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Js,1_ City of Atlantic Beach ��ti I APPLICATION NUMBER o be ass ned b the Building De artment: Building Department 1G�► (T g Y 9 p ) s7 800 Seminole Road Q O Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-544 ~ Phone(904)247-5826 • Fax )247-5845 E-mail: building-dept@co us Date routed: City web-site: http:// coab.us APPLICAT N REVIEW AND TRACKING FORM Property Address- _71 CE De ariment review required Yes o gild' Applicant: ?, .4 V i IlVe, ]Z�9�fim_in oning a or _r�'v� L� � �i�i � . Public Works Project: Public Utilities Public Safety Fire Services R9 C'£^.'�s" , le ► e � s w�Ai SSG >'3a TT�S � . a,VIgA.` e x s stip m{ nkW 5'yr ti Other Agency Review or Permit Required Review or Receipt Date of Permit Verged B Florida Dept.of Environmental Protection Florida Dept of Transportation St Johns River Water Management District Army Corps of Engineers Division of Hotels and Restaurants Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Other: APPLICATION STATUS Reviewing Department First Review: pproved. ❑Denied. (Circle one.) Comments: BUILDING PLANNING &ZONING Reviewed by: Date: TREE ADMIN. Second Review: ❑Approved as revised. ❑ enied. PUBLIC WORKS Comments: PUBLIC UTILITIES PUBLIC SAFETY Reviewed by: Date: FIRE SERVICES Third Review: ❑Approved as revised. ❑Denied. Comments: i aOevLfed by: Date: Revftad 05110-109 4 r c City of Atlantic Beach APPLICATION NUMBER Building Department (To be ass igned.by the Building Department:)' °._ 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 v r D Phone(904)247-5826 Fax(904)247-5845 E-mail: building-dept@coab.us Date.routed: ( . City web-site: http://www.coab.us APPLICATION REV��Vy AND TRACKING FORM JProperty Address: Gt-�r�i G /V� De artment review required Yes No �Ve__ 1?11fnnln wild•Applicant: �V//V! oning a or Project: 1 7 &MWz- Public Works Public Utilities Public Safety Fire Services � q �R�,v�e+r,#ec Other Agency Review or Permit Required Review or Receipt Date of Permit Verified B Florida Dept of Environmental Protection Florida Dept of Transportation St Johns River Water Management District Army Corps of Engineers Division of Hotels and Restaurants Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Other: APPLI ION STATUS Reviewing Department First Review: Approved. ❑Denied. i (Circle one.) Comments: ' a BUILDING ` NNING &ZONIN Reviewed by: •iJ C ate: �O� •O ADMIN. Second Review: QApproved as revised. ❑Denied. PUBLIC WORKS Comments: PUBLIC UTILITIES PUBLIC SAFETY Reviewed by: Date: FIRE SERVICES Third Review: QApproved as revised. [-]Denied. Comments: Fevie�rL;ed by: Cate: Revised 051/4109 c c 4 BUILT " UR So?16'02'9 OF `IV 26 A PART OF THEACASIR?O Y FERRER GRANT, S£C770N 38, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 29•EAST, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, MORE PARnaA ARLY DESCRIBED AS FOUOWS• FOR A POINT OF BEGYNN/NG COMMENCE AT 7HE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1 BL ��•��' REPS T OF PART of ROYAL P BLOCK 26, REPEAT "�8��8�2i'r ' �va1s'v2'�r ALMs UNIT Twp FOi!V�'' OF BEG G OF PART OF ROYAL,PALMS UNIT TWO A, AS RECORDED /N PLAT SOAK 31 PAGES 16, 16A, 168, 16C, AND 16D P'B' 31� I'C'S 16•~f6D RECORDS OF SAID C,DUNT�; THENCE SOUTH 07'/6'02'EAST A _ OF THE CURRENT PUBLIC ' LONG THE WESTERLY RIGHT.OF—WAY UNE OF ROYAL PALMS DRIVE' AS 35.00, ESTABLISHED ASA $0 FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY BY 0FRaAL RECORDS VOLUME 1819 P ' AG£ 52 OF SAID PUBLIC RECORD2 A DISTANCE OF 20.55 PM 20'o 4.�r FEE T,• THENCE NORTH 85'37'27" WEST ALONG WE NORM UNE OF 7HE LANDS AS DESWIBFD IN OFFTC/AL RECORDS V17LUME 2010 PAGE 42 o/k X 47-'K2 �S'��•��;27 of SAID PUBUC 1ECORRDS, A;DISTANCE OF 80.29 FST,• THENCE SOilThi 00'41'22"EAST AL09M1IG THE WFS i --472 ' DESCRIBED /N OIFFlGYAt RECORDS U T LINE OF SAID LANDS AS VOLUME 2010 PAGE 42 A DISTANCE' OF 214.92 FEET, TN Ver NORTH.89'1838 EAST ALONG THE SOUTH 54-t•85UNE OF SAID LANDS AS DESCRIBED IN 06FICIAL RECORDS VOLUME 2010 PAGE 42, A DISTANCE OF 147.68 FEET TO A POINT ON INE AFOREMEN77ONED N2'SlERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE OF ROYAL PALMS DRIVE, SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE 8Q'NG A CURVE CONCAVE �s'�axacE UnuTY r4SSW NORTHEASTFRLY`HAVING ARADIUS 515 FEET,• THENCE SOUINEASTERLY ALONG INE ARC DIF' SAID CURVE A CHORD BEARING OF SOUTH x -�. 25o9-�se r 4474'11" EAST AND A CHORD DISTANCE OF 236.50 FEET TO TRE POINT OF TANGOVCY OF SAID CURVE• TH iNC E SOUTH 57'3f'02"EAST ;�7,♦c�,7'' '► ft -CON27NUING ALONG SAID WFS'W%Y RIGHT-or-WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 87.05 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVE OFA CURVE CONCAVE 60.00 SOU7NWESTERLY NAMING A RADIUS OF 113.55 FI THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE A CHORD BEARING OF SOUTH. RErENno�r PWD x •'"�` 5273'15" EAST ANDA CHORQ DISTANCE OF 2x97 FEET; THENCE SOUM 8978'38" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE LANDS AS x ��',�9' - DESCRIBED IN OffiSAL RECORDS VOLUME 3397, PAGE 69 A DISTANCE OF 126.77 FEET,• 7HENCE SOUTH 00'41'22"EAST ALONG 7HE NEST 8 p•2�♦ LINE OF SAID LA�IIDS A DISTANCE OF 62.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 8978'38"EAST ALONG THE SOUTH UNE OF SAID LANDS AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS VIaLUME 3397 PAGE 69 A DISTANCE OF 160.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE AFOREMENTIONEDN�E'STiQRLY I R GHT-OF--WAY cd UNE OF ROYAL PALMS DRIVE SAID POINT BEING ON A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 113.55 FEED; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG 7H.E ARC OF SAID CURVE A CHORD BEARING OF SOUTH 054543"EAST AND A CHORD DISTANCE OF 20.08 FEET TO THE aT POINT OF TAN DVCY-OF SAID CURVE• '77H0VCE SOUTH 8978'38" WEST ALONG THE NORTH UNE OF THE LANDS AS DESAN/B . / RECORDS VOLUM ED !N OFFI'A►AL E 2219 PAGE 306 AND ALONG TUE NORTH UNE OF THE LANDS AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS VOLUME 2843 PAGE 750 AND ALONG 17NE',NORTN LINE OF THE LANDS AS DESCRIBED IN OFF101AL RECORDS VOLUME 3231 PAGE 773 A DISTANCE OF'440.00 FEET; CoNa ELEa THENCE SOUTH 001411220 EAST ALONG TRE ws r UNE OF THE LANDS AS DESCRIBED IN OFR CIAL RECORDS VOLUME 3231 PAGE 773 A ® sO ars• DISTANCE OF 16n•00.FEET,• THENGIE SOUTH 897838" WEST ALONG THE NORTH MIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF ATLANTIC BOULEVARD (STATE ROAD Q 0 A--1-A) AS NOW ESMOUSHED AS A 100 FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY, A DISTANCE AF 569.18 FEET.• THENCE NORTH 07'16'02" NEST A DISTANCE c T1s r p rye cou. �a OF 160.00 FEET;]i THENCE SOUTH 897838 WEST PARALLEL WITH SAID NORTH RIGHT—Or—WAY UNE OF'AXM77C BOULEVARD, A D/STANCE OF covO/1? 2411-1171 29 8 4 4 r7 9 c Baa-- M'M� �"� 201.42 FEET TO THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE OF AQUA77C DRIVE, AS ESTABUS7 M BY O1F7�712AL RECORDS VOLUME 3278 PAGES 176 ' ' R R �` o AND 177 OF SAID Pta9U0 RECORDS, THENCE NORTH 114230 WEST ALONG SAID EASTERLY R16HT--OF-WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 390.26 4 -. :,. 1 FF'ET, .7Hwa NQRiI 82'4358"EAST.ALONG 7HE SOUTH UNE..OF INE LANA$., DE IBEID_1 x , + j' , " - !9S, ...:.... . 04", of OS'.V4LElAlE,241..PACE 11' A DISTANCE OF 262. '.-..•... ., A, 71 NQ,�, ? �I8 fLcET,• 771E1V1:E'JVOik'TH 135456 EAST'ALONG` THE EASTERLY LINE'OVF SAID LANDS AS DESCR%BED IN 1, ,IAL AspmLr N RECORDS VOLUW, '2411 PAGE 1171 AND 17S NORTHEASTERLY EXTENSION, A D/STA w OF 19. 81 FEET• THENCE SOUTH 85.37'27"EAST ALONG 7HE SOUTHErd Y LINE OF AFOREMEN77ONED BLOCK 26, REPLAT OF PART OF ROYAL PALMS UNIT 7110 A, A DISTANCE OF 37.5,2+aT,- 7H&VCE SOUTR 07602 EAST ALONG THE WEST UNE OF THE LANDS AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS VOLUME 1471 PAGE 472 A o Q DISTANCE OF aoo Axr.• 7HE'NCE SOUTH 85'37'27" EAST ALONG 7HE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LAl A DISTANCE OF 60.00 FEET,• THENCE 5 6 y 4Y.INa 7a7' NORTH 0776'02" WEST ALONG 7HE EAST UNE OF SAID LANDS AS DESOTIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS VOLUME 1471 PAGE 472 A DISTANCE OF ' r P O/a .... �a 35.00 FEET,• 7H&CE SOUTH 0537'27"EAST ALONG THE AFOREMENWVE0 SOUTHERLY UNE OF BLOCK 26, A DISTANCE OF W85 FEET TO 40 ORWAGe THE POINT OF BEGINAW. as Q PAD � QO7' � CONTAINING 14.04 ACRES MORE OR LEA'S. M N88*18,380E ,� rr 1-STORY MASONRY 59.3 la x 147.619' PALE WR 104261 so. FT. j ADDRESS'S OF BUILDING ARE 1 r,�•8 95.X 961, 967, 971, 974 975, 977, 979, g 1 ' 983, 985, 987, 989A, 9898, 991, 99.E 0 � �� tS� 142.9' � �015.991�1001, 10" 1007, 1009• 01� A POtrf O. ' 4 1820' � • za 75, WIN GOK SW zzm 10 12.8 .,r COV• S/W ofar- LUZ, �+ P° cava L_._......_...,.._.... .._ ._.__. _. .._. ..._ ._:_ CAI b off, \•I ' r r � l 5.Q Cava �,�►.. (W SEE JV07E#2 ASPHALT s89'18'38'�Y' y o 126.77' 1-SWRY MA$a%W 81 $ O/R J397-6.9' `Tn 189018*38 IF o s 36 g41p 36 P ? P 191 I ' SDDRIVEWAY EAS1rA/ENT PFR O/li 5683-37Yn � •• � .._..._ ..._.... __._. �� •.�... ..�•.� ..:..._. ; t n� 20'UnuEA TY SEWE vT Paw 0/1r 21818 i f x S89'190380ir X s8a�18'38'�v I 44o.00' Y Y: ::.. ... _._.. . 0/77 2219-306 0/* 3231-773 OA 2843--750 201,42' r� b. I , l d w TO EQU17Y ONE (ATLANTIC VILLAGE) INC, SOUTHERN FARM BUREAU LI INSURANCE COMPANY; .COMMONWEALTH LAND 777LE E - INSURANCE COMPANY. • iTHIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP OR PLAT AND ME SURVEY ON WH/AH I T is BASED *FRE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH • "MINIMUM STANDARD DETAIL REQUIREMENTS FOR ALTA/ACSM ` LAND 777LE SUR " JOINTLYESTABU E AND ADOPTED BY HALT AsFwALt SPECIAL LEGEND ALTA AND ACSW IN 992 AND INCLUDES ITEMS 1--4 AND 6-13 A� DENOTES CATCH BASIN OF TABLE A THE7REOf, AND MEETS THE ACCURACY STANDARDS (AS ADOPTED BY ALTA AND ACSM AND IN EFFECT ON THE DATE z c ' DENOTES LIGHT POLE OF THIS CER7lFIC4770N) OF AN URBAN SURVEY, AS DEFINED TIH&WN. AND SHOWS Au EASEMENTS AND OWNER MATTERS OF DENOIFS DRAINAGE MANHOLE RECORD AS CONIIAINEPT IN 71XE COMMITMENT NO. 864-421802 588'18'38'° '' ISSUED BY COMMONNEAL7H LAND 777LE INSURANCE COMPANY AS S) DENOTES SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE PROW?DED. I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT INGRESS AND EGRESS TO 569.18' AND FROM THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS PROVIDED BY STREM AND DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY MAINTAINED BY THE CITY OF AXAN71C BEACH, ,STATE OF FLORIDA; THAT YHE LOCARON OF'ALL IMPROVEMENM IF ANY. ON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS IN ACCORDANCE WTH ALL APPLIC48LE WENS/NG • A TLANTIC � .. AND ZONING LAWS REGULA7tNG THE USE OF WE SUB�CT PROPEIM, APPLICABLE LAOS CONTAINING MINIMUM STET-BACK (STATE ROAD A-l-A 1 D0'R/W) PROW90MS AND COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD (THAT HAVE BEEN PROVIDED). DATE: 10-15--98 6T-�,A �J ' - � L 4RRY'rG:' i�DY:' / 00� 1 fl��,RIDE'D 2 A REGIST� AN0 SURVE.YoR NO.:4144 o� a 3Lv NOTES: THE PROPERTY SHOWN HEREON APPEARS TO UE WHIN FLOOD HAZARD ZONE_..,X.._AS SCALED FROM FLOOD y a 1.) TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES = 543 INSURANCE RATE MAP-ML,,, FAR AXM77C BEACH . FLORIDA, DATED 4-17-89 INCYUDING 9 HANDICAP. T 2) TELEPHONE JUNC77ON BOX WOWACiHES aI TRI--STATE L"D SURYORS, INC. A'"ANJI OL W ara DISCONNECT BOX ENCROACHES 0.5; 8411 BA YMEADOWS WAY SU1 TE #2, JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32256 (904) 731-7235 Er.Ea METER ENCROAaXS 0.5; TELEPHONE JUNCTION BOX avcROACHES Q2; ROOF , Cava w��D BEARINGS BASED O � N &.UNE AS SHOWN. OVERHANG AT NORTHEAST CORNER OF BLDG cm SUBJECT PROPERTY ENCROACHES APPROX 1.4: " r W`����� MIS SURVEY DOES NOT REFLECT OR WERMIsIvc otWVERSH/P. -�-r NOT VAUD WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND 7HfE:~ORiGYNAL RAISED SEAL 0 OW Wit(FOM) OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR ANG MAPPER. ®moss cur &&L eam r"Noom LIM LARRY"G. ODY,.P.L.S Na 4144 r 'EASVJWGLENN M D)?QDWFEET, P.S.M. NO. 5814 VIC�7VP » » o :Qo ,u�.�i SCALE- 1" _ 50' r NOT TO SCALE aor ,C'.••• WING VEY '&M C0 MOIl c PAD RE STEREO RVFYOR D MAPPER, ALTA CSM AS BUILT SUR Y 01 RAauc acsrANM DA 1E• 10-14-98 STATE' OF• ORIDA "921) • X9=40-29 M ALE k �� oo ttv architects115 EAST FORSYTH T mc. if) /A O 101 PROJECT JACKSONVILLE,7FL 8333 32202 O '�J` Q LOCATION F 904.79ATLANTIC BEA Cif TEIViP, 11 INTEI?10 R BUIL D 017T for8.8335 www.ttvarch.com FL Lic#AA0002609 lax fiederal credit unionJ U 0 a� _z Al w Q ° ATLOTIC 1021 ATLANTIC �a BLVD , o BEACH o A LA I C N ATLANTIC BEACH , FLORIDA LOCATION PLAN Irkm PROJECT I6B. NOT USED 13. OWNER'S CONTRACTOR WILL INSTALL SECURITY SYSTEM, TELEPHONE SYSTEM, DATA WIRING (CONTRACTOR TO CONTRACT D INDEX 6C. NOT USED INSTALL THE CONDUITS ONLY), BANKING EQUIPMENT. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING PROJECT: JAX FEDERAL CREDIT UNION - ATLANTIC BEACH TEMP. II BUILD-OUT 6D. CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE WHATEVER MEANS NECCESSARY TO WITH THE OWNER ON THE ABOVE-NOTED ITEMS. PROJECT LOCATION: 1021 ATLANTIC BLVD. ENSURE THAT THE FACILITY IS SECURE AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. X-0 COVER SHEET ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 14. MECHANICAL. OWNER: JAX FEDERAL CREDIT UNION NOT USED CONTRACTOR TO RELOCATE EXISTING AIR DIFFUSERS AS REQUIRED. ADD NEW DIFFUSERS WHERE SHOWN. ARCHITECTURAL CONTACT PERSON: GLENN THOMAS- TELEPHONE (904) 294.7934 6E• CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS IF REQUIRED FOR PERMITTING. CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT: TTV ARCHITECTS, INC. 6F, PROJECT CLOSE-OUT: UNLESS SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE BY OWNER, AT A MINIMUM PROVIDE 2 IS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE MECHANICAL WORK AS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES. A-1 FLOOR PLAN, LIFE SAFETY PLAN, CONTACT PERSON: CHRIS NOEL - TELEPHONE (904) 798.8333 COPIES OF TABBED & COALATED PROJECT BINDER CONTAINING ALL APPLICABLE OPERATING & & REFLECTED CEILING PLAN MAINTENANCE MANUALS, WARRANTIES, SHOP DRAWINGS, & 1 FULL SIZE SET OF REPRODUCIBLE 15. ELECTRICAL: A-2 PLAN ENLARGEMENTS WALL TYPE AS-BUILT DRAWINGS- TO BE PROVIDED AS PART OF OR PRIOR TO SUBMISSION OF FINAL 15A. REFER TO DRAWINGS FOR LOCATION OF OUTLETS, TEL/DATA. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY WITH THE EXISTING S' DEFINITIONS APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT. CONDITIONS TO SEE IF ANY EXISTING ELECTRICAL ITEMS CAN BE RE-USED. SINCE NEW Y4" GWB LAYER IS SCHEDULES, & DETAILS ADDED TO EXISTING WALL - SOME EXISTING ELECTRICAL ITEMS WILL NEED TO BE RELOCATED FLUSH WITH 1. "OWNER", REFERS TO JAX FEDERAL CREDIT UNION NEW GWB SURFA7. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF STUD OR FACE OF CMU UNLESS SURFACE - - - - - - 2. "OWNER'S CONTRACTOR REFERS TO VENDOR EMPLOYED DIRECTLY BY OWNER. OTHERWISE. GC TO CONTACT ARCHITECT WHEN EXISTING DIMENSIONS VARY BY MORE THAN IT IS G.C. RESPONSIBILITY TO COORDINATE WORK'WITH OWNER'S CONTRACTOR. 4 FROM DIMENSIONS NOTED ON DRAWINGS. 15B.CONTRACTOR IS (REQUIRED TO PROVIDE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS IF REQUIRED FOR PERMITTING. CONTRACTOR "CONTRACTOR", "GC" REFERS TO THE SUCCESSFUL CONTRACTOR. 8. PROVIDE SOLID BLOCKING IN WALL WHERE REQUIRED, AND SPECIFICALLY WHERE WALL IS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE ELECTRICAL WORK AS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE CODES _ - - _ _ _ _ _ 3. "ARCHITECT" REFERS TO TN ARCHITECTS, INC. CABINETS, GRAB BARS, AND OTHER WALL MOUNTED ITEMS ARE SPECIFIED. � 4. "PROVIDE" REFERS TO SUPPLY AND INSTALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 15C.LIGHTING: CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY NEW & EXISTING FIXTURE VOLTAGE WITH BUILDING ELECTRICAL SERVICE 9. DOORS: PROVIDE INTERIOR SOLID WOOD CORE DOORS, 1-3/4" THICK, FLUSH TYPE. FOR COMPATABILIITY. REPLACE EXISTING LIGHTING AS SHOWN ON DRAWINGS. GENERAL NOTES 10. DOOR HARDWARE: PROVIDE NEW DOOR HARDWARE FOR NEW & EXIST. INTERIOR DOORS. LOCK SETS SHALL HAVE FUNCTIONS AS LISTED ON DOOR SCHEDULE. HINGES TO BE STANLEY, OR EQUIVALENT DESCRIPTION OF WORK: THE WORK IS AN INTERIOR BUILD-OUT PROJECT OF APPROX 1430 BY HAGER, LAWRENCE OR MCKINNEY (COMMERCIAL, HEAVY DUTY GRADE HINGES) PROVIDE BALL SF. SCOPE OF WORK INCLUDES, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DEMOLITION, WALLS, DOORS AND BEARING TYPE HINGES, 1Y2 PAIR, 4 %4�" FOR EACH DOOR W/ FINISH TO MATCH LOCK SET. FRAMES, MILLWORK, FINISHES, CEILING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL. CLOSERS (YALE 3500 SERIES). HARDWARE FINISH TO BE SATIN CHROME. ALL DOOR HARDWARE SHALL MEET ADA AND FLORIDA ACCESSIBILITY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. NO NEW HARDWARE FOR EXISTING EXTERIOR DOORS. 1. GC SHALL PERFORM ALL WORK IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES cc 11. FINISHES: REMOVE EXISTING FINISHES AND PROVIDE NEW FINISHES AS SCHEDULED. CONTRACTOR 2. GC SHALL PROCURE AND PAY FOR PERMITS, UTILITY CONNECTIONS, INSPECTIONS, TO PATCH, REPAIR, & APPROPRIATELY PREPARE EXIST. SUBSTRATES AS REQ'D FOR CLEAN, LICENSES, BONDS, INSURANCE, FURNISHING MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, LABOR, SMOOTH, & FLUSH APPLICATION OF NEW FINISHES. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE NEW FINISHES & W SUPERINTENDENT, TOOLS, MACFHINERY, EQUIPMENT, SCAFFOLD, HOIST, REPAIR EXIST. FINISHES TO CLEAN, SMOOTH, AND FLUSH CONDITIONS. INSTALL MATERIALS PER TRANSPORTATION, SERVICES AND INCIDENTALS NECESSARY TO SUCH PERFORMANCE. MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. UPON COMPLETION, ALL EQUIPMENT, FIXTURES AND DEVICES SHALL BE IN OPERATING 1 CONDITION WITH FINAL CONNECTIONS OF UTILITIES MADE THERETO, INSPECTED AND 11A. PAINTING - PROVIDE AS A MINIMUM NUMBER OF COATS SPECIFIED HERE IN. PROVIDE NUMBER OF APPROVED, BUILDING SHALL BE IN OPERATING CONDITION WHEN TURNED OVER TO THE COATS AS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE FULL COVERAGE. SEE FINISH SPECIFICATIONS FOR PAINT INFO. OWNER. 1. METAL: PROVIDE ALL-PURPOSE METAL PRIMER AND 2 COATS OF SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL CODE CRITERIA 3. GC SHALL FURNISH BONDS COVERING FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACT AND 2. GYPSUM WALLBOARD: PROVIDE PRIMER AND SEALER AND 2 COATS OF LATEX FINISH COAT _ PAYMENT OF THE OBLIGATIONS ARISING THEREUNDER. THE AMOUNT OF EACH BOND 3. WOOD DOORS, (TRIM, & FRAMES WHERE OCCUR): A. PAINTED DOORS- PROVIDE 1 COAT ALKYD AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT REGULATIONS (A.D.A.)TITLE III (28 � � SHALL BE EQUAL TO 100% OF THE CONTRACT SUM. ENAMEL UNDERCOAT AND 2 COATS OF SATIN ALKYD ENAMEL. B. STAINED DOORS- PROVIDE NEW CRF PART 36), LATEST EDITION 0 4. APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT TO GC SHALL BE MADE ON AIA DOCUMENT G702 AND SHALL BE STAIN (FACTORY FINISH) TO MATCH EXISTING. PROVIDE SUFFICIENT NUMBER OF COATINGS TO Gram � A 10% RETAINAGE SHALL APPLY TO THE GCS APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT. ACHIEVE UNIFORM APPEARANCE. IN ADDITION, PROVIDE TWO COATS OF SATIN CLEAR AMERICAN SOCIETY OF HEATING, REFRIGERATION AND AIR NOTARIZED. ' CONDITIONING ENGINEERS (ASHRAE) �► ■� THIS RETAINAGE WILL BE RETURNED TO THE GC AS PART OF THE FINAL PAYMENT AFTER POLYURETHANE COATING. PAINT DOOR FRAMES TO MATCH COLOR OF VINYL BASE. *ASHRAE HANDBOOK, LATEST EDITION. L = ALL THE PUNCH LIST ITEMS ARE COMPLETED. A PUNCH LIST IS A LIST OF DEFICIENCIES FOUND DURING THE WALK-THROUGH BETWEEN OWNER, ARCHITECT, AND GC. 11 B. CARPETING - EXISTING CARPET TO REMAIN. AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE (ANSI) .1.r *SPECIFICATIONS FOR BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES 5. CLEANING: MAINTAIN THE SITE IN A NEAT AND ORDERLY CONDITION AT ALL TIMES TO THE 11 C. VCT - SEE FINISH SPECIFICATIONS FOR VCT INFO PROVIDING ACCESSIBILITY AND USABILITY FOR PHYSICALLY "- APPROVAL OF THE OWNER. CONTRACTOR TO CLEAN UP THE SITE ON A DAILY BASIS AFTER HANDICAPPED PEOPLE ANSI A117.1-1986. CC i EACH DAY'S WORK. AT THE COMPLETION OF THE JOB, FINAL CLEANING SHALL BE 11 D. CEILING - PROVIDE NEW ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILES (ACT) IN EXISTING CEILING GRID TO REMAIN. ' I ALL THE DEBRIS CAUSED BY THE CONSTRUCTION BOTH INTERIOR AND SEE FINISH SPECIFICATIONS FOR ACT INFO. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY EXISTING CEILING HGT. W v PROVIDED. FLORIDA BUILDING CODE,2004. m .� EXTERIOR, SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE PREMISES. THE SPACE SHALL BE VACUUMED 11 E. ALL FURNITURE IS N.I.C. FLORIDA PLUMBING CODE, 2004. p N AND MOPPED READY FOR OCCUPATION. GC IS REQUIRED TO USE GC'S CLEANING EQUIPMENT 11 F. PAINT GWB ABOVE STOREFRONT P-1. FLORIDA MECHANICAL CODE,2004. = L v = AND SUPPLIES. FLORIDA FIRE CODE, 2004. m FLORIDA GAS CODE, 2004. 6. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO STARTING WORK. " �,��; - � CD > I H NT THAT DRAWINGS ARE DIFFERENT FROM THE EXISTING CONDITIONS IT IS THE 12. STOREFRONT GLAZING SYSTEM - PROVIDE Y CLEAR TEMPERED GLASS IN ALUMINUM FRAME N THE EVE ALUMINUM FRAME SHALL BE 1�"x4" BRONZE ANODIZED FINISH. � INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERS (IEEE). � r � GC RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD 'VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVE/PROVIDE I.. ev C3 ADDITIONAL ITEMS AS REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH DRAWINGS. INTERNATIONAL POWER CABLE ENGINEER'S ASSOCIATION (IPECA). MAY -11..i jQ Cc M Emma M Emma 6A. ALL BIDS SHALL BE ON THE ARCHITECTS BID FORM TO BE PROVIDED. NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (NFPA) *NFPA-10 (1994) PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS rY �v *NFPA-70 (1994) NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE � tl`-"`{ ' oWMW 20M rn NENEM *NFPA-72 (1993)STANDARD FOR THE INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE AND 7w tic.Um mrrsm oR oil USE OF LOCAL PROTECTIVE SIGNALING SYSTEMS,AUTOMATIC FIRE aECrRM MM IS M M OF SERVICE MID M PFAIR 'nr OF SYMBOL LEGEND DETECTORS, & INSTALLATION & USE OF CONTROL SIGNALING SYSTEMS. 71V�aanEcrs,rroor�aor a. ABBREVIATIONS *NFPA-80 (1992) FIRE DOORS AND WINDOWS R IS FM *NFPA-90A (1993) INSTALLATION OF AIR CONDITIONING &VENTILATING w WN OR ROMOMam wnMff SYSTEMS Tw 06few ww a PON$" ABB. DESCRIPTION ABB. DESCRIPTION ABB. DESCRIPTION ABB. DESCRIPTION *NFPA-90B (1993) INSTALLATION OF WARM AIR HEATING&AIR OF 7MCOIPW6PRaRM. NORTH N INDICATES DIRECTION TO NORTH CONDITIONING A.C.T. ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE EA. EACH JT. JOINT SHT SHEET ARROW *NFPA-101 (2001)LIFE SAFETY CODS DM BY: BE 01 *NFPA-220 (1992) FIRE DOORS AND WINDOWS ADI. ADJUSTABLE E.W.C. ELECTRIC WATER COOLER LAM. LAMINATE SIM. SIMILAR *NFPA-241 (1993)STANDARD FOR SAFEGUARDING BUILDING CHEM BY: CPN NAME APPROVED OONIMISSION NO• 0614 A.F.F. ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR EL. ELEVATION LAV. LAVATORY S.O. SLAB OPENING ROOM NUMBER INDICATES ROOM CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATIONS CITY Or LH,v ncj ;;EACH 101 NFPA-251 (1990)METHODS OF FIRE TEST OF DOOR ASSEMBLIES gUjtDING OFFICE DATE(M Q At C-AX-06 A.H.U. AIR HANDLING UNIT EQ. EQUAL M.O. MASONRY OPENING STL. STEEL NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION 99 (1993) SCALE: AS NOTED ALT. ALTERNATE EXP. JT. EXPANSION JOINT MATL MATERIAL T&G TONGUE AND GROOVE NFPA-13, 2000 REV. (STANDARD FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS). ALUM. ALUMINUM EXT EXTERIOR MAX. MAXIMUM TYP. TYPICAL NFPA-14, 2000 REV. (STANDPIPE AND HOSE SYSTEMS). DIRECTION OF SECTION NFPA-20, 2000 REV. (CENTRIFUGAL FIRE PUMPS). C.J. CONTROL JOINT FIN. CLG FINISH CEILING MECH. MECHANICAL U.N.O. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE SECTIONV NUMBER OF SECTION NFPA-90A, 2000 REV. (STANDARD FOR AIR CONDITIONING AND CLG CEILING FIN. FLIT FINISH FLOOR MTL METAL V.C.T. VINYL COMPOSITION TILE SHEET WHERE SECTION IS LOCATED VENTILATING SYSTEMS) CONC. CONCRETE F.E.C. FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINET MIN. MINIMUM VERT. VERTICAL NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURER'S ASSOCIATION (NEMA). Cover sheet CONT CONTINUOUS GALV. GALVANIZED N.I.C. NOT IN CONTRACT V.W.C. VINYL WALL COVERING NATIONAL ELECTRICAL SAFETY CODE (NBS HANDBOOK 81) NEW DOOR REQUIREMENTS OF LOCAL POWER CORPORATION. CPT CARPET GA. GAUGE N.T.S. NOT TO SCALE ��4_DOOR NUMBER SHEET METAL AND AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS NATIONAL C.T. CERAMIC TILE GWB GYPSUM BOARD N0. NUMBER ASSOCIATION, INC. (SMACNA) C.M.U. CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT G.C. GENERAL CONTRACTOR O.C. ON CENTER *FIRE, SMOKE AND RADIATION DAMPER GUIDE, 1986 EDITION. DED. DEDICATED HGT HEIGHT P.L. PLASTIC LAMINATE UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES, INC. (U.L.) M, PRESSURE TREATED DIRECTION OF ELEVATION *FIRE RESISTANCE DIRECTORY, 1991 EDITION. DIA. DIAMETER H.M. HOLLOW METAL P.T. ELEVATION 4 NUMBER OF INT. ELEVATION *BUILDING MATERIALS DIRECTORY, 1990 EDITION. DRS. DOORS INSUL» INSULATION READ. REQUIRED � SHEET WHERE INT. ELEVATION IS LOCATED OPENING NOTE: WHERE DISCREPANCIES EXIST BETWEEN CODES,THE MOST DWG DRAWING JAN. JANITOR R.O. ROUGH ORESTRICTIVE CODE SHALL GOVERN. Seal ttv architects,. inc. 115 EAST FORSYTH STREET JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32202 T 904.798.8333 F 904,798,8335 www.ttyarch.com FL Lic#AA0002609 REMOVE EXIST. REMOVE EXIST. WING WALL WING WALL 40 4F— COMM r7A MANAGER MA ER WAITING INV u 102 wI Fit 0 0 0 0 ..... ...... ... 00 .. ............. ..... ±14 le-7 • J* 10 9_00 9-40 6 2 60 P7 77 77 7=77-777,J11 17777�77 w3 17 �17 7 ...... . ... ..... . . . ..... . . . ..... ..... OUTLETS 0 48m A.F.F. ..... ..... ..... ..... 0 _0 0 4 7B . ..... ..... .... ..... ...... ... ..... ...... .... ... ...... ...... CUBICLE C E Cm OUTLETS 0 --------- 1 10 48w A.F.F. 0 0 Lj ..... ----- ...... ..... ...... ..... .... .... .... .. ...... Ld r 0 0 1030 010 10 --ELL: R LOBBY ace LU 313Y TELLER El �:4:] . 0 do OUTLETS 0 48" A.F.F. 59--0* UUBIUL CUBICLE .. ...... ..... ..... ... 0 0 .. ..... ...... ..... ... Z) ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... .... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ...... Z4 4!-4* C0 FE0 0 . 0 FEO 0 0 ; . ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ... ..... ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... I.,. ...... ...% ...... .... .. ......... cc .... ...... ...... .... .......... ... ... SAFE 1006A SAFE HALLWAY HA�LLWAY 106 t- 0 fd6j ..... ..... NEW 30 x7o C.O. NEW 3o xr C.O.. 7 777731 .... ...... No FEO 0 ..... ...... ..... a ... ..... ...... P. PnnkA cc ..... ...... ADA RESTR 51Z '00 11081 11" 1 W81 rl -H BREAKROOM VIBPJ�EAKROC, I .. ..... 11071 El (D7 ...... ...... ...... no 0 0 REMOVE EXIST. REMOVE EXIST. COUNTER & CABINETS COUNTER & CABINETS OO =9 .�.� o NEW SINK a 0 NEW SINK, EXIST 0 6 L W_ 0 EXIST = '� EXISTING COUNTER & EXISTING COUNTER & CABINET TO REMAIN RESTROOM CABINET TO REMAIN ELECT REST M ELECT ra PANEL PANEL LQ Cj cc P 109L 1.0 an w E mc L 0 CL) m G; no a) = EXISTING FAN TO REMAIN CL) m 0 ■ cc mom M N cwml M nv momm. IM WAM.UM PIRMIA OR ON LFE SAFETY PLAN FLOOR PLAN 3REFLECTED CE�VG PLAN aww4w mmk m m Nsn"m OF SOM AM M PROPERTY OF 1 1/4"=1'-0" 2 1/4"=1'_p" 1/4»_1._p" M ARCHRIM WCOMM70. ff IS RMMM MR COMW MWMW PUWM MLY,NO AW M FaM OR FEROMMIM WMW 7W MOM WffM PE OF IM COWAW IS PROM W. FLOOR PLAN LEGEND REFLECTED CEILING Pj,6N NOTES W.&M 01f.. BE WALL TO BE REMOVED $ NEW SWITCH 0 480 A.F.F. UNO CHMO fff: CPN SUMMARY OF CODE ANALYSIS: EXIST. WALL W/ NEW Y4'p CNI11116" W. 0614 GWB LAYER OR ONE SIDE DKE !Z CM"M-.W6 BUILDING INFORMM: PLUMBING FMMIRE COU LEGEND — LIFE AND NEW WALL — SEE SHEET 0 NEW 2X4 LAY—IN FIXMRE SCALE: AS NOTED A-3 FOR WALL TYPES 1. FLORIDA BUILDING CODE TOTAL NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS:* 14 .. .... A. TRAVEL DISTANCE BUSKSS OCCUPANCY I FURNITURE N.I.C. UNISEX 2WCC,jPROAMy 2 LAY (PRMM) B. 1,427 GSF TOTAL/100 14 PERSONS I I NEW I DW, I NEW NUMBER OF PERSONS ...... —BY OWNER NEW 2X2 WAC DIFUSER C. NOT USED 1WC (REWD) I LAY (REWD) EXITM THRU AN V PHONE JACK 0 48" A.F.F. UNO life safety D.2 EXITS TOTAL — 7 PERSONS/WT DRINKING I WATER DISPENSER (OWNER PROVIDED) OPENING E.TYPE V CONSTKXTION, UNSPRINKLERED FOUNTAIN I REWD OFE IM EXTINGUISHER CANISTER— MOUNT 0 48* AFF TO k TEL/DATA OUTLET o 112m A.F.F. UNO plan & F. IWX AM ASE EGRESS PROVIDED CTR OF CANIISTM IF NOT %M ON DRAWINGS, PLACE NEW 2X2 WAC RETURN G. DEAD END CORRIDOR: 12'-10' (ALLOWED: 201 E)MNGUISHERS SO THAT TRAVEL DISTANCE TO MY z7rs QUAD OUTLET 0 12" A.F.F. UNO floor plan H.MAX. TRAVEL DISTANCE: 5er (200' ALLOWED EXTINGUISHER SHALL NOT EXCEED 75'—V FROM MY AREA OF THE BUILDING. VERIFY LOCATION WITH ARCHITECT BEFORE INSTALLATION. NEW EMERGENCY LIGHTING EXISTING EXIT LIGHT -v E TO REMAIN WVA N\14V L 1061 Zt 'T� 14> NOTE- EXISTING CEILING GRID TO REMAIN Seal FF— TOILET ROOM ACCESSORIES BOTTOM OF FLOOR OR ROOF STRUCTURE PROVIDE ACCESSORIES FROM BRADLEY OR APPROVED EQUAL: ttv architects, inc. SEALED CONCRETE 115 EAST FORSYrH STREET JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32202 A 42" L GRAB BAR: MOUNTED 33"-36" TO FIN.FLR.—BRADLEY #812 STANDARD FINISH T 904.796.8333 O VINYL TILE REDUCER F 904.796.6335 www.ttvarch.com B VCT FLLic#AA0002609 36" L GRAB BAR: MOUNTED 33"-36" TO FIN.FLR.—BRADLEY #812 STANDARD FINISH I� COMPRESSIBLE QC 18"Wx24"H FRAMED MIRROR: 40" MAX. TO BOTTOM OF MIRROR— 108 GASKET a g R F SUSPENDED CLG. BRADLEY #780 Z —AS SCHED. CODA rs " i D PAPER TOWEL DISPENSER: MOUNTED 48 TO PAPER— BRADLEY #252 ,� CARPET O MET - 6 AL CASING I r H C U.S.G. NO. 200B VINYL EDGE TRIM E TOILET TISSUE DISPENSERS—BRADLEY #5234 H 0O E MOUNT CENTER OF ROLL PAPER MIN. 19" TO FIN.FLR. VCT a I ���••�•••• �`� A NEW SOUND INSULATION :: c� B � o 9 r, sem. •. •o p a,, _ .•e, •*, NEW 4 GW � F FULL HT. BETWEEN = Y" ` ,, ' r•_ a : ' •o° .• '•a,p.-e e; � . • F WASTE RECEPTACLE—BRADLEY #357 STUDS, TYP. ON EXIST. y a � Q : : : :a« PROMDE LAVATORY J WHERE OCCUR a V r�. WHERE INDICATED ON 2'-7m " PLUMBING DRAWINGS d RECESSED • NEW 4 GWB VCT OR CARPET TOP OF OPENING BRABLEY f4rixiocil 415 " ON EXIST. REPLACE EXIST ACCESSORIES W/ 1/2' GWB ZS 7'-1" CLEAR MIN NEW. NO OTHER MODIFICATIONS MARBLE THRESHOLD 1j ( ,• • ,. . • H SOAP DISPENSER— MOUNTED 40" MAX. TO BOTTOM OF UNIT—BRADLEY #6562 SEE PLAN FOR ACTUAL SIZE TO OCCUR IN EAST RESTROOM 3 5//8" METAL STUDS EXIST. W� o fe O.C. TO REMAIN CT FINISH FLOOR dt FINISH FLOOR do BASE-AS SCHED. V p•• a O+ .O . O .. a O «, 'R « BASE-AS SCHED. r �q.. a ,.� «4•. a•a•Qf. . NEW RESTROOM PLAN EXIST RESTROOM PLAN ,r � ai •A •p. � O'M, 1/400=i$-OleADA COMPUANT 1/4 16=19-on T WALL TYPE 1 WALL TYPE 2 FLOOR TRANSITION DETALS 3NTS4 NTS NOTE= MOUNTING HEIGHTS ARE FOR HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE FIXTURES ONLY. FOR STANDARD MOUNTING HEIGHTS, USE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS WINDOW FILM NOTES 6' 3'-0' '-0' 3'-6' 4 5/8' 4 5/8'TOWEL SANITARY NAPKIN- 1. WINDOW FILM TO BE APPLIED ON THE INTERIOR SIDE OF EXTERIOR WINDOWS, TOILET TISSUE DISPENSER TAMPON VENDOR 0 1/2' 3 5/8' 1/2' - - - - - - - i/2 3 5/8 1/2 INTERIOR SIDE OF OFFICES OF INTERIOR SANITARY WINDOWS. DISPENSER CONTROLS TOWEL BAR NAPKIN 30'X36' TOILET COVER DISPOSAL G.B. - 2. WINDOW FILM TO BE "LLUMAR", NRMP2 _ _ _ _ _ G.B. G.B. DISPENSER oo WHITE FROST, OR EQUAL. CONTACT BOB - - L4 , ,I GWB AS SCHED. GWB AS SCHED. ROBERT'S AT ALL SPEC SUN CONTROL a� PRODUCTS, JACKSONVILLE. TEL 0 0 0 % SOUND ISOLATION N 904.725.5337 SOUND ISOLATION I` I` I` r�i %o BATTS WHERE BATTS WHERE 3. PROVIDE 5 YEAR WARRANTY. %I n•I 1 I N I .♦ -- eti ! INDICATED ON PARTITION TYPES INDICATED ON �` . 3'-0' PARTITION TYPES 1/4" TEMPERED TOILET ROOM ACCESSORIES SHOWER GLASS IN CLEAR ANODIZED ALUM. FLUSH WD. DOOR, MIN. ACCESSIBLE TOILET FACILITIES METAL STUDS FRAMING METAL STUDS FRAME TYP. TYP.