Atlantic Boulevard 1099 (3) - s r f r c� rr c,�wx �; : � .' ti' � 1'O.R'S • ERT/FIC r " N � r • u 1 hereby card/ to Val✓ Paan n ins:ifanca-artily lnc.• Robert art N a d Ja�ta; 51ore, fnc, o Flcrida corporation; Attorneys' Title n � Holtman �'�? 5,•. C,polf Risen 4 Q,enlolb P.A, tngj•r h an f Josefa C, �mrth� ane to, Grearrbar Trvuri9 Ho A) TP1s S�rrvay raprasent's a true tinct vccurafa Sur vol ,meta on the premises on Jul, y 1 0 ' s 99 ; Bl rhaf this Survaf correctly slaw rs (i) the boundaries of the subjact property; (ii) all buildings nJ other ;rrprararn Sats ;ocota:f o0 01 subject prop flf, (iii} all streams. ponds, lanes or Q /$ .30 6P athar waterways ocior adjacent td the subjact propettr, and (iv) the location, of ail easements, rig Is of will, and other rnotfer,s of record which if# reflacled an Attorneys' Title lnsuronca Egad, Inc. Coinlnitmant No; C-,?70;a"9`? dolad'elfectija is of June t5, ,998.: affecting or Gh'APh✓e SGAb rNFEET C) boila t;i;nests s s e'rasprlo ihf / o propartyis prov,46 t by. foyport.Road and. Atlontic Bvuiev;trf, dadicafad p;lblic rights of woyr DJ ,hero pre no' vis bl9 a.aseiranls of rights of wvy aft e; the preperfy s;,rcvaya j except ihaso sh.awn; E) That therm ore no (i) encroachments upon the s;ibjact propeytr by improvements on the adjocant propertf, fir) encroachments cn odjocent praperfr, streets ar allays bX on/ improvzmenfs on the subjac! property, (iii) con.ldcls protrusions,. or (iv) overlaps of / boundor,f line disputes; F) Thai the .vesferft baandary line of the prcparfy is cgtig;jous to and. abat,s the eastern right-of- / ivy Lina of 'Of vypgrf RoaJ. I JadicafeJ pc,bliC right of ,Coy, and the Southern boundary lire of the property if. conti j;,ous la :rr:d ;abuts the northaln right of 0,j/ line of Alion tic / +. E ca;erard, a dadiCate:i public nigh/-of-war, therm bei,�j no hlaf;ls parcels bat,ween scich boundary lines and public rrghI$ af-,rays 1 hereby f,,rther certify lhgt the,, survay represented a 10 n79p wos Meda under my directiory on Jury 6. 1996. and that this survey conforms to lbs Ivfinirr,.ar» T chnical Standards for L.on4 Sufvey;ng in / the State of Florid>t, in vccafJ-aOce wit!► Chaplor 41 iIH-8, Florida Adm;-nisfrative Code, �1 14 3LR1XeiC4R3 NOTw kaQAi-V1/V3 SC:-L=Utde d 1TVh13 CO Tl P-0 CU11111TPeNT: tFV-1 Nct Sc�veyGRs cr tir3 .,ACK3CYVYly =CTR1C AUT, i�JTY I1V a r1415 .~wA:ekEVr 1$ GRL104�. AUY 5;-CfVN / eAaat -Nr C .' r ,� hep .r����v f,�"�.. ♦0�" Tri FAGS:Grp Thy S�CyR-•,��Y.. ��,1'dD QG'�S H•OT . la.