Permit 1099 Atlantic BoulevardDuval County Property Appraiser -Parcel Information is Name: SOUTHLAND INVESTMENT ERS Property Address: 1099 ATLANTIC BV City: ATLANTIC BEACH Zip: 32233 Unit Number: PARCEL DESCRIPTION Real Estate Number: 177422 0000 Mailing Address:6465 QUAIL HOLLOW #401 MEMPHIS , TN Zip: 38120-1448 2006 Exempt Value: $0.00 Page 1 of 1 Property Use: 1191 STORE, RETAIL Transaction Date: 6/30/2004 Transaction price displayed is based on the actual amount of Legal Description: 38-2S-29E .685 B DE documentary stamps CASTRO Y FERRER GRANT PT RECD O/R 11921- Transaction Price: $750,285.00 paid at the time of 273 - recording. The current rate is 70 cents per $100. Neighborhood: 713902.01 Census Tract 139.02 Section/Township/Range: 17-2S-29E No. Buildings: 1 Official Record Book and Page: Heated Area: 5400 118210273 Map Tile: 9420 Exterior Wall: C.B. Stucco ', VALUES AND TAXES FROM 2005 CERTIFIED TAX ROLL Land Value: $195,364.00 Taxing Authority: USD3 Class Value: $0.00 County Tax: $4,344.90 Improvements: $487,871.00 School Tax: $5,468.61 Market Value: $683,235.00 District Tax: $2,047.93 Assessed Value: $683,235.00 Other Tax: $341.95 Exempt Value: $0.00 Voted Tax: $287.64 Taxable Value: $683,235.00 Sr. Exempt: $0.00 Sr. Taxable: $0.00 Total Tax: $12,491.03 http://aPPs. coJ•net/P .IOB ADDRESS id Q9 PROPERTY OWNER PERMIT NUMBER J lv ~~ ~~ DATE ~~/ ~~~ INSPECTIDNS: FOOTING - G 7- ~~ ~ ~ ~' ~ SLAB TIE BEAM LINTELS ~ ~~ ~ - NAILING/SHEATHING FRAMINGICOVER UP • ~ .r-mot INSULATION FINAL BUILDING U -- 2 ~ " CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY r~ - 7<<'j ELECTRICAL PERMIT# !~ ~ ~ 3 INSPECTIONS ROUGH , - ~ ~ ~ - FINAL /a - ~? _~ MECHANICAL PERMIT# ~ 7Z ~ INSPECTIONS ROUGH FINAL /f v~~- PLUMBING PERMIT# /~, ~i' G~ Z INSPECTIONS ROUGH/UNDER SLAB ~• ,~~ -~`~~ ~' Zr ~~ TOPOUT f - z 1"- ~~ WATERISWER FINAL •~ `~ : f NOTES: Jul-15-98 11:18A CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PERMIT APPLSCATSON REMODEL, ADDITIONS, OR ALTERATIONS MOVING,D~KOLITIONS owner (s) : Value Pawn and Jewelr Store Inc 01 Sunnytown Roa , Suite 310 address: Casselberry FL 32707 Phone:~407) 339-0064 Lot # Block or Unit k Subdivision: tort:actor: River City Contractors, Inc State License ~ CBC 050150 Adc~ess:4517-6 AppletonAve phone No: (904) 384-8916 Ci~v Jacksonville Mate FL ~:~ C.oce 32210 Describe wozk to be done: ~en/oV~'7('~"6iJ `S QP?~t~~«S 'S' Ski ~C/S,a ?resent use of building: ~jc fL > L-ob..tJ ~ 'lal~:ation cf ?-pposed Construction: es`t'. ~S.S 0 C~C~C?. DC~ ?roposed use: ~rt.t~,sti ~ ~OtQ Is :.his an adcition? Nn If yes, ghat are the dimensions of the added s5ace: ft. X ft. Will tt:e added area be heated and doled? :few e'_ectrical (or increase)? New plumbizq fixtuzes? New fireplace? New Heat/AC? ' SUBMIT TFgiF.E (COi'~CI1LL) TWO (RESIDIIVTIAL) CQMPLETE SETS OF PLANS, INCLUDING SITE PLAN, SURVEY, CODE FORMS, NOTICE OF COI~NG-2~,21T. AND OWNII2/CONTRACTOR ~II~IV~'T, IF ONNII2 IS CONTRACTOR. Sicnature CWNER• ~ Date: 1(~ZP Q~ Signature~ CONTRACTGR: Date:. 7'/~~/7 '~ S{~.e c~ F1o~'~l~ Caw'~!~ oF~~~ / t4L ~- 19 Swo;n to and subscribed before me this ~ ~ day of ~ y !T ~ - .+"'""~~, DEBORAH K, KING ~ e :.: ~ NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA ` ";;, .'re My commission expires Sept. 4, 1999 NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OE F'LO AT LARGE `'~'°1:~;`° Commission No. CC 493060 L~G°~pQCO~11~~:;~ Date: _ '~J , ~ ~ -~i ~.. Atlantic Bead •ire~Mnr~~,As 1~ ~, CITY OF >gt~a~rtic f~eacl - ~~CVrtda Mr. Robert Smith Atlantis Restaurant Inc. D/B/A Champions Club 1099 Atlantic Blvd. Atlantic Beach , F132233 Deaz Sir, ~~ ~~ ~ 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE (904) 247-5800 FAX (904) 247-5805 SUNCOM 852-5800 It has been reported to me by the Atlantic Beach Police Department that there aze repetitive incidents of your security alarm being activated . We respect your right to have a security system however it does entail a responsibility on your part to maintain the equipment in good working order .False alarms aze a distraction for the police from other emergency calls . It is also a violation of the city noise ordinance Chapter 11. I encourage you to have your alarm system checked for any defects and have them corrected immediately .Continued violations can result in this matter being brought before the code enforcement board. ~' Fl Statute 162 allows for fines of up to $ 250 per day for a first violation and $ 500 per day for a repeat violation. ~;~° ,. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated. Sincerely, .~ ~-c-~-s-.. Karl W. Grunewald c. Public Safety Director Lt. H. Bartle Via Certified Mail ,receipt requested. M m SENt~ER: • Complete items tend/or 2 for additional services. I 8150 WISh t0 reCBiV@ the m Complete items 3, and as & b. following services (for an extra ~ • Print your name and address. on the reverse of this form so that we can feat: •~ @ return this card to you. m • Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space t . ^ Address88's Address N '' does not permit _a ~ • Write "Return Receipt Requested'' on the mailpiece below the article number. 2. ^ RBStrlCtad Delivery "' • The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date m delivered. Consult ostmaster for fee. 0 3. le ddressed to ~ 4 icl~~yr~nb`3~ l~ _ cCj}~J(( C7f ~. ~~ ~ £ 4b. Service T a r~ `~~~~/"a~ ""ti-- ^ Re i ed ^ Insured of ~ Jx I~~ ~/~' ; ~ - ~j ^ Express Mail aturn Receipt. for ~ ~ /Cl ~~ ~//~~ r Merchandise o C ~~ ~J 7. Date of Delivery. ~ pit - G~qa~ ~ 3 ~ `.." ~ a ~ 5. Signature IAddresseel 8. Addressee`s Address lOnly if requested ,y~ and fee is paid) t ~ 6. Si at A SA ant- _ F` 3 .ter ~ -.. i PS Form T 1, December t 991 ,o-us, at~o: teas-asxata DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT ~, y ~ ~... e s~~~ COMPLAINT # : ~ COMPLAINT DATE : ~/~~~~ / TIME ~~ COMPLAINTANT: ~J ~ ~~~st~, ~ ~ ~ Firs ADDRESS : _ /~ ~~~~ 1~ Street City State ~~r LOCATION: TELEPHONE #: COMPLIANCE: Street //L~ /~ f,~ Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 City State Zip PROPERTY OWNER: ~~~~~~~ ~/~;~~..~ ~ DEPT./DIVISIONS: 10 - 6 PRIORITY CODE: TAKEN BY: INVESTIGATION DATE: / / TIME: INVESTIGATOR: DEPT./DIVISIONS: 10 - 6 ACTION TAKEN: ,~l~i! Ate' r~ $' /fit s'ue' rc.- ~ ~~.. COMPLIANCE: ~~~ s `. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: RE #; Nature of Complaint POLICE DEPT. ~ ~ _ /~~ _ Gf ~ COMPLAINT NUMBER S M T W T F S g~ 2 4 D~ - 03 4 ARRNr~~ CO Received By Dispat~~chJJ~d ey Officer Ass/ign/ed // `~ ~ p~ 0'~~ Location Incident ~i d /~/ 'S ~/~ ~ ~0 / r Complainant REC `~' /Y ~~ 1,~ DIS ARR Address of Complainant '~~ COM ~ Ph N b ^ JSO DIS um one/J e`r~ 1 2 !~ " G-L/ /~ ^ FCIC/NCIC CHECK ARR COM HOW RECENED: ^ Radio ^ Person ~fione ^ 911 FlRE DEPT. ^Teie ^ other ^ TRAFFIC TICKET __ ^~ A~CCIDENT REPORT ^ PARKING TICKET BOTHER ^ INCIDENT REPORT ~~ ~"' ~ REC DI`' ARR COM NOTIFIED: SAO ME DET JEA CAB JSO CHIEF FDLE TOL T~MF~ Nature of Complaint POLICE DEPT. Q~ - ~ s_ REC 0•~~~ S M T W T F S DIS ARR UaS^7 COM~ ~ Received ey Dispatched ~ ~%~9 REC DIS ARR COM REC DIS ARR COM REC DIS ARR COM FIRE DEPT. ^ TRAFFIC TICKET ^ ACCIDENT REPORT ^ PARKING TICKET 'OTHER ^ INCIDENT REPORT ~ REC D~ ARR COM COMPLAINT NUMBER 9~-03436 Officer Assigned /yr~~~ Complainant ~-!~~ Address of Complainant Phone Number JSO FCIC/NCIC CHECK HOW RECENED: Radio ^ Person Phone ^ 911 (-1TeleN~e I-1 other JSO CHIEF FDLE TOL ~. ~, ..ML~YUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY `~ , .CG.'•~^;'ISSION MEETING HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MARCH Z2, Z979 A`T 8:00 P. M. PRESENT: William S. HoweZZ, Mayor-Connnissioner James E. Nhoon L. W. Minton, Jr. Catherine G. Van Ness, Corronission.ers AND: Bill M. Davis Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk ABSENT: Alan C. Jensen, Commissioner The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hou:eZZ. The invocation, offered by Commissioner Minton, u~as foZZo~ed by the pledge to the flag. Approval of the Minutes of February. 26, 2979 Motion: The Minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting be approved as submitted. 1layor Hor~eZZ suggested that Item 7 - Unfinished Business be discussed first as lJeptune Beach z~as waiting to take action also on the revision of InterZocaZ Agreement on CATV. The IAayor explained that a minor re- ~~ision had to be made to conform with a suggestion made by the Attorney General which aZZozvs for additional members of the board, subject to ratification by the legislative authorities of all existing members and the rcera member. l~?otion: Amend the InterZocaZ Agreement as passed by ResoZutio. at the Zast meeting. Recognition of Visitors The Mayor recognized 11r. Robert Smith mho requested Commission approval for a permit to be issued to remodel the OZd Jamboree Club. Mr. Smith plans to recreate a European. cafe on the site. Mr. Davis commented that he had worked with Mr. Smith on developing the plans and felt he vas ~eZZ advised on the City's requirements, as to parking Zot, etc. Motion: Approve plans of Mr. Robert Smith to construct a European Ca fe on the site of the Jamboree Club. I;ayar HoraeZZ recognized Mrs. Ruth Gz~egg z~ho asked that some action be taken to enforce the locking at night of a gate to a car Zot that is in back of her house. ldrs. Gregg stated that I~lr. Fred Leuris had assured her the gate ~o~!Zd be locked at night. The Mayor advised 1~^rs. Gregg that ;ae raouZd get in touch r~ith Mr. Levis anal settle the problem. ME OF COMMRS. O I O S E C O N D V O T E D Y E S V 0 T E D N O 1~Ihoon x Minton x x Van Ness x x HoweZZ x Mhoon x Minton Van Ness x Hone Z Z Mhoon x x Minton x Van Ness x x HoneZZ A`T'LANTIS RESTAURANT $165.00 1099 Atlantic Blvd. rest. (more than Atlantic Beach, Fl. 32233 150 seats) 30.00 4 4 pool tables 30.0 2 snack mach. 15.00 Robert and Josefa Smith ~ v1-deo games 90.00 yF~ LICENSE fir` DATE PAID ~~~~ -~ l ~,S'l / ~ 7 ~ _ ~ - ~ y - r~c~ i~i4 t-~'ik~~ _ - i~_Y`1~_ ~~ ~~~~'- - -- - s DEPARTMENT 4F BUILDING 4 O 1 O CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA PERMIT NO. PERMIT TO BUILD THlS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB ~~~' ~ 19~ ~ Date 34 . t~G 10, flt3Q Fee $ Valuation ~ This permit not valid until shore Eee has been pall to City Treasurer, and is subject to nroution for vioLtion of applicable prorisioos of la.r. 1'hia is to certify that ~Q~3er$ '~" ~tYll~t~] CplYtiiiE;Z'G 2.81 r+@:t[ttldt' 1.1.]PlC~ has permission to boil Ca~rC~'8~' 7 f+ne Classification_ -- Owned by I~ab~rt P3 a Smith Lot .Block S/D (At~.antic & ~•xayport Rc3, d 1t19~ ~tlant~.c ~3~.vt~" Souse No According to approved plans which are part of this permit NOTICE-ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- SPECTED BEFORE POURING. PERMIT VOID SIR MONTHS ,I AFTER DATE OF ISSUE ~' ~ - 0 Building material, rubbish and debris 4,--- Z from this work must not be placed in i ~ public space, and must be cleared n ~ „ and hauled sway by eithe~€y~#~aact or owner. q e pia 9 !•• dill. ~±; ~7~avis ~ -+~:i~,~~if;, - _ _== _ -- FOR OFFICE USE ONLY -- PERMIT NUMBER DATE CONTRACTOR PLU MB I Nf3 ELECTRICAL aEW ER WATER ~ui~DIHG PERMfT DBRZ,O (2,7„1 ~.~, _ B: p 0 8 6 4 State of Florida :J~ '~° 5 PERMIT NUMBER Department of Business Regulation Division of Hotels and Restaurants ~~`°"~ In wnaideration of the payment of fee as noted herein receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, APPROVAL IS HEREBY GRANTED for the ereuion (or remodeling) of a building or buildings as descnbed and shown in specifications and/or drawings prepared by an Archi- tect registered in Florida, for the owner named, at the location shown; at the approximate cast given, and containing the number of rooms, number of restaurant seats, other. food service, or remodeling not affecting rental units or seating capacity as indicated herein. _---. -~-~-a.--. PERMIT ISSUED TO a ~~='~~ , ~ `_ y~.~ ' , _ __ ~~ ~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~ . LOCAT}~ON ~ QF~B U 1 L D } NG______1_~~~ ~~~~1~~'7_ ~'~-~~ C~_... .I __ - _~~_____-_.__~ CClTYi1 ~S-~'~rt ~~1C. #~ ~_,~~j ~ LCOUNTY~_ ~ v THIS BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER SHOWN ABOVE, dated this ~ day of ~ ~ , 19 is issued only on the condition that in the oonstrudion or remodeling of the building or buildings herein described, every applicable___ ie of the DIVISION shall be complied with whether or not s'howcl"'or noted in the specifications and plans which are identified by a stamp with permit number and date corresponding to the above, and signed and sealed by the Supervising Architect for the District. This building permit is issued under ~ the authority of Florida Statutes, 509.211 (4) , 509.251 (~ (b) , 509251 (4) (b) , and the Rules of the Division of Hotels and Restaurants. r . ,~,; . ;~ ., ..: ' ~ ~.• ~ ,. ,~, _. ON OF OTELS AN AURANTS ,~. v ~ `:~ ~.~.~~~ ~iAlttT ou i~.ai~r~ auR~~o toNSrr~u~~o~ ~ ~- ~ r ~_ , ` , :: supervising Atrhit ( CONTROL A E ~ ~ CD ~ ~ ~ - - - -- - DIBTR CT NO. ODE .j ~~ 168U ANCE ' MO. DAY ' - _~.. a yi~'c. y'+~"'3' . "~ _ ~ USED BY CENTRAL OFFICE AUDITING STAFF 01 PERMIT AND ~ O O S ~ ~ t ~~ O2 TR. NO. DEPOSITED RECE,PT NUMS1iR ,: _____ _ _ _ ~ . ~ ~ STANDARD LIC. FEE SCHEDULE ~ NEW ESTABLISHMENT, NOT UNDER LICENSE BASED ON UNITS OR SEATING GAP. AND/OR FOOD SERYICES. ` .~ fa~CENSED ESTABLISHMENT, REMODELING WITH NO REMODELING FEE SCHEDULE 2 AaD(TIONAL' RENTAL UNITS .OR SEATING GAP. BASED ON COST OF CONSTRUCTION. os ~ 'P , s -LICENSED ESTABLISHMENT, REMODELING WITH REMODELING FEE SCHEDULE ~ ' PERMI . ADDITIONAL RENTAL UNITS OR SEATING CAP. BASED ON COST OF CONSTRUCTION. oR ; ; . LICENSED ESTABLISHMENT, REMODELING WITH STANDARD LIC. FEE SCHEDULE a. ~ ADDITIONAL RENTAL UNITS OR SEATi~NG CAP. BASED ON UNITS OR SEATING CAP. x AND/OR FOOD SERYlCE5. ~ ._ -:~-.----~- CERTIFIED BUILDING DEPARTMENT ~ ~ PLAN VERIFICATION ~ ~ 2 ~~ PLAN APPROVAL , SITE INSPECTION ~ NO SITE INSPECTION 4 NO REQUIRED L FEE REQUIRED. HALF FEE - - - - - - r r _ -,- - ~ „ ,,. - TYPE OF ~ ~ 2 ~ 3 t'-1 a a r----1 B ~ •7 ~~ g I---1 91-'-1 L L J I I ! t ! OS OCCUPANCY F D APT ' HTL -MT^L . BH- CONDO RETIRE --. - B CATER COMM MFDV TEMP , C R KE OUT U A SEATING CEO ER T ' 08 ~ t - -~ -- -- r Z ~ ~ K t__.~ L L~ IN ~ N ~ ~ ~ P C~ ~ ~ FOOD SERVICES , - . - ' .,.C', 1.r: ...~~ . r.r. d?.a ;~~'.'._ 3:i.: .;.yi ::~ .t,,- ... fir. £'.,:.- ;. ,.~~.... ~-a--..~_ 1 07 NUMBER OF RENTAL UNlTB OR SEATING CAPACITY jU0 - ~ ~' tl n G FEE I l s ~ ~ ~ ~' CONSTRUCTION OR 8 `~'T~~ _ T _ COLLEC7ED --.:------..--,--^------~ Tom.---,. ---- ~--- ------.--~-•-------,---~^-----~-~-.---.-.~.,r ~7r~. ~ 1 ^ ~,' 8'TAfJDARD LICENSE ~ TYPEfI~ ~ -~~ ~ f -U.~ ~ ESTIMATED COST OF ~ ~~~~'~'"j~ ol! 4 s ~ Q~ S Z NEW CONSTRUCTION O ~~ R i FEE COLLECTED ~ 1 S APPLICANT ~. ::ti`s :f "~ 4'~ ~l°~ ~~~ ~.~~ '~~~ ', FLORIDA ~- APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT FOIL OFFICE USE ONLY .. M, 'F Date--- ~ :.~ ...............19 y:. ;: '~ ~ Permit #-=~~~ /.:~:....----Fee $..~ ~/:..~:?c:?--.... valuation $.__.~~`e House # .r•'' --,.. ...... ~ .w. Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other structure described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and all provisions of the Lawa of the State of Florida, all ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach and all rules and regulations of the Building Department of the City of Atlantic Beach, shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. The Contractor or Owner-Builder who has been issued a Building Permit is automatically responsible to ascertain that all sub- . contractors engaged by him are duly licensed in the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida. To prevent delay or embarrasment regard- ing intermediate or final inspections it is suggested that a list of sub-contractors be submitted to this office so that lice~ea can be verified. „,. Date ...............•--•----•----•-••---..:_ ~ s~S'_G.dl-•- - --•-••---~ 19.i' Q...-- r~ ~ ~ ~ -~~ t a. t~ C I3l Owner.._....__~~t?bCr~-_.5~~.__.~:?7.1~Y1-----------•----------• ....................Address---._. .. ~.3rit1~.._~~. Ch,F~lephone No.---.1~S~Xi.!°...Y.~~ Architect---...--•--•-------.....,IVOXlr.--....-----•--• ...................•---...-----•----•--.....Addrea .......?`~'..~.1'~_:.....-•----....---•---.....--•----_...Telephone No.------I`.t...1?.._...----.. Contractor Builder--••--------= ----•----.°-•-•_---...--•--------...---.••--..------.•----._.._Address..:&~~:11:C~_~..__~~D.C. .,~F1.~d...Telephone No.....2~i:~.-_'~~~~ Lot No...-------•--•---•---------•• ......................Block No....------•----------••--•----..Sub Diviaion_....---..._....._...--•----:...--••---------•-----•-••---••---•---•--,._._.._..Zone.._...---•--...-- !~ ~~,~.X.1:~_7..~._..~ti:----~~T~~-~?4 +~~_.-..Street-------------- -------Side Between__.-..--•--• .........................................and_..._..---•------•-----..-.-.--...--•-••-----.........Sta. S ~~ D~ ""~- ~:ur~ ~aa.n ~tyl.e Caf ~- Valuation ... ~ .................. or what purpose will building be used........~1.SC_C?_._......._.._..Type of~cons~ruction_._.~..nrLC.r.~t.~....__... Dimensions of Building---~,~~.~----i :Qp~...--_--•--Dimensions of Lot------..__a~.~....i: t~.~y :...................:Size of Footings.-._----.-.-..1~...;?.___._•---...-- Size of Piers----_-__.N-= A_•`..--•----...---Size of Si11s..... ~=. }~-'.-•------------Gxeateat Sill Span in ft.-..._...~_'_.:.~1.: __.._..Type Roof...._...._i~L:..A .................- How will Building be Heated?..''•1.~.C:12r1C_..C~'..-~~'~.5 ..............Will Building be on Solid or Filled Ground?__._.~.5....~ Size of Ceiling Joists---.---._.~l_~---.Z~.._.•------------- Distance on Centers...._........--.:~-~...- ~............., P t~-U.•.-~,.,-,---•---•--•-• " // I Greatest S an .............. r s Size of Floor Joists----....--_•-~.S___.I;~,r.-._•----..__.., Distance on Centers ............. ~ 5._--• _~ _..----....... ~` s ~........_...... '~ ~ ° , Greakeat Span ..............?_....._~C Size of Rafters..-----_-------_-.--~ls--_ZS----_-.._._.:_.., Distance on Centers ........ ..... ~:.s_...I~..._•-•-__-.., Greatest Span_..---..-.---aS....IS..-..