05-14-51 v MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MI TING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TOWN HALL ON MONDAY, MAY 14th, 1951 AT 8 P.M. Present: D.W. Bremer W.G. Kirby D.P. Mason R.S. Thames, Councilmen and G.L. Rosborough, Mayor Frank Thompson, Town Attorney J.D. Brotchie, Town Manager Adele S. Grape, Town Clerk The meeting was called to order by the vice-president, Mr. Bremer in the absence of Mr. Adams who was out of the city. Minutes of the regular meeting of April 9th were approved as corrected upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Mason. Minutes of the adjourned meeting of April 23rd were approved as read upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Kirby. Mr. Bremer recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor other than specific business which was coming up later in the meeting. There was no bmsiness presented from the floor. Mr. Brotchie reported that he has to-day completed paving estimates and figures (for paving 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 8th Sts. and Sherry Drive, and it is now ready to refer to the Town Attorney for proper rocedure and papers. Mr. Brotchie advised that he has the oportunity to purchase some good 6" water pipe and fittings for $1.10 per foot, and although it is not set up in the immediate plans, it is needed, and would help the water situation if we could buy it. There was a discussion and upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Thames approval was given for the purchase of this 1,500 feet of 6" pipe. On the painting of the water tank, Mr. Brotchie advised that the paint is on hand, and that the crew is at Ft. Lauderdale at present and will be here directly when they have finished there. The matter of roping the beach was next considered. Mr. Mason moved that we rope off the beach every day beginning immediately. No second. Mr. Thames moved that the ben^h be roped off on week-ends until June 1st, then every day thereafter through Labor Day; the time of roping from 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. every day. This was seconded by Mr. Kirby and carried. Mr. Brotghie asked the Council's pleasure on the amount to he paid for roping, advising that we paid Robert Russell $21. per week last year, and he is available again this year. It was discussed and brought out that it is a 7 day a week job, the tides and the ropes have to be watched. Upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Mason $21. per week was appro'red for roping. A letter was received from the Federated Garden Circles of the Beaches thanking the Council and Mr. Brotchie for their co-operation end help for the annual Flower Show. Also a letter from the Fletcher Band Parents Association expressing appreciation for the donation given them. A letter from the Jacksonville Dog Fanciers Association requesting $15. for their catalogue to be used at the Beaches Dog Show on July 1st at the Community Center was referred to the Mayor. A letter was received from the Advisory Health Council of the Beaches • requesting us to participate in the purchase of X-Ray equipment to he used at the Health Center for our many food handlers and others who are in need of chest X-rays. If the three beaches will purchase the equipment the Duval County Health Dept. will operate and maintain the equipment, and the present personnel will handle all the clerical details involved. It is understood that Jacksonville Beach will consider paying part of the coast if th- other beaches will contribute a proportionate share. The matter was referred to the Finance & taxation Committee for consideration in making up the next budget. Mr. Rosborough and Mr. Bremer reported on their meeting with the Bus Company official, and were not too encouraged on our getting bus service in Atlantic Beach. The Company proposed running two busses in the morning and 2 in the afternoon directly from Jackson- ville to Atlantic Beach and return with no connection to the other Beach busses. These would run at specific times, and must carry at least riders in order to make expenses. These busses would come directly to Atlantic Beach, circle thru the Town and return to Jacksonville. Upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Kirby the following Resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, On Lots 614, 615, 617 and 618 Section 1, Saltair, the County pro-rated to the Town an amount for taxes thru yeat 1949 only from sale of "Reverted Lands", and WHEREAS, These lots are County Land for the year51950, and 1951, and WHEREAS, The amount paid by County is not sufficient to pay the taxes in full, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND TON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, That The amounts of $25.45 on Lot 615 SA, $24.66 on Lot 614 SA, and $50.48 on Lots 617 and 618 SA be pro-rated against these lots for the years 1932 thru 1949, And that said Lots be marked "County Land" for the years1950,and 1951. Upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Kirby the following Resolution was adopted: Whereas, Lot 357 Saltair reverted to the County and went up for final sale in 1949 