Draft MinutesBoardMemberReview 1-25-2007DRAFT MINUTES Board Member Review Committee Meeting January 25, 2007 1. Call to order The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Dezmond Waters at 5:00 pm. Those in attendance were Mayor Pro Tem Dezmond Waters, City Manager Jim Hanson, Member Glen Fisher, Member Casey Quinif, City Clerk Donna Bussey, Tree Conservation Board Chair Maureen Shaughnessy, and Public Works Director Rick Carper. 2. Approval of the minutes of the BMRC meeting of December 14, 2006. Commission Waters asked if the minutes could be changed to include the discussions of the candidates for the Community Development Board and reported his recollection of the last meeting. The committee agreed that the discussion took place, so the following motion was made. Motion:_Ask staff to come up with language to reflect the conversation that the Board Member Review Committee had pertaining to criteria for recommending appointments. Motioned by Waters, seconded by Hanson Motion carried unanimously Discuss/review possible reappointment(s) and new applicants for the Tree Conservation Board. Members with Expired/Expiring Terms: Stephanie Catania Carole Varney Charles Carroll (not interested in reappointment) 4. Jim McCue New Applicants: Brea Paul Janet Lambert 3. Christopher Adams Mr. Hanson reported three of the current members, Stephanie Catania, Carole Varney and Jim McCue, whose terms are expiring, are interested in being reappointed. He explained Janet Lambert decided today to withdraw from consideration for the Tree Conservation Board. The Committee interviewed Brea Paul. The purpose of the interview and an overview of the duties and responsibilities of the Tree Conservation Board were provided to her. She explained her personal accomplishments, her goals and her interest in the community. The Committee offered her the opportunity to ask questions and the Committee responded to those questions. Mr. Carper and Ms. Shaughnessy gave their evaluation of the current members. The Committee discussed each member’s attendance record and contribution to the Tree Conservation Board. (3A) Motion: Recommend reappointing Stephanie Catania, Carole Varney and Jim McCue to the Tree Conservation Board for an additional term. Moved by Fisher, seconded by Shaughnessy Motion carried unanimously. The Committee interviewed Christopher Adams. The purpose of the interview and an overview of the duties and responsibilities of the Tree Conservation Board were provided to him. He explained his personal accomplishments, his goals and his interest in the community. The Committee offered him the opportunity to ask questions and the Committee responded to those questions. After the interviews were completed, the committee discussed both candidates. (3B) Motion: Recommend appointing Brea Paul as a new member to the Tree Conservation Board. Moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Quinif Motion Carried Unanimously 4. Other Business Mr. Waters asked if the Tree Conservation Board has any concerns for meeting quorum and if an alternate member would benefit the Board. Discussion ensued and was decided not to pursue recommending an alternate member. 6. Adjournment There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 6:12 pm. ____________________________ J. Dezmond Waters, III