-SEE SCHED. FRAMING 5'-4" 3'-4" 2'-8" 3'-4" 17'-18' PULL SIDE PUSH SIDE CONT. 2x4 -----, 12' MIN. IF DOOR 1x4 WD. TRIM BLOCKINGGWB.1 X 4 WOOD CONT. 2x4 GWB. S G3 T MIN. HAS-A CLOSER i, � TRIM BLOCKING A-2 MIN• LAV. DEPTHcc � I —��\ 18• M I I I ( r N MULLION \`� MINI i i = WOOD DOOR N U in " ih z "i a =a I I I y FRAME _ . X (L W I I I H o0 *r • M y N N DOOR X Z 2 y I N Q s / co WALL a / DOOR I / y � EDGE y z U � � a z URINAL 8 MIN. 8 MIN. MANEUVERING CLEARANCE �� 4 5/8' 0 4 5/8' v 6 MAX. 6 MAX. ........................ ............................. AT DOORS FRAME WIDTA FRAME WIDT LAVATORY CLEARANCE DRINKING FOUNTAIN -SHADED SHADED AREA DENOTES WINDOW FILM B bon NOTES DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE AS PER THE Z i FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2004 WR DHEADER TYP. DOOR JAMBSTOREFRONT ELEVATIONS o 1 5 3"=1'-0" 3"=1'-0" 7 1 4"=1'-0" 111111fto V = W � i as ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE DOOR SCHEDULE o aD r= OPENING DOOR DETAIL HDW _ WALLS CEILING Number Frame Material LABEL SET REMARKS 1 4" CLEAR TEMPERED GLASS I CAULK � 0 y FLOOR ROOM NO TOP RIGHT BOTTOM LEFT Remarks WD HGT THK TYPE MATL LEAF # HEADI JAMB SILL / ALUMINUM FRAME "J" BEAD 1/4" C i NO PAINTABLE CLEAR TEMPERED GLASS IN y■r MAT. FIN. BASE MAT. FIN. MAT. FIN. MAT. FIN. MAT. FIN. MAT. FIN. HGT 1o2A 3-0 6-8 1 3 4 ALUM. B WD NA s A-2 8 A-2 4 A-2 -- 3 -- ALUMINUM FRAME iCc 101 CONC. EXIST. BI-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 -- ACT ? -- 102B 3'-0" 6'-8" 1 3/4' ALUM. B WD NA 8/A-2 8 A-2 4 A-2 -- 3 -- 4" v 102 CONC. EXIST. B-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 -- ACT 9'-0" -- 105 3-0 6-8 1 3 4 WD. A WD NA 5 A-2 6 A-2 4 A-2 -- 2 -- C y 103 CONC. EXIST. B-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 -- ACT 9'-0" -- 106A 3'-0 6 78 1 3 4 WD. A WD NA 5A-2 6/A-2 4 A-2 -- 4 -- NEW WOOD DOOR _ 104 CONC. EXIST. B-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 -- ACT ? -- 1068 3-0 6-8 1 3 4 WD. A WD NA 5 A-2 6 A-2 4 A-2 -- 4 -- '� 105 CONC. EXIST. B-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 -- ACT 9 —0 -- 108 3-0 6-8 1 3 4 WD. A WD NA 5 A-2 6 A-2 4 A-2 -- 1 -- iu 5/8" GWB 106 CONC. EXIST. B-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 I ACT 9 —0 -- BOTH SIDES 107 CONC. EXIST. B-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P- I ACT 9'-0" -- 108 CONC. VCT-1 B-1 I GWB I P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 I ACT 9r_-_O -- HARDWARE SETS 109 CONC. VCT-1 B-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 -- ACT 9 -0 -- DOOR TYPES .,.•. rn" �a " 7W OR#NK OFFER PWSK',AL OR ON SET 1 - INTERIOR SINGLE DOOR, PRIVACY LOCK SET 2 - INTERIOR SINGLE DOOR!, STOREROOM LOCK 44 CAULK 1 " STOREFRONT MM I PF4PM OF FINISH SPECIFICATIONS EACH DOOR TO HAVE: EACH DOOR TO HAVE: MULLION, TYP. ,�, rn CM NOWM70, HEAD/JAMB R IS ROOD FM MW 1 1/2" PR. BUTTS 1 1/2" PR. BUTTSo\\ DOOR HEAD JAMB oowie f Rem ONLY,MD MY usE,REUSE OR MPMMWFM W nauf 1 PRIVACY SET 1 LOCKSET \ ,,E „won ,, PAINT , 1 MOP PLATE 1 STOP FLUSH FLUSH OF 7M 00A~IS`ROHM' P-1 SHERWIN WILUAMS INTERIOR LATEX IN SATIN FINISH #SW6120 "BELIEVABLE BUFF" 1 STOP 3 SILENCERS WD. WD. STOREFRONT DETAILS 3 SILENCERS DOOR DOOR DDM BY: 1 CLOSER 3"=1'-0" ciacm BY: rn YDI VCT-1 ARMSTRONG STANDARD EXCELON IMPERIAL TEXTURE #51932 "LUNAR BLUE" 12"x12"x1/8" SET 3 — INTERIOR SINGLE DOOR, OFFICE LOCK SET 4 — INTERIOR SINGLE DOOR, COMBINATION LOCK DAM N0' DATE d�X.795 EACH DOOR TO HAVE: EACH DOOR TO HAVE: SCALE: AS NOTED 1 1/2" PR. BUTTS 1 1/2* PR. BUTTS A GLAZING ONTe VINYL BASE 1 OFFICE LOCKSET 1 COMBINATION LOCKSET B-1 JOHNSONITE 4" VINYL BASE 1/8", COLOR 63-BURNT UMBER 1 STOP 1 STOP 3 SILENCERS 3 SILENCERS INTERIOR DOOR INTERIOR DOOR Int. elevs. 1 CLOSER IN STOREFRONT ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE schedules ACT: USG INTERIORS ECLIPSE, 2' X 2' TEGULAR EDGE enlargements & wall types Seal BUILT " UR So?16'02'9 OF `IV 26 A PART OF THEACASIR?O Y FERRER GRANT, S£C770N 38, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 29•EAST, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, MORE PARnaA ARLY DESCRIBED AS FOUOWS• FOR A POINT OF BEGYNN/NG COMMENCE AT 7HE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1 BL ��•��' REPS T OF PART of ROYAL P BLOCK 26, REPEAT "�8��8�2i'r ' �va1s'v2'�r ALMs UNIT Twp FOi!V�'' OF BEG G OF PART OF ROYAL,PALMS UNIT TWO A, AS RECORDED /N PLAT SOAK 31 PAGES 16, 16A, 168, 16C, AND 16D P'B' 31� I'C'S 16•~f6D RECORDS OF SAID C,DUNT�; THENCE SOUTH 07'/6'02'EAST A _ OF THE CURRENT PUBLIC ' LONG THE WESTERLY RIGHT.OF—WAY UNE OF ROYAL PALMS DRIVE' AS 35.00, ESTABLISHED ASA $0 FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY BY 0FRaAL RECORDS VOLUME 1819 P ' AG£ 52 OF SAID PUBLIC RECORD2 A DISTANCE OF 20.55 PM 20'o 4.�r FEE T,• THENCE NORTH 85'37'27" WEST ALONG WE NORM UNE OF 7HE LANDS AS DESWIBFD IN OFFTC/AL RECORDS V17LUME 2010 PAGE 42 o/k X 47-'K2 �S'��•��;27 of SAID PUBUC 1ECORRDS, A;DISTANCE OF 80.29 FST,• THENCE SOilThi 00'41'22"EAST AL09M1IG THE WFS i --472 ' DESCRIBED /N OIFFlGYAt RECORDS U T LINE OF SAID LANDS AS VOLUME 2010 PAGE 42 A DISTANCE' OF 214.92 FEET, TN Ver NORTH.89'1838 EAST ALONG THE SOUTH 54-t•85UNE OF SAID LANDS AS DESCRIBED IN 06FICIAL RECORDS VOLUME 2010 PAGE 42, A DISTANCE OF 147.68 FEET TO A POINT ON INE AFOREMEN77ONED N2'SlERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE OF ROYAL PALMS DRIVE, SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE 8Q'NG A CURVE CONCAVE �s'�axacE UnuTY r4SSW NORTHEASTFRLY`HAVING ARADIUS 515 FEET,• THENCE SOUINEASTERLY ALONG INE ARC DIF' SAID CURVE A CHORD BEARING OF SOUTH x -�. 25o9-�se r 4474'11" EAST AND A CHORD DISTANCE OF 236.50 FEET TO TRE POINT OF TANGOVCY OF SAID CURVE• TH iNC E SOUTH 57'3f'02"EAST ;�7,♦c�,7'' '► ft -CON27NUING ALONG SAID WFS'W%Y RIGHT-or-WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 87.05 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVE OFA CURVE CONCAVE 60.00 SOU7NWESTERLY NAMING A RADIUS OF 113.55 FI THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE A CHORD BEARING OF SOUTH. RErENno�r PWD x •'"�` 5273'15" EAST ANDA CHORQ DISTANCE OF 2x97 FEET; THENCE SOUM 8978'38" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE LANDS AS x ��',�9' - DESCRIBED IN OffiSAL RECORDS VOLUME 3397, PAGE 69 A DISTANCE OF 126.77 FEET,• 7HENCE SOUTH 00'41'22"EAST ALONG 7HE NEST 8 p•2�♦ LINE OF SAID LA�IIDS A DISTANCE OF 62.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 8978'38"EAST ALONG THE SOUTH UNE OF SAID LANDS AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS VIaLUME 3397 PAGE 69 A DISTANCE OF 160.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE AFOREMENTIONEDN�E'STiQRLY I R GHT-OF--WAY cd UNE OF ROYAL PALMS DRIVE SAID POINT BEING ON A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 113.55 FEED; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG 7H.E ARC OF SAID CURVE A CHORD BEARING OF SOUTH 054543"EAST AND A CHORD DISTANCE OF 20.08 FEET TO THE aT POINT OF TAN DVCY-OF SAID CURVE• '77H0VCE SOUTH 8978'38" WEST ALONG THE NORTH UNE OF THE LANDS AS DESAN/B . / RECORDS VOLUM ED !N OFFI'A►AL E 2219 PAGE 306 AND ALONG TUE NORTH UNE OF THE LANDS AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS VOLUME 2843 PAGE 750 AND ALONG 17NE',NORTN LINE OF THE LANDS AS DESCRIBED IN OFF101AL RECORDS VOLUME 3231 PAGE 773 A DISTANCE OF'440.00 FEET; CoNa ELEa THENCE SOUTH 001411220 EAST ALONG TRE ws r UNE OF THE LANDS AS DESCRIBED IN OFR CIAL RECORDS VOLUME 3231 PAGE 773 A ® sO ars• DISTANCE OF 16n•00.FEET,• THENGIE SOUTH 897838" WEST ALONG THE NORTH MIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF ATLANTIC BOULEVARD (STATE ROAD Q 0 A--1-A) AS NOW ESMOUSHED AS A 100 FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY, A DISTANCE AF 569.18 FEET.• THENCE NORTH 07'16'02" NEST A DISTANCE c T1s r p rye cou. �a OF 160.00 FEET;]i THENCE SOUTH 897838 WEST PARALLEL WITH SAID NORTH RIGHT—Or—WAY UNE OF'AXM77C BOULEVARD, A D/STANCE OF covO/1? 2411-1171 29 8 4 4 r7 9 c Baa-- M'M� �"� 201.42 FEET TO THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE OF AQUA77C DRIVE, AS ESTABUS7 M BY O1F7�712AL RECORDS VOLUME 3278 PAGES 176 ' ' R R �` o AND 177 OF SAID Pta9U0 RECORDS, THENCE NORTH 114230 WEST ALONG SAID EASTERLY R16HT--OF-WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 390.26 4 -. :,. 1 FF'ET, .7Hwa NQRiI 82'4358"EAST.ALONG 7HE SOUTH UNE..OF INE LANA$., DE IBEID_1 x , + j' , " - !9S, ...:.... . 04", of OS'.V4LElAlE,241..PACE 11' A DISTANCE OF 262. '.-..•... ., A, 71 NQ,�, ? �I8 fLcET,• 771E1V1:E'JVOik'TH 135456 EAST'ALONG` THE EASTERLY LINE'OVF SAID LANDS AS DESCR%BED IN 1, ,IAL AspmLr N RECORDS VOLUW, '2411 PAGE 1171 AND 17S NORTHEASTERLY EXTENSION, A D/STA w OF 19. 81 FEET• THENCE SOUTH 85.37'27"EAST ALONG 7HE SOUTHErd Y LINE OF AFOREMEN77ONED BLOCK 26, REPLAT OF PART OF ROYAL PALMS UNIT 7110 A, A DISTANCE OF 37.5,2+aT,- 7H&VCE SOUTR 07602 EAST ALONG THE WEST UNE OF THE LANDS AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS VOLUME 1471 PAGE 472 A o Q DISTANCE OF aoo Axr.• 7HE'NCE SOUTH 85'37'27" EAST ALONG 7HE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LAl A DISTANCE OF 60.00 FEET,• THENCE 5 6 y 4Y.INa 7a7' NORTH 0776'02" WEST ALONG 7HE EAST UNE OF SAID LANDS AS DESOTIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS VOLUME 1471 PAGE 472 A DISTANCE OF ' r P O/a .... �a 35.00 FEET,• 7H&CE SOUTH 0537'27"EAST ALONG THE AFOREMENWVE0 SOUTHERLY UNE OF BLOCK 26, A DISTANCE OF W85 FEET TO 40 ORWAGe THE POINT OF BEGINAW. as Q PAD � QO7' � CONTAINING 14.04 ACRES MORE OR LEA'S. M N88*18,380E ,� rr 1-STORY MASONRY 59.3 la x 147.619' PALE WR 104261 so. FT. j ADDRESS'S OF BUILDING ARE 1 r,�•8 95.X 961, 967, 971, 974 975, 977, 979, g 1 ' 983, 985, 987, 989A, 9898, 991, 99.E 0 � �� tS� 142.9' � �015.991�1001, 10" 1007, 1009• 01� A POtrf O. ' 4 1820' � • za 75, WIN GOK SW zzm 10 12.8 .,r COV• S/W ofar- LUZ, �+ P° cava L_._......_...,.._.... .._ ._.__. _. .._. ..._ ._:_ CAI b off, \•I ' r r � l 5.Q Cava �,�►.. (W SEE JV07E#2 ASPHALT s89'18'38'�Y' y o 126.77' 1-SWRY MA$a%W 81 $ O/R J397-6.9' `Tn 189018*38 IF o s 36 g41p 36 P ? P 191 I ' SDDRIVEWAY EAS1rA/ENT PFR O/li 5683-37Yn � •• � .._..._ ..._.... __._. �� •.�... ..�•.� ..:..._. ; t n� 20'UnuEA TY SEWE vT Paw 0/1r 21818 i f x S89'190380ir X s8a�18'38'�v I 44o.00' Y Y: ::.. ... _._.. . 0/77 2219-306 0/* 3231-773 OA 2843--750 201,42' r� b. I , l d w TO EQU17Y ONE (ATLANTIC VILLAGE) INC, SOUTHERN FARM BUREAU LI INSURANCE COMPANY; .COMMONWEALTH LAND 777LE E - INSURANCE COMPANY. • iTHIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP OR PLAT AND ME SURVEY ON WH/AH I T is BASED *FRE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH • "MINIMUM STANDARD DETAIL REQUIREMENTS FOR ALTA/ACSM ` LAND 777LE SUR " JOINTLYESTABU E AND ADOPTED BY HALT AsFwALt SPECIAL LEGEND ALTA AND ACSW IN 992 AND INCLUDES ITEMS 1--4 AND 6-13 A� DENOTES CATCH BASIN OF TABLE A THE7REOf, AND MEETS THE ACCURACY STANDARDS (AS ADOPTED BY ALTA AND ACSM AND IN EFFECT ON THE DATE z c ' DENOTES LIGHT POLE OF THIS CER7lFIC4770N) OF AN URBAN SURVEY, AS DEFINED TIH&WN. AND SHOWS Au EASEMENTS AND OWNER MATTERS OF DENOIFS DRAINAGE MANHOLE RECORD AS CONIIAINEPT IN 71XE COMMITMENT NO. 864-421802 588'18'38'° '' ISSUED BY COMMONNEAL7H LAND 777LE INSURANCE COMPANY AS S) DENOTES SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE PROW?DED. I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT INGRESS AND EGRESS TO 569.18' AND FROM THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS PROVIDED BY STREM AND DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY MAINTAINED BY THE CITY OF AXAN71C BEACH, ,STATE OF FLORIDA; THAT YHE LOCARON OF'ALL IMPROVEMENM IF ANY. ON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS IN ACCORDANCE WTH ALL APPLIC48LE WENS/NG • A TLANTIC � .. AND ZONING LAWS REGULA7tNG THE USE OF WE SUB�CT PROPEIM, APPLICABLE LAOS CONTAINING MINIMUM STET-BACK (STATE ROAD A-l-A 1 D0'R/W) PROW90MS AND COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD (THAT HAVE BEEN PROVIDED). DATE: 10-15--98 6T-�,A �J ' - � L 4RRY'rG:' i�DY:' / 00� 1 fl��,RIDE'D 2 A REGIST� AN0 SURVE.YoR NO.:4144 o� a 3Lv NOTES: THE PROPERTY SHOWN HEREON APPEARS TO UE WHIN FLOOD HAZARD ZONE_..,X.._AS SCALED FROM FLOOD y a 1.) TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES = 543 INSURANCE RATE MAP-ML,,, FAR AXM77C BEACH . FLORIDA, DATED 4-17-89 INCYUDING 9 HANDICAP. T 2) TELEPHONE JUNC77ON BOX WOWACiHES aI TRI--STATE L"D SURYORS, INC. A'"ANJI OL W ara DISCONNECT BOX ENCROACHES 0.5; 8411 BA YMEADOWS WAY SU1 TE #2, JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32256 (904) 731-7235 Er.Ea METER ENCROAaXS 0.5; TELEPHONE JUNCTION BOX avcROACHES Q2; ROOF , Cava w��D BEARINGS BASED O � N &.UNE AS SHOWN. OVERHANG AT NORTHEAST CORNER OF BLDG cm SUBJECT PROPERTY ENCROACHES APPROX 1.4: " r W`����� MIS SURVEY DOES NOT REFLECT OR WERMIsIvc otWVERSH/P. -�-r NOT VAUD WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND 7HfE:~ORiGYNAL RAISED SEAL 0 OW Wit(FOM) OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR ANG MAPPER. ®moss cur &&L eam r"Noom LIM LARRY"G. ODY,.P.L.S Na 4144 r 'EASVJWGLENN M D)?QDWFEET, P.S.M. NO. 5814 VIC�7VP » » o :Qo ,u�.�i SCALE- 1" _ 50' r NOT TO SCALE aor ,C'.••• WING VEY '&M C0 MOIl c PAD RE STEREO RVFYOR D MAPPER, ALTA CSM AS BUILT SUR Y 01 RAauc acsrANM DA 1E• 10-14-98 STATE' OF• ORIDA "921) • X9=40-29 M ALE k �� oo ttv architects115 EAST FORSYTH T mc. if) /A O 101 PROJECT JACKSONVILLE,7FL 8333 32202 O '�J` Q LOCATION F 904.79ATLANTIC BEA Cif TEIViP, 11 INTEI?10 R BUIL D 017T for8.8335 www.ttvarch.com FL Lic#AA0002609 lax fiederal credit unionJ U 0 a� _z Al w Q ° ATLOTIC 1021 ATLANTIC �a BLVD , o BEACH o A LA I C N ATLANTIC BEACH , FLORIDA LOCATION PLAN Irkm PROJECT I6B. NOT USED 13. OWNER'S CONTRACTOR WILL INSTALL SECURITY SYSTEM, TELEPHONE SYSTEM, DATA WIRING (CONTRACTOR TO CONTRACT D INDEX 6C. NOT USED INSTALL THE CONDUITS ONLY), BANKING EQUIPMENT. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING PROJECT: JAX FEDERAL CREDIT UNION - ATLANTIC BEACH TEMP. II BUILD-OUT 6D. CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE WHATEVER MEANS NECCESSARY TO WITH THE OWNER ON THE ABOVE-NOTED ITEMS. PROJECT LOCATION: 1021 ATLANTIC BLVD. ENSURE THAT THE FACILITY IS SECURE AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. X-0 COVER SHEET ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 14. MECHANICAL. OWNER: JAX FEDERAL CREDIT UNION NOT USED CONTRACTOR TO RELOCATE EXISTING AIR DIFFUSERS AS REQUIRED. ADD NEW DIFFUSERS WHERE SHOWN. ARCHITECTURAL CONTACT PERSON: GLENN THOMAS- TELEPHONE (904) 294.7934 6E• CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS IF REQUIRED FOR PERMITTING. CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT: TTV ARCHITECTS, INC. 6F, PROJECT CLOSE-OUT: UNLESS SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE BY OWNER, AT A MINIMUM PROVIDE 2 IS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE MECHANICAL WORK AS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES. A-1 FLOOR PLAN, LIFE SAFETY PLAN, CONTACT PERSON: CHRIS NOEL - TELEPHONE (904) 798.8333 COPIES OF TABBED & COALATED PROJECT BINDER CONTAINING ALL APPLICABLE OPERATING & & REFLECTED CEILING PLAN MAINTENANCE MANUALS, WARRANTIES, SHOP DRAWINGS, & 1 FULL SIZE SET OF REPRODUCIBLE 15. ELECTRICAL: A-2 PLAN ENLARGEMENTS WALL TYPE AS-BUILT DRAWINGS- TO BE PROVIDED AS PART OF OR PRIOR TO SUBMISSION OF FINAL 15A. REFER TO DRAWINGS FOR LOCATION OF OUTLETS, TEL/DATA. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY WITH THE EXISTING S' DEFINITIONS APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT. CONDITIONS TO SEE IF ANY EXISTING ELECTRICAL ITEMS CAN BE RE-USED. SINCE NEW Y4" GWB LAYER IS SCHEDULES, & DETAILS ADDED TO EXISTING WALL - SOME EXISTING ELECTRICAL ITEMS WILL NEED TO BE RELOCATED FLUSH WITH 1. "OWNER", REFERS TO JAX FEDERAL CREDIT UNION NEW GWB SURFA7. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF STUD OR FACE OF CMU UNLESS SURFACE - - - - - - 2. "OWNER'S CONTRACTOR REFERS TO VENDOR EMPLOYED DIRECTLY BY OWNER. OTHERWISE. GC TO CONTACT ARCHITECT WHEN EXISTING DIMENSIONS VARY BY MORE THAN IT IS G.C. RESPONSIBILITY TO COORDINATE WORK'WITH OWNER'S CONTRACTOR. 4 FROM DIMENSIONS NOTED ON DRAWINGS. 15B.CONTRACTOR IS (REQUIRED TO PROVIDE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS IF REQUIRED FOR PERMITTING. CONTRACTOR "CONTRACTOR", "GC" REFERS TO THE SUCCESSFUL CONTRACTOR. 8. PROVIDE SOLID BLOCKING IN WALL WHERE REQUIRED, AND SPECIFICALLY WHERE WALL IS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE ELECTRICAL WORK AS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE CODES _ - - _ _ _ _ _ 3. "ARCHITECT" REFERS TO TN ARCHITECTS, INC. CABINETS, GRAB BARS, AND OTHER WALL MOUNTED ITEMS ARE SPECIFIED. � 4. "PROVIDE" REFERS TO SUPPLY AND INSTALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 15C.LIGHTING: CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY NEW & EXISTING FIXTURE VOLTAGE WITH BUILDING ELECTRICAL SERVICE 9. DOORS: PROVIDE INTERIOR SOLID WOOD CORE DOORS, 1-3/4" THICK, FLUSH TYPE. FOR COMPATABILIITY. REPLACE EXISTING LIGHTING AS SHOWN ON DRAWINGS. GENERAL NOTES 10. DOOR HARDWARE: PROVIDE NEW DOOR HARDWARE FOR NEW & EXIST. INTERIOR DOORS. LOCK SETS SHALL HAVE FUNCTIONS AS LISTED ON DOOR SCHEDULE. HINGES TO BE STANLEY, OR EQUIVALENT DESCRIPTION OF WORK: THE WORK IS AN INTERIOR BUILD-OUT PROJECT OF APPROX 1430 BY HAGER, LAWRENCE OR MCKINNEY (COMMERCIAL, HEAVY DUTY GRADE HINGES) PROVIDE BALL SF. SCOPE OF WORK INCLUDES, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DEMOLITION, WALLS, DOORS AND BEARING TYPE HINGES, 1Y2 PAIR, 4 %4�" FOR EACH DOOR W/ FINISH TO MATCH LOCK SET. FRAMES, MILLWORK, FINISHES, CEILING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL. CLOSERS (YALE 3500 SERIES). HARDWARE FINISH TO BE SATIN CHROME. ALL DOOR HARDWARE SHALL MEET ADA AND FLORIDA ACCESSIBILITY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. NO NEW HARDWARE FOR EXISTING EXTERIOR DOORS. 1. GC SHALL PERFORM ALL WORK IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES cc 11. FINISHES: REMOVE EXISTING FINISHES AND PROVIDE NEW FINISHES AS SCHEDULED. CONTRACTOR 2. GC SHALL PROCURE AND PAY FOR PERMITS, UTILITY CONNECTIONS, INSPECTIONS, TO PATCH, REPAIR, & APPROPRIATELY PREPARE EXIST. SUBSTRATES AS REQ'D FOR CLEAN, LICENSES, BONDS, INSURANCE, FURNISHING MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, LABOR, SMOOTH, & FLUSH APPLICATION OF NEW FINISHES. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE NEW FINISHES & W SUPERINTENDENT, TOOLS, MACFHINERY, EQUIPMENT, SCAFFOLD, HOIST, REPAIR EXIST. FINISHES TO CLEAN, SMOOTH, AND FLUSH CONDITIONS. INSTALL MATERIALS PER TRANSPORTATION, SERVICES AND INCIDENTALS NECESSARY TO SUCH PERFORMANCE. MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. UPON COMPLETION, ALL EQUIPMENT, FIXTURES AND DEVICES SHALL BE IN OPERATING 1 CONDITION WITH FINAL CONNECTIONS OF UTILITIES MADE THERETO, INSPECTED AND 11A. PAINTING - PROVIDE AS A MINIMUM NUMBER OF COATS SPECIFIED HERE IN. PROVIDE NUMBER OF APPROVED, BUILDING SHALL BE IN OPERATING CONDITION WHEN TURNED OVER TO THE COATS AS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE FULL COVERAGE. SEE FINISH SPECIFICATIONS FOR PAINT INFO. OWNER. 1. METAL: PROVIDE ALL-PURPOSE METAL PRIMER AND 2 COATS OF SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL CODE CRITERIA 3. GC SHALL FURNISH BONDS COVERING FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACT AND 2. GYPSUM WALLBOARD: PROVIDE PRIMER AND SEALER AND 2 COATS OF LATEX FINISH COAT _ PAYMENT OF THE OBLIGATIONS ARISING THEREUNDER. THE AMOUNT OF EACH BOND 3. WOOD DOORS, (TRIM, & FRAMES WHERE OCCUR): A. PAINTED DOORS- PROVIDE 1 COAT ALKYD AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT REGULATIONS (A.D.A.)TITLE III (28 � � SHALL BE EQUAL TO 100% OF THE CONTRACT SUM. ENAMEL UNDERCOAT AND 2 COATS OF SATIN ALKYD ENAMEL. B. STAINED DOORS- PROVIDE NEW CRF PART 36), LATEST EDITION 0 4. APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT TO GC SHALL BE MADE ON AIA DOCUMENT G702 AND SHALL BE STAIN (FACTORY FINISH) TO MATCH EXISTING. PROVIDE SUFFICIENT NUMBER OF COATINGS TO Gram � A 10% RETAINAGE SHALL APPLY TO THE GCS APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT. ACHIEVE UNIFORM APPEARANCE. IN ADDITION, PROVIDE TWO COATS OF SATIN CLEAR AMERICAN SOCIETY OF HEATING, REFRIGERATION AND AIR NOTARIZED. ' CONDITIONING ENGINEERS (ASHRAE) �► ■� THIS RETAINAGE WILL BE RETURNED TO THE GC AS PART OF THE FINAL PAYMENT AFTER POLYURETHANE COATING. PAINT DOOR FRAMES TO MATCH COLOR OF VINYL BASE. *ASHRAE HANDBOOK, LATEST EDITION. L = ALL THE PUNCH LIST ITEMS ARE COMPLETED. A PUNCH LIST IS A LIST OF DEFICIENCIES FOUND DURING THE WALK-THROUGH BETWEEN OWNER, ARCHITECT, AND GC. 11 B. CARPETING - EXISTING CARPET TO REMAIN. AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE (ANSI) .1.r *SPECIFICATIONS FOR BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES 5. CLEANING: MAINTAIN THE SITE IN A NEAT AND ORDERLY CONDITION AT ALL TIMES TO THE 11 C. VCT - SEE FINISH SPECIFICATIONS FOR VCT INFO PROVIDING ACCESSIBILITY AND USABILITY FOR PHYSICALLY "- APPROVAL OF THE OWNER. CONTRACTOR TO CLEAN UP THE SITE ON A DAILY BASIS AFTER HANDICAPPED PEOPLE ANSI A117.1-1986. CC i EACH DAY'S WORK. AT THE COMPLETION OF THE JOB, FINAL CLEANING SHALL BE 11 D. CEILING - PROVIDE NEW ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILES (ACT) IN EXISTING CEILING GRID TO REMAIN. ' I ALL THE DEBRIS CAUSED BY THE CONSTRUCTION BOTH INTERIOR AND SEE FINISH SPECIFICATIONS FOR ACT INFO. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY EXISTING CEILING HGT. W v PROVIDED. FLORIDA BUILDING CODE,2004. m .� EXTERIOR, SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE PREMISES. THE SPACE SHALL BE VACUUMED 11 E. ALL FURNITURE IS N.I.C. FLORIDA PLUMBING CODE, 2004. p N AND MOPPED READY FOR OCCUPATION. GC IS REQUIRED TO USE GC'S CLEANING EQUIPMENT 11 F. PAINT GWB ABOVE STOREFRONT P-1. FLORIDA MECHANICAL CODE,2004. = L v = AND SUPPLIES. FLORIDA FIRE CODE, 2004. m FLORIDA GAS CODE, 2004. 6. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO STARTING WORK. " �,��; - � CD > I H NT THAT DRAWINGS ARE DIFFERENT FROM THE EXISTING CONDITIONS IT IS THE 12. STOREFRONT GLAZING SYSTEM - PROVIDE Y CLEAR TEMPERED GLASS IN ALUMINUM FRAME N THE EVE ALUMINUM FRAME SHALL BE 1�"x4" BRONZE ANODIZED FINISH. � INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERS (IEEE). � r � GC RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD 'VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVE/PROVIDE I.. ev C3 ADDITIONAL ITEMS AS REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH DRAWINGS. INTERNATIONAL POWER CABLE ENGINEER'S ASSOCIATION (IPECA). MAY -11..i jQ Cc M Emma M Emma 6A. ALL BIDS SHALL BE ON THE ARCHITECTS BID FORM TO BE PROVIDED. NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (NFPA) *NFPA-10 (1994) PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS rY �v *NFPA-70 (1994) NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE � tl`-"`{ ' oWMW 20M rn NENEM *NFPA-72 (1993)STANDARD FOR THE INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE AND 7w tic.Um mrrsm oR oil USE OF LOCAL PROTECTIVE SIGNALING SYSTEMS,AUTOMATIC FIRE aECrRM MM IS M M OF SERVICE MID M PFAIR 'nr OF SYMBOL LEGEND DETECTORS, & INSTALLATION & USE OF CONTROL SIGNALING SYSTEMS. 71V�aanEcrs,rroor�aor a. ABBREVIATIONS *NFPA-80 (1992) FIRE DOORS AND WINDOWS R IS FM *NFPA-90A (1993) INSTALLATION OF AIR CONDITIONING &VENTILATING w WN OR ROMOMam wnMff SYSTEMS Tw 06few ww a PON$" ABB. DESCRIPTION ABB. DESCRIPTION ABB. DESCRIPTION ABB. DESCRIPTION *NFPA-90B (1993) INSTALLATION OF WARM AIR HEATING&AIR OF 7MCOIPW6PRaRM. NORTH N INDICATES DIRECTION TO NORTH CONDITIONING A.C.T. ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE EA. EACH JT. JOINT SHT SHEET ARROW *NFPA-101 (2001)LIFE SAFETY CODS DM BY: BE 01 *NFPA-220 (1992) FIRE DOORS AND WINDOWS ADI. ADJUSTABLE E.W.C. ELECTRIC WATER COOLER LAM. LAMINATE SIM. SIMILAR *NFPA-241 (1993)STANDARD FOR SAFEGUARDING BUILDING CHEM BY: CPN NAME APPROVED OONIMISSION NO• 0614 A.F.F. ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR EL. ELEVATION LAV. LAVATORY S.O. SLAB OPENING ROOM NUMBER INDICATES ROOM CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATIONS CITY Or LH,v ncj ;;EACH 101 NFPA-251 (1990)METHODS OF FIRE TEST OF DOOR ASSEMBLIES gUjtDING OFFICE DATE(M Q At C-AX-06 A.H.U. AIR HANDLING UNIT EQ. EQUAL M.O. MASONRY OPENING STL. STEEL NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION 99 (1993) SCALE: AS NOTED ALT. ALTERNATE EXP. JT. EXPANSION JOINT MATL MATERIAL T&G TONGUE AND GROOVE NFPA-13, 2000 REV. (STANDARD FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS). ALUM. ALUMINUM EXT EXTERIOR MAX. MAXIMUM TYP. TYPICAL NFPA-14, 2000 REV. (STANDPIPE AND HOSE SYSTEMS). DIRECTION OF SECTION NFPA-20, 2000 REV. (CENTRIFUGAL FIRE PUMPS). C.J. CONTROL JOINT FIN. CLG FINISH CEILING MECH. MECHANICAL U.N.O. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE SECTIONV NUMBER OF SECTION NFPA-90A, 2000 REV. (STANDARD FOR AIR CONDITIONING AND CLG CEILING FIN. FLIT FINISH FLOOR MTL METAL V.C.T. VINYL COMPOSITION TILE SHEET WHERE SECTION IS LOCATED VENTILATING SYSTEMS) CONC. CONCRETE F.E.C. FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINET MIN. MINIMUM VERT. VERTICAL NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURER'S ASSOCIATION (NEMA). Cover sheet CONT CONTINUOUS GALV. GALVANIZED N.I.C. NOT IN CONTRACT V.W.C. VINYL WALL COVERING NATIONAL ELECTRICAL SAFETY CODE (NBS HANDBOOK 81) NEW DOOR REQUIREMENTS OF LOCAL POWER CORPORATION. CPT CARPET GA. GAUGE N.T.S. NOT TO SCALE ��4_DOOR NUMBER SHEET METAL AND AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS NATIONAL C.T. CERAMIC TILE GWB GYPSUM BOARD N0. NUMBER ASSOCIATION, INC. (SMACNA) C.M.U. CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT G.C. GENERAL CONTRACTOR O.C. ON CENTER *FIRE, SMOKE AND RADIATION DAMPER GUIDE, 1986 EDITION. DED. DEDICATED HGT HEIGHT P.L. PLASTIC LAMINATE UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES, INC. (U.L.) M, PRESSURE TREATED DIRECTION OF ELEVATION *FIRE RESISTANCE DIRECTORY, 1991 EDITION. DIA. DIAMETER H.M. HOLLOW METAL P.T. ELEVATION 4 NUMBER OF INT. ELEVATION *BUILDING MATERIALS DIRECTORY, 1990 EDITION. DRS. DOORS INSUL» INSULATION READ. REQUIRED � SHEET WHERE INT. ELEVATION IS LOCATED OPENING NOTE: WHERE DISCREPANCIES EXIST BETWEEN CODES,THE MOST DWG DRAWING JAN. JANITOR R.O. ROUGH ORESTRICTIVE CODE SHALL GOVERN. Seal ttv architects,. inc. 115 EAST FORSYTH STREET JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32202 T 904.798.8333 F 904,798,8335 www.ttyarch.com FL Lic#AA0002609 REMOVE EXIST. REMOVE EXIST. WING WALL WING WALL 40 4F— COMM r7A MANAGER MA ER WAITING INV u 102 wI Fit 0 0 0 0 ..... ...... ... 00 .. ............. ..... ±14 le-7 • J* 10 9_00 9-40 6 2 60 P7 77 77 7=77-777,J11 17777�77 w3 17 �17 7 ...... . ... ..... . . . ..... . . . ..... ..... OUTLETS 0 48m A.F.F. ..... ..... ..... ..... 0 _0 0 4 7B . ..... ..... .... ..... ...... ... ..... ...... .... ... ...... ...... CUBICLE C E Cm OUTLETS 0 --------- 1 10 48w A.F.F. 0 0 Lj ..... ----- ...... ..... ...... ..... .... .... .... .. ...... Ld r 0 0 1030 010 10 --ELL: R LOBBY ace LU 313Y TELLER El �:4:] . 0 do OUTLETS 0 48" A.F.F. 59--0* UUBIUL CUBICLE .. ...... ..... ..... ... 0 0 .. ..... ...... ..... ... Z) ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... .... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ...... Z4 4!-4* C0 FE0 0 . 0 FEO 0 0 ; . ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ... ..... ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... I.,. ...... ...% ...... .... .. ......... cc .... ...... ...... .... .......... ... ... SAFE 1006A SAFE HALLWAY HA�LLWAY 106 t- 0 fd6j ..... ..... NEW 30 x7o C.O. NEW 3o xr C.O.. 7 777731 .... ...... No FEO 0 ..... ...... ..... a ... ..... ...... P. PnnkA cc ..... ...... ADA RESTR 51Z '00 11081 11" 1 W81 rl -H BREAKROOM VIBPJ�EAKROC, I .. ..... 11071 El (D7 ...... ...... ...... no 0 0 REMOVE EXIST. REMOVE EXIST. COUNTER & CABINETS COUNTER & CABINETS OO =9 .�.� o NEW SINK a 0 NEW SINK, EXIST 0 6 L W_ 0 EXIST = '� EXISTING COUNTER & EXISTING COUNTER & CABINET TO REMAIN RESTROOM CABINET TO REMAIN ELECT REST M ELECT ra PANEL PANEL LQ Cj cc P 109L 1.0 an w E mc L 0 CL) m G; no a) = EXISTING FAN TO REMAIN CL) m 0 ■ cc mom M N cwml M nv momm. IM WAM.UM PIRMIA OR ON LFE SAFETY PLAN FLOOR PLAN 3REFLECTED CE�VG PLAN aww4w mmk m m Nsn"m OF SOM AM M PROPERTY OF 1 1/4"=1'-0" 2 1/4"=1'_p" 1/4»_1._p" M ARCHRIM WCOMM70. ff IS RMMM MR COMW MWMW PUWM MLY,NO AW M FaM OR FEROMMIM WMW 7W MOM WffM PE OF IM COWAW IS PROM W. FLOOR PLAN LEGEND REFLECTED CEILING Pj,6N NOTES W.&M 01f.. BE WALL TO BE REMOVED $ NEW SWITCH 0 480 A.F.F. UNO CHMO fff: CPN SUMMARY OF CODE ANALYSIS: EXIST. WALL W/ NEW Y4'p CNI11116" W. 0614 GWB LAYER OR ONE SIDE DKE !Z CM"M-.W6 BUILDING INFORMM: PLUMBING FMMIRE COU LEGEND — LIFE AND NEW WALL — SEE SHEET 0 NEW 2X4 LAY—IN FIXMRE SCALE: AS NOTED A-3 FOR WALL TYPES 1. FLORIDA BUILDING CODE TOTAL NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS:* 14 .. .... A. TRAVEL DISTANCE BUSKSS OCCUPANCY I FURNITURE N.I.C. UNISEX 2WCC,jPROAMy 2 LAY (PRMM) B. 1,427 GSF TOTAL/100 14 PERSONS I I NEW I DW, I NEW NUMBER OF PERSONS ...... —BY OWNER NEW 2X2 WAC DIFUSER C. NOT USED 1WC (REWD) I LAY (REWD) EXITM THRU AN V PHONE JACK 0 48" A.F.F. UNO life safety D.2 EXITS TOTAL — 7 PERSONS/WT DRINKING I WATER DISPENSER (OWNER PROVIDED) OPENING E.TYPE V CONSTKXTION, UNSPRINKLERED FOUNTAIN I REWD OFE IM EXTINGUISHER CANISTER— MOUNT 0 48* AFF TO k TEL/DATA OUTLET o 112m A.F.F. UNO plan & F. IWX AM ASE EGRESS PROVIDED CTR OF CANIISTM IF NOT %M ON DRAWINGS, PLACE NEW 2X2 WAC RETURN G. DEAD END CORRIDOR: 12'-10' (ALLOWED: 201 E)MNGUISHERS SO THAT TRAVEL DISTANCE TO MY z7rs QUAD OUTLET 0 12" A.F.F. UNO floor plan H.MAX. TRAVEL DISTANCE: 5er (200' ALLOWED EXTINGUISHER SHALL NOT EXCEED 75'—V FROM MY AREA OF THE BUILDING. VERIFY LOCATION WITH ARCHITECT BEFORE INSTALLATION. NEW EMERGENCY LIGHTING EXISTING EXIT LIGHT -v E TO REMAIN WVA N\14V L 1061 Zt 'T� 14> NOTE- EXISTING CEILING GRID TO REMAIN Seal FF— TOILET ROOM ACCESSORIES BOTTOM OF FLOOR OR ROOF STRUCTURE PROVIDE ACCESSORIES FROM BRADLEY OR APPROVED EQUAL: ttv architects, inc. SEALED CONCRETE 115 EAST FORSYrH STREET JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32202 A 42" L GRAB BAR: MOUNTED 33"-36" TO FIN.FLR.—BRADLEY #812 STANDARD FINISH T 904.796.8333 O VINYL TILE REDUCER F 904.796.6335 www.ttvarch.com B VCT FLLic#AA0002609 36" L GRAB BAR: MOUNTED 33"-36" TO FIN.FLR.—BRADLEY #812 STANDARD FINISH I� COMPRESSIBLE QC 18"Wx24"H FRAMED MIRROR: 40" MAX. TO BOTTOM OF MIRROR— 108 GASKET a g R F SUSPENDED CLG. BRADLEY #780 Z —AS SCHED. CODA rs " i D PAPER TOWEL DISPENSER: MOUNTED 48 TO PAPER— BRADLEY #252 ,� CARPET O MET - 6 AL CASING I r H C U.S.G. NO. 200B VINYL EDGE TRIM E TOILET TISSUE DISPENSERS—BRADLEY #5234 H 0O E MOUNT CENTER OF ROLL PAPER MIN. 19" TO FIN.FLR. VCT a I ���••�•••• �`� A NEW SOUND INSULATION :: c� B � o 9 r, sem. •. •o p a,, _ .•e, •*, NEW 4 GW � F FULL HT. BETWEEN = Y" ` ,, ' r•_ a : ' •o° .• '•a,p.-e e; � . • F WASTE RECEPTACLE—BRADLEY #357 STUDS, TYP. ON EXIST. y a � Q : : : :a« PROMDE LAVATORY J WHERE OCCUR a V r�. WHERE INDICATED ON 2'-7m " PLUMBING DRAWINGS d RECESSED • NEW 4 GWB VCT OR CARPET TOP OF OPENING BRABLEY f4rixiocil 415 " ON EXIST. REPLACE EXIST ACCESSORIES W/ 1/2' GWB ZS 7'-1" CLEAR MIN NEW. NO OTHER MODIFICATIONS MARBLE THRESHOLD 1j ( ,• • ,. . • H SOAP DISPENSER— MOUNTED 40" MAX. TO BOTTOM OF UNIT—BRADLEY #6562 SEE PLAN FOR ACTUAL SIZE TO OCCUR IN EAST RESTROOM 3 5//8" METAL STUDS EXIST. W� o fe O.C. TO REMAIN CT FINISH FLOOR dt FINISH FLOOR do BASE-AS SCHED. V p•• a O+ .O . O .. a O «, 'R « BASE-AS SCHED. r �q.. a ,.