05-09-49 v MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TOWN HALL ON MONDAY, MAY 9TH , 1949 AT $ P.M. Al, Present : F.P. Ganzel D.P . Mason D.W. Bremer Hugh Rawls W.G. Kirby, Councilmen and G.L. Rosborough, Mayor Frank Thompson, Town Attorney C.R. Frazier, Town Supervisor Adele S. Grage, Town Clerk The meeting was called to order by the President , Mr. Ganzel. Minutes of the regular meeting of April 11, 1949 were read and upon motion of Mr. Lirby, seconded by Mr. Mason they were approved as read. Mrs. A.J. McGlannon appeared on behalf of the Federated Garden Circles of the Beaches with a request that some steps be taken to-wards mosquito control, and also that the Council pass a Resolution in favor of House Bill #739 which has been introduced by Representatives Carlton and Morgan. This Bill provides for the state to match local funds for mosquito control. There was a discussion on this , and upon motion of Mr. Rawls , seconded by Mr. Kirby the following Resolution was passed: WHEREAS , there is pending before the Legislature of the State of Florida, House Bill 739, which provides that the State of Florida shall match City, Town, or local public funds to bear expense of combatting mosquitos, and WHEREAS , it is highly desirable to use every method possi- ble to combat this menace , and WHEREAS , the smaller Towns and Cities , because of lack of revenue , are not able without assistance from some other source to do a good and sufficient job in this connection, NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORITIA, THAT , the Duval Delegation to the State Legislature be, and they are hereby urged to strongly support the passage of the said House Bill 739. Frank Miller explained the processes of mosquito control, and brought out the fact that it is not an elimination, but is an effective control of mosquitos. He advised that he had made a price of $150. per application (fogging) to the previous council and would make the same quotation at this time . Mr. Bremer advised that he had talked to the State Engineers and they will furnish engineering for mos- quito control and are willing to get to-gether with the Bogging man ( if that is the method needed) and work out with him a program. There was discussion on this subject and upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Mason, we are to request Mr. J.A. Muirennan, B.S .A. , State Board of Health to come down and make a survey, and if they recommend fogging that we enter into an, agreement with Mr. Frank Miller to do the fogging from Atlantic Boulevard to 16th St , and from the 111the front to the last street in the town that he can gravel on with his jeep, making two applications between now and the next regular meeting at $150. per application. .r' . Mr. Rawls reported on the sidewalk needed on Atlantic Boulevard between East Coast Drive and Sherry Dr. and advised that it would have to be built on the state right-of-way and that he only saw three possible ways , one of which could be decided upon: (1) to canvass the property owners and get voluntary agreement to pay their part of the assessment; (2 ) to get the Representatives to pass legislation to take into the Town limits , and (3 ) for the Wown to spend money on state property. There was a discussion, and upon motion of Mr. Rawls , seconded by Mr. Bremer the Town Supervisor was instructed to con- tatc the property owners , giving to each an approximate cost for their part of sidewalk construction, and if their consent is secured to go ahead and build; otherwise not to do. A report presented by Mr. Bremer and Mr. Kirby recommended that 6 pairs of steps were needed on street ends , and that they be installed. It was brought out in the discussion that one pair of steps had been donated by Mr. Bob Towers and had already been installed at 11th St. , and that only 5 pairs were needed now. Upon motion of Mr. Rawls, seconded by Mr. Kirby the Town Supervisor was authorized to build the 5 pairs of steps needed. There was no report from the Police Committee and the Mayor re Marshal's hours and extra officer. Petition was presented from Mr. & Mrs. H.A. Holcomb to rezone their Lot 6, Block 11 to allow a two-story secondary dwelling. The petition had the approval signatures of more than required percent of adjoining property owners. There was a discussion and upon motion of Mr. Rawls, seconded by Mr. Mason an Ordinance entitled " An Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance # 50, etc." was passed on 1st reading. Upon motion of Mr. Rawls , seconded bynMr. Kirby it was passed on 2nd reading. The Building Inspector was instructed to adver- tise the public hearing for May 