Boyer, David CDB 8-06 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BOARD ICOMMITTEE MEMBER APPLICATION FORM Please check (..J) beside each Board or Committee that you are applying to serve on: (A summary of each board/committee is available on page 2 of this fonn.) ooo Code Enforcement Board Pension Board of Trustees Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee ~oo Community Development Board-Tree Conservation Board Board Member Review Committee ADDRESS: APPLICANT'S NAME: DAYTIME PHONE: EVENING PHONE: E-MAIL ADDRESS:~\[(P13 q)S/~~l FAX: Please explain any employment experience, board/committee experience, and/or community volunteer experience relative to the board/committee applying for. Please provide a brief explanation of your interest or-any special qualifications you have in this field and your reasons for wishing to be appointed to this board/committee. Please return completed fonn to Donna L. Bussey, City Clerk, 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 I