Raube, Ed Interest Board Ranking order
---------_u --6:l f?au-~ (1) Code Enforcement Board Meets in Commission Chambers, 800 Seminole Road, at 7:00 pm the second Tuesday of January, March, May, July, September and November.
The board consists of seven members who are appointed by the City Commission and who serve three-year terms. The Code Enforcement Board has the jurisdiction and authority to hear and
act on alleged violations of the following: . City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances, . Building codes, as adopted by the City, .. Standard Housing Code, as adopted by the City, State
of Florida Health Code, . Florida State Statutes, and . State, county, and local laws and ordinances whose intent is to promote the health, welfare, and safety of the citizens of the
City. The Code Enforcement Board has the authority to assign penalties as provided by Florida Statutes, Chapter 162. @Community Development Board . Meets in Commission Chambers, 800
Seminole Road, at 7:00 pm the third Tuesday of each month. The board consists of seven members who are are appointed by the City Commission and who serve two-year terms. Applications
for Variances, Uses-by-Exception, and rezonings are considered by the Community Development Board. The board makes final decisions on Variances and forwards recommendations to the City
Commission on Uses-by-Exception, rezonings and several other types of applications. The City Commission makes a final decision on these requests. Nof Pension Board of Trustees Meets
in City Hall, 800 Seminole Road, quarterly, as scheduled. The City has two five-member pension boards, one for police employees and one for general employees. The boards are responsible
for the general administration, management, and oversight of the operation of the retirement system. Each board consists of five members. ry Tree Conservation Board l::/Meets in Adele
Grage Cultural Center, 716 Ocean Boulevard at 7:00 pm on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. The board consists of five members who are appointed by the City Commission and
who serve 2-year terms. The board reviews applications for site clearing and removal and relocation of protected trees, determines mitigation for removal of protected trees, brings to
the attention of the community development director any violations of the City's tree protection ordinance and recommends appropriate action toward enforcement and correction. Q) Cultural
Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee Meets in Adele Grage Cultural Center, 716 Ocean Boulevard at 7:00 pm on the fourth Tuesday of each month. This committee consists of nine members
who are appointed by the City Commission and who serve 2-year terms. The duties and responsibilities of the committee include: . Develop plans, promote and support programs and projects
to bring the benefits of recreation to the citizens of Atlantic Beach, . Recommend a calendar of special events, . Evaluate and advise the City on the effectiveness of programs, . Evaluate
and make recommendations on assignments or requests made by the City Commission or City Manager, and . Evaluate and make recommendations to the City commission on requests for City funding
for special events, art projects, and recreation programs. 2