� «4•. a•a•Qf. . NEW RESTROOM PLAN EXIST RESTROOM PLAN ,r � ai •A •p. � O'M, 1/400=i$-OleADA COMPUANT 1/4 16=19-on T WALL TYPE 1 WALL TYPE 2 FLOOR TRANSITION DETALS 3NTS4 NTS NOTE= MOUNTING HEIGHTS ARE FOR HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE FIXTURES ONLY. FOR STANDARD MOUNTING HEIGHTS, USE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS WINDOW FILM NOTES 6' 3'-0' '-0' 3'-6' 4 5/8' 4 5/8'TOWEL SANITARY NAPKIN- 1. WINDOW FILM TO BE APPLIED ON THE INTERIOR SIDE OF EXTERIOR WINDOWS, TOILET TISSUE DISPENSER TAMPON VENDOR 0 1/2' 3 5/8' 1/2' - - - - - - - i/2 3 5/8 1/2 INTERIOR SIDE OF OFFICES OF INTERIOR SANITARY WINDOWS. DISPENSER CONTROLS TOWEL BAR NAPKIN 30'X36' TOILET COVER DISPOSAL G.B. - 2. WINDOW FILM TO BE "LLUMAR", NRMP2 _ _ _ _ _ G.B. G.B. DISPENSER oo WHITE FROST, OR EQUAL. CONTACT BOB - - L4 , ,I GWB AS SCHED. GWB AS SCHED. ROBERT'S AT ALL SPEC SUN CONTROL a� PRODUCTS, JACKSONVILLE. TEL 0 0 0 % SOUND ISOLATION N 904.725.5337 SOUND ISOLATION I` I` I` r�i %o BATTS WHERE BATTS WHERE 3. PROVIDE 5 YEAR WARRANTY. %I n•I 1 I N I .♦ -- eti ! INDICATED ON PARTITION TYPES INDICATED ON �` . 3'-0' PARTITION TYPES 1/4" TEMPERED TOILET ROOM ACCESSORIES SHOWER GLASS IN CLEAR ANODIZED ALUM. FLUSH WD. DOOR, MIN. ACCESSIBLE TOILET FACILITIES METAL STUDS FRAMING METAL STUDS FRAME TYP. TYP.-SEE SCHED. FRAMING 5'-4" 3'-4" 2'-8" 3'-4" 17'-18' PULL SIDE PUSH SIDE CONT. 2x4 -----, 12' MIN. IF DOOR 1x4 WD. TRIM BLOCKINGGWB.1 X 4 WOOD CONT. 2x4 GWB. S G3 T MIN. HAS-A CLOSER i, � TRIM BLOCKING A-2 MIN• LAV. DEPTHcc � I —��\ 18• M I I I ( r N MULLION \`� MINI i i = WOOD DOOR N U in " ih z "i a =a I I I y FRAME _ . X (L W I I I H o0 *r • M y N N DOOR X Z 2 y I N Q s / co WALL a / DOOR I / y � EDGE y z U � � a z URINAL 8 MIN. 8 MIN. MANEUVERING CLEARANCE �� 4 5/8' 0 4 5/8' v 6 MAX. 6 MAX. ........................ ............................. AT DOORS FRAME WIDTA FRAME WIDT LAVATORY CLEARANCE DRINKING FOUNTAIN -SHADED SHADED AREA DENOTES WINDOW FILM B bon NOTES DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE AS PER THE Z i FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2004 WR DHEADER TYP. DOOR JAMBSTOREFRONT ELEVATIONS o 1 5 3"=1'-0" 3"=1'-0" 7 1 4"=1'-0" 111111fto V = W � i as ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE DOOR SCHEDULE o aD r= OPENING DOOR DETAIL HDW _ WALLS CEILING Number Frame Material LABEL SET REMARKS 1 4" CLEAR TEMPERED GLASS I CAULK � 0 y FLOOR ROOM NO TOP RIGHT BOTTOM LEFT Remarks WD HGT THK TYPE MATL LEAF # HEADI JAMB SILL / ALUMINUM FRAME "J" BEAD 1/4" C i NO PAINTABLE CLEAR TEMPERED GLASS IN y■r MAT. FIN. BASE MAT. FIN. MAT. FIN. MAT. FIN. MAT. FIN. MAT. FIN. HGT 1o2A 3-0 6-8 1 3 4 ALUM. B WD NA s A-2 8 A-2 4 A-2 -- 3 -- ALUMINUM FRAME iCc 101 CONC. EXIST. BI-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 -- ACT ? -- 102B 3'-0" 6'-8" 1 3/4' ALUM. B WD NA 8/A-2 8 A-2 4 A-2 -- 3 -- 4" v 102 CONC. EXIST. B-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 -- ACT 9'-0" -- 105 3-0 6-8 1 3 4 WD. A WD NA 5 A-2 6 A-2 4 A-2 -- 2 -- C y 103 CONC. EXIST. B-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 -- ACT 9'-0" -- 106A 3'-0 6 78 1 3 4 WD. A WD NA 5A-2 6/A-2 4 A-2 -- 4 -- NEW WOOD DOOR _ 104 CONC. EXIST. B-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 -- ACT ? -- 1068 3-0 6-8 1 3 4 WD. A WD NA 5 A-2 6 A-2 4 A-2 -- 4 -- '� 105 CONC. EXIST. B-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 -- ACT 9 —0 -- 108 3-0 6-8 1 3 4 WD. A WD NA 5 A-2 6 A-2 4 A-2 -- 1 -- iu 5/8" GWB 106 CONC. EXIST. B-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 I ACT 9 —0 -- BOTH SIDES 107 CONC. EXIST. B-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P- I ACT 9'-0" -- 108 CONC. VCT-1 B-1 I GWB I P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 I ACT 9r_-_O -- HARDWARE SETS 109 CONC. VCT-1 B-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 GWB P-1 -- ACT 9 -0 -- DOOR TYPES .,.•. rn" �a " 7W OR#NK OFFER PWSK',AL OR ON SET 1 - INTERIOR SINGLE DOOR, PRIVACY LOCK SET 2 - INTERIOR SINGLE DOOR!, STOREROOM LOCK 44 CAULK 1 " STOREFRONT MM I PF4PM OF FINISH SPECIFICATIONS EACH DOOR TO HAVE: EACH DOOR TO HAVE: MULLION, TYP. ,�, rn CM NOWM70, HEAD/JAMB R IS ROOD FM MW 1 1/2" PR. BUTTS 1 1/2" PR. BUTTSo\\ DOOR HEAD JAMB oowie f Rem ONLY,MD MY usE,REUSE OR MPMMWFM W nauf 1 PRIVACY SET 1 LOCKSET \ ,,E „won ,, PAINT , 1 MOP PLATE 1 STOP FLUSH FLUSH OF 7M 00A~IS`ROHM' P-1 SHERWIN WILUAMS INTERIOR LATEX IN SATIN FINISH #SW6120 "BELIEVABLE BUFF" 1 STOP 3 SILENCERS WD. WD. STOREFRONT DETAILS 3 SILENCERS DOOR DOOR DDM BY: 1 CLOSER 3"=1'-0" ciacm BY: rn YDI VCT-1 ARMSTRONG STANDARD EXCELON IMPERIAL TEXTURE #51932 "LUNAR BLUE" 12"x12"x1/8" SET 3 — INTERIOR SINGLE DOOR, OFFICE LOCK SET 4 — INTERIOR SINGLE DOOR, COMBINATION LOCK DAM N0' DATE d�X.795 EACH DOOR TO HAVE: EACH DOOR TO HAVE: SCALE: AS NOTED 1 1/2" PR. BUTTS 1 1/2* PR. BUTTS A GLAZING ONTe VINYL BASE 1 OFFICE LOCKSET 1 COMBINATION LOCKSET B-1 JOHNSONITE 4" VINYL BASE 1/8", COLOR 63-BURNT UMBER 1 STOP 1 STOP 3 SILENCERS 3 SILENCERS INTERIOR DOOR INTERIOR DOOR Int. elevs. 1 CLOSER IN STOREFRONT ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE schedules ACT: USG INTERIORS ECLIPSE, 2' X 2' TEGULAR EDGE enlargements & wall types Seal `.BY Iu5 H m F-' U as J n v V hi Y:vpq� I r — Q M rrernnl � �� �� .plwxArvo InzCc '�, O U O ExAa eAv T _ __,\I� IErrwlrn'>+I �' - ul:Imr-_r II MAiFR 0.0ffi TOII_.ET PIXTUR�9 TOII_CT PIXTUR�B �1 COUNTCR BT-ANOARO MOUNTNO HCIOr-!TB TYrICAL M.C. MOUNT O ME101-1"I�B - U 11}MA SOMI 5b1F)/f=1=0' SfuE 1/3'=I'-P SCAIL 1/Y-I'-p Z H NOTES O Z Ill TXEI AL1ES U A4 FlhY9El MJ MSINll➢61 M OMTA j Q Q N1 XNd W M1 AW A[Y£S`LAY YWNPIG 1 TS TO lTL O H N A[N9MYE Yq!IIF RWA AA14 IM MlO Z L r O Wa Z � . Q C Z 0 k Q o QZ uam romvmr ,••' O -------------------------------------------------------- F /IO IrA511 OJ[a IF16 by/i O V Q YRN ir 7 (vp\CJI mas sno wz -nlwpE-- W am oma -______ mM rmxls nuwlms .�. oas ra _ CORRIDOR WVAMNcxi m0 crrs me mm aom IIOYdN I v) ( pl LLLJIIJN'�x lrinLn) u0 rwx ••• ••, v'46 Ian �M MZ YLL nHL 9[ 'Sages I „ a�I O 1.. -- P—om mr \ u�M larUlLll if am n lust R�C„,��y FmiM Ir.4Mf.P, ---------- Dreica !r raa nw C � GIFICd Rf I-t X !f OPMpPov Eo Z PP p`NIPC EfKN DINING I rrmaPv rauvY � O a�Ammsv oMm wrtls!.'0 DINING r — aOY ma AOm , FEB OBS � F n)s/f rcsa swt swsYmrma � � tlV1S ,I�/'• Q Ar If 4G R1II(48. 9YIO f/p 4(IPW t ML OA9m Wl31A F1E14 Ica aAK.M x011 !f rf z nnlms.x)sn'r6c'E sws AS a•ac ml �J I/r said ura ua sa lmE¢ov0�m® lL (JJ GENERAL NOTES a rm¢Imtu[emiul clam eaY MrO lupe �b O•Is / f I-mq,[oma Amxwi alws a ISAUF 91sA2 grlm rfn!l501r Imrt I¢ui P Mrlc fP F z raEs rAmn wean Am uxE maga nwlmrM PArr mar �e�rN',;.� :�, i �,:1 REV140N5 >,9C.E rnsa aunt ar nom xlar)m asoma �r oJ- 1 'rl- I orsmrol onrz ♦ Au ;An.PE rrA RNNBH [iCHEOULE FEDI,• /I t sit¢maul x-I$ s ram ms avuromw uv nom BASE Yrs nuc neon � m Ytt wca Yca .sura r rpq(r�p]aKiq XL N[r YLl MCL rp lflWl Yura E 1�•'-'AR--a SHEET SJ i OCMOLITION RlNOVATION i?95 R rLAN 14008 rLAN Yl1E III'=14f !V1L Ile+1'-a• slur_a_ DATE: I FEB 95 - �� L`•EiFri4. i i i I � I � I I I - 100 CFn .940 t �! I C a /1 Ff2 911 - 949 2WRY i - � 1 `3h TaN A.C.UNf7Y -'.11-7ry 1 - - 13 H z lTxif iwnr - .600 CFH EACH - . v / .0�. fil Fd/n < J,t . _ 1 I - __ I r 'V n I j to � I 1 77 ri 10 C 1 _ F .-_-_ V I(d �9/, = J -_- lf I , I t L 1 I , ' 1 - I Ale COWUITIONIWG VE,JTIL TM" roe xo GAPRLCIQRE$TAUQAWT AfLAMTILL 6E CEN ER-. ' TLAYTIC GYW bM1�4p ' lacer ae. - CHARLES W. J04MSOM of— !o sat'ebR �l (a LA•L0. Muy I w I � _ 'I ANA ytL rye(ta �aNrth%.J / 4tL 'Ha ' yL o ed (, nJK \1•dJ L I 1 - IL J. VA G I � J� Ihv IrA•G ��f(4P, I T..,1 If I� \I LJtt f�+l :r'+tR. LJ '. ✓1 J } l Vi1'cw I —.�--/I�Wc�l. A614kRi 1 / 11 ry ' I. I jl-� / Wc- Loo I / IYtA; Mtiui IL 1'!1•G -�1"4Lc �-. u -'i+---r P -Il ola•kutiltR -T- f-._ ._- - TI :TA - u__� L _ f° I/a•G - vcd _ - -1 I L I � r � yl K r 4 LOW MJK vtN Ilt"Ilw Icw I I I c I I etaP-IJ wm6 I I r I 'ro0A bf^ftry / L__ f - —� yA'&W- r 1, ' I 14•AR'' i I I I - a•LAGdVoaf '•.�'L� 1�d. Vis•SIR - h 04411!'. I 4+- ON. 1 L�f�-=fir. yf" li - �e i •n�K L-v vf� % .�slh1!i s W4L1 wAt c 4PAM 1AOLL ti• Lace vt4° � � -. -. [.j _. - .i I i =.. �. 1• Ye � � � b1.IK ��k"vt�aoveVLaW It L j i 1 1C 1-S° l\V. l 4� 1� hl Ad fR ''• 1° Jdp %AIN L _ ! 1� K 4. cAJ WA•KI. —._I i - 3• i WL rR 0" GRF:Aae JAAP PP J 1" ., y LJC j�atwCR. 1lortl � p ' rytY p�.J761JG RIhGR FoA -Vh^r pW.bl G L1Nt i vcJ{ �}"' Nlit•+. U vt-R1fY ALL /� jbNANj'4 e4J1PHLNf ,ul'IV�I�� R�heR I Co f _ r l\ nJPeL1oR wpoRe poJRIN "AAA Lumpl CC' PLP4 PJh�R ,Ti L.w.f, ALL a1.1Kro. JOBNO. LA RIGGIO Q,WA RA NT L &r E ' Ati iw DyAc MA auo• sRE4r Ro. CHARLES N. JOHNSON A c�� ARCHITECT ."f+ _ C! q ID"4:I.K0111K.WIt 11> LYARY/.ME-ARRA ilhir a �a+v 79 I I v I fu ujf�RffctzE __ ` .-_ \ -(Ro R f�si •Ria x I Nj 1t L �1 II.- )� _ �-AL� Ili T AI _ LfJaJiAwAAi� jr 1 i 12 ♦ / l rot-e-GAtt aP _ _—_ __. �.: - �- I / ftoasc•... pz911 M n q4 - • ' a ' . 16 ' J ' � .� ii L N — -_.• —_.� %( I ! A � 1 ' _� ('lt I I I I ( r1 i i I I I l _JI i6>`yhz. A fra RtA (IG cul cWo(T Wea .�I. 1/f w47{tln A Y GFfnR. A'.i 1 ---- __-� IvTlf_ a�eaes'6Lci io tali d mtJ _T L '.a tog tdJ. f�JRR MM�aW �- fW/`>�b�r) b L. I.ALL Ja w-.J aImJJ f Pry Ob t RJ16Jiry r�r iJE TMA•11. Al` ROJ4a•Irk 1 _.���{§/�� So W R,1Jbow Jf rAeovt p;.lU' M1a-nc T- ri JJLer> JOfty ofJ6Rx.4t oz. puwa. ALL ' c JJcal.aJb 12 JUT ALL erAft � LOcALcvvt'. i I 1 ALLY vMLJe.OJe KU a � pRoM p.AlaRty WALL'+ � I I h AALL 'J' Do ARI To cG RaJ6Jty-.4 I IJIJ� i f IOM h41'.IGP pLoaR to Nafloi of Dog. �v-I ET- I- __— bLt< 1 I � J II I I r Etl.tMJrt 01xF Rcxsl.ulcG IJSavi• � � - : YAt[n mm2W/ N W s rl!v. [c 115-6o-1 (Light a nu.«) Ot.lJAry 1.1 Y.sj.KC t >/ A <p.Rtx m WG 115-6L-1. U5 hy. .. cAULo4 ' t =,AA,1Y.'N Elt-IIO-bo). 156>.bL.u..,n] 115.10.1. 5/lip. W/les •4fGe`j. tAaJL - I; 71 s On tatsxeAs us-60-t - G' •q••tY( V 10 pLCtl WAAEA Ils•Wt. 1/3 np.•E.6 bp• - It n41 TNrl ILFM-1. All"! EVLi GTKIGAI. P1,Al\ • lx wal';tbn tls 60-1. L l! 5.1:w. I. F la Ktl LNp5 115 66-1. giA v.0 e.eM1 60-1. 1n hp sue.Ya. . e /'• R�j�//�/ 1 I[ nlm Its 60-1. 1/J hp Vl es xAEp,.. 115 60-1. k hp. 15.5/r-p• GQJAIb AeoOpltlS (aR ALL f.><f,LRw .IOee.D 21 I=".m tti 60-1, S hp. is.`pe w NOM.ifAL Ar(RavAL DY ARcdgtw1 _ GA�IGGIO IC$hgA AtJ* ✓Y j Ll w QT.NttIA 230-60-3. 1 nV ��} ��� R.pY— -- ADOV f.ellh p aOR xi axSNpRI IOn.6D-1.1 AF. v..n. a h. .ln... 15.YV. Awi rwn l' K.1 1LLA(I& WIYIVA v(.c.— vOw YRoM ctdlJrs �;: a A+onu S.Ana tls-ao-1 ,i: Ii fON{15501 its-60-1, i nv - - L p4`n•9 ,, as txltl6ldSOf ns-60-1. 115 .. t �. .{n0 ungl[g xA(.lpgp.5p5R6EA lltss-60.Lt. v1/6)hp ss vzsasn ulsw- s nv. z.o hv12.1 rA• - _ (f ) CHARLES X. JOXNSONA.of Axcnrtcct s ' ,...a.:�., _:-...._-._. __ _. -.-... .- _._. ,2,. .....:-._ .._..__. ,...,._.-. --., .,-_..,-. ..-_____tet r � .�.,»�....-..,--=":.: ,�.,,. •o.A.-'""-^-.a...-- _. �_ . __. ,-._-__ _ -.:_- ...-.�..,. CL ,rinn'r z. am:5n.ln rl,mDmn s. trm m. u[<n<.[e•1p.r:[. Ir L:a<w.. br 2mnnq 4'en[Ile[fu aY•lm �e�..<(Kltenm beW DY Tmant) ' 5. C«c.e leap. IIrIL I. K<[apl acle. end 114D<lo6 faac<nt �uyM1.m oil) !e[ fen.6 1(Kke. In ' fu.nl.u.A 61 Tonmt) b ea•., and w,.nd u . . w....e.nau- A ��a ..�tn u[<n........ li�. All u. mmK r•:uttw. e.e e.«a.. 1). .[t:.I [ua«tunK. 1' .c• 1.: . .:.1rc. .r.rm. Il. plxe fiLt LAf Stoee[van[1md st[w.l le tapl<t.. - .., Alialnw lamt [ar rtrdm., m! [fiend ela.. wn N.<t+fe<d.b.c trpe r 2Y 4 YJD atRLIJG -<Iaa<m wua m.renew uAm. .e mm. a I.H.ur br T-..t. s.PAdlsd >_ AIrr.mnrlr<me x<=n[e rcmwvn.«urnnnnr.t.b<y ar.m.1m..<.,)nry.'..• Eri..ew.u.. i[ELAADA6H ftb'1tW6OtOLiDieDtKrl \ I 4'uJ{ nr{NRHlg by aJiL Jf RLeJL'.HOGN 0 1'4 /a'I lyhE w,V LehTt eATtROR { L 2.4 W. TK Jhh 'A'yw.'Rl WALL aD _ - p!.2•6 ..<- 14�.; 6K. o iDW L, T(i-CAYP -y o P / w14"22 AI We bLocklJb r71L L�iJ cv,••) �' _ - OtcoRAQat >m btAM LJ( - - fRorT RM 41,DAR dYb DKAM f(' iz18 v1�9/b' AJuIOR {ol cid'&LK. OLOCKId[, - -__.ti - - I telje C 4b• aL. - b104K fILLrD _I O W/Logi. W/2 S R, ' - ! t, ttxf&LOCA H{Jr<o of fI - coJc. bLoWL, I I = s avwL[4,dv a ryib' - EW. WALL 6Dall s / _ Q J-i OwN I r o !,I VO nor D i 0 h AIdtO GLAhh Ah i - tj ! - i I, �� � it I h�LtLTaD bj TedArIT � I '�cAJLfudv. I _ I � �'. I cAJLKHJ& c �I t- _ ---ArlAua,IPA �wWa 00049 lItzh ove f /i° nARb6t hll r'l� AdAca1M cLonJFa P I r AJI.<OJDA hAHJ i� 1 p0�49 j I: Y yita�4 I N 3 hlJt 4 L DtTAdL. S �I� T' heT. —� co.l� hell t.yY4�� 115D GYj. wALL b0. OrJ I ;'IL J 1LL- III- > IL- Q IL° PT ai .Ftp fcllewD rpj,+ `w a, T woo0 vRPJJD - I FI.J. rLoolC veAlh( A,TA tv &L.A." d hAhj - W/ARcdljeGT. R��� ��� iorJ 2 �r;r✓Tiorl �I�L D��,iL - A•L wA�l. ,he�TiorJ hs• o I .p. SIT—., ,.o •2 9/ a P-o' JAtTb Z JCAD hIMILAR "NC, GA RIGc 10 RE LIRAN LA IG VI A& G N E:, ' - AckHo vlllc r1oRIDA , ES N. JOHNSON A•2 c�J CHARLES ,..<.� ah um u,,.IwK•x.utn„n <14R..,KRil9.1n mmmii r,- - „4 _ . -. A"Cork ryLAL W/Erb � - C. •O/roWH�i 1 A A VI � wAtGv�vr qt FILL, ml edMrAt!ev ll. -41r - 172 . —.--� iaL PAD eap.d.ta p! Dio..iC S _i .:;.� b AD' 4'ryiFk rock. i 04 DOW I,Ll, 1�1' oc _ hLID ett ,kcQOJ I o ry'p II G ltff + _ { (- -,� _ _- a W/�2 •9 Da ryS t:}^�, � dolt'. ( A.c" � � I 5 r4b+'Iyq. hly tL v a De♦I,MID FL h tUl w - - -- - L, •.. /'-. Ni. - � I Ah ethlA R1Jt i _ N.rI GOO R �O�J-I�pp�LrJ_ T T i �ir�rrT...__rr*rt t r r r n �, r v ,�yr,aLLl Ov N ALL i1r a i (rode .1" GALV • 4Aly L `�D' rtR.w�l I. -:_-- 0 t.7w _ I f • _-:. .. I � ' .b �. pvni ri" wlec M. ac -�� l mtq �iOtlTl� II�TtRIOR eLeVA�ION Of DI JItJG RcemOf�I�R tLEV r71r�11 Ao 4 o• yr,o. L e o �� 2•,w.^� ! 4YMJ._WALL p�AaO _.) r. Ig10/DOd yP+k•d l to, Y —L r 2tr4•n Ys' ' __. - A'. I -____—_ '� 4'• pt,k— L- � 4' MD%4 vAlr[ MJ ®.14• WnfL Ark Wall -{.— _ J 14 D• _�1 'I'•6• f 4;-1 Sb dl G'.i• eAhf ltJ tRIOR eLeVA lonl O Kfr- i10 AREA ° r,�Elrn; , err Awr a dT l I `p sLl. ase I i T P P� _ om. ! \ 4 �— $ - '-yam, ' d �_�` l� ,�d a'�i� Y-a•� fl'�g'__e'3"�•Oiri N d I 7 °j' t z '�� � I I r tr.•abJ � � � .__ I _. - - Di t'�L}•--�N(Na�CLOV-1111 ' -- _ `— wheD 5idko owr�e( °Y r �* nI prJIRJy ROotry t.l '� + d i itriduD IjF 1 kl IN 47 �0, �e5.0• I�o°) IO• 9''0• 9•'Sb,° 5O' I b° b' O• neanov EDIT- At 3 F.93y I � LdN a'. I 5 I ; aDVtaeD hlmd � 9 � ALL Awrl,eWe D1 owrlkR � _- '�. --__ � ,}2),L• —_ ._-1 I�LQNz—1 J0°MD VILWo RA,hfD eTrlcco M40 LEL A i - Cnj CHARLES N. JOHNSON ,...f '.1 mc.nECT .FRor I`_LEvI_ '. __.. - .. : . -... _.....: .�,.,c -....._._-,..-..._..,.�.,,.mc,.�..,_:�..-.., �. -._.-.mo ,��..+,m.«1,_.tE...w�,.," .' .': .n':..�trrtns"e,�+sk'sa�ir�=ee�.n�s .P rrer4.vr �.�,:__._.s...-32,.e4:i--.:ss.7.-•-.i:=w-mow+ .• ,e - I I CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA BUILDING PLANS LEGAL j L .Qp Iri t-r alp ADDRESS %1 i %ILM L I'hWh (CAPRI[L%bs ;W VAMJ RE# LOC.1 D#_ '9r 'u PERMIT#— ALAC 4goy CONTRACTORn�%Lp Com&-mv-r am Goaofu R Wt%% CtanQ9GIOR5 5` ". vlnnLL NIL bcH TEL No .2475805 �- Jan 30,95 15:07 No .013 P.01 9 and Zoning CITY OF ATLANTIC ZZACH PERMIT ,APPLICATION !MODEL, ADDITIONS OR ALTERATIONS DEMOLITIONS i Ownar(s) : Sergin 7ucc1e1 , Address: 1021 Atlantic Blvd . phone:,9—0 9 01 LotN—�� Block or Unit # NA Subdivision: NA ; Contractor: McDonald Construction 'Contractors & Architects , Inc . � State License # CGCO12438 Address,. 8727 Phillips Hwy. Ste . 409 Phone No: 448-9105 Deacribe Work to be dont: Renovations of restrooms in Italian Restaurant , Present use of building: Restaurant . Valuation Of Proposed Construction: $11 , 901 Proposed use: _ana taurant Is thio an addition? „_. ____ If yes, what are the dimensions of i the added aP&ce ---eft. X _____N A ft. Will the added area be beaked and Gaoled? rrA�- 1Vew electrical (or increase)?_ NA Now Plumbing fiXtures?Mess New fireplace?NA.NOW Heat/AC? NA SUBMIT THREE COMPLETE SETS OF PLANS, INCLUDING SITE PLAN, SURVEY, BNBROY COBE FORMS, NOTICE 01" COMMENCEMENT, AND OWNER/CONTRACTOR AP'PIDAVIT, IF OWNER IS CONTRACTOR, Signature OWNER: e` � L`�" -`� r Date: !� 31 - � s Signature CONTRACT c License supplied:_C (2 jr in /Z438 Liability Insurance:_ ./IQ,aV�L.�eas•c- r .wsv�ANcLc Worker's COtMpensation Xn$Urance; Aj�t°�N�`Nc / i �v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA APPLICATION FOR/ELECTRICAL PERMIT K TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE: 3 y9 IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED:IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF,AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. L Lti-4-T of A,l.�� ►As t ELECTRICAL FIRM: MASTE , ELECTRICIAN SIG,NAURE JOURNEYMAN NAME e A pg CC.J© RED ADDRESS:1_h,?,I_,.ATL.4,V (. i4ll' RFD BOX BLDG.SIZE 9 Q ° >j BETWEEN: RES.( 1 APT. ( 1 COMM.(w PUBLIC 1 I INDUS..( 1 NEW(70 OLD( 1 REW.( 1 AtODITION ( ? TRAILER ( 1 TEMP.t 1 SIGNS ( 1 SO.FT. SERVICE. NEW OZ) INCREASE ( 1 REPAIR (- 1 FEE. o CONDUCTOR SIZE D AMPS Z.Z 5 COPPER K). ALUM. TCH OR BREA ER 2.2 AMPS -3 PH W VOLT RACEWAY r 00 EXIST.SERV.SIZE AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY -`d 0 FEEDERS` NO. SIZE p NO. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL 3 RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL 0,3*AMPS. 91.100 AMPS. SWITCHES INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT&M.V. FIXED 0.100 AMPS; I OVER APPLIANCES BELL TRANSF. AIR H.P.RATING H.P. RATING CONDITIONING COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS CELL NEAT: KW-HEAT 7770.1 OVER MOTORS H.P. VOLTAGE PHS NO. I M.P. VOLTAGE PWS MISCELLANEOUS TRANSFORMERS: UNDER 6W V. OVER 600 V I", DEACi-I `%0 T!C 1E A L,&-C 0)'NCR E T E F'-.',1 1 Zi k`-,'D F"I'DTINGS ST BE H,,N3PECTEJD BEFORE FolURING 'OlD SiX MONTHS AFT ER DAI E OF ISSUE G L E D U P A ND Hi�,U L E'D BE -1 �-H --0,,N"FRACTOR 01--�, u,"v"IER. J l LD jMA-1 E R IA L� R U,8 DISH A N REl IF r, THIS VVO R K N",UST �',J OT E-,E PLAC'ED I N PU B LIC S PAC A D AWAY BY Ell rn LZ OF PLIr, D AC,,-,OrRcijr,i� I-() APPFI0VISjCJOVEED P�L, s E P'fq,'-F OF TH13 PEi'i�,47 i%N,D SUBjECT TO REVOCATIO1,1 FO,,"� '/"9LE F)f7', ',!s kf' LiC 71. �r►kOVED BY BUILDING AND ZONING INSPECTION DIVISION ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA NUMBER APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT IMPORTANT — Applicant to complete all items in sections I, 11, 111, and IV. FUILDING N STREET ADDRESS: / !7 Z ) + �?Q, . ��� _ C`/ � LVC,INTERSECTING STREETS: BETWEENAND NUMBER OF CONSTRUCTION PERMIT MOBILE HOME PERMIT NUMBER II. CHARACTERISTICS OF PROPOSED ELECTRICAL WORK — All applicants complete Parts A — C USE OF BUILDING RESIDENTIAL NON-RESIDENTIAL OWNERSHIP A. ONE FAMILY A. AMUSEMENT, RECREATIONAL ev PRIVATE(INDIVIDUAL, CORPORATION, B. TWO OR MORE FAMILIES B. CHURCH, OTHER RELIGIOUS NONPROFIT INSTITUTION, ETC.) ENTER NUMBER OF UNITS C. INDUSTRIAL B. PUBLIC(FEDERAL, STATE, OR LOCAL C. TRANSIENT HOTEL, MOTEL, D. GARAGE, SERVICE STATION GOVERNMENT) ROOMING HOUSE E. OFFICE, BANK, ENTER NUMBER OF UNITS PROFESSIONAL D. MOBILE HOME F. SCHOOL, LIBRARY, NATURE OF WORK E. OTHER RESIDENTIAL EDUCATIONAL A. NEW BLDG. F. NEW SERV. e STORE, MERCANTILE ev OLD BLDG. G. INCR. SERV. H. OTHER _ C. REWIRE AV REPAIR 1. OIH TEMP POLE I. O/H TEMP POLE D. ROOM ADD. I. SIGN J. U/G TEMP POLE J. U/G TEMP POLE E. JEA ROUTING K. U/G TEMP SERVICE POLE K. U/G TEMP SERVICE POLE Ill. ELECTRICAL WORK TO BE DONE Permit Fee TYPE OF SERVICE: OVERHEAD ❑ UNDERGROUND NEW SERVICE: CONDUCTOR SIZE -� t.lC AMPS SWITCH COPPER 11 ALUMINUM G^Y{ SWITCH OR BREAKER 1. _ _ AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY EXISTING SERVICE SIZE:_ AMPS__PH W VOLT RACEWAY FEEDERS: NO. _ AMP NO.___ AMP RECEPTACLES: 0-30 AMPS 31.100 AMPS_ 101.200 AMPS SWITCHES: 0.30 AMPS 31.100 AMPS 101.200 AMPS LIGHTING FIXTURES: INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT& M.V. FIXED APPLIANCES: 0.30 AMPS _31.100 AMPS__ OVER 100 AMPS BELL TRANSFORMERS: AIR CONDITIONING: NUMBER COMPP, MOTOR CIRCUIT HEATING HP RATING AMPS KILOWATTS MOTORS OR GENERATORS: (0.5 HP) (OVER 5 HP) NUMBER VOLTAGE HP NUMBER VOLTAGE HP TRANSFORMERS: (UNDER 600 VOLTS) (OVER 600 VOLTS) NUMBER KVA NUMBER KVA SIGNS: Iva auto eL 914 C NUMBER M�JIS�CELLANEOUS:✓� -` .�=-�r?L��� � .y i �c �c� el , / f`t/ %�i(J L 1/+! � 9Y'4-.� �,�I• 42L /�.G,r- i i -�z-�.�.,�"'`ft."-7 ,� '�"i N/ ' � r 41J § tt DEPARTMENT�P BtJILIi r CITY OF ATLANTIC LOCATION 106 RHATION t : merit. ATLANT Id,.,�LEV . 3 12 ILANTI C' BEACH DRsCjiIPTf ON , 0Lt�Irl oak: Sect i o Townh3'p xt�t4'. la a, t ed 8ubdi isl ». t r Tat ; X0.0' 0 ' $4 .00 P M .« SOULE PLOB Y " ,� ` NP ]P E, �40 .do .� rAu, ON $AS -�- .. TAL PROVE go ab .1 Y E Y $0Y 00 i^i 4Ti $2• � .R' i.'.wll�i +Ye' �Ya`� +�i �"N TEi"se WE 00 lY 77 W {L6ss CONNEC � -aa' h G IUPAC r0V� �§ 'd.iYAx 4 w o lOTBS; N4TI E--1 LLD{3NCf I~fiE FOIE 1�Nd FCIQTINGS MUST Os.,WspscTIE©8 004 POUI4INQ" F'EAMIT Vt>fD SIX MONTHS AFfiER�TE'C�F ISSUE UII Q MATERIAL,! U#3E tt H ANIJ©E #S i=Rt?M THIS W68K t�iUST M 3T BI=F'LACIrp,IN PUBLIC SPACE,ANt3 MUST BE CLEAT fl UP AIVb HAVLED AWAY B.y EJTHI A,"b0NTFiACT©R 4R pWN � � � ► w"iT1'H THE IirHA# �ICUE , CAN ` JLT NTS a . c� RpIN�TQ APRRQVf*D PLANS"WHfCH ARE PART eJF TI�15 F�ERMIT ANfJ SUf31ECT TO RE F u 1.tJF Al�f�1.ICAt I:.e;'i�I��1tI,` IC31�,I "�iw LASN. ► �I3EAC BUILDIN( C PAIT, A lEfd I WIC` � N a3tvM I I 2i3M3S i 'IVOILIl03'73 DNIS and NOl3VN1N00 Li3BWfTN AlNO 3SfT 31Vp lIW2i3d 3JIdd0 LIOd � Tera p gulppq iaumo o gi3 -uoa iaTl;ia Xq .Cgmg pal paieala aq ;snuc pug 'aaads ailgnd uI poagld aq 3ou asntu 3,ioM sTTI; uiox3 sTxgap pug gslgqnj 'lg><iaagu,Numpl!ng p df1SSI 30$LyQ 'HU'Liv ~—♦ �� a SHINOW XIS QIOA JIMHd I 'ONI2If1Od d2lOd9ff Qff.LDddS I -NI dH JSfIW SDNILOOd (INV SW'dOd dZH'dDNOD "I'IV—d3I LON aTUuad STTIl jo ind a3E q3TgAk SUEId pano3ddE Oj BUTpa033V ws -PAZg OT�uEY�y IZOZ-6101 °N asnOH 'I Ig ao7 s,OTO'Tz sU/:.uam OZaAag Zajpueg Mcg piumo 9UOz UOI4E313TSSElD 9 109 SURT 29 SE U T S pllnq o; uoissiuuad sq OZ „ `a;FttAUOSN3py `Opod mvagmnS 09T9 AM&M3 uf)I S X L:[-, 1na ;eq, -1jpjaa oa st sill L • 'mel}o suotslAoid algeagdde 3o uopelo!A so}Uo!Ieaonai w»afgns s!pue'iaanseaiy,[7[D of pled uaaq seq aa3 anoge pun prleA IOU Itulrad s,gl 05•L $aad N" I S not;EnlEA i tl8 6I� Z _, a3EQ I 90f NO 431SOd 381Sf1W ilwd3d SIRL I aiina olliwaad 9 5 9 ,ON 1J WU3d vaiuo-d'HOV39 JI1NV'l1V d0 AlID V JNIC31i a d0 LN3W-LU-Vd3(3 4 M31VM M3M3S 1 VOIM1O313 I °JNiewnld 6101OVM1N00 31Va M3swnN A1NO 3Sfl lIWM3d 30141=10 U0=1•�ep�{p 8uip��ng 'iaIIAAO S i ti -uoa iaq;ra dq Xeme pains,{ put do paivala aq ;snut put laoeds or qnd ut Ipaotid aq ;ou ;snuff 3Jiom sTg; ui0.r3 sTigap put gsigqni`letialatu 2uipiTng z i dfISSI d0 E[J VQ 'I3.Ldd U. ~—♦ �� SHINOW XIS QIOA DW2i3d 'ONRIfIOd dZIOddH QHZDddS INI d9 JSf1W SoNI.LOOd (INV SWZIOd d.La dDNOD 'I'IV—aDIJ ON ;uiIuiad sig4 jo ;iEd aiE goigA% suEld paAOiddE o; guupiOJav 'CTl13S JIZWrIM TZ01-6TQTON amok Q/S 13019 ;0-1 Xq paum0 �Q auo2 '��7I7� TOQ u013Ei3issEjD o; uoissmiiad se I q S o :,IgiT q •fji;iaa o; si sTgj •mei 3o suocsiAoid 01geagdde jo uopeIo!A io}uopeaoAal oa iaafgns si pus'aainseaJ j 6I!D oa ppd uaaq seq aaj anoge 1pun pt1eA IOU 1[miad scyl pQyUGitlt_ + QQ '0T$aid T $uoiaEniEA JUDO* 61 lucf IN300,01 90f NO 431SOd 391Sf1W 11W?J3d SIHl 1 Cifl•0t mins Ol llWa3d I ZT ON 11WU3d VaIM01d'HJV390I1NVl1Vd0A11O L JN1aiine d0 1N3Wl8bd34 I I a31tlM � a3M35 i 1tl01a103'13 `JN16Wf1'Id �1� I xiNO 3Sf1 I a3a nN 301.4.40 aOd 31tlO llWa3d a1N00 aolov I leug}O 8uming �I I 1 I saumo ue do I Seine pa[neti p .uoa sa><[�ja sriTux Pule °aaeds ailq uo T F ----�� paseala all; snux Isom svg3 `9 z �► �I p9 p pue Wu 1114leixa3eu�ulpl?ug 00: gI1SSI d '3ZVa�gl3d {i SHLNO XIS QIOA livvdad aay�aas + •ONRIfIOdOd9OOd QNd i S`JNI,I anoidde 01 $IITpIO��� gg ,I.Sf1W 'I'I�I--�OIZON sue d Sy�Od 9ja-dD 00 0 pied aie ua>ilnr. t p ON asnoH I 3iuTiad siTja 3 •�74i �I�� y� Z Z- —'oz --xaolg f9 pautAO a/s 21��iC1� 73I ja aoz Q TTOi�E�T iSSe�� (Zgv*aoL S a auoz I �SI�I 01 uocsscTuxad seL[ Sv f}i�iaa 03 si stTgy oin io}1101.1"w'31w'31 w 134gns mel 3°suois�o3d alpepd uone uaoq sell aa}aeoge 1qun PIP'on ynu3ad silly I {� si Put`pInstaly 3 o1 $uOTaenVA vtit) C1 � ZqgftZa C S £ 33eQ I Ir•£f -6i £3'8Z-ZZ 90f NO 431SOd 39 IsM 11Wb3d IHl Ii Q�In3 Ol lIWa3 tla1a0'1d'Hotl3e o11Ntl lltl�d3cl .ON llWa3d °JMaims do a31vM a3M3s W31810313 oNlewmd NO1Jda1NO3 3lva a38wnN AINO 3sn 11Wa3d 3�Iddo 80d I�!as330 8uTp ( iantAo sox / -uoa iag3ia Xq Xotan pains us'dfi paisaia aq 3snu: pus 'aandifaTignd m paasid aq 3ou 3snm 31jom stg3 uroa3 F sYsgap pus gsiggni 'isua38tu 2mppng 0 dfISSI do$,LVQ 2Id.LdV LL SH.LNOW XIS QIOA DW-dad 'DNI'df)Od R-dOddH (Id LZ)ddS -NI dg .LSfIW SONILOOd QNV SWZIOd d.LMNOD 'I'IV—dZ)I LON _ 3tuuad stgi}o urd ale goigm sueid panoidde 03 $uipiooaV •oN asnoH CA 13019 301 S4oa3%ta n--qua ojaaGG JajPUVtD Xq PauMo auoZ jt Z81�(>a IIO13E�31SSEi� •g uT �X� f}3 tiOTStIp X8 j TnSUI q o3 uotssiuuad seg ££ Y3 u©i�x za TJ.Mm�j8 � � P ujsI altjagx.) teg3 'C3i3iaa 03 st s1g.L 'e+e13o suo!ssno d algegu �gdde io uoeloao3 uo!seaonal o>3=fgns UOU 1 s}PM'jamseasy A30 03 pied uaoq ssq aaj;,I plan pgen fou 3nwad snly /Gal9 V I � av:00 h ?P 00'0Z $lad S uoi3en ivA 14t11 qua L$ 61 gZ gutty a3eQ 1 00"U'B sor NO a31SOd 39 mw ima3d SIHl mina Ol I13d }"7�n 'ON 11 Wa3d valao-Id'HO`I38 0I1MVILY d0 A11D Y 4 VN1a-une =10 LN3W-LM Vd3a � oil r { M�pRpFil.'M�.'t ADDRESS BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER INSPECTIONS: FOOTING UNDER SLAB PLUMBING SLAB FRAMING COVER-UP INSULATION FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY -5 a ELECTRICAL PERMIT # �r 3 INSPECTIONS ROUGH FINAL MECHANICAL PERMIT # PLUMBING PERMIT # �' y NOTES: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH jj 800 SEMINOLE ROAD == ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 'YJ J.i31e r' 09-00000948 Date 7/07/09 Application Number � 1021 ATLANTIC BLVD Property Address . • • • • Application type description COMMERCIAL OTHER Property Zoning . TO BE UPDATED 20000 Application valuation - Application desc SEALING AND RESTRIPE ------------------------ ------------------------------------ Contractor Owner _ ----- ---------------------- ASI PAVING INC RICHARD CATANZARO P 0 BOX 21195 FL 33421 ROYAL PALM BEACH (561) 737-2024 ---------- ----- Permit . . . . . . BUILDING PERMIT Additional desc • • Plan Check Fee 65 . 00 Permit Fee 130 . 00 20000 Valuation Issue Date • • ' . 1/03/10 Expiration Date . --------- Special Notes and Comments *2007 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE W/ 105- 106 SUPPLEMENTS . 2004 FLORIDA FIRE PREVENTION CODE 2005 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE --------------- ---------------------------------------Paid------Credited Due Fee summary Charged . 00 Permit Fee Total 130 . 00 130 . 00 . 00 65 . 00 65 . 00 . 00 Plan Check Total 00 . 00 Grand Total 195 . 00 195 . 00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. r CITY OF ATLAKnC BEACH LANTIC SEMCK FL_ os- OFFICF(90/�AT PAX NO.(M)24-SMS w' euUxN%oEPT0r0AsMs L' BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION DUVAL COUNTY 1Y WORK FT. /3 SL �L WO 2 ODo N/1Q rUff—SLOM—SUBOMM04 SCfUPT10N: S.ctAss OF wtxec Use OF STRUCTURE: NEW sUIUmm DEMOLITION REstaEFmAI o Aa701T10N o COMB TINI^s USE TION OF WORK o ALTERATION O ACCESSORY SIMM a.FIRE sprimum ,� DO REPAIR 0 POOL I SPA Yes ©WA u o 9.NAME �'4 4�/, � 23.COMPANY NAME: 24.LICENSEE NAME- 10. AME10.ADDRESS: 17.STATE OF FLORIDA LICENSE NO.: 25.STATE OF FLORIDA LICENSE NO.: I�oo I�gMM a ADWtESB:PO 8Qx '7q/172— 29.ADORE88: A1.�N�i g°a 'k klA1 0 CA-4 On &4d, F7-3 3 Lhq -11.OFFICE PHONE 12.FAX NO.: 15 9 PFFOHE FAX NO.: 27.OFFICE PHONE' 28.FAX NO.: �• 2--2zrL gz -�zSS" to CELL PHONE 21. 29.CELL PHONE: 14.EMAIL ADDRESS: 22.EMAILADDRes3: 30.EMAIL ADDRESS: FEEMPLEMPMN ASJ P-I Cir 4CMA IIS.Ldr►� OP OflaR THM OWNER) BONDING COMPANY: MORTGAGE i RMML- 31.NAME: 33.NAME 35.NAME: 32.ADDRESS: 34.ADDRESS: 39.ADDRESS: Application 13 hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and Installations as indicated. I rxr11ty that no work or hutaMatlon has Commenced prior to the issuance of a permH and that ail work will be 11111 tmild to most 1110 standards of all laws reguls"construction In this lurladiction. This permit becomes null and volt If work is not commenced wk to six(6)months, or If construction or wo*is suspended or abandoned for a period of sic(8)months at any fkne alter work is commenced. I understand that separate pen?fts must be secured for Electrical Work,Plurribing,Signs,Walks,Pools,Furnaces,Boilers,Hesters,Tanks. Air Conditioners,atc. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT-i certify that al.Mie foregoing Information Is accurate and that ail work will be done In compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning.I will not occupy or use Are referenced building or any part#wd,FmMI all Inspections are ffnaled and prior to obtaining a certificate of occupancy ov completion Issued by ft building oAktial,as required by law. *** WARNING TO OWNER: *** YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY.A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPfiCTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER 01VAIWATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. or AGENT ( NTRACTQR ar L«arR«prM.al (arrastony) snared Date• 5 i D°I slgrad: tate 8ekrs ms this�_ d 2009 M the county of Bak"ms oda� _day d .2009 In 91e county of Duval,Stale of Flodda,hes personally ap DIna1,State Of Florida,has Waonally red MFM by hMaelf 1 hence and afliltischdaii dwenlards old dsderarione am Karin by Idnaee I hsm f and.lawns alai all Mabeards and dedeindons ere true end aaausts. Inns and aousals. Nda�,Autdic at Lalpa,StNa dDade. P'*k at Lange,�b d�Coufly of� `= p4mwm rMown A. Known OP, MINNMI 8d l- N9lafy$(sI1BtUla;, "iY i+", Notary A: s "= MY COMMISSION#OD761600 NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OFFLO - ? „ EXPIRES February 24,2012 )Baine M=k I (407)398-0153 FloridallotaryService,-- a Cpttlt9igsit>a DD=73366 KDOD1 Pon ML AppliaYaR aMq:REVISED.12naQ= 13 REVIEWEV E COMPLIANCE rr CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SEE PERMITS FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS. FIL E COPY ' '. .. , REVIEWED BY: DATE: 6 20 l y NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT State of �L 6 i�� Tax Folio No.j County of V0 �}L To Whom It May Concern: The undersigned hereby informs you that improvements will be made to certain real property,and in accordance with Section 713 of the Florida Statutes,the following information is stated in this NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Legal Description of property being improved: Address of property being improved:11011 -17 L AAXr L F)L.,J`'O e T L 4 1t c. B�-pt ICL 3 2 2 3 3 General description ofimprovements: 5EA L Z-5-12n 1Oe- ?0,0XK-1 AJ6 e-Cr Owner: VI 0 ddress: 0. tf hS 1 Ir . Owner's interest in site of the improvement: Fee Simple Titleholder(if other than owner): Name: Contractor. 5 ( Hy 1 tr)1 In Address: ?D BDx y1-.7;L -b0grrt00 B�uet.� �L 33y74 Telephone No.:5b 17132,0.1.q, Fax No: 5'b I i3 Surety(if any) Address: ' Amount of Bond S Telephone No: Fax No: Name and address of any person making a loan for the construction of the improvements Name: Address: Phone No: Fax No: Name of person within the State of Florida,other than himself,designated by owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served: Name: TV S N N Address• -C1 10 J+AXTI,L� tl- l U"l 3A K rL 3 Z Z Dt—InTelephone No:10 q 2Z Z- 22ZZ Fax No: lot— In addition to himself, owner designates the following person to receive a copy of the Lienoes Notice as provided in Section 713.06(2)(b),Florida Statues. (Fill in at Owner's option) Name: I Address: Telephone No: Fax No• Expiration date of Notice of Commencement(the expiration date is y from the date of recording unless a different date is specified): THIS SPACE FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY OWNER n l'��� ed: Due: JT..L_ care ane tlriss _day of County f State Florida,has personalty appeaed i—h 'ail Uh ary Public at Large, Duval. °xpines. venally Known or hcoed Identi "L:ISSETTE 19MMUM MY COMMISSION.