04-28-58 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMISSION MEETING APRIL 28th, 1958 1. Call to Order 2. Invocation by Mr. C. U. Kendrick 3. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of April 14th, 1958. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of April 22nd, 1958. 4. Recognition of visitors 5. CommunicatiOn to Commission Petition on Bar Hours. 6. City Manager 1. Beer License, Jessie Liptrot. 2. Duplex Permit, Roger Peden, Lot 2, B 10' of 4, Block 6. 7. Committee Reports. 1. Tri City Planning Committee 2. Zoning Committee 3. License Committee. 8. Ordinances. 1. Public Hearing on Zoning Ordinance on Duplex requirements. 4 90-5 e- 2. Public Hearing on Rezoning lot 2 and N.10' of lot 1, Block 41. 9. Commissioners. i MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, APRIL 28TH, 1958 AT 8 P.M. Present: Wm, S. Howell Preben Johansen Marion Marvin Chas. R. Moore Hugh Roberts, Commissioners Frank Thompson, City Attorney J.F. Waggoner, Jr., ity Manager Adele S. Grego, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell. The invocation was given by the Rev. Carroll U. Kendrick, Pastor of the Neptune Baptist Church. Minutes of the meeting of April 14th, 1958 were approved as written upon motion of Mr. Moore, seconded by Mr. Roberts. Minutes of the meeting of April 22nd, 1958 were approved as written upon motion of Mr Roberts, seconded' by Mk. Moore. Mr. Howell recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor. Mrs. Beulah M. Allen asked the Commission approval of her application for a beer and wine license to be used at the property now known as the "Anchor Inn" . This application was referred to the License Committee for investigation and report E Mrs, Roberts reporting for. the committee recommended that the application be approved and the license be issued. The report of the committee was unanimously accepted and tr. Howell directed the City Clerk to issue the license. The City Clerk certified to the Commission a Petition initiat- ing an Ordinance to repeal Ordinance No. 10-58.3 and all Ordia naneee and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith whish Ordinance covers the hours for selling and serving alcoholic beverages. Mayor Howell presented the petition and Ordinance as propos=d and read same in full. Mr. Howell referred the Ordinance to Mr. Thompson for comment and opinion. Mr. Thompson advised that in his opinion the Ordinance as written would be impossible to administer. He thinks that we all know the intent of what is wanted in the Ordinance but that technically it does not say what it means to. There was discussion of the matter in which it was brought Out that the; sponsors of the petition could take it back ,and re-write the Ordinance so that the hours will be stated correctly and have the petitions resigned,, or set the election up with the Ordinance as written and if same is approved at election, try and straighten out the hours by amendment. The mattef having been duly considered Mr. Moore moved that the Ordinance as proposed not be adopted on first reading, seconded by Aro Marvin and upon the question being Minutes 4-28-58, Page #2 called the vote was Aye; Johansen, Marvin Moore, Roberts, Howell Nay: None Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and said initiative Ordinance not approved. Mr. Moore moved that saic Ordinance to repeal Ordinance #10-58-3 be submitted to the eleotors• for approval or disapproval at a Special Election to be meld on June 3rd, 19586 The motion was seconded by Mr. lioberts and being duly considered the Mayor put the question thereon and the vote was : ' Aye; Marvin, Moore, Roberts, Johansen, Howell Nay; None Whereupon the Mayor declared- said motion carried 'and directed the Clerk to make the necessary arrangements for a Special Elecion on June 3rd3 1958. The officials will be appointed later. • The City Manager presented a request from Jessie Liptrot for a bees C.O.P. licence for operation at the Blue Bird Night Club on Frances Ave:, , Dinneros sub-division. Liptrot also requested permission to let the colored teen=agers use his place • on Sunday afternoons to dance as they had no other place to use. There was a discussion and upon motion of Mr. Moore, seconded by Mr. Johansen approval was given for the issuance of the beer C.O.P. licensee and the - permission to use place for Sunday afternoon teen=age dances was denied. Request was received from Roger Peden to build a duplex on •Lot 2 and East 10° of Lot `, Block 6. There was a discussion during which Mr:. Peden, who was present, agreed to 7* ft. sideline restriction. ,Upon motion of Mr. Moore, seconded by Mr. Johansen approval was given to issue Mx. Peden a building permit for duplex on above statel lot with sideline set-baoksas agreed. Mr. Waggoner reported on the meeting of the Tri-City Advisory Planning Commission on April 17th, 1958 at which Mr, Charles R. McCarthy of the Recreation Department of the Florida Develop- ment Commission was the Guest Speaker. There Was considerable discussion Rf the frub;ject of recreation but no action taken. Mr. Roberts also attended the meeting. It was announced that the Zoning Committee would meet Tuesday night, April 29th, 1958 at 8 P.M. The Commission next went into session- for Public Hearing on two Ordinances in line with notices as posted and published. Certificate. of Publication is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Mr:, Roberts introduced and caused to be read Ordinance # 90=58-1 being an Ordinance amending Zpning Ordinance #50 by requiring 2 family houses to have 100 foot frontage. Mrs. Kathleen Morgan, Mr. Roger Peden and Mr. Lee Ross spoke against the passage of the Ordinance. Mrs. Morgan advised that shu had bought her 50 foot lot in good faith in the duplex Residence "B" Zone, having cleared with the City Hall befo,'e purchasing, and had her plans ready for permit when the City passed the Sewer Bond Ordinance, so was waiting until sewers are available to start, as her place is in the area scheduled for the first lines° In the discussion it was agreed by all that the sideline setback should be a minimum of 7f feet instead of the present 5° Mr. Roberts moved that Ordinance #90=58-1 be adopted on second and final readings seconded by Mr° Marvin° The motion having been duly considered the Mayor put the question thereon and the vote was: Aye: Marvin, Roberts. Nay; Moore, Johansen, Howell Whereupon the M yor declared said motion not warned and .said Ordinance #90=58=1 not approved° • Mr. Marvin introduced and caused tp be read ir, full Ordinance #90-58-2 being an Ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance #50 to change N 10 feet of Lot 1 and Lot 2(except N. 3 feet), Block 41 from Re3idence "A" to Residence "Casa The Ordinance having beenread in full and no one appeared either for or against there was a discussion in which it was brought out that this lot has the hotel and bath house on south side, and a multiple family house on the north of it° Mr. Marvin moved for the adaption of this Ordinance on second and final reading which motion was seconded by Mr. Moore. Said motion having been duly considered the Mayor put the question thereon and the vote was: Ayes Moore, Roberts, Johansen, Marvin, Howell. Nay; None Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and said Ordinance # 90-58=2 duly adopted on second and final reading. These was a discussion on Lot Cleaning. Upon motion of Mr. Marvin the meeting adjourned. Attest; Wm. S. Howell, :payor.. GQ & _ ` • Commissioner Adele .S Grage, City Cl: