05-12-58 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMISSION MEETING MAY 120 1956 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of Minutes of Meeting tprii 28th, 195E. 3. Recognition of Visitors. 4. Communication to Commission. 5. City Manage-; to April Report 2 Permission to purchase used Ford Tractor 3. Building permit, Lot 7, Block 34, Gaynor. 4. Beach Ave. Atlantic Blvd. to 1st St. 6. Committee Reports: 1. Zoning Committee. 7. Ordinances: 1. LIcentiP, Ordinance, 1st, Reading. `TS-'' S 80 Reports: 1. Police Department 20 Fire Department,• 9. Election on Inititive Petition 10. Commissioners. 7 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, MAY 12THfl 1958 AT 8 P.M. Presents Wm. S. Howell Preben Johansen Marion Marvin Chas. R, Moore Hugh Roberts, Commissioners and Frank Thompson,City Attorney J.F. Waggoner, Jr. City Manager Adele S. Greg., City Clerk The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell. Minutes of the meeting of April 28th 1958 were approved upon motion of Mr. Johansen, seconded by Mr. Moore. Mrs Howell recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor. Mr. E.C. Cappell presented on behalf of a delegation present a request that something further be done to stop the speeding on Ocean Boulevard from 10th Street to the City Limits. He advised there is a large number of children in this area which makes it more dangerous. He commended the Police Department very highly for the job they are doingsbut feels that some- thing additional needs to be done to sop these speeders such as posting more aigne , using the speed timer, or what- ever was necessary to aid the police in handling he situation. Mr. Russell suggested that we could put on a motorcytle officer during the .summer months.. There was considerable discussion during which Mr. Johansen advised that he felt that if we could spend a little more time in this area and catch a few offenders that it would slow down the others, too, and help the situation. Mr. Howell advised that they would make a study of the matter and see what could be done. The City Managers report was -received and filed. Mr. Waggoner asked permission to purchase a used Ford tractor which he can get for $950. He cannot do all the work that needs tp be done with the one tractor that we have. There was a discussion, and Mr. Moore moved that the City Manager be given approval to buy the tractor if it is needed and is in good shape, using his discretion in the matter. The motion was seconded by Mr. Roberts and carried. Mr. Waggoner advised that he has received a request for a building permit to build a 48* stoop across the front of theft apartment building on Lot 7 , Atlantic Beach Terrace. The present building is in violation of setback requirements but was built prior to the Zoning Ordinance. The stoop will not be any more in viola- tion than the present entry steps. The steps will be at the end Minutes 3-12.=,58, Page ff2 of the stoop and there will be no further coverings other than what is already there, There was a discussion, then Mr, Roberta moved that the' permit be issued as requested, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried, The matter of widening Beach Ave, from Atlantic Blvd. to First Street wee discussed. Mr. Waggoner suggested that since Ahern St, between Beach Ave. and Ocean Blvd. is 57 feet wide that we could try and swap 17 feet off north aide of Ahern St, with the owners of Block 33, Lots 1,2,3,9;10, and 11 for 20° on their east aide, It was decided thahis suggestion should be taken up with the owner and a report made at next meeting, Mr, & Mrs. Angus Dunlop were present and advised that they were not at the last meeting but would like to voice an objection to building duplexes on 50 foot lots. There was considerable dis- cussion of duplexes, zoning, etc, and the City Manager was directed to use every means to see that the proposed 7 ° eide line set-back be met, until the Zoning Ordinance amendment can be passed requiringGo Mr. Howell presented in writing an Ordinance providing foe. the payment of Likens-0 Foos and fixing the amount of such fee,,, etc, Mr, Roberts moved that this Ordinance be passed by Title only on first reading, seconded by Mr9 Moore. The matter having been duly considered the Mayor put the question thereon and the vote wags Aye. Johansen, Marvin, Moore, Roberts, Howell Nays None Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and said Ordi- nance passed on first reading. May 26th, 1958 at 8 P.M, was set as date for Public Hearing on this 'Ordinance, The monthly report of the o' ief of Police was received for filing. There was a discussion of the problem of sailors waking ehn the highway. It was brought out that the report that Atlantic Beach has arrested sailors for this is wrori , as there have been no sailors arrested for walking on tuts highway, but we have stopped thea and advised them to get off to the side of the highway to walk, Mr, Howell advised that Mr. Hugh Powell had requested information as to whether it would be perMissable for him to run some busses from Mayport to Jacksonville Beach to carry the sailor* without charge, Mr. Thompson advised that to bis knowledge Atlantic Beach had no Ordinance covering this,, They would be traveling on State and County loads, and we have nothing to do 'with it, other than traffic regulations. The monthly report of the Fire Chief was received and filed, It was brought out that the initiative ordinance presented with ' petition at last .,meeting would be impossible to administer, and that the sponsors ere circulating a new petition requesting its - withdrawal and with a new OXiinance. Following discussion Mr, Minutes 5-12-58, Page #3 Roberts moved that the action of the Commission in setting up a Special Election for June 3rd, 1958 be rescinded. The motion was seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried. There being no further business for consideration, Mr. Roberts moved adjournment at 9:40 P.M. Whereupon the Mayor declared said su eting adjourned, 27tz -/ limo S. Howe11 s Mayor= Commissioner &tteJ L 4 44L'" Adele S, rage' +.'itv P,