--•-._-_-- " c~rr~oF p R ~ ~u~~~.a ' ~Nr~c ~~ct Two copies of plans and specifications shall wr~ o~F~cE 1 be submitted with application. ~,~ This rectangle is to represent the lot. Locate the building or buildings in the right position. Give distance in feet lrom all lot-lines and existing buildings. REAR LOT LINE Inspections required. ~ ~ c3 lQ 1. When steel is in place and ready to pour foati~ . W 2. When steel is in place and ready to pour colu 3. When steel is in place and ready to pour beam. '~ 4. When framing iB completed. 5. When rough plumbing is completed, and ready to cover up. 6. When septic tank drain field or sewer is laid but before it is covered. ?. Electrical inspection by City of Jackaorville. ~ 8. Final inspection, Note: In case of any rejection, re-inspection MUST be called for after corrections are made. Z a W A FRONT OF LOT In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement, we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plena and specifications, which are a part hereof, and in accordance with the building regulations of the City of Atlantic Beach. S~i~gnature of Builder ...................••--------...----._.........................._..........----- Address......---...........---------•-•-•-•-------•----• Signature of Owner------------• ....................................................:.•---........._ Addresa.....................................................---........._..............._.... ~, y©1 ' N~ ~L °° R S~ ~ ~ ---% ~~.-- o r2 ~~~ CL,pd~ ~N3 ,. ~ f= f=• ~ ~ i-1 A fL D w o-a p f` t o o:~ `~+T~- 11 ~~~` f/_~ ~~1~~ ~ .~ ~ o l ~ y, `~'%~ a~ ,~ ~~ o r-1=,G~ ~-~ A ~ fi~ tr o c~ ~~Q~~ -y i G ]----1 ~,;~1t6 4 >a~i ~ ~ ~~~,~ ~,r.~_ ' ~ _ ~ g~.ACli oA ~lv~~~ ~ ,,ti _p,,....-,.... .. (~. tJ, ~r r ~,I~IY pFP~R G~~~FF1G~ Y~ .,h. ~`}1~,pt ,. _ m . --{ ~ ~ ~'~" „- y~1. ~ t " ~. ~~'~~ ~ ~ `I/IIIIN,1~iM~'1 ( J ~ O ~ ~ Z ~ ~~~,,~/// ~ Q i t.7. tJn G' ~ 2 { 'fit ^~~'" ~ ~ ~ - r ~` ~ ~~ ~. ~- ~ 1+ ,~ u ~ ~.. f ~ ~. N '~ Kj U _._ o ___,-- ~- _ ___ - _ __ ~~( ~ ~ ~ •~ ~~ ~«~ r ' w ! ~' t - ~ ~ 1~ ~'--- ~ _--- [~~ W ~ ~ o R . ~ r_ a,o ~ wood y R ~ ' ~ o ;~~ --- ~~ ~~ ~ ~.o y-•. s ~• I~~LaoR~ C oNG ~~ - ~-3 -°~~ - - .~ , - GFtt-f ~ ~ '" ~~1 vi ~~t G R LL'~ ~ ~ fi12K1~G Mlis?G~'~~XeR l,.lc ~. ~F,s` r ..'~"T./ _ . o t `` `. `ley ~~' c TAB. C Q .sy . ~~ X, ~~,tr ~ t~ ~` ctn. ~ ? ~~~ .e:! 9 ~ 3 .~ V -•, >tt~~`_' ~~~. ~ ~~~ {I[-~~ ,.}..v 1 y~xj DVS ~ 2~ ` ^ _ 3 '[' _ .p p -1 •. l P`'Q , (ty ~„ , 'T! 0' • tea'-~CbL,- '~j ;-~ ~°'©~' ;S' ~~ ,''q 4 ~' .. iJ M ~ . ~ ,c ; .ate„ ~,... .. _..~,.c ~ .-°=- - _ ~ ~ ~ ..~ ///J ,~ ~ ~ ~, ~ to ~ c~ ~ ~' .--~ '~~ r' -a ~ '~ z c'o ~ ~: d~~. s-~ r3 ~' tSA ,.-A ~' ~ o to ro ~' ~ ~ i ~ _ n , .;, r.+~„...~•'' ^~ .., n ; n ~ s -1 n M - ~a. ~~ ;~ o- DL~~ ~L ~ oN ~ N ~ CaN~JttET ~ ~ ~ ~~ y~sJ ~ LvucsZE T i ~ ~ l EF (ZtG . ~ ~A` ~ 1 fl r~ I a ~ v Lt ~ ~ V / "._Nt!1 GE4 ~~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ 1, ~, .~ --•--~-~ ~ ~ a; r ~ ~ p ~ ~ ~~Y~ y ,~+ , a~~nr ~ f f\~ ~ J / s~ I ~ `~ z 1 !2 !~ t T ~ ~~ E ~~ , LE ta'~ ~. .~- Luc R Y ~ c o,/c/2 tFT GR~Pc 1 ~t 1~ /9 ` Ga N ~1Z"r ~~ ~_ ~ [ , ~-~- 1 ~' ~T~ ~r ```~ ~c~,.... "~ ` T b`~~ __-_~~ 6 ~ `~GHrr Ga N t / I ; Ej,~TRli~vcE _ 3 ~ ~~ ~~ ~ 12. _. ~-- /6 ~G " ~ l A'pp VED .. ~} CITY OF NTtC gEA~H 1` -----7ic- ~ > 1 ~ ~ ~~? ~~ (~ ~ s ~.1' ~/G/}LC~~GYt=Ji • /4 ~~~ ~ _ __ r~ ~f`. _.- _ ~---------_ _ ~ ~ P G -T ~ X 3 `(~`` V ~s~~ Q~t~S ° N ~ '~ X E~ R ~ ~ ~ ~y,lT 1 L- EN p `- CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA A J t ~ ~v APPLICATION FOR _-___ PERMIT' Date....._..._..._..1! .._.. Permit ;~ .............__......!'ee ........._..., Valuation j..X.."~::.~ .....:........_.................. :.~~...~..~ _...._ .w. _._........_ ApDlicatioa is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement o! the plans and speciticstions herewith submitted for tb building or other structure described. Thin application L made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance a the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and all provision of the Laws o! the State o! Florida, all ordinances of the City of Atlaati Beach and all roles and regaLtiona of the Building Department of the City of AtLntic Beach, shall be complied with, whatha herein specified or not The Contractor or Owner-Builder who has been iarued a 8aildinpr Permit is antoma'tically responsible to ascertain that all anb cotrtrsctora engaged by him are duly licensed in the City of Atlanlie Beach, Florida. To prevent delay or embarrasment regard ing intermediate or final inspections it L suggested that a ili of sob-contrutors ba submitted to fhb oiflce w that licenses cap beveritiea.~~~-~~/S ~/5('c I~ST`i~~7'/~~` Data._...._ - ~ _..._..., lir...___ ~ ~_.___.._ .............._............._._.._..2 9 3 ~3 _ /~ ~/~ r Owner---•-l•- ~-~-~ C~ -~°~ _.__........ ~2!f~. c_T~-±___..---•-• ...................•Addreas---.._.........._.._....__.----•---•----....___._..._...Telaplwne No.......~-----...:_.l Architect-.--• ............. $ j~J'V Contractor l'r--: Lot No ..............•----•--•---•-----------•--•---------Block No..---------------... Tekpboaa No...._._..__._..._.~ .Telephone xa~Y~?..:l..l.G~.. ~c Valuation ;..~~_~...-`•----__----For what purpose will building be used----------------------------------------Type of eoastraction._...._.._..._........._.__._. Dimensions of Building.-----------• ..........................Dimensiona of Lot.........:---..:........._......._..__.--••-.--__-._ Size of Footinss-----...._....__._....._.._..__. Size of Pier, ....:..............................Size of Sills..........--..--........-----...Gzaateat Sill Span in ft._.....__...--..-------.Type hoof--......_..._.__..........._.._. Horn rdll Building be Heatedi-------------------------•--....---------.-------...........---.Will Building be on Solid or Filled Ground2..__.._..._...._...._.._..__... Size od Ceiling Joists ............................•----._......., Distance on Centers.............-........._...._.._.._---_-.., Greatest Span..._..._.._~---------._._....... " Sise of Floor Joista..-_.-.------.._..----•------------------------ Distance on Centers._...............-..-.-•------_-•-.--...., Greatest 8pan..._._......__..._._._...___._._.._ " Size of Itattera .................:.............••-----------------:_.., Distance on Centers ..------ ---.. -------------•------•--._.., Greatest Span.....___.__.___.w.____._._... " a,{~~'{ °.~ f{;l n iii. r t~:1°i~~ Two copies of plans sad speciScatimos shall be submitted with appHcatioa. Inspections required. 1. When steel is in place sad ready bo poor foating.~ & When steel is in place sad ready to poor eolnmi 8. When steel L in place and ready to poor beam. 4. When framing b completed. b. When rough plumbing is completed, sad ready to cover np. 6. When septic tank drain field os sewer is laid but before it is covered. 7. Electrical inspection by City o! JacksorvLUe. 8. Flnal inspection. Note: In case of any rejection, re-iaspectioa i[UST be called for ti~itar corrections are made. W a4 F80NT OF LOT In considentioa of permit given for doing the work as described in the show statement, r-s hereby scree to perform said work in accordance with the attached glass sod ono, which are s part hereof, and in aoeor+danee_ wrath the baildin= regnhtioas o sth~~Ci~tl~n c /~ /~ Signatare of ~.. - Address...,~.,~~'._.11.•----~..._":~~3.t~. .., ~, Signature of Owner ................•---._...._.................~.._._........._.._.___._.._ Address.~o ~ ~'~ '~ 4./3.7.1._.........__........._.........~..~........_........_ This ~y~a is to represent the lot Locate for a bnildinR ar baildings in tl~s rI ht position. Gin dbtaaa iA feet from all lot•llaes sad esistin~ baildinss. R.EAB LOT LINE ..........................Street.-•------•--....-..-...-.-Bide Between......----------•-----._.---...._........__........and_.._...---..._.__.__......._.._.._._.._...$b. DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC REACH. FLORIDA PERMIT TO BUILD THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB Date, ~ulY 31 1g 87 Valuation $ ~. Q00• UO Fee $ 7. SQ Thia permit not valid until above fee has been paid to City Treasurer, and is subject to revocation for violation of applicable provisions of law. PERMIT NO. " `y' 7~~{~ TI ~.~Ctt".l~T! ~4 ~~~ ~ ~ ~>~ s ~~. ~~~,~ .l~ncglw+ ;~ f 4 7!3 i ! t ~~ltf This is to certify that RobBxt N. Smith has permission to ~[ ~(~af~t~iEX ~~t"n ~r flYi st -a-la~rsd~+''' nn~ re~28ce glass - Classification. ('ns>~Ht~rc~al Zone Owned by Robdxt N S ~ th -- Lot Block SAD House No. 109Q At i ant is BBUlE~a~d According to approved plans which are part of this permit ~----- r t NOTICE-ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- SPECTED BEFORE POURING. PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE O Building material, rubbish and debris ~ from this work must not be placed in public space, and must be cleared up hauled away by either can- t tra r or ovynga; ~ , r' ' _~'a'f~`~ i ~..- ~~ ,~ ~" Bui 'n¢ Official. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT NUMBER DATE CONTRALTO PLUMBING ELECTRICAL SEWER WATER f ~+`Ot% Address I ~ / ~ ~i~~~~ ~~I~~~ - Heated Square Footage Garage/Shed Carport/Porch Deck Patio @ $ per sq @ $ per sq @ $ per sq @$ persq @ $ per sq TOTAL VALUATION: 0~, ~ Total~a cation Remainder Valuation .5~ ~ a 1st $ /~(~j_Q b . per thousand or portion thereof $ 5.0 d $ ~- --------------------------------------------~ Total .Building Fee $ ~,D ~ ADDITIONAL PERMITS and/or FEES REQUIRED ~ + 2 Filing Fee $ a.~ ~ Fireplaces @ 15.00 $ Mechanical ~ ~ BUILDING'PERMIT FEES '~ s'Z~ Plumbing ~ Electric/New ~ Electric/Temp Septic Tank Well Scaimning Pool Sign Water Connection Sewer Connection Water Meter Elevation Certificate BUILDING PERMIT WATER METER CHARGE SEWER II~IPACT FEE WATER IlKPACT FEE MISCII~LANEOUS GRAND TOTAL DUE ft = $ ft = $ ft = $ ft=$ ft = $ S /, OQn~O~ $ ~~ $ ~..~~ CALCULATIONS and/or NOTES cITY of ATtArrrxc BEACIi APPLICATION TO MAKE ADDITIONS OR ALTERATIONS C rc ~c~~ s Owner '~` •, :~ .~ /_ ~1 f ~ ~ ti ~ ~ tlAddress ~., ~/ ~3 ~~ ~ ~ t ~!'=~ t• 4 '`~ Phone 1 ~- ~~t~'-~ ~1t~ ,~ r Architect (' ,• Address `~ - ~` ~--- Phone f ~~..! ~ , Contractor -~--~ Address Phone Contractors License/Certifica.tion Numbers ~,~ Expiration Date ~ .. CARPORT OR PORCH _ \ i ~l C (-~ t'r t~(c~~ ~~ • PATIO '~ ~ YES ~ NO NLT~'IBER Will there be an increase in number ,of uni.ts? Will there be a decrease in number of units? ~, Any additional plumbing fixtures? ~ . Any new fireplaces? ' Pro er Address `-~ ~ ~ 1 - l1~ i. ~~~~ ~ '' C- Zoning ~' C• Lot ~~ Blcok or Unit ~~ Subdivision 1al f~'F~- n'7~ a Valuation of Construction $ ~, a ~ ~ j ' ~' Type of Construction ~~~ -/'-~ <~~ i."t-i ~ ~, Describe Work to be Performed ~,i~ c -;~ /~~ G~ /~.~ ~`1 t,~-'1,cr" y ~ c..~ ~~~' fj ~ ~- ~ '~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ a> u ~ I ~c i ;[;I • .a v`,r `.~ ') S C" C • _, S G. /7 `-,~ ~~~ l ~ ?,-, i. f Materials to be Used ~ ~- f. , ~ t ~> ,; ~ ~ ~ ~, r }~r 1 1~ T /'i N~ y ~ d"~...-~ N! U^ G"- °r...~ ! -T ~1 _:2- -~'= \ ~, ~ ~ L--V 7G c:''~G--~~ ~ .~ Present Use of Building ? ~~~'~ ~ ,~ r-~~ ~- ~~ L ~, ~ ~ _ .. ,. Proposed Use of Building f ~ '1 • i'= ~ Flood Zone ~ ~ , " ~ ~ ~` ~~~ ~~ ~~~--.___ ~ Dimensions of New Area: ~, _____--.- r ~~ a ~i GARAGE OR STORAGE ___.__-___ __ ~._. - ~ `w sir ~ SUBMIT TWO COM~'L.ETE SETS OF PIANS INCLUDING SITE PLAN _. __ ._ Signature OWNER ~ ~~~-'C`, ~,, ~' i':-'" ~ , , _ ~ Date - .? .J __ S " Date Signature CONTRACTOR ` ~~~ ~` h a ~~.-~ .' •.+~ .~. .~ ~~ C _. 1 '~ ~ +~ ~^-'~' .rw^~1 ..'.w~`.. r... ~~ ~~y' 1e~" ~w/ I-~ ~i'~ f .wr„"~`~M""" ~' } ~~ yt l1 `i `~ ~ 1 .~ •"•~ ~ + ;~~ N ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ^. ~ ~~}v ,:~ ~~ ~, a, l~'--. . .. •, PAGE 1 of 1 'USE BY EXCEPTION' APPLICATION DATE FILED : ~ ~ ^' ~-- ~ ~ ~'~ Please Print or Type NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER OR TENANT IN POSSESSION OF PREMISES: ~~ ~ 1=~'~.T /~/'~ t}-' '~"° 3 ~- ~''`j C . PHONE HOME : ~ `-~ 9 -- 3 a 3 ~ STREET ADDRESS AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES AS TO W}iICH THE USE BY EXCEPTION IS REQUESTED: /cam 9 9 ~ '?" C n ,~ ~ ~ c ~3 L f/,o /~ T H A N -r-~ ~ I3 ~~ A c t~ ,~~ L~ 3 ~- Z 3 3 A DESCRIPTION OF TtiE USE BY EXCEPTION DESIRED, WNICII SHALL SPECIFICALLY AND PARTICULARLY DESCRIBE THE TYPE, C}UIRACTER AND EXTENT OF THE PROPOSED USE BY EXCEPTION ~ /l~/ (,.- ~-~-7" C G (d ~ ~ G ~ ~ N'G ~" /~ r J!' /' ~ ~- S' C L ,t,~ 63 !" / /, ~'-~.7 Z~'~_~' ~' ,~71.~~2t~L~~ ~~i~-`7~(-r 'I~ - SPECIFIC REASONS WHY THE APPLICANT FEELS THE REQUEST SHOULD BE GRANTED; S N !7 ~ L-~C ~~ ~ t~ PRESENT ZONING : ~' /,~fj I~G t'~ f ~1r C ~ T~ C G . i~ S gnature o _pp cant or p scant s Authorized Agent or Attorney. If Agent or Attorney, Include Letter of Owner or Tenant to that Effect. ~~ gnature o Owner o e roperty (Necessary to Process Application) ADVISORY PLANNING BOARD'S REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS: BUILDING AND ZONING INSPECTION DIVISION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 82Y88 APPLICATI®N POR MECHANICAL PERMIT CALL•IN NUM ER IMPORTANT -Applicant to complete al{ items in sections f, II, III, and IV. 1. OS'9 ~T~~,v?ice ~~ w Street Address: LOCAT{ON OF ,~/ [/~J O d ~QV~ ~~e ~2 ~ ~~ " Q~ r ~'" ~ A ~ n Intersecting streets: Between / % I / BUILDING Sub-division 11. IDENTIFICATION --- To be completed by all applicants . In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plans and specifications which ere a part hereof and in accordance with the City of Jacksonville ordinances and standards of good-..practice listed therein. Name of Meohenieel Cantraeto- (Print /~ _ ,~ ~ l7 ~~/~ ~`~ ~ Contractors Master / /Lf~OS Name of hoperty Owner O ~ ~~T S/K C ~l~ .~L ~ r/ ~/~ G.°U .3 ~.! t~.~ Signetun of Owner Signsture of or Authorised Agent Architect or Engineer 111. GENERAL.IN RMATIO A' Type of hgtinq foal: B' IS OTHER CONSTRUCTION BEING DONE ON ~Q ^ Eh>~ric TNIS BUILDING OR SITE? ^ 6es . ~ ^ Netunl ^ Gntral Utility IF YES, GIVE NUMBER OF CONSTRUCTION Q Oil PERMIT Q Other -Specify IV. wNCMMAC/-L EQUI-MiNT TO tE INSTALLED NATURE OF WORK ~,~ ~ 5~~ l ^ {Provlda wmpleta list of component: on back of Mis form) Residential or L7 Commercia ^~ Heat ^ Space ^ Recessed O. Gntnl O Moor ^ New Building tin ildin i B Air Conddioninq: ^ Room Gntnl g g u s ex ~ LaJ' Replacement of existing system Thickness Q Duet System: Mshriel Maximum cepscity e.f.m. ^ New installation (No system previously instaYled) ^ Extension or add-on to existing system Q Rekigeation ^ Other -Specify (~ Cooling .tower. Capacity 9•P•n~• f h d ' ea ~ Fire sprinklen: Numk»r o ( Q iHewtor ^ hAanlift ^ Escalator (number) THIS SPACE POR OFFICE USE ONLY ^ Gasoline pumps -{number) l~l Q. Tank (number) Remsrks Q LF6 contalMK ~nYmber{ Q yefirad prassun vestal Pemsit Approved by Deb Q ~~ Q ONNr -Specify Permit Few LIST ALL EQUIPMENT AIR CONDITIOMNG AND REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT ~' Gpadty A ~2 ~ ~ l Number 1[anuta ctur r ('Tbns) I I[od ri ti ~ e I a a- p NumMr Unto Derc ~~ Dreg c sa ~>a e 7 rr o~~`} Imo' 4: 1 ~7~~ DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH __..__ FERMI7" IN~'ORPlATIDN - ~-_.~ Fe>r"mit Humber: 379 _a______ LCIGATZUN TNFt~RMA"fION -- ~_.__.._ Ferm~.t Types MECHANICAL Addresa~s 1899 ATIAMTIG' BOULEVARD C3.~s~ of Work: NEW ATLANTIC.E~EACH, FLORIDA 32233 Conartr. Types WClaD FRAME __..___..___ LEGAL DESCRIF'fTON _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ Lc~t Propc~$ed Uses STNGL,E F'AMIL'Y : Blocks S~ctlanr D~-p313.ng~z I Codes O T~iwnmhip: RNG: O aubdivi~ic-n EetisRet~d V~.1ue: ? sb0. 00 I~nprov. Casts ~t7. OC1 Total Fuss X7'5. DO Amount _P~,ids $?~. 00 . i~ITRAL HEAT AHD AYR . « .. TTATIOH -_______ ~~~,~: ~a~»~`~ ~x'~ri~ ----- A~"P4.II~ATIt7H ~'~>vs ---__-- Acldre~,~ _ ],6x39 A'!'i„ANTIC BOULEVARD PEkMI'I" 575. ~ WATER ' ' " A7"LAKT'IC BEA~;N, F`L©RTDA 32;3 Fh+trn~: t9t~4°3;46-8971 TMPAC I F EIv ~U. QU ~E~1~R ,IMPAG'1' kt~lE, ~U. t70 ' Mte9 1'~R :E'ER ~t3. ('IC?. ~' •.'" C~TNACTOR,HFt)RMATiO~T -__.-,_ ~~~~: ~~ ..7 ~.1~ l~ - lIAVL7?l; 47 A T _" ..a ,+i `pia©. V47 Ac~dx~~>~s: ~~ ''WEST HIiH STREET ~ p ~.~ `FAF ~t~; A~i.AH'~`IC BEACH, FL X2233 I~IYDRAULIt:: 3HAt~E ~U E?Ca L~:ceta~~r s CAC03~585 '~YPe s 3 . RE-- T HSPEt;°`f FEl~ ~#t~. C~Ca 'SEC. H IMYA~:`C F~:E; ~+_~, tin OTHER 5t). t3Cz NOTES: NOTICE -.ALL CONCRETE FORMS ANp FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED FN PUBLIC SPACE AFVD MUST BE , CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER. "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDfNG tWIPROYEMENTS." vr~.s~trlc~ ~Tr~: ~r~~~~l . ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUB,~~ REVOCAT~4OR O VI LATION OFAPPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. ~~ ~`~ ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING DEPARTMENT ._ .;:. CI?Y OF ATLANTIS BEACH, FLORIDA A~r,-owa er APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL. 'PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL. INSPECTOR: DATE: ` ' ` 19~j IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMlT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN 7HE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. BLDG. SIZE BETWEEN: RES. i - APT. ( 1 COMM, ( ! PUBt.1C l 1 INDUS. { - - NEW l - OLD ( 1 REW. ( 1 ADDITION ( - TRAILER ( 1 TEMP. ( - SIGNS i 1 SO. FT. SERVICE: NEW i 1 INCREASE ( 1 -REPAIR ( 1 FEE / COMOUCTOR SIZE AMPS COPPER ALUM. f ~' © ~ SYIHTCH OR BREAKER AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY !XI$T. SERV. SIZE AMPS PH W d VOLT RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE NO SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL :MOTORS. H.P. VOLTAGE PHS N0. H.P. VOLTAGE PHS S SIGNS NO. NEON TRANSF. NO. VA. MA. MOTOR SIZE SWITCH FLASHER EACH SIGN ,fM ~.. a '~ ~ ,. 7~. .* .mss: DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING - CITY OF ATLANTIC BEA+1~H -----° PERMIT INFC3RKATICtM -`-__ __ ~''~ ________ LDCATIOH 71'dFLlRt9ATION -_._~._~.:.__ Pert~it Numbers ~83tY Address: 1099 ATLANTIC B©lJLEVARU Pertn~.t Type:. E4ECTRICAL ATLANTIC REACH, FLCtRIAA 3,2233 C]:a~s of Wank: , AD?JITIICIN - .__.____....__a LEGAL DESCRIf'TIOH --_...