10-08-51 v MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TOWN HAIL ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 8TH, 1951 AT 8 P.M. Present: E. Gerry Adams D.W. Bremer D.P. Mason R.S. Thames, Councilmen and G.L. Rosborough, Mayor Frank Thompson, Town Attorney J.D. Brotchie, Town Manager Adele S. Grage, Town Clerk The meeting was called to order by the President and went into session as Board of Equalization for 1951 Tax Roll. Proof of Publication cov- ering notice of meeting as furnished by the Florida Times union with certification is attached hereto and made a part of these minutes. Mr. Mason moved that complaints be received and heard, then referred to the Tax Assessor to consider with the Council in executive session. This was seconded by Mr. Thames and carried. Mr. Wylie Powell protested the assessment on his Lot Ni of 1 & 3, Block 8 advising that he felt the assessment is high on this property. There being no further complaints, the Council went into regular session to consider other Town Business. Mr. Adams recognized visitors present and called for any hustness from the floor. Mrs. Silver made inquiries as to the additional liquor license in the Town, but was advised that the Town Attorney has ruled that the Town cannot set up licenses by' population count, and therefore no additional license can be issued at this time, as it will take a Legislative Act before the Town can change. Minutes of the regular meeting of September 10, 1951 were read and upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Thames were approved. Minutes of the adjourned meeting of September 17th, 1951 were read, and upon motion of Mr. Mason; seconded by Mr. Bremer were approved. Minutes of the special meeting of September 24, 1951 were read, and upon motion of Mr. Thame9 seconded by Mr. Bremer were approved. Minutes of the adjourned meeting of. September 27th, 1951 were read, and upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Thames were approved. Bill from Claude Nolan, Inc. in amount of $880.30 covering balance due on new Pontiac for Police Department, was approved for payment on motion of Mr. Masob, seconded by Mr. Bremer. Mr. Brptchie reported on the meeting at Gainesville on Social Security for municipal employees. Information brought back have been turned over to Mr. Thompson to draw the necessary papers. Mr. Adams reported on the Mosquito Control and advised that an agreement had been reached wherein they will try to extend the mosquito district.to approx- imately 1 mile west of the canal. The Town.kb, will look after their own fogging, and the mosquito district money is to be spent on elimination work only. It is understood that the Chamber of Commerce is going to back this plan, and it was concensus of opinion that this plan stand is it is now agreed upon. A letter was read from Mr. John R. Gurtler relative to prospects of sewerage for the Town, as his septic tanks were put in temporarily due to their underQ standing that the Town was going ahead with plans for sewerage at that time. There was a discussion of the situation, and the matter was referred to the • Town Manager. Mr. Adams appointed Mr. W.G. Kirby to represent the Town on the Board of Directors for the Beaches Youth Center. Final approval was given to the Selva Marina plat as presented by Mr. George Bull, with the understanding that the de,-elopers would go ahead with the street work as covered by their contract with B.B. McCormick & Sons, copy of which was given to the Council. • Ordinance #142 covering Tax Roll for 1951 was passed on 3rd and final reading with the millage set at 11.45, in line with reduction in accordance with formula furnished by the State Comptroller's office. Pro- Mr. Thompson reported that the Town could not pass an ordinance setting up liquor licenses according to population without an enabling act by the State Legislature permitting same. Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Bremer the following Resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, Interest Coupons # 36 from Seawall Bonds #142 thru 150, inclu— sive became due October 1, 1951, and were therefore paid by the Town Clerk, NOW,THEE.EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, That Approval be given to the payment made in amount of $1g0.00 fo cover these interest coupons, and that, The Town Clerk be instructed to destroy these said coupons by fire. Mr. George Bull requested the Town to abandon 12th St. as shown on recorded plat in Plat Book 5, Page 69 Duval County Public Records, as in arampkixK his plat of the Selva Marina sublydivision has changed the direction of part of the street. Upon motion of -Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Thames an Ordinance covering abandoning of 12th St. as shown in Plat Book 5, Page 69 was passed on first reading. Upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Bremer, it was passed on second reading. Mr. Thompson advised that :this was the proper procedure, and he will draw up the necessary Ordinance. Upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Mason the Treasurer's report was approved with the following balances: General Fund $c,76O.63 Seawall Fund 2,936.04 