04-23-51k4U~~S CF °}~B e}DJ+J'.T2Pd~~ :~F~'PTAit~ i3R TFIE t1.~'i.~.~:TIC Brr~C'r's ?'C;~3~ CC'ni?eC3~, 'rtEI,~ s:' '_'°s33~ TC°r:Ai }&~~.~ ~` a;©Pa~~Y, ~,RFaXI, 23:tD9 19;1 AY° 8 R.kie d°q. e~6rrt o d. ~rr~ Psds~$9 "dd,ar, ~ia•t^~ Ua ~. 2~saa~ B.S, T4saaaes Ua~. Br~esner, Coaancil~ea7 ~az3 LL55 ®S°~,.~~ ~.E ~sd4e• dC®wF/V ra~~~y a~~'~7®w~ Rra~c}~ 3'na~psara, ~'o~~n .~ttas°fiie~ J.-. Brota}:3e- Toaar~-PTa~as$ea° ~~3~ `Je (i_°a~®9 ~a"sfP3 rwl~P°i8 ohs aaeetisa$ mss cs33ed to ordsr ~~ the pres3dent9 kir, aldso Upon ~atioas of ?~~°, Breuer9 s®aoasded'a~+ kts~e kissor. °~rdiessa:ce ~ 338 entitled IDBai~LT ®rd3sasetoe .®ndia±~ C~rdisaaxaae ~`5C7° b~ deei~sti:~$ bats kQ sne~ 9 ~}BT,::as,R;~sidsnae ysBar;-~ ~a°s~~rxt~d er' th{z~ aril e~.~°~3 reia~$m .a 3ette~° Baas reap .ra~c }r . F3oa~aaa kYirch€~ ur$ir.$ ti;e itz9.aa~cil to vats s~~irast t}~is o};ara$es st-sti.°z$ f~is s°es® r®?~~, srd alas ffisicir~$ rea$$estiaa~s as to s Rlaea^~in$ 3osrd far the 3"o~rn to pia}: ~astters of ramsonin$ ooasld be referred far reco~,® ~erdaCiaxasm kir, ~'inaixesae Wha wse present, advised t}¢at t,e s f~at~~~ apposed to tE~e bv:i3din$ beizs$ pz~posed for t3°ese latee or the peaple~ Uut 2za was a~;a~irst spot soniaa$< 2'}s®re wess aonsidersDlo disctss~ioat botic fr®m t};e floor sari t}a® Caueac33a P~.a°e kiasor° osl3ed foa° the ~uestian9 and the aa31 v®te was °P}:s~ces, psssy kisser?, s;pes 'as'irB~s °as~; Bre~er9 e~ea ~dra,~se psss~ kgra ~3sr~s akiaragsci :sis vats t® °BSye°0, `d'6ee C+rdir:sr¢ae was t:^.erefaa°e pass®r~ °sy ~®te of 3 "0sges°9, ~ ea~aw° 2.&Pd 1 as ~ss09. Upoa~ ration of fir. P~.asong sscan3~1 h3. F~s°,l"+asmes spprava3 c~as given to t}~e past of R.J. Sche4'?°ler°s hil3 i.~a swot of ~~3~^,943 coveria9$ ?f33 som feet of sike~rslk ~ 3d~~ par sp. fts `his wa}e is iri S'a°ont of ^lsrson°s staves ors ~tlanti~ B%vds snd k<., Cl~aan is ®eira$ i~i3leu, for T~'2 of this east. RAa~d & Cep°~ plat of t}°e~ 9.anp3stted strip 3;~iat$ nest of Blau 3 xass ~eseaated far appravals it was stadia:; sand rapaaa a~atian of kiz~, °i?as~a®s, seoonded b~ hIa°m }iirUy e it wrss sppraved a.~d kbr® ~ds~r srsd ~Irs®°',rsge am®re dix~ted to si$n far tics `$`aei~%io L"pc°n saatioan o° fir. 24as®r:9 se~aza~eed tR k?r. "i~~es sppgavsl ~s givens to inaresa® ?.ero~ Ja}saasors's sa3s~ to l~S. par srrort}s9 $75. e~°,argesb3s to ~Ste~rorlts, and ~gC, to n~trs Polies 4 ~e :setter of str®et psvin$ s a'isaussed~ sand ug~aae ~otior. of k;pm T'}sa°ass9 seoanded ~ s'.r. ~ir'}s~, the ~'awra k4as:sger was directed to ~srepare the aEeoesssrR plsrg9 specifiastioars„ stc. for t}se ~~ng of 2:7d' 3rd, 3t?a and 8t3a Ste, ss~a to he ref~a^~ed to the 3'r~aa ~ttorazeyo It ~sss reparted tYzst ro~ teill defer tsXing aver a}ept°,u°s® Bwsch ws,ter oustarn®rs gaarti3 we are 3.rs posi'~ian to fus~nie'r. wore water tha.~a at prsseast s Upan n®tion of kSra ~:ames9 t}se a°zast~sa$ sdaourne3 Erase dad to dad. ~~ ~ ~ a1~, ~o ~X'r~° ~.dTe°~ y Pa'~9$<=stet Atte~$s ~.-. b ~~ ,: ~' Adele ~. t~rage, °~®e°aa Cie