10-14-57 v ' 1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR M 'ETENG OF THE ATLANT LC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL HELP AT THE TOWN HALL ON MONDAY, OCTOBER :14TH, 1957 AT 8 P.M, `'r.esent: Nprman Minchew Glover Weise Marvin Carr Wm S. Howell Robert. L. Wardrep. Councilmen and Frank Thompson. Town Attorney J.F. Waggoner, Jr. Town Manager Adele S. Grage, Town Clerk The meeting was called to order by the President. Mx, Mincheww, Minutes of the meeting of September 23rd, 1957 were approved as written upon motion of.. Mr. Car, seconded by Mr. Howell. Minutes of the meeting of October .1st, 1957 were approved as written upon motion of Mr,: Carr„ seconded by Mr. Howell.. Minutes of the meeting of October 10t h9, 1957 were approved as written upon motion of Mr. Carr, seconded by Mr-, Howell . Mr., Minchew recognized visitors preeent Mr., Walter J. Parks, Jr. Engeneer on our Sewerage Project presented to the Council a Supple- ment to Report on Proposed Soni tarp;; Sewerage 4,'aci.1ities for the Town which supplement presented a proposed new plan Plan 44) and dis- cussed with Council this new planwhich would cover sewage pumping and treatment facilities at an estimated cost of $265,861 , which amount is within the capabilities of the Town to finance by issuance of bonds, and that the sewer lines, be constructed by means of a "revolving fund". He also recommended that a Fiscal agent be re- tained and that construction of proposed Plan #4 be started as quickly as funds are available. Mr. Waggoner advised that, a report had been received from the State advising that we were 10th on the list of applicants for the Federal grant, and thatthey only had money for the firs six. There was a discussion during which Mr. Thompson suggested that we raise the amount of bonds to $300,000. which would give us some money to start the sewer lines. 1t, was decided to accept the proposal of Pierce,Carri,son, Wulbern Financial Advisory Service, Inc. Mr. Carr presented Resolution #57413 covering the acceptance of the Fiscal_ Agent 's proposaland moved its adoption. Said motion was seconded by Mr. Weiss and being duly considered the President put the question. thereon and the vote was as follows:. Aye: Carr, Howell, Wardrep n, Weiss, Minchew Nay: None Whereupon the President declared said motion carriec ind said Resolu- tion adop ed,, Copy of Resolution #57-l3 Is attached to these minutes and made a part, thereof. There were no reports on Lot C1ean°ng`, retirement w or use of Jack- sonville Beach Jail, It was suggested that the Town Manager start making plans for jail, facilities for Council's consideration, Mr. Carr advised that he had not finished studying the mode:A. ..raffia Ordinance. Bids were received on a tar pet and were tabulated as follows. Florida Equipment Co. $511.35 Florida-Georgia Tractor Co. 594.00 Graze-Dempsey, Inc. 545.00 • Julien P. Benjamin Equip. Co. 560,10Mw U Moody dr Sons 5140.00 Upon motion of Mx. Howell, seconded by M.r, Carr the bids were re. ferred to Mr. Waggoner and the Streets & Highways Committee study and buy the best for price, I MOMPFUV r . o Minutes 1.9�1�a'��.� . =age #2 The Town Manager reported that we are entitled to 16 new street lights in line with our, Franchise with City of Jacksonville, and he was directed to make study and recommendations as to locations at the next regular meeting. Mr. Waggoner preseneed plans for a truck shed to built on the Town. lot lying west of the Wa terwork: s. Re estimates it will cost between 43.000. and $3,500. Council directed h:m to call for bids on the shed, Mrs. Waggoner advised that Nr, . obt,, DeBell had requested the Council to review the Utility Tee as he does not ;eel that he should have to pay the tax on the liquefied gas that he hes put in. the ground tank, when others do not have to pay. JI on kerosene , The Town Attorney advised that our Utility Tax was levied in line with the State Law which authorized it. A letter was presented 1 rorn the Suburban Protane Gas Corporation requesting that they be releived from furnishing the list of cus- tomers as provided In Gedinance #103 : The only way this could be done would be to amend the Ordinance, and until_ such time that should be done, they must comply with the present Ordinance. The Treasurer 's reports were: presented and upon motion of Mr- Howell seconded by Mr: Wardrep were approved. The current bills weee studied and upon motion of Mr. Weiss, seconded by Mr. Wardrep were ,r.pproved for payment in the amount of General Fund $2,309.6 . , Utilities Fund $871.5.30 Upon motion of Mr. Carr, seconded by NT, Wardrep the Town. Clerk was directed to make pa; went; of the Group Insurance Premi-um on the 1st of each month to the Mi. nesota Life Insurance Co,,, Upon motion of. Mr. Howell? seconded by Mr. Weiss approval was given to payment of bill fre.n Waiter J. Parks, Jr; Engineer in. amount of $1, 597.01. Upon motion of Mr0 Weiss, seconded by Mr. Howe.11 approval was given for payment of. Insurance bill, in amount of $1783Aal to Transurance Co. of America.. Upon motion of Me1�arr the meeting adjourned from day to days Lee! .! Attest! Norman Minchew, President Adele 3 Grage:n 'Newn CI k AM • TOWN OF Aecch-Uo*jda J. A. REID RESOLUTION NO. 57-13 MAYOR COUNCILMEN MARVIN CARR WM. S. HOWELL BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN NORMAN MINCHEW OF ATLANTIC BEACH, COUNTY FLORIDA ROBT. L. WARDREP > GLOVER WEISS THAT said Town do enter into contract with Pierce TOWN ATTORNEY Carrison, 7ulbern Financial dvisory : ervice, Inc. J. F. WAGGONER, JR. TOWN MANAGER for their services as Fiscal Agent in the fora of ADELE S. GRAGE contract submitted by said Pierce Carrison, j: ulbern TOWN CLERK TAX COLLECTOR with their letter to this Council dated :