#DQ76,16U.O .0 ATc i-kL---EkVIGE DIVISION JACKSONVILLE: ELECTRIC AUTHORITY -s.: WEST DUVAL STREET JACK50NVlLLE, FLORIDA 32202 THE FOLLOWING FINAL INSPECTION(S) HAVE BEEN MADE AND AkE z,ATISFACTORY: �-�r�----------------- ------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------- ------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Enclosed are the blue copies of the permits. SINCERELY, / BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION cc: FILE 1 i � CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD r, ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 � s+F INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number 08-00000483 Date 4/23/08 Property Address . . . . . . 1021 ATLANTIC BLVD Application type description SIGN PERMIT Property Zoning . . . . . . . TO BE UPDATED Application valuation . . . . 300 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc INSTALL SIGN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor - ------------------------ ----------------------- TAYLOR SIGN & DESIGN, INC. 4162 ST.AUGUSTINE ROAD JACKSONVILLE FL 32207 (904) 396-3777 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . SIGN PERMIT Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 25 . 00 Plan Check Fee . 00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 10/20/08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments TAYLOR SIGN & DESIN HAD EXISTING CREDIT OF $125 . 00 . CHARGED $150 . 00 DUE TO WWO BALANCE DUE $25 . 00 UPON RECEIPT OF PERMIT ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 25 . 00 25 . 00 . 00 . 00 Plan Check Total . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 Grand Total 25 . 00 25 . 00 . 00 . 00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. _-T for hc(-s OL--4 0-n - (Q . rsi I 1J. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PERMIT BUHDING/ Z GDEPARTMENT APPLICATION 000 Seminole Road .. : •• Atlantio Beach,Florida 32233 (904)247-5-00 O (904)247-584.5 Fax arww.coab.us APPLICATION TRACKING FORM RLQQIRED DEPT: M19 PLANNING Y BUILDING Property Address: Y PUBLIC WORKS Applicant: �^ 0 Y PUIBLIC UTILITIES Y FIRE DEPT. Project: I Y PUBLIC SAFEi ' L9 APPROVAL U REQUIRED AGENCY: RECEIVED 8Y: INITIAL: DATE: w Lu Y M D.E.P HUFSTETLER � Y N S.J.RW.M. CARPER iY N ARMul Y CORPS of ENG CARPER O Y N HOTELS&RESAURANTS HUFSTETLER APPLICATION STATUS CIRCLE ONE: SITE BUILDING DA AP efEVIEWED BY: INITIAL: DATE: T&cu� 1 ST REVbl� Fns, Cc V 0 a ;c3rt, 7h via 9 PLANNING 2ND REV (B:U1:LDDIN PUBLIC WORKS PUBLIC UTILITIES FIRE DEPT. PUBLIC SAFETY ® ® 3RD REV BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ;1J \1s J CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach FL 32233 Office: (904)247-5826 • Fax: (904)247-5845 Job Address: Z M In Ala G —EAyA. Permit Number: Legal Description 32 -Z S - ZR E 14. Q4-Q Ca S- Y Ferre 1/' PT IZ !�D 9: jz. . $ 130 — Zz ? Valuation of Work(Replacement Cost) $ 3 00 ■ Class of Work(Circle one): New Addition Al%%ere air Move ■ Use of existing/proposed stru Circle one): Residential If an existing structure, is a fire spa er system mstalleme): Yes No N/A • Is approval of homeowner's association or other private entity required?(Circle one): No Describe in detail the type of work to be performed: /f V-5 ha e r Lease,se, 5 i h Property Owner Information ^ Name: b�l l t'f1( DV�2 ILPGi I-4t A Address: I(��y 0 I -Sgvt Jo< Ivy . City)a k sov,'i lle . Stat Zip 3 Z2 5? Phone 20�/ - 2 9 Z - 2 2 Z Z Contractor Information: Name of Company: Tai l b r Si qv► It bQ s i c n.T�c.Qualifying Agent: r4 atAc� �— o r- Address: 14 1(oZ - 5-- . s &. City -)a k.son V`31le State L. Zip 3 27.J-7 Office Phone 314- 46 -2 Job Site/Contact Number Mct,,4 AvtA V-c-AA fp rso n State Certification/Registration# ES/2ovo 1 i-7 Office Fax# &- 3-7-1-7 Architect Name &Phone# Engineer's Name&Phone# Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance o�f{a permit and that all work will be performed to meet Me standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. This permit becomes null and void ifivork is not commenced within six(6) months, or fr construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of six (6) months at any time after work is commenced I understand that separate permits must be secured for Electrical Work,Plumbing,Signs, Wells,Pools, Furnaces,Boilers,Heaters, Tanks and Air Conditioners, etc. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF CON EMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. thereby certify that have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work wall be complied with whether specified herein or not. The grantin permit does not presume to gzve authoril)� to violate or cancel the provisions of any other federal, .state, or local of a 1mv regulating construction or the performance of c nstruction. Signature of Property Owner: tl — Signature of Contractor: Swo o and subscr' ed p fore me Sworn o and subs c 'b bet re me this Day of Da of MARY ANN STEIN i�r.viN Notary Pubhc D482292 1V Publ ;:, .. e t �� EXPIRES•. Oct.16.2009 ,� pg MIy 7)398-015;3 Florida Notary Service.com f-396 OS i, d REQUIRE BI'fD1'17t?1vS. tL CI P ;rr :riyrttx; a.citti � sc; �rzl $�85-L�Z-b06 REV)EWED BY: ao PATE: l i, a EQUITY EQUITY ONE REALTY & MANAGEMENT FL, INC. �5 NE­ The Supermarket REIT'" March 21, 2008 The City of Jacksonville - Building&Zoning Department Room 225 -Ed Ball Building 214 N. Hogan Street Jacksonville, FL 32202 RE: LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION—LEASING SIGNAGE PERMIT Equity One Realty& Management FL, Inc. Atlantic Village Shopping Center 1021 Atlantic Boulevard Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 To Whom It May Concern: This letter shall serve as the Landlord's acknowledgement that the above referenced (Equity One Realty & Management FL, Inc.) has engaged their sign contractor, Taylor Sip-n & DesiEn, to secure all proper permits for the existing leasing signage at the above referenced location so as to cure a Code Violation from the City of Atlantic Beach dated March 7, 2008. No other work is hereby authorized. Further, this acknowledgement shall only be valid for a period of thirty(30)days from the date contained herein. Should have any questions, please contact the Property Manager, June Conner, at our Equity One Jacksonville, Florida of ce at(904)292-2222. Sincere I ' ' itcait� z.'�? r t„i��,� ' �,S.w3i,Inc, Ken C,jn,6r,lion Ken ho ette Vice President of Construction Equity One Realty& Management, Inc. As Authorized Agent for Equity One (Florida Portfolio) Inc. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF` Individual B e me, thisday of lAa—rd, 8, Ken Choquette personally appeared and executed the foregoing instrument, and a no dged before me the same was executed for the purposes therein ex re W LISSETTE GONZALEZ NOTARY STAMP: : = MY COMMISSION#DD761600 Sig ure of t o, EXPIRES February 24,2012 (407)398-0753 FkxtallotaryServlcexom My commission expires: Print Notary Name Identification Method: personally known Produced I.D.—Type: 10601 San Jose Blvd • Suite 3 •Jacksonville, Florida 32257•Telephone 904-292-2222 • Facsimile 904-292-1255 E® Regional Offices in:Jacksonville• Lake Mary• North Miami Beach • Palm Beach Gardens •Tampa www.equityone.net NYSE. - 0 s � {� CEIVED MAR 111008 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH t 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233-5455 TELEPHONE: (904) 247-5800 ' FAX: (904) 247-5819 y ^.. SUNCOM: 852-5800 t � www.coab.us March 7, 2008 Equity One Realty & Management Attn: Ms. June Carter 10601 San Jose Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32257 Subject: City Code: Chapter 17, Signs and Advertising Structures Dear Ms. Carter, Your Company has been identified as the owner/manager of the following property in Atlantic Beach, Florida: Equity One Atlantic Village 1021 Atlantic Blvd Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Consider is an Official Notification of Violation. Investigation by the Code Enforcement Office has revealed that there is no record of the aforementioned property having received a sign permit for the replacement of the in ground signs used to advertise the leasing of spaces within the Atlantic Village plaza, a violation of City Code, Chapter 17, Sec. 17-27 (1): NO SIGN PERMIT While the city appreciates the fact you take pride in your property as evidenced by the replacement of old weathered advertising signs, permits are still required to ensure the signage and location do not violate any city ordinances. As Code Enforcement Officer for the City of Atlantic Beach, I am granting you 14 days from receipt of this notification to either obtain the proper permit or remove said signs. Failure to comply will result in Code Enforcement Action which can result in fines of up to $500.00 per day for each illegally installed sign. Should you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can contact the following Departments at these numbers: Code Enforcement (904) 247-5855, Zoning (904) 247-5817, Permits (904) 247- 5826. ALE NDER SHERRER Code Enforcement Officer C: Public Safety Director Zoning Department Building Department s NE i y41K 'OK` r a x � 1-40— a r Ja1y t 3 � rd.�,� F�k, C km �Y m.✓ y r TM r• •.Now p As i Ijf A. r tr 9 � 3 4 L a Atlantic Village 0 o O D � D C Jane Herman - 407-333-1940 v ° y O N Co 'D N N O CD 0 0 0 O O c Qi O� O O N ax � • rn O ,--� V �T � N w wal Pe�lm L7riv? cL i/ o { m � t U p Vl 1 YQ FL- Q V Z lL rL- 2 2 N d D n Q rrt�. b�. ' �L \ .\\ .\>. � � � � • Ct.N-i Ki ti rP-i ti ct \ � ' LXX «< ,r co , E n c o '6 29 m - 2 wSz o 3 a I t 1 c � = nv6 > m ° �? vLo ¢ d p� or v v i D Qm m v� D y � h O N ^moo L 0 N n U v p - Q L m CY o Page lol . . . . . . . . . . �. . . max . . . . . . . . \«�y ` w\ `i/ ,ƒ\ : % � LDcc,4ior� o4 'S\cy) R � http://maps2.coj.net/output/DuvalMaps_GISMAP248724580166.png 4/4/2008 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PERMIT '••''"�� ��' � APPLICATION# EZTI� ING/ZONING DEPART 800 S=iwlc Road sr Atlantic Beach,FloTi&32233 t1 (904)247-5800 J;ils r . (9m)247-5845 Fax (� r• ww_wxco b na V` u vq2 APPLICATION TRA KI G FORM R- IREp DEPT: N PLANNING _�� � Y PI BUHDING Property Address: (� ) h Y PUBLIC WORKS OCA Y PUBLIC UTILITIES Appficant: Y Project: PUBLIC SAFETY -APPROVAL DATE w REQUIRED AGENCY: RECENED BY: INITIAL w Y N DEP HUFSTE'i L8R Cl Y N S.J.RW.M. CARPER at La Y N ARMY CORPS of ENG CARPER o Y N HOTELS&RESAURANTS HUFSTEILER APPLICATION STATUS CIRCLE ONE SITE BUILDING DA AP EWER BY: INITIAL DATE ❑ ❑ 1 ST REV ❑ ��12co � P NN1NG ❑ 2ND RE1l ❑ ❑ . NG PUBLIC WORKS PUBLIC UTI TTIES FIRE DEPT. PUBLIC SAFETY ❑ ❑ 3RD REV ❑ 0 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH " •DWI— 800 Seminole Road,Atlanta;Beach FL 32233 Office:(904)247-5826 • Fax:(904)247-5845 .��� i r• rr�rrirru.t�rwn+i �� - -r Job Address: 1 0 2 A� t Q A4 G -Sk V A __ Permit Number: Legal Description 3S -2 S - ZR E 14 040 Ca-Ay Y Ekae r i'T fLz�p c/tZ . 8130 -• Zzq-7 Valaation of Work(Replacement Cost)$ 300 • Class of Work(Circle one): New Addition A air Move Use of existing/proposed struCir+cIe are): ercial Residential ■ If an existing structure,is a fire sp. er system mstalle •ne : Yes No N/A ■ Is approval of homeowner's association or other private entity req (Circle one): No Describe in detail the type of work to be performed: .� N V--5 ha r Lease. s t cm Property Owner Wornsation Name: 1- 4Lt D v�& Rel, t4u . Address: 101901 Ravi �05.e, 81vck City•_ a k, o, v i l e _ .•�Stated,Zip 3 22 S7 Phone Ro N - Z 4 2 - Z.Z Z Z Contractor Information.: Name of Company t cru 1 far S1 civ► A b-a-51 a%Tyv&Qualifying Agent: cLA4 o r Address- 1-41 bZ.- 5-t -'A jac.k t- n v•MLe,, State L. _Zip '7 2-2.0-7 Office Phone 3,?(,- 4/G Z Job Site/Contact Number til r rt>n iv.- Ra.Klerso�n State Cer ificadonM.egishmtion# E=S/Z o oo i ii Office Fax# 1?4-3'7-7-7 Architect Name&Phone# Engineer's Name&Phone# Application is hereby made to obtain ayermit to do the work and installations as indicated I certify that no work or installation has commencedm or to the issuance o{a rmit and brat all workwill be orrmed to meet Me standards o all laws regulating construction thisjurisdiction. 77ris�mit becomes rarll andvola? kis not aomnzenaedwithinst (6) months, or iJ construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of slat_f6) months at time after work is commenced I understand char separate per�rtits must be sacra ed for Electrical Work,Plumbixga s, Welts,Pools, Furnaces,Boilers, Beaters,TaacJis and AuConditioners,eta WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND EFINANCING CONSULT LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RCORDING YOUR NOTU COMMENCEMENT. thereb certi that Ihave read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct All rov&ionlaw laws and ordinances governing this ttyyk�ee ofworkwidl be complied with whether specified herein or not: TheFgripr ing permit does not presume to Vx autliorit r to violate or cancel the,provisloris of any otherfederal, state, or local regulating construction or the performance of c nstruction. S4wtlue of Property Owner: S'rgaeture of Cont rmlor. Swo •{o and sub p ors me Sworn'to and subsc} �r be' me this-Day of this' Day of �C►�t►„� L p lj MARY ANN STEIN Y ANN Notary Public: bdu cohaussirm a nD462292 Notary Public: _ F-A1A Nq IF EXPIRES:Oct.16.2009 �Of i��� EXPIRES:Oct I (407)39"163 FRaitle Notary Servk oam (407)39&0163 FlorWa Nosy Sc REVISED 03.05.07 L•d 9"9-LVZ-Kk swelsitg U04OLwolul dXZ0 LO LL cof EQUITY EQUITY ONE REALTY & MANAGEMENT FL, INC. ONE ' The Supermarket RErF- March 21,2008 The City of Jacksonville- Building&Zoning Department Room 225 -Ed Ball Building 214 N. Hogan Street Jacksonville,FL 32202 RE: LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION—LEASING SIGNAGE PERMIT Equity One Realty&Management FL,Inc. Atlantic Village Shopping Center 1021 Atlantic Boulevard Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 To Whom It May Concern: This letter shall serve as the Landlord's acknowledgement that the above referenced (Equity One Realty & Management FL, Inc.) has engaged their sign contractor, Taylor Sign & Design, to secure all proper permits for the existing leasing signage at the above referenced location so as to cure a Code Violation from the City of Atlantic Beach dated March 7, 2008. No other work is hereby authorized. Further, this acknowledgement shall only be valid for a period of thirty(30)days from the date contained herein. Should have any questions, please contact the Property Manager, June Conner, at our Equity One Jacksonville, Florida o ce at(904)292-2222. Sincerel' , ati.;. t✓ _, , .. _ Inc. - f rc. "r ud .. 1 f u try:chnu Ken h ette Vice President of Construction Equity One Realty&Management, Inc. As Authorized Agent for Equity One(Florida Portfolio)Inc. STATE OF FLORIDA [� COUNTY OF a l ft,X Individual , y� Be0ged this �O day of l x 8, Ken Choquette personally appeared and executed the foregoing instrument, and before me the same was executed for the purposes therein ex LISSETTE GONZALEZ oNOTARY STAMP:P: MY COMMISSION#DD761600 Si ure f t EXPIRES February 24,2012 ta07)�',�-o1s9 Fior�aaNaarysorviee.oam My commission expires: Print Notary Name Identification Method: epersonally known Produced I.D.—Type: 10601 San Jose Blvd •Suite 3•Jacksonville,Florida 32257•Telephone 904-292-2222• Facsimile 904-292-1255 Regional Offices in:Jacksonville•Lake Mary• North Miami Beach •Palm Beach Gardens•Tampa NYSE www.equityone.net i rL,�r ED MAR 1 flu CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH S 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-5455 rte ° t TELEPHONE: (904)247-5800 J FAX: (904)247-5819 SUNCOM: 852-5800 www.coati ms March 7, 2008 Equity One Realty & Management Attn: Ms. June Carter 10601 San Jose Blvd tp Jacksonville, FL 32257 Subject: City Code: Chapter 17, Signs and Advertising Structures Dear Ms. Carter, Your Company has been identified as the owner/manager of the following property in Atlantic Beach, Florida: Equity One Atlantic Village 1021 Atlantic Blvd Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Consider is an Official Notification of Violation. Investigation by the Code Enforcement Office has revealed that there is no record of the aforementioned property having received a sign permit for the replacement of the in ground signs used to advertise the leasing of spaces within the Atlantic Village plaza, a violation of City Code, Chapter 17, Sec. 17-27 (1): NO SIGN PERMIT While the city appreciates the fact you take pride in your property as evidenced by the replacement of old weathered advertising signs, permits are still required to ensure the signage and location do not violate any city ordinances. As Code Enforcement Officer for the City of Atlantic Beach, I am granting you 14 days from receipt of this notification to either obtain the proper permit or remove said signs. Failure to comply will result in Code Enforcement Action which can result in fines of up to $500.00 per day for each illegally installed sign. Should you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can contact the following Departments at these numbers: Code Enforcement(904) 247-5855, Zoning (904) 247-5817, Permits (904) 247- 5826. ALEGANDER SHERRER Code Enforcement Officer C: Public Safety Director Zoning Department Building Department q �r M1 { �r s ,yam �em M avaus�'"!fie .t .+ f� ",� �Y�,�"trt Y"" �,' i `af`..� s '� "`-M; ti�,� dS m �3,,.a��`` ;"� � � "• � ,e Ot KI mgl Yt 00 F Cb AMU x'^ µ A cx R , ? a.. a � N x M- n "rt Page I of 1 E, s. e sem;, 1 Low-1-iDr o-� sign it - sha�� For Lit� Sign. http://maps2.coj.net/output/DuvalMaps_GISMAP248724580166.png 4/4/2008 Q Atlantic Village o C ry 0 0 Jane Herman - 407-333-1940 LL 0 0 lA • M 0• .�N V V "'f N C - E :" m Z � » f W IOM Palm Driv= � f r C r _ N w < _ c r - ^ cc t o: y z moi" i����\\\�•.. 1771 It Co \ r } R \C\<`X ....... Iq\ / / �`'4• ��f/// N N N N N N N N Vt r� C f Jy1S .�no .�i,.,, 00 00o -I c fr <' \\,♦�,\,f�\\\�\��yj.0 ZYY'Y\Y\�\. ' • .-i.-i rri ri .ti.-i .i.-i.ti of.-f Y4�Ui f 7 s .I c it z^fkJJi `{j'* •C / (7"Y'7;rC7(t7r7i� . -;� d yf m C O T f ` i q 0 7 .0,. w v d ti p.1. r \ \♦\ ♦ \...\, f'+. d.aD C 'tp of m,N 4 15 -15 p / / r Co to cc �' ILIVIIIIII. III �u I dl 3 3 s- { 4a• .. 5�� ��q _fes.i2. +fr.Drive .aqua U - Q � � P a 0 4 ;_ PAGE TWO LY V MINUTES Names of MARCH 12, 1984 Commr s. M S N Correspondence - continued - item C. speak on the matter. Mr. Shea requested approval for ingress and egress to construct a paved drive across their property to Edgar St. which would allow Mr. Billy Arzie and Spring Glenn Properties access to the rear of their property. Discussion followed on: the parcel of land has two zonings, RG-1 and ILW; construction on the industrial property will be prefab metal building approximately 8,000 sq. ft. ; no construction will be on the RG-1 lot; usage: one tenant, a cabinet maker and another tenant is a sign painter; the area surrounding Mr. Arzie's property will be developed at a later date when plans are complete (perhaps a year) , at that time the developers will put in a street running north off of Levy Road to provide ingress and egress to the rest of the property-this was approved by the City Commission at the meeting of February 13, 1984. The City Attorney was asked for an opinion and he stated the Ordinance Code provides that a building must abut a dedicated street or ease- ment acceptable to the city, and the question is whether or not Mr. Arzie's property abuts Edgar St. Mr. Mullis added that zoning was not an issue. Mr. Arzie was asked how he planned to get water and sewer to the property and he replied that he planned to run the lines along the proposed paved road to Edgar St. After discussion, it was agreed the City Attorney should give a legal opinion on the matter. Motion: The matter be turned over to the City Attorney who will Cook x x confer with the developers posthaste. Gulliford x x Van Ness x The motion carried unanimously. Howell x Advisory Planning Board A. Application by Porto, Inc. , for "Use by Exception" _ Mr. Moss reported that the Advisory Planning Board had reviewed the request for "Use by Exception" by Porto, Inc. to sell beer, wine and liquor for on premises consumption at Capriccio's Restaurant located at the new Atlantic Village Shopping Center. The area is zoned Commercial General. Cook x x Motion:Grant the "Use by Exception" if he meets all the State Gulliford x x requirements. Van Ness x The motion carried unanimously. Howell x B.Notice of Meeting to be held March 20, 1984 Mayor Howell announced the Advisory Planning Board will meet on Tuesday, March 10, 1984 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall. Two rezoning requests are on the agenda. City Manager's Report A. Item #I- Police Department Monthly Report- February 1984 The Mayor thanked Chief Thompson for the report. Commissioner Gullifo r � STATE OF FLORIDA. DBK 700-,, DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS REGULATION Rev. 10-80 DIVISION of ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES AND TOBACCO APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE INSTRUCTIONS: 1 . This application must be typed and filed in duplicate. As part of our service the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco will be happy to assist in the preparation and typing of this application. 2. All questions must be answered. If a question does not apply so indicate by N/A. 3. This application is taken under oath. Persons filing false applications or information may be prosecuted and their application denied. I TYPE OF APPLICATION Check Appropriate Box(es) ( ) New Xx(X4X Increase in Series ( ) New - Additional ( ) Decrease in Series ( ) One Day Permit (For ) ( ) Change in Series ( ) Temporary Transfer ( ) Change of Officers ( ) Transfer ( ) Correction _ ( ) Change of Business Name ( ) Other ( ) Change of Location _ II FOR ANY TRANSFER OR CHANGE APPLICATION ONLY: ' 1 . For Transfer of License No. 26-2610 Current Series 2-COP 2. From Porto, Inc. 3. Business Name Capriccio Italian Restaurant III FOR ALL APPLICATIONS 1 . Full Name of Applicant(s) Porto, Inc. 2. Business Name Capriccio Italian Restaurant 3. Location of Business 1021 Atlantic Blvd Atlantic Bch Duval 32221 STREET NO. MUNICIPALITY COUNTY ZIPCODE 4. Mailing Address_ Same as above IF DIFFERENT FROM LOCATION OF BUSINESS) ZIPCODE S. Type of License Desi red (Series 4-COP-SRX )* 6. If applicant is a corporation or a limited partnership list the charter number issued by the Florida Department of State__ G63977 _ 7. List below the names of all those connected, directly or indirectly, in the business for which the license is sought : (This includes Partner(s) , Spouse, Director(s) , Stockholder(s) , Chief Executive . Limited and General Partner(s) , Corporation(s) , or any form of entity which is connected with this business) . NAME OFFICE ( IF CORPORATION) OR NATURE OF INTEREST OTHER TITLE IF ANY INCLUDING STOCK % A. PORTO, INC. 100% B. Rosario Recupito, Pres/Sec-50o C. John Recupito, VP/Tres . -50% D. E. F. b. nave any Of Lite above ndiltCU NtCsons Of Lies ever tieiu a beverage 1 icerise? YES C. Has a license covering the place described in this application or any other place in which any of the above named persons or entities were at the time interested ever been revoked by the Director? NO D. Are any of the persons or business entities now, or have they been in the past, interested in, affiliated or connected with, directly or indirectly, including through stock ownership or otherwise, any corporation, partnership or individual engaged in, directly or indirectly, the manufacturing, rectifying, distilling, distributing, importing, exporting, or selling at retail , any alcoholic beverage in the State of Florida or any other State?-- YES If the answer is "Yes" to any of the questions asked give full particulars Current Ii�Pn,,3PP of hi _q lit-Pn-qP A1Gn hoth are rtirrant r-nrnrirate officers of Bocca Doro, Inc dba Bocca Doro Restaurant . 20- 135 , 2-COP, 2023 Park Ave. , Orange Park, Fla . IV SALES TAX 1 . Do you acknowledge your statutory responsibility to obtain a proper sales tax account number before operating a businass under the license you are hereby seeking? Initials: V RIGHT OF OCCUPANCY 1 . Does applicant have a legal right of occupancy to the premises sought to be licensed? Yes Explain ( Include the landlords name and address if applicable�� Leasing property from Candler Development Company. VI HEALT APPROVAL - TO BE COMPLETED BY THE STATE/COUNTY HEALTH AUTHORITIES ONLY: inspection of this establ i shment ;ias Wade onD'2- ! - and i t was found that the sanitary facilities of the establishment Yx Comply ( ) Do Not Comply with the minimum requirments unser regulations of the Florida State Sanitary Code, as promulgateurider Cn%,_,tA %19_36, r. era] Laws of Florida, Sanitarian-County Health Depart VII ONI APPROVAL 1 . Is location within the limits of an incorporated municipality? Yes 2. This premises is applying for 3 4-COP-S R xtype license. This would authorize sales of alcohol is beverages as fol lows: Beer, wine & liquor for con- sumption onpremises only. —_ 3._- THt- ",,RTiON IS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE LOCAL ZONING AUTHORITIES ONLY: .Tt' e above location does comply with local zoning ordinance for the sale of.`A-Tcoholis beverages as stated above. tThe-above location does not comply with local zoning ordinance for the �. - • - saie.�of alcoholic beverages as stated above. Title: City Clerk �� -Adelaide R. Tucker County „�,a� Date 7/17/R� 'Cfity tY ntin Rrnach ___ .. . . .. .. - e- rnn cocr I A nci r i na 4t rnuni I r RFVFPPLrr I 1 rFNc.FS_ a STATE OF FLORIDA DBR 700-1, DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS REGULATION Rev, 10-80 DIVISION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES AND TOBACCO APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE INSTRUCTIONS: 1 . This application must be typed and filed in duplicate. As part of our service the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco will be happy to assist- in the preparation and typing of this application. 2. All questions must be answered. If a question does not apply so indicate by N/A. 3. This application is taken under oath. Persons filing false applications or information may be prosecuted and their application denied. I TYPE OF APPLICATION Check Appropriate Box(es) (X) New ' ( ) Increase in Series ( ) New - Additional ( ) Decrease in Series ( ) One Day Permit (For ) ( ) Change in Series ( ) Temporary Transfer ( ) Change of Officers ( ) Transfer ( ) Correction ( ) Change of Business Name ( ) Other ( ) Change of Location — II FOR ANY TRANSFER OR CHANGE APPLICATION ONLY: 1 . For Transfer of License No. Current Series_ 2. From 3. Business Name _ III FOR ALL APPLICATIONS 1 . Full Name of Applicant(s) Porto, Inc. _ 2. Business Name Capriccio 3. Location of Business 1021 Atlantic Blvd. , Atlantic Beach, FL 32221 STREET NO. MUNICIPALITY COUNTY ZIPCODE 4. Mailing Address_ ( Same) Duval County IF DIFFERENT FROM LOCATION OF BUSINESS- ZIPCODE 5. Type of License Desired (Series Beer & Wine Consumption or)*Premises 6. If applicant is a corporation or a limited partnership list the charter number issued by the Florida Department of State G63977 7. List below the names of all those connected, directly or indirectly, in the business for which the license is sought: (This includes Partner(s) , Spouse, Director(s) , Stockholder(s) , Chief Executive. Limited and General Partner(s) , Corporation(s) , or any form of entity which is connected with this business) . NAME OFFICE ( IF CORPORATION) OR NATURE OF INTEREST OTHER TITLE IF ANY INCLUDING STOCK % A. Rosario Recupito ^_ Presiden�jSecretar� _ 50% B. John Recupito — Vice-President 50%--- C. D. E. F. • taicense? Hocca&D bro, c_nc mgperatrngPa&er6Rres_aurantha edOrage g�n e Park, pl ida. he indip' �uals named above are also the only officers & share- hoQder oUa oa cla c�enser�6verf t ng the place described in this application or any other place in which any of the above named persons or entities were at the time interested ever been revoked by the Director? D. Are any of the persons or business entities now, or have they been in the past, interested in, affiliated or connected with, directly or indirectly, including through stock ownership or otherwise, any corporation, partnership or individual engaged in, directly or indirectly, the manufacturing, rectifying, distilling, distributing, importing, exporting, or selling at retail , any alcoholic beverage in the State of Florida or any other State? If the answer is "Yes" to any of the questions asked give full particulars Only other activities are sales for consumption on premises in connection with restaurant operations . IV SALES TAX 1 . Do you acknowledge your statutory responsibility to obtain a proper sales tax account number before operating a business under the license you are hereby seeking? Yes Initials: V RIGHT OF OCCUPANCY 1 . Does applicant have a legal right of occupancy to the premises sought to be licensed?_Yes Explain ( Include the landlords name and address if applicable) Prenmisesnae.r_ 1ease fram-- -shoppinrr ranter owner Candler Development Company. _ VI HEALTH APPROVAL -• TO BE COMPLETED By THE STATE/COUNTY HEALTH AUTHORITIES ONLY: Inspection of this establishr-rit 7:as erde on and it was found that the sanitary facilities oY the establishcent ( ) Comply ( ) Do Not Coit-.Ply with the minimum requirments under regulations of the Florida State Sanitary node, as pra;nuigated ur,&! Gnz Tier 193,66_ re!perai Lads of Florida, Sanitarian-County health D�partrrent VII ZONING APPROVAL 1 . Is location within the limits of an incorporated municipality? Yes 2. This premises is applying for a _type license. This would authorize sales of alcoholic beverages as �+ 3. TH I S PORTIO-'4 1 S TO BE COFiPL'TEL BY THE L OC.-A.L ZOIr I NG AJTHORIT I ES ONLY: Yes The above location dices comply With local zoning ordinance for the sale of alcoholic beverages as stated above. as a USE BY EXCEPTION. The above l `cation does not comply wilt; local zoning ordinance for the sale of alcoholic bcvera/ces as stated above. Title: CITY CLERK City ATLANTIC BEACH `Y __Coanzy__DUVAL Date 3/19/84 r rn t i Ai nn rl l!.^. At rnL:!11 r(' kr-\fY r+!`�:C• �r�NCFC SKETCH OF LICENSLD PREMISES r.,.. •`�{ .. I1' .2• '., ty�+f;._� `s �� ✓ _ .'-11-G. _ _ __ - v."�.•.-i:.:.,.' Yom..,, �Il C.- -` t ��(.�:� flCt-rAb caaLtR o� . vr,. I iia• ti�"yt. , .� I. 10 ib' Ictc tales' ' _ L a6 d 111 S<ucrAw� opG�w-- Rac�ao- .o►w t VDrSasw.'Sc+tscra'P1uuc , . ! I; A�nb 'olp'A�oat .Aria ! f� �1 r 1 ""T` 'p i o /I «_ r T-11 jtom +x`t�_�_- �TLtA•Y.b'(HtRWINY. `.fL« .\., ,4 I i - F ►�A WO atcAb ow J —41 i I WAIS F--- 1 :_ 0 , I KIIGN EN ¢'- 10� 7Io tl L -- 4 4 L'S I 13.1.• I 7 , + ti i Ip vi 41, Ftl vwll o I I OoJDL AeneJw I rAtiT 1 �' ----ITPr 000� Y•U•' - -- '�= L IJa GAbA rr}}((L c � 1 cma ox. �fJo'ALL .rIPJ t+ ---- ---_-= hofrl( ti L 6•. 1 � ' '"I. a 1�- � I t ! � Z < Y. _.y X21.0. 1" �'.b+ ' r L•7•' t'o dl .l�'_�1 7`*f �" 1 � t oL int IY1 � � r-A'bfY cNJoPY tr( it,lA«7 I P � ' Q :RI f1� Ic:K ALL ot�r c 10 -- S w ve•_ bj.owdtf... I � `�- Atca7 'itis (ALL - jI bRIGK 'AiLVLibO �'J b�w/�tIC(fLIGO O i' �I --- J wrwrt:0 vi _ 1 is �-->i'•Z7"_. II D•I Ib' I•j' °' . i q1-'.7• �• 51,0" i r-b'. I B''°• I -- -- o- ,�a•�YPwALL 1'-N"1'•�I• I �P•11'1'•11' -p !� --- Re�tP,1�IorJ � L�1r,�1oR4M Ori�c ! s-''•'r"/�'PK. �, --- _ J� vc�or PtYWC I Ah s,clxc ito by --- I -_- +' --- J - �- --•-1 -. _- .)'LA,jtbR - ytJO'Y wf.{L�LA).