11-12-51 v MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TOWN HALL ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, 1951 AT 8 P.M. PRESENT: E. Gerry Adams D.P. Mason D.W. Bremer, Councilmen and G.L. Rosborough, Mayor Frank Thompson, Town Attorney J.D. Brotchie, Town Manager Adele S. Grage, Town Clerk The meeting was called to order by the President, Mr. Adams, who recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor. Dr. Heywood Dowling advised that the cost of bringing the voting machines to the beach would be $60. The other costs of holding the election on Mosquito Control has been taken care of by either volunteer workers who are giving their time at the poles and part by the County. The City of Jacksonville Beach has agreed to pay 1/2 of the $60., and Town of Neptune Beach has agreed to pay 1/4th and he requested Atlantic Beach to pay the other 1/4th. There was discussion, and upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded bir Mr. Mason approval was given for the Town to pay $15.00 towards this transportation cost. Mr. John Amos of the Banner Stores requested permission to temporarily block the alley back of the group of store buildingsowned by Mr. Lovett o1 Lots 1,2,3,4 ABT as they wish to make a back entrance to their store for customer use in connection with the parking lot which has been made on Lots 5 & 6 ABT. This alley dead ends against Mr. Clarson's property in Block 36. The other alley coming from Ocean Blvd. dead ends against Mr. Lovett's Lot 4, ABT, however vehicular travel has made an "S" curve over the private property and joined these two alleys. Mr. Amos is . desirous of stopping this thru traffic which is a hazard to customers using the back entrance to his store , which when the store is remodeled will have a checking counter just the same as the front entrance. Mr. Bremer suggested that permission be given for the alley to be closed at a designated pint until such a time as the Town Council determined that they needed to open it. Mr. Thompson advised that such a motion was in order if that was the Council's wishes, and Mr. Brener made motion in line with his suggestion, it was seconded by Mr. Adams, and carried with the call vote being, Bremer and Adams "aye", Mason "nay". Mr. Mason advised he felt they should wait until all the Council were present. Thomas I Caseley was present and presented his application to operate a taxi service in Atlantic Beach, advising that he would be on call 24 hours a day, advising that he had run a taxi service in England before coming to this country. He advised that he would only pick-up in Atlantic Beach, but would deliver to the other places. There was a discussion, and Mr. Adams advised that he did not feel that an additional taxi service was a necessity at this time. Mr. Mason advised that he felt we should encourage new businesses which is the American way of free enterprise, and that com- petition is good. There was further discussion and upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Bremer Approval was given for the Town Clerk to issue a certificate of convenience and necessity to Mr. Caselpy to cover taxi service for one year providing he furnibhes the Town with proof of sufficient liability insurance and schedule of rates. The call vote was Mason, Bremer "aye", Adams "nay". The minutes of the regular meeting of October 8, 1951 were read and upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Bremer were approved. Ordinance #143 covering Federal Old Age and Survivals Insurance was presented and read by the Town Clerk. Upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Mason it was passed on 3rd and final reading and presented to the Mayor who signed it. The Town Attorney and Town Manager are to fill in • the necessary dates and finish any details relative to putting in motion the provisions of this Ordinance. Ordinance #144 covering the Abandoning of a portion of 12th St. was presented and read by the Town Clerk. Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Bremer it was passed on 3rd and final reading. Mr. Brotchie reported on a meeting held at Jacksonville Beach relative to the proposed airport. Mr. Hugh MacCotter, Mr. Wallace Smith and Mr. Brotchie were appointed a committee of 3 to work up estimates, costs, etc. relative to developing plans for this airport, which would be on the present site of the Bull Airport in Atlantic Beach. A letter was read from Mr. V.F. Manget, Jr. protesting the assessment on his property which is a part of the Hotel Reservation. It was brought out that nothing can be done at this time, since the Tac Roll for 1951 - has already been approved, but upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Mason the letter will be referred to the Tax Assessor for consideration when preparing the 1952 Roll. Upon Motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Bremer approval was given to paying the Tax Assessor 200 . as specified in the budget. Upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Mason the following Resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, Warrant # 12195 was issued in error it being a duplicate of payment made on Warrant #12172, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, That Warrant #12195 be and the same is hereby voided. the contract of Mr. Brotchie reported the final estimate on/the Duval Engineering & Con- tracting Co. paving is $12,550.95, and that final inspection has been made and payment is due them as per terms of the contract. Mr. Bremer therefore moved that payment of 1/3 the final estimate be made in line with the contract. This was seconded by Mr. Mason and carried. Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Bremer the Frank Keinath water bill on Acct. #318 was approved as adjusted by the Town Manager and paid on Receipt #7868. The Rev. Henry Stout, pastor of the Community Presbyterian Church appeared on behalf of a group of citizens who are quite alarmed about the increase in number of bars in Atlantic Beach, also the late hours they are allowed to remain open. He advised that it was presenting quite a problem in broken homes and unhappy families, and as a minister he came in contact with so much of this unhappiness. It had been brought to his attention that we have one license to every 300 population count which is the lowest ratio in the state, The State law being one to every 2500. Mr. Thompson advised that this Council nor the last one had issued any additional licenses, other than the one to the Copper Kettle, Inc. which comes under the restau- rants with over 400usq. feet and 200 seating capacity, and is not counted with^those that are according to population count. All other licenses in Atlantic Beach were originally issued prior to the passage of the law limiting to 2500 population count. Mr. Brotchie recommended that the Zoning Ordinance be amended by changing the business area at East Coast Drive and 16th St. to conform to adjoining residential area, also the business area and Multiple family area at Saltair Blvd., Plaza amd Sherry Drive be changed to- conform with adjoining residential status. George Buil advised that both he and the Neptune Land Co. have deed restrictions on their lots along East Coast arive limiting them to residen- tial use. There was a discussion, and upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Bremer an Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance as recommended was passed on 1st reading. Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Bremer it was passed on 2nd reading. The Town Manager was to decide on date for Public Hearing and publish notice thereof. Mr. Brotchie presented plan to pave one block En 12th Street lying between • Ocean Blvd. and East Coast Drive to be assess 1/3 against property owners on North side of street and 1/3 aginst those on south side and 1/3 by the Town. Details to be arranged satisfactorily. There was a discussion and upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Mason approval was given for this paving to be done as outlined. The bills were next studied, and upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Bremer, the following were approved for. payment: General Waterworks Cigarette Art Concrete Works $ - - $31.10 Atlantic Blvd. Ice & Fuel Co. 19.95 - .. Quinn R2 Barton Co. 11.32 - - Beach Transfer - - 1.00 Cameron & Barkley Co. - 54.78(Pd) - ft tt " " - - 53.16 P.J. Carmichael's Hdwe. 9.90 - - Chao Hardware Co. 6.00 - - Conley United Service 1.95 - - Douglas Printing Co 120.00 - - Robert W. Elton 49.00(pd) - - Fletcher Dad's Club (ad) 20.00 - - Florida-Georgia Tractor Co. 24.39 - - Howard's Garage . 17.35 - - J & W Motor Co. 14.00 - - Jacksonville Coca-Cola Bottling Co. . . . 13.25 - - City of Jacksonville Beach (Radio) 30.00 - - It II 11 " (Sign) 3.13 - - It II It " (Shell) 28.00 - - Jacksonville Beach Truck Lines 1.00 - - City of Jacksonville, Fla 2.20 140.63 - Kinkade Radio Supply, Inc 17.50 - - Magneto Battery Elec. Co. 145.00 - - Mason-Smith Co. 3.22 - - Claude Nolan, Inc 3.25 - - William Pinkerton 22.50 - - Porter's Service Station 33.14 - - Sanford-Hall Co 7 14.70 - - Railway Express Agency 2.91 - - Sargent Seat Cover Co 28.00 - - Sherman Concrete Pipe Co. 182.10(Pd) - - Southern Bell T. & T. Co.(Office) 6.25 - - it " It n " " (Russell) 4.89 - - " " " " " " (Health Center) . 9.49 - - Sun Oil Co. Police G&0 $34.23 R&R 1.61 Garbage G&0 16.60 Streets G&0 24.68 77.12 - - The Texas Co.Police G&0 48.83 R&R 23.40 Garbage G&0 36.01 R&R 2.70 Streets G&0 77.47 R&R 121.55 309.96 - - Thomas & Co. ' 1.25 - - Wallace Equipment Co 12.04 - R.E. Wilkerson & Co. 8.00 - - Wilson & Toomer Fertilizer Co. 16.50 - - Zaun Equipment Co. _ 96 1,300.22 195.41 85.26 Upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by MrMason the Treasurer's report was approved with the following balances: General Fund $6,623.93 Seawall Fund 2,781.46 Waterworks Fund 5,199.11 Cigarette Fund 3,650.25 SA.St. Imp. Fund 0 Upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by MrMason the following were approved for payment, being studied separately from the regular bills: • Duval Motor Co.(truck) $2050.00 Rowland Truck Equipment, Inc. . . 651.05 Gordon P. Blitch & Co.(audit). . . 400.00 Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Bremer approval was given for issueing certificates of convenience and necessity for 1 year as of September 1, 1951 to: Beach Yellow Cab Co. Poor Boy Cab Co. Beach Transfer • A letter from Felix White relative to help in making a concrete court for the colored playground on which the children could play basketball, volley- ball and skate was discussed. It was opinion that perhaps something less expensive could be worked out, maybe using asphalt, however Mr. Brotchie advised that asphalt could not be skated on for quite a long while. The matter will be considered -at a later date when a little more information is available. Upon motion of Mr. Mason the meeting adjourned- from day to day. �2_c c E. •Gerry Adams, President Attest: CGcbf2e . Adele S. Grage, Town Cle's • • • • • • •