Permit Sign 2010 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number . . . . . 10-00000931 Date 8/11/10 Property Address . . . . . . 1611 ATLANTIC BLVD Application type description SIGN PERMIT Property Zoning . . . . . . . TO BE UPDATED Application valuation . . . . 500 ------------------------------------------------------------ Application desc FOR SALE SIGN 24 SQ FT ------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ FIRST COAST CATHOLIC COMM. , INC TAYLOR SIGN & DESIGN, INC. P.O.BOX 51585 4162 ST.AUGUSTINE ROAD JAX BEACH FL 32240 JACKSONVILLE FL 32207 (904) 396-3777 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . SIGN PERMIT Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 65 . 00 Plan Check Fee . 00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 2/07/11 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments *2007 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE W/2009 REVISIONS FLORIDA FIRE PREVENTION CODE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE * Survey shall show location of sign on property, setbacks, with dimensions for both.MJ. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 65 . 00 65 . 00 . 00 . 00 Plan Check Total . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 Grand Total 65 . 00 65 . 00 . 00 . 00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. City of Atlantic Beach t APPLICATION NUMBER Building Department try � I`J L 2010 y (To be assigned by the Building Department.) 800 Seminole Road 1,7 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 Phone(904)247-5826 • Fax(904) r;01ilr E-mail: building-dept@coab.us -�u Date routed: City web-site: httpJ/www.coab.us APPLICATION REVIEW AND TRACKING I`ORM Property Address: fir"J Pepartment review required Yes No Applicant' M V 16" acv.-. r` annin &Zoning ree istrator Project: 4 i l ' - Public Safe Fire Services Review fee $ Dept Signature Other Agency Review or Permit Required Review or Receipt Date of Permit Verified B Florida Dept.of Environmental Protection Florida Dept.of Transportation St.Johns River Water Management District Army Corps of Engineers Division of Hotels and Restaurants Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Other: APPLICATION STATUS Reviewing Department First Review: QApproved. ?enied. (Circle one.) Comments: BUILDING PLANNING&ZONING Reviewed by: Date: 10 TREE ADMIN. Second Review: Approved as revised. ❑Denied. PUBLIC WORKS Comments: PUBLIC UTILITIES PUBLIC SAFETY - Reviewed by: Date: FIRE SERVICES Third Review: []Approved as revised. ❑Denied. Comments: Reviewed by: Date: Revised 05/14109 City of Atlantic Beach APPLICATION NUMBER Building Department (To be assigned by the Building Department.) y 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 Phone(904)247-5826 " Fax(904)247-5845 r� E-mail: building-dept@coab.us Date routed: / City web-site: http://www.coab.us APPLICATION REVIEW AND TRACKING FORM Property Address: Z/Xzz Zp7= - elk,01 _ DepartMent review required Ye No B " _�;Applicant: B/� arming &Zoning �_:I!eDDWrninistrator Project: Public Works Public Utilities Public Safety Fire Services Other Agency Review or Permit Required Review or Receipt Date of Permit Verified B Florida Dept.of Environmental Protection Florida Dept.of Transportation St.Johns River Water Management District Army Corps of Engineers Division of Hotels and Restaurants Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Other: APPLICATION STATUS Reviewing Department First Review: Approved. ❑Denied. (Circle one.) Comments: Yu rVP� ?Plan n f-vS BUILDIN PLANNING &ZONING Reviewed by: Date: /- tv TREE ADMIN. Second Review: []Approved as revised. ODenied. PUBLIC WORKS Comments: PUBLIC UTILITIES PUBLIC SAFETY Reviewed by: Date: FIRE SERVICES Third Review: []Approved as revised. ❑Denied. Comments: Reviewed by: Date: Revised 05/14/09 y ,fir, City of Atlantic