHOD= .~. ;_,;;,~~~~ In accordance with section 553.so7 F~~~"°'~...~0;;;'x~~'Ms Wane and spec,ficattions mi celNlati~:" p~~ ~~ cn. Florida Energy Code. ~° ,~+'~ OWNERJAGEM` - ~P,- a *;~_ DATE: ~ ~;,, ~,.,~c r q ^~ ReHew of the plans and spec~cetla~p~-cpN~l ~s;;F'dlo=;1~p~s~+d- caM aornpifsnca wiN the Florida Eni~ *~on e canplated. this building with Ser~dt SS3.~ F.S. ~ IOSii it i4 eulwt*,G oFFlcw.: a~ i 4 O O 2 O v Q N V= a F~ C W _ ~~i. O ~. ~ -~ C7 a ~~ ~ mZ ~ °C W a O J O ~- a u ~ Z 0 V~ s W VW Z~ < d W ~ 0 U~ ~H s W ~ ~ ~ i W m ~ Z F W » JD s i O~ ~ W H O 0 J W ~ ~ v m (~ ; a ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H < ~ < ~ ~ < 4 t 1 O ` > > 0 ~ p ~ i= W F o~ac z~ < _ ~ J .1 C ~ ~ to W ~ ~ Q = ~ W =a ac < t F- ao F ac ~ W ~" F ~ 2 a~ 3< s t I. w s v r Z fA Z O V ~ > Z ~ ~ z J m~ ~V ~ r ~ ~ _ . w -- . as L1 c l • < v `~ N ~ 0 ~ M ~ o a ~n `I` ~ o a B < < 5 E ~ 6. N ~ ~ of ~ ~ ~ 3 r ~ N c~ cv O 7 . < r~ ~ . ~ ~ Q; . O ~~ N ~ ~ O M ~ ~ t +~ ~ J O ~ N < Q W < ;~ ~ N ~ _ V U < m ~ w ~' m ~ + ~ ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ {{~~ to '~ {{~~,, Yl 1 N {~ N ~~ N ~ <I v ~ w z ~ N ~ i a o s ~ ~ ~ < W F = ~ t <'_ Q _ ~ ~~ F- ae °z ~ ~ I°~ w~ = C?Ip. <;, J S;-a _ "" OI Z J ~4 O V t(1 `'~ ~I "`~ aa M _,,, % Q ~ 4 y ~ u ~ ~ ~` . q~ 10 ~ ~ ~ e~ d o u ~. W % ~ _ o N 2 ~ x '~ s q ~ C5'" ~~ a"~aN 0 0 0 e 4 `~' ~' ~~~ ,~ l~ ~~ a a '' r .c = O ~ ~ m ~ }~ N w ~ _ to ~ .~ 9 p. i C Z to ~ ~ C V pW h < ~ W m _ -" di = ~ ,~ 1r d ~~ 1 C~.1 ~ ~ ~ ~I I~ ~ i ~~ ~ ~ (3 `off ~~.~ ~`~i m' ~~ J r 4 t- ~~ . Y i9 ft W Z W W Q .i t ~..+ o a 0 ~' t O W g `o a ~+ o 0 J ~ ~ s r ~ y W o > . R ';' t~ Z • W +~ ~ • ~ ~ Ti W '~ ~ ~ x p < ~, Z r ~ ~ ~ ; a W Z r JO r~ d hW W ~r3 W y'~ r Os= W .~ C GITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,. FLORIDA ~- ~ -~ ~~ App-o,»d by APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAI. PERMIT ~~~ TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE: D ~ ~ ~ 19 IMP013TAN7 NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR. DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC .BEACH ORDINANCES. NAME ~/L~~ ~ :.L ~ Z:N~d iL~s ADDRESS: /D'7l ~lLiiG ~ ~ ~ 'RFD BOX BLDG.3IZE BETWEEN; RES.1 i APT. ( } COMM.1~ PUBLIC ( 1 INDUS. ( ! NEW l } OLD ( - REW. ( 1 ADDITION l } TRAILER l }/ TEMP.1 - SIGNS ( i SQ. FT. SERVICE: NEW (+""l INCREASE 1 i REPAIR ( 1 FEE CONDUCTOR SIZE Z `S~ ~- 3sv ~heln AMPS 4 COPPER ALUM. SWITCH OR BREAKER 0 v AMPS PH W ~L~ ~o VOLT. plc /'~ RACEWAY EXIST. SERV. SIZE ~ AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. ~ SIZE 2~U NO. / SIZE /p~ NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS ,~ CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES ~ CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL 0.90 MPB. 91-f00 AMPS. 9WITCHEg INCANDESCENT ~ FLUORESCENT & M. V. 3 FIXED 0.100 AMPS.. OY6R APPuaNCES BELL TRANS F. Atli CONDITIONING H.P. RATING COMP. MOTOR M.R. RATING OTHER MOTORS AMPS CEIL HEAT: KW-HEAT MOTORS H a~ .P. VOLTAGE PH& NO. oval 1 H.P. VOLTAGE PHS ~j ~o~ ~ ~ v ~ Z ~i~i r~ ~ 3 MISCELLANEO US TRANSFORMERS: UNDER 600 V. OVER 600 V. __ __ j DEPARTMENT OF t3Ut1.DiNG CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA PERMIT NO._ PERMIT TO BUILD THIS PERMIT MUST 8E POSTED ON JOB ~M3, ~ ~, 'j! July 23 19 87 3'l,~r~r~t<TC Date '~5~3 ! ?~ ~~C3~/`~; Valuation $ Fee $ 38.0 a~ ! ~ •4~QC,'1XCt zis~ t ~~ :~/£1~/P'. ~ This perm(( not valid until above Eee has been paid to City Treasurer, and is t ~~ subject to revocation for violation of applicable provisions of law. This is to certify that Hcott P1u'mbing CFC03S?48 has permission to l~X xnstai l pitmtbing 'I Classification New CO~erCi81 Zone CG O ned by ~kba7' Deveiopment dart o astro- ewer ran ec owns zp nge Lot Block S/D House No. 1(371 Atlantic Bouleva~Td According to approved plans which are part of this permit 2 ~---~- ~r NOTICE-ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- SPECTED BEFORE POURING. PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE O Building material, rubbish and debris from this work must not be placed ', in public space, and must be cleared up and ~auled away by either con- ~, Building Official. FOR OFFICE I PERMIT I DATE ' CONTRACTOR USE ONLY NUMBER PLUMBING ELECTRICAL SEWER WATER air. 'see ~~° ~ .,~ cITY of ATLANTIC BEACH TOTAL FIXTURE COUNT APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT .J~ JOB LOCATION /~}'~/ %-7LA~77G f3 ~~~ PLUMBING CONTRACTOR ~~ ~ ~-- PG ~~ ~iy~- LICENSE NUMBERS ~ f_' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i°, BUILDING CONTRACTOR ,~ ~ ~ B' ~,~~ ~~~,,,,~,~ TYPE OF BUILDING /~ SINKS LAVATORY BATH TUBS URINALS `Z CLOSETS _~_FLOOR DP~AINS SHOWERS _. _~_tJATER HEATERS DTSHWASHERS DISPOSALS WASHING MACHINE OTI-IER ~ . C'•~~ a~s-~ ~ ~~ INSTALLATION OF PLUMBING AND FIXTUP.ES MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE P~~OST RECENT EDITION OF TI-lE SOUT1-IERN STANDARD PLUT~BING CODE . BUILDING AND ZONING INSPECTION DIVISION CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA APf~LICATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT ~~ CALL-IN NUMBER IMPORTANT Applicant to complete all items in sections I, II, III, and IV. I. Street Address: 'l ~ ~\G.. LOCATION OF Intersecting Streets Between And BUILDING Sub-division II. IDENTIFICATION -- be completed by all applicants In consideration of permit given for dot g the work as described in the above statement we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plans and specifications which are a pa t hereof and in accordance with the City of Jacksonville ordinances and standards of good practice listed therein. Mechanical Contractor Name ~ ~ State Certification or Registration Number , ~ ,A ~ Qualifying Agents Masters Card Signature Number ~ ,~, ~ Property Owners ,~,_„ .~... "' "' Signature of Name. ~ Architect or Engineer III. GENERAL INFORMATION A. Type of heating fuel: B. IS OTHER CONSTRUCTION BEING DONE ON C~lectric THIS BUILDING OR SITE? ~E'~ ^ LP Gas ^ Natural Gas IF YES, GIVE NUMBER OF CONSTRUCTION ^ Oil ^ Solar ^ Wood ^ Other -Specify PERMIT _~j.G ~ ~, IV. MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT TO BE INSTALLED NATURE OF WORK (Provide complete list of components on back of this form) A. ^ Residential B. Q'"Commercial C~Heat: A. ^ Space B. ^ Recessed C. Central C. ®''New Building D. ^ Floor ^ Fire Place ^ Wood Stove D. ^ Existing Building Ct3~ir Conditioning: A. ^ Air•to-Air Heat Pump E. ^ Replacement of existing system B. ^ Water-to-Air Heat Pump C. ^ Straight Water Cool F. flew installation (No system previously installed) straight Air Cool D . G. ^ Extension or add-on to existing system ^ Duct System: Total Capacity 1L~T7~'O _ _ cfm H. ^ Mobiie Home ^ Refrigeration I. ^ Other ^ Cooling tower: Capacity 9•P•m• ^ Fire