03-25-57 v MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEAc;H TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TOWN HALL ON MONDAY, MALIGH 25TH D 1957 AT 8 P.M. Present Norman Minchew Marvin Carr Wm. So Howell Wardrep, Councilmen and J.A. Reid, Mayor Frank Thompson, Town Attorney J.F. Waggoner, Jr, , Town Manager Adele S. Grage, Town Clerk The meeting was called to order by the President. Mr. Minchew. Upon motion of Mr. Howell, seconded by Mr. Wardrepg the minutes of the regular meeting of March lith 1957 were approved as written with the address of the Uunnicutt Company corrected to read St , Petersburg, Florida; instead of Tampa. Mr. Minchew recognized visitors present: Mr. Waggoner presented copies of specifications which he had prepared for use in getting bids on re-assessing the 1957 Tax Roll, These specifications were studied and discussed and upon motion of Mr. Howell, seconded by Mr.. Wardrep the Town Manager was directed to send out these specifications to any prospective bidders on this work. Mr. Waggoner reported that he and the Mayor had a meeting with Mr, Joe Mallard relative to the County's paving Church Road, at which time Mr, Mallard advised that if sufficient ground could be made available on the school grounds, and with the School Department's permission he would build and equip a playground on the School property. There was a discussion in which It was brought out that we would like to do everything possible to sea- cure this p rayground.. but that we should also look inti acquir- ing the area from the school to the intersection of Saltalr Blvd and Sherry Drive for a park. Mr, Waggoner was directed to make a layout of this area and check out the ownerships. He advised that he would have this information ready by the next meeting. The Town Clerk advised that notice has been published for a Public Hearing on Zoning at the Town Hall on April 8th, 1957 which is the next regular meeting date. The proposed 8harter has been corrected in line with points as brought out at the Public Meeting on March 21st and is now ready to be put in final form for transmittal to the State Legislature The Town Manager was directed to have the necessary copies made in line with directions furnished by the Town Attorneys, so that it will be ready for transmittal to the Legislature immediately after it convenes on April 1st. Mr. Howell presented an Ordinance by Title Only regulating the accumulation, removal and disposal of garbage and garden trash and the fees to be charged for same and moved its adoption by Title Only on first reading„ Said motion was seconded by Mr. Carr, and having been duly oonsiderdd, the President put the question and the vote was : Aye : Carr, Howell, Wardrep, Minchew Absent: Weiss Whereupon the President declared said motion carried and said • Ordinance adopted on first reading, Upon motion of Mr. Howell, seconded by Mr. Wardrep the Ordinance was presented for adoption by Title Onlyon second reading. Said motion having been duly considered the resident put the question thereon and the vote was : Aye : Carr, Howell, Wardrep, Minchew Absent: Weiss - Minutes of 3-25-57, Page #2 Whereupon the President declared said motion carried and said Ordinance approved on second reading. Mr. Waggoner advised that the Florida State Hoard of Health has approved an additional ten connections to the Selva Marina Sewer System making a maximum of 30 connections without building the sand filters. There are at present 15 connections with 5 reserved. They advise that they will not approve any additional connections beyond the 309 It now seems necessary, since the Town has not made any definite plans for the construction of its sewer system, that the Selva Marina Realty Company make plans for the construction of the proposed sand filters. Mr. Carr introduced an Ordinance by Title only to .Amend Ordinance #184 covering Fire Prevention Code and moved its adoption on first reading. Sa id motion was seconded by Mr. Howell, and having been duly considered the President put the question and the vote was: Aye: Carr, Howell, Wardrep, Minchew Absent: Weiss Upon motion of Mr. Howell, seconded by Mr. Wardrep, the Ordinance was presented for adoption by Title only on second reading. Said motion having been duly considered the President put the question. thereon and the vote was : Aye: Carr, Howell, Wardrep, Minchew Absent: Weiss Whereupon the President declared said motion carried and said Ordinance approved on second reacting. The matter of closing the Town Hall on Saturdays was next con- sidered. Upon motion of Mr. Howell, seconded by Mr. Carr approval was given to close the Town Hall or Saturdays beginning March 30th., The City of West Palm Beach has requested our support of a Resniution to be introduced to the Legislature whereby Munic palities shall have same immunities as counties against claims for dam- ages (tort suits). Upon motion of Mr. Wardrep, seconded by Mr. Carr approval was given for a letter to be written the Legisla- tors supporting this Resolution. There was a discussion of chairs for the Councilmen and Mr. Waggoner is to get prices for future consideration. A letter was presented from the Sel74 Marina Realty Company giving the Town permission to lay a drainage ditch thru the proposed Selva Marina Unit 3 site from Ninth Street westward to the lagoon: Upon motion of Mr. Wardrep, seconded by Mr. Carr approval was given for the Town Manager to purchase the necessary pipe to lay this drainage ditch. Uapotnn•mmOo otiionof Mr. Wardrep the meeting adjourned from day to day AtiVL) // Norman Minchew, President Attest: Qde At:AAA._. 111 Adele S. rage, Town 'r erk