Beach APPLICATION NUMBER Building Department (Tobe assigned by the Building Department.) .w iso 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 Phone(904)247-5826 • Fax(904)247-5845 ry ;� qr E-mail: building-dept@coab.us bate routed: City web-site: http://www.coab.us APPLICATION REVIEW AND TRACKING FORM Property Address: /C ' �� � • 1--)L V t review required Yes No Applicant: (� S annin &Zoni reeZbainjstrator Project: ' S Public Safet Fire Services Other Agency Review or Permit Required Review or Receipt Date of Permit Verified B Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection Florida Dept. of Transportation St. Johns River Water Management District Army Corps of Engineers Division of Hotels and Restaurants Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Other: APPLICATION STATUS Reviewing Department First Review: *pproved.CC ❑Deniied./ L. ,(p (Circle one.) Comments: J, * /I / !i ��E��1 l' e l' •'/j/�/J` w u BUILDING / )Owj PLANNING &ZONING Reviewed by: TREE ADMIN. Second Review: []Approved as revised. ❑Denied. PUBLIC WORKS Comments: PUBLIC UTILITIES PUBLIC SAFETY Reviewed by: Date: FIRE SERVICES Third Review: ❑Approved as revised. ❑Denied. Comments: Reviewed by: Date: Revised 05/14/09 SY i!--A`r'rf� City of Atlantic Beach APPLICATION NUMBER �s • 1 Building Department (To be assigned by the Building Department.) 800-Seminole--Raad _ Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 �� d Phone(904)247-5826 • Fax(904)247-5845 E-mail: building-dept@coab.us Date routed: r!D City web-site: http://vmw.coab.us APPLICATION REVIEW AND TRACKING FORM Property Address: > �� De ent review required Yes No B Applicant: 7'4__Vh1C anning &Zoning reeinistrator Project: Public Works Public Utilities Public Safety Fire Services Revewfeej "AFRI.` x 179 Dept S�gnaturex .: Other Agency Review or Permit Required Review or Receipt Date of Permit Verified B Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection Florida Dept. of Transportation St.Johns River Water Management District Army Corps of Engineers Division of Hotels and Restaurants Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Other: APPLICATION STATUS ` tcM IZ-Z'X 0X4)0 Reviewing Department First Review: Approved. []Denied. Lt►'t (Circle one.) Comments: -ag Otyea� BUILDING -k Q�' r �(,,�� c� �;lnc�l l be- ►�eEyVX0/ed L014 tO o WAI-- ov ,sG Jca45 PLANNING &ZONING Reviewed by: � fll jDate: TREE ADMIN. Second Review: A roved as revised. ❑ pp ❑Denied. PUBLIC WORKS Comments: PUBLIC UTILITIES PUBLIC SAFETY Reviewed by: Date: FIRE SERVICES Third Review: []Approved as revised. ❑Denied. Comments: Reviewed by: Date: Revised 05/14/09 LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION To Whom It May Concern: This letter authorizes Taylor Sign & Design, Inc. (or their Agents of Subcontractors)to act as Agent,to secure permits or variances required by the local governing body, and to perform sign or awning installations,removals, or maintenance at the property location at: Tenant Name: Address: Owner/Landlord Info: p Company Name: Qaee►x a- /�e�ec� IQa�ic -- 1�• Phone Number: Name: / l�Id rn 4 o hTitle: ra Address: /�Il ,�,cah�r � �f�1-J✓GYi fi IGN �G I� � F1-- 3220 S16NATURE OF OWNER/LANDLORD STATE OF r 74�:�70 COUNTY OF Sworn to and subscribed to me this --h day of L , 20 /0. Signature of Notary //Jil6' rGlit't Print or type commissioned name f Notary Public Personally known OR 7� Produced identificatio Type of identification produced: !�/NPS �G�yS ec Commission expires: 0/, 2.0/7- NOTARY STAMP OR EAL REQUIRED ;,€"•�•.., ALMA M BRUMLEY %dwy pw tto•State of Florid& 3• My Comm.Expires Jul I.2012 Coir A I OD 802444 BainRdmlltl"lues. T/�(`TIC(11�T� JiT T TC CTT�C/ T(1T�1�TCll1�T jCj O1�TTl aG( j C pje, / _- _R-eal-Estate-Sin — - - - -- - - - g - _ _ _- - (��Lrl� LSA FIELD VERIFY LOCATION AND SIGN SPECS 8' i he F OR S L E r1/10�-1��►�nt�Vti PRIVATE ISLAND 4' rVW\ .VV,"AA ,�� 1,� tq1 -^ 8 k-I- ��1ao,re 904saI633 = 6906 reed vut VA V% ld iacksonvillesites . com dn�s e 1/2 inch alumnacore L-7- 24 Cd)) mounted to 04 wood posts elk- 01111111011111111111-0 Ilse � each zoning, subdivision and other locat sand development regulations, but doss not conatttute approval for the bsuance of pennita. Compganae with Irbrlda BuNdinp Cod•and aq olfrer apoftble local, State and Federal parmltNng roQuiromaMa moat be vers bba�rr aignaturo o/tM Cpy of Atlantic Building ue rmill. flolal prbt'b ll+a aswanot of• Apprftvd or. LL 1z . bab: CUSTOMER -- ----—----- ----�TS&D Use Onl : � Jacksonville Sites/Johnson Island i Graphics History SIGN SQ FT 24 cT A�+ qY� L �ss��R LOCATION Source:taylorpermitll Date:7/23/2010 .pdf Sign Design, �in�r. 1611 Atlantic Blvd. I State Certified Lic.#12000117 i Init.:MASR LINEAR DRNTG. 300' 4162 St.Augustine Rd.•Jacksonville,FL 32207 CITY STATE Ph 396-4652• Fax 3963777 Atlantic Beach J www.taylorsignco-com THIS DESIGN AND DRAWING SHOWN IS THE PROPERTY OF TAYLOR SIGN&DESIGN INC.NO TRANSMITTAL OR DISCLOSURE SHALL BE MADE TO ANY PERSON,FIRM OR CORPORATION WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL Jervc(IATA TTL j F CTT�Cf TWIT T1�TC(lN- T-T ANTI A+tQ,�,k`c �1 L at,/1 iV V1 � V iLZ.nL Vl 1 J../V/V V1 it --Real- Estate-Sr n- - - -- - - FIELD VERIFY LOCATION AND SIGN SPECS 8' 6 ►� r1dc,Yu,� . EVOVIA tsec. \r-2'qW 6+> FOR S LE NaylaWA PRIVATE ISLANDS9 . Ke4b 4' 6 Fr akWe Y=pr�no%d c�1 904 = 633m6906 �b IacksonVillesites . cam (.sec ,7-2a Cd e cn 1/2 inch alu r I mao tl c Planning and Zoning Department This approval verifies compliance with applicable zoning, subdivision and other local land development regulstions, but does not constitute approval for the Issuance of permits. Compliance with Florida Building Code and ail other applicable local, State and Federal permitting requirements must be verified by signature of the City of Atlantic Beach Building Official prior to the issuance of a ' Building Permit. APPmvsd Ely.Tamm y e o ent (rector CUSTOMER TS&D Use Only: Jacksonville Sites/Johnson Island Graphics History SIGN SQ FT 24 LOCATION Source:taylorpermitll.pdf e3ign Fa Design, rine. Date:7/23/2010 LINEAR DRNTG. 300' Stale Certified II 1611 Atlantic Blvd. (nit.:MASR tified Lic.#12000117 4162 St.Augustine Rd.•Jacksonville,FL 32207 CITY STATE Ph 396-4652• Fax 396.3777 Atlantic Beach f L I www.taoomignco.com i THIS DESIGN AND DRAWING SHOWN IS THE PROPERTY OF TAYLOR SIGN&DESIGN INC.NO TRANSMITTAL OR DISCLOSURE SHALL BE MADE TO ANY PERSON,FIRM OR CORPORATION WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL cu LD.CL O S rD rD CQ D A . rD r-t -h O O r+ O Iv -0 O .Q ri rD c 00 0) rca rD rD rD '� M rrt X O O Q ^� 0 r+ vo LQ M. O LCI r+ =r rD r+ rD CQ a -% rD A a) '–r rD — O 0 O N -O O cn ^ rD c 00 cu rD rD rD x 0 0 N O +# At s yr s N". a. r e yp �,�W *kd, s°f 3 �'� � •+�14*S r, t kit 116 allill. 0 WA Ill Vill ii 11,111111,111 11 1111 Fiji;Ill 14.1"itz4fograw mi � � x .4mX(E6 h-'�ti � r �, >✓ r. �vR �� � `i m., n�+ iia r a T"`_'. �.,._ . 2 M Lw $'`v� I Y F14�„Y• qw'z•.. $� C 1.. � � � V'x`ar d "' �" _,;� �Mk t it Rl G A, r .,c .. n•.. r I l Showman, Lisa From: Hall, Erika Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2010 4:26 PM To: Carper, Rick; Showman, Lisa Cc: Doerr, Sonya; Graham Shirley; White, Debbie Subject: RE: Permit App. for Real Estate sign at 1611 Atlantic Blvd. Rick& Lisa, Sonya told them (Taylor Sign Co)that they would not be required to get a UBE (that is for a sign for a use that would be permanently located w/in Conservation),so long as they got permission from (authorization letter attached to appl) and located the sign on the property owned by the radio station which has a"commercial"-like use, and has been there forever, and is essentially"grandfathered" in. As with other real estate signs,this will have to be removed within 10 days of sale, etc. So, essentially, yes,this is an exception. I emailed Sonya last week to confirm this was the conversation that she had had with them before I signed off on planning&zoning for the permit. I can forward that email to you if needed. Thanks , Erika From: Carper, Rick Sent:Thursday, August 05, 2010 4:19 PM To: Hall, Erika; Doerr, Sonya Subject: FW: Permit App. for Real Estate sign at 1611 Atlantic Blvd. My reading of the Code says UBE required for sign on Conservation zoned property. Is this an exception? Thanks, Rick From: Showman, Lisa Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2010 4:14 PM To: Carper, Rick Subject: Permit App, for Real Estate sign at 1611 Atlantic Blvd. Rick— Taylor Signs has submitted the letter of authorization from owners of private property that you requested. Maryann with Taylor Signs called asking what she needed to do about the second comment:"Property located in Conservation Zoning. Use by exception required for free standing sign." Her phone number is 396-4652. t noticed that Planning&Zoning already approved this in the AS400. 1 i City of Atlantic Beach ,F, APPLICATION NUMBER >; Building Department ! i<!� 9, '0 2! �0 (To be assignad by the Building Department.) `i 800 Seminole Road -,' Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 --r Phone(904)247-5826 - Fax(904)'241-5845 Date routed: E-mail: building-dept@coab.us City web-site: http://www.coab.us APPLICATION REVIEW AND TRACKING FORM ftannin review required Yes No Property Address: / (�" �/ r�J ��� � �"{�- Applicant: onir�.gtrator Project: �" ( '� � r� r .. Ut Public Safe -, Fire Services Review fee$ Dept Signature Other Agency Review or Permit Required Review Receipt V of Permit Verified By Date Florida Dept.of Environmental Protection Florida Dept.of Transportation St.Johns River Water Management District Army Corps of Engineers Division of Hotels and Restaurants Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Other: APPLICATION STATUS Reviewing Department First Review: Approved. ❑Denied. (Circle one.) Comments: BUILDING PLANNING &ZONING Reviewed by: Date: dV10 TREE ADMIN. Second Review: Approved as revised. ❑Denied. A PFETY Comments: Reviewed by: Date: FIRE SERVICES Third Review: []Approved as revised. [—]Denied. Comments: Reviewed by: Date: Revised 05/14109 JACKSONVILLE SITES/JOHNSON ISLAND Real Estate Sign FIELD VERIFY LOCATION AND SIGN SPECS 8' 6' FOR S �EIMLE PRIVATE ISLAND 4' 904 = 633 = 6906 IackSanVillositoS . com 1/2 inch alumnacore mounted to 4x4 wood posts CUSTOMER TS&D Use Only: T ^ �T 1E, O Jacksonville Sites/Johnson Island Graphics History SIGN SQ FT 24 11-1 i LOCATION Source:taylorpermitll.pdf r5ign & Design, Unc. 1611 Atlantic Blvd. Date:7/23/2010 LINEAR DRNTG. 300' �,Init.:MASR State Certified Lic.#12000117 _ 4162 St.Augustine Rd.•Jacksonville,FL 32207 j CITY STATE g Ph 396.4652• Fax 3963777 Atlantic Beach www.taylorsignco.com THIS DESIGN AND DRAWING SHOWN IS THE PROPERTY OF TAYLOR SIGN&DESIGN INC,NO TRANSMITTAL OR DISCLOSURE SHALL BE MADE TO ANY PERSON, FIRM OR CORPORATION WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL Footer Detail for Pole Sign Height grade to top:< 8 feet, Sign area < than 32 square feet 4"x4"Wood Posts Grade 2' I Footer Detail for Pole Sign Height grade to top:< 8 feet, Sign area < than 32 square feet 4"x 4"Wood Posts Grade 2' Ic sM"'*F.+¢ f 444,4`�`! �,+:r ` ,���1 r��t}� '^� * l s• ti�,�a �� °" was e"�' £ "".. ,fi�!" 1� ^�'- '3�. x �«• ";,,ter 3 '1 f — ;.ei'ta "c+c � 41, e�i } r. v k tt sny w�.i. Xt )�.� •�- '+RRA, �+t'♦}y 1 ,{a�.�. s 4 A � N +ai�.'i-.� S �c dd a s>5F3 kr x ddry x M a ♦ Rrf �,. �, �� � �L *:. b� .�` � p dp'�a ��4� �� r �'Sp `r+„�{to � �t ✓.e-�. ' u �rr44 � i Iy fd �` _ ---•--r.---^ 3 '.', n v"k'.. ,w. MA .L .,� rs '#� •-ht's "�„.x^s"ur7 1 r qY4 Jw, a iA. r< i f