Waterworks Fund 4,945.40 Cigarette Tax Fund 3,650.25 Sp.Seawall Em.Fund 0 SA. St. Paving Fund 0 Mr. Adams presented a letter from Mrs. George Baker written on behalf of the Fletcher P.T.A. requesting assistance in their welfare work which consists of supplying lunches to needy children at the school. There was a discussion and upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Mason it was recommended that $50. be given the Fletcher P.T.A. for this work, same to be from the Mayor's fund with his approval. The Mayor directed the Town Clerk to so do. Mr. Mason brought out that he was in favor of this provided similar action would be taken for our Atlantic—Neptune Elementary school should they need it. Mr. Bremer announced the Atlantic Neptune school Hallowe'en Carnival will be held on Saturday, October 27th and requests the support of all present. Mr. Brotchie reported on the conference at Gainesville covering Social Security for municipal employees. He ha- turned over the information he brought back to Mr. Thompson to draw up the necessary Ordinance to cover Town employees. A letter was read from the Atlantic—Neptune P.T.A. to the Mayor thanking him for his interest and help in obtaining the new school rooms which are • so badly needed. The follwowing bills were studied and upon motion of. Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Bremer were approved for payment: General Waterworks Cigarette . Atlantic Blvd. Ice & Fuel Co $ 26.75 - - �?uinn R. Barton Co 3.87 - Beach Transfer 1.00 - - Bellinger Shipbuilding Co. - 3.50 - Cameron & Barkley Co . 67.36 - - Carmichael's Hardware 7.88 - - Chao Hardware Co 1.20 - W.S. Darley & Co 62.33 -- H. & W.B. Drew Co. 39.11 - - Sisherman's Supply Co. 12.00 - - The Florida Times Union 2.4.00 - - Florida Equipment Co 12.07 - - Howard's Garage. . . 27.50 - - City of Jax. Bch.( Sign) 3.12 - - " " " " (Radio) 30.00 - - " " " " (Mrs. Chas. Franks- Prisoner's m meals). 5.00 - - Jacksonville Beach Truck Lines - 5.b3 - Jax. Coca-Cola Bottling Co 13.25 - - J & W Motor Co 2.50 - - Mason-Smith Co 32.24 - - 11/ Porter's Service Station 46. 57 - - Proctor's Hardware .30 - Sanford-Hall Co. 2.45 _ - Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co. (Office) 3.06 - - n n n n n n (Police) 4.89 - - n If If n n " (Health Center) . 9.49 - - R.E. Wilkerson & Co. .70 - - 438.64 9.13 - Harry E. James (Insurance) 569.18 1007.82 Upon motion of Mr. Mason the meeting adjourned into Executive Session. The complaint as registered by Mr. Wylie Powell was discussed with the Tax Assessor, and upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Bremer, the Tax Roll as passed with Ordinance #142 will remain as it is without any changes in assessments. There being no further business and upon motion of vr. Bremer the Itmeeting adjourned from day to day. C- ✓ E. Gerry Ad s, President Attest: Q n SCJ - /(( _ Adele S. Grage, Town ClOrkJ • THE FLORIDA TIMES-UNION Published Daily Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DUVAL Before the undersigned authority personally appeared W. B. GOOdloe _ who on oath says that he is NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF�� PRELIMINARY TAX ASSESSMENT ROLL OF THE TOWN OF Advertising Managerdaily newspaper ATLANTIC BEACH. FLORIDA, ___ __— g'_ g of The Florida Times-Union, a news a eC FOR THE YEAR 1951: "TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: You are hereby notified that the Preliminary Tax Assessment Roll for published at Jacksonville in Duval County, Florida; that the attached copy of ad- the Town of Atlantic Beach, Florida, for the year 1951. has been completed and submitted to and approved by le al notice the Town Council. All persona desir- ing to have corrections made thereof, whether in listing, valuation of prop,- erty or otherwise, are required on or In the matter of_l #cts of completion of preliminary Taxbefore the 8th day of October, A. D., 1951 1951 at 8 P. M.,to file with the Town Tax Assessor of the Town of Atlantic Beach, their objections and correc- oll of the Town of Atlantic Beach Florida for the Year 1951 cions they desire made. � -- — the Hall in Townhe Town of Counciln et t Atl'Antic Beach, Florida, on the 8thday of October, A.D., 1951 at 8 P.M. for the __ __ _--__ — purpose of equalizing said assess- ments and making prover correction therein. 411 persons who shall file petitions as aforesaid will be given in the _-_— _ Court, was pub- the opportunity to be heard at said (meeting." ADELA• S. GRACE, lished in said newspaper in the issues of September2.7;_28,, 22 Town Clerk and Tax Collector and 30, 19 -_ for the Town of Atlantic Beach, Florida. 1 (8ea1) • p Affiant further says that the said Florida Times-Union is a newspaper published at Jackson- ville, in said Duval County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been contin- uously published in said Duval County, Florida each day and has been entered as second class mail matter at the postoffice in Jacksonville, in said Duval County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before me 1 this __ 1St day of ; _t_iii.:3_(L51._ ____________4 . /40.# 7-1511 Notary Public, _ State of Florida at Large. My Commission Expires February 1, 1 55 •