__ Crarsxstr. Types MASt3N3~Y/BRIC}C Lat: Hl.ockt Seatian: Prctpo~ed Use: ClTH]~R Townships RNG: d Dweilings~: O Code.: O Subdivision s Estimated ~-~~.~-~: ~o. 00 Improv. Ca~tt : ~t3. 00 Tat~1 Fees : - >`33Q. tat] A~mnunt Pe:d : >~3Q. OD Cl3t --- - tlW3tER ~fiFC3R?iATIC3N ____ ~_ ____ APi~LTCATItaN FEES -____ Nsr t CHA?1P x E]?tEa PER I't I't' ~ 3iC}. Ot? Addreeae: 1099 A'CL.ANTIC BOULEVARD WA`~'E:R IMPACT fiEE ~©. t)O ATLA?4TIC HL~CH, Fi,ORIi~A 3~~ SEWER.INPAC7" F'EE ~Ct.C3Q Pt:dltse ><, t 90~A) 268-p27'S WATE~t T9ETET~ `~t~. 00 RAllt3lwl GAS-H. R. 5. ~O, OQ _ - _ _ _ _ COAITRA~'tOR' ~NFORMAT~Otd _ _ _ _ _ W RADClt1 GAS -- 5r .. ~Q. qCl Hames GATE~AX E,L~CTRiG, INC. YIATEr~' TAP ~O• t}a A:~dr+~et?3 s P. D. 8€37 23EI~2 SEWER 'TAP #O. 17L1 ~ACK9()N1"TLL>~, FL 3221-3822 HYDHA#.lk..`IC: SHARE 3t7. QQ Licep~e : 14E^-238 TYPe s ~ RE- INSP `I` H EE fit?. Otl F ~:, ~ ACT FEE . ~O. SEC. H .. ,, _ „-; _ TH~R , .~0. CSC! NOTES: NOTICE -ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST Bf INSPECTED BEfORf POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH RND DEBRIS FRAM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER. "FAILURE TO COMELY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN .LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS." ED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT ANt~~~~T ~IFFi~`.1'~ON FOR S tS t1 VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVfSIONS OF LAW. i 1~ s ~" ~ ~'EftAl. ~3@. d~ !~ I:, sit ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING DEPARTMENT REC~IGT I+IEJh~Fs &-~l~& ., f,. $y: DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH -___.. PirRMTT INFCtRI4A'1`IC)N ______ _._______ LCICA't`IDlH IHFQRPtA'TION -_._____ Pexa-it tiurpber: 3S$7 Addx~e~~: 1099. ATLAPI"TIC B©ULt~'VAl2D Permit Type:r PLUiiB~NC ATLANTIC 8)rACH, F'Llr}RIDA ~2~33 Clp~es of Work. ABDITION ~.__~______ LEGAL DESCRIPTION ____..___ C~ti!n~tr. Type : W©QD FRAME Lot : B.l+~ck : Section Prc-pca~aed Uses RETAIL STCIRE Towrl~hip: RHG: O A~re1].irig,~~: 1 C+r~d+~: O SubdivS.~ian: E~tia~ar~teai slue: X0.00 I»ap~rov. Cost t #O. 00 Tot~i Fega!s a> >~22, 00 . ~trnount PMid I< #2~. OG~ - _ _ _ _ .~ QyP1~fER Tltit~pR?4ATIClN _ .. _ _ _ _ _ ._ .. _ APPLICATICtt~ ~FEE:S _ _ _ _ _ _~t ~xA~p~a~~, ~ PERMIT ~1~. ao Adds: ir~99 A3'L/~HTIC SO!lLEVARD WATC~,F~ IPlPAC'I' FEk; SQ, OD ATLA>'iTG MACH, FLCIRIDA 32 ~ S~Ittt~f2 ~?fPAG't' t''EE ISt~.Of1, Pta~n~s t 904) 2~;1=6118 WATt::R M>rT~R `':SO. tt0 RADf~N GAS--H. R. s. :~0. QO _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ C43HTRACTOR INFORMATIDf~ - _ _ _ _ RADCIt~ GAS - S~ ~O. 40 Names: 1~ELSEIH PLUtlSxNG CQ.,, INC. MATER TAP ~Q. QO -Adctre~~r: 5813 I'HZLLIPS PAE?KWAY FEWER TAP SQ. 04 .7ACKfsgNiIILLE, FLORIDA 322 HYDRAt}LIC SHARE ~O, OQ L~.e~ttiie CFCO~t1a"~"7'9 Types 2 t~E-INSPI~CT FEE X0.00 ~, •~ ~~~ ,.,•,, -~. ~... SEC. H LMPACT FED ,~ ~O. flC7 ,.r... , - A~Q, -Ott ` >, NOTES: NOTICE -ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED 1N PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER. ``FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY QWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS." ~,~~a .ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT ~~tEVOCATION VIOLATIOAI OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. T~ p.ECE1<P7 : NG DEPARTMENT ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDI // CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT JOB LOCATION: /'~~ ~ l ~'thQ~/` ~- ~Jj/'~ c,G'`j9"~l~i 4•-I S , PLUMBING CONTRACTOR: /(~ ~~ ~i~ LICENSE NUMBER: _ C~ ~ ~,. ©~d ~~ OWNER: ~ ~ ~ ,,~-- - ~ '~ BUILDING CONTRACTOR: /y TYPE OF BUILDING:_ C4~/f'I~j^ ~~ Q,` ~,~_SINKS LAVATORY BATH TUBS URINALS CLOSETS FLOOR DRAINS SHOWERS WATER HEATERS DISHWASHERS DISPOSALS r WASHING MACHINE •-~~/h~ Sr I ~ /''C~~! OTHER ~~~ • TOTAL FIXTURE COUNT: s,~ + $15.00 = ~,~_ y ~' INSTALLATION OF PLUMBING AND FIXTURES MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE SOUTHERN STANDARD PLUMBING CODE. , .~;, wb a r >,.~ ~- DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING - ,~~, PERMIT NO ~~ ' . CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA ~, ~--~-~~PERAI~IT TO BUILD ~~'hdtS PERMIT BUST BE POSTED QNJOB Date DP,C• l~s 19~~"' Valuation $ 1(?2 jl~ Fee $ ~~~ l~~i~ ~ This permit not valid until above fee has been paid to City Treasurer, and is ~ J ~ i j[s,{"lA It subject to revocation for viol at io n of applica~ l ns is io of law. ~"~ „I t l J ~ '~ ~ t{ ~ (~ ~ ;t e prow •, 7 / t i7 * p ~ ~p ~ ' t s,.<,,: ;< .- 9.yall."J .'ai ,~Y. X71°i1.2„[T ^~ This is to certify that 4Fn Sailfish lhive ~ ~ ~~;;~ has permission to build p `~7~ Classification ~~~"~~ ~ Zone mil' OwnBd by ~':ObL'z't 1R1. ;izY?j.th Lot Block S/D House No. Z~~~ Atlantic l~ni~l ~»rrI According to approved plans which are part of this permit NOTICE-ALL' CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS' MUST BE IN- t SPECTED BEFORE POURING. PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS ~,'' AFTER DATE OF ISSUE' 4 D i O Building material, rubbish and debris.; zi from this work must not be plac`' in public space, and must be clewed: up and hauled away by either can- ~ra for or owner. - ~--- B ilding Official. 1 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT NUMBER DATE CONTRACTOR PLUMBING ~e ELECTRICAL SEWER WATER CLI'Y OF ~^;~t~j~ITIC u:NCH APPLICATION TO r E^~UUITIO:S OR ALTERATIONS Owner (\ ~ ~ 3 CJ 2."7` / V , ~/~-1 l %t,~ Address ~~j C~ .~,~1 /L ~ /S h! ~~~ e_ ~ N-~=3 0 / Architect^ ~f~ .~? ~ Address Phone Ctmtractor ~ ~ ~'`l t% Address Phone Contractors Liceslse/Certification Nur,~bers /(/ Q~v Expiraticm Date ~ ~l Property Address zoning C ~ Lot ~~ Blcok or Unit ~~ Subdivision Valuation of Construction $ ~ ~'~ Type of Constructicm ____ ____ (Z,~ S-rs2 c.c c-rU ~ t' ~ ~ F -rt'n S ~ x~D I~ i~ I s L c C`"Li~ Describe L~Jork to be Performed c- / ~/o " 'o ~G~ ~ rtJ / $ '~(~ g ` !~ ~ ~~.~9. ~~ Materials to be Used $~ ~- 2. X ~ ~ ~X2 ~ ~ J3 r !~ M s' k/ !'"f~ ~' ~ ~~~ ?~ ~ ~ L-rs ~~, ~qcy Present Use of Building /~.~/~ /~ T ~ L C.~ Proposed Use of Building _`~ ,/~ ~ ~'` Flood Zane _ Dimensions of New Area: GARAC~ OR STORAGE CARPORT OR PORC:El DECK PATIO Will there be an increase in number of units? Will there be a decrease in number of units? Any additional plumbing fixtures? Any new fireplaces? SUffiKIT TWO COMPI;EI~ SETS OF PLANS INCLUDLL~IG SITE PLAN Signature OWNII.t Si~ature GCJNI'RACI'OR ~, ~`~ YES NO l~t~-MF3~'R Date ~~ ` ~'° ~~ Date J CITY OF ~~i~Cl~rs~iic /~eacfti - ~~iviic~ Office of Building Official REQUEST FOR INSPECTION Date ~~ '~ _A , __~S~- Permit No. ~ / v~ f~ Time Receive d A. M. P.M. District No. /a/~j y/t / ~~ rA T ~ Job Address ~- ~ Locality Owner's N me Contractor a BUILDING CONCRETE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL Framing ^ Footing ^ Rough Wiring ^ Rough ^ Air. Cond. & ^ Re Roofing ^ Slab ^ Temp Pole ^ Top Out ^ Heating Lintel ^ Fire Place ^ Pre Fab READY FOR INSPECTION A.M. Mon ues. Wed. Thurs. Friday P. M. Inspection Made Inspector Final inspection ^ Certificate of Occupancy Date I } ~ DEPARTMENT OP BUILDING ,~ ,. ~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA PERMIT TO BUILD THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB Date ~ ~-' ~ 19 $ Valuation $ Fee $ ~ ' ~~ PERMIT NO. ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~.~t~ 7.5t3CK? 1 ~ l t !11318 ~~~ ~~~~~ 9~ i ~ f t l~J318 This permit not valid until above fee has been paid to City Treasurer, and is r ~~ subject to revocation for violation of applicable provisions of taw. This is to certify that BF~C$ ~ ~TGN has permission to build It~OF ~I~ Classification COMMERCIAL Zone CG Owned by_ I~~RF.RT SPiT'~~ Lot Block S/D House No. _1099_ _ATLANTIC BOULEVARD According to approved plans which are part of this permit NOTICE-ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- SPECTED BEFORE POURING. PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS „ AFTER DATE OF ISSUE ~ --~ ~--~--- O Building material, rubbish and debris zi from this work must not be placed in public ce, and must be cleared up an led away by either con- tra r owner ..t ... _ ~`, i .... FOR OFFICE I PERMIT ( DATE I CONTRACTOR USE ONLY NUMBER PLUMBING ELECTRICAL SEWER WATER AYYLICATIUN !•'UK SLI:N !'L!J•fll ~ , ~, Sec. 20-3. Sign Permits - Required - It shall be unlawful for any perso to install, alter or relocate any sign, marquee, canopy, awning or other advertising structure permitted under section 20-2 without first obtaini a permit from the City Tsanager and making payment to the City Clerk of t required fee. All illuminated signs shall, in addition, be subject to t •provisions of the City Electrical Code and any permit fees required ther under___SOrdinance_No__60_66_1 4_Z _ _ _ _________________ - t ----------- - --- --- TYPE OF SIGN Name, Address & Phone No. Applicant F1 a t ~3 ~ A C ~`f /CMG 0 (y ~ S ~(~- /~-~ Horizontal Projecting l~`~`3 ~{ ~(jL-U ~U~ , Vertical Projecting x C/-/ ~- ~ f , `3 ~~S ~ Roof ~ °lC~'`/ 2 ~ 6~ - Pole Name, Address & Phone No. Owner Marquee or Awning VALUATION '$~ p ~ ~ ~~` ~~ ~~~ Address of the Sipn c (-( (~'~ P; ~>`-~" s C~~~ ~T 1_. - JJ G ~~--~'"~ 3 2-33 -- ~~~ ATTACH THE FOLLOWING TO THIS APPLICATION: a. .The location fo the building, structure or lot to which or upon whict the sign or other advertising structure is to be attached or erected. b. A Plot plan showing the position of the sign or other advertising stl ture in relation to nearby buildings or structures. c. A blueprint or ink drawing of the plans and specifications and u~ethoc of construction and attachment to the building or in the ground. d, The name of the person/contractor erecting the structure. e, Any electrical permit required and issued for such sign. f. Registered engineer's drawings must be submitted with applciations fc roof signs over fifty square feet in area, and for any sign the tap of w~ is more than seventeen feet above the ground or weighing more than one thousand pounds, or solid sign of area more than thirty square feet, shok that such sign will be erected to withstand a wind pressure of at least thirty-five pounds per square foot and that the weight of such sign will amply supported by the roof of the building or the ground support on whit it is to be erected. g, .Such other information as the City anager shall require to show full compliance with Chapter 2 and 11 o-~er laws and ordinances of the City. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE ~j~ SIGNATURE OF OWNER `.->~- ~; ~~ DATE ! ~~ ~ - ~,l ~1~t cam, ° t D V~ S ~ ~ C,, Cs-'d W E ` l C~- ~___~ } , ~ , ra c.- ~ ,_ ,r ,~arr~ P s ~ ~ ~`, ,_. r ~. 1 ~ ~- _. u_._.., .. ~ ... ___ _ . __ ~_.,.._._. _, , i ~ 11~, ~ 5 YYI U U ?~ i-i ~:.~ U T ! taT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s ~~ Lx~ST~NG '~~ ^,!<. ~~r ~t~ ~,;Ia ~~,~,~ above ~re.~,D~ I ~E-_ _ __ 1 (~ p-- - ~ ... __ _. __. .. _s _ ; i _..... t-~~ -.___._ ...... ~ ~ a____... _......~_..~.~ __,~ ~..~.._-.~.... 1 i^ ~DU~~ '~S ~ •~ ,/ a ~.. ,~: ~ '~_~ fi G~ ~ ~-` m ~, ~; :: .~j'. ~ f; ~_ y / -3l \ .' ' ~- ~- Q ~ w s ~ ._ .~,. r- ~ ~ i ~ ~~ ~, ~ r ., ~ ~: ~; ,~~. _~. ~~ f 1< e ,~~ _; ~ e~ c c; a ~~~~~~2s __..-- 1 y~ '~ ~ _ ~,;:.~ __....t..~._----__ ... .~ t of 'WILLIAM T. MATHIS & ASSO~• ~"~ ""~~'~'` ~~~ S eet Subject a ~ ~~ ~y Chkd by__---- Dates---= Consulting Engineers L.ocatian~' t~~~tPt (~•(A~; T~! IS Dat ~ ~b317 Arlington Road ~r ~~ - i~;~~_ ~ ~QDes by For M.-,~. , -Jacksonvi{le, Florida ~" N j 4 ~ M.~ ~ ..,i. ~ - _ ~~Qµ _ p ~ c7 i _ _. ~ , - ~ s ' . t ~~~ S=,,4~~ ~~ 3.1~ - :._ ~ _ - .. ~ ~ 2 ____ ~ ,. j T _i ~ ~ ~ ,- ` ~.~ F ~~ -_ . - r-~----' -- , ;' -t ~ •, /' ,- ~ ~, ~ ,. ~ _ -, _.- . _ , _ _ i / { !~. F.. ~ j ,,-~, f • ,,,~` t" ~, - ,„. ~" f ,. l ~~ _ - ;... ..~ _. 7 0~~ x x:33 ~ ''~'' S- .~ ii ~ r -~ 3 ~t -,.~d ~ 'Xt. -'- 1.5~''" ~~ -'?'~J 1 ,' 3 .~ .i'C- - 2vd ~ ~ ~° ~ - r ;~ ~, -. -~-- _ .._ ,. ~ z ., - .,, . ~ t .~~ ~-r. r i . ~ 1 ~~I' ~ '. ~ e. ., 3, y,.. 7 + +; ' . - `~~" ; 1 _ - Vvl~uwv~ I. Iv1AIH1S & f15SUl.. Subject_'~-~~-14~Y'~`~`~ l~"~'"~'`` Sheet ~ of ,. ,; Consulting Engineers Locations'' `~' a~ p,J~ G,:.v ~y Chkd by DatA ~~ 6317 Arlington Road t ~ M r4 i 7't ~5 Dat ~ ~~ Jacksonville, Florida For M~~i~2T" ~--~~~ RDes by. - ,--- - - -1-- 1 ~ ~ ~ ', C' ~ <`, i is i .. ~ ~ ,,. i ~ ` ,: ~~ '~.rr 3,12_ . _ ~ r ...~ ,. __ _. ~ ~ ~. ~Z.`~'' t'. f R i -- ~. // f ,, i h i ~` } ~. f ~ ~ ~ ~, + t 'yam 1 • _~ :. ~ y ... ,~ .. ~. f _ 5 ., ,. .. 4 __ _ ~~~ -=-~- . _ ,. . ,. ~.~ . ~1.. ,_ _ ~ _ ~ - .'# .- _ - zri4 a .f. _, ' it 1 ~..~ ~ ~~w .. -J..... ~-~- . - - , - .i. -r - t ~. ~ . , ' y ' ~~~ ,, ~~~ ~ .........-....,__..-~..z_......,.... r- ~ _:.. ~ ~..~ ~.. _ ... . N .: ~ ^~y ~r ,rte c r~ 4 ' ~y /~' ~e 1 ryr~ y ` it +r `' ' h ~y f f, r.~ '.' i r i. i ~_ :_ ~ r .. 1 . , !` _ ~-_', 2.5' s' ~--', 2'S ~- ~ Cr,~ ~ , `~ 141 t,~s~ Z.,~ ~ ~ li~~~ '. . 4 , c ~'' _ ?~e~"'a.: ~ ~'Zy '`w~1-.1; ~'a~ X l,"i,-1 = 13.t~ (~~.1 ~ji .~~: _ . j' r.~ ~ 7th, ~-~,~~` ,"". 1'1-'a'~ ~:~ ~, ~', ~' .~ _- ,.... ~e r-~ C~.~a t` ~ ~~ l lQ,G+©,~t.~~ ~ 1'x,33 ~ ,~.. ,- .. ,_ ~ •~. ,; _ ~ -;-- ._-_. IZc~d~t;s • r + USE.. 2x4 G,oM f~. ?-t~1-r~s£y2;r, ~ ' •~ ~~;:. - r S - ._ i . .. .~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ s~ 1. ~ `~.~ ` ., - c x+ ~ ~ t. -- ,~ ,. ~ i ~ 1 ~ ~ E~ ~ ~ ~ .. { ,~ ._ ,: r :t ~. _. .. r. ., ' ~ r a .- - d4..1 o~ =w p ~ ~~ ~ Qa W ~. ~ ~ (5.,, M M VCI d p i= m W .~ w a ^C1C7 W w a W ~ __ m z~~c J ~g~ ^ ~ c9 ;~ ~ o 0 ~~ ~ c cE 7 ~ ~Z ~ w ~ ~ ` m _" ar 4~~ ~ ~~ ~~.~ ~ 1 ~y~~ ~t qF.~ ~ ~ : ~~,~ ,. `~~,ti3 ~/ ~ ~s ~' ~'L~ t• '109$ o°c'~~ a ~~~`r~ `~~ S~ ~,~ Q, ~~ ~ ~'~ ,~ ~~ ~b ~ GOB ~,`~ ~~ ~~``' ~~' ,~oc16 Q titi ~S Qp~ p~~w spits ~~s :,s ~ob.~ '~ 5 ,~~ ~t~ ~1G app ~~O 19 S p4 tb a9a Q~ac tea ssto~ ~, Q~~t~. tip' c~'~s ~Qe' ~y,0~9 ~ti9 ~ ~ ~e„'S~~bb4o~ be yet goo \ ~~ ,~e~~~~ '~~ ~^y~~aiti o~ S4~ 4~~~,Sc{, a~t~~ ~~a ~b~ ebb ~sst~t~a // ~+~~ '~,a~b ~ ~at4b~s 4a~e~ a~ ~ ~ p~~b9 oy~ ~~,~os ~'oy~Fto Q~b o o~,etf ~ j~% ~ ~ ~~ c ~ l.: ,yot,/ tea. a4~Q ~ aQ t . .ts~a ato~b t; ~ ,~o 1- CI'f Y OF ATLANTIC I3EACH APPLICATION FOR ROOFING PERMIT BUILDING 0{VNER / 1 ~,r3 L- ~'T~ /~/' ~J~1 ) ? hJ PI-IONS 2 ~'{" y"~ 3 0 3 / ~~ l c^ c JOB ADDRESS / ~ /'~/ ~?- G ~1 ~"T/G_ _/3 L ~/%, LOT# BLOCK OR UNIT ~ SUBDIVISION CONTRACTOR ~ G=r! - / r PfiONE ~ `~ ~ 3 ~ 3 / LICENSE NUDiBER EXPIRATION JOB VALUATION $~x ~.~ . ~~ MATERIALS: ~. ~'" ~,.y'~~^,,~'{_~- SIGNATURE OWNER ~7,.-- "' ~~~)~"- DATE c^~`>~ ( // / '~- ~ fir-'' 'L1 SIGNATURE CONTRAC'~R DATE a _~__. ~ i ~ n -o v -i o ^s -~ ~- ~ ~o-_. -s ~ ~-• < w O -»m a~ a d C) rt ~ u~ N rr (D -• -s cn C) d O "~ ~ O rt ~ -t ~ -• rr O rt ~ O O 'o O N ~ fD ~ ~ ~ ~ cn c rr rn < ~ o' ~G + ~ ~ a ... ~ n ~ rt C' O -• ~ .o "t -~ N -S ~ fD .* p N -r r7 ca 'p -S ~ K -• (D rt < 't O fD rt N ~ ~ ~ ~ N -h N -+ ~ -t fl.. / ~ ~ ~( ~ ~ __ ~ R v 3 .!' ~,,\ ~ ~ ' ~ *, ~~ #, ~` ,., K1 h ~~_~ ._._ . ~~ ~~ 4 { __. ,. .. ~r ,..~.._ _ .~ ., , w,. r y~ ~' ~''"~ ° ,~" ,....~.,~_ .~yy ~p ~,,r _ . __.. _._ _ ~.. , .J...._. { 'ti ~ i --__..__..,___--~-__.m~..,~. ._.....___,.~ _._.. u.__.~_._~.~. r i , t _; i ..W._..,,~ ' ~ ~ .. . ~ ~ tr ~ ! ! _.. ~, h ~ i, '~ °" ' '-yet _~`~ ' y f '~.-^c, ... . R~..... P , s .. ~, ,; ' <y ~: ~ W ~~ 4'iG" I ~,°`~, ~' :,. x`t r~'v M IIj ~ ~ { ~ I..... ~a ... ~ ~ ~1 ~.1 "3 '~ f~ r~ ~~ w,~~~ ) \' ~~ 1`,,,' Ra \ ~. ?s ~~ ~\ ~~ ;~ ~. £:~ ~~ d ~.` ~~q\ A„ \ -,- ~~.. ="y . ;, per. is. 7d` A,: ,. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLOlZIDA APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMlT FOIL OFFICE USE ONLY Date_.._./.f `..~.~~ .............19 ~~ Permit ~---•---•-•-••-•----••---Fee $....~lE.'.....11.~.t7 Valuation $--~=7}-.Q7w...~~P ................... House # ~ ?~ ..~ , _ , Application 2s hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other structure described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach and all rules and regulations of the Building Department of the City of Atlantic Beach, shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. The Contractor or Owner-Builder who has been issued a Building Permit is automatically responsible to ascertain that all sub- contractors engaged by him are duly licensed in the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida. To prevent delay or embarrasment regard- ing intermediate or final inspections it is suggested that a list of sub-contractors be submitted to this office so that licenses can be verified. l ,/ ~ {-~ Date..;.--• ~'-•-•• `---•---~•-----•----••- --~--•-•---•---•--._, 19..>:F=.` 7 Owner.... ~:°.:~...~..~_~. ~.- ~-- ~"..'.~_-~~j-_~_.?-~^-.I~~1~Address_...W_~~?_. ~~J'..!:`_~~.'.Sf1~~~~Telephone No...2. ~_ ~``.3~•3, S• /~ r~ L•_ _.._.._....Address_........._•..s-~ ~` L _-_Tele ~~'~~ rz ~ Architeet---------------•--------•----._......__...--------...---•-•---•----._...__..-...---•- • •- --._.....-•---•------•---•-•-•-•- Phone No............._......---._..._ Contractor Builder.__...5.. ~ ~..' ~..._.~.._ -~ "`~ ._- ` .~ -------------- ----~--.......----. ~.._Address._.....--•-----•---..._............----...------..........._Telephone No.....----------...--•------- Lot No.-------•---• ............................•-•----...Block No.----•------•--------••--------.Sub Division_..---.._....._......_..-----------•---•--......---...--•--._...---•--,.....---.Zone..-•-•---•----••- - •---...---•---•----•--....---•---...--•-----• .............Street-•---------- --- ------- Side Between..----•--•------•---••---••--•--•--...----_..------..and_......_...-..........-•----•-------._............_...Sts. q ~ _ ~~iv ~'- ~ P rp g •R[ ~~` 'r - ype of construction.---....-•- •- ~ -•-.---- S Valuation $.~t..._.:a_._~.:___...__:For what u ose will buildin be used.~'....:.:'%.....:._._f'.--../~~-?:~'r C-°1~"E...._ _. ~-3 Lr Dimensions of Building.~~?~--6-~--------------------Dimensions of Lot------.._:..--.-.---..._._.._..........................:Size of Footings._.............----...----•---•---•--- Size of Piers.--.---_--...----•-------------------Size of Silks----.-_...-----------------...Gxeateat Sill Span in ft...-----.---•-•-•-•----....Type Roof.~:._::::,_:..__._............:..._-- How will Building be Heated? ................................................................Will Building be on Solid or Filled Ground?_..._.__.._......._..._.........._...... Size of Ceiling Joists----------•--•-•-------------•---•----•---, Distance on Centers---•--•---• ----••--•-------...--••---------, Greatest Span..._...--•--•-•--•-•------•--....---........ „ Size of Floor Joists___________________ Size of Rafters----.----•-------------------- --•.-_-•.-, Distance on Centers_.-..........-•----•---• .................... Greatest Span..--.-.----...--._--.-----..........._...... " ----------, Distance on Centers ....................••---...---........._, Greatest Span-•-•----•---•-••---............._........... -, Two copies of plans and specifications shall A P P R O V E D CITY ~ ^.TtANTtC BEACtI be submitted with application. F3U1'L.DINO OFFICE Inspections required. 1. When steel is in place and ready to pour footing. N ~ V' 2. When steel is in place and ready to pour columns and/or 1' ' 3. When steel is in place and ready to pour beam. i 4. When framing is completed. By 5. When rough plumbing is completed, 'and ready to cover up. 6. When septic tank drain field or sewer is laid but before it is covered. 7. Electrical inspection by City of Jacksonville. 8. Final inspection. Nate: In case oP any rejection, re-inspection MUST be called for after corrections are made. This rectangle is to represent the lot. Locate the building or buildings in the right posktion. Give distance in feet from all lot-lines and existing buildings. REAR LOT LINE SL`kf _r ~--,~ ~ ~I7 W a W m z a W A FRONT OF LOT In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement, we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plans and specifications, which are a part hereof, and in accordance with the building regulations of the City of Atlantic Beach. .. Signature of Builder.-; --------•--•--•--~--•-~ .-~e~ ~.... Address------------••----------------------------------------------~_..-------------.,._.....-------- Signature of Own ._~--- '-~ '~ ~ - Address........ '~ ~ rG ~ ~ S ~~ G .l c 7`E. ~ t t~f~,1 -. 3 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA ADDENDUM TO BUILDING PLAN 1. Building Location: / p~~ ,;~%z.iaNT/c J3Lli;~ ~~'% C t ~3C ~ i ~ L'~ 3~~3~ 2. The attached plan for the above building is approved subject to meeting the following applicable construction requirements: a. Footings shall be continuous monolithic concrete under exterior walls, reinforced with two 5/8" deformed reinforcing rods for one-story buildings and three 5/8" deformed reinforcing rods for two-story buildings. Reinforcing rods shall be placed in the lower one-third of the footings, properly placed and fastened on metal cables with wire. Footings shall be six inches wider on each side than the wall above, shall be at least eight inches thick and shall rest on firm soil at least twelve inches below undisturbed soil. b. In hollow masonry unit construction, each unit cell shall be reinforced with at least on No. 4 bar at all conrners, poured and tamped with concrete; such rein forcing shall be properly tied into the footing and spandral beam. c. All wood truss rafters (roof construction), shall be securely fastened to the exterior walls with approved hurricane anchors or clips. d. Construction of nearby one-family dwellings, which are duplicates or intensely similar, shall be avoided. Such similarity considers the external configuration and appearance (i.e., roof, outer wall materials, window size and design, and other like characteristics) of structures. In accord with the foregoing, similar and shall be at least 500 feet apart if any one similar dwelling is visi'61e from any other similar dwelling. e. The final connection between the house plumbin drain and the se~aer:servfce conn~etion (at the property line) must be ins cted by th ity before being covered. ti r City Manager The undersigned hereby certifies that he has read the above and understands that this addendum takes precedence over any contrary details to the plans and specifications and agrees to comply with the intent of this addendum. Contractor/Owner ~~ ~ J Date . , ~, +~. .6~WYLe.~ht, .~. .-.~ u..aM. w~s..._,.:_su..,._.,a~ ..sn .,,~.~. ~,-. , .. ~»... ,c. , a i CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH WATER CONNECTION CHARGE DATE s LOCATION OWNER PLUMBING FIRM MASTER PLUMBER BUILDER OR CONTRACTOR TYPE OF BUILDING BATHROOM GROUP CONSISTING OF WATER CLOSET,LAVATORY AND BATH-_ TUB OR SHOWER STALL.(~6UNITS) BATHTUB ( WITH OR WITHOUT OVER HEAD SHOWER) (2 UNITS} BIDET (3 UNITS) COMBINATION SINK AND TRAY ( 3 UNITS) OOMBINATION SINK AND TRAY W/FOOD DIS. ( 4 Units) DENTAL UNIT OR CUSPIDOR ( I UNIT) DENTAL LAVATORY ( 1 UNIT) DRINKING FOUNTAIN (2 UNIT) DISHWASHER ( 2 UNITS) FLOOR DRAINS ( 1 U~1IT) KITCHEN SINK ( 2 UNITS) NN" N1 NKITCHEN SINK W/WASTE GRINDER ( 3 UNITS) LAVATORY ( 1 UNIT ) LAVATORY,BARBER,BEAUTY PARLOR ( 2 UNITS ) LAVATORY, SURGEONS ( 2 UNITS) SHOWER STALL, DOMESTIC ( 2 UNITS) SHOWERS GROUP PER HEAD ( 3 UNITS) SURGEONS SINK ( 3 UNITS) FLUSHING RIM SINK ( 8 UNITS ) SERVICE SINK TRAP STAND ( 3 UNITS ) POT,SCULLERY SINK ( 4 UNITS ) URINAL, PEDESTAL,SYPHON JET BLOWOUT. ( 8 UNITS ) URINAL, WALLL LIP ( 4 UNITS) URINAL STALL, WASHOUT ( 4 UNITS) URINAL TROUGH EACH Z'SECTION ( 2 UNITS) WASHING MACHINE RES. ( 3 UNITS) WASH SINK EACH SET OF FAUCETS ( 2 UNITS ) WATER CLOSETS, TANK- OPERATED ( 4 UNITS ) WATER CLOSETS, VALVE OPERATED ( 8 UNITS ) LAUNDRY TRAY ( 2 UNITS ) '~Cl ~~ -~ o d r ~ ~ -r, p ~..-.-cam _ ~" ~ ~ - z'.~ ~ ~~-- ~ Z a ~ _ , . ,~ , ,~ .~ c ~ a ~ j ~- r ~ f-3` r, ~ i t s ~' 1 y. ~ ~ ~ ~_ __ _,- ,~ ~ '~~ i ~ ~', ~~ ~ _.. ~,. ~ ,, - ~ l __.__ ~ . -~ ~ . , .. ~,~ _ - ~ ;. ~~ _ __ _i _.-- -~~ , ~-~,i ~ °t ~ ~ -- - t.. ~ i .. `,~ L C` ~ ~ J .J TM 1 ~- Y _ ~, ~ ~ ^~~ r ~ ~~ 0 •~-~ U 1,, f x ',? el~_~~~ ~_ _- r~ - -- i „~~.. 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OF HEALTH 7Z~ ~ _ DINAI COUNTY GON ID TED CITY 0' )AC-;S C:•~~ll± @Y: L . "/J ~ Skctcd .~rr:ficd cp% `~~,:-~ ._ ~• '"1~..~f Pagt Th1ee Date ~~`_ ~'~ ~_~`J ~_". f ~= 75~ CITY OF rii4t~Qifr~ /.~~i - ~,Gvtdc~i Office of Building Oiticial REQUEST FOR INSPECTIO Date ~ Permit Time A. M. Received p,f~y, e ~ Olstrici yob Job Address _~o~, ~~~ _. Locality l Owner's ~/J ~jjVt..~_~....i Name Contracto BUILDING CONCRETE ELECTRIC L PLUMBING MECHANICAL Framing ^ Footing ^ Rough Wiring ^ Rough ^ Air. Cond. & ^ Re Roofing ^ Slab ^ Temp Pole ^ Top Out ^ Heat{ng Lintel ^ Final ^ Fire Piece ^ Pre Fab / READY FOR INSPE N n l ' o° A.M. Mon. Tues. ~ ~ Wed. hur . ~fv ~ ridgy ' P.M, ~ Inspection Made Inspector ~ Finallnspection ^ _ Certificate of Occupancy Date 1 ~~c~3 ?~~Ml~ gyp. G OF ~V~ ~~ ¢~pA R~~N.a-~ ° BKPG ~- ``~0 ~ ,O~ ~° ,~_ ~~Qp` P~,,p ',gyp os~ko ~ 19~ of Q a~ ~~-~. ~ S'~ ~~ oa v Q ~~~~'( 9ate Yee ~ S~o~t``v~. ~,S G~~y of b°o~ 4~ab~ pto~V~ot+ e ~ s44,~cs V i>> °bovca+o "q4 oS ~a~tl°p ` q~va u ~p4 4os o Qe~it ` Ko t~, ! 4`~'~ .,blp6 g ~/ is i~ ~° cep E`LF' 8 ~ ~~ \ °ti ~'i- $~ ~ 4B" 5 ,~e t ,~ AZ,L~G,g ~ y4 ~~~ \ ~,,a~ 4et~ Ott S~'"t y+,~,~d ~ or'a 4e~''~ ~~ 9 E9 $EF O 9 E y Z~ss~ ae~ ,cati'O ~b tic ate' °f S EGA ~gS~~~g.9p'~ bb~e~b~ G~~a~ ~~„ ate p Y~p,F't~ nat. ~ rQ ~ ~~ j,, eab4 gg ya''~+1~b fia~l~ ¢ tQ°attla~ ~ ~, ~~ ~ ~ ~~ `~ti 1 '„~i i„", fir. ~ ¢.a,~~?'~: ~~&, .., ~ ~ r. w, ~' " ,,,:~, r ~:.~.,.. ~. ~~ ~ ~~~ l ~. f ..,• ~ :>> ~ ti7 +~ ~ X ,: ~ ~ s'~";q~°~ . '1':- €'ait t~-"n`.;C'`~Sa°r•: ,{~ /7n .. ~.ir.H••r~-'~ L'_ `ti k 4pA+~,;, ` 3r i.. £;.~. a f'tY y/~j R •. ~AA..J:~bE ~~>4 fau~~ ^iyYt±ted5~'~N~{~~3y. ~,~ w x ~+ .. .r ~ .. ~~"x F"~, ~. ~ ~t_. it~~ l ~'4"d~_~.. _,... ._.. »~.~~(ik'.l~~t'Grh6. ,...._., .» «,..w., ..,._.x .,-......~......-..~v.»~.,,..:...,. _..n~,.,,r...,r. ._,~....,.....,. ,,,.,... ,_~ .x a. 1. ~ f ~§~, ~'~.~~ ~"~1F• ....-~.....r,. ~k lad ~ ~ ~i51 i ,~! ;57 5c~~ `~ ~ '" ~~~dfF'fw ni~~~u'~'e7~:'~` 'd ;~i~s'~~'r .....,...., r , v . ~ ... ....,.~..~.,,,.«... ~3' ~ y~ g ~+ 'l ~"S `1 'Y ~ -}da ...',!:,g~•l:+~ .~"C~ kCd •S~~`~~e~`4i'"~l~t *°fiF'fi ~"~S`1~,~.rS: ~ v.'~e ~, _ '~~~'n~ 1x k~,',~. {-. ?4 ~'4.~a~.r.~4~~A'~.~ d A%~ ;~ s? `f;~•~ ~1~~ ~`~,`,'~ n ~:;~ r ~.":fs x''~ s~~ ~~~~~_ ~.`r~,k°y,`'e .e., c`, ,c ~~rti:, ~a~t~`~ra ~ i'J;~; ~,a~: ~~c'~: ~1~.'4 .:"a~; CITY OF ~ifice of Building Official REG~UEST FOR INSPECTION /J( ~ Date ~ ~~+ ~~ ~ Permit No. Time Received `# - ~ a-nn ~,.._.` , Distr~,ot No. _ JobAddr ss Locality `--_ i Owner's y`-,r,_ /j~L Name ~ f l +° \ Contractor ^~ S BUILDING CONCRETE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL Framing ^ Footing ^ Rough Wiring ^ Rough ^ Air. Cond. & ^ Re Roofing ^ Slab ^ Temp Pole ^ Top Out ^ Heating Lintel ^ F(re Place O Pre Fab ~~~DY FOR INSPECTION A.M. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Friday P. M. Inspection Made ~~~/~ ~ P, M. inspector Fina! Inspectional Certificate of Occupancy Date ~, DEPARTMENT OF BUlLD11VG ~ F q L } CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA PERMIT NO. PERMIT TO BUILD THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB Date 3/2 19 83 Valuation $ 3 . X00.00 Fee $ 46.00 This permit not valid until above fee has been paid to City Treasurer, and is subject to revocation for violation of applicable provisions of law. This is to certify that Robert N. Smith 1099 Atlantic Blvd, has permission to build REA'IODEL AS PER PLANTS 5)~E13~1TTTp:I7 ~t.!a,a ~ ~at~t.~klt~KT ~ta® ~ r"`, :a~~C~C Classification COtIT~RCIAL Zone Cl~-' ~r s. ! 4 Owned by Rnhprt Pd Smith =3.as.a 9 ~il~,?~ /t; Lot Block S/D ~ l.flft House No. Atlantis Restgsrant I099 Atlantic Blvd. According to approved plans which are part of this permit NOTICE-ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- SPECTED BEFORE POURING. PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS „ AFTER DATE OF ISSUE ~----~ ~r 0 Building material, rubbish and debris -zi from this work must not be placed in public space, and must be cleared up and hauled away by either con- txa owner. ~r _ Building Official. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT NUMBER DATE CONTRACTOR PLUMBING ELECTRICAL SEWER WATER ~~ FOR OFFICE U8E ONLY Date ........ ...............• •-•---......19 ._.... CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Permit # ........................Fee #--.......... Valuation $-----• ..................•---.....--•--.... House # ...............•---•-••-•---•-•------•--••-----•------...-- Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other structure described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach and all rules and regulations of the Building Department of the City of Atlantic Beach, shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. The Contractor or Owner-Builder who has been issued a Building Permit is automatically responsible to ascertain that all sub- contractors engaged by him are duly licensed in the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida. To prevent delay or embarrasment regard- ing intermediate or final inspections it is suggested that a list of sub-contractors be submitted to this office so that licenses can be verified. 33 Owner.l->~1:~,~~~---~-'---_-~~_.1.!-r. ~-T/f ----•-------•------....-•----- -Address--1-~..~~---~?=t.••~'~-L~-l~,d~••---Telephone No~.~.~.:.~.1~~ Architect ...................... ...•--.....-----....-- ----------•--------•-----•----•--....---....----..Address...---...---.....-------•------•----------.._..------...._.Telephone No.-•--•-----•---------• ------ Contractor Builder---.... 1`-rt,,,;~:--••-• ........... .......•---__..._..---...Addreas__........_.......---....----..._....---.....------...____..Telephone No...-•-- --•------- -•--- -- Lot No.---/~ r,F~..2.---~~TkR~?:!..,...Block No-------------•-- -------- ----Sub Diviaion- -••-------•---••--•-•-----......--•---...-----.....----•---------- -•------.Zone_.....-----..-... - -• .................•-•--••----•---••-----•---•------- ---.Street--- - --- ... ---'Side Between......----- - • ---•---and---•---...----•--••----•--.....------....----•--....-Sts. It ....-•-•------~, Valuation $.__._.~-~~.-~',-----••-For what purpose will building be used--.. -.. -~~------------------Type of construction..... 'e.~ `rEZ j Dimensions of Building.-.---------•-------------------- ---•--Dimensions of Lot.....-..:..-•-.•--....-------..-.-•--........----.._.-:Size oP Footings.---------•--•--....-----•---•----•--- Size oP Piers----------- ---•----.---•-.--.----.-Size of Sills----..-.....--.--- ...----.----.Greatest Sill Span in ft.-----......----...---•----Type Roof---•-.-----..................----__--• How will Building be HPated?_.-..~`"".'.~`3:-5-------------------------------••-•--•••-•Will Building be on Solid or Filled Ground?_.___.-...__.____......____.__......_... Size of Ceiling Joists---------------------•----------------•---, Distance on Centers--..---.... ---.•--.--------•-.--._...__...., Greatest Span-----...--•--.__..........----.._.....__.... '• Size of Floor Joists ------------------•-•---------•....--------.., Distance on Centers...-.............------ --------••-----.., Greatest Span---•-------••-•------•--•-•---.._...-•---..... Size of Rafters.---------•-- --- .....--•----.. -- - -- ---.., Distance on Centers . _ ............... .............•------., Greatest Span.._...._...._...---•--••---•--...---•---••-- » This rectangle is to represent the lot. Locate the building or buildings in the right position. Give distance in feet from all lot-lines and existing buildings. REAR LOT LINE Two copies of plane and specifications ahali be submitted with application. ~~~~Q'9CL*l~ Inspections required. ~!Ty, rtL~g~ ~N:t~j F ~r'.C. i''. i~~. w i~,l ir; Li.!'TL~~C 1. When steel is in place and ready to pour foaling. W >, J E1:.2~~,z1.G o c : t:u~: W 2. When steel is in place and ready to pour columns and/or lintel. 3. When steel is in place and ready to pour beam. a ~ ' ~ -' _ ~~~3 H 4. When framing is completed. o a 5. When rough plumbing is completed, and ready to cover up. ~Z,~~ ~~~ W 6. When septic tank drain field or sewer is laid but before it is covered. A ?. Electrical inspection by City of Jackaor.ville. m 8. Final inspection. Note: In case of any rejection, re-inspection MUST be called for after corrections are made. FRONT OF LOT In considezation of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statemezrl, we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plena and specifications, which are a part hereof, and in accordance with the building regulations of the City of Atlantic Beach. Signature of Builder ......... ................................. ............................. Addresa......---•-•-•-•Q--•--.........-----------------••- - -----...................---- --~-----...------ Signature of Owner.G~ .. ..... .. ... ...........•-•-- Address./...~1..I.~...~.~.~....~-..~.~~........................... i ~ .~ . ~ ` ` l'C`l O . ~? Ott~c,~, `pt`s "~, ~ " ~ ~ 1 Qv~s erg` `G; ~, t~ _ ~' i 1 (~l~G ~~a~ ~' P,~. ~ /' ~ pM• G N~~~9 a ,) :~ ~.,) v~~lta Fit gF~ p ~- °n~ta°~o~ Pt P _ G p1. t _ ~, i E1,~G ~~~t~n9 C Ft~aaV casg G~~~E Q ~°empP° EC~1~N 'g ~~~ O ~ ~pO~`n9 ~ ~ ~ ~t ~ c~N ~ oR~~se ~~`~~ o s~~~g~ REa~ ~o~.Q ~ ° ~~,. p, , ~ 7, ©~ a ~~`S~-~' ~ .~~+', ©a Tue9• ~ t F'snal lnspe~tion a x ~ ~ v Ej ~ tnp(} i[ p~lrQ n~ f Made ~ WI I~I~NGfY ~~ ~ju~'A. ~----` ~ ~- S33d'1V1O1 ~ $' a3OlIHMaOd - - NJiS H~V3 3HSHld H~11MS 3ZIS kIOlOW 'HW 'V/~ 'ON 'dSNHal NO3N'ON VAS .ON HAT 'ON 'A 009 s~3A0 'A 009 >d3aNf1 ~SSd3W~lOdSNVlll - Sf1O3NHl'13~SIW` SHd 3JH1'1OA 'd'H L 8>fA0 . 'ON SHd 3OHl'IOA 'd'H {-p SaOlOW 1H3H-M~ ~1b~3H 113 SdW~d StlOlOW d3H1O JNI1V>i 'd'H' aOIOW 'dWOJ JNI1Vl1 'd'H ~JNINOIliaNO~ aIH '3 SNHlIl '138 s3~NVt-laaw aano .sawn oo~•o G3XI3 •A'W 3t 1N30.S3!!OA'1d 1N3~S3ONH9N6 S3 H~11MS •sawv oo~•~e •sawv os•o 'IHlbl N3d0 O3lH3~N0~ ~ ~ S31~H1d3~3!! 7HiO1 N3dO a3~H3~NOJ S1311t1O ~JNIIH~JF1 3ZIS 'ON 3215 'ON 3ZIS 'ON S!l~a33d AHM3~Ha 17OA M Hd SdWtl 3ZIS'A1i3S'1SiX~ ,~ JlHM3~Hii 1'10/ M Hd ~ SdWH l13~IH3a8 !10 H~11M8 ©Q ~ ( 'Wf1~1/ l13ddO~" SdWH 3ZIS aO1~(1aN0~ 33d 1 - dlHd3t1 - ( - 3SH3lI~NI i -M3N ~3~IAa3S- '1~ 'OS ( - SNJIS ( -'dW31 ( - a3lIHlIl ( 1 NOIIIGOV 1 'M3d ( ) a1O 1 - M3N 1 1 'Sf1ON1 ( - ~118t1d ~) 'WWO~ ( ! '1dH ( I 'S3!! :N33M138 3ZIS'~J078 X08 4dM ,~j~ ~SS3t1OOH ~~~,~,I ,.y ~3WVN (j ~ •' " (j .S3~NtlNI4a0 H~tl38 ~I1Nd11tl ~0 A.ll~ aNtl S3OO~ 'SNOIlVI(1~32! ltl~R11~313 3Hl H11M 3ONtla2iO~~tl. NI aNtl '~O32i3H 121tld tl 321tl H~IHM 'SNOl1tl~131~3dS aNV SNtlld a3H~tllltl 3H1 H11M 3~NtlQ21O~~V N! H2i0M (l11fS WNOd213d Ol 3321Jtl A832i3H 3M `JNIMOllO3 3H1 N1 a381a~S30 Stl ~2tOM 3H1 JN1OO 210.x' N3A19 11W213d 30 NOI1tl213a1SN0~ NF ~3~IlON 1NHlaOdWt DBF.-783L 2-77 ~. f~. DEPARTMENT ~: F3USINE'SS RF,GUiATION DIVISION OF F~EVERAGE Change of Ownrship, Business Name & Location IA'STRUCTIONS: s~l~ P NEW ( ) TRANSFER ( c)cc OTHER ( ) ( ) This form must be completed in duplicate and submitted to the Division of Beverage with application for alcoholic beverage license or CWD Li- cense. Applicant's Name: At 1»nfii s__~,[_g_tauran r-_ ~--f -~---- -- Business Name: Atlantis _ ___ Exact Location for which License is sought: 7049 Afi7an it Blvd. ._A t_lanti_~,_~~~r-ham F7a_ Phone Numbers: Business: _ T Residential: TYPE OF LICENSE DESIRED: ( ) Beer - Consumption on premises (1-COP) ( ) Beer - Package Only (1-APS) ( ) Beer & Wine - Consumption on Premises (2-COP) ( ) Beer & Wine - Package Only (2-AFS) (z~zzBeer, Wine & Liquor - Consumption on Premises (COP) ( ) Beer, Wine & Liquor - Package Only (PS) ( ) Beer, Wine & Liquor - In connection with a Hotel, Motel or Motor Court - or in connection with a Restaurant (COP-S, COP-SR, COP-SRX) ( ) Beer, Wine & Liquor - C1vb Ticense (11-C) ( ) Other - (Specify) - I certify that I have been advised that a dealer`s Application for a Certificate of Sales and Use Tax Registration is required under Sec- tion 212.18 F.S. I further certify that I have/shall file (d) e necessary application with the Department of Reven en ~in__g~_in business under the beverage/cigare e license for whic am seekin _ Sworn to and subscribed before m his _day of ,A . , 19 Applicant Notary Public-State of Florida at Large SECTION BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY THE LOCAL ZONING AUTHORITIES ONLY: ------------------------------------------------------------------- X The above location DOES comply with local zoning ordinance for the sale of alcoholic beverages, as stated above. The above location DOES NOT comply with the local zoning ordinance for the sale of alcoholic beverages, as stated above. Is Location within the limits of an incorporated municipality? Yes SIGNED:~~zArY1~ ~_~~=~,~_._~t-- ,TITLE: City Clerk C I T Y_____~~-1-at~i~-$e~e~ COUNT Y Duval DAT E March 29. 