03-17-58 v MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, MARCH 17TH, 1958 AT 8 PoM. Presents Wm. S. Howell Preben Johansen Chas, R. Moore Marion Marvin Hugh Roberts, Commissioners and Frank Thompson, City Attorney J.F. Waggoner, Jr. City Manager Adele S. Gregg, City Clerk The City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida met in ed,journed mission, pursuant to law and the rules of said Commission in the City Hall of said City at 8 P.M. March 17th, 1958„ The meet- ing was called to order and upon the roll being caled there were present: Wry. S, Howell, Mayor Commissioner presiding and the following named Commissioners: Preben Johansen, Marion Marvin, Charles A. Moore, and Hugh Roberts. Absents None The Commissionwent into session for Pub4ic Hearing on Ordinance 015-58-2 authorizing issuance of $300,000000 Sewer Bonds, in line with notice as posted. Commissioner Mere introduced and caused to be read in full a bill for Ordinance 015.58-2 entitled: ""AN ORDINANCE authorizing the issuance of $300,000.00 General Obligation Sewer Bonds of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, to finance the. coat of constructing a sewer system in said and moved that all rules be waived and that said purported Ordinance be declared passed on second and final reading, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Johansen. No one appeared either for or against said Ordinance and said motion having been duly consider- ed the Mayor put the question thereon, and upon the roll being called, the following voted: Aye: Johansen, Marvin, Moore, Roberts, Howell. Nay: Nana Whereupo* the Mayor-Commissioner declared said motion duly carried, and said proposed Ordinance 015=58-2 duly passed on second and final reading. Upon motion of Mr. Johansen, seconded by Mr. Moore the minutes of the regular meeting of March 10th, 1958 were approved. Minutes 3.17.58, Page #2 The audit report for the year 1957 was received. There was a discussion of outstanding delinquent taxes and special assessments, Also the question of houses in violation of Zoning Ordinance as to usage, also water and garbage charges on them. was discussed. Mr. Moore moved that we start pro- cedure to clear up usage of all houses in the City, and apply charges in line with Ordinances as they now stand. The motion was seconded by Mr. Roberts and a discussion followed° The Mayor-Commissioner put the question and the vote was Ayes Moore, Roberts, Johansen, Howell Nays Marvin. Mr. Marvin advised that he did not believe action was necessary on the Commissioner°s part on Ordinances already in force. Upon motion of Mr. Marvin the meeting adjourned at 9s20 P.M. 1/;Gr Wa, S. Rowel , Mayor- ssi•ler Attests • 0/6e ,62.. I, Adele S. Crags, C .y Cie 1;