02-09-59 v COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FEBRUARY 901959 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of January 26, 1959 3. Recognition of Visitors 4. Bids on Sanitary Sewer System 5. Communications to Commission 6. City Manager 1. Final Inspection,Sewage Treatment Facilities 2. Final Estimate, Wm. S. Smith Constr. Co. 3. Final Estimate, Henry G. DuPree Co. 4. Final Estimate, Joe Reinertson of Jacksonville, Inc. 7. Ordinance: 1. Garbage Ordinance, Final Reading. 8. Reports 9. Commissioners. ?MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9TH, 1959 AT 8 P.M. Presentz Wm e So Howell Preben Johansen Chas, R. Moore Hugh Roberts • ll s. Laney Whitehurst„ Commissioners and Frank Thompson, City Attorney J.P. Waggoner, • Jr,, City Manager Aj e7.e S, Grage, City Clerk The meeting was called to older by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell. Minutes of the meeting of January 26th, 1959 were approved as written upon motion of Mro Moore; seconded by Dr. Whitehurst and carried. Mr. Howell recognized visitors present and called for am business from the floor. There was none The bids for Sewage Collection Facilities which were received for tabulation and study at the January 26 h 1959 meeting, were next considered. It was advised that Mr. Walter Parks Engineer on this project, had written the low bidders to determine if they would be agreeable to entering into a contract with the City with aeotion 5 of the specifications modified to provide that upon payment to Contractor for Area "A" the Contractor agrees to defer any further payments that become duo until owner collects the Special. Assessments against benefitted properties, eta" and that upon request of Contractor the City will assign the Special Assess. ment liens to the Contractor to further secure the payments that have otherwise become due to Contractor under this Contract. Mr. Hamilton, Attorney for the InterrAmerisan Pipeline Corporation, low bidder, advised that his client could not accept this proposal as suggested by the Engineer as they are in the construction business and not financial, but that they would accept negotiable seourities which they would necessarily have to discount and they would expect the City to pay for any loss due to discounting. Mr. Howell reported for the Committee advising that Joe Reinortson of Jacksonville, second low bidder, has agreed to the contract with modification as set up in Engineer's letter of February 3rd, 1959, therefore the Committee recommended that the contract for Sewage • Collection Facilities be awarded to Joe Reinertson of Jacksonville, Inc, and that the City Attorney be directed to prepare the necessary Resolution awarding said contract to the Joe Reinertson of Jackson- ville. Whereupon Mr. Moore moved that the report of the committee be accepted, which motion was seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried. Whereupon the City Attorney was directed to prepare said Resolution, it .x;utes 2-9-59r. Page #2. A letter was presented from the S.M. Company advising that they are the owners in fee simple of the lands occupied and used by the Selva Marina Country- Club and that they desire that these lands be included within the City of Atlantic Beach and that the .exceptions for the lands occupied and used by th, Selva Marina. Country. Club be removed from the draft of the Special Act of the Legislature as proposed by the R.C.BOS. Corp, There was a discussion whereupon Dr, Whitehurst moved that the request of the S.M. Coo be approved and that this land be included in the Special Acts to Legislature. The motion was seconded by Mr. Moore and carried, Mr. Waggoner advised that the final inspection had been made by Mr, Walter Parks, Engineer on the Sewer Plant, Lift Stations and Force Mains, He also presented Estimates for final payments from the Contractors as follows: Final Estimate r5- Henry Go Dupree Co, $144361.88 . Final Estimate #5` Joe Reinertson of Jaxo - 2320.56 Final Estimate #?- Wm. S® Smith Comte Co, 12,213,30 H'e. advised that these Estizaates°have been approved by the Engineer .and he reoommends their payment, as soon as the necessary papers as required by the government are received from the Contractors. 'Jiro Roberts moved that the Estimates be paid as 'recommended by the City P'anlager, seconded by Mr. Moore and parried Mro Waggoner advised that he plans to have Open House at the new Sewer. Plant on Sunday, February 15th, 1959 from. 9 A.M. to 5 POM, all those interested' are invited to come, Mr. Parks, who was present advised that he thought it would be well for the people to come and see what they have bought, The City Commission next went into session for a Public Hearing on Ordinance regulating the accumulation, removal and disposal of garbage, etc,, in line with notice as posted, Commissioner Howell presented and caused to be read in full Ordinance #55-59..2 entitled P. An Ordinance Regulating the Accumulation, Removal, and Disposal of Garbage, etca ", Mr, Johansen moved its adoption on second and final reading, said motion was seconded by Mr, Roberts and having been duly considered the Mayor put the question thereon and the vote wast Ayes Johansen, Moore, Roberts, Whitehurst, Howell Nays None Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and said Ordinance #556.59x2 duly adopted on second and final reading. Mrso Chas. Moore tharlred the Commissionoon behalf of the Garden Circles for the passage of this Ordinance, The City Attorney was directed to prepare an Ordinance controlling house to house soliciting, - - There being no further business the Mayor declared toe ting ad journede Attest: I ► A ,j/i ' Graze. ` exit