1982 S~CTION BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY THE STATE/COUNTY HEALTH AUTHORITIES: DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING 4 5 4 3 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA pERM1T NO. PERMlT TO BUILD THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB Date Nov€imheT i0 19~ Valuation $ 3~~L?b. 16 Fee $ g~•~g Tbis permit not valid until above fee has been paid to City Treasurer, and is abject to mvocation for vioLtion of applieable provisions o/ lavr. This is to certify that_ Robert & ,Tasef a Smith has permission to build ~aririi t{pn st~.~~tid_~.g~ ~? nl~~`~ ~~~tted. Classification_ Business 7.-ne lZobert & 3asef a Smith Owned by ~t Block S/D House No 1099 Atlantic Blvd. According to approved plans which are part of this permit NOTICE-ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- SPECTED BEFORE POURING. PERMIT VOID SIR MONTHS ~ AFTER DATE OF ISSUE 79 ~_~ ~ - 0 t~eb Building material, rabbish~~4n Z ~ ,~ from this work moat not p,$ ~ t~~} public apace. snd must be~kh - and hauled, by eitl~ ~fgk,~sit'}~s or owner. i ! i/(` / vis ~ ~`~~ D ~ M l ~~ . a Bi l Buildio~ Offic4f. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT NUMBER DATE CONTRACTOR PLUMBING ELECTRICAL SEWER WATER DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA PERMIT TO BUILD THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB Date '~~~~ 19 ~~ Fee $ ~ - 00 Tbis permit not valid until above fee bas been paid to City Treasurer, sad is ^nbject to revocation for vioktion of applicable provisions of Ltr. 4351 PERMIT NO. This is to certify that Beach Neon & Plastic Si ~t C.n has permission to build '+ Tt~-~'1 ol'+inn~ n1 cantri n C$ /tn Anno+r.iin(r Tn P Submitted. v ClassificatioT ~ C.nmmerriR7 7.nne Owned by Robert Smith Ipt Block S/D I House No. 1099 Atlantic B1 vd According to approved plans which are part of this permit NOTICE-ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- SPECTED BEFORE POURING. PERMIT VOID SIR MONTHS ,~ AFTER DATE OF ISSUE ~~- ~ - 0 Building material, mbbiah and debris ~ from this work must not be placed in public space, and moat be cleared ap and hauled away by either contractor or owner. t -s t ~'~, di Build OIB FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT NUMBER DATE CONTRACTOR t ~` I ~„il~w PLUMBING ELECTRICAL SEWER WATER A/CITY ~~O//F ~~N~~C /3e~iC~iL Office of Building fficial ~ ' ~~ ~ ~ ~ REQUEST FO I PECTION L 1~~~-~ / /~ G~ ~ ~ 7~a ~ Date / ~/ ~~'- ! ~ Permit No.~__~_~,/~~__:~„~ Time A.M. Received P.M. „ Job dress cylity Owner"s ~~~ _ „, Insulation Mon. Inspectioi Inspector Contr cta CONCRETE ELECTRICAL ?'~ PL MBINt -_ Footing ^ Rough Wiring CJ Rough ^ Slab ^ Temp Pole ^ Top Out ^ Lintel ^ Final ~ ~ Sewer READY FOR INSPECTION Tues. Wed. -"~, Thurs. Heating ^ Fire Place ^ Pre Fab A.M. Friday P.M. Date CITY OF ATI.AMrIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR SIGN PERMIT NAME: )~1~(~1T~`Q~ ~~~ a S 1~~. r7 ADDRESS: ~ ~ ~- 0. ~~ P NE~~ i3 ~ ~) ~S^S I _ v ion. ~i h e. ~ i TYPE 0 S~I ~ ~: ~ ~I X PROPOSED LOCATION : ~ ~q ~ M-~C ~l ~ 1 l~l C_ ~\ V ~ - ~ ~~3 'JILL T:iE SiG'iY :1EQUIRE AN r".I.ECTRICAL PERMIT? ECTRICAL CQNTRAC'POR: CI ,1 1 .t Signs over fifty (50) feet in area. and/or any sign which is mere than seventeen (17) feet above the ground, or any. sign weighing more than one thousand (1,000) pounds, must be submitted with drawings from a_ registered_ engineer. Signs with a solid area greater than thirty (30) square feet must be erected to withstand a wind pressure of at least thirty-five {35) pounds per square foot. Drawings must also show that weight of sign will be supported by the roof or ground support on which it will be erected. c~ This app~~~~ation must be submitted along with the following: 1. A plot plan of the land, showing the position of the sign in relation to buildings or structures. 2. A blueprint cr ink drawing showing the plans and specif- ications, and the construction andfor attachment Lo the building or in the ground. 3. Other information as may be required under Sec. 17-2(b), Code of Ordinances, C'ty of A c Beach. (~ APPLICANT SIGNATURE: , T Date: ~`~' ~71 vv^WNER SI~IATURfi: Date: r'~"~ 3F ~ ^ <: .~ ~ ~• ~~`~~~~ .l^if _~ ~~ ,~ ,~ . i SILCOX ENGINEERING INC. 5409 Nebraska Avenue TAMPA, FLORIDA 33604 Phone (813) 238-9755 J O U --._.I _!~GK Sb N / C CiC.C~. (/UA L~-_ ., tCa F...~ SHEET NO.... ~.. ---.._ __ - _- _ - OI L _ -- -- t=`~ ~ ~~Z5~9$ CALCULATED DY--__-- ~ - - __.. t)All: _ --------..- _ CHECKED DY--------------- - - _ -_. DATE. ~ _ - -- -- --- SCALE-...- -- -- ------ v < D C ~_ ~ n "O G t!) ~ D n D ~ ~ ~ "{ O .~ m ? ~ o 11 ~ ~ 1 • .. to O ~ + D '~ C N r ~z W tD ~ a x v m ~ o ~ ~ ~ z ,~, ~ ~ ~ ~ x 00 0 ~~ // / w v- aof~~~~z ~~oo~D~ n N~~l~~rtq ~ ~ ~m X rn r TC ~pDyG -i ~ ~~ Z t*- d D Ir"' N G7 Z L-/ N z ~~ ~~ ~~ a '~ ~~ ~ C N -'~ Z may, , ~ ~ rn m ~. ~ y~ tmi~ v -+~ ymq~ o~ ~~~N ~~~~~~ ~~ # ~' i ~~ o oy q y ~~ ~. ~~ 4 "~ c~ ~' ~', m~ 0 J .rte ~ ~ • • ~ •j ~c ~n ^^ ..~- ~Y+ ~~ I q~ w~ ~~ ~ ~N ~~fi N~ ~` Z vm~~~~' ~' °~ o ~( w . ~ ~ ~ ~~ . ~; r .~ ~~ 1t N r ~ 4v ~`n ~~ as -~ ~ ~ Y` t M ----' ~ W " \ ~~ c ~ 'r Z ~,J-. ~' ~ a ~ i ~~ ~~ --~-_ ~~~~ ~ l°_ ~ ~ '~1 ~ ~~ ~• t t~ a G ~'' C~ 'r -C 1 ~ ~ MAP SHOWING BOUNDARY SUR1/EY OF: 4 PART GF THE CASTRO Y FERRER GRANT, SECTION 38, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 29 EAST, DUVAL ~OUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: FOR A POINT OF REFERENCE COMMENCE AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-0I;-WAY LINE OF MAYPORT ROAD (STATE ROAD A-1-A) WITH THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF ATLANTIC BOULEVARD (STATE ROAD N0. A-1-A AND 10); THENCE N.20°28'35"E. ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF MAYPORT ROAD, A DISTANCE OF 39.08 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; T{{ENCE CONTINUE N.20°28'35"E. ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 220.92 FEET; THENCE 5.35° 05'55"E. A DISTANCE OF 293.97 FEET TC A POINT ON SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF ATLANTIC BOULEVARD; THENCE 5.89°19'35"W. ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAX LINE, A.DISTANCE OF 93.51 FEET; THENCE N.81°04'46"W. A DISTANCE OF 60.00 FEET; THENCE 5.89°19'35"W. A DISTANCE OF 75.10 FEET; THENCE NORT!lWESTCRLY ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY RAVING A RADIUS OF 50.00 FE1;T, A CHORD BEARING OF N.35°06'07"W., A CHORD DISTANCE OF,32.07 FEET AND AN ARC DISTANCE OF 32.64 FEET TO THE,POINT OF BEGINNING. Q D I~~ ~~~ 1 j 1 ~\ `rC. !1`` s~ s. e' ~.~, t ~ ~~~f~,~sRf~ s<<r~o~ so vr~/ ~k ~~ ~~ ~W . • MAP SHDWING BOUNDARY SURVEY OF: ~ PART GF THE CA5TR0 Y FERRER GRANT, SECTION 38, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, FLANGE 29 EAST, DUVAL 20UNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: FOR A POINT OF REFERE~'CE COMMENCE AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-0>;-WAY LINE OF MAYPORT ROAD (STATE ROAD A-1-A) WITH THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF ATLANTIC $OULEVARD (STATE ROAD NO. A-1-A AND 10); THENCE N.20°28'35"E. ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF MAYPORT ROAD, A DISTANCE OF 39.08 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE N.20°28'35"E. ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 220.92 FEET; THENCE S.35° 05'55"E. A DISTANCE OF 293.97 FEET TC A POINT ON SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF ATLANTIC BOULEVARD; THENCE 5.89°19'35"W. ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAX 7,INE, A. DISTANCE OF 93.51 FEET; THENCE N.81°04'46"W. A DISTANCE OF 60.00 FEET; THENCE S.89°19.'35"W. A DISTANCE OF 75.10 FEET; THENCE NORT}IWGSTCRLY ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY IiAVING A RADIUS OF 50.00 FEET, A CHORD DEARING OF N.35°06'07"W., A CHORD DISTANCE OF 32.07 FEET AND AN ARC DISTANCE OF 32.64 FEET TO THE }}POINT OF BEGINNING. [~ ~' v i ~L ~~~ ~ a ~ s.. ~ ~, ,~. ,~~ . •, ,,~ ~. .~, ~ sue' ~~~1~0/R~~ sttr~or~ sa 4 j~' ..,.,.u: o~sa. ~ •': ~ ! ' ~ ii '' .' ~ ~' ..... ~. tiQ~Q Q~t ,~ ~ ha• ~`' X93 n~• ~ Vii. ~ ~C1 •a. e~ •;•:.. ~\ ay , h~ t1 Jig ~'' .~ ~ ~j~ ~'/ j ) ~ yn N '~~' gyp' s~;>eG~ ~ri~''~'~ ' / G y 3i oG o7 •'w. s , .. ; .~ . P ~,ev• 32.07 • ~ ~r3,, .~~ 7x•37.24%4••;` ~,~•~ .y p.~ ~!`' • a ~~~ ~ -.~ ,.r - 1/~Q L Ud r4~v,~ you..- .JJ.~GtGSoNV~(~(,Q ~U~t_~-._ ~~ti_., ~ °~ SILCOX ENGINEERING INC. y"EET "° ~ 5409 Nebraska Avenue CALCULAiEU ^Y ~= ' ' _ _ ~~nir B ~ ~~'~g _ TAMPA, FLORIDA 33604 Phone (813) 238-9755 c"ECKEO ~Y _________ ---_-_ _ - . _ onr~_ _-- - -_ -_--- _ ._ A S U) ~~ ty ~ ~ G ~ rn n ~ Z ~ ~ D N m ~ ~ ~ .. o '~• o ~ r ~ o n ~~+ q .-+~,. Uf ~ ~ 4 ~ D' m ~ ~ ~' r~ yl }y J w O 3' ~ Z S?- d G7 ~ ~ -~ 2 O N tD ~ ~ ~ N O mit~ar"'n~~i n~pOx~°r X ~., I ~ n z rti N~~~~q~ o cn ~ y' a ~r~ ~ ~ i~y~~ ~*- z v r r N Z VV N w .-r--~~ i~ ~~ Z~ O ~~ m c~ n Z Z ~ ~ ~ m ~ r,r- ~ ~, z ~o v ~, ~~ v m~ U ~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ aom~ ~i~ ~~~Z ~ ~ t7 ~p D9 ~t~' ~r O~ ~ G~ dirt S m~ ..i ~N ~~ ~~~~ ~C ~~ v?, n ~ q w r (!~~ ~ ~ m cn N4W m TTi ~ f~lr c7 ~ ~~ ~' "' °'' O ~ ~- ~~~$ v ~~a a ~. -_- ~' ~` C ~' i ~ ~~ w ~~ 4/ ~n ~~ ~a x' -ter r-~' R C' ~ ~ ~- ~•~ e ~~ Z rN,,~ tr't ., ~ c~ z ~ 'a ~, ~ Z L G ~~ ti .~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t~+ --.c --- t ~'[" ~` G. "r ' ~ . ~ N ~~ MAP SHOWING BOUNDARY SURVEY OF: 4 PART OF THE CASTRO Y FERRER GRANT, SECTION 38, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 29 EAST, DUVAL ~OUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: FOR A POINT OF REFERENCE COMMENCE AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF MAYPORT ROAD (STATE ROAD A-1-A) WITH THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF ATLANTIC BOULEVARD (STATE ROAD N0. A-1-A AND 10); THENCE N.20°28'35"E. ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF MAYPORT ROAD, A DISTANCE OF 39.08 FEET TO THE POINT OF HEGINNI2i;;; T}iENCE CONTINUE N.20°28'35"E. ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY RIG}iT-OF-WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 220.92 FEET; THENCE 5.35° 05'55"E. A DISTANCE OF 293.97 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF ATLANTIC BOULEVARD; THENCE S.89°19'35"W. ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY TINE, A.DISTANCE OF 93.51 FEET; THENCE N.81°04'46"W. A DISTANCE OF 60.00 FEET; THENCE S.89°19'35"W. A DISTANCE OF 75.10 FEET; THENCE NORTHWGS'I`l;RLY ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE CONCAVE NOATHEA5TERLY RAVING A RADIUS OF 50.00 FEET, A CHORD DEARING OF N.35°06'07"W., A CHORD DISTANCE OF 32.07 FEET AND AN ARC DISTANCE OF 32.64 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ~~ ~~v D Q 0 S~ 3`, °S` , ~ .C '.~. ASS ~ v /~~f~~i7/R~ stC1~o~ 30 1~ , r..,, •tti< wr i i D C ~~ ~ ~ Z ~ 9 {"` `~ !T~ ~ ~. Q .p r it O s v' v ~~ n ~~ ~ ~ ~~ G ~ j w~ myvwirn~~z xr~N!~n~r*- =orn~~~na ~~~~~~m ~ z~~°vr ~ --~ n ~ ~~ v f D r r N Z r <~~ l Z +.-~ o { N ,, ,z~l ~~ ~° 0 D~ C~~.~ N Z p m~ M ~ to ~". ~~ J n N g ~ ~n a7J o~" q ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~, c~ v a~ a ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~r ~~ ~' N ~r -~C O ~ G~ ~_ m~ ~N ~~ ry ~ ..i • ,S j b~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ m~ T- Z m ~ 09 N ~~ ~- ~° ~ ~-+~ m ~' r ~ ,a b s~ .~-- ~ ~,, ~- ~. ~ r W .~ ~' ~ ~ ~ '~ ...-"~ r ~_ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"'~ ` ~ b ~ '"i13` r f ~ ~LL i u- • ~ Ri- A n r -~, ~ ~ ~ ~ i~ ~ ~'~ t ~~ ~ ~ ~ g~ ~ ~ ~ -~ i /a -~, 7 _~... MAP SNOWING 80UNDARY SURVEY oF: 4 PART OF THE CASTRO Y FERRER GRANT, SECTION 38, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 29 EAST, DUVAL ~OUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: FOR A POINT OF REFERENCE COMMENCE AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-0$-WAY LTNE OF MAYPORT ROAD (STATE ROAD A-1-A} WITH THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF ATLANTIC BOULEVARD (STATE ROAD N0. A-1-A AND 10); THENCE N.20°28'35"E. ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAX LINE OF MAYPORT ROAD, A DISTANCE OF 39.08 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNItiG; Tt{ENCE CONTINUE N.20°28'35"E. ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 220.92 FEET; THENCE 5.35° 05'55"E. A DISTANCE OF 243.97 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID NORTHERLY RIGiiT-OF-WAY LINE OF ATLANTIC BOULEVARD; THENCE 5.89°19'35"W. ALONG SAIL) NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, A. DISTANCE OF 93.51 FEET; THENCE N.81°04'96"W. A DISTANCE OF 60.00 FEET; THENCE S.89°19'35"W. A DISTANCE OF 75.10 FEET; THENCE NORTltWESTEiZLY ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY liAyING A RADIUS OF 50.00 FEET, A CHORD BEARING OF N.35°06'07"W., A CHORD DISTANCE OF 32.07 FEET AND AN ARC DISTANCE OF 32.64 FEET TO THE POINT OF 13GGINNING. ~~ 'v ~~'. 4 \. D Q 0 s ~S`., °s .K' Sa s~~f~or~ sa v~~srf~~'~/R ~.~ „w..,,~~y., ~ ~ , SILCOX ENGlNEER1NG, iNC. 5409 Nebraska Avenue TAMPA, FLORIDA 33604 Phone (813) 238.9755 V'/t~,uG Pa~ua- JOU -._ ..J~GKSO-JV~(.(.L'l ~/`Li., ra Il F-J SHEET NO.. t __ ___ _. _ Of I_ -- -- i •-- r 1- CgLCULl1f[D UY-_--- --~-~-- _.__ __. UAII: - ~' Z' o ~ g_-.. _ CHECKED OY -----____.. ---- _ _ DATE: __ -- - ' i i .-E; "~ j ': -G „ I i 1 ~ • s .: ~.. ~ ~~ ~` 20 ~ ~.~ ,~ .; G r "U v ~' q C7 ~ b !*1 m O ~.. o ~. r . o n III ~ ~ o + ~ N r.. W 00 r P ,~ a ``t i ~--- ~ n 2 9 Q ~ Z o ~ ~ ~ -c = 0 w 0 1 ~ N O N WSr,~p~i~~Z ~?wpo~c-o~ p~~ ~~x~ ~ i~q ~; f ~i O r c~ z 1 X111 ~,~~. I~il t--'" w MAP SHOWING BOUNDARY SURVEY OF: ~ PART OF THE CASTRO Y FERRER GRANT, SECTION 38, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 29 EAST, DUVAL ~OUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULMLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: FOR A POINT OF REFERENCE COMMENCE AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OT-WAY LINE OF MAYPORT ROAD (STATE ROAD A-i-A) WITH THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF ATLANTIC BOULEVARD (STATE ROAD NO. A-1-A AND 10); THENCE N.20°28'35"E. ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF MAYPORT ROAD, A DISTANCE OF 39.08 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; TIiENCE CONTINUE N.20°28'35"E. ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY RIGiiT-OF-WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 220.92 FEET; THENCE 5.35° 05'55"E. A DISTANCE OF 293.97 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID NORTHERLY RIG'tIT-OF-WAY LINE OF ATLANTIC BOULEVARD; THENCE 5.89°19'35"W. ALONG SAiD NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY TINE, A. DISTANCE OF 93.51 FEET; THENCE N.81°04'46"W. A DISTANCE OF 60.00 FEET; THENCE S.89°19'35"W. A DISTANCE OF 75.10 FEET; THENCE NORTIIWESTCIiLY ALONG TliE ARC OF A CURVE CONCAVE NORT1iEASTERLY RAVING A RADIUS OF 50.00 FEET, A CHORD DEARING OF N.35°06'07"W., A CHORD DISTANCES OF 32.07 FEET AND AN ARC DISTANCE OF 32.64 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ~~ ~~~ ~~ * }' ~~ yh ~ ~ ~ +~.. D Q ~~..~ ~/~'T ~f ,~ Sys` ~' •,•~'v. os 5~3, . ~~ L1 V ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ,u ~ 'yQ~c -~~, -0~~' yaA Vii' .( ~~1 h ~ ~~~ a~ N i ~~ .( to ~~r y k~ ~ ~ ~ Q Z~~~ ~~ ~'~ 1` 1~: 1 ~~ ~ J~~Q zs.,' ,o ,,,,~. ~~~1 ~~ ~'[[[ ~~ 'h'~ IioG o7 "rv. S i ~,¢v•32.oy• --~ .•. ,. • rt - ~7. G4 'N • '• . . . T,e• 7'74 %4" ~ !~ ~, ~ ` .'~ • cif ,,• M a p~A ~~~' ~. ~~/<~ ,r r a~'f~~o/R« stt~~o~ fo d/'~/ fi~,i `~r~+~~- Q a~,.`~L1 t~~~¢P PyQ~a e~r~ 1 / v , ~/~ ~%~~ o Gp.04r ~,~~~, ~ N~ ~4 ~G~ `39 3 ~9), a 4 ~ ti~ ~ ~~ . v \` ~ ~~- '1 3.5~ • ~•••~;, ~LRt~ Ufa ~`~ ~• I9 35.. /~ ~~ ~S t r9'3y.. ' "~ 6~G ~.• ~3~ P'~ G ~~ .+r' ~ ~~ ~~G '-~~ PSR-3844 ' i -:- ^'nF DERARTMENT OF BUILDINW CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ____ PERMIT IPiFaRMATI~JN ______ erma.t kYumber: 26963 Pexrni. t Type : EI,ECTRIGAL 1~ss of Work:FtEMUDEL G~nstr . Type : ~'ONCI~ETE BLG~'K Pz r~ps~sed iJse: r~JMMERGIAL ~w~lling~: 0 Est. Value; 0.40 ?mprov. Cost: 0.00 Teta1 Fees: ~7.I0 Amour}t Paid: 47.2Q Date Paid: g/11,12998 ork Desc:W~FtE FOR I~St3~fELIPIG _ ___.. ~7NER INFORMI4TION ------ -- asne: VAX~UE PAE~K & ,7EWI~LRY STOPE , Il~r , ddr : Yt71 SUNMYTr?WN. ,ROAD ~ SUITE 310 CASSEI~BLRRY, FLQRIDA 32742 hone: ~~fl7.)339-0054., - - - - CONTR.A~CTQTi I NFflRMAT I CN - .. _ _ _ ._ a-me: DINOSI4U)~t ELECTRYCf INC. dclr: 41!~ PERTHSHIRE I}RIVE t~RANGE PARK ~ FLC~Ye I DA 3 2 0 7 3 Li r~ : E1R0410 900 Ease : / / YI-'e :. 2 NOTES.' r -~--_-- L4CATIOPi INF'CRMATIQAI -------- dres~: 1495 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD ATLAPITIG BEA~"H, FLORIDA 32233. _______._ LEGAL DESCRIPTION ------_ __. iB1ocD:: Lot: T~tP,__ 4 Bection: 0 Subd: Rng: O Subdfvision:CASTRQ Y P`ERRER GRANT NOTICE- INSPECTIONS MUST BE REQUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION BUIl01NG MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS. FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, A,ND MUST 8E CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH. THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEIWENTS." ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SU&JECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIQNS OF LAW. ~~~#B 14 _ -- -- - .......z~, ATLANTIC EACH BUILDING EPA TMENT By: CHECKS ~1~83Z21888 CITY Of= ,~~I~LANTIC [3L~C1-I, FLOfZIU~ _ __-_ __I ~,,,'~"~•'+r,Y APPL1CATfOP~ iFC1R ~ CT CA . PERMIT iU 111G (;Iii[F [:I ECTI11CnL INSI'Et:lull: hl11E:,_,. ~ ~ ~~ _ 19 IMI'UI1 I /~IJ 1 IJO 1 ICf ItJ CUhJSIUlltn I IUN Uf f'I"I2M1 I GIVE=N t Ufi UUING 1 NF WUI21t nS l)[:SCI2111EU Ird 1 Ill. I (lLl OWIt1G, WE IIFI2[{lY nGftf l= 1U f'I_t2t UI2M 5n11) WUI21( IN nCCUl21)nNCI: WIIII 1111_ nl InCIIf:U I'LnNS niJU SI'[ Cif ICn11ON5, WIrICiI nR[= n I'nltl III I2(:Ur, nrJU IN nCCUI2U/1Nl;L Wlltl lllf I=1 ECII21(;nl. I2C.GlllnllUlJS, CUUF.S nNl) CITY OF n t l_nN 11C r3 [_nCl I URUIrtnNCCS. . 