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL THAT OF THE TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL AUNTY, FLORIDA, That Lot 357, Saltair be marked "County Land" for the years 1946 thru 1949. It was announced that an easment had been secured from the Texas Cpnpany for 1 foot of land on the north lot line of Lots 2 & 4, Block 1, Atlantic Beach for the purpose of running water line to the lots lying west of them, and upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Mason the Town Clerk was directed to have necessary recording made on this easement. Mr. Brotchie advised that a request had been made for the Town to give $100. towards a receiving set to be used in the Civilian De- fense office now being maintained at the beach. The Mayor suggested that a committee be appointed to confer *ith Jacksonville Beach and Neptune Beach, and see what will be needed. Mr. A.J. Craig who re- presents Atlantic Beach on Civilian Defense, advised that he feels on the basis of the need, and the fact that others have kicked in that it is a reasonable request. There was discussion and the chair appointed Messrs. Craig, Thames and Mason as a committee to make re- commendations on Civilian Defense expenditures. The Treasurer's Report for the month of April, 1951 was presented and upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Mason it was approved with the following balances: General Fund $9,020.45 • Waterworks Fund 5,663.68 Seawall Fund 975.89 Cigarette Fund 864.67 SA St. Paving Fund 0 May 14th, 1951 - Page #3 The bills were next studied and upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Kirby the following were approved for payment: General Seawall Cigarette Atlantic Blvd. Ice & Fuel Co $ 50.00 - - Quinn R. Barton Company .99 - - Beach Lumber & Supply Co 5.40 _ _ Beach Transfer - 1.03 _ J.F. Bellinger & Son - 15.90 - Burgman Supply Co. 134.58 - - Cameron & Barkley Company - 9.07 42.60 P.D. Carmichael's Hardware 16.79 - - H. & W.B. Drew Company 3.25 _ _ Florida Equipment Co 1.22 _ _ Florida-Georgia Tractor Co 8.15 - - Governmental Guide 3.00 - - J & W Motor Company 226.67 - - City of Jacksonville ( St. Lights) 203.79 - - " " " (Elec. current) - 122.00 - City of Jacksonville Beach (Radio) 30.00 - - Mrs. Chas. Franks (Prisoner's meals) 5.00 - - Mason-Smith Company 9.60 12.69 - Porter's Service Station 16.45 - - Jacksonville Coca-cola Bottling Co 13.25 - - Jacksonville Beach Truck Line 17.15 - - Joe's Plumbing & Appliance Co. 4.50 - - Jacksonville Journal 7.50 - - R.C.B.S. Corp. 60.00 _ _ R. P. M. (Pailat.for water tank) - 122.30 _ Rubin Iron Works, Inc. - 76.41 - Sanford-Hall Co. .60 - - Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co.(Office) . . . 2.04 - - " " " " " " (Health Center) 9.49 - - " " " " " " (Police-Russell) 4.89 - - Sun Oil Company Police $58.45 Garbage 47.85 Streets 50.08 156.38 - - The Texas Company Police - G&O $ 6.76 R&R 48.90 Streets - G&0 27.62 R&R 27.06 110.34 - - R.D. Wood Co. (fire hydrants) p51.23 - - Worthington-Gamon Meter Div. - 35.62 - 1688.54 394.32 42.60 The paving of certain streets was again discussed and upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Mason An Ordinance to pave 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 8th Streets and Sherry Drive was passed on first reading by title only. Upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Kirby it was passed on 2nd reading. The Mayor advised that from now on the traffic would be heavy through Atlantic Beach thru the summer months, and that we need a motorcycle policeman to ride up and down the streets, and even though he didn't make any arrests, it would keep the speeding down. He believes such a man with his own motorcycle can be secured for around $200. a month, and recommended that the matter be studied by the Police Committee with view of hiring such a man for June, July and August anyway. The chair referred the recommendation to the Police Committee for study and report. A letter from the Mayor to the Council relative to his veto of Ordinance #138 was read. This Ordinance covered the re-zoning of Lots 40 and 41, Atlantic Beach Terrace. Mr. Thames moved that the Council sustain the Mayor's action in vetoing Ordinance #138, seconded by Mr. Kirby and discussion • called for. Mr. George Bull outlined the steps that had been taken in making the request for the Halls, the procedure followed, as wellas the contacts they had made with property owners in the vicinity. Dr. Frank Harvey , Messrs. Ernest Keyser, Rob Rosborough and Al Davis presented their reasons for opposing the re-zoning and requested that the Mayor's veto be upheld. The chair was given letters from 7 property owners requesting that Council overide the Mayor's veto. Mr. Richard Hamilton spoke from the viewpoint of an appraisor, and advised that the VA considerd this a good location for duplex of this type. There was further discussion, ques- tion was called, and the vote was Mason "Nay", Kirby "Ate", Thames "aye" andBremer "pass". The Mayor's veto was therefore sustained. Upon motion of Mr. Thames the meeting adjourned from day to day, at 9:40 P.M. D.W. Bremer, Vice-President Attest: Qg Adele S. Grace, Town Cler •