01-09-50 v MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TOWN HALL ON MONDAY, JANUARY 9TH, 1950 AT 3 P.M. Present: F.P. Ganzel D .W. Bremer W.G. Kirby R.S. Thames, Councilmen and G.L. Rosborough, Mayor Frank Thompson, Town Attorney J .D. Brotchie, Town Manager Adele S. Grage, Town Clerk The meeting was called to order by the President, Mr. Ganzel, who called for the reading of minytes. Upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mt. Thames the minutes of the regular meeting of December 12 , 1949 were approved as read. Upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Kirby the minutes of the adjourned meeting of December 19, 1949 were approved as read. Mr. Whitmire of Whitmire Tank Co. ; Jacksonville was present and advised that he would give Mr. Brotchie specifications of the work that needs to be done on the water tank. A letter was read from the Atlantic & Neptune Business Club re : the sidealk tc the postoffice. The Clerk was directed to acknowl- edge advising what steps have been taken to date. The question was raised as to the process for getting other streets paved. Mr. Ganzel advised that Mr. Brotchie is working up a schedule of streets needing repairs, etc. and will submit at an early date. Mr. Ganzel expressed appreciation of the various improvements made by Mr. Brotchie, and also thanked Mr. Brotchie and Mr. Leroy Johnsen for the work done in getting the lights up at colored playground. Upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Thames the salary of A.B. Parsons, grader operator, was raised to $60. per week, and authorization was given for transfer of $590. from Contingent to cover the difference in budget . Mr. Brotchie reported on plans to build a shed to match Town Hall materials to house the auxiliary pump and mower, and also the conversion of garage space in Town Hall to office space. Mr. Ganzel brought up the matter of Christmas bonus for employees, and would like for the Council to think over. Thought could be set up,on a scale, but would like for it to have some thought be- fore action taken. It was not felt that this Council should make decisions for the next Council, but that should be retroactive, if done , Upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Bremer, Mr. Brotchie was directed to prepare specifications for bids on water tank work, and send out . The Clerk advised that payment was made to Mr. Adams of $3000. on principal, with interest of $4$0. ; and also rent in amount of $250. for plant. It was brought out. that future rent under • new agreement will be $1.00 per year on the plant. A letter was read from Mr. C .P. Wilcox in which he pro- tested the assessment on his property, and the condition of Streets, Ahern street-end, and sidewalk to postoffice. Mr. Wilcox has already received information on his assess- ment, the matter of streets is being included in schedule being prepared by Mr. Brotchie, and the sidewalk is to be discussed later . Mr. Brotchie was asked to look into needs at Ahern St. The matter of sidewalk, was discussedas to the advisabil- ity of including all 3 legislative acts in the referendum Ordinance. Following discussion, Mr. Ganzel moved that the Ordinance covering a referendum for ratifying and approving House Bill #933 which bill extends the south limits of the Town, be approved on 3rd and final r eading. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bremer, but failed to carry with a call vote of Ganzel, Bremer, Kirby, and Thames "nay". Mr. Bremer presented an' Ordinance by Title calling for a refer- endum election on all 3 legislative acts, for first reading. His motion was seconded by Mr. Kirby and carried. Mr. Bremer moved its passage on second reading, seconded by ter. Kirby and passed. It was decided to include everyone for registra- tion who has become eligible since last registration. The Clerk advised that a letter has been received from ,the County stating that they have taken over the maintenance of the traffic lights on Atlantic Blvd. at First and Third Streets . Also ,a refund has been received from the City of Jacksonville of the payment made them for this maintenance . Upon motion of Mr. Bremer seconded by Mr. Kirby, the following bills were approved for payment ; General Waterworks Atlantic National Bank $ 65.18 $ -- Anderson' s Garage ( Pick-up Truck) 18.43 - Nea ch Bank 217.83 - Beach Printing Co 18,75 - Cameron & Barkley Co. - 105.42 Chao Hdwe . Co - 4.71 Beach Transfer 2 .L.7 B.A. Durden 20.00 - Far puha r Machinery - 17.28 Florida-Georgia Tractor Co. 1.25 - Fla. League of Muni 20.00 Hal Lynch Motors 14.90 - S.B. Hubbard Co - 78.10 City of Jax. Bch. (Prisoner's meals ) . . 6.00 Joe ' s Ping. & Appli. Co 47.20 6.44 J & W. Motor Co. 3 .65 Mason-Smith Co. (misc. accts. ) 30.34 Mennen 's Service Sta. .90 - Town of Neptune Beach(fire ) 60.00 - Payne-Garrison-Younger Co 39.11 - W.L. Golden & Co. 9.68 William Pinkerton 15.00 - Porter's Service Sta . . . . . . . . . 4.30 Southern Bell Bell Tel. & Tel. Co. (Town Hall) 10. 50 - tt ", tt " tt n (Health Unit) 5.60 - -- Southern Salvage Co - 5.80 Standard Oil Co 3 .00 - Sun Oil CQ. (Nov. & Dec . 19l9) Sts & Pks X477.52 Garbage 47.30 Police 76.64 201.46 - Texas Co. Sts & Pks. $14.43 Garbage 9.85 . Police 8.95 33 .23 - 846.31 220.22 The Treasurer did not have a report, but a memo of balances was studied. Upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Thames the Town Clerk was authorized to/13nYance in the Saltair St. Improvement Fund to the Duval Engineering & Contracting Co. and the Bull- Terry Homes. Upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by hr. Bremer the Town Clerk was authorized to redeem 2 Seawall Bonds from the Atlantic National Bank. Announcement was made of the joint meeting of the Councils of the 3 beaches on Wednesday, January 11th at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of discussion and making plans concerning the Beach Erosion report of the TJ S. Engineers. All members of Council and Torsi Officials were urged to be present at this meeting. Upon motion of Mr. Bremer the meeting adjourned from day to day. F.P. Ganzel, Pr sident Attest: 10--CgOge-' Adele S. Grage, Town erlf