1 _ ,..3 -, ~~ y( G' -- -' _ 5.1~~ ~ _ __ -_ ELECTIIiCnL Flfitii: Ml1STE11 El_ECiI11C NnME~C~~~..~~a.(.t1Yl c~_~?~-i!~LL=nUU11ESS: ~-~/ ~~< E1LUG. SIZE a~c:t-t ~ f1E T WEEK: [iv x f1ES. l 1 nPT. ( I CUMM. {") PUEII_iC 1 1 iNUUS. ( 1 NEW ( I ULU (vl f1EW, ( I nUUIT1UN ( 1 Tf1nILEF1 1 ) TEMP. ( 1 SIf,fJS ( ! __- -_______ ._--- -__ SU. FT. _-_-.-----_--,----__-_-- SEf1VICE: NEW ( ) INCf1EnSE ( 1 REI'nlll ( 1 -rEE__ ___-.__.___ (~ . U'J CUNUUC1UIt SIZE HMI's __ __ GUt'I'EI1 (__~ _ l1tUM. ( ~ SWI1C11 UI1 E)IIEhKE tt- _ _ _ __ nMPS 1' - _ - - il W VUL1 -- - - -_ _ finCEWnY EXIST.SEI1V.51ZE ~~f1~___- _l1MPS - .,~ P II„ ~ W ta~~Ul_1 ~>r"~' (1nCEWnY FEEUEIlS NU. SIZE ~ NU. SIZE ) NU. SIlE - _ LIGIIIING OUTLETS (~ CUNCEnLEU UI'EN 1UIn1_ fIECEPTnCLES ~ ~ (,UNCEl1LEU UI'EN 1UTn[_ U 90 Ahir A. .._.._ ----- 31 tUU nhl l'6. .' -. -.. _. ..... I _. ~ INCANDESCENT ---- - -- ___ CQ _ . _ _ _ _ - FLUUf1ESCENT & M. -_ - 1~~ - ~ V. 2p ~j ~~ .5V1' ~~ ~ l~~~j ~ ~ _ _ _ ~, ~'J r IXEU o.too nrtrs. ove t -- - - - ._ _ -- _ nrrunr(cEe IIEI_l_ i1tnNSr. ' nlil II.P.IInTIN(i I1.1'.Iln1 _ 1NG (,UNUf1tU[JI[JG CUM[. MUlUl1 UT11E11 MUfUIIS HMI's CEII IIEnT: KW IIEni -____ -_..__-.1 __ - - -_ -_._.. _._ ___ 7 . __.... - - - ___- .._ - ~ c~ t ~ -. . -.. .__..-. _ -- - ~ ~~ ~ _ ~ OVEIt - - MUlUlis 11. ~, P.` VOLTAGE PIIS NU. 1 ILP• VUL1nGE PItS MISCELLl~2JEUUS " , ~ ~ -. ~f~~lG~ --e-~ - --- --- --- - _ _.- _ _ __-- r I hereby certify(*) that the system design is in compliance with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code. SYSTEM DESI ER REGISTRATION/STATE ARCHITECT : (a 6Z MECHANICAL: G Z PLUMBING ~- ELECTRICAL• ~- LIGHTING ~ /~--~ G G ? 3 f !~[- (*) Signature is required where Florida law requires design to be performed by registered design professionals. Typed names and registration numbers may be used where all relevant information is contained on signed/sealed plans. .- BUILDING INFORMATION COMPLIANCE CHECK 401.------GLAZING--ZONE 1------------------------------------------------v- .Elevation Type U SC VLT Shading Area(Sgft) South Commercial 1.31 .95 .98 Continuous Ove 70 Total Glass Area in Zone 1 = 70 Total Glass Area = 70 402.------WALLS--ZONE 1---------------------------=-------------------- Elevation Type U Added R Gross(Sgft) North L & Hvywt. Concrete Block: 8" Li 0.149 0 360 East L & Hvywt. Concrete Block: 8" Li 0.149 0 1035 South L & Hvywt. Concrete Block: 8" Li 0.294 0 360 West L & Hvywt. Concrete Block: 8" Li .0.149 0 1035 Total Wall Area in Zone 1 = 2790 Total Gross Wall Area = 2790 403.------DOORS--ZONE 1------------------------------------- ----------- Elevation Type U Area(Sgft) East 1-3/4 Steel Door-Fiberglass/Mineral woo 0.60 63 West 1-3/4 Steel Door-Fiberglass/Mineral woo 0.60 21 Total Door Area in Zone 1 = 84 Total Door Area = 84 404.------ROOFS--ZONE 1------------------------------------------------ Type Color. U Added R Area(Sgft) 1° Wood with l" Insulation Medium 0.170 19 4600 Total Roof Area in Zone 1 = 4600 Total Roof Area = 4600 405.------FLOORS-ZONE 1------------------------------------------------ Type R Area(Sgft) Slab on Grade/Uninsulated 0 4600 Total Floor Area in Zone 1 = 4600 Total Floor Area = 4600 406. INFILTRATION-------------------------------------------------- CHECK .Infiltration Criteria in 406.1.ABC.l have been met. I / 40.7.------COOLING SYSTEMS----------------------------------------------- Type No Efficiency IPLV Toffs 1. Air Cooled ( >= 65,000 Btu/h 2 10..0 9.0 7.50 408.------HEATING SYSTEMS----------------------------------------------- Type No Efficiency BTU/hr 1. Air Source (>= 65,000 Btu/h) 2 3.0 90000 409.------VENTILATION----------------------------------------- ---------- CHECK Ventilation Criteria in 409.1.ABC.1 have been met. I 410.-----AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM------------------------------------- -- AHU Type Duct Location. R-value 1. Split / PTHP Air-to-air Heat Unconditioned Space 4.2 411.--=--PUMPS AND PIPING-ZONE 1--------------------------------------- Type R-value/in Diameter Thickness ~` 1. Non-Circulating 0 1 0 412.-----WATER HEATING SYSTEMS-ZONE 1---------------------------- ------ --- Type Efficiency StandbyLoss InputRate Gallons 1. <=12-kW ~ .91 .008 34000 20 413.-----ELECTRICAL POWER DISTRIBUTION---------------------------------- CHECK Metering criteria in 413.1.ABC.1 have been met a Transformer criteria in 413.1.ABC.2 have been met. 414.-----MOTORS----------------------------------=---------------- ---=- --- Motor efficiencies in 414.1.ABG.1 have. been met. 415.-----LIGHTING SYSTEMS-ZONE 1----------- Space Type No Control Type l No Control Type 2 No Watts Area(Sgft,) Type C(Mix 1 On/Off 11 8280 4600 Total Watts .for Zone 1 _ 8280 Total Area for Zone 1 4600 Total Watts 8280 Total Area = 4600 .Lighting criteria. in 415.1.ABC have been met. CHECK -V/ ------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. HVAC load sizing has been performed. (407.1.ABC.1) ----- --- 17. Duct sizing and design have been performed. (410.1.ABC.1.2) 18 ., Testing and balancing will be performed. (410.1.ABC.4) / 19. Operation/maintenance manual will be provided. to owner.(102.1) ~~ i PSA-384.1. l ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~. ~~~, DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINQ >~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH --- - PERMIT INFt~RMATIC~N -___.__ __--.--- LOCATION INFORMATION --__ ___ ' ermit Number: TS~,~?+~ A ~r~~s: 1099 ATLANTIC BC3ULLVA.RD E'ermit Type:I?EMOS~IT~OI!I ATLANTIr B~ACHa FLORIDA 32233 Ia~s of 6~iaLk:REIVlOVAL ________ LEGAL AESCRIpTION --________ Constr. Type:W~+t~D FRAME Blork: Lot: Twp: Q i'rr~posed ttse: sectican: 0 Subd:4 Rn~: 0 I?~~el ling: 1 Subdivision: Est: Value: a.0~? Improv . Cost ; ~? . J~3 Total Fees: 50.QO P.m©unfi. Paid: 50.0{ - OWNER I~iFORMA'I~I.ON _______ _ _.. --- APPLICATION FEES -__ __.. _ ~ 4rne: F~~3~ERT SMITH ' ERA4IT 50.Q0 cldz : 10 ~9 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD A:~~ANTIC SEA~~I , ~`LDRIDA 32233 - ~. _ =° hone:'04)246-s34~1 ., -~ -- C4NTkA~'T~~R INFORMATION ___r__ ame: RIVER CITY CONTRACT4RS~ TNC, tldr : 4517 ~- 6 APPLLT(~N AVE . JAO`~tSC}NVILIJE, FL~3RIDA 32214 ~L~cs.~„?~88U22~. Exg: Sj31/1998 x~~~ ~ ~-:~ ,, , NOTES:. ,: NOTICE -INSPECTIONS MUST BE REGIUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PflIOR TO INSPECTION BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACIr, AND ti+lUS7 SIr CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' ~.IEN L~-W ;CAN pESULT ~N THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILQlNG IIVIPRt~VEM~NTS~~ ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT T© REVOCATION F014 VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. t5# CHECKS ecc+ip . ~~~ ATLANTI ACH BUILDIN EP TMENT ~818g8B32~1868 ~ . cr........ By: 3 t Jun-30-98 04:29P P 02 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PERMIT APPLICATION REMODEL, ADDITIONS, OR ALTERATIONS MC7VSNC, D~lOLITIONS Owner : s) :~I fn ~. 7rG+t~W ~tl ' *~ 2t~1 e. l iZ ~,/ ~,. l _0 /~ °L ~,_~ address : (0 ~t G I `!~ ~- l ~.w ~~ (~~Ji.~ ?"acne : C~O7_ ~ _~?sC~_O©~ Lot ~ 8_cc~C cr L'r.:._ ~ ~undi•.rision: ontractar: River City Contractors, Inc state License # CBC050150 Address: 4517-6 Appleton Ave R~:cne 2IC: (904) 384-8916 __- Jacksonville Sta~~ FL ~__e32210 lescr_be wor< to ~e ccne; Demolition/~~s~ a „ r °r=sent use a° bu_ldir.g: Bar/Lounge '~aluaticn cr proncsed Constz::c~ior.: ?rcacsed sse : Pawri Sho .s c~:s a : ac~~itior.? NO =` yes, ;gnat are the cimEnsions cf t`:e added soave: ft. X ft, n:li ~'~e added area be Heated arc coded? New elec.ricai ,or inorease}? Ve« ilL:tbl:{Cj LiXtlreS? flew `ireDiaCe? New 's~eatJ'AC? SUPMIT TFIFtB~ (CC,~IERCIALI TWO (RLSZDENTIA.L) COl~'LETE SETS OF PLe'1NS, INCLUDING SITE PLAN, SURVEY, ENERG2' COLIE FORMS, NOTIC..'~' OF CCASY~:NT, ANB Oi~NER/CCINTRACTOR AFFIL7AYXT, IF DT~IVER IS CONTRAC2YJR. TR-vY ~~.satr~-~a .~v~E-~.1~-t.a~z~~ t d ~icnature AWN // Date: 'l Signature CON'I RACTG (~`-7"' "r Date : '7~~ 0 ~ C1 ~! sworn to anti subscribed before me t is~~day of ~____>1itl~-~ 19`~~0 `~- c __._ 9ARBAR~-M CATfRIII ~~:~~-s ~ ~~~ b t N~ (,ortirtl Exp. •j/19/2002 ~ { ~ NOT RY BL.C STATE OF FLORIDA AT LARvc p{1~LIC > {~, OC 744153 ~{PwsauffY Wawn () OtlM~ I.D. r~ i /kZ ~ 0 4= ~r W~-_ . o c. ` C o v ,-S ~ •_ I~ v v tug _ ___ _ ,~ ~ ____ ~ PSR•3844 ~.~ DEPARTMENT QF BUILDtNQ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH r 7 ___~ PERMIT INFORMATTON -_____ _--_~ - LOCATION INP'ORMATTON ------- ermit Number: 16939 A dress: 109.9 AfiLANTIC BOULEVARD ~ I?ermst Ty~ae:COl~lMERCTAL ATLANTIC B>?ACH, FLORIDA 3223 ~ ias~ a£ Work:RBMQDEL -------- LEGAL DESCRyPTION -~---_~---. -- I ^vnstr. Tyy~e:CONCRETE BLOCK ; ~ Prop+~sed Use: ~'O.MMERCIAL Block: Lat: Twp: 0 Section: 0 Subd: Rng: ~} - T?wellings: 4 Subdivision:CASTR~ Y FI~RRER GRANT Est. Valuer 0.00 Tmprau. Cost: 150,004.t~0 Tntal Fees: ~915.Ofl Amount. Faid: 915,00 Dad a P~s~d~t ~ J06/1995 ~ cork ?7esc : F~LAIOVATI~JN/~C~DEL FER RLANS ` ~ - ; a f -___ ~_ OWNER INF~RMATIaN __,__-_..__ -__~~ _ APPI,TCATTON FEES ---__ ____ ' Mme : V.~,,I,UE PAWN ~ JEWEi.RY STORE., T NC o IrRM Z "T ~ 915 .00 ddr : I.t31 SUNNY`PONN R!~AD , St3 T TF 310 , ~ C~,.~~ELBERRY, FLCIRIDA 32?07 ~~ hone: f ~t}7) 3~9--00~~4' , _ E i _ _ - _ CONTR]!~CTQR. I PI }~'C?RMAT I ON ~ - - - - - ame: ;RIVER CITY r~7NTRACTORS, INC. ddr : ~ 5.17 - ~ APPT~~'©N AVENUI; JACKSONVTLLii,' FLOIaIDA 32210 Lic: CBCC3501S0 Exp: /" ~' , .~~ ,.; . .r ,.. _ ~- ,;~~ i NOTES: ! { i t (~ l t r.,., ~~' NOTICE -INSPECTIONS MUST BE REQUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOUR$ PFR TO INSPECTION i BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN .LAW CAN RESULT IN ~ THE'PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPR~3VEMENTS." kSSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH AR E PART OF THIS PEflMIT AND SUBJECT TO .REVOCATION FOR. VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. i915.~ S4 GIE~KS ATLANTIC ACH BUILD G DE R MENT ~13c~21~ I 8 ~'"ti^- ~ 12 Y~ ,. I ~1 ~~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PERMIT CALCULATION SHEET Address oD,~~ Date "~- ~ 2 ~ '" 7 Heated Square Footage _~@ $ per sq ft = $ Garage/Shed D ~_@ S per sq ft = $ Carport/Parch J @ S per sq ft = $ J~-~- Deck ~ _~_r a per ~q ft = $ Patio V~ d~ @ $ per sq ft = $ TOTAL VALUATION: ~~~~ d~~ Tot ~luation ~".~, DOS ~ Remaining Value ~t (UC~ ~U 1st $ /C~D.~©a / J D . ~'.~ ~. per thousand or portion thereof $ / 0 DOv ~-" $ ~?` ~n 0 crz.? $ /s"v TOTAL BUILDING FEE S ~b.o 0 + 1/2 Filing Fee $ 3r5~~ o y ( ) Fireplaces @ $15.00 $ E--d BUILDING PERMIT FEE WATER IMPACT FEE SEWER IMPACT FEE ' WATER METER/TAP CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT SEWER TAP ( ) RADON (HRS) .0050 SECTION H PAVING ( } HYDRAULIC SHARES ~ CROSS CONNECTION ( ) SURCHARGE .0050 OTHER GRAND TOTAL DUE ADDITIONAL PERMITS OR FEES: Mechanical .Plumbing Electric/New Electric/Temp ;SwimmingPool Septic Tank Well Sign Finish Floor Elevation Survey Other CALCULATIONS and/or NOTES: Jul-15-98 ii isa P.Oi RECEIVED . E? ii ~ ~ 199 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH it of Atlantic Beach PERMIT APPLICATION REMODEL, ADDITIONS, 014 A.LT~~'d'i~~'~and Zoning MOVING, D~IOLITIONS owner t s 1 : Value Pawn and Jewelr Store Inc 01 Sunnytown Roa , Suite 310 address:_Casselberry FL 32707 Phone: (407) 339-0064 Lot # Block or Unit # Subdivision: contractor: River City Contractors, Inc State License ~ CBC 0501 50 ~~v ~~ ~5^~'l- ~02,~ -. Adcress:451 7-6 AppletonAve ?hone No; (904) 384-891 6 Ci~v Jacksonville Stacz FL z=_ ~cce 32210 Describe work to be done: ~2n/ot,/~."f'~•p n~ LiS ~ r /L ~y~~~t~.s 4 S~C~~S , --~ 2resent use O buildiaq: ~~jo:.2 ~-OC...nJG, ~ -'7 '/aluation cf P_ooosec Construction: 2.s~'. ~'~..'~ Q, CtiQp, BO Drooosed use: ~ri.~i.1 ~ ~d~Q Is this an addition? Na Zf yes, ghat are the dimensions or the zdded space: ft. X ft. Will the added area be heated and caOled? NQW eleCLrl.Ca1 (Or increase) ? New plumbing fixtures? New fireplace? New Heat/AC? SUBMIT THItEE (CODB~RCIALJ TfiO (RESILIENTIAL) COMPLETE SETS OF PLANS, INCLUDING SITE PLAN, SURVEY, Eat7~F:G~I'"~ COL1E FOZ?MS, NOTICE OF CQhII~NC.1'-~.1VT, AND Oi~NFT2/CONTRRACTOR 1jfr~II~1V,XT, ~IF~ O~NF~ IS CONTRACTOR. "'~~„~` Sicnature CwNER• \ Date: ~~,~'R~J Sgrn~a~u~c~`CONTRACTOR:~f Date: 7 ~~~~7 ~w1~ o F ~u.~ /~ ,t ,..--, p Sworn to and subscribed before me this ? l9 ~ day of ~_ 1.~~ 19 l m""'h%, DEBORAH K, KING~~ i s NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA ' _;;~ ~;rc My commission expires Sept. 4, 1999 NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OE FLO AT LARGE "'^~~,•~,~~N~ Commission No. CC 493060 PSR~3644 ~1 ~A~A ~uaw~. DEPARTMENT O1= BUILDINC3 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ____ PERMIT INFORMATION ______ w__..__ LC3CATZaN INF©RMATI4N __ __.. ~ ermit Number:. 16!52 A dress: lt}94 ATLANTIC' HflULEYARD Permit Type:PLUNfB?'NG ATLANTIO ~iEACH, FLORIbA 32233 Iris of Work:REAiODEL _._______ LEGAL DESCRIPTION _ ,.___.._ ^ Constr. Type:CDNCRETE BLACK Stook: Lot: fiy~p; ~0 Pr~pased Use:CUMMIwRCIAL S~ctipri: ~ Subd: Rn~r; 4 Dwellixags: 0 Subdivision:CASTRa Y FERRER GRANT Est. Value: 0,00 Impr~y..Cost: Q.00 ~'vt:~I Fees : 53.54 Amount .Pa~;;.cl: 53. 5Q ___ OWNER INFORMAT~OPt ~-___....____ ~- APPI,Ic.ATIOi~ FEES -_, ___...~ ~ Mme: ,~'?1LtIL PAWN & 7EWELRY STORE. INC. PERMIT ~53 54 ddr ; 1~J~, SU~INYTQWN RC?AD, SUITE 31C~ . CA~.SELB£RRY,':FLORIDA 2702 ,; hone: ~4U7 )339--405 .. .. ~ ~ ~ - C~7NTI~ACT01~ INFARMATI ON ~ -- _ _ _ _ arse: BILL VOSHEI~I. PLUMBING CGS ddr; ~.39~6 140T"~I STREET LIVE L~,AK F FLORIDA .320360 Li C : Cf"'C053962 l~,xp : ~ / ~~~ : t ~`T, ~. NOTES: NOTICE - INSPECTION5 MUST BE REGIUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION BUILDLNG MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED 1N PUBUC SPACE AND MUST BE , CLEAREp UP AND HAULED AWAY}BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FALLURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW CAN RESULT Ity THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE. FOR BUILbING I`IIAPRE~VENfENTS." ISSUED ACCORQING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. t53.~ 19. t~lECKB ATLANTIC BEACH BUILpING DEPARTMENT ~1f32c~~~® By: I t CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT JOB LOCATION : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ n ~ C, ~ ~~ OWNER OF PROPERTY: PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TELEPHONE N0. CONTRACTOR' S ADDRESS : ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~®Z ~ ~~ ~ v ~ Q (~(G ~ ~ , STATE LICENSE NUMBER: CG~ S ~~~ ~-- TELEPHONE : 7 ~(p ~,j U ~` ~~~- -~d~75 ~~ HOW MANY OF THE FOLLOWING FIXTURES INSTALLED ,~2.7 _~ ~,~ ~ t3~ SINKS SHOWERS 'LAVATORY BATH TUBS URINALS CLOSETS FLOOR DRAINS SEWER REPIPE 1 WATER HEATERS DISHWASHERS DISPOSALS WASHING MACHINE _5HOWER PANS WATER OTHER W pt~~ fZ. ~p~,~,~~nl TOTAL FIXTURES: f ~ x $3.50 + $15.00 MINIMUM PERMIT FEE - $25.00 SIGNATURE OF OWNER: SIGNATURE OF CONTRA ----------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION OF PLUMBING AND FIXTURES MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE SOUTHERN STANDARD PLUMBING CODE. CALL A DAY AHEAD TO SCHEDULE INSPECTIONS - (904) 247-5826 SEWER CONNECTIONS MUST BE CALLED INTO PUBLIC WORKS FOR INSPECTION PRIOR TO COVERING UP - (904) 247-5834 i Whole .Building Performance. Method for Commercial Buildings Form 400A-94 ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Community Affairs FLA/COM-94 Version 2.1A PROJECT NAME_Vaiue Pawn PERMITTING OFFICE: ADDRESS: Atlantic Blvd. & Mayport Rd _J n1TlC ~~ _Jacksonville CLIMATE ZONE: 3 OWNER: _Value Pa n and_Jewelry PERMIT NO: % ~3 AGENT: /0 g~ ;~1-[,gdV77 c ~~Uh~ JURISDICTION NO:_ ~~o~ BUILDING TYPE: _Mercantile (Retail) CONSTRUCTION CONDITION: New. construction DESIGN COMPLETION: Finished Building CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA: _4600 NUMBER OF ZONES: 1 MAX.. TONNAGE. OF EQUIPMENT PER SYSTEM: $ COMPLIANCE CALCULATION: METHOD A A. WHOLE BUILDING DESIGN CRITERIA RESULT 48.95 100.00 PASSES PRESCRIPTIVE REQUIREMENTS: LIGHTING EXTERIOR LIGHTING 150.00 2400.00 1~ASSES LIGHTING CONTROL .REQUIREMENTS PASSES HVAC EQUIPMENT COOLING EQUIPMENT 1. EER 10.00 8.90 PASSES IPLV 9.00 8.30 PASSES HEATING EQUIPMENT r 1. COP 3.00 3.00 PASSES AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM INSULATION LEVEL 1. Unconditioned Space 4.20 4.20 PASSES .WATER HEATING EQUIPMENT 1. EF 0.91 0.90 PASSES PIPING INSULATION REQUIREMENTS 1. Non-Circulating 0.00 0.00 PASSES COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION:. I hereby c~rtifv that the plans and specificat~.Qns-- covered by this calcu- iation ere ~ comr?i%.ahce with the Flarida:~E~e~~r Efr-iii n y Co e. PREPAR~`:1 ~X ~ ~, DATE : ~ -a 1,~li ~, I hereby c~.rtifp that this. building is, in compliance with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code. OWNER/AGENT: ~ _ DATE: Review of the plans and specifica- tions covered by this calculation indicates compliance with. the Florida Energy Efficiency Code. .Before construction is completed,. this building will be inspected for compliance in accordance with Section 553.908, F 'da ~ ~ t BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: ~ I hereby certify(*) that the system design is in Compliance with .the Florida Energy Efficiency Code. •SYSTEM DESIGNER REGISTRAT ON/STATE ARCHITECT -:- 7.~~.~------- MECHANICAL: L PLUMBING 3. /=C. ELECTRICAL• 4 L• LIGHTING ,el1+l.? 3 GC {*) Signature is required where Florida law requires design. to be performed by registered design professionals. Typed. names and registration numbers may be used where all relevant information is contained on signed/sealed plans. i s BUILDING INFORMATION COMPLIANCE. CHECK 401.------GLAZING--ZONE 1------------------------------------------------v- Elevation Type U SC VLT Shading Area(Sgft) South. Commercial 1.31 .95 .98 Continuous Ove 70 Total Glass Area ~n Zone 1 70 Total Glass Area = 70 402.------WALLS--.ZONE 1------------------------------------------------ Elevation. Type U Added R Gross(Sgft) .North L & Hvywt. Concrete Block: 8" Li 0.149 0 360 East L & Hvywt. Concrete Block: 8" Li 0.149 0 ..1035 South L & Hvywt. Concrete Block: 8" Li 0.294 0 360 . West. L & Hvywt. Concrete Blocks 8" Li 0.