� a 't ! (L�J1aR — blJcko J I i .,jJcco:liy« � 1 d' 4d 4'-8' +'=o' I2-'tf #Q`D'm4' `4:. t't'L2' D 2'.D 1'•0' f( h' 9� q-:I 3 I F�oo� j�LAtA e CITY OF _ l�a�stic �eac� - ��vcida 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD P.O.BOX 26 ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 82239 TELEPHONE(904)249-2996 March 12, 1984 MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: A. William Moss, City Manager SUBJECT: Application by Porto, Inc. , for "Use by Exception" On March 5, 1984, the Advisory Planning Board held a special called meeting to consider a "Use by Exception" request by Porto, Inc. , to sell liquor, beer and wine for on-premise consumption at Capriccio's Restaurant. The restaurant is located at the new Atlantic Village Shopping Center. That area is zoned Commercial General. Restaurants are permitted in a Commercial General zoning district. The right for on-premise consumption of liquor, beer and wine, however, requires the granting of a "Use by Exception" by the City Commission. The Advisory Planning Board recommended that the City Commission grant the "Use by Exception." The City Commission is requested to approve, disapprove, or amend the "Use by Exception" application submitted by Porto, Inc. , doing business as Capriccio's Restaurant. Respectfully, / 1. ' )ffa, d.1-a A. William Moss City Manager AWM:j 1 PAGE 1 of 2 'USE BY EXCEPTION' APPLI CATION DATE FILED: February 29 , 1984 LOG NO. NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER OR TENANT IN POSSESSION OF PREMISES: PHONE Porto, Inc d/b/a Capriccio WORK: 737-7868 1021 Atlantic Blvd. HOME: 285-2318 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 AN ADEQUATE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES AS TO WHICH THE USE BY EXCEPTION IS REQUESTED: A DESCRIPTION OF THE USE BY EXCEPTION DESIRED, WHICH SHALL SPECIFICALLY AND PARTICULARLY DESCRIBE THE TYPE, CHARACTER AND EXTENT OF THE PROPOSED USE BY EXCEPTION: The restaurant is requesting a Use by Exception for on premises consumption of liquor , beer and wine. THE REASON FOR REQUESTING THE USE BY EXCEPTION: Present zoning prohibits on premises consumption of liquor , beer and wine except as a Use by Exception. PRESENT ZONING: CG See Original SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT OR APPLICANT'S AUTHORIZED AGENT OR ATTORNEY. IF AGENT OR ATTORNEY, INCLUDE LETTER OF APPLICANT/OWNER OR TENANT TO THAT EFFECT. ----------------------------------------------------------- REVIEW GUIDELINES 1. Ingress and egress to property and proposed structures thereon with particular reference to atuomotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control and access in case of fire or catastrophe. !AGE 2 OF 2 ' USE BY EXCEPTION'APPLICATION "o,T- 3. Refuse and service areas, with particular reference to the items in (1) and (2) above. 4. Utilities, with reference to locations, availability and compatibility. 5. Screening and buffering, with reference to type, dimensions and character. 6. Signs, if any, and proposed exterior lighting, with reference to glare, traffic safety, economic effects and compatibility and harmony with properties in the district. 7. Required yards and other open spaces. 8. General compatibility with adjacent properties and other property in the district. _ 9. Any conditions, restrictions or limitations in the use of such premises. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Advisory Planning Board's Report and Recommendations: The Advisory Planning _Board recommends approval of the request for Use by Exception by Porto . Incorporated to sell liquor , beer , and wine for on premises consumption at Capriccio's Restaurant , providing they meet the State requirements J � v u U U 00 o N � w u ow Cd .4 �� U 'Z ✓ • i T< c� h j OrK OZ u pq U A i 3 �f FM 'n •N ,�„ � r 4l rt 'U rl N �r1 " o b ® tE csCut :o 43 CITY HHLL CTL 5 H TEL Plo 241 CITY OF ATLAMIC 13.EACN APPLICATION FOR .SIGN PERMIT ADDRESS: ` CX� a PHONE: �� C TYPE OF SIGN: �;n ne � SIZE; PROPOSED LOCATION. Q WILL. THE SIGN REQUIRE AN ELECTRICAL t='I RMZT? ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: Signs over fifty (50) feet in area. and/or any sign which is more than seventeen (17) feet above the ground, or any sign weighing more than one thousand (1.000) pounds, must be submitted with drawings from a registered engineer. Signs with a solid area greaten than thirty (30) Square feet must be erected to withstand a wind pressure of at least thirty-five (35) Pounds per square foot. Drawings must also show that weight of sign will be supported by the roof or ground support on which it: will be erected. Mis application must be submitted along with the following: 1. A plot plan of the land, showing the position of the sign in relation to buildings or structures. 2. A blueprint or ink drawing showing the plans and specif- ications, and the construction and/or attachment to the building or in the ground, 3. Other information as may be requinBd under Sec. 17-2(b) , Code of Ordinances. City of Atlant:i.c Reach. APPLICANT SIGNA Date: TtJRE: d-- OWNER SIGNATURE: Date: �v A � } f- i r•� �1J4Fi .moru rt raim � GTP Gnfb 6-r- .. tmw -r"u oc FISP pp0.'1' ? t1tA N Z U is C. - ---- - �t 1'T .H i CJ �R; yak a z7 7 M—r- f I �Ra��n) +rtac.ws 1'N Fz�c.�.wrav C H ANN E L�l1 K i 2H C� 1 �� ���V � c Op U ll _ �,_��C� WITH J& '�rWONNMILLE,FL. 32204 (ivyy g. 17— wa DEEP, RTM T OFBI L. tl i { CITY OF Ja1TLANTIC BAH d _ P1TF <',.. w s w Ar.. _.. w�.. ,:y �" ►' ION 07, D 32233 v ti ov low 0 'Dwe + imp rV.. t 3 T � ~ .' o 't i '� pass OT MIMI $19' so �?a 0*4 Ilk � ��3 : d.Mua .n � ► t}t?Q 1 Lim.r :32 0�# DS C 1 4 t $0.00 Al oto sc NOT S: NOTICE--ALL CONCFiEt FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST 8E#NO#,,#*6.13�F©RE PCiURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATA C3F}SSU ° }'DING MATERIAL, RUBBISH ANC?DEBAI�S FAOM THIS W6,Ak MUS`P iUQT-SI P}�A�SI�,II�I-PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE CLEARED Uf?AN} F#AULW AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OA OWNto ` AILURE To( Commy ` rr THE MECHAI 'S LA N' LAW :CAN RESULT IN " P � PAWN t' 'fi�� C�► "�H����:��N �MPR+C�U`�NIENTS" ISSUED ACCORDING Td APPROtt)PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS.PF-RlVIIT AND SUBJECT10 REVOCATION FOR u CL AT}ON C31�`APf�I.#CAR#E PROVII }JOKS OF LAW.: t C ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING DEPA} T NT ., 1; ail: Alo MSP SHOWING SU YY OF egSc�{1fir'tL_FcA.!s �'a � !;7_ Ay 14 AS REI1091IEE+JN PLAT BOOK _....f'A(ir5..__. OF THE CLIRRENT PURI IG f FUMDS(►F_�L��' �� t�t)t•11JTY. Fl�RiRA. GERTIFIE() T(1 - A. f 'A 4S50C/8'r,.E23 51995 SEP _.A��>>�•��T j�/ T G N " salrrt.wA'f q do /TA+�}rt1-r Fh 2 b e.aA TGT R.a-F Ff.A5Hf f_0 t Mal A. r. 0 1. N `o 'b oft Ole, IRS dp � 7 � � h�� Vit.;) �'�°? g:'i tify •°y �taa � � �• �' �`i' w '• d DRQ r�•,f,rrcvs>!� t2�1•' ��d� , p j''� �Y, lsYrcr. 6Am!! KGr% o'c" " FRA MC vJv"A'!••AAdj 6Kil-_V F.-Ac-9 C• 1 1 41 ` ' rt CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number . . . . . 06-00033116 Date 5/31/06 Property Address . . . . . . 1021 ATLANTIC BLVD Tenant nbr, name . . . . . . REPLACE EXISTING FIXTURES Application description . . . ELECTRIC ONLY Property Zoning . . . . . . . TO BE UPDATED Application valuation . . . . 0 Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ KEHR ELECTRIC DAVID D. KEHR 9438 PANDA ST JACKSONVILLE FL 32220 (904) 778-2100 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . ELECTRICAL PERMIT Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 70 . 00 Plan Check Fee . 00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 70 . 00 70 . 00 . 00 . 00 Plan Check Total . 00 . 00 . 00 , 00 Grand Total 70 . 00 70 . 00 . 00 . 00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. BUILDING OFFICIAL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ` ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION J %'rJ 1Jr Date: Z "� Property Address: (G A k ft 1ctit4Ni C- 13[J- Owner: 4_)c rj�L C � C.l w�c Telephone#: Contractor: Ky,� � e. � Telephone#: Contractor Address: P0, eo"c Nell Fax#: `j8 Contractor Signature: In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement, we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plans and specifications which are a part hereof and in accordance with the City of Atlantic Beach ordinance and standards of good practice listed therein. 11milding: Building Type: ❑ Trailer Service: If other construction is New ❑ Residence ❑ Temp. ❑ New being done on this building Or site,list the building Old Commercial ❑ Signs ❑ Increase Permit number: ❑ Re-wire ❑ Addition Sq.Ft. ❑ Repair 000 03a1 Conductor Size: AMPS: COPPER ALUMINUMED Switch or RACE Breaker AMPS PH W VOLT WAY Existing Service RACE Size AMPS PH 3 W VOLT WAYS Meter Number Feeders: NO. SIZE NO SIZE NO SIZE Lighting Outlets CONCEALED OPEN Receptacles CONCEALED 9 OPEN Switches In ATUMV 11 100 AMPS Incandescent Fluorescent & M.V. Fixed 0.100 ANTS OVER BELL Appliances TRANSFER. Air H.P.RATING H.P.RATING CEILING KW-HEAT Conditioning COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS HEAT Motors 0-1 H.P. VOLTAGE PH NO. OVER 1 H.P. PHS UNDER600V OVER600V Transformers NO. KVA NO. KVA No.NeonTransf. Ea.__Sign7 Miscellaneous 800 Seminole Road•Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904)247-5800• Fax: (904)247-5845• http://ivww.ei.atlantic-beach.fi.us Revised 1/04 <� CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SENIINOLE ROAD f� ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE DINE 247-5826 ''65)jn; `` Application Number . . . . . 06-00033159 Date 6/05/06 Property Address . . . . . . 1021 ATLANTIC BLVD Tenant nbr, name . . . . . . 2 FIXTURES Application description . . . PLUMBING ONLY Property Zoning . . . . . . . TO BE UPDATED Application valuation . . . . 0 Owner Contractor ------------------ ------ ------------------------ JAX FED CREDIT UNION CRABTREE PLUMBING INC 2351 URBAN ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 JACKSONVILLE FL 32210 (904) 384-4604 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . PLUMBING PERMIT Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 49 . 00 Plan Check Fee . 00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 49 . 00 49 . 00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 Grand Total 49 . 00 49 . 00 . 00 . 00 PERMff IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILD]NG CODES. s CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH f PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: Property Address: /D �••- /Z- Owner: ZOwner: �i1'x F Prt,a C�2�r��� Telephone#: Contractor: Telephone#: � Contractor Address: y 5-1 e_1 Fax#: Contractor Signature: In consideration of permit i oing the work as described in the above statement,we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plans and specifications which are a part hereof and in accordance with the City of Atlantic Beach ordinance and standards of good practice listed therein. Installation of plumbing and fixtures must be in accordance with the most recent edition of the Southern Standard Plumbing Code. Plumbing Type: If other construction is being done on this building or site, (�New list the building permit number: ❑ Re-Pipe Number of Fixtures: Bath Tubs Showers T Closets Shower Pans Dishwashers Sinks Disposals Urinals Floor Drains Washing Machine p Lavatory Water Sewer Water Heaters Sprinkler System Other Fees Permit Issuing Fee: $35.00 Total Fixtures: _ Z_ X$7.00 + $35.00= 800 Seminole Road s Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904)247-5800. Fax: (904)247-5845. http://Www.ci.atiantic-beach.fl.us Revised 1/04 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SE MOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number . . . 06-00033039 Date 5/23/06 Property Address . . . . . . 1021 ATLANTIC BLVD Tenant nbr, name . . . . . . JAX FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Application description . . . RESIDENTIAL ADD/RENOVATE/ALTER Property Zoning . . . . . . . TO BE UPDATED Application valuation . . . . 0 Owner Contractor - ------------------------ ----------------------- C. ZORNES BUILDERS INC. 1857 WELLS RD STE 216 ORANGE PARK FL 32073 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit BUILDING PERMIT Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 35 . 00 Plan Check Fee 17 . 50 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 11/23/06 --p -------------------------------- ------- ---------------------------------- Other Fees . . . . . . . . . WATER IMPACT FEE 150 . 00 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 35 . 00 35 . 00 . 00 . 00 Plan Check Total 17 . 50 17 . 50 . 00 . 00 Other Fee Total 150 . 00 150 . 00 . 00 . 00 Grand Total 202 . 50 202 . 50 . 00 . 00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. i BUILDING OFFICIAL f ?t yLyr1 J� CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH cc. 3 BUILDING / ZONING DEPARTMENT ° L. R n s� 800 Seminole Road w. r Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233 rwjl� (904)247-5800 (904)247-5845 Fax www.coab.us PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS Permit Application # Property Address: L2 L u/l.0 b G lel V� Applicant: �� • ( � ��� Project: J X ��Ll Offaf*4- O M This permit application has been: Approved Reviewed and the following items need attention: Please re-submit your application when these items have been completed. Reviewed By: iV�- r � Date: �r z5 0 Date Contractor Notified: NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT (PRIEPAM Tax FoUo No. Permit No. County of State of °OnoGMt that Improvements will be made t0 stn real property,this MCand in To whom It rrwy hereby informs You stion b stated M this NOTICE OF The un withde nsds.Uw 713 of the Florida Statutes,the fouow<ny NKa� seoordaftoe COMMENCEMENT. Legal description of properly being improved: Address of property being unproved: , %i 1 General dewptim of improvements. V.6 Owner G Address b a r If owner's Interest In site of the Improvement Fea Simple TMaholdser(if other than owner) Name Address ContractorIL Address L w 1 G 91.4 Fax No. ne PhoNo.19 0 1215 Surety(If any) 11 Amount of bond S Address Fax No. Phone NO. Nam and address W any Darson making a ban for the aafiatrullkm of tl+s improvements. . Name Address Fax No. Phone No. Name Of person within the State of FioAda,other than himself,designated by owner upon whom nodus or other documents may be served: Name Address Fax No Phone No. In addition b himself.owner d4W Aar the following person to me"a WW of rho Uerwr'a Notice 06 Provided M Section 713.06(2)(b),Florida Statuloa.(FE In it Owners option), Name Address _,Fart No. Phone NO expiration data is one(1)1�trom the date of rewrding uniess e ExPirMUM div of Natcs of Commence hent(the expire different data is apecilled): owNeR er AGENT S P E FO itEC� R'S U E O L1/ ,r.egos Pews►of A�mruY r aaOY�'P— 4rb:— .Q in Me t3e►0�me N+M J-��--�y of ONAW of tAwer,avu d FleAoe I+o�h nay appeared Mein by G r t nlmeoM/MnNtr wd eMm�e Met at sfoamenu enl wo NOW avwrere• stet.et I COL"of — Doo 0 2008178477,OR SK 13278 Page 2241, No"Pubk sit LWP- 0 Number Pages:2 MY eanmbelon cep Ess: Fuad 8 Raco►dad �►' at of:�pAA, PnaaAle rtnowrn�-or Proa+oed lawngoo JIM FULLER CLERK CIRCUIT COURT OWAL COUNTY RECORDING$18.50 ,AAS, SHa0Z 099MZ rvA T6:CZ DOWN/SO _ — — v r.•••__� — — 9047319414 May 19 06 09: 45a MIDDLETOM CFIRPPELL EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIp7ION OF SHOPPING CENTER AND SITE PLAN thereof as recorded in Plat Boa)` A pact of Tract"A",High (ands Unit No. S,as shown on the Piat 24.Pages 23 &33A of the current public records of Duval County.Florida. [R•E•Parxi I.D. o. 042668-0020) EXHIBIT B LANDLORD'S WORK Tenant accepts premises"as is" Saan 089Z9LZ Xv3 WCE 9002/ZZ/SO WATER IMPACT FEE WORKSHEET ADDRESS: © 2( /�'r C i lL ✓(� DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNIT FIXTURE TYPE VALUE AS LOAD RXTURES UNITS Automatic clothes washers,commercial 3 Automatic clothes washers, residential 2 Bathroom group consisting of water closet,lavatory, Bidet, and bathtub or shower 6 Bathtub(with or without overhead shower or whirlpool attachments) 2 Bidet 2 Combination sink and tray 2 Dental lavatory 1 Dishwashing machine,domestic 2 Drinking fountain/lcemaker Floor drains 2 Hose bib 1 Kitchen sink, domestic 2 Kitchen sink, domestic with food waste grinder and/or dishwasher 2 Laundry tray (1 or 2 compaftments) 2 Lavatory 1 Shower compartment,domestic 2 Sink 2 Urinal 4 Urinal, 1 gallon per flush or less 2 Wash sink Kircular or multiple)each set of faucets 2 Water closet,flushometer tank, public or private 4 Water cioset, private installation 4 Water closet, public installation 6 b TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS= -4 .s MULTIPLIED X 20 = 5� TOTAL$ / p ~siy;f� CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION a, /i1,Se�de ' �moo�� L /OZ( Date: �. /9. 0 & Job Address: Owner of Property: Address: Telephone: Legal Description: Block Number: Lot Number: Zoning District: p Contractor: C , Zo giukS t3o\lcx,s, iwr- , State License Number: Contractor Address: J 59 L--)41-'-- 5y. ��I (::, 1Z Ic P /�� 7 Telephone: 100 21 CA - Fax: ,lr7L- 50 Describe proposed use and work to be done: :.L,t11 r 2}`o Z ,J,, vJ�-• Present use of land or building(s): Valuation of proposed construction: 176 DDD, v Dimensions of the added space: A feet x feet Will this project involve: p/eating&Air- Plumbing Electrical ❑ Fireplace Conditioning � ���5vri�ys Is approval of Homeowner's Association or other private entity required? If yes, please submit with this application. Will this project involve changes in elevation, site grade or any use of fill material, or the addition of 5% or more to the nrirrinal imnvrvinnc arQQ or the removal of any trees? JN 0. Applicant certifies that no change in site grade, impervious area or fill material will be used on this project. YES. See Step 2 below. Approval of the Public Works Department is required prior to issuance of a Building Permit. NO. Applicant certifies that no trees will be removed for this project. YES. Removal of Trees will be required for this project. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT IS REQUIRED. Tree Removal Permits to be reviewed by the Tree Conservation Board,which meets two times each month. Procedure: In order to expedite issuance of permits, please follow all steps and provide all information as appropriate. Incomplete applications may result in delay in issuance of permit. STEP 1. Verify zoning designation and proper setbacks for the proposed construction. If you are unsure of this information, please contact the Planning and Zoning Department at 904-247-5826. In order to correctly verify zoning designation, please have Property Appraiser's Real Estate Number available. STEP 2. Contact the City of Atlantic Beach Department of Public Works to determine if a pre-construction or post-construction topographical survey or grading plan is required. (If not required, written verification must be provided with this application.) The Department of Public Works is located at: 1200 Sandpiper Lane,Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 Telephone:(904)247-5834 STEP 3. Submit Tree Removal Application if trees are to be removed or relocated. STEP 4. Please submit Building Permit Application, Energy Code Forms, Notice of Commencement, Owner/Contractor Affidavit if owner is contractor,and four(4)complete sets of construction plans to the Building Department,which is located at the Atlantic Beach City Hall,800 Seminole Road,Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 Telephone:(904)247-5826 800 Seminole Road -Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Telephone: (904)247-5800 •Fax: (904)247-5845 •http://www.ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us Page 2 Revised 8/04 In addition to construction and engineering detail,plans must contain the following information as appropriate for the type of work being performed. Scale of drawings should be sufficient to depict all required information in a clear and legible manner. 1. Current survey showing the property boundary with bearings and distances and the legal description. 2. Location of all structures,temporary and permanent,including setbacks,building height,number of stories and square footage. Identify any existing structures and uses. 3. If required by the Department of Public Works,a pre-construction topographical survey. 4. Any significant environmental features,including any jurisdictional wetlands,CCCL,natural water bodies. 5. Impervious Surface area calculations: include driveways, sidewalks, patios and other Impervious Surfaces. Swimming pools may be excluded from total Impervious Surface. 6. Other information as may be appropriate for individual applications. Address and contact information of person to receive all correspondence regarding this application(please print). Name: —LA,,te`) Mailing Address: b - C` _.G /� C '� 3 24,6 5 Telephone: 119- 3`� Fax: 4e, E-Mail: C :2090-c-SC��Aa :4ye k I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and attached documentation and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of the laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with, whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any federal,state or local rules,regulations,ordinances,or laws in any manner,including the governing of construction or the performance of construction of the property. I understand that the issuance of this permit is contingent upon the above information being true and correct and that the plans and supporting data have been or shall be provided as required. Signature of Owner: k ' Date:� AS TO OWNER: Sworn to and subscribed before me this 9 ,, day of � ,206 State of Florida,County of Duval DEBORAH 0.OMNA � Notary's Signature: Notary Pubic-Skft Of Roddo • y�� 2W 21"Personally known CommlEtlon#E DO2GW3� ❑ Produced identification Bonded BY Nallonol Type of identification produced Signature of Contractor: 2 Date: AS TO CONTRACTOR: Sworn to and subscribed before me this [Q cIA— day of_'4--,ou.% ,206 (� State of Florida,County of Duval Notary's Signature: 1�, p�,O►� . _ (�,,,��.� =. 4y AN O.DA%ft _Blols«per [ Personally known 80"00121,21107 ❑ Produced identification n#t DD 280653 Type of identification produced a"" Mal NotalyAtan. Seminole Road •Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Telephone: (904)247-5800 -Fax: (904)247-5845 •http://www.ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us Page 3 Revised 8/04 i NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT (PREPARE IN DUPLICATE) Permit No. Tax Folio No. State of County of To whom it may concern: The undersigned hereby Informs you that improvements will be made to certain real property,and in accordance with Section 713 of the Florida Statutes,the following information is stated in this NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Legal description of property being improved: See- 0—tt.o c.1.wn ent 0t_ICL1,iic Vi 110_a —S�Io9oln4 pv,-Frey Address of property being improved:1003 Qtlolni i e— OWL �>t✓ �4- 1 O General description of improvements: 11,r-In uya'4-i oh Owner L.L 1-ez era-\ �-rLd.1� L"-,,oh Address SU 90-Y k- S4r.T SO.t4SbhVi Ile-, VL.. 3-a.1n>{ Owner's interest in site of the improvement Fee Simple Titleholder(if other than owner) Name -I tairl P � ' o Address IfnQ� ^!E tOwnl ('O.XL h S �r tfe-L�i�, l�l:tati.:t ( C1. �L 33t'19 Contractor' '3orncS 13UAAerS "rte Address 1851 WC11.5 14'.00,8- sa*,+e tIe Phone No.I b - '21 - 3 9 ib C Fax No. Surety(if any) u Address Amount of bond$ Phone No. Fax No. Name and address of any person making a loan for the construction of the improvements. Name N A Address Phone No. Fax No. Name of person within the State of Florida,other than himself,designated by owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served: Name IJ fl' Address Phone No. Fax No. In addition to himself,owner designates the following person to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.06(2)(b),Florida Statutes.(Fill in at Owner's option). Name Address Phone No. Fax No. Expiration date of Notice of Commencement(the expiration date is one(1)year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified): THIS SPACE FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY OWNER or AGENT (If Agent,Power of Attorney or Agency Letter Required) Signedlu� Date: C l0(,, Before me this 1T—day of MQ-Q in the County of Duval,State of Florida,has personally appeared Gr-yr; IF, SeM-ioh herein by himself/herself and affirms that all statements are true and accurate. Notary Public at Large,State off I aY Lf - , County of�wyt11_ My commission expires: 1 O 11 1L�l 0 l Personally Known_✓or Produced Identifi No"Pubre-a"of FIOIk�O �242V �#��, �fllMd INONM ArrL ,A 4 Exhibit H Lenal Description A PART OF THE CASTRO Y FERRER GRANT SECTION 3a, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 29 EAST,DUVAL COUNTY. FLORIDA MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS- FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT I. BLOCK 20, REPLAT OF PART OF ROYAL PALMS UNIT TWO A. AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 31, PAGF"S 1e, ISA, 168, 1150, AND 160 OF THE CURRENT PUBLIC RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE S. 070 16' 02" E., ALONG THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF ROYAL PALJNS DRIVE, AS ESTABLI5HE0 AS A 60 FOOT RIGHT OF VJAY BY OFFICIAL RECORDS VOLUME 1819, PAGE SZ OF SAID PUBLIC RECORDS, A DISTANCE OF 20.4Z FEET; TiENCE N. 85' 37' 27" W., ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE LANDS AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS VOLUME 2010, PAGE 423 OF SAID PUBLIC RECORDS, A DISTANCE OF 80.29 FEET THENCE S. CO. 41' 22" E., ALONG THE WEST LINE GF SAID LANDS AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS VOLUME.2010. PAGE 42 A DISTANCE Or 214.92 FEET;THENCE N. 89°18'88"E.,ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LANDS AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECO tips VOLUME 2010, PAGE 42,A OISTANCF 147.63 FEET TO A POINT ON THE AFOREMENTIONED WESTF_RLY RIGHT OF WAY OF ROYAL PALMS DRIVE, SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE BEING A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 615 FEET,THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, A CHORD BEARING OF S. 44" 14' 11'E.ANO A CHORD DISTANCE OF 236_Fg0 FEET TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY OF SAD CURVE; THENCE S. 67.31' 02"E., CONTINUING ALONG SAID WESFERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE, A OIaTANCE OF 87.05 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVE OF A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTH WESTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 113.56 FEET; 74ENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONQ THE ARC OF SAID CURVE; A CHORD BEARING OF S. 529 13' 10"E. AND A CHORD DISTANCE. OF 20.87 FEET;THENCE S. 89' 18'38"W., ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE LANDS AS DESCR18ED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS VOLUME 3397, PAGE 89,A DISTANCE OF 126.77 FEET:THENCE S. 000 41' 22" E., ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LANDS, A DISTANCE OF 62.00 FEET; THENCE N. 89' 18' 38" E., ALONG THE SCUTH LINE OP SAID LANDS AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS VOLUME 339'7. PAGE 69, A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE AFOREMENTIONED WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF ROYAL PALMS DRIVE. SAID POINT BEING ON A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 113.55 FEST; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE,A CHORD BEARING OF S. OS' 45' 42"E. ANIS A CHORD DISTANCE OF 20.Ots FEET TO 'THE POINT CF TANGENCY OF SAID CURVE; THENCE 8. 89. 18' 38'W.ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE LANDS As DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS VOLUME 2219, PAGE 306 AND ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE LANDS AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS VOLUME 2843, PAGE 750 AND ALONG TNI; ^NOR"H LINE OF THE LANDS AS DESCRI97:D IN OFFICIAL RECOR3S VOLUME 3231. PAGE 773 A DISTANCE OF 440.00 FEET' THENCE S. CO. 41' 72' E., ALONG THE WEST LING OF THE LANDS AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS VOLUME 3231, PAGE 773 A DISTANCE OF 180.00 FEET: THENCE S. 89. 18' 38"W., ALONG TH& NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF ATLANTIC BOULEV.ARD (STATE ROAD AIA)AS NOW ESTABLISHED AS A 100 FOOT RIGHT {JF WAY, A DISTANCE OF 5,30.18 FEET: THENCE N. 07' 18'C2"W. A DISTANCE OF 160.00 FEET: THENCE S. Be' 18' 39" W.. PARALLEL VViTM SAID NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF ATLANTIC BOULEVARD, A DISTANCE OF 201.42 FEET TO THE F?A3TERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF AQUATIC DRIVE, AS ESTABLISHED BY OFFICIAL RECORDS VOLUME 3278, PAGES 176 AND 177 OF SAID PUBLIC RECORDS;*THENCE N. 11"42'30'W,.ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 390.25 FEET• THENCE N. 82. 43' 38" E., ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE LANDS AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS VOLUME 2411, PAGE 1171, A DISTANCE OF 262.48 FLET: THENCE N. 130 54' SC" E.. ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LANDS AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS VOLUME 24t1, PAOt_ 1171 AND ITS NORTHEASTERLY EXTENSION, A DISTANCE OF 192.81 FEET; THENCE S. 85. 37 27"E., ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF AFORF-m=NTIONEO BLOCK 26, REPLAT OF PART OF ROYAL PALMS UNIT TWO A, A DISTANCE OF 37.52 FEET, THENCE s. 070 I6' 02" E., ALONG THEF WEST LINE OF THE LANDS AS DESCRIUE0 IN OFFICIAL RECORDS VOLUME 1471. PACS= 472, A DISTANCE OF 35.00 FEET; THENCE S, 850 37' 27" E.,ALONG THE SOUTH LINE Of SAID LANDS,A DISTANCE OF 60.00 FEET:THENCE N. 070 IV 02"W., ALONG THa EAST LINE OF SAID LANDS AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORCS VOLUME 1,471, PAGE •472, A DISTANCE OF 35.00 FEET; THENCE S. 85"37'27" E.,ALONG THE AFOREMENTIONED SOUTHERLY LINE OF BLOCK 26,A DISTANCE OF 541.88 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 14.04 ACRES MORE OR LESS. SUBJCCT TO A 2S FOOT DRAINAGE EASEMENT AS RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS VOLUME 2509, PACE 5158 AND SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT AS RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS VOLUME 2826,PAGE 774, 940TH CF THE CURRENT PUBLIC RECORDS OF SAID COyNTY. t AV _29_ Tenant / Landlord Initials N EQUITY !Vi i V Et 't 1, Fl. v, V O.NE May 9, 2006 Debbie Davis JAX Federal Credit Union 562 Park Street Jacksonville, Florida 32232 Dear Debbie: SHORT-TERM SHOPPING CENTER LEASE AGREEMENT RE: Short-Term Shopping Center Lease Agreement ("Agreement") between Equity One (Florida Portfolio) Inc., a Florida corporation ("Landlord") and JAX Federal Credit Union,a Florida chartered credit union("Tenant")dated 2006 (the"Effective Date") covering certain premises known as Space No.911-10 containing 1,500 square feet,identified as 1003 Atlantic Blvd.,Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233 (the "Premises")located in the Atlantic Village Shopping Center(the"Shopping Center"). This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions between Landlord and Tenant regarding use of above referenced Premises, as highlighted on the attached site plan, Exhibit A. 1. Term. This Agreement will commence on the date Landlord notifies Tenant in writing that the Leased Premises are ready for occupancy (the "Commencement Date"). The Rent Commencement date shall be the first to occur of(i)sixty(60)days after the Commencement Date, or(ii) the date on which Tenant opens for business to the public, and will terminate twelve months following the Rent Commencement Date (the"Termination Date"). 