sprinklers: Number of heads ^ Elevator ^ Manlift ^ Escalator (number) ^ Gasoline pumps (number) THIS SPACE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ^ Tanks (number) (Received) ^ LPG containers (number) Remarks ^ Unfired pressure vessel ^ Boilers ^ Rangehood Permit Approved by Date ^ Cooking Equipment Permit Fee ^ Water Heater ^ Gas Piping LIST ALL EQUIPMENT AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT Capacity Approving Number Units Description Model Number Manufacturer (Tons) Agency G HEdTING -FURNACES. 801LERS. FIREPLACES f S« H~TLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA m ~_ ~, ~ /~~ ~ ^~ A~.owabY APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE: S ' + ~~ 195-`.rC IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOTNG THE WORK AS .DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING,. WE HEREBY'AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS,.. WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND LN'ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. p"~1 GC.-Ci~C ~ ~~ ~~. NAME ~$~7 ~~ -~~~~'~' .ADDRESS: ~~ ~~ ~' ~~~/~f ~L RFD ...BOX BLDG. SIZE BETWEEN: RES.1 1 APT. ( 1 COMM. ( 1 PUBLIC ( 1 INDUS.1 F NEW. ( 1 OLD ( 1 REW. ADDITION ( ! TRAILER ( ! tEMP.~' SIGNS ( 1 SQ FT. SERVICE: NEW ( ) INCREASE ( 1 REPAIR ( 1 FEE _,_ CONDUCTOR SIZE AMPS COPPER ALUM. SWITCH'OR BREAKER AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY EXIST: SERV. SIZE AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE NO. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL O.90 AMPS. 8f-tOO AMPS. 3W ITCH E3 INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT & M. V. FUCED 0.100 AMPS. OVER. APPLIANCES BELL TRANSF. AIR CONDITIONING H.P. RATING COMP. MOTOR H.P. RATING .OTHER MOTORS AMPS CEIL HEAT: KW-HEAT MOTORS : H ar .P. VOLTAGE PHS NO. ova 1 K•P• VOLTAGE PHS MISCELLAi~lEOUS TRANSFORMERS: UNDER 600 V. OVER 600 V. LI31tlM 213M3S 1tl012110313 9N16W(1ld ~l~tl2f1N00 I 31tlO I 13WLl3d I 301 j0 tlOd ~ l~gjl -uo~ saq~Ta ,~q ~sn~s ~neq pus do paxeal~ aq ;snuff pus 'a~sds axlgnd ui paasid aq ;ou ;sncu ~ion~ sIt{~ uio~ z sugap pue gsrgqn.~ ~Isr~a~sw $u?pIInS ~ ~------- ~--- afiSSI 30 3,LVQ 2Id,L3t~ SHd.NOW XIS QIOA d.IW2I3d 'ONI2iflOd d2I03dS Qd.L~3dS -NI aS .LSnw SONI.L003 Qi~i~1 SW2I03 ~,L~I~NO~ 'I'IFl-d~I,LON aiuuad stq~ 3o uEd aiE tl~cgm sueld panozdde o~ ~uipso~~y g pag~+aPsoS ~t~ue'=~~~OI 'oN asnoH ~ Z ~~~2I '~ Z S~t~sunao~. 8£~a~~ ~uez~ ~ca~a~sa3^,~~aa~#sga 3a ~.~°c~ aTanaQ ~tgtJ Gq paunn0 ,1 ~ auoZ ~g•~~p~ ~~~y IIOt~E~i~[SSEl~ Z'~8 ~~~ ~Zg~SUC .~I~o; uotssiuuad seq s f-z~'~f)Q~ ._. ~, azotu~t~ "j x~Ty ~Fl~X7~)E~ItXIfY zEga,~?~~a o~ st stt(1, •Mt( }o snotswoid a~geocidde }o noi~s~oU ~o} ao~adonai o~ ~.»»Cgns ~~~ ! s~ pue 'uinseaiy .S»~ 07 pied Haag ssq aa} anogc [t7nn P!R" =ou 7tuuad nqy ~r L~;1 ~ ~ v ! t ! t ! ;1~t;1~Cl• . I~~+~€ 0 uOLaEtI '{}6i X~XX~ $aa3 $ l~~ ~/~G1! Ya ! L!L! 6I ~ a3EQ L8 £Z I f ,~~~~~,~~ l 1 uC'~~ ! 