Draft Minutes-Board Member Review Committee 05-14-2009DRAFT MINUTES
Board Member Review Committee Meeting
May 14, 2009
Call to order
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Mike Borno at 5:00 pm. Those in attendance were Mayor Pro Tem Mike Borno (Chairman), City Manager Jim Hanson, Member Jim Smith, Cultural
Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee Member Lynne Knecht Roskein, City Clerk Donna Bartle, and Recreation Director Timmy Johnson.
Approval of the minutes of the BMRC meeting of April 9, 2009.
Motion: Approve minutes of the Board Member Review Committee meeting of April 9, 2009.
Moved by Hanson, seconded by Smith
Motion carried unanimously
Review current members on the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee whose terms expire on 7/8/2009 and interested in reappointment (3 upcoming vacancies)
Mark Howard
Lori Gaglione
Mayor Pro Tem Borno advised there are three terms expiring and that member Laurie Melancon is not interested in being reappointed. He explained the new candidates (listed below) are
scheduled to be interviewed this evening for consideration along with Mr. Howard and Ms. Gaglione. It was decided the Committee would hold off on the discussion regarding the current
members until after all the interviews are completed.
Discuss the new candidates (listed below) and the current members that are interested in reappointment (listed above) and make a recommendation.
New candidates:
Meade Coplan (previously interviewed on 3/13/08)
Rita Simon (no previous interview)
Elizabeth “Betty” Eilers (no previous interview)
Jesse Dattilo (previously interviewed on 3/13/2008)
The Committee interviewed the applicants. The purpose of the interview and an overview of the duties and responsibilities of the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee were
explained. Each applicant explained his/her personal accomplishments, goals and interests in the community. The Committee offered the applicants the opportunity to ask questions and
the Committee responded to those questions.
After the interviews were completed, the Committee discussed the four new candidate and the two current members for consideration. The attendance records on the current members were
The Committee made the following recommendations to fill the vacancies.
Motion: Recommend reappointing Lori Gaglione to serve on the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee for an additional term.
Moved by Smith, seconded by Hanson
Motion carried unanimously
Motion: Recommend appointing Meade Coplan to serve on the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee.
Moved by Smith, seconded by Hanson
Motion carried unanimously
Motion: Recommend reappointing Mark Howard to serve on the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee for an additional term.
Moved by Borno, seconded by Smith
Motion carried unanimously
The Committee decided they would recommend an additional name for consideration even though there are only three vacancies to fill.
Motion: (Alternate Choice) Recommend appointing Rita Simon to serve on the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee.
Moved by Hanson, seconded by Smith
Motion carried unanimously
Other Business
Set agenda for next meeting
The Committee agreed to schedule the next meeting for July 9, 2009 at 5:00 pm to address Code Enforcement Board vacancies. Mayor Pro Tem Borno asked the Committee if they wanted to
conduct interviews at the July meeting. It was agreed that since interviews were given last month (in April), they would not be necessary.
There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 6:35 pm.
Mike Borno