-149 0 1035 Total Wa11 Area in Zone l = 2790 Total Gross Wa11 Area = 2790 403.------DOORS--ZONE. 1------------------------------------- ----------- Elevation Type U Area(Sgft) East 1-3/4 Steel Door-Fiberglass/Mineral woo 0.60 63 West 1-3/4 Steel Door-Fiberglass/Mineral woo 0.60 21 Total Door Area in Zone 1 = 84 Total-Door Area = 84 404.------ROOFS--ZONE 1------------------------------------- ----------- Type Color U Added R Area(Sgft)' 1" Wood with l" Insulation Medium 0.170.` 19 4b00 Total Roof Area ,in Zone 1 4600 Total Roof Area = 4600 405.------FLOORS-ZONE 1------------------------------------- ~ ----------- Type R Area(Sgft) Slab on Grade/Uninsulated 0 4600 Total Floor Area in Zone 1 = 4600 Total Floor Area = 4600 406.------INFILTRATION--------------------------------------- ----------- CHECK Infiltration Criteria in 406.1.ABC.1 have been met. I / 407.------COOLING SYSTEMS------------------------~----------- ----------- Type No Efficiency IPLV Tons 1. Air Cooled ( >= 65,000 Btu/h 2 10.0 9.0 7.50 408.-=----HEATING SYSTEMS------------------------------------ ----------- Type No Efficiency BTU/hr 1. Air Source (>= 65,000 Btu/h) 2 3.0 90000 .4.09.------VENTILATION---------------------------------------- ----------- CHECK Ventilation Criteria in 409.1.ABC.1 have been met. ( J .410..-----AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM----------------------------- ----------- AHU Type ~ Duct Location R-value 1. Split / PTHP Air-to-air Heat Unconditioned Space 4.2 411.-----PUMPS AND PIPING-ZONE 1---------------------------- ----------- Type R-value/in Diameter Thickness ~ . 1. Non-Circulating 0 ~ 1 0 412.-----WATER HEATING SYSTEMS-ZONE 1---------------------------------- Type Efficiency StandbyLoss InputRate Gallons - - --- 1. <=12 kW .91 .008 34000 ---------- 20 4I3.-----ELECTRICAL POWER DISTRIBUTION--------------=------------------- CHECK .Metering criteria in 413.1.ABC.1 have been met. Transformer criteria in 413.1.ABC.2 have been met. / 414.-----MOTORS--------------------------------------------------- --V--- Motor efficiencies in 414.1.ABC.1 have been meta / , 415.-----LIGHTING SYSTEMS-ZONE 1_______________________________________ Space Type No Control Type 1 No Control Type 2 No Watts Area(Sgft) Type C(Mix 1 On/Off 11 8280 4600 Total Watt s. for Zone 1 = 8280 Total Area for Zone 1 = 4600 Total Watts = 8280 Total Area = 4600 CHECK Li htin criteria in 415 1 ABC have been met. ------g--- g------------------------ -- - I V - - --------------------- 16. HVAC load sizing has been performed. (407.1.ABC.1) - --- --- -- 1. 17. Duct sizing and design have been performed. (410.1.ABC.1.2) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Testing and balancing will be performed. (410'.1.ABC.4) 19. Operation/maintenance manual will be provided to owner.(102.1) - /-- fl CITY OF r~t~rtic ~ea.~ - ~~vuda 800 SENIINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE (9041'4"r 5800 FAY (904) 347-5806 SU~ICOM 852-5800 ~~~ 9 ~uco/ ~TCQ• ~~ ~• .iy~~rcca~ `~A U r t~ ~~ ~ N S P~ ~ i~ ~ r2 ~`~,~ ~ r ~' ~~~~ Z _ .., . J'~ ~ ~"} ~~~ Q~~~~ i ~~ '~* ?-~, S~ ']~ ~~ Z ~,., ~.. r ~. ` ~ ~ C?. D 3 i~ a~ e_ r ~ °~ .~ ~. ~ ~-- .a ¢~, ~~ ~~ .-A ; ~ Q~: _~ ~ ~ ~ i -aa ~ ~ v `~ '~- 4 -~ ~ ~~ v~ "~ ~ w Q S.~ ~~ ^~.... 3 ~ '~~ ~'~ 030 ~~~? ... ~~~~~ _....-,rte-- ~ g ~ ~ . "1 d 8`~~~~ .~ ~ _. ,_~ l ~ '~ ~ ~'- -~„~ ~- ~ ,' J .-- ~_ __----- ~:_ _ ~ ~ ~ `~ __ ~ --~ ~ ~ ~ -- ' ~ .•. ,~=-=- ~ . ,` . z ~' ,, -- ~~,_ ~- ~. ~y , ~ ~, ~ '~ d ~- ~ ~~ 3 ~ '~'~ `~ -r- ~ ~~ ~ ~: ~` t ~~ {~,,,,. l 1.L u~ r" ~,Q z °, < ~ N ~ ~ ~.-- ~ ~ ~ _- ~ ,.~, ~' s r ~~ =~ 3 ~ __ ~ ~~ r=~~- ~- ~ . ~ 4. ,c --~ 4 ~ ~ext3 3. C~er~tftc~t~ of C~cru~~~r~ - (~it~ of .~ilttntir ~ettrll - ~Alnridtt ~P~J~tI'~riiPrit 11f ~llil~il~~ ~1~,~~JPL`#tIIli This Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 103.8 of the Southern Standard Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances regulating building construction or use. For the following. Use Classification COMMERCIAL Group Cb Type Construction Value Pawn & Jewelry Owner of Building Bui ing Address 1099 Atlantic ~~ } Bwldmg Offid t REMODEL Bldg. Permit No. 1b939 .~~ Fire District Atl anti C Beach Address 1099 Atlantic Boulevard Blvd. Locality Atlantic Beach. FL 32233 By: DON C . FORD Date: f ~ ' 2 ~ POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE F'. U1 - ---v _..-T .~.~ ~ ~ : avr CITY OF ATLANTIC EE:t~CH PERMIT APPLICATION RE."KODEL, ADDITSONS, OR ALTERATIONS MOVING, D~IOLIT20NS ;,wre= ; s) : Value Pawn & Jewelry Store FFLL 3322 101 5unn town Rd., #310 Casselberry407) 33 - 064 3c =mss: y cne: ~-ll :,cc # 3~~ck ~r Gr._~ # Subdi•~isior.: c:,r.-raccor: River Ci'~y Contractors, Inc. S~a~~ Lzce.^.se # CG-C059825 ~cc-ass: 4517-6 Appleton Ave ~~cre Nc: (904 Z 384-891 6 __ ___•, Jacksonville FL 3:~~?~ FL _ _~ce 32210 ~esc::~e xor°c =~ :.e ccce: Demolitionf Remodelingf Renovation as per plans and specs. 1099 Atlantic Blvd .=eser.~ .:se o. ~4____^g• Bar/Lounge 'ta::a:._~r. __ __ ~csec C~rs~_.:c~_e:: est. $150,000 _ =cccsmr .se • Pawn Sho .s c:!:s ar. acc_:_c.^.' NO __ yes, •.rr,~c ara c^e ~:~ers:..rs o= =::e ac~ec -c~ca• `_. :c L.. v.__ =tee acce~ ar=~ ce ^s.:='-= a::c ccc:,ac' ~le~.+ a~ec.__ca_ ,cr _r.C;ease) VeSJ "_::IRt;.'::Cj f::Sr~S3e.. Nec~ __S°O _dC?^ vew 3e_c,'SC j sT7BMZ''!' Z~IIt7~ lC=u1 ='~ (RES7D2~''77 SI"F.' fl.aN, SilRVE~', CJGE F Qi~NIIt/C'~N^~4AC~R ' . ~z' Q~'27II4 IS siS^.a_ire C::NTRRC"CR: v ~.~ Swcra =o and subscr:~ed befogs cae tZis~_ As to signature for Jack Morgan j~ ~` State of Florida NoT.aR~ ° County of Duval `~' Sworn to and subscribed before me ', 4 this 24th day of August, 1998. ~±~~:' x , Personally known. ,--, I nr, .. - - <o BARBARA M. COTTRiII No ary Public State of Florida ~~ ®y Comm Exp.g/19/2002 N PlJBLIC ~ yrn__~ ~N~o. CC 744153 {_'- . KING fE OF FLORIDA s Sept. 4, 1999 CC493060 l i 1 '~.,. PSR-38N4 ' - ~t / !) :7 DEPA~tTMENT 01= BUILDING" CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH _._ .- I'I~RMIT I~dFOR1~fATION -__--_, ____.._ L~~CATIOH IN~'f3RMATInN -__..____ er~nit Mezmber; 172p4 A dre~~; 1p~9 ATLANTIC I3OULE~ARL? Ft~r~i~.t TyFe:MECHANI~"AL ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 3233 l.~s~ of Work:NEW --______~., LEGAL L'ESCRIFTI4IV ----~------- Con~tr. Type: CONCRETE BLQC~ 81o~k: Lot: Tip: t? Pa-a~o~ed U~e:C02+~4ERCIAL Section: p Subd: Rng; n Dwel~~~'~~~ a Suhdzv3sic~n`CASTRt~ Y FERRRR GRANT Rat . 4~aiue; p .40 Ifl7,~Ir pV . Ct?st : a , QC' Tot~1 F+~es; 93 , sip Amount Paia;~::.. <- 93.Oa Dxtte Paid: '~/'2~~f 1.996 i - "_. ark i}esc t`~5'~A.1',~ -C~~AL HRAT AND A?"R I~t N~ COMtr!lERCIAL .. ..-.__..~ I ~1~~`~IpH ____.~____ _,._-__- APPLICATIC3I~ FEES --°-_______~. , Mme : VAL~1F ~~A~~, ~' ~~Y ST4RF , ~_ 1~ 3. • E~ij~'~`: 43 . pQ ,, ~ ddr:; , ~I~$~~t~ ~>~i'i3, SUITE 3Iq CASS~i~'R'~~,~ >~"~;QRIDA X2702 ; { ' h ';~~ 0 ~? 5 4 " ~ ~'' ~ ~ one . ,. - ; - s ~ ~ ~ '~ ~- ~ e `roe. ~ ~... .. ~. _ ~ ame ; FREFEb~~J $~RV :" COMPAPi~'. . :.. X " d~d r e ~' , a n '"~C<e ~~ 3 57 ~, ~ _ . ~~„.M, ~~ 2~~~7357 314C~SCEN'V I L~$;~ FL~~T`I?A 3 2 . - __ L2,~. CACC53>326 Iwxp: / / - „ ':- - ,~ ,. NOTES: NOTICE -INSPECTIONS MUST BE RE©UESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION BUILDING MATENtAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY $Y EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER ~`~Al~LURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW CAN RESULT 1N ' OPERTY OWNER. PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS." -~ TU APPROVED PLANE WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUS.IECT- TO R€VOCATION FOR ```~", `~.E PROVISIONS OF l.AW. ~. ~TMENT IIB1~899~321'188g ~" M t, a ~,~~~, js`~. ., ~` .J ~. ,'`` i `~ -.~/~~i ~ _y ~~t! na _--~ ~~ °. -., r . ~'~ ~ , -r '~ ~'A x k ~~~~~~ ,~ i r ~~ a ~~ tr~ --~-'L~ / ~ ~ ~ 7c.1 ~ ~~ y .._._ ,~'" J~ _~ ~, 5yd 1~+~5, w ~ .~_ '" ~ ~= i~ f s. ~. ~ " ~~~ a ~~ S~ SEP 24 ' 98 11:47 PREFERRED SER.tJIOE 904641©015 T0: F b .• 0 .. ,~ ~ ~ ~r h es `« - - - ...~...~.~.T ( . ~~~~ ~,~ h ~ c~ '~ ~~~ e .~.~~ ~ C1 t.._=1 ;~ ~j~Q~~ ~~l ' 44~ "~ t,~,~ 1~ ~ ~i~~ „~c /~ °= '° ~'~~ ! iG S ~'~-~ 131 ~L... ~ ~= ~~~ ~ ~t Q ~-- >^ w 00- ~Q~ r~ P02 SEP 24 '98 11:47 PREFERRED SERVICE 9046410015 t' ^ . - . -„ a c :15p ro: P01 - - --BUILDING AND ZONING INSPECTION DIVISION CfTY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ATLANTIC ~lACN, /LOR~tlA !!state APPLICATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT CAII-IN NUMREII^ l, II, III, end IV. IMPORTANT - Appliceni to complete el) items in section s `Ma~e/.... ~ y sines AdJ•eer: ~- ~f/ ,/ OF ute•r.ereq sr•..p: pf.e.e.___,ILL2Z,~LL}_.__L_~ ,~ A~e_ ~ LSO ~~. IUIIDNr~ se--dl.:N.e II. IDENTIFICATION - To be completed by ell eppl.cents In gnrNeal:M el se•.~:r q:re. fer doleq rb .Ni N deadMd :• rAs ebere rrt4Teni W. eenbr eq.ee io ee.fe•m nod r.N1 :e acee•dence r.lrb 1[te erhtMd rle"+ e•d apedhur:ont .eieh ae a Pr' ~e•eof cnd :~ eeee.de•ee r,:lA r6e fay el Jec lranrH4 erd:nenta end rh~de.dr e! geed /ytl:u Ibtsd IMn:n. MKllrrkd f' ~~ ~ (/V~ CenNettNf oS MerIN CMlreetN I-.tei' ~ aeN 02 W q/ ~ .w hn el 0.eer M ~~IRIIII A~e~ Sl~aren el Arebiled .• igieeu ~t l ee . ~ ~ `~ - •.,• a Re. : IR orllq eolfsr+puttoM ulna aaRt ow ...M. o sir.. _ p u O M.hnl D Ceexet WUIti rNlt WIloIN0at111Tt1 d ow IR rti. te'i MtNdeRM . D p~ ~ ~~ eCt T rRrtMt• cnox IV. A w O N A p le u aeuww~rr m u rrr~.,.. ..~_ re~ yy ~~ r ~ y I~1 rrr ./l p~"pnlMh M Md N Mds ~..r~•~I t+ ^~..r--e elt et i O sryn O Reeereer +!Y Ce.1wi O A..• .a..vne yr wVnR lnl grsitlldtlrl Or ~I L-] Neral.~ua~.e 1 i:r o ri.. fd ~ 'e ~ A11 CiR~IRIr~! Q ~ 11~ . ~ e e w y ~ ,~ l ~ ~~: ~ f TM~,,,~,, Yl ReWeeMHM of a^btlnr eplen+ MeeMwn uresNe a~o aler. O New MHHINItM tN0 fyNN+l prNbWly Inetelleth D ~ Q fateMlen w edd•en 1t/ eMNllrlr eye1NR OIRer - epeelly D G•rRe a.e-: C.res+b e•r.~• Q Isw rrAeMew: NeRrMr e>< Metl~_ i---. O YeeeNr O tMORex p 6eeMAn IReedy.r) mu wAes aR oplC~ W! oM~r p t/eeeRRe rarer 1^w»1+r1 (bwbd) p te+~ IrreRrteer) ReRreM O Yellred rrwwe +«w O ReRere -enrdi Agreeed w I.-. O ONr- - Me>txr s«~'-- ut>s ALI. sovtrMStni'r AIR CONS11ff01elfsC ANO RLRRIGIlRA1Mti LQUVMENf RtrWerlleko lfeetes~tletr 1lMNMeeR>lee lfetttt[tyy~ f'lrAr) W - t 7~ ~~ 1SAi0e{T • erQR1eAG~. lpl{,LRir rsRers.ACSe 1r..MV.u. b..e~tw. >fuesrrr,era Rtteencewtwr 1~lSti~ •h.,-` `~ ~ l~ w tAgRR l l' sir. >~, >•.awlaE..~iwa '`~~ xw.w :r. rte,, "'~""o _ ~ __ J~ ~+ Kaeoa ~~ . :: ~ Zn~~ DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ----- PERMIT iN~"ORMATIQIV -- -__-- erm~.~ Numk~pr: :. I?'t~~2 Perrnit T~,~e:ST{~N ____-_ LOCATION IN~'OR~fATiON - /~__ A clres~; 1.C~~9 ATLAN';rIC H U ' I~~~ a~ Wt~~°I~:NEW ~'an~t:r T ~3 bEV ARL A.TLAIdTIG BLACK, gLORIDA ~223 ____-__-- ~ RxQ .. yt?~~CONCRETE BLOCK. a~~~i Us~rrnp~lMLpCiA I ~ LE£3AL I3ESrRiPTZC3N - Blc~~k: Lot . - --___-_.. , . ~~ l I zn~:s : ~} S~cti an • p Su}~d : R p ~ ~I Est . VII u~, C y pt~ ~~~rt~rl ' ~ ~ Su~~~i~ vsi an. GASTF.~r Y F'ERRER n GRF~NT ~ , , Q ~~ : Tot~I Ries: t?.~~ t~: 4~ ~ a~' A~a~~ ~~i . 17~te paad: ~ 95.~}p ~/~3~~~`~~8 +:~a: k l~es~ : EREI~+ ~ , , " ~.. f~tl~R ~ W '~~ ~N _~_A_ ~'~_ amp: ` ______ `JALUF; PAN~,~~: ~ - APPt,ICA~"ION P'EE6 -__ .p; ~,~1~~~.RY STC}RL,.'IN+". PERI~~~ ddr: I B[3~N '' _ _4y`-°' , ~ ~QW>4~ ~'~ SUITE ~";~Sfi~$Ri~~~. ~t~I'I3A ` ~ ~~ 4 5 , ~4 3~ ~~2 honer"~Q7}~~:~tOQ6~ . ~ ` k ; a~t~e t INTLRf~T~t'~'I~ & DLSIr_:N dd ~ ~ , , ., _ , ~, r r .if~8~1 ^CA.NA~ TR~ET Lic. _y~e:,~ Lxp: / - OTES: ~ ,. ,. -.~ _., -~ NOTICE -INSPECTIONS MUST BE REQUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOS PRIOR TO INSPECTION BUILDtNG MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND fu!#~ST CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER Y ~; "FAILURE TO CQMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN .LAW CAN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BULL©ING IMPROVES ~ L~ S„ ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMtT AND SU$JECT REVOCATION FOR VIQLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. _ ~ f4~.~ 14 ATLANT BEACH ILD D PARTMENT a ~ CNf ~~S 317th fi~16€~I#3~C1 gY= .~~~,,,~ .:u. _- _ ~ . F "' Psi-seas - ~. ~ ~~ . w..,, ~~~- r~ r l =°~'"' '^"~~ w x~Mkinrwa.'~'?ay~d,~a:.f~ a'."`~°'~'f ` .i f O~~ DEPARTMEI`iT Of= BUILDING - ~ CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH ____ ..PERMIT ZNFQRMATION ,--__.._ ______ ~QCA'TIOAt INF©RMATION _ ~- - ~rmit Number: 1747:3 A Permit TypP:5IC3N . ~lre~~: 1099 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Iasi of Wark:NEW ATLANTIC BEACHk FLs~RIDA 3223 Co~~t r ~ Type : CC~NCRE'~E BLOCI{ .....______ LECAL DESCRIPTION - • _ _ _~ Ei ~ ack : Lat : Prc~pose~d U~~:C`gMMER~IAL Twp Seataar~: 4 Subd: Rng: 4 Dwellings: 4 Est. V~lu~: 0.40 5ubdivisi.~an:~'ASTRO Y F'ERRER GRANT izttprov: Cca~t : 4.00 ,T'tatal Fees : 45.40 Arnc~~nfi Paid:;: _, 45.44 D~t~ Paid: Sf 31,x"1`998 ark.:. F~esc~IilR1?'CT I~W~I~t<3 S,I~3N FER PLANS ____..__ ~ ~`~~ ION - -__._W__ APPLICATION FEES --- -______ axste': VALUE PAWN tx J~'+I~~X STORE j TIC`, ERi~I'~_ 45 40 dd r : ~~''~ ^~3U#~W~f'k`t~~, t~"t~AY3 r SUITE ~ 1'fl . CF~SSEI,$~t3~$ ~ ~L~RIISA 327t~2 ~ r _ _ _ _ ` ~O~fT1~13t~TOk I N~-QRMd~T I ON - _ _ ,~ _ ~ ~ f ~ ~~ t, ,, amp: If~FTERt~~,'i'i:~L SAN & >aESION .ddr: 14$31 '~ANA~ STREET LAROQ,FLQR~~3A.. 33'77.~_I696 _ _._ dpi a ; Epp ~ / / ype 6. ~' r.. „ w ., NOTES: NOTICE -INSPECTIONS MUST (3E REQUESTED AT LEAST 24 H04iRS PRfOR TO INSPECTION r' BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND R~US t.6~ , CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COMRLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW CAN ...RESULT IN THE RROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING.IMPROVEMENTS." ESSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED .PLANS .WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT 70 REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. f~5.8~ 14 fCKS 327b~ ATLAN BEACH BUILDI D ARTMENT II$f93c''t~18~8 ,~ , By. ., ~. ___.,w.,,,_-- -- ____. ~. PS`R-3844 -, ,. ~ ;., z a~ .,.a t f ,,~ , . ... .. e : DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH _.___ PERMIT INFORMATIRN _...____ ,_____ T,QGATION INFORA~ATION _ _-__.. ~rmit NumLer; 170'4 A Per~rti.t Type: SIGN dre~~; 1099 ATLANTIC BOULEVARI3 less cf Wrrk;NEW ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 CraI1St X' . Type : CONCRETE BLGCK ______.._ LEGAL L~ESCRIPTTON - B1 ock : Lot . "---___.. Proga,~ed Uae : {~Ot~lMERCIAL w TAP : O Section: 4 Suhd: Rng: 9 D ellings: O t Iw tl l Subdivision:CASTRG~ Y FERREP GRANT ;~ . a ue: ~.0~ t~prpv. Copt: C.D~ ,Ta#:a1 Fees ; 4.5 , 04 Anncau~st P~-~.d :.. 9 5 , QQ Date Paidt 8~,31~1:°~98 _ ark 13esct~3RE'r~` ~1,E.BIGN PER PLANS T"° tt]~14 ~~1FQ~T~ON ~__ _ ` ~___.-__ APPLICATION FEES -- - - ~tF~e 1~AL~IE Pl.~€i'I' &`';.7#~I~~R~t STORE IHC, ER~'!I'~ 45 40 ctdr: ,~•"=~>~'~G,1'~ I~': SUITE 3Zt3' GASS~~,B.~`~~`'~ , ~"~,~RIDA 32?02 hone : d '~') 3~~ g-11i~'E~ 4 ,::~. lqn _. ~ ~ ~ON~'R~1~TOR T N~r3RMAT I ON - -- - - -- - f r ~'. ~_ . , ame: ~N'1'ERH,I~fiIt3~A:L SAN & DESZc;N ctdr: L~83I:.~ANA~tSTR~T - :. . ,...•=~ARr~3;"FT;~:sR-~L3A ~3?7'7-I6~~ _ Lic: EMp; ,~ YP~; 5 , ,.~,_ , . NOTES. NOTICE -INSPECTIONS MUST BE REQUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACEp IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER ~ ' ~. "FAILURE T(~ COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW GAN RESULT tN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVElV~ENTS." ISSUED. ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT. TO REVOCATION FOR S V10LATI4N OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. ~~~*~~ ATLAN BEACH UILDING DEPARTMENT ~~~~~' ~ ~_~~~ 6~1~983221fli#~ By: .notice of ~(Cumrnencement (PREPARE IN DUPLICATE) 0+ S AlllP.~, ~~:.Tl.~{,(~~~j 0 '.I~~ ~ s *~ To whom it may concern: o~ T 0 4YI Z ~1 ~ ~ ~' ~ N i ~~ M ~~~L ~ ~ f` X '`' J `- Q The undersigned hereby informs you that improvements will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with section 713.13 of the Florida Statutes, the following information is stated in this NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Description of property (, ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ e~~-'~-'~'tL ~j ~ ~ c --~ .may ~ ~ ,> .~ `~;~ ~~ General description of improvements Owner ~ ~'t, ~ ~ti-~- >'~~..vt .J Owner's interest in site of the improvement ~7tv'~a<--_ c~ c~z ~~1` c'S2- 120~~. Address l ~~ ~ S ~~.ti'Jr~u ~ 0 ~t1 rJ 1~~ ~ 3(O `a sse~ ~aeiz~ y U. L ~ ~ }E~ Fee Simple Title holder (if other than owner) Name ~ ~^ ~ Address Contractor ~n U ~-G~- ~ i ~ `~ ~ ~°N ~ le.~~~ /}-~2.~ y .~. ~1 L Address ~ ~ l ~ '~ ~ ~ -, ~ ~ ~ e ~~' e ~v ~~~ ~ ~ S ~~: ~ ~_ .~~ ~ Z ~ ~ Surety (if any) Address Amount of bond $ Name and address of any person making a loan for the construction of the improvements. Name U ~~. ~ ~ ~ ~ l~nl v~+t c. i ~~..,~. S ('~ ~` S .~ rv'c~ Address 1 o S c 4,wN~ ~~~'wnl C~ -~~io L 2 -f' ~ ~ e~2Le. __ ~ ~ • - C 7 Name of person within the Sta a of Florida, other than himself, designated by owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served: ,~ Name . ~ Gt../ ~ rrn,~ w ~ u L~D ~~~ ~ t/~ ~ •' ~ ~ ~ ~° nlJ f2 «c ~~"oyz S Address ~{ S, I ~ - (st ~~,~/~ ~~ ~ r~ ~ ~~-f._ ~ cL~` t~ L ~ 2_ t U In addition to himself, owner designates the following person to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.06 [2] [b], Florida Statutes. (Fill in at Owner's option). -/ Name ~f.4~ C JrM~ w < < v ~ ~ ~U-ta2 ~ ~~ ~ ..~ l r ~7 2.~.{ l~<yt ~ _.,._ .