01-24-49 v MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TONN HALL ON MONDAY , JANUARY 24TH, 1949 AT 8 P .M. Present: F.P . Ganzel D.P. Mason N.G. Kirby Hugh Rawls, rind:_D; ii. -Bromer , Council:mer. and Frank Thompson, Town Attorney C.R . Frazier, Town Supervisor Adele. S. Gr c.0, Town Clerk The meeting was called to order by the president, Mr. Ganzel. Minutes of the regular meeting of January 10th, 1949 wore read, and upon motion of Mr . Macon, seconded by Mr. Kirby they wore approved as reed. Minutes of the adjourned mooting of January 12th, 1949 were read and upon motion of Mr . Kirby , seconded by Mr . Mason they were approved as road. Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Kirby bill from Arnold Printing and Label Co. in amount of „60.49 was approved for payment in order to take advantage of discount. Upon motion of Mr. Mason seconded by Mr. Kirby the Town Clerk was authorizeu to cancel and dostro\- by fire the following Seawall Bonds with coupons which have been r odea reed: Bonds # 133 ,134,135 with Coupons #31,32 ,33,34,35,36 attached to each bond. The maturity date on these three bonds was October 1 , 1951. Upon potion of Mr . Macon, seconded by Mr. Kirby approval was given for the delivery of 6 cylinder pick-up truck in lieu of the 8 cylinder one ordered, as the 6 cy. can be delivered at once at lover figure. At this point, Mr. Ganzel recognized visitors present. The Citizens ' Water Committee was asked to sit with the Council and discuss their recommendations on the Naterworks. This committee consisted of Mr . Dor, Goodling, Chairman, 'Messrs. P .H. Gay, Ernest Keyser, members present. Mr . Curry Adams and Mr. rill Merritt , members, wer _. not able to be' present at this meeting. The Committee feels that the best plan is to use the Town Park for well, pump house Lnd arietion basin, and that the tank be located corn hero west of Sherry llrivo, and tot: cut-back the size of the storage tank to moot requirements of insurance underwriters. There was considerable discussion, and it was decided to try and got the engineers to come up and discuss the matter with the Council and Committee. Mr . Ganzel talk d to vir . Nallacu Smith of Smith-Glillispio on the phone , and although ho could not: come , he contacted Mr . Borden of their firm, who did come . Mr . Rawls and Mr . Bremer arrived during this discussion. / Mr. Cordon advised that he felt that changing the plans to v/ ust the Town Park instead of the proposed site :vas an economic rather than an engineering question. There was a consido 'able discussion of i-he matter and upon motion of Mr . Rawls , seconded by Mr. Mason it was u.ucided to put the underground reservoir and pU«p on the Town Park site, and that Smith & Gillespie be instruct- 4d to furnish plans us marked out to Mr. Borden. Thu vote was unanimous as follows: Mason, "aye" ; Rawls ," uya" ; Kirby, " aye"; Bremer , "aye" ; Ganzel , " aye" . Mr. Borden Advised that: he would oaks un plans fer steol founda- tion fer inst lletian f t;-,u neer purl) and send tri Mr . Frazier . This could be easily changoo aver to the new plant venan built. Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Rawls it was /' deci(ivu to put the tank on the incineL L for site. Upon motion of Mr . Rawls the meting adjourned from day to day. • F.P. Ganzoi, Pro:ident Attest: - Adele S. Grego, Town Cler The Council with the uttizonis Committee 3I .*. AFFOOND continued an unofficial discussion with Mr. ord: n.