08-22-60 v COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AUGUST 22, 1960 1. Call to Order 2. Minutes of Meeting of August 8, 1960 3. Recognition of Visitors 4. Old Business 1. Civil Defense 5. Communications to Commission 1. Charles S. Perry, Day Nursery, Royal Palms Sub. 2. Martin J. Graham, Main Street Section "Ha. 3. E.H. Singleton, Sewer and Water Service. 6. City Manager 1. Joe Reinertson, Estimate *2 2. Sewer Connections 3. Park, Seminole Road and Plaza 7. Resolutions 1. Donner Sewer District 8. Ordinances 1. Zoning F2aypait Road Final Reading • MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, AUGUST 22nd, 1960 AT 8 P.M. Present: Wm. S. Howell J.B. Claiborne Chas. R. Moore W. Laney Whitehurst, Commissioners and Frank Thompson, City Attorney J.F. Waggoner, Jr. , City Manager Adele S. Grage, City Clerk Absent: Preben Johansen, Commissioner The meeting was called to order by the Mayor Commissioner, Mr. Howell. Minutes of the meeting of August 8th, 1960 were approved as writ- ten upon motion of Mr. Moore, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried. Mr. Howell recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor. There was none. The Civil Defense Committee recommended that an additional donation be made to the Civil Defense Council not to exceed $175.00 to cover Atlantic Beaches pro-rata share of insurance on the vehicles which matter was discussed at the last meeting. Mr. Claiborne moved that the recommendation of the Committee be accepted, second- ed by Mr. Moore and carried. Mr. Waggoner presented a letter from Mr. & Mrs. Chas. S. Perry requesting permission to have a "Day Nursery" on Lot 18, Block 1 Royal Palms sub-division. The matter was discussed and it was suggested that they get the opinion of their neighbors before the Commission would take any action. Mr. Claiborne moved that the matter be referred back to the Perrys for them to contact their neighbors and get their approval or disapproval , seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Mr. Martin J. Graham presented a request for the City to sell him that part of Main St. in Section "H" which lies between Lot 22 and Lot 22-A. He would like to build a Service Station but the oil company would like an Atlantic Blvd. outlet, and he believes it would help the traffic situation on that corner to have Main St. closed. The matter was discussed at length and it was the consen- sus of opinion that we should contact the State Road Department and Expressway Authority and see about their future plans as af- fecting this intersection, and that we should do nothing to com- plicate the problem at this intersection. The City Attorney Minutes 8-22-60, Page #2 advised that the City could not sell the street, but could only abandon same, in which case it would revert to the F_-operty owners on either side. The matter was referred to the City Manager to contact the State Road Department for their future plans for this corner, and try and have the information for the next meeting. A request was presented from Estelle H. Singleton, Owner of Single- ton's ingle- tons Trailer Park making application for water and sewage for the trailer park. The City Manager advised that they had a permit for septic tank installation for this trailer park for just until the City had sewer lines available, and that we would need Engineer 's plans and specifications for service to this area. Dr. Whitehurst moved that the City Manager be directed to proceed with having the plans and specifications drawn up by our Engineer for serving this area, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Joe Reinertson of Jacksonville ' s Estimate #2 on the Lift Station fit and Force Mains, covering 90% of the job completed, in the amount of $7 , 920.00 was presented for payment. The estimate has been ap- proved by our Engineer, Mr. Parks , and the City Manager recommends that it be paid. Mr. Moore moved that this Estimate #2 in the a- mount of $7 , 920.00 be paid, seconded by Dr. Whitehurst and carried. Mr. Waggoner presented a list of buildings- residences and business- not yet connected to the Sewer System and requested inst-:uctions as to carrying out the provisions of the Sewer Ordinance. Mr. Moore advised that if it works a hardship or have any good reason that they should be considered before any action is taken to cut off the water. It was the consensus of opinion that a letter be written those not connected and that they should communicate in writing stat- ing their reason for not connecting and that these communications be presented at the next meeting for the Commission's consideration. Mr. Waggoner requested that some action be taken on the City Park so that we can advise those that have accepted our offer one way ' or the other. It was felt that no action should be taken unless there was a 100% attendance of Commissioners present, so the matter was deferred to the next meeting, and the City Clerk was directed to advise all Commissioners before the next meeting on September 12th, that the matter would be considered for definite action then. A request has been received from Mr. Harry Warnock, 161 16th St. which is located on the north side of 16th St just outside the City Limits, for garbage collection. It was brought out that our truck passes right by there every day and would cause no extra time or expense to make this collection. Mr. Moore moved that we pick up the above at 12 times the City rate for such pick-ups, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and the vote was: Minutes of 8-22-60, Page #3 Aye: Claiborne, Moore, Whitehurst Nay: Howell Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried. Resolution #60-18 was presented , said Resolution designating a Sewer District known as Donner Atlantic Beach Sanitary Sewer District and providing for the conctruction of a sanitary sewer in said district. The matter was discussed whereupon Dr. Whitehurst moved that said Resolution be adopted, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Copy of Resolution # 6( -18 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. The Mayor presented Ordinance #90-60-9 in writing covering re-Zoning of Lots 25 through 45, Section "H" and two 100 foot parcels of land on east side of Mayport Road, and read same in full. The Commission then went into session for Public Hearing on said Ordi- nance. Certified copy of Proof of Publication of Notice of said Public Hearing is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Mr. Cornell advised that he is using his property in a minor degree as a contractor ' s yard, but that he does not object to the property being re-zoned to Business "A". It was brought out that any perma- nent usage might be continued as a non-conforming use, but tempora- rary usage would not. The matter was further discussed following which Mr. Moore moved that the Ordinance be adopted on second and final reading, seconded by Dr. Whitehurst and the vote was Aye: Moore, Whitehurst, Claiborne, Howell Nay: None Absent: Johansen Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and said Ordinance #90-60-9 adopted on second and final reading. There being no further business the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. W.M. S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner Attest: aCe-e-er ;- jj)t---,C ' ra a CityCl rk Adele S. G g RESOLUTION NO. t.PZ5 A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING A SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, TO BE DESIGNATED DONNER ATLANTIC BEACH SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT, DIVIDING SAID DISTRICT INTO AREAS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SANITARY SEWER IN SAID DISTRICT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT 1. This Resolution is adopted pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 57-1126, Special Acts of the Legislature of Florida for the year 1957 , and Chapter 184, Florida Statutes, and other applicable provisions of law. 2. It is hereby deemed necessary and advisable that there shall be created in the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, a sanitary sewer district to be designated as Donner Atlantic Beach Sanitary Sewer District, and to consist of those lots, lands and properties abutting upon the sanitary sewers con- structed or to be constructed in said district, or because of their locality, capable of being especially benefited by the sanitary sewers in the said district, said sanitary sewers to be constructed within the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and having the following general boundaries, Donner Road on the South, Church Road on the North, Keelens Street and Francis Avenue on the East and George Street and Mayport Road on the West, said district being divided into Area G and H for construction purposes only, the lines in each area being described specifi- cally as follows: ARBA "G" Donner Rd. between Mayport Rd. & Francis Ave. 725 ' 10"VC. Donner Rd. between Francis Ave. & Keelens St. 510 ' 8''VC. Keelens St. from Donner Rd. north to termination 552 ' 8"VC. Jordan St. from Donner Rd. north to termination 529' 8 "VC. Francis atlf from Donner Rd. north to termination 1,895 ' 10"VC. Easement from Donner Road north to Church Rd. 1, 805 ' 10"VC. Ardella Rd. from Mayport Rd. east to alley 550 ' 8"VC. AREA "G" (Continued) Easement, east from termination of Ardella Road laying entirely within confines of Block 15 150 ' 8"VC. Jackson Rd. from Mayport Rd. east to alley 450' 8"VC. Alley, east from termination of Jackson Rd. to Francis ( 300' 8"VC. Standley Rd. from Mayport Rd. east to alley 390 ' 10"VC. Easement east from Mayport Rd. between Lots 6 & 7 in Blk. 19 325 ' 10"VC. Easement east from common corner of Blks. 11, 12, 19, & 20, laying between Blks. 11 & 12 295 ` 8"VC. Simmons Rd. from Mayport Road to Francis - • 325 ' 8"VC. Easement from Simmons St. south between Lots 2 & 3 and Lot 4 130' 8"VC. Easement from Simmons St. north between Lots 1 & 2 and Lot 3 145 ' 8"VC. Easterly side of Mayport Rd. adjacent to Lot 6 in Block 19 55 ' 6 "VC. Easterly side of Mayport Rd. adjacent to Lots 7 , 8 & 9 in Blk. 19 and a part of Blk. 20 270 ' 8"VC. Alley, east from Francisate-Laying between Block 2 & 3 198 ' 8"VC. Alley laying between Lots 1, 2 & 3 and Lots 4, 9 & 10 entirely within the confines of Block 2 228 ' 8"VC. AREA "H" Edgar St. between Mayport Rd. & George St. 730 ' 10"VC. Drainage easement between Mayport Rd. & Lewis St. 620' 10"VC. Robert St. between Mayport Rd. and George St. 545 ' 8"VC. Lewis St. between Mayport Rd. and George St. 600 ' 8 "VC. 3. It is hereby determined to be necessary, as a public improve- ment, to construct over and upon the above described lands sanitary sewer improvements, and it is hereby ordered that the construction of said sanitary sewer improvements over and upon the lands and routes above described be undertaken and accomplished; said sanitary sewer construction to consist of mains shown above, lateral mains, manholes, and all appurtenances and paving repairs necessary to install a complete system of sanitary sewers in the district above designated, the material, nature, character and size -2- of sanitary sewers to be as follows: Vitrified clay pipe shall be used throughout of various sizes from 4 and 6 inch for laterals thru 10 inch for mains, the nature of the improvement to be a complete sanitary sewer installation in said district to connect with the existing sewer lines, lift stations and sewage disposal plant of the City of Atlantic Beach. 4. That, it is hereby determined by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach that all lots and lands adjoining and con- tiguous or bounding and abutting on said sanitary sewer improvement, or, although not adjoining and contiguous or bounding and abutting on said sanitary sewer improvement, are capable, because of their location, of being served by said sanitary sewer improvement, are especially benefited by said sanitary sewer improvement, to the extent and in the proportions to be determined later and shall be assessed for said benefits in the manner provided by Sub-Section 7 of Section 184.05 Florida Statutes. 5. That, the cost for the construction of the said sanitary sewer improvements not assessed to property especially benefited by said sanitary sewers, shall be apportioned to and paid by the City of Atlantic Beach from its Sewer Fund. 6. That, Walter J. Parks, Engineer, be and is hereby authorized and directed to prepare in duplicate plans and specifications for the improvements ordered hereby and an estimate of the cost thereof and also to prepare in duplicate a tentative apportionment of the estimated cost as between the City and each lot or parcel of lands subject to special assessment under this Resolution, such apportion- ment to be made in accordance with the provisions of Sub-Section 7 of Section 184.05, Florida Statutes. Said Engineer shall file with the Clerk of this City, one copy of such plans and specifica- tions and one copy of such estimate and such tentative apportion- ment, one copy of the same to be retained by said Engineer in his files, all thereof to remain open to public inspection. 7 . That, upon the filing with said Clerk of such plans, speci- fications, estimate and tentative apportionment of cost; said City Clerk shall publish once in the Jacksonville Journal, a newspaper of general circulation, a notice stating that at a regular meeting of the City Commission and on a certain day and hour not earlier than ten days from such publication, the Com- mission will hear objections of all interested persons to the confirmation of this resolution. Said notice shall state in -3- brief and general terms a description of the improvement ordered hereby to be made with the location thereof and shall also state that plans, specifications, estimate and tentative. apportionment of costs thereof are on file in the office of said Clerk. Adopted at a regualr meeting of the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, held at the City Hall at Atlantic Beach, Florida, on the4. ",,,eday of August, 1960. Attest City Clerk (SEAL)