Draft MinutesBoardMemberReview 2-8-2007DRAFT MINUTES Board Member Review Committee Meeting February 8, 2007 1. Call to order The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Dezmond Waters at 5:00 pm. Those in attendance were Mayor Pro Tem Dezmond Waters, City Manager Jim Hanson, Member Glen Fisher, Member Casey Quinif, City Clerk Donna Bussey, Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee Member Ray Coleman, and Parks and Recreation Director Timmy Johnson. 2. Approval of the minutes of the BMRC meeting of January 25, 2007. Jim Hanson expressed his recommendation of wording for amending the minutes of the December 14, 2006 and asked that it also change the motion on the last meeting of January 25, 2007. Motion: Amend minutes of the Board Member Review Committee meeting of January 25, 2007 to reflect changes to the motion to approve the minutes of the BMRC meeting of December 14, 2007 by adding another paragraph to read: “The Committee also discussed the letter recently sent to board and committee members advising them to attend meetings regularly and refrain from taking public positions on issues that would come before their board. It was felt that while it would be up to the Mayor and commission of Atlantic Beach to determine if any candidate’s political views would be appropriate for service, it would be appropriate for the Board Member Review Committee to consider both attendance and past public expressions of positions when considering candidates for vacancies.” Motioned by Fisher, seconded by Quinif Motion carried unanimously Discuss/review new applicants for the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee. New Applicants: Lori Gaglione John Longbottom 3. Mark Howard Mr. Coleman reported that Alicia Paley and Darrell Prather will no longer be able to serve on the Committee. He explained that the Committee needs recreation inclined members such as athletes if possible. The Committee interviewed each applicant separately. The purpose of the interview and an overview of the duties and responsibilities of the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committe were provided, along with examples of the various programs. They explained their personal accomplishments, their goals and their interest in the community. The Committee offered each the opportunity to ask questions and the Committee responded to those questions. After the interviews were completed, the Committee discussed each candidate. During discussions, it was pointed out that Lori Gaglione would also be interested in other boards or committees. (3A) Motion: Recommend appointing John Longbottom and Mark Howard to the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee to fill unexpired terms of Alicia Paley and Darrell Prather. Moved by Hanson, seconded by Coleman Motion carried unanimously. The committee believed that Lori Gaglione would be a good candidate for other boards and committees and asked that she be notified when future vacancies occur. 4. Other Business There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 6:13 pm. ____________________________ J. Dezmond Waters, III