90f NO a3tSOd 381Sf1W 1(Wb3d SIHi wins ofliwa3d ~0~~ •~N 1~W2~3d tlalltOld'H0tl38011Ntllltld0Al10 ' 71f18 j01N3W12lVd3a ~NIQ CITY OF r~Z~tt~c ~e~~ - ~Qo~da 7160CEAN BOULEVARD P. O. BOX 2b ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 TELEPHONE (904- 249-2395 February 17, 1983 Mr. Stan Cole 99 Orange Street Neptune Beach, FL 32233 RE: "Use by Exception" Permit - Parcel A Property (Legal Description Attached) Sunrise Community Evangelical Free Church Dear Mr. Cole: On February 14, 1983, the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach reviewed your application for a "Use by Exception" permit. The City Commission granted approval for the permit. With the "Use by Exception" permit, you are authorized to use the above-referenced property for church purposes. Sincerely, ~t./1 A. William Moss ~~ City Manager AWMJls cc: Use by Excep ion File City Clerk Building Record File Tim Shea ~~~ CITY OF r~~i°cust,~c Se~~i - ~~vuda 718 OCEAN BOULEVARD P. O. BOX 2b ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 TELEPHONE (904) 249-2395 February 14, 1983 REPORT OF THE ADVISORY PLANNING BOARD Re: Application for "Use by Exception" - Tim Shea, President, JAHAH, Inc. Sunrise Community Evangelical Free Church On January 25, 1983, the Advisory Planning Board considered an application for a "Use by Exception" by representatives of the Sunrise Community Evangelical Free Church. The application is attached. The five-acre tract in question is located west of Aquatic Drive, north of Atlantic Boulevard, and east of Cornell Lane {extended). The property (Parcel "A" on the attached survey) is zoned RG-2 (Medium Density Residential - 10 units per acre). Members of the Sunrise Community Evangelical Free Church plan to construct a church on that site. A church is permitted as a "Use by Exception" in the RG--2 district. The Advisory Planning Board reviewed the application in accordance with Chapter 111, Section C-3-d. There was significant discussions concerning the means of ingress and egress. The church intends to extend Cornell Lane to their property at their expense. Additionally, the Church representatives were advised that the "Use by Exception" applied to church and related activities only, and not to other uses, such as church-affiliated schools. They were also appraised of the potential for commercial development on adjoining properties. The Advisory Planning Board recommended that the City Commission grant a "Use by Exception" permit to the Sunrise Community Evangelical Free Church. Respectfully, A. William Moss City Manager AWM : j 1 ~E Planning Board of the City of Atlantic Bench City Hall Atlantic Beach, F'L 32233 Dear Planning Board Member: 'rle respectfully submit, for your approval, the following application for a USE BY EXCEPTION. In reviewing our application, I feel the following will be of help to you: The parcel of land we are requesting the USE BY EXCEPTION for, is a five acre (approx.imately~ tract currently zoned RG ~ We are request- ing a USE BY EXCEPTION for a local church, who's membership roster I have included in your package. Currently, the church has a contract to purchase the property from us pending the granting of a USE BY EXCEP'T'ION. The church has obtained mortgage financing for the land purchase from Joe Gill of Gcenn State Sank and will be closing within the next 90 days. . It is the intention of the church to, at some future date, build a facility on this property. However, they are at this time simply trying to acquire the land. Therefore, we have not submitted any plans for a building or a site, etc. We simply need to have the assurance that, at some future date, when these people want to build a church, they have the proper zoning exception. Under the current zoning classification of RG ~, this five acre tract could be used to build up