�_ �*'� •�. v Mr,ry�.7 /Vh� VUl a RAG'ff 1��-� F•1l �y 7 ce ree ct; V r Pte:1 C r�:G'Ga-V3 CO DCI✓Ar GYXNrY. rtGPjDA �4r t tr r ^r^'PrxAt AS FURNISHED ANO SHQ�V14 :N THA l L�E�ai. J��..rx, $ .7TTORPdEY',� T1 TLE rNSUR,1IrCE / J' FGNU. J'Nc. CMU11rmEtrr No. C-2irCi692, DA IED ,t'NE' 13;%x;995 ,e 5:00 P.10! 1►. �� ?� '� p. r E.,., C o =y, Tornsh'p South, Range ..9 Ecst, as Th,at ,;rt of the ASTRO Y. FMnnEr? .�r7ANT`. Sact;,rn � o` �r dascribed as foilows: For a Pont of Reference CC,14' ENCE at the intersection of Ma Soulheasterry '� �3� •� tght-of-ruy lira of the ":lajpert Rcaj (Stafa Road A•-1-A), •ill, the Northerly right-of-ray line of .yam c, Atf;;ntic 8cu;ar;;rd (Stvta Road A-1-A :.,n1 iQ); thence Ncrt4 2D028'35° East, ala,?g said 5outi;a;asterly right-vl-ivy fine of :i,foypCrt Rvad, a distance of 39.08 feet to the PQiur CF 8E GI0r;i";G; thence ccnhnrap North ?0°2d',35" East ,fJr,g suij Soutkaastellf right-of-woy tine, �►l iz.;t 11wV3 Los 3 dislance of 220.9? feet: /hence So;Jth 3S°03'55" East ;1 jistarce d1 293.97 feat to 9 pC,nt cn A5FeL4i"P0AvV.1aYrr M , r` h sjr'd Norlher/y right-of-nor I,i;a of atlantic r9c,fay.rd; /C.ar�f* South-99°19+35" ,Yost Alany , aid ,�,� > 5 ;_r N;wlherl ri hf-of-wa line. a distance of 93.51 feat; thence lrorth�8l'04 46' ;Yost :r distance t tt x:.F;xx� •Y� �� y � y of 50.00 feat: thanca Scatf, 89119'.35" :Pest a disl;;nca of 15"10 Nei; thence lr'orthrestarly along r c G a La 11;4 arc 0/ 7 Curia Ccncvva lticrfhaastarly harir.;1 v ,violas at -10,00 feat,. v chcrd bearing of North e en's s rc.� s 35 G&"D7• ;Yost, a c;7aro Jist:;n:e of 3�.JT feat and :;n ar. :is.ta.nce of M.64 feet to the PJ;NT `Ati%mo i o GF BEGrNNrNG• �C IL 0 This is to certify that the l;a{j;1s as ;fascrrbal in that Tits Commitment prep:areJ by Attornay's 1 41 �� r�ar�' -� A01 Title insurance Fund. loc. Commitment NQ. C-21'Ui592, data4 w`�r,a 13, i`t93 at 5:00 p.m., is in . ty l 4 fact the residual lands ;,a,cr;b ed ;n that rYarranty Qaed bat.esn E•re/yn Greg to Rcbert tJ. 5112ith <•r. r r G ' '" , 1 4_0 and Josefo C. Smith, recorJsJ in Offiervl Rac,r;ts Yv;unaa 1840, peg® 147 of the Current PLblic / r� _ � S�Ja 3 •� �� Retards al Diva/ GC,nly. Fl;;rida. Le5s,anj EXCEPT hose two portions dascrrbad ai Coed Book yy. r c •� IC/3. pogo 277 an:1 Dfficic/ Records Yol;,,rr,a 2737, pais 516, -d of Ilia Currant Public Records of said Our;;! County, Flcr;dx. .viMc.1t G;araa, G.ps, Hij1us, tar Overrops. -H VAIrE. ' •' Rasi::u;;I _:ands r of ADDRESS: 1099 A17-ANTIO dG'U'Le1vAR0 r ;Ywr:anty Coedd:. ATLANGO r3� P,,,,Q;:2JVA 14,1 3- :-15 / POINT OF �' r rai to Smith ' ACG; EG"INNING D.R. Vo 4340, pa;* 147 x 177422�OV- perr , ANAi LAO r^N r M�.: CB �;l �•�\ [H- 2.0 ry ✓ 'uvr Rerisa:i, w',dj 6, 1,996 (to shoo, Excepfions ,n R/:Y provioaj to this Firm) ry60.00 U L$SS IT [tiit5 'if St i•PrLJE tiJvA TriE 1R G1tvAl rA1 LD Cali M A F�N41LA t,[GL1C+ D 4Af V'LA 44 W44ER, THIS :+FrAM1tK3.J�T'Ai �Ll ^ GtipL /J.