2. Rent. Tenant shall pay to Landlord (at rental payment address of P. O. Box 01-9170, Miami, Florida 33101-9170 —Equity One (Florida Portfolio) Inc., a Florida corporation) as Rent for the Premises, without demand, deduction or set off, the sum of Two Thousand Three Hundred Seventy Five and 00/100 Dollars ($2,375.00),plus Shopping Center Operating Costs of Three Hundred Twenty Seven and 501100 Dollars ($ 327.50), plus Real Estate Taxes of One Hundred Ninety Seven and 501100 Dollars($197.50),plus Landlord's Insurance Costs of ThirtyTwo and 501100 Dollars ($32.50), totaling Two Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty Two and 50/100 Dollars ($2,932.50)per month payable on the first day of each month of the Term in advance.With the execution of this agreement, Tenant shall pay Landlord the sum of the Security Deposit (55,865.00)plus the Prepaid Rent($2,932.50)Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety Seven and 501100 Dollars ($8,797.50). The Pre-Paid Rent shall be applied towards the Rent for the first one (1) month of the term. Any Rent due for any portion of the month at the commencement or termination of this Agreement will be pro-rated. In the event Tenant fails to make any payment Landlord: _;Tenantii&' Page 1 of 6 MAY-16-2006 09:50AM FROM- T-178 P.002/002 F-775 b R.� IN WITNESS NVHEI2EOF,the parties have executed and delivered this Lease as of the day and year first written above. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of: L Witness # s to and Etq 1 r Portfolio) Inc., a Fr ti n tint ame:f B ice s t Witness #2 as to Landlord: kn&t�Nam : TENANT: JAX Federal Credit Union, a Florida chartered credit union WitrAss #I as to Ten tQ By: • Name: Print Name: Title: �J Witness#2 as to Tenant: Punt Nzune: - n r Landlord: ";Tenont: Page 5 of 6 PINANCIAI.PAINTING Gar,,�fv notice of Commencement (Pe1IJRa aN DUPLICATE) To whom it may concern: The undersigned hereby informs you that lmprovements will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with section 719.13 of the rlorlda Statutes, the following Information is stated In this NOTICE OF COUMZNCZUWT. Description of property -__t� �. P �1�-Via. ag e_S h o�p i ngC e n t e r , Atlantic — -------------------. Blvd . , Atlantic Beach , FL General description of Improvements »___Const r u c t i o n o f mha.n_exis_ting-_shn�.Ping._�en�tar_.-_----------------- Owner --- -- Atlantic Village Asso-ciate- s ,-_ Ltd . -------------- -------- -- --- -- -- ------ ---- ------- ----------- --_--------------_�__----- Address c/o Global Realty & Management,-_ T�c77717th penthouse , Miami Beach , FL '31393 Owner's interest in site of the ImprovementFee Simple Simple Title holder (if other than owner) _______..-...- Name .._»_•--------------------------------.-_-___.-____...._-----------------.--_--__-_--------------_--_ Address -----------------»_-_-----------------...__.__,..._------- Contractor Address ---- Surety --Surety (if any) -------------------------------------------------__.--------------•-----------_-__ ___.____ Address ------- ------------------------------------------------------- --- Amoun! of bond 1--------- Name and address of any person making a loan fur the construction of the improvements. Name ------------------- -------------------------------...._-----------------------------______--•-------- Address ------------------------------------------._-...,.-------- --------------------__.__--- Name of person within the State of Florida, other than himscif, designated by owner upon whom notices or other dow,ments may be served: Name ---D o r o n--V a-e r o-_-.--___----------------_-_---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address Global -Realty & Management , Inc . 777 17th St . , __-----------------------------------------------------------------•------ Penthouse , Miami Beach , FL 33139 In addition to himself, owner designates the following person to receive a copy of the Llenor's Notice as provided In Section 713.06 (2) (b), Florida Statutes. (Fill In at Owner's option). Name ----------------------------------------»_-_.---------__-__-___-_--___--------------_-_---_-__----- i CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Approyod by APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL, PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE 3- �- _1p9J _ IMPORTANT NOTICE: .,.___IN- CONSIDERATION OF PER-MJT- GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. -.— ELECTRICAL FIRM: MASTER ELECTRICIAN sidNAIUR NAME Je wz,I ADDRESS: :2/ IH-r� ti,t.c JL(�RFD BOX BLDG.SIZE 0 f �f d r X s"Z� / BETWEEN: RES. ( ) APT. ( ) COMM. ( ? PUBLIC ( ) INDUS. ( ) NEW ( ! OLD (✓ill' REW. ( ) ADDITION ( ) TRAILER ( ) TEMP. ( ) SIGNS ( � SO. FT. SERVICE: NEW( ) INCREASE ( ) REPAIR'( ) FEE CONDUCTOR SIZE AMPS COPPER ALUM. SWITCH OR BREAKER AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY EXIST.SERV.SIZE AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY _ FEEDERS NO. SIZE NO. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL 0.00 AMPS. 01.100 AMPS. SWITCHES INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT&M.V. _-- -`-----_ --_ ---_~ FIXEQ 0.100 AMPS. OVER --_� _-- ------ -- -- , APPLIANCES BELL 7RANSF. AIR N.P. RATING H.P. RATING -- - CONDITIONING COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS CEIL HEAT: KYb' HEAT OVER hfOTORS H.P. VOLTAGE PHS NO, 1 N.P, VOLTAGE PHS MISCELLANEOUS TRANSFORMERS: UNDER BONy _ /. !. OVER SOA V. -------- T � 09875 ` .4. u.. DEPARTMENT OF SUIL, NG CITY OF'ATLANTIC.BEACH , � . ._ PRN N C►�"" 41 .. .. . � ------.:». LOCAT I N 'I I FORMAT I ON --------- Pjetrmit Number- 9075. ., Addrei$W' 02. ATLANTIC Witt Permit Type: ELECT CAL ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 322.31 Clatd �+irk. ADSTIN ,»__�� �.��. � � DESCRIPTION ... _,. cl onvt r ype k NC F E Lot arra Pry os4d Use* RESTAUMNt a N Dv lIin rr 13 Codi: Subdivi i0 *. ATLANTIC BEACH Estimated. Value: $0.00 Irhpr v. Gusty Sd DD Total Arlo 5x00 s fw me iW w aIF M e r we aY Yr rie`slr wr air ar r r,w "APPLICATION FUSI Add,r� y 'IC ECLE�� I'. 'NA` R XETZA/TAP $0 .00 , k. ADCI GRAS .R a , 0.00 vied "AAD6w CAB" 5% BD ,00 „. il 4x�v* Ym J^+! n ewn„7d nL rA, xisn«n ,;..„, eer.rz;,,.,✓r'w"'' e.+ • V 6dt,i. ✓iC*„`"z k f�Ytld«°+'aw;w a+'a uaa*wr. '+iIr"iy uxiea�un f Address 17 5 T ww «3E"IER "TAP $0 .00 DAC0$ CONNECTION 00 � T , SSC "IMPACT FEE' SC' On �.mw � � ' s NOTES: NOTICE i=ALL 00NCR FORDS AND FOOTINGS MUST, SSI CCTED BEFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF i"SSUE BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT SE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND MAULED AWAY$Y EITHI54.60WRAdTOR OR OWNER" "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHAM�C' LEEN LAW GAN RESULT IN THE tRtT�f O1U1 P!A `tt�1CTifiCEQ #fi1E 81LtliG PRfitEllEN `S" ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT T6 REVOCATION FOR, VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PRC vii§lON8 OF LAW. F ATLANTIC BEACH SUILDINO'DEPARTMENT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Approved by APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL. PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE: 19 IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM. SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN'ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. 41 r ELECTRICAL FIRM: 17 T EL E 1 1SIGNATURE JOURNEYMAN NAM _ �DR : /m 1O� FD BOX BLDG.SIZE BETWEEN: RES.( ) APT.( ) COMM. PUBLIC( i INDUS.( ! NEW( ! OLD (01,11" REW.( ) ADDITION ( ) TRAILER TEMP.( ) SIGNS ( ) SQ. FT. SERVICE: NEW( ) INCREASE ( ! REPAIR ( ) FEE _ CONDUCTOR SIZE AMPS COPPER ALUM. SWITCH OR BREAKER AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY EXIST.SERV.SIZE 14 AMPS PH Y W VOLT Ced&MCEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE IND. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL 0.30 AMPS. 31.100 AMPS. SWITCHES INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT&M.V. FIXED 0.100 AMPS. I OVER APPLIANCES BELL TRANSF. AIR H.P.RATING H.P.RATING CONDITIONING COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS CEIL HEAT: KW-HEAT O.1 OVER MOTORS H.P. VOLTAGE PHS NO. 1 H.P. VOLTAGE PHS MISCELLANEOUS oll PSR•8844 r V DEPAAlrMtNT OF BUILDING CITY.OF ATLANTIC BEACH PERMIT I NFORMAT IOI!I ------ LOCATION INFORMATION Pe m3 tNumber: 9713 A dr 01 'ATLANTIC Bt�ULEV ,RD Permit Type: ELECTRICA ATLANTIC BrACH FLORIDA 32233 Class f Work: REMODEL I' IS RI.I TION Constr. Type: 3+�ASONRvilBRICI I� 't to k« S ctibn: Proposed Use: RE,ST "III AN `l +1�y� }�['y���ar�s �i P,r N�I� �3 1ko r, COSL. Total « $ t2$ 00 Amo Y 7` M+r rY r: L, , pptlC 'P I ON FEES S"T RANT $25.00 Addre 4 ' TIC 80_VLEV OSI A FEE O .Q �� T x. F`I,OB 4.. B vple 14 -. n659 - IA `ER,ITAP SO,Ot?. I A S `'A,S. $0.00 ON _ -_ - �I $0 .00 Name" 1�18NRAII % <•,E .� .. .x }. r z . ., o I :. 3 _ AIJO� II B ROAD r $I � ► $0.0 1 JAC ILLB; FLORIDA 322SB ,COBOTTON $0 .00 t, FES � g0 00 7�7A ' .BCH tVOTES:. NOTICE- ALL GCINGRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST��I B t:#"I*13 BIwFf3RE POURING PEgMtT UOIO SIX MONTHS AF q E3ATE o" I S BUILDING MATERIAL,AUSSISH ANp DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST'NOTAE}?LAGEr�IIV PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND I RULED AWA�I BY Ell'HER C NTRACTOR'OR OWNED W, r "FAILURE,T Com PLY;WITH THE ME CHA II LIEN LAI C.A. RESULT IN THE PROP RTY OWNER PA IGTWI E F1 RTHI�.B�7tI © RC IMP VEMENTS�' ISSU ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANSI�1/HICH ARE PART OF:THtS PERMIT AND SU8JEM TO,REIIOCATI4N FOR. i11 3f.ATION OP APPLICABLE-PROVIStONS OF LAW. F TIC BEACH BUILDINGDEPARTMENT d ItIEIII 000" 01' MOO 14 1l�ee FfII4!!�01 apt: X2251 't F 1Q40 12178 _....� ?4e xaa 4 v M-3844 Q 09685 ;"DEPARTIVIE1V7 OF OUIL OINO CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH = I AT1 fl AT I OIC -�- ...���:�.� LOCATION I NPORE TION. _---_-- _AX ITP it NU + r: 91 "i Address* I.O2�. A LANT'I C BOULEVARD Pe it Type* B(11LD,1810, TIC BZACW FLORIDA 3223',x' C1 ad s >af, LEOAI DESCRIPTION - en tt ' 'Typet MASOORY/8RICK` Lot. 1Iac�: Sectian: RES "A iIItANT Township . RNG: 0 Duel Iings. 1 Cods. 0, subdivision'' s ATLANTIC BEACH R itria�l: d Value.,' sllg0l:,00 05. Amt d + ' fork €I OF �tVSTROOMS IN ITALIAN RBS"TAUXANT ION °� -6...» APP k CAT I OIC FEES _---- 81�te, �� � , ,. 1� ° $105.00 Ad IC OULE � .R ? RAT- ft IMPACT V'EB $280 ., 4 'CH FLORID � 32 33 S II FIC FE1? {I Qty rbA)iO �, . �s ., �� Im y y y :. . : . T `( � t�yN �,+.,q��yt.�. y,�,_ IDON8� n,. 1�tf fl.DDriV ;:.. LD I+ISTtUCO� jw�r74'iS A{�r ✓ ,fkY,. iW7Y +. { .V{} $ AdsII a� S7, j ILLI`I'SI °� gT '.,. 3 2 58 BOSS CONP ECT I ON Lice! z Co- S TT 1 SSC B I I►ACT PER 00I�ST S�3�iCA3�C3L � e.00 $CJfAR+ E/'ATL BCH D ?L? � �= I; piES. NOTICEALL,CONCRETE FOfl MS AND FOOTINGS MUST'<BE INSPECTED BEFORE POURING PERMIT V016 SIX MONTHS AFTER,DATE OF ISSUE LNG MATERIAL.,RUBBISH AND DEBRIS.FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE, , REIN UP AND HAULtD,A`WW.B°Y OTH R CONTRACTOR OR OWNER t RE o C M "L ' L TH THE, MECHA tIVS LIEN LAW CAN RESULT ! PRt P RT"YpAYI GTWICE F 'fHlr BUlLDI G IMPRt'��l°I�II�EAITS I UED ACCORDING TO,APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR:` TION C?F<APPLtCAB PRCQVI.SiONS OF LAW. t TIC BEACH BUILDIN GER TMEt�IT . t1i1400t14ME1 ,tIR 1 r ` l . Olt 1 16LI"! CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Fixture Unit Worksheet for Water Impact Fee FIXTURE UNITS ARE ESTABLISHED AS THE MEASUREMENT OF WATER DEMAND FOR EACH WATER FIXTURE UNIT INSTALLED AND CONNECTED TO THE CITY WATER SYSTEM. THE WATER SUPPLY CHARGE IS HEREBY FIXED AT TWENTY DOLLARS PER FIXTURE UNIT CONNECTED TO THE CITY WATER SYSTEM. BATHROOM GROUP CONSISTING OF WATER CLOSET, LAVATORY 6 BATH SERVICE SINK TRAP STAND TUB OR SHOWER STALL (6) (8) WATER CLOSET, TANK OPERATED (4) WATER CLOSET g J VALVE OPERATED (8) BATHTUB/SHOWER (2) ( URINAL WALL LIP (4) SHOWER GROUP PER HEAD (3) FLOOR DRAIN (1) SHOWER STALL DOMESTIC (2) LAUNDRY TRAY (2) LAVATORY (1) Z COMBINATION SINK AND TRAY (3) WASHING MACHINE (3) POT, SCULLERY SINK (4) DISHWASHER (2) WASH SINK EACH SET OF KITCHEN SINK (2) FAUCETS (2) DENTAL LAVATORY (1) KITCHEN SINK WITH {BASTE DENTAL UNIT OR CUSPIDOR (1) GRINDER (3) BIDET (3) URINAL STALL, WASHOUT (4) FLUSHING RIM SINK (8) COMBINATION SINK AND TRAY WITH FOOD DISPOS. (4) URINAL, PEDESTAL, SYPHON JET BLOWOUT (2) DRINKING FOUNTAIN (1/2) LAVATORY, BARBER/BEAUTY SHOP (2) ICE MAKER (1/2) SURGEONS SINK (3) LAVATORY, SURGEONS (2) y JACUZZI (2) URINAL STALL, WASHOUT (4) TOTAL FIXTURE UNITS_C__.�_______@ $20.00 EACH JOB INFORMATION l / 7 L it aV'T CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PERMIT CALCULATION SHEET Address Date P. ! er Heated Square Footage _X@ $ per sq ft = $ Garage/Shed / @ $ per sq ft = $ Carport/Porch @ $ per sq ft = $ �IL-- �6 @ $ per sq ft = $ 4E Deck S�� Patio _@ $ per sq ft = $ TOTAL VALUATION: $-44 To al„Valuation 1st Remaining Value $S: per thousand or portion thereof TOTAL BUILDING FEE $ + 1/2 Filing Fee $ ( ) Fireplaces @ $15 .00 BUILDING PERMIT FEE $ L WATER IMPACT FEE I ' SEWER IMPACT FEE $ WATER METER/TAP $ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT $ SEWER TAP $ ( ) RADON (HRS) .0050 $ SECTION H PAVING ( ) $ HYDRAULIC SHARES $ CROSS CONNECTION $ ( ) SURCHARGE .0050 $ OTHER $ GRAND TOTAL DUE ADDITIONAL PERMITS OR FEES: Mechanical Plumbing Electric/New Electric/Temp ; SwimmingPool Septic Tank ; Well Sign Finish Floor Elevation Survey ; Other CALCULATIONS and/or NOTES: i .1' NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT To whom it may concern: y The undersigned hereby informs you that improvements will be made . to certain real property, and in accordance with section 713.13 ofthe Florida Statutes, the following information is stated in this NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT: Description of property Sergio ' s Restaurant 1021 Atlantic Blvd . Atlantic Beach, FL 32250 General description of improvements Renovations of Restrooms Owner ci ►G.- V I 0. s's O C. L C� . Address 1 7 l r , e��T i�±Q vie! - Owner's interest in site of the improvement / Fee Simple Title holder (if other than Owner) Name Address Contractor McDonald Construction, Contrac o s And Architects Inc . Address 8727 Phillips Hwy. #409 Surety (if any) Address Amount of Bond Name/address of any person making a loan for construction of the improvement: Name Address Name of person within the State of Florida, other than himself, designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served: ' Name Sergio 2uchell i Address 1021 Atlantic Blvd, Atlantic Beach, FL 32250 In addition to himself, Owner designates the following person to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.06(2)(b) , Florida Statutes. (Fill in at Owner's option) Name Address 09789 a'rr DEPARTMENT OF BUIL:t ONO CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH LO PERMIT Y # CATION iYMARM W pokm Arl 1 ►�LANTIC BOULEVARD e+ g .wa w MR w..rte I?er> ri ' ELRC'�tIOAL ATLANTIC I IrACH p FLORIDA, 32233 We k; 3DSL. �.: ..� , . ,� I* AL DESCRIP 'ION ,--_,.----- Cons tr1y,pe" MASOffRY $RICK Lot: Bl-otk . Section. r +Pe; 1TA Or F' 4 Ccsci: Sub+dirisioM ATLANTIC BRACH �tima�t� Value } Ott I, Pt* . ct $BCD T a $25 .00 '01 , 825Up ,e .. „ .. . .. TION �� � �e .. .� APPL I OAT ION 1�ER41 .. „ .. TAS PNI�tM I T t25.00 f " A44re �{ yy JLy 9v I C PER b $0.00 CH p is R V �"�F f J� � Lk ' .i rim �iTk "*vt PpS AN "SAP $0.00 SAN �, ASiON At S% 3I.R.,S S. P �R LI14A T Ad, .�m �, �. WEST., SEWER , ' , ATS; BEACH CROSS CONN TION 0. 0 Li S�e+ Type, fApkCT PER � �. � 40 CONST�..BORCHAI D 90 i s� n i NOTI=Sr i i I i NCYTIOE--ALL CONCETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS AAUST SE;.II�iBPIwDTII«I�,'SE POURING PEAMIT Vt SIX,MONTHS AFTER 6 -OF.ISSVE f BUILDING MATERIAL,RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC,SPACE,AND,MUST BE CLEARED'u AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR©R OWNEfl E "FAJLURE TO C MPLY WITH THE' MECHANIC'S h.IEI� -LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PR TY OWNED PAYING TWICE Ft T E UILDINIG IMPROVEMENT " ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION O.F APPLiCApLg PROVISIONS OF LAW. �lb CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Approved by APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE: IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN'ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. /Y� J ELECTRICAL FIRM: MASTER ELECTRICIAN SIGNATURE C '� �� _ JOURNEYMAN NAME ;soec_G/U 5 XC_6i� �ADDRESS: ( C" - RFD BOX BLDG.SIZE BETWEEN: RES.( ) APT.( 1 COMM.K\ PUBLIC 1 1 INDUS. 1 1 NEW( ! OLD REW. ( 1 ADDITION ( ) TRAILER ( 1 TEMP.( 1 SIGNS ( ) SQ. FT. SERVICE: NEW( I INCREASE ( 1 REPAIR ( 1 FEE CONDUCTOR SIZE AMPS COPPER I ALUM. SWITCH OR BREAKER AMPS PH W �.OVVOOLT RACEWAY EX18T.SERV,SIZE "?bj a AMPS -3 PH ( W �6ZLT RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE NO. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETSCONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL 0.80 AMPS. :11.100 AMPS. SWITCHES INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT&M.V. . FIXED 0.100 AMPS. I ov" APPLIANCES I, . BELL TRANSF: AIR H.P.RATING H.P.RATING CONDITIONING COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS CEIL HEAT: KW-HEAT 0.1 OVER MOTORS H.P. VOLTAGE PHS NO. 1 H.P. VOLTAGE PHS MISCELLANEOUS 7,11 f T 7,P1 - G C _ , BUILDING AND ZONING INSPECTION DIVISION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 APPLICATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT CALL-IN NUMBER IMPORTANT — Applicant to complete all items in sections I, II, III, and IV. gIDENTIFICATION ©aStreet Address: ��ntersecting Streets: Between_ rV-0 .t/---t— AndSub-division — To be completed by all applicants, In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the abcve statement we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plans and specifications which are a part hereof and in accordance with the City of Jacksonville ordinances and standards of good practice listed therein. Nam• of M•ehanical Contractor (Print) ' `S Contractors p� Master Name of " hop•rty Owner G I O\1 Signature of Owner l or Authorised Agent Signature of Architect or Engineer ���• GENERAL INFORMATION A, .Typeof heating fuel: Ild `/H•ctric IS OTHER CONSTRUCTION BEING DONE ON THIS BUILDING OR SITE? t/\ E3Gas—C) LP ❑ Natural ❑ Central Utility ❑ Oil IF YES, GIVE NUMBER OF CONSTRUCTION [3Other -- Specify PERMIT IV. MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT TO BE INSTALLED NATURE OF WORK (Provide complete list of components on back of this form) El Residential or — commercial ❑). Most ❑ Space 11E/Recessed Central ❑ Roor ❑ New Building 0 Air Conditioning: ❑ Room ❑ CentrelExisting Building ❑ Duct System: Materia► Thickneu 17_Replacement of existing system Maximum capacity c f m ❑ New installation(No system previously installed) ❑ Refrigeration ❑ Extension or add-on to existing system ❑ Cooling tower Capacity ❑g.p.m. Other — Specify ❑ fire sprinklers: Number of heeds ❑ He rator ❑ Manlift ❑ Escalator —(number) ❑ Gasoline pumps, (number) THIS SPACE POR OFFICE USE ONLY ❑ Tankx (number) (Received) (3LPG containe (numb r• Remarks er) ❑ Unfired pressure vessel ❑ Boilers Permit Approved by De►. ❑ other -- Specify Permit Fee LIST ALL EQUIPMENT AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT Number Unita Description Modal Number ppaci Approving manufacturer (;�bnaty A cY 7an3 C J a i n w , tel` � •CJ ia� O _ tq t rC d ♦ ..ter }��� O s. a S r; W 00 LL .j�� 4 ► o ��•.+ �t � o � yo � a Y.M. O a.a y Ol S _N O Q W • 0 U .a CD ^L y 2 C U � � a 14 2 03 m i PSR•28A4- 607 DEPARTMENT OF BU#I.DiNck CITY Of ATLANTIC BEACH Ef.Y1IT INFORMATION _-- ...._m_._�.. LOCATION INFORMATION -------- Permit Plumber: 13647 Address: 1421 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Permit Type:MECRANICAL ATLANTIS` BEACH . FLORIDA 32-213 Class of Work:ALTERATION --------- LEGAL I�ESCR I PT IOPI �. Ca,astr. , Type:WOOD PRA14E Bieck. Lau°. Twp: 0 propos ed Use: S s t3. t . U Stxl d:4 Rn? : 4 4 ellin s : €D Si bdivipjoh ATLANTIC BEACH Est . value: I prow. Gust : # Js Total Fe4W,r 1 45<00 Amo g 45.00 i ---- IOarm.I4 r W �� APPLICATION FEES PERMIT 45 -0-0- _- : � � � € ° Addr BOULEVARD FLORIDA 01 1115 . waa .. t, .. Pho ms. A . R ORMAT I ON Name* W1 ' S ICE -AT ION a �` Adds~ JACKSON FLORIDA 32245 kg NOTES: t I�t t I NOTICE"ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE POURING , PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE BUILDING MATERIAL,RUBBISH ARID DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACE IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER tM `°FAILURE TO COMPLYWITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PI CPE1 'T OWNER PAYII�IG TWICE Irt "BUILDING I�VII�ROVE ENTS. t�UED'LACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO'REVOCATION FOR TI APt .ICA LE PROVISIONS OF LAW. 345.M 14 4 � , �� A ATLANTIC EACH BUILDINQ DEPARTMENT PISR-38444 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PE T LOCATION I NFORMAT I OIC __-w �tmit '14 r 16459, A dress: 1021 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD 6 + L T ' *:MBCHAPII,CAL ATLAN'T'IC BEACH FLORIDA 322�� ts: 3f rk•.ALT T .. .... -- I:'�A r DE"$CRIFTION .... .._,.., .. _ t constr . T,y e r' OOD PRAME BI�+���,��N� Lot Q Pr. I* L s Section� 0 subd.0 Rng: 0 L�r�. Subdivisjon:ATLANTIC BEAD E: t s u 0 -001 IFrv, Cost -0 0., 00 1 'Total_ I{ s . 4 5. 0 t3 Amount p��d� 45,04 I ,- 3c y i tA } 1 m AL PP FELS - -�' - Rk 45.00 PE ti Up oW ATS � �� LRTt�A 3 1 ULEVARD le; Cel ,'• y 7,," o- „A. ...,...., +✓ �oNttOt" t bra . .C#1dn 4�`.......�.., �. M I F1 REQ ER�.IE -. �A 'KSOPIV3LL ;w,PLOPIDA 32246 YP � t�tOTES: f. t I NOTICE:-INSPECTIONS MUST BE REQUESTED AT LEAST, HobR�PR14RfiC� INEPEC�'1bN BUILDING MATERIAL,RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE P APED't PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE "CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER f' i. f FAILURE TO COMPLYWITH THE MECHA141CS' LIEN LAS CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR, BUILDING 1MPROVE NTS.." ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPRpVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS'PE Mtt AND;SUBJECT TO REVOI�ATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLtCAtBLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. CIECItS �i{� ( ' ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING DE ARTMENT 8)11321 E BUILDING AND ZONING INSPECTION DIVISION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 APPLICATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT CALL-IN IN NUMBER IMPORTANT -- Applicant to complete all items in sections I, II, III, and IV. I. street Add-ss! LOCATION OF Intersecting Streets 110—en _ -'-O'� __\` -- _ And i — Q _--_ ------- — BUILDING ------- II. IDENTIFICATION — To be completed ky all applicants In considerelioo of permit girl for doing the work as deunhed in the A,,— slaten-0 we hereby agree In perforn, said work in accordance with the affacfted plans and specifications .which are a part hereof and in eecordance will, It,e C;ly of Jacksonville ordinances and standards of good practice listed fhere;n_ Name of Mechanical n < Contractors Contractor IPrint) � Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner Signature of or Authorized Agent Architect or Engineer III. GENERAL INFORMATION A, Type of heating fuel: B' IS OTHER CONSTRUCTION BEING DONE`ON P- Electric THIS BUILDING OR SITE 7 YyQ ❑ Gat —❑ LP ❑ Natural ❑ Central Utility IF YES, GIVE NUMBER OF CONSTRUCTION ❑ Oil PERMIT Cl Other — Specify IV. MECHANICAL EQUIIMENT TO DE INSTALLED NATURE OF WORK //'' (Provide complete list of components on beck of this form) L t 110sidential or k COlnmer Cial ❑ Heel ❑ Space ❑ Retested g Central ❑ Floor I-� Now Bullding L Air Conditioning: [I Room ❑ Central CK Existing Building ❑ Duct System: Material Thickness, Replacement of existing system t-1 Maximum capacity t.f.m. New Installation(No system previously Installed) t] ❑ Refrigeration Extensfon or add-on to existing system Ll Other — Specify C] Caroling }ower. Capacity 9-13-m- ❑ Fire sprinklers: Number of heeds -- ---- - C] Elevafor ❑ Manlift ❑ Escalator (number) THIS SPACE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ❑ Gasoline pumps, (number) (Received) ❑ Tanks (number) Remarks ❑ LPG confeiners (number) ❑ Unfired pressure vessel (:) dollen Permit Approved by Date ❑ Other — Specify Permit Fee LIST ALL EQUII'MENT AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT (Tons)Y xgerf( n; De Number Un1G scrlptfon Model Number ltlutufacturer provL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR SIGN PERMIT NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: '=O ' TYPE OF SIGNO `:`"" `O SIZE: __ PROPOSED LOCATION: WILL THE SIGN REQUIRE AN ELECTRICAL PERMIT. — f� T ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: ,�A Signs over fifty (50) feet in area, and/or any sign which is more than seventeen (17) feet above the ground, or any sign weighing more than one thousand (1,000) pounds, must be submitted with drawings from a registered engineer. Signs with a solid area greater than thirty (30) square feet must be erected to withstand a wind pressure of at least thirty-five (35) pounds per square foot. Drawings must also show that weight of sign will be supported by the roof or ground support on which it will be erected. This application must be submitted along with the following: 1. A plot plan of the land, showing the position of the sign in relation to buildings or structures. 2. A blueprint or ink drawing showing the plans and specif- ications, and the construction and/or attachment to the building or in the ground. 3. Other information as may be required under Sec. 17-2(b) , Code of Ordin s, City of tic Beach. APPLICANT SIGNATUR Date: -ate OWNER SIGNATURE. Date: 01 J 1 m 01 IC 7 0 1® x y e � � $ N � N Vo N < �v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION TO MAKE ADDITIONS OR ALTERATIONS Owner jl (- eta Address /azo 0asc fi c ?1v,,6 Phone 24/-1�/�,Oo Architect Address Phone Contractor Zag Ir.c -' Address effgZ �md 'A�' j � Phone 3 -095- Contractors License/Certification Nunbers Expiration Date3 g 2 Property Address 102-/ 41716,gtllG S1411dl Zoning Lot # Blcok or Unit # Subdivision Valuation of Construction $ 7570 4aa Type of Construction Describe Work to be Performed IcRa t eaicr, u.- Materials to be Used Present Use of Building A�e,-; zde Proposed Use of Building Flood Zone Dimensions of New Area: HEATED AkRA� STORAGE �B SST CARPORT OR PORCH DECK PATIO YES NO NUv1BER Will there be an increase in number of units? Will there be a decrease in number of units? Any additional plumbing fixtures? X' Any new fireplaces? X SUBMIT TWO COMPLETE F S INCLUDING SITE PLAN SETS Signature OWNER 1 Date Signature CONTRA DatelZ4,6<— v _ a I o J. d A Or r u o A r lei I I FTT- III t F,. / (• �\ C a r !,n J N S i A I P1,LP,-,B1NG PERMIT BUJI-DI14G 1'FTQ1]T WORKSHEET ELFCTRIC PERMIT TF`ITDRAR�' ELECT , ll(',9 t cd Sciiare FooraEe _pcr sq ft = $ _ _,,�__per sq f t = Carport $ _-_mer sq ft = Porches @ $ _per so ft = $ Deck @ $ _______p e r sq ft = $ Patio $ per sq ft = $ TOTAL VALUATION Total Valuation Data 1st Remainder Valuation @ $ per thousand or portion thereof TOTAL BUILDING FEE + 12 FILING FEE FIREPLACE @15 . 00 TOTAL BUILDING PERMIT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- ---- ---- --- - -- --- --- --- --- ----- -------- --- -- -- - -- - - ---- PLUMBING --- --- - -- --- --- --- --- ----- -------- --- -- -- - -- - - ----PLUMBING PER141T FEE$ MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE$ ELECT. TE',!PO',RARY $--- ELECTRICAL PERMIT $ WATER METER SIZE_ —$ ACCOUNT NU1,1BER-- SEWER IITACT FEE $ �%'ATER CONNECTION $------(@10 . 00 per fixture unit) APPROVED BY : TOTAL BUILDING/PLAN FILING FEE $ TOTAL 1-TATER I=ER CHARGE $ TOTAL SEWER IMPACT FEES $ TOTAL 1,.IATER CONNECTION CHARGE $ MISCELT—kNEOUS CHA�RGES GRAND TOTAL DUE : DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING n w CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 10-00Cv T PERMIT TO BUILD PE �IO. lf62 60 THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB (J ( !C�/► t Date Dr 10 I � 19$� loon Valuation$ 960,00 ��.� I Fee$ rThis permit not valid until above fee has been paid to City Treasurer,and is subject to revocation for violation of applicable provisions of law. i This is to certify that I $842 r5 ' �Oo� �Cut3ve has permission to build X09229 to padunit wj&;j0pMjng for > Classification Owned by 30im' C�j j to Zone_' Lot i' House No, 1021 Atlantic Block...... _S/D Bout According to approved plans which are part of this permit I NOTICE—ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- SPECTED BEFORE POURING. PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS ��— 4� ; AFTER DATE OF ISSUE I z� Building material, rubbish and debris -1 from this work must not in publbe placed ic space, and must be cleared d hauled away by either con- ;' tract or owner.FOR _ USE ON FI PERMIT B tg 0 cial. NUMBER DATE PLUMBING CONTRACTO i ELECTRICAL SEWER WATER A-060 I '( pEPARTMENT pF I CITY OFgTLANTICBUILOING ERM11' BEA �C ,FLORIDq � R' THIS PERMIT MUST BO BO UIL0 PERMIT Np 3 p -rEj)ON JOB Valuation$ Date IFee$ not 19 1 N1. ' This Permit 1 L f I C f c2 valid until subject to rev above fee has been 41113 p�r oration For violation of Paid to AA •���A�L'I This IS to 'PPlicable City Treasurer,and is ri Certify provisions � f j fY that ns of law. 1�� �� has permis � sionT n/Csn.. to build 'e.th11 Classification I Owned by Lot ' Zone CC i' S House No. I According to Block approved l In21 E�!7T e,,.,. c �_�—�S/D pans which are part of this permit � NOTICE_ po AL. PED ED BTI CONCRETE FORMS NGS MUST ' PERMIT FORE pOUST E IN- ER-,"OID SIX MONTHS AFT z Building material E OF ISSUE _ room this work ' rubbish and debris Public dInd., t not 6e Placed Ispace for or 1wneaWaY by eust ther eared cFOR on. ' USE ONLYE NUR MIT ' MBER PAT PLUMBINGE IdinB Official. ELECTRICgL CONTRACTOR SEWER A Y . BUILDING AND ZONING INSPECTION DIVISION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 APPLICATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT CALL-iN NUMBER IMPORTANT -- Applicant to complete all items in sections I, II, III, and IV. 1. LOCATION Street Address: 102, OF Intersecting Streets: Between BUILDING And Sub-division !!. IDENTIFICATION -- To be completed by all applicants In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement wa herebya ree t with the attached pians and specifications which area ig perform rein work in accordancetanads of ood pert-hereof and in accordance with the City of sonville ordinances and standards g practice fisted therein. -Name of Mechanical Contractor Contractor (print) Mester Name of Property Owner Sigaafilre of Owner Signature of or/U►thorInd Agent Arehitect or Engineer III- 66I8tAL INFORMAT NI A. Type of hosting foal: B. IS OTHER CONSTRUCTION BEING DONE ON Q Bectric THIS BUILDING OR SITE? Q Gas-Q LP Q Natural ❑ Central Utility IF YES, GIVE NUMBER OF CONSTRUCTION Q OS PERMIT Q Other — Specify IV. #WMANICAL MUl►ht W TO K INSTALLEO MATURE of WORK (Provide complete list of components on beds of this fares) ❑ Residential or ❑ Commercial ❑• Heat ❑ Space ❑ Raeawed O Control O poor ❑ New Building Q Air Conditioning: Q Room Q Control ❑ Existing Building ❑ prat System; Material Thlek,a•, ❑ Replacement of existing system Maximum capacity ❑ Now Installation(No system previo0isly instutie i) Ref►igeration ❑ Extension or add-on to existing sysle ❑ Other-- Specify C) Cooling towers Capacity g,p,m, ❑ Ra sprinklers: Number of Q Eksvator' Q Moniih Q' Escalator _..