30th, 1949. A communication w as read from the Atlantic and Neptune Busi- ness Club recommending that the Beach not be roped off on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Mesd.rs . Costello, Geo. Bull, Anderson, Padgett , Robbins & White ,. members of the A&N Club spoke on behalf of the Club's request. Messrs. Bremer , Rawls, Kirby, E.T. King,Jr. and Mrs. Warren Roberts with other citizens present indicated their desire that we continue to rope off the beach as in previous years. Following this discussion it was moved by Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Mason that we rope off the beach on week days, Sundays and holidays until September 6th, 1949 , the hours for roping to be the same as last year: 2 P.M. to 7 P.M. on weekdays and 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. on Sundays and holidays. The motion was carried. A Resolution from the Atlantic and Neptune Business Club was read. This Resolution requested that the Council go on record by Resolution to the Legislative Representatives as favoring 3 bills extending the Town limits by eliminating "street" exceptions from the present charter , by extending the Town Limits on thk south to a point 16 feet north of the center line of Atlantic Blvd. , and by excluding the marshland by moving the western boundary of the Town eastward. After discussion, upon motion of Mr. Rawls, seconded by Mr. Bremer the following Resolution was adopted, with the vote Mason, Bremer, Rawls , Ganzel "aye" , Kirby "nay": • May 9tt,1949 - Page #3 WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the Honorable Charles A. Luckier member of the State Legislature of Florida, three proposed Legislative Acts affect- ing the ffect- ing-the corporate limits of-the Town of Atlantic Beach, Duval County, Florida, to wit: 1- Extending the Town Limits to take into its corporate limits specially named streets and roads designated as Umunty Roads, 2- Extend the Town Limits on the southern boundary to a point sixteen (16) feet north of the center line of the,Atlantic Boulevard, and 3- Exclude the salt marsh land by moving the west boundary of the Town eastward, and that these proposed bills carry a referendum clause, NOW THEREFORE, ht IT RESOLVER BY THE MAYOR AN!) TWIN UOUNe.L OF THS; TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIIJA, _ THAT, it hereby goes on record as unanimously endors- ing. these three proposed Legislative Acts, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Town Clerk is hereby directed to furnish copies of this Resolution to hon- orable uharles A. Luckie and his colleagues in the State Legislature._ Mr. Thompson advised that he was awaiting certified copies of the legislative bills from Tallahassee which the Secretary of State has promised to send as soon as possible, and when received he will contact the Financial Agents relative to the Waterworks Bonds. Mr. Thompson has no further word on the Seawall Emergency suits which are under consideration by Judge McNeil. The Council expressed their thanks for the fine work done by Mr. Leroy Johnson and Mr. Frazier installing the pump and building the pump house. There was a discussion of Saltair Street paving project , and it was reported that the engineerAs plans with specifications are on file in the Town Supervisor' s office. The question was again raised as to whether 100% assessment could be made against the property owners, and Mr. Thompson advised that in this case he believed it could, and was so specifying in the Ordinance which he is drawing up. Mr. Mason moved the passage of An Ordinance covering the paving of specified Saltair Streets on first reading, the motion was seconded by Mr. Bremer. On call vote of Mason, Bremer "aye", Rawls, Kirby, Ganzel "nay" , the motion failed to pass. Mr. George Bull expressed himself relative to the failure of this Ordinance to pass, as they had endeavored to carry out all the Council's instructions , and in view of Council's previous ac- tion of favoring the project , they had hired engineers to draw up papers covering plans and specifications. Mrs. Silver requested that the Council change the hours for package stores to permit their openeing at 9 A.M. on Sundays. There was a discussion, and upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Rawls the following Resolution was passed, the call vote being Mason, Bremer, Rawls , Kirby "aye; Ganzel "nay" : May 9th, 1949 - Page #4 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH , DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, Package Stores be allowed to open at 9 A.M. on Sundays for the sale of package goods only, for consumption off the premises. 