��T 0t•� ^ill^ `fi r ciA R nu' iT rC witCara! �^tct ,f a�D 15 +. vett PONT Vo, v� f �r Il 6rrerr :vi cased #N ., txs ' y Savo,r v •U 140T i' 1 L. �► C,r.G :r�rQ PrJ./ r ' K ruY? ' G:.tt . +j vC dy i! A 14W / ° V41P► Q1 d..7I d`AO Sow �j'rry r n REFERENCE,`=� f3:I'1 1 �{ 11� 51 . rrra,.er �r.xx ,r tiA,/'r�r k;,,a.y aaC ®F�ras c LEGEND lzar� /Y r 9'35" 1 r cw a: a ;:s. d.- rr r•Tarr+cir���s» 5 U � f� 3 f,r.a rrw s sh:sp th.0 734E r r/irr to J.S [:cs Car u,>d rn.Yl W S��ry .7a 1 o,1 +o treat #. ;� i♦ y Y ... .".�+: -+^—'.+X� '..;,� y+_-.. .__� ,�Yv.+'I tAC lK t/4Gr�A t-/► : 15'�..� �I 1r.� :♦<1.�JR� Y�' Tr1f"/• „J�p' .Wf.� .. w , v 5e1 a'V _ �/' •3l+IYr�N°t tr;�l rv✓ X'/.e1 ► r• 'M �F M'`'-/itLM Pt/9f''t7 l Cw 4 .SACC• Gt�Yc+EL _ q�.�talCrtw r# ti�iL ff_ )� _ y r ` of iVwar* w► rhe r!'.riwat✓4v-er n ~p��y ty fes.LA NPrr+wwl fir ad!s'y i r�Gf7 R MLCAI 47t S fGii!'GR A7 0,�I:arll :.+A,YAY i�rrva+ .fr/ D!i/� iY-U� e •:� 9 l.Gg:r'.rcLr rirtiilr.My o1i�r r � o,1 F r !r' l i Caruk4? r I" G i y. r Llr11r (�A'LAl�TIC c1QC".G►w,2� r' wr►:. c •,v�r.w. L�.�.. G�A7`.L�IlIC dLJGY�Ek'+l"w� a� �w ! R� 1"�a ,YrsGfY 1s430.!ykYd J► t47ru" St cwt 4'-ace Gird f Gw:+ It .S lrfl�l JL s A rurCt! t Ervcre.S�,eI Cor/h ;• '^�� xpc.rc�al Lam! ) Zj STC tcTt✓1:,:.f x' ;A4tit FfrFw,l�r:'sI ::at�.t' ,ir �r,;rrtryl Ji tl:f �✓ J.N. a:ua;.LTJT,o¢ Bib to, pwc, trcot na 4� aeB�'JI..!' ♦frrHro'x tw-..,. $lel keel G .r ln.rn► ...,rr}.ALr r•A.:J .'v'� �,y J--Jif .Y' s4grk/awr.trrr Avoux AF -/.ax n°t LM-09 rf t6v'rW*01 w4 4,V 4444t.01 Orl aA �" Gu 6caN lv `pay.tri bNrlrwr :s •tat :/.Y ►rs�.xrscraktl uF fr ✓�rj�NX4$ A ■ �f ;x �TES :dLr(6l.AJ: NZ ;.Ar mo, w..r:✓s aY ,,1 x ;: i Er 1 t Fax cvG(.) "a-5759 _ • _ t .,, _ r "� ',.1 �� +^" o,n r@r�1 <i(rr' ,fir-';L'«6 Fprroorbnt C„wtr.X f,Offt r. IKrerseat 9 sr,cs IA,' .I�.w.aCr..,lt s-crrauaf t)'elAv erc.�' A, L� � w�w•. ,! P.' r'.Ynt 4�r✓.o t.MI f..4 JGtks ut'vd(!�! r!' i"r-0C ► .rE Af f pY r:.7� F,ypt .,f L ynfrn,» 1P Lya•�ravFt f.' AK ,� - i f'...A r. :..rl Arg � trQ F;:ym nF >anyv/xy [AtA I K Ca.G.I T'.yc":✓01 t s7nr ;; C fd� Pa,gt a/i �f.rrsJ r, t, Ld J.&Y elee.'l LW40 E, r� F /� / r �] f. j� A. Pun! c.1/ntg«etrYn* f fRI rtttosae,r ' TL .C;1F i � i I �� B C•I U �i j � V A R �/ Ril✓ t of r'aY cF'+ Rua .s vx.xrs Jnr ..«rr .,..,�,•,� „� �-.. �.. ^.r.r--r.rr--' ... r• 1,F[' ,,1/UIyG•FX:II ✓ir:.i,'i r i :tic . �rtl L 4rG tsb �uyy;i r Q - r ��., '.t�?�L� �L .8,�c,yv� list ar.iCU..9 Lir 11! lr,,y►f�,t b'• 4`'.? ; .' ZI;; C revwnt Core Cx r.tA Q /,