Beachside Court 1887 SECTION 7 SOLID ROOF PANEL PRODUCTS Allowable Spans for Industry Standard Riser Panels for Various Loads Aluminum Alloy 3105 HA4 or H-25 3"x 12"x 0.019"Riser Panels Open Buildin s Enclosed Buildings Wind Applied Overhang Condition Wind Applied Overhang Condition Region Load NONE V-0" 2'-0" T-0" 4-0" Region Load NONE V-0" 1 2'-0" 1 3'-0" 4'-0" 102 M.P.H. 17 10'-11" 11'2" 11'-8" 12'-6'* 13'-7" 102 M.P.H. 29 8'-5" 8'-7" 9'-4" 1 10'-4' 11 T 110 M.P.H. 20 10'-l" 10'-4" 10' 10" 11'9" 12'-11" 110 M.P.H. 35 T.8" T-11" 8'7" 9'9" i -1, 1, 120 M.P.H. 23 9'5" 9'-8' 10'-3" 11'-2" 12'-4" 120 M.P.H. 41 7'•1" 7'-4" 8'•1" 9'-3" 10'-8" 125 M.P.H. 26 8'-10" 9'-1" 9'-9" 10,411 11'•11" 125 M.P.H. 45 6'-9" T-0" T-10" 9'.0., 10_s' 140 M.P.H. 32 T-11" 8'•3" 8'-11" V-11" 11'4" 140 M.P.H. 1 56 6'-0" 6'4" 7'•3" 8'-6" 10'-0" 3"x 12"x 0.026"Riser Panels Open Buildings Enclosed Buildings Wind Applied Overhang Condition Wind Applied Over ang Condition Region Load NONE V-0" 2'-0" 3'-0" 4'-0" Region Load NONE V-0" 1 2'-0" 1 3'-0" 4'•0" 102 M.P.H. 17 13'•11" 14'-1" 14'-6" 15'•2" 16•0" 102 M.P.H. 29 10'-8" 10'•10" 11'-4" 12'•3" 13.4' 110 M.P.H. 20 12'-10" 12'11" 13'-5" 14'-2" 15'-l" 110 M.P.H. 35 9'-B" 9'-11" 10'.61 11'5' 12 120 M.P.H. 23 11'-11" 12'-1" 12'-7" 13'-4" 14'-5" 120 M.P.H. 41 8'•11" 9'•2" 9'•10" 17 C" 125 M.P.H. 26 11'-3" 11'-5" 11'•11" 12'-9" 13'•10" 125 M.P.H. 45 8'-7" 8'-9" 9'-5" 70'•5" 11 4 140 M.P.H. 32 10'-2" 10'-4" 10--1 1" 11'9" 17•11" 140 M.P.H. 56 -T8- T-11" 8'-8" 1 9'-91' 3"x 12" x 0.032"Riser Panels Open Buildings Enclosed Buildings Wind Applied Overhang Condition Wind Applied Over ang Condition Region Load NONE V-0" 2'4" 3'-0" 4'-0" Region Load NONE I V-0" 1 2'-0" 1 3'-0" 4'-0" 102 M.P.H. 17 15'-5" 15'-6" 15'-11" 16'-6" 17'-4" 102 M.P.H. 29 11'•9" 11'-11" 12'-5" 13'-3" 14'-3" 110 M.P.H. 20 14'-2" 14'4" 14'-9' 15'-5" 16'3" 110 M.P.H. 35 10'9" 10' 11" t 1'S" 12-3 13'-5" 120 M.P.H. 23 13'-3" 13'-5" 13'-10" 14'-6*' 15'6" 120 M.P.H. 41 9'-11" 10'.1" 10'-8" 11'7' 12 9` 125 M.P.H. 26 12'5" 12'-7" 13'•1" 13'•10" 14'-10" 125 M.P.H. 45 9'-5" 9'-8" 10'•3" 11'•2" 12-5" 140 M.P.H. 32 11'-3" 11'-5" 1V-11" 12'9" 13'_9" 140 M.P.H. 56 8'-6" B'•9" 9'4" 10'_5' 1 t'8" Note: Total roof panel width=room width plus wall width plus overhang Allowable Spans for Industry Standard Riser Panels for Various Loads Aluminum Alloy 3105 H-28 3"x 12"x 0.019"Riser Panels Open Buildings Enclosed Buildin s Wind Applied Overhang Condition Wind Applied Overhang Condition Region Load NONE I V-0" 2'-0" T-0" 4-0" Region Load NONE I V " 2'-0" 3'-0" i 4'-0" 102 M.P.H. 17 12'-9" 12' 11" 13'4" 14'-1" 15'•C" 102 M.P.H. 29 9'-9" 9'-11" 70'•6" 11'-5" 12.7" 110 M.P.H. 20 11'-9" 11'-11" 12'-5" 13'-2" 14'-2" 110 M.P.H. 35 8'•10" 9'•t" 9'-9" 10'8" 11 11 120 M.P.H. 23 10'-11" 11'-1" 11'•8" 12'•6" 13'-7" 120 M.P.H. 41 8'-2" 81-51, 9-1" 10'-2- 11'-5" 125 M.P.H. 26 10'•3" 10'-6" 11'•0" 11'-11" 13'-0' 125 M.P.H. 45 7'-10" 8'•1" B'•9" 9'-10` t t-2" 140 M.P.H. 32 9.3" 9.6" 10._1„ 11'_1„ 12'•3" 140 M.P.H. 56 7'0" 7'3" 8 1' I q.1' C 8 3"x 12"x 0.026"Riser Panels Open Buildings Enclosed Buildin s Wind Applied Over ang Condition Wind Applied Over ang Condition Region Load NONE 1'-0" 2'-0" 1 3'-0" 4'-0" Re ion Load NONE 1'-0" 2'-0" 3'•0" 4'-0" 102 M.P.H. 17 16'•2" 16'•3" 17'-3" 18'•0' 102 M.P.H. 29 12'-4" 12'.6" 12'-1 t 3-9 14 9. 110 M.P.H. 20 14'_11" 15'_0„ 15_5„ 16.1' 16'-11" 110 M.P.H. 35 11_3„ 11'-5" 11_11r 12'-9" 13.10" 120 M.P.H. 23 13'-11" 14'-0" 14'-5" 15'-1" 16'-0" 120 M.P.H. 41 10,5.. 7_07- 11-2- 1 12%0" 1 ," 125 M.P.H. 26 13'-1" 13'•2" 13'-8" 14'41" 15'-4" 125 M.P.H. 45 9'-11" 10' 1" 1p'8" 11'7- 12 9' 140 M.P.H. 32 11'9" 11'-11"1 12'-5" 13'-3" 14'_3" 140 M.P.H. 56 8'•11" 9'•1" 9'-9 10'9-' 3"x 12" x 0.032"Riser Panels Open Buildings Enclosed Buildin s Wind Applied Overhang Condition Wind Applied Over ang Condition Region Load NONE V-0" 2'-0" 3'-0" 4'-0" Re Ion Load NONE V-0" 2'-0" 3'•0" 4'-0" 102 M.P.H. 17 17'•10" 17'-11" 18'-4" 18' 10" 19'.7" 102 M.P.H. 29 13'-8" 13'-10" 14'-3" 14-11' 15•10" 110 M.P.H. 20 16'-6" 16-7" 16' 11" 17'-6" 18'-4" 110 M.P.H. 35 12'.5" 12'-7" 13'-l" 13'-10" 14' 10' 120 M.P.H. 23 15'4" 15'•6" 15'11" '•6 16 ' 17'4" 1�0 M.P.H. 41 11'6" 11'8" 12'.2" 12'.11" 14.0 125 M.P.H. 26 14'-5" 14'7" 14' 11" 15'.8" 115'-6" 1 125 M.P.H. 45 10'.11" 11'-2" 11'•8" t2'-6" 13'•7" 140 M.P.H. 32 13'-0" 13'-2" 13'•8" 14'4" 15'•3" 1 140 M.P.H. 1 56 V-10" 10'•1" 10'•8" it'-6" t2'•B' Note: Total roof panel width=room width plus wall width plus overhang. Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. CIVIL ENGINEER-DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT P O.BOX 4368,SOUTH DAYTONA,FL 32121 TELEPHONE(904)767.4774 FAX(904)767.6556 SEAL PAGE p Q COPYRIGHT 1999 178 NOT TO BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF LAWRENCE E BENNETT,P E SECTION 7 SOLID ROOF PANEL PRODUCTS s 0 to N 12" MATERIAL: 0.019", 0.022", 0.028", 0.030", OR 0.036"3105 H-28 ALUMINUM ALLOY 12.00" x 2.50" SUPER PAN ® ROOF PANELS (PATENT # 4,918,898) SCALE: 1/4" = 1" Allowable Spans for SUPER PAN®Panels for Various Loads Royal Aluminum,Inc. Manufacturers Proprietary Products: Aluminum Alloy 3105 H-28 2-112"x 12"x 0.019"Panels Op en Buildings Enclosed Buildings Wind Applied Overhang Condition Wind Applied Overhang Condition Region Load NONE 1'-0" 2'-0" 3'-0" Region Load NONE 1'•0" 2'-0" 3'-0" 102 M P H 17 13.3' 13'-5' 1 13.10' 14.7' 102 M H 29 10-2- 1014' 110 M P.H. 20 12.3- 12-5' 1 12.11" 13.8' 110 M.P.H. 35 9.3' 9-6" 120 M P 23 11'5" 11.11 12.1" 12.11' 120 M.P.H. 41 8'-7" 8 9` 9 5 10 5' 12$M P.H. 26 1069 011" 11.5` 2'-4'1 125 M.P.H 45 8'2' 8 5` 9 10 2 9 ' 140 M.P.H. 32 '-8 9-.11' 10-6- 11'-5' 140 M.P.H. 56 7-4- 7'-7' 8 4- 9.6' 2.172"x 12"x 0.022"Panels Op en Buildings Enciosed Buildings Wind Applied Overhang Condition Wind Applied Overhang Condition Region Load NONE 1'-0" 2'-0" 3'.0" Region Load NONE 1--0" 2--0- T-0" 102 M P 17 14'.3' 14'-5" 14'.10" 15'-6' 102 M P . 29 10-.11' 11-1, 11'-8' 12-6' 110 M.P H 20 13'-2" 13.4' 13'-9" 14'-6" 110 M.P.H 35 9'•11' 10--2' 10'9" 11-7- 120 M.P.H 23 12'Y 12'-5' 12'-11' 13'-8' 120 M.P.M. 41 94' 9.5' 10.0' 125 M P 26 11.6` 11'-9' 12'-3' 13--0" 125 M.P.H. 45 8.9` 8'-n' 9.8" 1C-8' 140 M P.H 1 32 10-5 IC 7' 11 2" 17.0 140 M.P 56 7.10- B't' 8 10' 9'-t 1- 2.1l2"x 12"x 0.028"Panels Open Buildings Enclosed Buildings Wind Applied Overhang Condition Wind Applied Overhang Condition Region Load NONE 1'-0" 2'-0" S-0- Region Load NONE 1'-0" Y•0" 3'-0" 102 M.P.N. 17 16'•11 16.2' 157' 17'-2' 102 M.P.H. 29 12'-4" 12'fi' 12'11' 13-8' 110 M.P.H. 20 14'-1^" 14.11' 15-4" 15.11' 110 M.P.H. 35 11'•2' 11'•4' tt71' 12'-6- 120 M.P.H. 23 13'10" 13.11" 14'.5' 15'-1' 120 M.P.H. 41 10-4" 10'-6' 1 11.+' 1_11' 125 M.P.H. 26 12.11.. 13'2 13'-7` 14'-4' 125 M P 45 9.10' 1C-1' 1C-8' 140 M P H. 32 11-8' 11-11' 12-4' 13.2' 140 M.P.H j 56 8 10' 9'-r' 9.9' "x1 ' xPanels en Buildings Enc ose u 1n s Wind Applied Overhang Condition Wind Applied Overhang Condition Region Load NONE 1'-0" 2'-0" T-0- Region Load NONE 1'•0" 1 2'•0" 3'-0" 102 M.P.H. 17 16--7' 16'-9' 17'.1' 17'•8' 102 M.P.H. 29 12'•9' 12'•11' 1 13'-4' 14'-1- 110 M.P HK 20 15'-4- 15-5' 15.10' 16.5' 110 M.P.H. 35 11'•7' 11'-9' 12'-3' 13'-C- 120 M.P,H. 23 14'-3' 14'-5' 14'10" 15'-6' 120 M.P.H. 41 10.8' 10.11' 11'-5' 12-3- 125 M.P.H. 26 13'-5' 13'•7' 141•0' 14'-9' 125 M.P.H. 45 10'-3' 10'-5' 10'1 1' 11•10' 140 M.P.H 32 12'-1' 12'-3' 12'-9' 13'-6' 140 M.P.H. 56 9'-2' 9'-4' 9'-t 1' 10-11' x 12 x 0.. 6 Panels Open Buildings Enc osed Buildings Wind Applied Overhang Condition Wind Applied Overhang Condition Region Load NONE 1'-0" 2'-0" 3'-0" Region Load NONE 1'-0" 2'1" 3'1" 102 M.P.H. 17 18'•2' 18-3' 184•7' 19'-1' 102 M.P.H. 29 13'-i t' 14'-1' 14-6' 15'•2' 110 M.P.H. 20 16'•9' 164•10' 17.3' 17'-9' 110 M.P.H. 35 12'•8' 12'-10' 13-3" 14'-0' 120 M.P.H. 23 15'-7' 15'•9' 16'-1' 16-9' 120 M.P.H. 41 11'•8- 11'-10' t2'-4' 13'-2' 125 M.P.H. 26 14'-8' -14'•10' 15'-3' 15•10' 125 M.P.H. 45 11'•2' 11'-4' 1710- 12'.8- 140 M.P.H. 32 13'•3' 13'-5' 13-10' 14'•8' 140 M.P.H. 56 10'-0' 10'•2' 10'-9' 11'•8' Note: Total roof panel width=room width plus wall width plus ovemanC Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. CIVIL ENGINEER-DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT U.S HIGHWAY 441 EAST P O BOX 895008 P O BOX 4368,SOUTH DAYTONA,FL 32121 LEESBURG,FL 34789-5008 TELEPHONE(904)767.4774 TELEPHONE: (904)787-4000 FAX:(904)787-6031 FAX(904)767.6556 FLORIDA 1-800-342-3622 SEAL NATIONAL 1-800-874-9065 PAGE © COPYRIGHT 1999 190 NOT TO BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF LAWRENCE E.BENNETT P E SOLID ROOF PANEL PRODUCTS SECTION 7 A ........... .... ...... .............. .................... '^ .. ...... .. V/ . �W/ .. 1L ' ... ... .. ... ......... 48" A.B.S. PRO-FAB 48" x 0.024" ROOF PANELS SCALE: 1/4"= 1" Allowable Spans for EZ-LOK Composite Roof Panels for Various Loads Aluminum Building Systems Manufacturers Proprietary Products: Aluminum Alloy 3105 H-14 or H-25 Foam Core E.P.S.1M Density' 3"x 48"x 0.024"Roof Panel with R Value of 11.58 O on Buildings Enclosed Buildings Wind Applied Overhang Condition Wind Applied Overhang Condition Region Load NONE V-0- 2'-0" 3--0-- Region Load NONE 1'-0" 2'-0" T-0-- 1 17 /6'-11' 1T 1T•4- 17r-11- 102 M.P.H. 29 12'.11' 13'•1' 13-6' 14'-3' 0 M.P. . 20 15'•7' 15'• ' 18'-1' 16'4' 110 M.P.M. 35 11'-9' 11'•11' 12'-5' 13.2' 120 M.P.H. 23 14'$' 14'-B" 15'•1' 151•8' 120 M.P.H. 41 101•10' 11'•1" 11'•7' 12'5' 125 M.P.H. 26 1T-8' 13'-10 14'-3' 14'-11' 125 M.P.M. 45 10'-51 10'-T 11'-1' 11-11' 140 M.P.H. 1 32 12'-4' 12'-0' 12-11' 13'-8' 140 M.P.H. 56 - 9'-4' 9'f' 10'Q' 11-1' 4"x 48"x 0.024"Roof Panel with R Value of 15.44 0 an Buildings Enclosed Buildings Wind Applied Overhang Condition Wind Applied Overhang Condition Region Load NONE 77 2'-0" T-0" Region Load NONE -V0" 2'-0" 3'-0" 102 M.P.H. 17 18 Q' 18'-4" 18-8' 19.2' 102 M.P.H. 29 13 11' 1 14'-1- 14'-6- 15'2' 110 M.P.H. 20 16'-9' 16•11" 17'-3' 17-10' 110 M.P.M. 35 12'•8' 12.10- 13-4- 14'-C' 120 M,P.H. 23 15'•8' 15'•9' 16'-2- 16'-9' 120 M.P.H. 41 11'.9" 11-11' 12.5" 13 2' 125 M.P.H 26 14'9" 14--10" 15 3' 15-11' 125 M.P.N. 45 11'-2- 1 11.4' 1!.11' 7 8" 140 M.P.H. 32 13'-3" 13'-5" 13.10• 14'.7' 140 M.P.H. 86 10'-0' 10-3" 10101 5"x 48"x 0.024"Roof Panel with R Value of 19.30 Open Buildings Enclosed Buildings Wind Applied Overhang Condition Wind Applied Overhang Condition Region Load NONE 1'-0" 2'-0" 3'-0" Region Load NONE t'-0" 2'-0" T-0- 102 M.P.H. 17 20-5- 1 20.-6" 20.1u- 21-4' 102 M.P.H 29 15-8 1 15'-9" 16'-2- 16-9- 110 M P H. 20 1810" 18-11' 19.3" 19.9' 110 M M. 35 14.3" 14'-5" 14'1:' 15 5' 120 M H. 23 17'.7'. 17'-8" 18'-0" 18'-7' 120 M.P.H. 41 13..2" 13.-4.. 13-9 14 6' 125 M.P.H. 26 16'-6" 16.8` 17.0- 17'-7' 125 M.P.H. 45 12 7' 12-.9- 13-2 13-1' 140 M P.H 1 32 14-11- 15.0" 15'-5" 16'-1' 140 MPH 1 56 11'.3' 11.5 11 -2 1- 6"x 48"x 0.024"Roof Panel with R Value of 23.16 0 an Buildings Enclosed Buildings Wind Applied Overhang Condition Wind Applied Overhang Condition Region Load NONE 11•0" 2'-0" T-0" Region Load NONE 1'-0' 2--0- 3--0- 102 M.P.H. 17 22'-6" 22'-7' 22-10` 23'-4' 102 M.P,H. 29 17'-3' 17.4' 17'-8- 18.3' 110 M.P.M. 20 209" 20'-10' 21.2' 21.7' 110 M.P.H. 35 158' 15-10 16.2 16 'C 120 M P H. 23 19'-4' 19'-8' 19--9' 20'-3' 120 M,P.N. 41 14.6' 14.8- 15.0 15'-8' 125 M.P.M. 26 18'-2' 16.4' 18.8" 19'-2' 125 MP H. 45 1310" 13.-11" 14'5- HE ;Z;FP 32 16'-5' 16'-6 16-11' 17-6' 140 M.P.H. 56 12-5' 12--7- 13.-C Notes: For Live Load+Dead Load requirements the following conversion applies For panel span use'Room Projection'+'Overhang'(See drawings) Panel span under wind load Is from attachment point on existing building to front wall add overhang desired to obtain total panel length Atsk Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. CIVIL ENGINEER-DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT ALUMINUM BUILDING SYSTEMS P O BOX 4368.SOUTH DAYTONA,FL 32121 1107 North Thomas Road,Leesburg,FL 34748 TELEPHONE(904)767.4774 Telephone(352)787.7766 FAX(352)787-4517 FAX(904)767.6556 Florida 1.800.342-9077 National 1-800.874-0002 SEAL PAGE © COPYRIGHT 1999 NOT TO BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF LAWRENCE E BENNETT,P E 185 SECTION 7 SOLID ROOF PANEL PRODUCTS M Allowable Spans for Riser Panels for Various Loads Aluminum Building Systems, Inc. Manufacturers Proprietary Products Aluminum Alloy 3105 H•28 1.114"x 12"x 0.019"Riser Panels Open Buildings I Enclosed Buildings Wind Applied Overhang Condition I Wind Applied Overhang Condition Region Load NONE 1'-0" 2'.0" 3'-0" 44" Region Load NONE 1-0" 2.0 3 0 4-0' 102 M .H. 17 7.-5" 7.-9" 8'.5.. 9'-T 10.11- 102 M.P.H. 29 5-e 6-t' 611 83 9.'; 110 M.P.H. 20 6.10' Tw2" 7-.11` 9 1' 10-T 110 M P.H. 35 5 2' S E 9'-6' 120 M P 23 6 °' 6.9' 7.T 8 9 10 3' 120 M.P.H 41 4-10 _ 9 4 125 M.P.H. 26 6'•0" 6.4' 7..3` 6.6" 1C-0' 125 M.P.H. 45 4.7. a '`' 140WP.H 32 5.5' 5.9.. 6.9 8.1 98 1AO M.P.H 56 4.t- 4.r 5 9" '-' e.•. 3"x 12"x 0.019"Riser Panels Open Buildings Enclosed Buildings Wind Applied Overhang Condition Wind Applied Overhang Conda,er Region Load NONE 1'-0" 2'-0" 3'.0" 4.0" Reg,on Load NONE r-0" 2'-C 3 C 4'.0 102 M P M 17 i2 13-213.7 14.4' 15 ? 102 M H 29 110 M.P H. 20 '1 1. 12'-2- 12.8' 13 5- 14.5' 110 M.P.H. 35 9.1' 9 3' " 120 M.P 23 11.2 11.4 11'11- 12-8 13.9 120 M.P 41 8.4' 8 7' 125 M P H. 26 1C.-6' 10-8" 1''3" 12 12.2' 125 M.P.H 45 7 i. 8 3` a- 140 140 M P H 1 P 32 9-6' 9.8` 10-B 1 1-3" 1217 140 M.P.H. 56 8 2 9_4 3"x 12"x 0.026"Riser Panels Open Buildings Enclosed Buildings Wind Applied Overhang Condition Wind Applied Overhang Conmtion Region Load NONE 11A" 2'-0" X-0" 4'-0" Region Load NONE 1'-0" 2'.0" 3 C 4'.0 17 16'-6' 16'.11' - 17'-7" 18-4' 102 MD H 29 12'-9' i3 ?- 13 •4 • 20 t5'-2" 15 9" t6'-4' 17-2- 110 M.P.H. 35 11'6•' t_1-8' 12T 14.r. 23 14.1- 14'9' 15'S' 16'3" 120 M.P.H. 41 10'•7' 10.1E 11-4- il 13-4- 125M.P.H. 26 13'-4' 13'-6' 13'-tV 1a'-7' 15.7' 1 125 M.P.H. 45 10.2' 10-4' 1 10. '` 12 1. 140 M.P.H. 32 12'-0' 12'-2' 12'-8' 13'-5' 14-5' UOM.P.H 56 9'-1' 9.4" 91•' 1C 3"x 12" x 0.032"Riser Panels Open Buildings Enclosed Buildings Wind Applied Overhang Condition Wind Applied Overhang Condrticn Region Load NONE 1'-0" 2--l' 1 3--0" 4'-0" Region Load NONE 11.0" 2'-C" 3'-C 4.0 102 M.P.H. 17 16.3" 1 18'•4" 18-8' 19.3- 1911- 102M.P.H 29 1311" 14 1 14-E` _ 1E 110 M.P.M. 20 15.10' 16-11' 17-4" 17-10' 18.8- 110 M.P.H. 35 12'-9' 1211` 13.4 14 _ - 120 M.P.H. 23 15'-8' 15'•10' 16.2- 16.10" 17.7' 120 M.P.H. 41 119" 11-11' 12.5` 14 125 M.P.H. 26 14'9" 14'-11' 15'-3' 15 1t" 16.9" 125 M.P.H. 45 11 3' 11 5 3 9 140 M.P.H. 32 13v' 13'-5' 13.11- 14'-7' 15'-6' 140 M.P.H. s6 10.1' 10.3 Note: Total roof panel width=room width plus wall width plus overhang Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. A�k CIVIL ENGINEER-DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT P 0 Box 4368,SOUTH DAYTONA.FL 32121 ALUMINUM BUILDING SYSTEMS TELEPHONE(904)767-4774 1107 North Thomas Road,Leesrjrg,FL 34748 FAX(904)767.6556 Telephone(352)787.7766 FAX(352)787-4517 Florida 1.800.342.9077 Nat-ona 1-800-874-0002 SEAL © COPYRIGHT 1999 PAGE 84 NOT TO BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF LAWRENCE E BENNE T F E SECTION 4 STRUCTURES WITH WOOD & ALUMINUM FRAMING COMPONENTS (2)#5 BAR CONT. 2'-0" (MIN.) - BEFORESLOP (1)#5 BAR CONT. -- II JE . g" 12" TYPE I TYPE II TYPE III FLAT SLOPE/NO FOOTING MODERAT SLOPE FOOTING STEEP SLOPE FOOTING 0-2"/ 12" 2"/ " - 1'-10" > 1'-10" NOTES: 1 NO FOOTING REQUIRED EXCEPT WHEN ADDR SING EROSION UNTIL THE BU'LDING EXCEEDS 200 SQ. FT. 2. BUILDINGS OF 200 TO 400 SQ. FT, SHALL HAVE A YPE II FOOTING 3. BUILDINGS OVER 400 SQ FT SHALL HAVE TYPE III DOTING 4. FOOTINGS SHALL BE MINIMUM 2,500 PSI CONCRETE VITH 6 x 6 - 10 x 10 1ti'ELDED WIRE P.tESH OR FIBER MESH MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF WIRE MESH. 5. IF LOCAL BUILDING CODES REQUIRE A MINIMUM FOOTI G USE TYPE III FOOTING OR FOOTING SECTION REQUIRED BY LOCAL CODE. LOCAL ODE GOVERNS SLAB-FOOTING DET A S SCALE: 1/2" = V-0" Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. CIVIL ENGINEER-DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT P O.BOX 4368.SOUTH DAYTONA,FL 32121 TELEPHONE(904)767.4774 FAX(904)767-6556 SEAL PAGE © COPYRIGHT 1999 104 NOT TO BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF LAWRENCE E BENNET' P E i REVIBIONS BY �7�1 0iI I�I . 1�11 • t oouI _ - ..... L_. _ ....------_-___ V e z I GCJh♦C. L�1�j / Up x W• W. M, d I`1 4, M I L , VAIFO K l?a.IZtzl�_O(Z N I o N 6U, 0 w tl~. I w © IX Q (n Cn m Z co I 2�1- 011 ± 3Cjt-out , lit- It _. ..w . ._..__... . - W �I H&L5 "M I UY F F. F7' o w o cv . N! �� rrr�rr�ct�c �cc� r 1 ' 14 0 GANG, #�V, W4L L• 490 v- p VD,?R 0 VL B�ACtt GUh}G• �'��/C.k.%' � l _ of ALGA lrolI � Cf1au1�plNC, OC'FIC<" l ' 411 Gat4c - :�LAe2 W/fi)<& lo/ to p� •q I I CoI~'I Pp.G-T't E� F1 UL Llly� 55-5,z� �~ _�� �� 58 t•of tri ��""5 ,. +! �. St at�� %all pm: W0 Structural Notes ,,!! �. 4 ' aha Ul' 1. All laps in top plate shall be a tninimum of and nailed with 12 - 16d common // � , nails_ � i 2• All shearwalis shall ba trailed at 6"or 3"ox. as noted on all edges and 12"o.c. I r I DRAWN intermediate with 8d commons.(U O.N.). Block all unsupported edges with 2x4 '"O g �g9It j ?, flatwise blacking. Shearwalls shall be 15/32"GDX or 7/16"USB. 3. All gable ends sliall be balloon framed or framed and braced for attached detail. cw�cKeo �..OT I q ��oG}� I �� sE-ka�l ty oN M�� �� � 1H�I r� and Zoning a. Strap all cripples to headers with GS"rAl8 straps each end of the header. ^5 F-SWP �� 19 pL,a,-T r�x.�K 4Z f7, aes 14 - 1.4G _r__--- _ _-- ._..._ ���� ���f_L eiuilding DATE 5. Strap header studs to double plate with SP6 at each end of header(U.O.N.). G'P 'T 4E f---LjFjLAG P-� rtV47 O7 /t•l.}Vi�L 60- -FL, I II SCALE G PF-"TI l-1 Sb -T0 � � � Giga PP KV-Hr I 11 5 -O H l�.lr+ 6. Header studs and header cripples should be nailed together at 6"o.c. w/ltid ,a. 'R _ _.�__ I �d__�__._ _.__.__.._.� ._. _... _.__..__._.__ _ .__....--_-----__-____Z._ _.__. W �� __ ____.------�____ .._ __..._� A5 c5 staggered. Clip unit to shoe plate with three(3)H3 clips(U.Q.N.). JOB NC]. 7. All window and door components must withstand a 140 MPH I wind load. 1 � t SHEET 8. All connectors are Simpson Strongtic or equal(U.O.N.). SIM• 9. Install HD5A or MTT28B holdown at each end of shearwall segments as noted1 II = �pl_OIl �(.� �"'� I (� it — I i"� tl � _r- ;'. 1994 S1 -75-� PLAN �19 94 OF SHEETS NATIONAL PRINTPAIT NO, 186A-24x38•,s» l v�ri C�' r . .. _ if REVISIONS BY M71 all, 2�✓' a tr a I s t IN Ltt'#T� � UAra E4 10 ML ?I I�ps� � L•C�I�� 1:7 5; LL K 4 5Irk`--� 1 �.. ..�...� • -" } .jam at Lo FIT Ob � ' � � I�NG -�'.'�-�-_•_..._____�.- . 111 �`�J.� �'�W���� .. �:�' '. •N � � � v� e .. Q I I _ t _ I !I I I tl u t It �' -- '"�.�,'I' 'LN , .� ..w.�. ' � - �� � ��` ��� - . I II I it �,► N. N ' ! � . .M w "Lee WALL 5ee--T to Y , N p +� �1 Me p F �, f,. �, .. ��r,� J-j �!„Clfr� � r��./j,��r � T"4+ � � � •r" "',�,� y � I �_ I • - S �`'�, �� N ; f 014 Gut^ W- I 'f2' o �a apt. �� .� �� � � �� • ` !AT rz, ` 0 e7l. �Ilv , AT F' adv �j+ r (y - G- � I I I I�•�� I ° ! 1 fig'• w/ A.�^ d GSM- E DRAWN a l � � 'SH�..�l=. CHECKED.. __.1�.._....__..._.._.�, " - .- M �"�" -. • � DAT 'r11 ��ww..r+ "�-'• .,' +�wrMww.. .�w�..+ +rrww+�w.� "`Y...�wr , ( Z - IUI�011 ISI" .._..__. ....._ SCALE. __.. .-__ ......_ . _ . _._. .._ . ..... _v . . _ .. . �Irl I�'- Q I! � �I_�II __...._� ._ ti..,...... _ ..�_ 1.. . JOB NO. 01 t !I _ ..._ r_dI_...._ ._..._..__.�_..__.. ._ .._.... ..__....�__...._ ITU SHEET C-D L:, If LO 0 R. L C� 9/9� OF � SHEETS WiOML pR1NTFAV NO.18GA•A44•,.n i r REVISIONS BX r L _ W P S H MKT 41'hld KAI L {����tyMGltf`r�f✓t�:� � L � �� � d r- irmuC7r.. P°'�pP uv, r1TI.,'r`opI P r S�aAP W M Tomo 5Y A ;I'h� � �� Ioil t� '# `L.rL '.�a� � • I� x I Y'%N t�tirt� M —;� �z 140L,po„Jnl ref �, 'r �,,i .,� � � � •^ ._� F'titlNAArTI ,•� ° -" I .MTT Z Ho1.Ao�ltJ- RAST To ° lw�l �C (tea.N G?f.1Z, f2 �(t \- N --�� _ t t I&�&kll ' . `�r.�r l .Lu z Aw MANwr. I Xi Az H _ 1 G_•.7�� �U{r�"', 1�..I/,��Qr�4 :. .r 4 y.., ( wa......+...,ww.,..vM•w.aa.....,r.�,o.:..o.....».,.....we: l '{Wt ? � k 3� 4 `.: Look . ` ' i h ��wr '1w.a•K..�Ya urrri4viw•.1.^F^%•wwr� .r�r.Y *rA4 LI 2/5 -� ``� _ N � ' a lfvdr rrt rtj @ rAP LCA : 'a P r V �4ocP� 5 4-G ;. I U5 fit. .r. ,� r 'o oprN it �• 1 d �I �� •«-•y-^'^-.�...+- ,.=r�....�:,--..-.....�...�...,.. LLY 2 I T •4 F� Tv- W/;',M1 "/ ��� •1r V'�S "..,.."""' .tM«.wr.r.a'.+.w+........,.�.�,.�,„........•.w....�.... n.. �....�...« :,.w,h.....wy. .,.::�yar...,.,.....,ew• ,..a,•r �,.•" ,o, L4 ZL -To Lts ®zl a e- ' � I�I�ff-►sem+-fif�- TIM G, frf�; dtf•mil: !?gait _.. ,.w.� .. m._ _ �. �S"1 c- Nm M Y5 • - • raili.�wr�wrrtMMratiWpl•FA+>.NY✓[•,..V�rrt,..rYyW Mr.,'ro�Y�r • �..,.+,v.�.,,�N,"NAY.�.�-G^+;.iN�•�hvy.arwulf��• n m'�w v.n�,ufper.-a'wAM4V•..•�mH•.nwwMf-..rwe.+.w ISII p,�, f.r�{ NoN j, ' , oz I all 41-111. A , I� F W1 YWttON -4, DRAWN CHUCKED iN r W M 94 .r , I SCALE P , JOB NO. wT1 �7 ��IIQr . SHEET ' i 11 -ot 9 o NO r .. .• O� eM�er�l .. NATI°NAI PRINTFAST N4. 186A•$038•rye+ t C1 •. �1f1 S o r�'. .,, .'i. .r. �. '�.�.. r. •. .... , ,. .. r. .... '... .. � .�. � i4 r., ..5.,. ;•err - e r r , REVISIONS BY. f A N. LU . . .---- 47 � z U • LU 'IN Lj tp 1 t , ,. .......,. ..,..,. ,.r,.•aww.wwwww..er.rwrrx..w.w..�...rww... .�� Y: �AS� ��VA-T 10 N I H 5,L-15\/A71 ON ...NT Lul U[ u f x 0AAWN PP R CHECKED OATS SCALE E�IMA�T JOB NO. =;T / Old � UH1 MYG dt p N/IT4DNA�ARgYT ASl NO 1988.4 2638'run 1�g�1 S�c4 e-