__(number) THIS SPACE POR OFF= USE ONLY ❑ .Gasoline punlp� (number) (fid) Q Tat (number) Remarks ❑ LPG coeteinors (number) Q Unfired pressure vemel ❑ EefIM Permit Approved by pea• Q Other— Spedfy Permit tom. LIST ALL EQUIPMENT AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT C apacitY NuMbber UnitsDUCAlp >ttimi Me"Number muftebllralh ( ppB W C > L BUILDING AND ZONING INSPECTION DIVISION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 APPLICATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT CALL-IN NUMBER IMPORTANT — Applicant to complete all items in sections I, Ii, III, and IV. I. t"l�. f v LOCATION Street Adana:_J�`Jr� --- 14 — OF Intersecting Streets: Between /,­-i And WILDING Sub-division II. IDENTIFICATION — To be completed by all applicants , In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plans and specifications which are a part hereof and in accordance with the City of Jacksonville ordinances and standards of good.practice listed therein. Name of MechanicalContractors Contractor (Print) Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner Signature of or Authorised Agent Architect or Engineer 111, GENERAL INFORMATION A. Type of heating fuel: B. IS OTHER CONSTRUCTION BEING DONE Q Bachic THIS BUILDING OR SITEt /i_t Q Gas—❑ LP ❑ Natural ❑ Control Utility IF YES, GIVE NUMBER OF CONSTRUCTION Q Oil PERMIT Q Other — Specify IV. MECHANICAL 19UIPM1 NT TO FE INSTALLED NATURE OF WORK (Provide complete lid of components on back of This sfform 1 ❑ Residential or L?--c-ommerclal 0' Heat ❑ Space ❑ Recessed E3'Gnfwl O F;m El/New Building Q/r Conditioning: [3 Room Central Cid' Existing Building Q Dent System: Material Thickn••- ®- Repiacement of existing system Maximum capacity c.f,m. ❑ New Installation(No system previously installed) Q Refrigeration ❑ Extension or add-on to existing system () Cooling tower: Capacity q.prn. El Other— Specify Q Fire sprinklers: Number of heads 0 Elevator ❑ Manlih ❑ Escalator )number) THIS !PACE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Q .Gasoline pump (number) (it"olived) Q. Tank• (number) Remarks Q LPG container (number) Q Unfired prasuro vasal - —- Q Fellers Permit Approved by Dam Q Other --'Specify Permit Few LIST ALL EQUIPMENT AIR CONDITIOMNG AND REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT Cact Numb"Vffitn Da wrlpUon 31aillel �p Appruivift Number Manutaeturer S"ItY e- CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FMECHANICAL PERMIT 844 SEMMM-E ROAD-ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233-TEL: 247-5826-FAX: 247-5877 PERMIT INFORMATION _ LOCATION INFORMATION— Permit Number: 20133 Address: 1021 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Permit Type: MECHANICAL ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 Class of Work: ALTERATION Township: 0 Range: 0 Book: Proposed Use: I Lot(s): Block: Section:0 Square Feet: Subdivision: ATLANTIC BEACH Est.Value: _ Parcel Number: Improv. Cost: _ _ OWNER INFORMATION Date Issued: 5/26/2000 I Name: SERGIO'S RESTAURANT Total Fees: 35.00 j Address: 1021 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Amount Paid: 35.00 ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 _ Date Paid: 5/26/2000 _ _ Phone: (904396-6689 _-W6-r-k DesC: REPLACEPACKAGE CONTRACTOR(S)_ _ - APPLICATION FEES MIKE' RATIO S REFRIGEN PERMIT 35.00 I i I ---�- Ins coons R_ _-�--- -----_. FINAL -- - pe uired _ — _NOTICE- INSPECTIONS MUST BE REQUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS" ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATJOt4 FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. $35.98 14 ATLANTIC BEACH UILDIN PT. nate: 5iz6i89 e1 Receipt: 98697413 CHECKS 221998 f CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH { 800 SEMINOLE ROAD J ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 �,i31 Application Number . . . . . 04-00028707 Date 7/20/04 Property Address . . . . . 1021 ATLANTIC BLVD Tenant nbr, name . . . . . . MAINTENANCE REPAIR FLOOR Application description . . . DEMOLITION Property Zoning . . . . . . . TO BE UPDATED Application valuation . . . . 0 Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ EQUITY ONE (ATLANTIC VILLAGE) STANLEY ENGINEERING INC 1021 ATLANTIC BLVD 7820 ARLINGTON EXPW 540 ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 JACKSONVILLE FL 32211 (904) 721-5573 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . DEMOLITION PERMIT Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . 100 . 00 Plan Check Fee . 00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 100 . 00 100 . 00 . 00 . 00 Plan Check Total . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 Grand Total 100 . 00 100 . 00 . 00 . 00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. BUILDING OFFICIAL $,v , a L�- s� CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATION Date: Job Address: Owner of Property: Onto' At L4.Q- s t al,a r Address: ids((00, M,4r— ar r i�C IV rn,,,c. )&hTelephone: qal 331 7c, Legal Description: Block Number: Lot Number: Zoning District: Contractor: -4At1r}e14 1�0dt�WA trA. State License Number: QKDS 14 Contractor's Address: �atli - •! `7rt.'� �+��-wc:���+wc��a 'moi►'r-� `J �r 1 � l 1 Telephone: 'ZP4'• 7;11 'SS''7 3 Fax: `1`�1-•'�SJ3 Describe proposed use and work to be done: + �r,��rea f� i�?1214 l Present use of land or building(s): q e- C'enTer Is approval of Homeowner's Association or other private entity required? f4O If yes, please submit with this application. Will this project involve changes in elevation,site grade or any use of fill material or the removal of any trees? ❑ NO. Applicant certifies that no change in site grade or fill material will be used on this project. ❑ YES. See Step 2 below. Approval of the Public Works Department is required prior to issuance of a Building Permit. ❑ NO. Applicant certifies that no trees will be removed for this project. ❑ YES. Removal of Trees will be required for this project. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT IS REQUIRED. Tree Removal Permits to be reviewed by the Tree Conservation Board,which meets two times each month. Procedure: In order to expedite issuance of permits, please follow all steps and provide all information as appropriate. Incomplete applications may result in delay in issuance of permit. STEP 1. Attach Tree Removal Application if trees are to be removed or relocated. I hereby certify that all information provided with this application is correct. Signature of Owner: Date: I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of the laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with, whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any federal,state or local rules,regulations,ordinances,or laws in any manner,including the governing of construction or the performance of construction of the property. I understand that the issuance of this permit is contingent upon the above information being true and correct and that the plans and supporting data have been or shall be provided as required 800 Seminole Road •Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Telephone: (904)247-5800 •Fax: (904)247-5845 •http://www.ci.atlantic-beach.f.us Page 1 Revised 1/14/03 a Y . CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATION DI W / n H lob Addaxs:.r.1L?'Z' owner cc Proper-_..SCR,�1 '.-•�--PI+L�, ' -��E �•�- v — Address!/ltt ro,ow�rer. Com. iY�r��Z Telepbxtr. rgr LAW Dcscriptioe: Bloci:Nuo*w: Lot Nmubw._ zoning Diakict: Camtnatar t'de►'s.r iYfd�eealesr,rS� �t'"ar State Licwm!N�umbu: Cwt^ 05::9Q Conft aWar's Addrtn:Z.10_.Jt.LL0QLA1'R '}iL.�e�.r a t 4-&—1 xaisphesne: a t/ ?.s✓ tl'7 i Fax. 9e+r 7}[y�„t'7i'._I peacrlbe proposed use anti work to be done. Incme +mss m..e r Presm tale of land or builtliax(s): la approval of Homaowtwls Assoeis6m or ether private entity tow;red? If yet,,please submit with this appiieatiam win this►ro)ect isvelve eha/Eer in ekwarlea,wk erode or any use of AU material or tbt renews of say trees' ^I0. Applicant tertifies thtt oro door in silo trade or 811 matariai eiU be aced,on this p%int. YES. s�Step!below. Approval of Old' h public Works Department is repaired lwwr to isms"of a 6airet ❑NO. APpaWst MnI11 s thatse WON will be removed for thin pro ut. ❑YES. Removal of Troes wilt tw req■And for ebb project. TRBf VZM0VAL PERMIT 191kEQUf1t&D. Tree Removal permits to be reviewed by the Trot Coptervatlen Board,whith In""twa times"sn90b. Yrmettw.: Is order to expedka iaamaee of pawns,pkese rdkw ati slope rad 11F g!jee oil illftargim as leaatPlaa apPUCS"olls may—it in deiy hs bpn%n of permit STEP 1.Atiadt Tee Raaevd Apptiwrim if Mees are b be rtaroved or mk atee. !baeby cwd&tint all on provkw with tide wplwwft is vonert SienritesofOrs7nr: � 1 bertby WMY rhu i Sm read d ane ataentrNd sit appihtrita and►errs.the sasex to be true.ore<enaa. All pravieieru cu iha tart ane erdumm pw-og alis type of work wan be aomplina wbh,wjMw speeleod Weill w mar. tlw Ebeling of a pntwt door not mowme 0 IM awemsilvvto Vk4w at contel tw revisions of oey fadud,sdte orlaw+410fit teSuUamb etdinwves,or lava is arty grow,flrduftArt goven+i�of eoatevrsian Or tilt Catfanrreme of aoreaertieo of the above Wbnnrisn baiaa mss orad esrreaas,d Hast rl,r 7 f tardanrana thst the imm oe ofti is permit is oma resent npe„Ase ptaes am swourefa dots haw bean or owl be provided m rsq,wal (AAs►StarigeN Road -Atloodc Bamh,piorNi 3=13-6,45 Telephone: (9@4)247-Sega•Pax: (!A4)247.Sbt5 •httptl/www.ti.stlastk4be.eh8.tu Pape 3 Rawwai.74W M-d Sot/Ac d OU-! 9011116set J3430YKA No 411VJ—t j rarrt:ll ►002-6 -Lo X, Address a-ld co"tad Ntfortea pre soa to receive all eorseap cc rgWdlxg bels appi-e 411(P)ft a Pdmn Name: —,-)— .::—.� —�-:P� G ._,.,.,�__. moi.�1' Mallin*Address'. Z0 l d-6 ,f T&Pboc /t As PV I-VINM. �] Sworn to and subwriW be-fare lee 413��day of State of norida,rcr ly of Aaval NoAry's Si — aeeo sone MMN permaNy known 1 M„Ce„,w m am3ata haduocdidatiScatfon z+.,•.�eur+sxe.�ocr Type ofldeatiflcedoa produced AS TO CONTPAr7nR.: Swan to Rnd sabsctiW Xfon fee titin�1 ,day of Stage of FMda.County of Lluval Notary's SiEnetare: Y d ally kneft Produced idcatficatirm Type of idaodfic►tia produced tv P Nt)7ARY SEAL �1P U� ' iA E BAGDONAS <� W, C,-�,' 'SSION NUMBER i -� D014670 e"4� ,.`O.MNISSION EXPIRES Of F'-• Qe0 Serioole itoM •Atlaatk D".h,2'ior{d.a22.M4d45 Page 2 TeMan pbc: (W)2474M•Fax? (m)217.6615 .btlps/-hmw.ct aMantfe•bm&fl.Ys RVINdln•ro3 960-A t00/ZOC d 026-1 106lZ19906 W"39rtIVN IND A1110i-Mb! Wv/►:;t 7002-E(-LO A 000994 DEPARTMENT OF BUILbING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 4fifflor lNl �R;Tx;III ~ "LOCATINFORMATION r .t' Nu*b** A d.x'+ c ►s iCl 1 A9` .A 'Y' O + i►Ui. iR£I-_ + . ► pa GN :,ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORI 0 0 01 W Irk3 :ADDITION 'LEGAL DESCRIPTION Constr. T" P t tt1A Lott $locks8���p0 s . Prop ood. Uowi OTHER 1 F1�,t >Ilc�c s Po8*s 0 11, 0 Cod*s 0Subdivision.: ATLANTIC XILLAGE GTR :i # cf Valua *Oi,00 .»�,»��. OWNER INFORMATION 11tpx-oV.:, CystNata "t GINI SlUTST t CAPRICCIO"S t 'Total i + s sAddroost 1021 `ATLANTICBOULEVARD A r z t 7,130 ATLANTIC LEACH`, FLORIDA 32235 'outPhcaAl0s 't' #4Ir'2�k"�w 3L1 work p � �,� E TNG SIGN „ , CATION FEES ----- $7. 50 ER ACT F"E`N 00.00 WEN.1 "NF`APE y' {may} } , �., A 6M 00. . AT`EFt 'TAP +iw0. 00t ' . 8 55 EWER TAF' $tit..00 1 " E w IN FEC FEE *0.00 NVOIN+CI �tCJ. 00?;r ., THER O. NATES: NOTICE",—ALL CONCRETE t`t�I�MS AND P06TINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE:POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER,DATE_ OF ISSUE BUILDING MATERIAL;RUBBISH AND"bEBAIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT RE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE CI.EARECl UP ANL)"HAULS"D"AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER' FAILURE TO COMPLY '111/I;TH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN E PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWIG fC�R BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS.11 I I T] ACCORDING,TO APPROUEE� PLANS WHICH ARE PART F THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FdR 00 td TION t?P.APPLICABLE PROVISIONS+OP.LAW. LA I'ICIIIXI9'FEPA6`'MET v r, f+f'Pl. UA1lull ruin .>ll,,v l LIu111 Sec . 20-3. Sign Permits - Required - It shall be unlawful for any person to install alter or relocate any sign , marquee , canopy , awning or other advOrtising structure permitted under section 20-2 without first obtainir a permit from the City Manager and making payment to the City Clerk of 01 required fee . All illuminated signs shall , in addition , be subject to tti 'provisions of the City Electrical Code and any permit fees required there under_--�Ordinance_No60^66_124- --------------------------------------- TYPE OF SIGN Name Address h Phone No. Applicant Flat N�o� Horizontal Projecting lt>21 0 CI Vertical Projecting aL/ ( - ( Roof Pole Name , Address & Phone No. Owner Marquee or Awning VALUATION 02 u Address of the Sign Lt 33 - ------------------------- AT ' 11 THE FOLLOWING TO THIS APPLICATION: a. The location fo the building, structure or lot to which or upon which the sign or other advertising structure is to be attached or erected. t,b /A Ylot plan showing the position of the sign or other advertisingstr, tore i.n -relation to nearby buildings or structures . Lj2-.' A blueprint or ink drawing of the plans and specifications and method ,.,Of ,Off construction and attachmentto the building or in the ground. ! teThe nWlle of the erson/contractor)erecting the structure. &IL'CO� a'� e, Any electrical permit required and issued for such sign. f. Registered engineer' s drawings must be submitted with applciations fol roof signs over fifty square feet in area, and for any sign the top of wh is more than seventeen feet above the ground or weighing more than one thousand pounds , or solid sign-,of area more than thirty square feet, showi that such sign will be erected to withstand a wind pressure of at least thirty-five pounds per square foot and that the weight of such sign will 1 amply supported by the roof of the building or the ground support on which it is to be erected. CP Such other information as the City Manager shall require to show full compliance with Chapter 2 and all other laws and ordinances of the City. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT =' a___DATE:� DATE SIGNATURE OF OWNER t t r . . owr r r p AF>rtce'C,? A4414 c�a ef it in t .en's Oh wAl/. �a� c ��'_ • CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA 32233 APPLICATION FOR NEW LICENSE - TRANSFER OF AN OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TO CONDUCT THE FULALLUA BUSINESS: (Check one) BUSINESS NAME S�= 1 1 M C BUSINESS LOCATION SQUARE FOOTAGE OF BUSINESS PREMISES (INCLUDE BOSS BUILDINGS a OUTSIDE AROM USED IN COKMICTICK VZTSSE TBUSXMSS, SOS EGOS 71R8aS DEED POS PaSIIDt PaRKIIEC) MAILING ADDRESS 2 A T L A v(TlC G- Ll 1) A 7 L;A h('t !C G('AC r/ EXPLAIN FULLY THE NATURE OF THE BUSINESS P C ,'1 DO YOU HAVE, OR WILL YOU HAVE, ANY VENDING MACHINES ON THESE PREMISES? NO (V=Dln.MCUEEM uaDE /'=MCIMUM.POOWBTLT_TARn ywaxim. g�,�rBwrlC PEOSIC MCHINE SBD BBY COIN OPERS?ED M=39E UnCH DISPEMMM a PRODUCT OR SEEVICE) IF YES, PLEASE INDICATE NUMBER AND TYPE OF MACHINES OWNER/PRINCIPAL OFFICER i t G L- HOME ADDRESS 41 f ILA CK 3 i'ty 1,i t_Lt; ! C 2 BUSINESS PHONE f � �' HOME PHONE DATE OF BIRTH 3 ' y SEX T DRIVERS LICENSE #2 4` WC Ei'�� (Attach copy) FEDERAL EMPLOYER ID # OR S.S # 4 3 L 4 5 - 0 I 3C. STATE LICENSE/CERTIFICATION/REGISTRATION # (If applicable) (Attach copy) I. TED: UmMMIMM. SWMM OR MIFIREE MMT TSE !!HOVE STaTP RNM MW TWE MD CORO= MD I AGREE TO NOTIFY THE CITY CLERK IF THERE IS MY C®NGE 1A TSE JUN= XJ0%=OTIO0. I PDRSmct DNDEUC"m TAT ISSDaNCE OF A LICF1mE BY TBE CITr crim in w way RE URVPS m OF TEES RESPOlmIB=TY FOR COMPL== VISE Mm PROVISIONS cF Tm ODDE OF oRDtElE mm P>o:zaunEc TO CONDUClISG E► BDS1Ntss t: 2B8 CIT!OP'S LAMIC mkm Signature Title Print Name Date NOTE: NO PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION SHALL ENGAGE IN OR MANAGE ANY TRADE, BUSINESS, PROFESSION, OR OCCUPATION IN ATLANTIC BEACH WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING A LICENSE AND PAYING AN ANNUAL FEE. APPLICATION AND/OR PAYMENT DOES NOT CONSTITUTE APPROVAL OR ISSUANCE OF A LICENSE. ALL OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES EXPIRE SEPTEMBER 30 OF EACH YEAR k ; CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number . . . . . 06-00032510 Date 3/14/06 Property Address . . . . 1021 ATLANTIC BLVD Tenant nbr, name . . . . . . INSTALL LIGHTS Application description . . . ELECTRIC ONLY Property Zoning . . . . . . . TO BE UPDATED Application valuation . . . . 0 Owner Contractor ------------------- ------------------------ RIVER CITY ELEC CONTRACTORS 12020 MC CORMICK RD JACKSONVILLE FL 32225 (904) 220-8216 ----------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . ELECTRICAL PERMIT Additional desc - Permit Fee . . . . 70 . 00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due --------- ---------- --------- Permit Fee Total 70 . 00 70 . 00 . 00 . 00 Plan Check Total . 00 . 00 . 00 .00 Grand Total 70 . 00 70 . 00 . 00 . 00 PERMff IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. BUILDING OFFICIAL r CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION � ir� Date: � Property Address: Owner: Telephone#: ' f l If Contractor: 1`elephone#: Contractor Address: Vax#: �► °' Contractor Si nater • In consideration of permit IV oing work as described in the above statement, we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attache p ans ands ifications which are a part hereof and in accordance with the City of Atlantic Beach ordinance and standards of good practice listed therein. Building: Building Type: ❑ Trailer Service: If other construction is being done on this building ❑ New E3 Residence Ll Temp. ❑ New Or site,list the building ❑ Old ❑ Commercial ❑ Signs ❑ Increase Permit number: ❑ Re-wire ❑ Addition Sq.Ft. ❑ Repair Conductor Size: AMPS: COPPER ALUMINUM Switch or RACE Breaker AMPS PH W VOLT WAY Existing Service RACE Size AMPS PH W VOLT WAY Meter Number Feeders: NO. SIZE NO SIZE NO SIZE Lighting Outlets CONCEALED OPEN Receptacles CONCEALED OPEN a Switches 1 Incandescent Fluorescent & M.V. Fixed 0.100 AMPS OVER BELL Appliances TRANSFER. Air H.P.RATING H.P.RATING CEILING KW-HEAT Conditioning COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS HEAT Motors 0-1 H.P. VOLTAGE PH NO. OVER 1 H.P. PHS UNDER600V OVER600V Transformers NO. KVA NO. KVA No.Neon_Transf. Ea. Si Miscellaneous rJ ,, 800 Seminole Road•Atlantic Beach,Flo ka 32233-5445 Phone:(904)247-5800• Fax: (904)247-5845• http://www.ci.atiantic-beach.fl.us Revised 1/04 -AV ike CITY OF WWar& Vead _ 9&TZ& 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-5445 -� -- TELEPHONE(904)247-5800 FAX(904)247-5805 3086 CAPRICCIO 1021 ATLANTIC BLVD. A'T'LANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Please provide this office with the information checked below as soon as possible in order for us to process the renewal of the occupational license for the above business. ✓ Square footage of your business premises J U ✓ The number and type of vending machir}es (/ f any) on your premises Wo. ✓ Federal Employer ID number (If Corporation) j 9 -29 T `1U'7 Z Do you have a license to sell alcoholic beverages? 1 If so, Please indicate type of license CUA Maureen King City Clerk SERVICE/BEV Code Enforcement .inspections will be carried out after October 1 CITY OF taNxIC BEACH APPLICATION TO 14AM, ADDITIONS OR LILTERIITIONS Address �Q 2 L42416 Phone________._ Owner • Phone!____—. Arcliltect Address Co�tractodress � ce/ Phone_?�3—P2 • Contractors License/Certification Nuibers Expiration Date Zoning Property Address ���2 / �TG�•'`��/C / ' �� I,t _Block or Unit �k Subdivision Valuation of Construction $ Type of Construction Describe work to be Performe ------------ d Materials to be Used ©o Present Use of Building Proposed Use of Buildings A P P Ft O V ^ D Flood Zotic CITY I ATL id'FFIC AC�1 Bu1'LDIPJG ar-Flee U (`(•/' \�{;,�// Dinmisions of New Area: 'JUN 0 3 JUN - 1988 I tEMED GARAGE OR S'IURAGE 1 CARPOIU OR PORCH gx r3 : Building and Zoning LACK . YM NO NUMBER PATIO . Will there be an increasein nunber of ? i Will there be a decrease n nunber of units? •Any additional p1Lub ng fixtures? Any new fireplaces? — SUBMiT IWO CUt•1PL.CI1-: SETS OF PLANS INCLUDING SITE PLAN Date Signature MER Date Signature WUMAG OR tAddress Heated Square Footage @ $ per sq ft = $ Garage/Shed @ $ per sq ft = $ Carport/Porch @ $ per sq ft = $ Deck @ $ per sq ft = $ Patio @ $ per sq ft = $ TOTAL VALUATION: Tota a uati.on lst $ Remainder Valuation $ per thousand or portion thereof --------------------------------------- $ ADDITIONAL PERMITS and/or FEES REQUIRED-----� Total Building Fee + k Filing Fee $ Mechanical ; Fireplaces @ 15.00 $ I Plumbing ; BUILDING!PERMIT FEE $ �..----- Electric/New Electric/Temp ------------------------------------------------- Septic Tank BUILDING PERMIT $ Well - iµ.we WATER METER CHARGE $ Swi.mning Pool t SEWER IMPACT FEE $ Sign "( WATER IMPACT FEE $ Water Connection A P'P R o V E D �gSCELI�ANEOUS CITY Ci ATLANTIC BEACfI $ Sewer Connection BUILDING OFFICE $ Water Meter J U N $ Elevation Certificate �© B7 TOTAL DUE $ :----- ---------------------------------------------- CALCULATIONS and/or NOTES U Cl nw M U G? W - a ti U LL IL Q v -k�7 NN zi �l 9i— 77 vi fA- 1 I LES EWE SPACE TENANT AREA. I 1 • 4.lS►! ..3.11.4._ DEVELOPMENT DATA 4 LE RAINOOY FROZEN YOGURT 1,000 M N aa"Es••w e 1'lISL1>t M.tN 6.1. 1J44f MIOq �a.Ma t 001 THE YK.LAGE PET NOP 1,049 • ` �./• w w , rorAL 04,714•.I. T FLASMOACK/ 000 1� S-SA FIRST COAST JEWELER{ 1,200 PARIIMS sit CARS _ \ 0AM-CMUtSN ILL 6.20 \ N a 10 0R.9EWEY R.WAAAQ 1,600 LEXCLUM 11 SAYE wAv GEAYTY SUNIr 1.400 D 1! sNOE loll 1,40011CLASST LAOr 1.400 44A KWIK KO►Y 1.070 1q N' \ '9py 140 oIACM[S-NArroN1 rAC//N 1•oaf.f • S '9� tb . RARE NAJR OE14A he. 612 /IGN! 1,001.0 • 4a N •• .a » tri '� N• YNIT['S 001 OR[ a iT-A •y MT 00 AMM cmw a MFT 1.700 ©© O o �♦ 1S'Q 1s ru"a1~ So,700 \e• 9�` V GAIAT SOUTNEAR 11001016 2.400 F A11 F'1 da Sdi m1 SL=l� 2.400 :1] All Florida Sd=l SXaY WALSMtEEN DOM low O O \� y��' 00 �' G., 28A E0R0►EAN PAIR TREND 00a CLLEORATIONS S U LOos ♦4J N , AVONDALE TRAY&L SYREAU . 1"2 Sf PETUNIA PATCHSOUTIOUE IASO 'r ROiARIO'S PIZZA •N t1'66'W t1i TT' 00 IM _ 00— •:i EXCLUDED \ +e• !t �. <1 O N TURTLES RECORDS a TAPES 6.140 N N SS 11.661E 110' t OS 44,41•[ [OAS'' rte, SSS e 11 My-- V larf $70 /wIFT OL.OAN0A/ 1,000_ EXCLUDED l � VILLAGE SHOPPING t JENTER ATLANTIC BOULEVARD ATLANTIC BEACH. FLORIDA �1N eANDiue DRVIELOPHRUT oo. .� 6410 POWERS FERRY 00.N.W. 08" ATLANTA,440"M NNS {4NI 666-6601 Y R a44orIT. r al,sal • - a w army a.f.ar DRAMA"EAS a•a •ray - — 6961 J t Nor r IIETENTiON o i� • 30IjdO J)Nlt3 tno 113V38 311NVID �o Allo ❑ 3AOaddV 7,—1 71 ►�' k n»ux � ... N• r N h « Its,I WAIOREEN ! z i� tali Las E3 •© W l ♦N' ti \ W � .r• N' • f f • i w I, • w � Ul 00 , f r7 , ^ Q \ • ••C O A / �\ L O � Mff •!'N' IN o Z � w ' 1r \• _ O O OUT PARCEL A C � � O • sNa•' Q _ d ATLANTIC BOULEVARD • ..••ws.ar. • N ft• fN SM PL GRAPM •CALE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA9804 S04 PERMIT TO BUILD PERMIT NO. THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB IValuation$ Date A Rt1tt nn �_ ----__.Fee$ %( This permit not valid until above fa has been paid to City Treasurer,and is 4 subject to revocation for violation of applicable provisions of law. f IThis is to certify that I010 9 has permission to build Classification_f:0Mmer ial r o 5O T Owned by Zone_ CG 7730 Lot7A _ t t�[3D House No. 1021 At Iant is Bt�u1 Block—____S/r) According to approved plans which are part of this permit J NOTICE—ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- SPECTED BEFORE POURING. PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS �— __♦ AFTER DATE OF ISSUE —� Z Building material, rubbish and debris —1 from this work must not be placed in public space, and must be cleared up an hauled away by either con- Ia r r owner., i B ' n Official. FOR OFFICE PERMIT USE ONLY NUMBER DATE CONTRACTOR PLUMBING i ELECTRICAL SEWER WATER i I I CITY OF JACKSONVILLE BEACH APPLICATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT 4 Kcal Loc!TlC N STP ay. Atx RZ: �. USE OF WfU)I ': ttt1IIDI1 wuz)tNG NATURE CF' WCM ❑ NI3i+l91H.DM ❑ REPIACEWNr ALTIIUMM D REPAIR LJ AMITUN ❑ anim MFYIIANIC M. WDM Tn BE DONE PERMIT FEE WJIPMCNr TO BE IIZS'I' LLD $ Air Oonditicn.ing tons TYPE tarts: Heat BTU'S # units PLVPS type horsepower Wells Boilers BTU'S #boilers Tanks 0-600 gallons over 600 gallons Dict Syst��: CFM # sy stcws Autmrbi1e Lifts: # lifts Elevators/ascal.ators: #cars #floors Fire Sprinkl.fr Systems: # Fire Standpipes: # standpipes Fire Bose Cabinets: # cabinets Fireplaces: Alteration or repair of boilers: Solar Oollection Systc m: #collectars awwrcial Hoods: # hoods Heat exchanger or coil in ducts: Gas Piping Systems: # outlets Gas Vent Ad Wall Furnaces or Water Heaters: # units ✓ Mi.sc. or other work: CV a PERNQT I.SSUIM FEE' IC7rAL FEE: i DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING' 's 760 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA PERMIT NO. , PERMIT TO BUILD 76G I F �F C THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB Date April 3_19 86 1 Q -Valuation$ Fee$ 25.00 This permit not valid until above fee has been paid to City Treasurer,and is subject to revocation for violation of applicable provisions of law. This is to certify that IR Bowen & Son RS0023117 634 Dyal Street, Jacksonville, FL has permission toi Install Exhaust Hood Classification Comercial Zone CIS Owned by Cappricco's Lot Block S/D House No. 1021 Atlantic Blvd. , Atlantic Beach According to approved plans which are part of this permit NOTICE—ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- SPECTED BEFORE POURING. PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE M �_— -----{► 0 Building material,rubbish and debris Z from this work must not be placed in public space, and must be cleared up and hauled away by either con- tra for or owner.. 111 Building Official. FOR OFFICE PERMIT DATE CONTRACTOR USE ONLY NUMBER PLUMBING ELECTRICAL SEWER WATER Awn + s. �, { r f: e { t.. ,3 a s t f �. 6` q�q b. f Y �££. f P S.. �. k t; S. f'. 4 {: 4 CC?Ntt►1'J US wsE Qtit ��� �' ► �RtimE�cER C�..7T`-caUr � }i f f I i 000h n-7-AL A8 986E sc� o c rc-r.tna 0 ? „ 0 Allam l� o a cl cl l ddti ONIG-l►na HoV3@ WN01V J0 A110 Q3AO2�d'dhr -,Irv► Af , j Llj r CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD s� ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number . . . . . 09-00000624 Date 5/05/09 Property Address . . . . . . 1021 ATLANTIC BLVD Application type description PLUMBING ONLY Property Zoning . . . . . . . TO BE UPDATED Application valuation . . . . 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc 1 backflow ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ TOUCHTON PLUMBING 416 RYAN AVENUE JACKSONVILLE FL 32254 (904) 389-9299 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit PLUMBING PERMIT Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 42 . 00 Plan Check Fee . 00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 11/01/09 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 42 . 00 42 . 00 . 00 . 00 Plan Check Total . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 Grand Total 42 . 00 42 . 00 . 00 . 00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. ti r r LI f� CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 07. 800 SEMINOLE ROAD,ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 i OFFICE:(904)247-5826•FAX NO.:(904)247-5845 BUILDING-DEPT@COAB.US u PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION DUVAL COUNTY 1JOB ADDRESS a. 1)( 1INA'SUB PERMIT. a k ; . ,.x.'., '3�.DAT/E� � ❑Y S PERMIT#: �0/� 0� Atlantic Beach FL 32233 PRiOPEF;PTY, HERW fi. ,x ' 4.NAME: �� � 5.ADDRESS IF DIFFERENT FROM JOB ADDRESS: 6.PHONE: L U�r l L Im-nZIL) PLUMBING CONTRACTOR: ...., _ 7.NAME OF CO, Y: B.ADDRESS.: 0 110 AWT F 322(TU I 9.STATE OF FLORIDA LICENSE N0: /� ` 10.CELL PHONE: j(_) J1� � 1.FAX NO.: EMAI uvI1ADDRC1 WS+owo o • 1U(')b1„ :� 13.OFFICE PHONE: "� l•J `7 Zq q 14. Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. This permit becomes null and void if work is not commenced within six(6) months,or if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of six(6)months at any time after work is commenced. CONTRACTORS SIGNATURE: a'e�,"",.;" NUMBER OF.FIX'ftiRES. ❑ NEW ❑ RE-PIPE BATH TUB SEWER CONNECTION BIDET SHOWERS DISH WASHER SHOWERS PANS DISPOSAL SINK DRINKING FOUNTAIN WATER CLOSET TANK FLOOR DRAIN WATER CLOSET VALVE HOSE BIB WASHING MACHINES ICE MAKER WATER CONNECTION INTERCEPTOR WATER HEATER LAVATORY / URINALS LAUNDRY TRAY +' OTHER(SPECIFY): SEE BACKFLOW AND IRRIGATION PROCEDURE SHEET ROOF DRAIN Sail r 4a' �t 7Y���.-�.,:. �*r.���`:�r .. �n. .`�rt�,=�' 'of i�.,,.�,.,'. 18.,PL'.UN�BINQ�ERNII��FrEtg�vG.�..-."��`-€eta.-�• t..a"`sE i�. :s��;r �i�y �.3« PERMIT ISSUING FEE: $35.00 TOTAL FIXTURES: x $7.00 (PER FIXTURE) + $35.00 = COAB FORM BLDG03:REVISED:8/13/2007 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH IS z 800 SEMINOLE ROAD -,� ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 ` INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number . . . . . 04-00028841 Date 11/03/04 Property Address . . . . . . 1021 ATLANTIC BLVD Tenant nbr, name . . . . . . 23 . 95 SQ FT SIGN Application description . . . SIGN PERMIT Property Zoning . . . . TO BE UPDATED Application valuation . . . . 0 Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ EQUITY ONE THOMAS G. CAMPBELL SIGN INC 1696 N E MIAMI GARDEN DR N 55103 MT.OLIVE RD NORTH MIAMI BEACH FL 33179 CALLAHAN FL 32011 (904) 292-2212 (904) 879-6888 --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Permit . . . . . . SIGN PERMIT Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 65 . 00 Plan Check Fee . 00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 65 . 00 65 . 00 . 00 . 00 Plan Check Total . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 Grand Total 65 . 00 65 . 00 . 00 . 00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING S. i9 BUILDING OFFICIAL Js r) ITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION Date: ' � 7 Job Address: 1 Q A ( -n c- t""J Owner's Name: Address:1� �' /Yt'' /Wlgf--'/ �IN" ' �� /�'- Rhone: Legal Description: Block/Number: Lot Number: Zoning District: Contractor: �jy�c,�s c �� C��� J'e State License Number: ham! Address: (33 lltT Clc� Phone: gut/- City: G��F:+%-, State: 1CC- Zip:�..Gf l Fax: yDSi- F'J 2- `; Electric Permit Required? �+Yes* ❑ No *Electrical Contractor: 4151Scac>ac>/try - �.!y• �t1ii S►�.�S Dimensions and total square footage of sign: a3-vs 02 y X 15& ,f( Please provide two(2)copies of application and the following required information: 1. For all Freestanding Signs, include survey or site plan showing location of proposed sign(s), and all dimensions including height and distance from property lines or right-of-ways.- For Wall, Fascia and other types of Signs, include elevation drawing showing location in relation to adjacent signs, mounting detail and type of illumination, if any. 2. Provide linear frontage of office, business or storefront, or entire building, as appropriate. 3. Provide completed owner's authorization form if applicant is other than property owner. 4. Other information as may be required by Chapter 17 of the City of Atlantic Beach Municipal Code. I hereby certify that all information provided with this application is correct. Signature of Owner: I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of the laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with,whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any federal,state or local rules,regulations,ordinances, or laws in any manner,including the governing of construction or the performance of construction of the property. I understand that the issuance of this permit is contingent upon the above information being true and correct and that the plans and supporting data have been or shall be provided as required. Signature of Con Date:—Date: `�Gct.