to 65 multi-family units, which at this tir,~e would severE~y tax the city's services of water and sewer, as well as cause considerably more traffic in an a3~ready con- cested area. Instead, we are asking that you allow for one church to be built on the same five acres. This would add a very positive element to the existing neighborhood, reduce the requirements for city services, and limit the traffic problem. I believe you will find our application in order and we will be present at your next Planning Board Meeting to answer any questions. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Respectfully Submitted, Tim Shea, President JA.T-iAH, Inc. December 27, 1982 t • ~ 'USE BY EXCF:P7'1U1J' AI'PI.ICn1'ION DATE FILED: December 28, 1982 _ _ _ LOG N0. NAAfE b ADDRESS OF OWNER OR TENANT IN POSSESSION OF PREMISES: JAI3AH, Inc. ~ a Florida Corporation__ PO Box 50099, Jacksonville IIeach, FL 32250 PHONE WOE; 246 4881 HOME: 246 1711 AN ADEQUATE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE_PREMISES AS_TO WHICH THE USE BY EXCEPTION IS KEQUES'1'ED: ee attached addendum A and attached Plat A DESCRIPTION OF THE USE BY EXCEPTION DESIRED, WHICH SHALL SPECIFICALLY AND PARTICULARLY DESCRIBE THE TYPE, CHARACTER AND EXTENT OF THE PROPOSED USE BY EXCEPTION: ___ ____ -___ _ _ The particular Use By Exception desired isuse for CHURCH purposes.-- _____ __ __ The extent of the Use By Exception would be that extent normally associated with CHURCH functions. THE REASON FOR REQUESTING THE USE BY EXCEPTION: Owners of said property are desirous - - of selling said property as per attached contract. Purchasers of said propert~___ want assurance that they may use the property for Church purposes at some - _ future date. ~-~ ' PRESENT ZONING: ~~j ~ `~ ~~ __ __ S NA OF APPLICANT OR APPLICANT'S AUTHORIZED GENT OR ATTORNEY. IF AGENT OR ATTORNEY, INCLUDE LETTER OF APPLICANT/OWNER OR TENANT TO THAT EFFECT. ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- ~- REVIEW GUIDELINES 1. Ingress and egress to property and proposed structures thereon with particular reference to atuomotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control and access - in case of fire or catastrophe. _______ __ ----_---_--See attached SUi~~RY OF REVIEW UIDEI~INE~-_--__-- ----------_---__ ~.,~. u~ ~.~~.tIIIU\ i11lt11.H11V(V Refuse and service areas, with }~articu]ar reference to the items in (1) and (2) :above. See attached SUi-iNtARY OF REVIEW GUIDELINES 4. Utilities, with reference to locaCions, availability and compatibility. See ottoched SU1~RY OF REVIEW GUIDELINES S. Screening and buffering with reference to type, dimensions and character. See attached SU1~AIARY OF REVIEW GUIDELINES 6. Signs, if any, and proposed exterior lighting, with reference to glare, traffic s~-fety, economic effects and compatibility and harmony with properties in the district. She at~nchPd ~jT f~ARY f1F RF~JT}~,l CLTTD .T .TNFS _ 7, Required yards and other open spaces. See ottnche3 SLTMN,.LRYS?.~R_r1~~1 GUID$T,TNF,~_ 8. General compatibility with adjacent properties and other property in the district. See ottoched SUT'R~SARY OF REVIEW GUIDELINES 9. Any conditions, restrictions or limitations in the use of such premises. t ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '~dvisory Planning Board's Report and Recommendations; That the "UGe by Exception" for a church be granted.