03-31-49 v MINUTLS OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC B iACti TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT TH,s TO4N HALL ON THURSDAY LVE-NING, MARCH 31, 1949 AT 8 P.M. Present : F .F . Garzcl , D. N. Bremer D. P. Mason W.G. Kirby, Councilmen aria G.L. R:osborough, Mayor Frank Thompson, Town Attorney e.r. Frazier , Town Supervisor and Acting Town Clerk Leroy Johnson reported on the cost of installing a traffic light at Sherry Drive and Atlantic 3oulevard. The cost can hardly be kept within the total of 4600. alreauy authorized to be spent anu it was decidedto determine t°;hai: , if any, assistance can be gotten from the County. The mutter was deferred to the next regu- lar meeting. Mr . Ganzcl brought up the waterworks subject and this mutter was discussed at length. Upon motion of Mr. Bremer , seconded by VI'. Macon, the scope of work to be done in connecticln with the erection of a waterworks plant and audition to the present dis- tribution system, which is in line with the plan pre- viously adoptee anu which keeps the project within 4150,000, was approved anu adopted and the Town Attorney was authorized to proceed as soon as possible with the legal preparations necessary to cull foe a bond election. Mr . rV'allace Smith of the Engineering firm of Smith and Gillespie was present and it was agreed that an amendment to the present contract between the Town and this firm to proviuc for preparation of plans and specificuLions on the aistribution system, such plans to be for the pur- pose of calling for bids ; such aduitinal fees, if any, nor to exceed 4/ of the cost of such distribution system. Upon motion of Mr. Bremer the meeting adjourned from day to arty. qV-? / F.P. Gan ..1 , • o ident Attest: / Alr C .jr . gr,zieri Acting Town Clerk