-- 4517-6 Appleton Ave ~ Jacksonville FL 32210 Phone (904) 384-8916 ~ Fax (904) 384-8601 To: Atlantic Beach Building and Zoning Department Attn: Don Ford Re: Permit # 16939 Mr. Ford, This letter is to notify you that the previous license holder on the above permit is no longer in our employ and is not responsible for this project. Please be advised that Jackie L. Morgan, General Contractor, is the licensee for this project. His information is as follows: State of Florida License # CG-C059825. Attached please find a new permit signed by Mr. Morgan. I will be bringing the originals to your office. If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact meat (904) 384-8916. Thank you. You~~~ River City Contractors ACPomc NOTICE ADDITIONS or CORRECTIONS DO NOT REMOVE JOB ADDRESS DATE THIS JOB HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED The following additions or corrections shall be made before the job will. be accepted /' l~r S - $15.00 REINSPECT EEE It is unlawful for any Carpenter, Contractor, Builder, or other persons, to cover or cause to be covered, any part of the work with flooring, lath, earth or other material, until the proper inspector has had ample time of approve the installation. After additions or corrections have been ~ ,rc made, call 247-5826, Building Depart- ment for an inspection. Field Inspectors ELEC are in the office from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 eL~ p.m. Monday through Friday. ~ ~ CITY_ _O/F ,'~_,~_ ri~L+r~dC ~¢QCIL- -T~ Office of Building Official REQUEST FOR INSPECTION Date ~/ r-- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Permit No. ` uJ / ~P Time ~ Received ~ - r y vM. ~'~~ i r~~Np-~c G u~~ Job Address T Locality ~, f Owner's ,~,,~ ~~i _ 1 j'~ V ~~. ' ~ Name ~~ ~ V ~` ~-~ tom' ` N Contractor _ ~_L L ©,.S 1~ ~- BUILDING CONCRETE ELECTRICAL LUMBING MECHANICAL Framing ^ Footing ^ Rough Wiring ^ Ro ~ Air Cond. & ^ Re Rootinn ^ Slab ^ Temp Pole ^ Top Out ^ Heating Insulati~ O Lintel ^ Final ^ Sewer ^ Fire Place ^ Pre Fab READY FOR INSPECTION / A.M. Tues. Wed. Q Thurs. Friday ~P.M. ~~ ~ P.M. ~~FvRf 3'_00 Final Inspection ^ Certificate of Occupancy ^ Date ~C1IcTY OF~I ATLANTIC BEACH P,/E~RMIT CALCULATION SHr~.ET Address~dl ~ H-TLa4,n~7'~C ~~-yCJ (~/.~B~OOS~O ~~u~Ft2Y /~i¢hfA ~Fi`ae~ Date_ S-/9-9 Heated Square Footage p~j rd ~• 5'~-.4C~ -r = ~ /,~G ©00 .. ~? ~ e r S ~ i ;> Garage/Shed G _ i .~ per ti,, -- _ :; ~~arport% Pnrrn .a V _ . r~[.1 l~ (~ .~.~ `'til '~ r ~ ~ ± } _ , TOTAL VALJATIOrr': ~,~~C0~440 l ,~~ D 4p ~'G o. o © , .~ ~/60.Do Total valuation 1st $ /'OO,ppo ~ -~ Remaining Value S~ o~per thousand or portion thereo'~ TOTAL BUILDING FEE + 1, L Filing rr^ee ~epiaces @ 515.GG ~` .:'ice i°•~~ . { ` ~{ . 4~'- ,r~* 4'S'.,^°~" r Wis. ~. ~ ~ _ jJ <~~ [ ~- :<: fG PERMIT FEE MPACT FEE MPACT FEE '!ETER; TAP IMPRCVEMEIV'T 'AP ADCN {HRS1 .6050 ~i H PAVING i ,IC SHARES 'ONNECTICN :URCHARGE . ~~~~ `, t; ti ~ ©© _ 1 ~,/.b0 .r O '~ S i_ itJ - i4 S ~-~ N ~ ~~~ S ~~ 2 $ •- . itl' - ~ ~ S S ADUI'I'7Q~AL- FE1~MI'I`5 QTR FEES: Mechanical Plumbing Electric/New Electric%Temp ;SwimminaPool Septic Tank We'.l Sign Finish Floor Elevation Survey Other CALCULATIONS and%or NOTES: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING 800 Seminole Road -Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 -Tel: 247-5826 -Fax: 247-5877 PLUMBING PERMIT P1.;~t1411T 11~012NIKTIC~N T_~~~,~ ''LUCATION>INPOlZMAT10N Permit Number: 18179 Address: 1099 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Permit Type: PLUMBING ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 Class of Work: ADDITION Township: 0 Range: 0 Book: Proposed Use: COMMERCIAL Lots}; Block: Section: 0 Square Feet: Subdivision: CASTRO Y FERRER GRANT Est. Value: Parcel Number; tmprov. Cost: _ OIAi~[~ERINFpRN1ATlON Date {sued: 5/04/1999 _ Name: VALUE PAWN & JEWELRY STORE, INC. Total Fees: 25.00 Address: 101 SUNNYTOWN ROAD, SUITE 310 Amount Paid: 25.00 CASSELBERRY, FLORIDA 32702 Date Paid: 5/04!1999 Phone: 40 339-0064 Work Desc: IRRIGATION METER cO~wTRA~T~~~~ -_ - ---~. APPt"Tlow FEES _ _ - ROTO-ROOTER SERVICES COMPANY _ _ PERMIT 25.00 f#xspectior ta Rewired: FINAL NOTICE -INSPECTIONS MUST BE REQUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS" ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. 425.88 14 Date: 5/04/99 B1 Receipt: 8853960 A NTIC BEA H BUILD DEPT. CHECKS 2425 88188883221888 ~~ ~ T yr H ~ uyN i w tttACat DEPARTMENT OF BUILDI~' 800 SEMINOLE ROAD -ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 37133 -TEL: 247-5826 -FAX: 247877 l~IlTa[t141A`!'iON ;,L . ~`lON:iNFfl12MATtI Permit Number: 18171 Address: 1099 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Permit Type: UTILIT{ES ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 Class of Work: ALTERATION Township: 0 Range: 0 Book: Proposed Use: COMMERCIAL Lot(s): Block: Section: 0 Square Feet: Subdivision: CASTRO Y FERRER GRANT Est. Value: Parcel Number: Improv. Cost: l'~1Miti[F,~>INFORM14TI011t - Date Issued: 5/03/1999 Name: VALUE PAWN & JEWELRY STORE, INC. Total Fees: 885.00 Address: 101 SUNNYTOWN ROAD, SUITE 310 Amount Paid: 885.00 CASSELBERRY, FLORIDA 32702 Date Paid: 5/01!1999 Phone: 407 339-0064 Work Desc: INSTALL 3/4" IRRIGATION METER '! CONTRA~Tt7~~ ~ iRP _.. TION FEI~S PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT _ WATER METER/TAP 525.00 CAPITAL IMPROVE. 325.00 CROSS CONNECTION 35.00 !f~spect€o ~Fte~g~€iil'e~d !' - FINAL - NOTICE -INSPECTIONS MUST BE REQUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECT{ON BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COMPLY W{TH THE CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS" ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. ,. o~ O ~1S ~ ~ ~ A NTIC BEACH UILDiNG D • Date: 5/@4/99 81 Receipt: 9853689 ruGrk~ _ __ _ 1949'x_ 48886883433791 w i r ur A i uvv I tc ~tacsti DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING • ~ 8170 SEMINOLE ROAD -ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 -TEL: 247-5826 -FAX: 247-5877 '1~ERMI`~`EttfiFEINi~ETiON ' ~. ATION I~IFORIwlATtON 1 Permit Number: 18171 Address: 1099 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Permit Type: UTILITIES ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 Class of Work: ALTERATION Township: 0 Range: 0 Book: Proposed Use: COMMERCIAL Lot(s): Block: Section: 0 Square Feet: Subdivision: CASTRO Y FERRER GRANT Est. Value: Parcel Number: Improv. Cost: _ ' C?1~VI1EEl~t>INFORMATIQN Date Issued: 5/03/1999 Name: VALUE PAWN & JEWELRY STORE, INC. Total Fees: 885.00 Address: 101 SUNNYTOWN ROAD, SUITE 310 Amount Paid: 885.00 CASSELBERRY, FLORIDA 32702 Date Paid: 5/01/1999 Phone: 407 339-0064 Work Desc: INSTALL 3/4" IRRIGATION METER . Ct~1kTRAGT ... ' - !APP`I~TiON FEl*S PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT _ WATER METERlTAP 525.00 CAPITAL IMPROVE. 325.00 CROSS CONNECTION 35.00 ___ ,Ins 'dtiarrr £s Re 't~i€i~d FINAL NOTICE -INSPECTIONS MUST BE REQUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECT{ON BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS" ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. A NTIC BEACH UILDING D March 15, 1999 Ms. Pat Harris City of Atlantic Beach Building and Zoning 800 Seminole Rd. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Re: Irrigation Meter for 1099 Atlantic Blvd. Dear Ms. Harris: The Value Pawn and Jewelry Store located at 1099 Atlantic Blvd. would like to have a 3/4in. irrigation meter installed. Roto Rooter Services Co. will be applying for the permit and will be installing the backflow prevention assembly after the irrigation meter is installed. Please forward all permit information to Roto Rooter Services Co. Attached please find a check made out to the City of Atlantic Beach for $885.00 for the installation of the meter. Should you have any questions, please do ^ot hzsitate to gi;e m` a call at 800-^50-?2'S. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Ashley Kee Real Estate Administration I01 SUNNYTOWN RD. • SUITE 3I0 • ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32707 • 407-339-0064 • FAX 407-339-6608 CITY OF 1~~i!actic ~eaclc - ~~vtida Date: March 16, 1999 Value Pawn ~_ ~ ~~ j~ (f l nl Giinn~rtnum Rnar~ _ Siii to '~1 (1 ~`.-! _ __ _~ / rr gatioi ((Uff Dear Property Owner: Casselberrv. FL 32707 ' Re: 3 4" I i The costs to connect your building to water system are as follows: Sealer Tap - Labor and Materials to tap into sewer main Water Tap - Labor and Materials to tap into water main Water Meter.- Cost of Meter Cross Connection Inspection - Inspection by Public Works to ensure backflow prevention Sewer Impact Fees - Funds future expansion of the sewer plant Water Impact Fee - Funds future expansion of the water plant Capital Improveu~ent - Funds for improvements, expansion or replacement to water system ' TOTAL COSTS n. R 1~~3? 70 S 525.00 $ 35.00 S S S 325.00 S 885.00 If you have any questions concerning these charges please call the building department at 247-5826. Sincerely, Don C. Ford Building Official DCF/pah HP OfficeJet " Personal PrinterlFax/Copier Fax Log Report Mar-16-99 10:31 AM Identification 81407339708b es It Pages Tune Date Time Duration Diagnostic OK O1 Sent Mar-16 10:30A 00:00:40 002585030022 ~.o.o CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING 800 Seminole Road -Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 -Tel: 247-5826 -Fax: 247-5877 PLUMBING PERMIT '~ I~ERNlIT tI~FO>l~MaT1ON tOCA710N `IIdF012MA'~IE~N Permit Number: 18179 ~- Address: 1099 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Permit T ype: PLUMBING ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 Class of Work: ADDITION Township: 0 Range: 0 Book: Proposed Use: COMMERCIAL Lot(s): Block: Section: 0 Square Feet: Subdivision: CASTRO Y FERRER GRANT Est. Value: Parcel Number: Improv. Cost: _ ^ (7Wit[ERIt~IFORMATIQN i _ _ Date Issued: 5/04/1999 Name: VALUE PAWN ~ JEWELRY STORE, 4NC. Total Fees: 25.00 Address: 101 SUNNYTOWN ROAD, SUITE 310 Amount Paid: 25.00 CASSELBERRY, FLORIDA 32702 Date Paid: 5/04/1999 Phone: 40 339-0064 Work Desc: IRRIGATION METER - co+uTRA~TO~us~ ! AP~~.aca~noN FE>~s ROTO-ROOTER SERVICES COMPANY _ PERMIT 25.00 ',,tits iori _ ~!;R , ,i€tited - FINAL --- NOTICE -INSPECTIONS MUST BE REQUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS" ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. f25.8B 14 5/84/39 81 Receipt: 58534~4 c'~5 CHECKS A LANTlC BEA H BUILD DEPT. ae~e~eaa~2>.aee CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT JOB LOCATION : 1~ ~`fi ~-~-~,,,~-i ~ ~?~'~„4~ OWNER OF PROPERTY: l~~,l~e t'~,,,,,, ;,.~ TELEPHONE N0. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR ~ ~ ~ u ~vy ~C.~' CONTRACTOR' 5 ADDRESS : ~-U ~'~ ~..~ ~ }" ~- I,~ ~ $ ~r~ ~I ~ f~-K ~-( 3 ~ ~ `gyp) STATE L ICENSE NUMBER : ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TELEPHONE : g~ `t .3 S~~ = ~ / 1 I HOW MANY OF THE FOLLOWING FIXTURES INSTALLED SINKS LAVATORY BATH TUBS URINALS CLOSETS FLOOR DRAINS SEWER REPIPE TOTAL FIXTURES: MINIMUM PERMIT FEE - $25.00 SIGNATURE OF OWNER: SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR: ~` h.- / `°' / ~--~- ----------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION OF PLUMBING AND FIXTURES MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE SOUTHERN STANDARD PLUMBING CODE. CALL A DAY AHEAD TO SCHEDULE INSPECTIONS - (904) 247-5826 SHOWERS WATER HEATERS DISHWASHERS DISPOSALS WASHING MACHINE SHOWER PANS WATER ~~~ER ;cc-,~~. x $3.50 + $15.00 SEWER CONNECTIONS MUST BE CALLED INTO PUBLIC WORKS FOR INSPECTION PRIOR TO COVERING UP - (904) 247-5834 11~~~ -,{._ /CITY OF /~ ~1~___ ~•~~~ ~tiL4i~ /3~ - ~~~ Office of Building Official ~j f ~i~UEST FOR INSPECTION /'`/" (~ Date ` r ~ ~ C<~ Permit No. ! V~" / IC~~ Time A. Received _ ~'n .r.-~--- A w JJo~bdress Locality ~ Owner's'/ J/a~~ ~~"// Name 1~~(( ~C Contractor BUILDING CONCRETE EL L UMBING MECHANICAL Framing ^ Footing ^ Rough Wiring Rough ^ Air Cond. & ^ Re Roofing ^ Slab ^ Temp Pole ^ Top Out ^i Heating Insulation ^ Lintel n! Final ^ Sewer ^ Fire Place ^ Pre Fab READY FOR INSPECTION A.M. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Friday ~~ ~~,~ '7 A.M. Inspection Made pM. Ins for ~ ~'!~~~~ Final Inspection ^ ~L~-~/""- Certificate of Occupancy ^ Date 'ZA it-u~~d o.~ /A~ ~~~~~ ~~~~,~~ /CITY OF nn~~~~ ~~ ~~ Office of Building Official EQUEST FOR INSPECTION Date ~ _~ Permit No. /~ ~~ Time r /1~}~•~ ~ t Received / ~,~ „ " Job Address /. ocality `/~ Owner's / /// Name V tractor BUILDING CON ELECTRICAL PLUMBING M HAN ICAL Framing ^ ~ Rough Wiring ^ Rough ^ Air Cond. & ^ Re Roofing ^ Slab ~ Temp Pole ^ Top Out ^ Heating Insulation ^ ~ Lintel Final ^ Sewer ^ Fire Place ^ REA DY FOR INSPECTION Pre Fab Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Friday A.M A.M. Inspection Made ~ P.M. Inspector Final Inspection ^ Certificate of Occupancy ^ Date /n~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ //CITY OF /I~~_,~~ TY~~G~ZLf~C Li~- vtL Office of Building Official 9(X~REQUEST FOR INSPECTION Date ~ _ ~ f~ ~ / U Permit No. Time A.M. ! Received ~7_ P.M. / _ /~O ~ ~ / f ~ ~ , ' dress o alityw Owner's ~ Name Contractor BUILDING CONC E ELECTRICAL PLUMBING HANICAL Framing ^ _ Rough Wiring ^ Rough ^ Air Cond. & ^ Re Roofing ^ Slab ^ Temp Pole ^ Top Out ^ Heating Insulation ^ Lintel Cl Final ^ Sewer ^ Fire Place ^ READY FOR INSPECTION Pre Fab A M Mon. Tues. Wed. . . Thurs. Friday ~ g ~ A.M. Inspection Made „ P.M. Inspector ~'~i1~ Final Inspection ^ Certificate of Occupancy ^ Date nn /I-- ~--~~..-- //CITY OF nn///1____~ ••~~-- ri~~~ /3~ - Yt`0~ Office of Building Official REQUEST FOR INSPECTION Date / ~ ~ r ~ ~ Permit No. ~~ ~~ Time A.M. Received P.M. Jdb Address r s O Locauty~l ~ ~~ ~ ~ r I ~ w ~ ~~i~~ ame N Contractor T ~ ` BUILDING C ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL Framing ^ Footing ~ Rough Wiring ^ Rough ^ Air Cond. & ^ Re Roofing ^ Slab ^ ~ Temp Pole ^ Top Out ^ Heating Insulation ^ Lintel ^ Final ^ Sewer ^ Fire Place ^ Pre Fab READY FOR INSPECTION Mon. Tues. Wed. A.M. Friday P.M. h urs . T 7 / ' ~ ^~- l "~- Inspection Made Inspector Final Inspection ^ Certificate of Occupancy ^ Date BUILDING, PL-~~YNI~VG A~VD ZONING hVSPECTION DEP.4RT;NE:VT CITY OFATLA, NTIC BF~CH, FLORIDA WORX SHEET Date Requested: 1 d J `~ ~ ~ ~ Building Contractor: ~'~'~ C""'y ~~a ~~~'° Building Permit Number: /~ ~ 3y -. Address : I a 9 9 ~~~n.-~,c~ s ~~~cu..~-~-~'~--~---~ Leaa1 Descr~.rtior.: Improvements to the above described prcnerty have been completed ir. accordance ~.~ith the terms of the permit and is certified tc be ready for occupancy as Lcwest Floor Elevation: required as buil~ BEFORE ISSUING GERTIFICATF OF OCCUPANCY THE FQ~LOW/NG MUST BE COMPLETE DE PART!`^_ENT ire Public Works Pianr.,r~g &uilding DATE NOTIFIED in ~~< g~ DATE APPROVED ~~ ~Z 7 r ~ ~~ ~ ,~ `"' ~ /d • 2 ~ ~S~ BY ~~ _~ __ i (~~xtiftc~te oaf (~c~~ tt~tc ~ ~ (~it~ ~f ,~tlttntir ~ettril - ~luri~tt ~' _~ ~E~tt~tutPrtt of +~utl~ing ~lu~~e~tion This Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 103.8 of the Southern Standard Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the carious ordinances regulating building construction or use. For the following. Use Classification COMMERCIAL 12EMO1)EL Bldg. Permit No. 16939 Group C~ Type Construction GOIIttll Fire District Atlantic Beach Va ue.Yawn & Jewelry Address 1099 Atlantic Boulevard Owner of Bwlding Bu'ding Address Ia99 Atlantic Blvd. Locality Atlantic Beach., FL 32233 .,~ By: n~zv c . ~oxn t "'~..~.,,~, , - q ` Building Official Date: ~ ~ POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE 3 : ;~ ~ ._ e _~ ' ~ CITY a7F -~ Office of Building ffi al ~ ,. ~7~Z'j ~~ l ~ REQUEST FOR INS CTION ~ r ~ ~3 ~~l~ lf~~ ~'/ ~ Date Permit No. Q n Time Received A.M. f~.M ~,~- (~ ~ ~ ~/~- Job Addr ss ~" Lo@ality Owner's ----- ILDIN CONCRETE • PLUMBIRZa "~ MECHANICAL Framing ^ Footing ^ Rough Wiring ^ oug ^ Air ond. & C7 Re Roofing ^ Slab ^ Temp Pole i ] Top Out ^ Heating Insulation Cl Lintel ~ Final 17 Sewer C- Fire Place Pre Fab READY FOR INSPECTION R Wed. Mon. ues. ~ Friday _ Q / ~i7'' ! O A.M. Inspection Made ~ p Inspector Final Ins ec tion ^ ccupancy ^ Date . w NOTfCE • ADDITIONS or CORRECTIONS DO NOT REMOVE JOB ADDRESS OATS THIS JOB HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED The following additions or corrections shall be made before the job will be accepted $15.00 REINSPECT FEE It is unlawful for any Carpenter, Contractor, Builder, or other persons, to cover or cause to be covered, any part of the work with flooring, lath, earth or other material, until the proper inspector has had ample time of approve the installation. After additions or corrections have been PLUMBING made, call 247-5826, Building Depart- ment for an inspection. Field Inspectors ELEC are in the office from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 BLDG p.m. Monday through Friday. i C~r~tfir~~E of (~rru~tt~r~ (~it~ of .~tittntir +~ettrll - ~Rlnri~dtt ~e~~~tm~nt of +~utl~tug Jn~~Et~tnu This Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 103.8 of the Southern Standard Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances regulating building construction or use. For the following. Use Classification COMMERCIAL Group CU Type Construction Value, Pawn & Jewelry Owner of Bwlding Guiding Address 1099 Atlantic _ 1G~ Building Offici I REMODEL Bldg. Permit No. 16939 CQ 1~ Fire District Atlantic Beach address 1099 Atlantic Boulevard Blvd. Locality Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 By; DON1 C . FORD q Date: / ~ - 2 POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE t ..t'' Date Time Received CITY OF /~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~-~ ~_ ~~9~~ Office of Building Of ici REQUEST FOR INS TION ~~ f ~ ~~ f ~. ~ ~- ~ ~ Permit No. ~ ~~ ~~~ D CYO "~ A Locality Name cor - - - ~ BUILDI ' CONCRETE ti F ELECT ICAL i : Roug i mng LUMB( G ECHANICAL t Rough Air Cond. & T " oo ng b Pole i ' Tem ' I Top Out Heating t_ ~ Re Roofing Sla p Insulation ~-. Lintel O Final ^ Sewer [~ Fire Place Pre Fab READY FOR INSPECTION - Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. riday P.M. C ~ A.M. Inspection Made _ ~ r / P.M. ~ Final Inspection C. Inspector ~...- __ _= Certificate of Occupancy f7 Date nn ~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~,,~~ //CITY OF ~. ~ _ ~ ~ TY~~~G /3~- ~~ Office of Building Official R~QUEST FOR INSPECTION ~`~~1 (,,, , Date ~ V ~~"' Permit No. Time A.M. Received ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ Job Add lity~_ Owner's Name ntractor BUILDING CONCRETE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHA ICAL Framing CI Footing C-I Rough Wiring C-i Rough C] Air Cond. & C: Re Roofing ^ Slab ^ Temp Pole ^ Top Out ^ Heating Insulation ^ Lintel ^ Final [7 Sewer Ci Fire Place ~~ Pre Fab Mon. Tues. READY FOR INSPECTION Wed. Thurs. A.M. Friday P.M. C °v ' Inspection Made Inspector Final Inspection / ~ "- ~ / ~ ~ Date O