�/ T, 800 Seminole Road -Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904)247-5800 Fax: (904)247-5845 - http://www.ci.atiantic-beach.fl.us Page 1 Revised 1/30/03 Address and contact information of person to receive all correspondence regarding this application (please print). Name: 61 4 U Mailing Address: ja `1/C a`✓ '�'� Phone: �9l z Li Z Fax: �a y y� /1J—S^ E-Mail: e /ems r'r ��• ui `,,,ef G AS TO OWNER: /" '' 6N� /�?'4A.�1���/ivC.. Sworn to and subscribed before me this / ' 'day of j_( .(l 20 0 q State of Florida,County of Duval �4oYN Helen R WUM Notary's Signature: k XY • My Commission 00142431 „ Expires August 1 S,Zoos [IPersonally known ( Produced identification Type of identification produced AS TO CONTRACTOR: Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of 20 State of Florida,County of Duval Notary's Signature: L — �_ T O'l Personally known ❑ Produced identification Type of identification produced `.`�...... Debbie Sabiston Commission#0022 f 343 . oQ Expires:Jul 10,2007 ,' oFFl Bonded Thru Atlantic Bonding Co.,Inc. 800 Seminole Road •Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904)247-5800 Fax: (904)247-5845 • http://www.ei.atiantic-beach.D.us Page 2 Revised 1/30/03 FILE COPY �{ 2 �> - �, . �� \ � . � � COPFILE . t Flo" � 4L `p 3Jr- rC J r• TC t�,cCL:EEi 4-LZC TC da`? ti!�55 CLE VC6 'CIN "U.:j JI��IJ 11�6dWUJ WCcc FILE CUP1 Comm# 04525.01 lJob Name: Se uino's Wind Speed 130 MPH Location: Atlantic Beach,Fl- Wind LWind Speed 130 MPH ASCE7-98 Datel 10/25/04 C,Factor 1.4 Florida State Building Code Initials: K.E.C. Gust Factor 0.85 Importance 1.00 Exposure Sign Weight 5.00 psf Section 1 Width Height Area Cf Gust F. PSF F Weight 1 1,081 1.92 2.07 1.4 0.85 34.57 85.151 10.35 2 0.001 0.00 0.00 1.4 0.85 33.10 0.000 0.00 Distance Above Grade 0.001 20.00 D.00 1.4 0.85 33.10 0.000 0.00 21.92 2.07 85.15 10.35 Enter Number of Botts/Sign 2 Shear Force/Bolt <:: 1$>s:<:>»»>::>::::lbs Pull-out Force/Bolt Ibs Section Z Width Height Area Cf Gust F. PSF F Weight 1 0.001 0.00 0.00 1.4 0.85 31.26 0.000 0.00 2 0.001 0.00 0.00 1.4 0.85 31.26 0.000 0.00 Qistance Above Grade 0.001 0.00 0.00 1.4 0.85 31.26 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Enter Number of Bofts/Sign 1 0lbsShearForce/Bolt Pull-out Force/Bolt 00>:::>:<:_»:_<:Ibs Fastener Wall Type All.P ullout All.Shear Min Bolt Embed.Imin.Wood Thkness 1 Toggle Bos Mas,Wood,Metal 200 2 1/4"Lag Bolts Wood 150' 130 a, 3' 1/4"Lag Bolts w/Shields Masonry 2 20 3-T- 1/4" '1/4"Thru Wall Bolts Masonry,Wood,Metal 2 250 f�jt`f Ri` Fastener Wall Type Pullout All.Shear Min Bolt Embed.IMin.Wood Thknesg oggle o s Mas,Wood,Metal 250 250 3/8"Lag Bolts Wood 19 200 3' Y. 3/8"Lag Bolts w/Shields Masonry 2=0 2 3/8"Thru Wall Bolts Masonry,Wood,Metal 300 /9Q astener I WallType I All.Pullout I All.Shear IMin Bolt Em ed.. TeK,5crews S eet Metal bul #10 Tek Screws Sheet Metal 39 66 Sign Specifications Refer to Sign Company's drawing(s)for more details. All designs,detailing,fabrication and construction shall conform to: Florida State Building Code ACI 301-89 AISC American Welding Society Local Building Codes&Ordinances COPY Concrete: 3000PSI�28 days Steel Pipe: ASTM A53 Grade B Steel Tube: ASTM A500 Grade B Anchor Bolts:A307 Connection Bolts:A325 Steel Angles,Channels,Structural Shapes and Plates ASTM A36 Welding Electrodes E70XX Welders shall be certified for type of welding. This Engineer does not warrant the accuracy of dimensions furnished by others. All exposed steel shall be painted with an enamel paint to inhibit corrosion. Michael Brady,Inc. The contractor(Installer)is responsible for the means&methods of construction in regards to jobsite safety. Louis J.Cortina,P.E. This design is for the indicated address only,and should not be used at other locations 299 N.Weisgarber Rd. without written permission of the engineer. Knoxville,Tennessee 37919 Design of details and structural members not shown,by others. 865-584-0999 Installed fasteners must meet or exceed the values shown in list above. Corp.Lie.#-F02000W2650 Engineer Lic.#-57264 FILE COPY GONTRAGTOR — GAMPBELL 516N5 • 2001 FLORIDA 5TATE BLDG. CODE • • • 130 MPH WIND 5PEED • " GF = 1.4 NOTE: SEE SIGN DRAWINC75 FOR • ADDITIONAL DIMEN54ON5 AND DETAILS. VERIFY ALL 1 • • DIMENSIONS. a .a P qPP ,OVED ITY 0, ALAOFF CE CN gUil-DING a a, NpV 0 3 2004 r 3/5" LAG BOLTS W/SHIELD 3/8" TOGGLE BOLT5 OR EXP. BOLTS EXAMPLES VARIOUS FASTENERS AND WALL TYPES STAINLE55 STEEL) TYPE OF WALL MASONRY, WOOD, METAL MASONRY ONLY METAL / HOLLOW GMU SOLID MASONRY ONLY COMM. NO. DATE:04525.0110/2cl/04 DRAWING N0. DY�tG. CORP. LIC. / F02000002650 BUS. LIC. # AA26000828 I ENG. C.O.A. / 25914 LOU15 J. C.ORTINA, P.E. INT. DESIGN C.O.A. / 26000665 LIG a 51264 Fm • • • • • • • • i • • RECOMMENDED LOCATIONS FOR FASTENERS — SEE CHART FOR SIZE AND TYPE SIGN MUST BE ATTACHED TO OR THROUGH SOLID BLOCKING. WALL ATTACHMENT TO SHEATHING ONLY 15 NOT ACCEPTABLE. LAG BOLTS REQUIRE 3" MIN. EMBEDMENT LETTER r FASTENERS — SEE CHART FOR TYPE AND SEE ABOVE FOR RECOMMENDED FA5TENF LOCATION a FLAT WASHER AND DOUBLE NUT OR CRIMP THREADS BOTH ENDS (TYP.) FA FASTENER 3/8" BOLTS AT E.I.F.S. INSTALLATIONS INSTALL 3/8" LAC753/8" TOGGI WITH 1/2" DIA. PIPE SLEEVE. SEAL ALL PENETRATIONS. 3/8" EXPAN EXAMPLE THRU—BOLT INSTALLATION KNOXVILLE OFFIC ® FLA. OFFICE m PROJECT: 299 WEISGARBER RD. MICHAEL BRADY, INC. 100 COLONIAL CENTER PM Atlantic Beach FL KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE *SIGN ENGINEERING *CIVIL U 37919 KE NARY. FL 32746-4770 DRAWING TITLE: *STRUCTURAL *ARCHITECTURAL Sec�uino's PHONE 865-584-0999 PRONE 4o7-ses-oaao FAX 865-584-5213 *MECHANICAL *ELECTRICAL FAX 407-ses-o3ae CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH �j`-��'���jV, D. Ford . s BUILDING / ZONING DEPARTMENT i99ins S� 800 Seminole Road oerr j yr Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233 (904)247-5800 (904)247-5845 Fax PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS G Permit Application # c)4- ZF< R 4 L I Property Address: CMZ A-r1� C- i 1� Applicant: -}-��-r-t Project: Thispermit application has been: EL' Approved ev e a th ollowing items need attention: '5T(I c C V.;; 2 Please re-submit your application when these items have been completed. Reviewed By: L44- Date: �3�� PSC 2000 Series 2410 Log for Personal Printer/Fax/Copier/Scanner City of Atlantic Beach Bui 904-247-5845 Sep 23 2004 1:42PM Last Transaction Date Time T= Identification Duratio Pages Result Sep 23 1:40PM Fax Sent 96464454 2:17 3 OK CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING AND PLANNING 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-5445 Telephone: (904)247-5826 Fax: (904)247-5845 VVM.COAB.US FAX To: e�-- I cals�o S—rte- " o-n e h/ Fax#: t-LLL C , From: 1?)L,Q CDE:P T Date: 9 Pages: Re: 1 DZ 1 7-�'f1_ r" C L 0 Urgent 0 For Review lease Reply Notes: §3108.3 Structural requirements §3108.3.1 Design required. Before a permit shall be granted, the erector of every outdoor advertising sign, with the exception of shingle signs and light cloth temporary signs, shall submit to the building official a design and stress diagram or plan containing the necessary information to enable the building official to determine that such sign complies with all the regulations of this code. §3108.3.2 Wind pressure. In the design and erection of all outdoor advertising display signs, the effect of wind shall be carefully considered. All signs shall be constructed to withstand the wind pressure as specified in §1606. §3108.3.3 Working stresses. In all outdoor advertising display signs, the allowable working stresses shall conform with the requirements of §1609. EXCEPTIONS: 1. The allowable working stresses for steel and wood shall be in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 22 and Chapter 23. 2. The working strength of chains, cables, guys or steel rods shall not exceed one-fifth of the ultimate strength of such chains, cables, guys or steel rods. EQUITY ONE REALTY & MANAGEMENT, INC. 5'PCr--� 41 21 AWNN l l A 4+V oo x I Ppnmsn Rd. wit �! wK Rpyal Palm Orlve Atlantic Village Shopping Center, Atlantic Beach, Florlda i0 29Vc:1 NOI101AI-N-SNSIS b9bb9b9"6 9£:9Z b00Zl9LfL0 EQUITY EQUITY ONE REALTY & MANAGEMENT FL, INC. ONE'" July 14, 2004 The Supermarket REIT"' Building& Zoning Department City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 RE: SIGNAGE INSTALLATION PERMIT, 1021 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD ATLANTIC VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER Dear Building& Zoning Department, This letter shall serve as the Landlords acknowledgement that Patty Waugerman, d/b/a Sequino's Ristorante has engaged Thomas G. Campbell Signs, Inc. to secure proper permits to install signage at the above location. Provided that Thomas G. Campbell Signs, Inc. installs said signage, on behalf of Patty Waugerman, d/b/a Sequino's Ristorante in accordance with all zoning requirements and shopping center sign requirements. No other work is hereby authorized. Further, this acknowledgement shall be valid for a period of 30 days from the above date. Sincerely, e Debbie L. Carroll, Property Manager as authorized agent for Equity One (Atlantic Village) Inc. STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS ,COUNTY OF DUVAL ) I, Nicole G Hooper a Notary Public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid,do hereby certify that Debbie L. Carroll personally known to me, to be the authorized agent and Property Manager, of Equity One (Atlantic Village) Inc a Florida Corporation. Appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that he signed and delivered the said instrument as his as his free and voluntary act and as the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation,for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN under my hand and Notarial Seal this.11 t-414day of ,2004. (SEAL) � Niels G Hooper MY Comm"N ODIOSM i N T RY PUBLIC a►w Expires April 15,2WS 10601-107 San Jose Boulevard •Jacksonville, Florida 32257•Telephone 904-292-2222 • Facsimile 904-292-1255 EQY Regional Offices in: Coral Springs •Jacksonville • Lake Mary• North Miami Beach • Palm Beach Gardens •Tampa www.equityone.net NYSE EQUITY EQUITY ONE REALTY & MANAGEMENT FL, INC. ONES`"' July 14, 2004 The Supermarket REIT"' Building& Zoning Department City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 RE: SIGNAGE INSTALLATION PERMIT, 1021 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD ATLANTIC VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER Dear Building& Zoning Department, This letter shall serve as the Landlords acknowledgement that Patty Waugerman, d/b/a Sequino's Ristorante has engaged Thomas G. Campbell Signs, Inc. to secure proper permits to install signage at the above location. Provided that Thomas G. Campbell Signs, Inc. installs said signage, on behalf of Patty Waugerman, d/b/a Sequino's Ristorante in accordance with all zoning requirements and shopping center sign requirements. No other work is hereby authorized. Further, this acknowledgement shall be valid- for a period of 30 days from the above date. Sincerely, Debbie L. Carroll, Property Manager as authorized agent for Equity One (Atlantic Village) Inc. STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS COUNTY OF DUVAL ) I, Nicole G. Hoover a Notary Public in and for said County,in the State aforesaid,do hereby certify that Debbie L. Carroll . personally known to me, to be the authorized agent and Property Manager, of Equity One (Atlantic Village) Inc. , a Florida Corporation. Appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that he signed and delivered the said instrument as his as his free and voluntary act and as the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation,for the uses and purposes therein set+forth. GIVEN under my hand and Notarial Seal this I,day of ,2004. (SEAL) Nicole G Hooper �ss�L ,p My CommissionDDIOW9 N TRY PUBLIC — e►nd" Expires Apr#15,2001 10601-107 San Jose Boulevard •Jacksonville, Florida 32257•Telephone 904-292-2222 • Facsimile 904-292-1255 �_ Regional Offices in: Coral Springs •Jacksonville• Lake Mary• North Miami Beach • Palm Beach Gardens •Tampa ®® www.equityone.net NYSE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Cc_ BU DI G / ZONING DEPARTMENT 800 Seminole Road S. Doer Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233 (904)247-5800 (904)247-5845 Fax PLAN REVIEW COMM TS Permit p i atio # ()(A ' a i l g L Prop dress 1 0 2 \ � Ap ' a : 6{ S rrPoe.tj S This permit applic ion has been: Approv E'er Reviewed and the following items need attention: �- OF- r.�u�e�c tc�,�SS sc o0,7 S Please re-submit your application when these items have been completed. Reviewed By:_U-- Date: _ 'g CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION of Date: Property Address: /Og/ /4 7'c4j 7-/e A. , Owner: y� ��-t/���cl l 77��7—i- lA.k.. Telephone #:5b/-,Z12- .2 Contractor � ••�•��'cc /60s 104- Telephone Contractor Address:Sslo,3 oe2, oU()c �7 ,�; Fax#:9pL/-9,7?_16 In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement, we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plans and specifications which are a part hereof and in accordance with the City of Atlantic Beach ordinance and standards of ood practice listed therein. Building: Building Type: ❑ Trailer Service: 1f other construction is ❑ New ❑ Residence ❑ Temp. ❑ New being done on this building V/Old 2"Commercial W-- Signs ❑ Increase Or site,list the building ❑ Re-wire ❑ Addition Sq.Ft.23 ❑ Repair Permit number: Conductor Size: AMPS: COPPER VOLT WAY AL Switch or Breaker AMPS pg RACE Existing Service �' Size AMPS PH WCE VOLT R y Feeders: NO. SIZE NO SIZE NO SIZE Lighting Outlets CONCEALED OPEN Receptacles CONCEALED OPEN Switches / 31 100 A KFP_g Incandescent Fluorescent & M.V. Fixed 0.100 AMPS ovER BELL A liances Air H.P.RATINGTRANSFER. H.P.RATING Conditionin COMP. MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS CEILING KW-HEAT HEAT Motors 0-1 H.P. VOLTAGE PH NO. OVER 1 H.P. PHS UNDER600V VE OV Transformers NO- KVA NO. KVA No.Neon_Transf. Ea. Sign Miscellaneous G�o�C?�CT7-3 X/57'/t9� (_ -��_ 800 Seminole Road .Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904)247-5800. Fax: (904)247-5845• http://www.ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH cc: Ford , ' r f• , BUILDING / ZONING DEPARTMENT L.L. Higgins j 800 Seminole Road oerr J ;r Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233 (904)247-5800 r f J; (904)247-5845 Fax PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS Permit Application # 7_9941 Property Address: I Z I L Applicant: "�.}F n�,,«} ,, C'��t,,,r P 6ELL, og os Project: This permit-application has been: 12----Approved Reviewed and the following items need attention: Please re-submit yo r aDDlication when these items have been completed. 7 Reviewed By: - Date: z f'vZ 7' r • t i }.T 7 _ a 35'x_ i f k T'u��r�JIET�� cE{ItiNl�lEL �-TtEtS n • PLLASH I1110WMID �X;ST1l1CT t.,1hC1. F T�LLkt�ev bvt'h,L- R£D � s - 13RoµzE 2E S K M Ib l r' 1 Ct 11k S�Croa�tictyt • z X 150 m c IcttERS UAL.1/4 APPWoyL1} o �t`R dt E'Ed t�z ". R UMM ri EtR�t+�6paC Afvti~aw �� t50 .t i GZv W! Cly.�tb1 lk�tI'TIt#115P"1AR rn .Ott AwtKbmet h'' Ci Fl�wjFL 4ltL o�e+awn- wJ - 20 &MVI- 4" „ tip ALL. C #APMEMM LLL- t bT&t CK Ute � t si rn l S t(?Em c J J. lD m Ll v 107t�TC1•i�T'fG C3lUiJ. - yQtt"j'it ELS VkTiC�n1 D n A J CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION Date: / 3 , 04 Job Address: 1 CG A-TcA-/\-n L EL-\a> Owner's Name: 0" X71 ", Address:zLe: _90 Legal Description: Block Number: Lot Number: Zoning District: Contractor: 7_rAbk05 (r CpdrC 6 State License Number: F_c- V Z Address: 0 3 NF UIQ Phone: gy`f- 07-698( City: State: /CG Zip: r�. Fax: ?2V- F 9 9- (o to Electric Permit Required? d Yes* ❑ No *Electrical Contractor: f6 c'ac>c'/°2- T-G Nd�cc�lt�S Dimensions and total square footage of sign: as,QS 0 - X3p )( 15D r Please provide two(2)copies of application and the following required information: 1. For all Freestanding Signs, include survey or site plan showing location of proposed sign(s), and all dimensions including height and distance from property lines or right-of-ways.' For Wall, Fascia and other types of Signs, include elevation drawing showing location in relation to adjacent signs, mounting detail and type of illumination, if any. 2. Provide linear frontage of office, business or storefront, or entire building, as appropriate. 3. Provide completed owner's authorization form if applicant is other than property owner. 4. Other information as may be required by Chapter 17 of the City of Atlantic Beach Municipal Code. I hereby certify that all information provided with this application is correct. Signature of Owner: Date: '� O*,—. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of the laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with,whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any federal,state or local rules,regulations,ordinances, or laws in any manner,including the governing of construction or the performance of construction of the property. I understand that the issuance of this permit is contingent upon the above information being true and correct and that the plans and supporting data have been or shall be provided as required. Signature of Contractor: Date: 4 T� iM 800 Seminole Road •Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904)247-5800 - Fax: (904)247-5845 • http://www.ci.adantic-beach.fl.us Page I Revised 1130/03 Address and contact information of person to receive all correspondence regarding this application(please print). Name: Mailing Address: Phone: �c y =�9l 2 L f Z Fax: /JJ—j— E-Mail: �eQ-/'i 6 ��• e C// C.✓e.n� AS TO OWNER: ,�C� G,� ✓rie J�►'C_ Sworn to and subscribed before me this %S ' ' ' day of j 11 ( 20 n State of Florida,County of Duval +PvrY Helen R Wkw Notary's Signature:—ZLP—C1 CAA /1` My Commissbn D0142431 a n�' �roa August 15,2008 Personally known [j' Produced identification Type of identification produced AS TO CONTRACTOR: l Sworn to and subscribed before me this _day of tCA20_0_q State of Florida,County of Duval Notary's Signature: Personally known ❑ Produced identification Type of identification produced 2Q��Y PVA Debbie Sabiston Commission ODD221343 ^,ate Expires:Jul 10,2007 Bonded Thru Atlantic Bonding Co.,Inc. 800 Seminole Road •Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Page 2 Phone: (904)247-5800 Fax: (904)247-5845 • http://www.ci.atiantic-beach.il.us Revised 1/30/03 �_,�,�, ✓�y CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH r Ss1 BUILDING / ZONING DEPARTMENT '99' 7 800 Seminole Road oerr Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233 x (904)247-5800 t >r� (904)247-5845 Fax PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS Permit Application # Property Address: t/ - 161, Applicant: .S --I`J r),S Project: .�3 = i` This permit application has been: LJ' Approved Reviewed and the f awing items need at /n:- G� Please re-submit your application when these items have been comple d. Reviewed By: f�x-lt- Date: qe4A-1K1- �� 0z- -";7 EQUITY ONE REALTY & MANAGEMENT, INC. ®alliatay t 4 y I 0 444► f J �� � �i V' V 110-AINN ' fabrics J n� j 1 p / Penman Rd. 1 Royal Palm Drive Atlantic Village Shopping Center, Atlantic Beach, Florida .oul .o;)Butpuoq-)quellt+ M41.OPHOR Looz'ol UIUJU EVE IZZQQ#UOISSI ,- uolsigt,s aiagaQ �.OIL-C/(2 I IunnQ jo ,Kxuno� `,epi poI j jo ajujS •Kl!.ioglnu p aisnpun atlj `aui oi unnou3l XIlpuos.tad si oqm `llagdwuD •O Suwotl,L `t00Z `LZ .iagoloO jo kep > LZ sigj aui a.zojag pa.ivaddv KItpuos tad umjo13 `UvquIIuD pUo'd aniiO *jW £OI SS •auI 'saiS ItagdwuD •O suwoq L ItagdwuD •O suwogjL `noX xuuq j •Ijuuag Xw uo iminuisa-d s.ouinbaS .ioj sltuuz)d do Staid of Pa-upg uusnS mollu awald :waauOD ,KL>W 11 wOgAk oZ uppo13 uauag apuliv juauiiiudaQ 2uiplmg tlauag apuUJIV jo XJID t,00Z `LZ .tagolaO The undersigned hereby informs yam that improvement& will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with section 913.13 of the Florida Statutes, the tallowing information is stated in this NOTICE OF COMMINCEMENT. Description of property ___Ai< n ��-V�� g e_S h o�p i ng--Center , Atlantic Blvd . , Atlantic Beach , FL General description of improvements -.__Construction of 3,-780 sg--,_ f t----f a r m ly-- r--------------------- Owner ----------- --Owner .—Atlantic--Village Associates , Ltd . Addressc/o-_ ouse , Miami Beach Global__Realty--&_ Managements Inc77717thSt , __ �'enthFL Q-3139 -I-------- "------- Owner's interest in site of the improvement _-__a s__ a11S; Q __________________________________�_.._, Fee Simple Title holder (U other than owner) --____-• .......___----------------------- ------------------ Name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Address ----------------------._._.-.-------_-..------•,...--------•-------------____------------------•--- Contractor _- - >k �sL�x �__�n�=----._.__.......---------__--------------------------__------ Address ____9 8 A_2__S.a��.s1 ._Aly d_�h_.I.a c k Q y_311 e_, F I� 3 2 2 5 8 Surety (it any) ---------------------------------------------------•----------------------------------------- Address -----------------------------------------------------------------Amount of bond i____-_-.------ Nam#and address of any person making a loan for the construction of the improvements. Name -----—--------------------------------------------...._----------------------------------------------- Address --------------------------------------------....,._-_-----.----------------------------------------- Name of patron within the Stu* of Plodda, other that himself, designated by owner upon whom notices or other icieuments may ba served-. Name --------------DoronValero Global-Realty & Management , Inc . 777 17th St . , Address ------------------------------------------------- Penthouse , Miami Beach , FL 33139 In addition to himself, owner designates the following person to receive a copy of the Lienoes Notice as provided in Section 713.06 (2) (b), Florida statute/. (Fill In at Owner's option). Name -------------------------------------, ------------------------------------------------------------ Address ----------------------------•.--------------------- ---------------------------------------------. THIe OPACR POR RECON011111'e Uea ONLY Sworn to and subscribed before me this ..------------- day of Y-C21 ___---._ lOqq V PU4Ct IRENE M RODERICK _ My Commission CC416175 I Notary Public 1 * Expires Nov.28,1998 7� Bonded by HAI 800-422-1555 C t`pv CITY OF 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD P.0.13OX 25 ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233 TELEPHONE(904)2,19-2395 March 1.5 , 1984 Pre-Service Section 3rd Floor Jacksonville Electric Authority 2.33 West Duval Street Jacksonville , Florida 32202 Dear Sirs : The following final inspection has been rnide and is satisfactory: Permit #3807 - 1021 Atlantic Blvd. Permit issued to All Florida Electric Sincerely , John M. Widdowsl Building Inspection Supervisor JMW: ra i.i•1'! IC�.Iii�'� 1 ;x SI(.�; 1'i.f. ;l•r � .r. 70-3. hi:Q1!1 RIiD It shall bu for any parson to install, alter or relocate any siSn, r ,rquee, cr:nopy, or ether advertising structure permitted under section 20-2 without first obtai.nin� a permit fY�m t.�.ie City M,ina&er and making payment to the City Clerk of the required fee. All illuminated signs shall, in addition, be subject to the provisions of the city Electrical Code and-any-permit-fees required-thereunder. (Ord. IJo.-60_66_1,_4_)---------------------------_----- TYPE OF SIGNNA1IE, ADDRESS & TELEPHONE NUMBER OF 1APPLICANT -- r! /�/1✓v�\ PLEASE PRINT: 1317- ( FLAT _ --- — HORIZONTAL PROJECTING _ /� ✓ _ -- -- 1(o G� tt n/3 C Z ,717 VERTICAL PROJECTING -- -- -------- --— --;_Z�rd ROOF _-- - POLE --- NAME, ADDRESS & TELEP-BON'S NUMBER OF OWNER i•�ARQUEE-OR-At_,'NING- ---- �(.� . �t'� CITY ' fl."sNdTIC BEACH E'UILDING OFFICE VALUATION $ _ - ------_-.---- IS THE APPLICANT THE OWNER OR THE --- 1 FASSEE ? J IF THE LATTER, SHOW AUTHORITY FROM THE W 07„?;ER. ---------------------------------- ------ AtTACH THE FOLLOWING TO THIS APPLICATION: a) The location of the building, structure or lot to which or upon which the sign or other advertising structure is to be attached or erected. b) A Plot plan showing the position of the sign or other advertising structure in relation to nearby buildings or structures. c) A blueprint or ink drawing of the plans and specifications and method of construction and attachment to the building or in the ground. d) The name of the person/contractor erecting the structure. e) Any electrical permit required and issued for such sign. f) Registered engineer's drawings must be submitted with applications for roof signs over fifty (50) square feet in area, and for any sign the top of which is more than seven- teen (17) feet above the ground or weighting -.ore than one thousand pounds (1000) , or an. solid sign of area more than thirty square feet, showing that such sign will be erected to withstand a wind pressure of at least thirty-five (35) pounds per square foot and that the weight of such sign will be amply supported by the roof of the building or the ground support on which it is to be erected. g) Such other information as the City 'Sana�Ter shall require to show full compliance with Chapter 20 and all other laws and ordinances of the city. SICNATU'RE OF APPLICANT —DATE s p-.,:A"1 U RE OF (.)'.;N r R S-1 7 L je�II�,IY4C �,t D Ct�,JRG I;'SFEC'►ICN aI�ISIC�N CITY OF tri-ANTIC EFACH, F1.0RI DA CATION I=Qp. MECHANICAL I�ERMIT APPLICATION Ill, end IV. - - IFAn?TANT- p1i,snt fn cornp'ab all itoms in sc-ct�ons 1, I1,1 14 Aw l0r--AJIO!J W-A, S-tf,, East,West)QF ,�- N div s:oa d.rt in dvptiut• if hacrtsarY) Lot No� / �_' EQ--••cj+.an fug bt�ttad to+�el d• cnp+oa tar -- - (Staf• - rii_o{ if l u - !YO"IC - /.iI Epp(cc r.ts Gocr. 4• Fcrjt A D }.t-•'mss-1 �` f -.-- Il. Wit C OF I'll O i105ED - _ --__ - L G�s(t;E�ililr A, us-E OF LUIf.DING IS ffi rMit• (IhCfi�idWt, rorpOKtiVn. P.:S!.r.[NTIAf. ( � nc.n�fit iMtitvti7ri,vtt.) I1. ❑ Utility IL ❑ ruSFK (Frdsrsl, Stst• or bul 1. ❑ 0" fare iy 12. ❑ Su�C.ot. rt-mry. 2. ❑ T�or r+*ors 4"ly - ot}�ar s ca4cral C- KATUfiE OF WORK Entau number of mto-t CVid^4 3. ❑ Transisnt, f anal, mo101. 13. ❑ Ston. r,rranf is reom;r.g 1-ousa - Ot f tt. ❑ Ezitfing 6, d+�4 Entau nurf.b.af of Ynit: 14. OTHER-SPECIFY I?. [] ReF=+-a '•^t of esttir� iyftM 4. ❑ Oihar rrsider,601 f1 d. _-_t_- ?0 itrw iarsl7 irc�" ) x't�} ❑ r+++ ^.ttsiatron (Ko. G r-� 21. ❑ E=t'<:cr, at .cu-on ro NON-RESIDENTIAL S. ❑ !;,uzsmsnt, recreational APPROVE72, (3Otbcr-$ crfr Q } `.ITY 0,r' F R;,N i 1C BEACH' rl,JILDI�qG OFFICE 7. ❑ Industrial -- t fJ Garrya, sonic• station L Ty t OF ".IU1Lf 4?42' 4_ ❑ 3fa ❑ pit•I, institutSonal NurrIor Hor r 10. ❑ Ofres, banl. pr-fast creel,' "' 37. 0 Wcvd from* t 38. ❑ llascn y and --,Od D. rt_HANICAL E?U!!>t:-'�T T t9�fSTAi_�D 34. [3 I •in'vred concrete (proteid• complete fist of compyn•nts on L4-cl of tfiis form) 23. ❑ Furnace: ❑ Space ❑ Retrss•d O Central 0 F+or 40, O StrucNral stHl 24. ❑ Air Conditioning: ❑ Room ❑ Central 41. ❑ Cttfier lmmv TMc - 25. ❑ Duct Sys!em: 1.ta1•r+al ---' c.f . 4.(asimum opacity -- 26. ❑ Refrig•raiion TY.tS $TACE FOR OFMCffi US: Oi4LY 27. ❑ Cooling t---.:•F. Capacity 26. ❑ Fn trrirllers- Number of E.e-a E� slatar_-_----Inunber) 74, ❑ Eloralor ❑ 1.(-lift (:, 30. ❑ C-P"Xn• pur' (r♦vmbsr) R e.ru rot 32. 1&1� LPG contain• (nu 1»►) - 33. ❑ Unfi .•d VZ ro uel permit A+prored by Dale 34. ❑ Boilers Prrmit Fuer - 35. 15( Otf.sr _tll. GSN-1?t/3L IN;-0i M-kTION - -- _. A Tl,a of trsairg f.ef: f3 tS OTHER CONSTrZJCTION BEING DONE ON THIS 'c'JILOt!tG OR SITE7 APPROVED CITY OF Ali-fl.."NTIC BEACH CIJILOIN-, oirF,,,, 110V 2 3 1983 Cy S I :­s DISHI;'ASHERS C!_(,,SETS BATH TUBS FLOOR DRAINS ',-,'ASPINC 3,t,'�CIHINE I WATER HEATERS DISPOSALS LAVA'j ORY I I;F'l I;AL S OTHER ------ ------------ CAN w J9 s/I TOTAL FIXTURE C012NT FIXTURE-U-NI'l-BREAKDO'v,N FIX-rU­RF -C-ITS ARE ESTABLISHED AS THE 147_ASUPEI•IENT OF I,.'ATER DEI AND FOR EACH I-,ATER FIXTURE UNIT INSTALLED _'ND CONNECTED TO -,-HE CITY WATER SYSTEM. THE 'v,ATER SUPPLY CHARGE IS E-L-REBY FIXED AT $10. 00 PER FIXTURE UNIT CONNECTED TO THE CITY WATER SYSTEIM, BATHROOIi GROUP CONSISTING OF LAVATORY (1 UNIT) i-,'_A-IER CLOSET, LAVATORY, _-'-ND BATH TU­B OR SlrlO'.,7:ER STALL SERVICE SINK TRAP STAND (:D (6 12\11TS) (3 UNITS) DRINKING FO-'--'\TAIN (i2 U-NIT) URINAL, 1%'ALL LIP FLOOR DRAIN (I UNIT) (4 UNITS) WASHING ','_ACHINE RES. (Z 1:_RINAL, PEDESTAL, SYPHON (3 UNITS) JET BLOI.-JOUT (8 UNITS) WATER CLOSETS, VALVE OPERATED !-.'ATER CLOSETS, TA-NK-OPERATED QK) (8 UNITS) (4-UNITS) STALL, D_'MESTIC DATPTLTB (W/OR Iq10 OVERHEAD (2 UNITS) (2UINITS) LAUTNDRY TR.AY BIDCET (3 U7\ITS) (2 UNITS) DISHWASHER (2 UTINITS) 0 KITCHEN SINK (2 UNITS) KlICHEN, STNK/I-,ASTE GRINDER (3 L-,'ITS) le, 00 BUILDING AND ZONING INSPECTION DIVISION CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA. APPLICATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT CALL-IN NUMBER IMPORTANT -- Applicant to complete all items in sections I, II, 111, and IV. LOCATION Street Address: r,f OF Intersecting Streets: Between A IgUA T IC *'� And I' Abri BUILDING Sub-division N. IDENTIFICATION - To be completed by all applicants In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plans and specifications which are a past hereof and in accordance with the City of Jacksonville ordinances and standards of good practice listed therein. MechanicalState Certification or - Contractor Name 8 Registration Number Qualifying Agents Masters Card Signature Number Property:Owners �� Signature of Name I Architect or Engineer , Ill. GRAL ENEINFORMATION 10 Wnl Q G V W"I IV L'"ND Le0.- '�'VCC o P!!'t M-T) A. Type of heating fuel: B IS OTHER CONSTRUCTION BEING DONE ON ❑ Electric THIS BUILDING OR SITE ❑ LP Gas ❑ Natural Gas ❑ OII ❑ Solar ❑ Wood IF YES, GIVE.NUMBER OF CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Other-Specify IV.MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT TO BE INSTALLED NATURE OF WORK (Provide complete list of components on back of this form) A. ❑ Residential or B. Commercial Q Haat A•❑ Space B.❑ Recessed C.❑ Central D.❑ Floor C. ❑ New Building ❑ Fire Placa ❑ Wood StoveD. ,,,,,EalstMg Building C. ❑ Straight Water Coot Air Conditioning:A.❑ Air-to-Air B. ❑ Water-to-AirD. Heat Pump Heat Pump jralght Ah Cool E. El Replacement of existing system ❑ Duct System: Total Capacity cfm F. ❑ New installation(No system previously Installed) ❑ Refrigeration G. Extension or sdd�on to existing system ❑ Cooling tower:Capacity g-P-m. H. ❑ Other-Specify ❑ Fire sprinklers:Number of heads ❑ Elevator ❑ Manlift ❑ Escalator (number) ❑ Gasoline pumps (number) El Tanks (number) THIS SPACE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ❑ LPG containers (number) ( � Unfired pressure vessel Remarks ❑ Boilers ❑ Other-Specify Pormit. 1ppnsv*d by Do+ta Permit;Fee LIST ALL EQUIPMENT AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT t ped Approving Number Unfits Description Ti 0"I Number Manufacturer (T011111111)y Agency tT AWL V(,, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT 2zJOB LOCATION: A)21 vv OWNER OF PROPERTY: BUILDING CONTRACTOR: PLUMBING CONTRACTOR AND ADDRESS: / TELEPHONE NUMBER: w STATE LICENSE NO: - 19 1 9 4 TYPE OF BUILDING: TYPE OF WORK: IteQ HOW MANY OF THE FOLLOWING FIXTURES INSTALLED SINKS SHOWERS 3__ LAVATORY WATER HEATERS BATH TUBS DISHWASHERS URINALS DISPOSALS CLOSETS WASHING MACHINE FLOOR DRAINS SHOWER PANS OTHER TOTAL FIXTURE COUNT: s $3.50 + $15.00 = $ _ --------------------------------------- INSTALLATION OF PLUMBING AND FIXTURES MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MOST RECENT EDITION'OF THE SOUTHERN STANDARD PLUMBING CODE. CALL A DAY AHEAD TO SCHEDULE INSPECTIONS - (904) 247-5826