411 Mr. Thompson advised that Mrs. Maxwell wished to pay her Seawall Emergency assessment , provided it would be refunded to her without interest dif the Town should receive adverse ruling in the suits. Upon motion of Mr. Rawls , seconded by Mr. Bremer, approval was given for acceptance of Mrs. Maxwell's payment plus interest, same to be refunded without interest if court ruling is against the Town. Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Bremer the Treasurer's report for March 31, 1949 was approved as read. Upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Bremer the Treasurer's report for April 30, 1949 was approved as read. Balances were as follows: General Fund *11,253.63 Seawall Fund 2 ,330.52 Waterworks Fund 3 ,294.40 S.W. Emergency Fund 650.90 Upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Bremer it was decided to take up 2 Seawall Bonds , and the following Resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH , DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA That , the surplus funds in the Seawall Aconunt be used for the purpose of retiring Seawall Bonds now held by the Atlantic National Bank of Jacksonville , and That, the President or Vice-president of the Town Council and the Town Clerk be and they are hereby empowered in the name of the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Atlantic Beach, Duval County, Florida, to do all things to carry out the purposes of this Resolution. Upon motion of Mrl Kirby, seconded by Mr. Rawls approval was given of the payment by the Town Clerk covering interest eoupons #31 from Bonds #129-132 and 137-150 in amount of $ 360. , and the Town Clerk was instructed to cancel and des- troy by fire. Upon motion of Mr. Rawls , seconded by Mr. Kirby approval was given for the Town Clerk to void warrant #9052 which has been lost in the mail, and issue a new warrant to Mason-Smith Co. in amount of #65.93 in it 's place. There was a discussion of an additional truck needed , and the matter was referred to the Finance and Taxation Committee who are to report at next meeting their recommendation. It was brought out that the License year starts on July 1st , and any changes in the License Ordinance should be made im- mediately, as bills on licenses should go out by June 15th. The matter was referred to the Finance and Taxation committee for study and recommendation. There was a discussion of playground equipment , and Mr. .,razier was instructed to contact Mrl Bowers of the County Schools, as it is understood that they have some surplus playground equip- ment . quip- ment . It was brought out that Ocean Boulevard from 10th St. to 13th St. needs oiling badly , as well as Hotel Reservation Rd. , and Mr. Frazier was instructed to investigate getting some oil to relieve these bad spots. May 9, 1949 - Page 5 Upon motion of Mr. Rawls, seconded by Mr. Mason the following bills were approved for payment: General Waterworks Atlantic National Bank ( Insurance ) . . . .$ 65.74 - le Art Concrete Works (meter boxes ) - 31.80 Beach Transfer (frt. on pipe ) 4.45 Cameron-Barkley Co. (pipe etc ) - 1z6.75 5 P.D. Carmichael's Hdwe. (misc. accts) . . 23.06 1.79 Cities Supply Co. (meter yokes) - 46.00 H.A. Durden (drainage survey) 75.00 - City of Jacksonville(elec. current-pump) - 29.80 City of Jacksonville Beach (Radio) . . . 30.00 - City of Jacksonville Beach (Seymour-meals ) 6.00 - Mason-Smith Coy ( misc . accts. ) 1?.31 109.06 B.B. McCormick & Sons (Roping) 15 .00 - Mennen's Service Sta. (tire repair) . . . 2.00 - Town of Neptune Beach(V.F.Dept.-4 fires) 240.00 - Rubin Iron Works(Mat. pump inst ) - 110.65 " ft rr rt " rr - 97.06 11 It " 11 " " - 78.18 It " 11 11 It " - 77.33 Sherman Concrete Pipe Co. (culvert ) . . . . 94.14 - rf rf It " 11 - . 136.89 Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co. (office) . . . 6.85 - " " " 1r 11 " (Health Unit ) 5.26 - Standard Oil Co. (fuel for pump) - 7.07 Sun Oil Co. Police $40.15 Garbage 27.35 Streets 11.60 79.10 - Waterworks0 - 1.80 Sun Oil Co. Police $58.83 Garbage 29.35 Streets 12.76 100.94 - Waterworks 8.37 - 8.37 R.E. Wilkerson & Co. ( Office Supplies ) . 21.65 - Worthington Gamon Meter Co. (meters) . . . - 172.00 Horton Elec. Cons. Co. (Mat . for pump) . . - 119.14 J&W Motors (R&R police car) 4.30 - Railway Express Co. (meters ) - 3.12 Governmental Guide 3.00 921.24 1037.17 There was a discussion of Lot Cleaning, and upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Rawls the following Resolution was passed: WHEREAS , the co-mingled and concerted growth of weeds, grasses and underbrush upon the following lots , in the Town of Atlantic Beach, to wit : F May 9, 1949 - Page 6 amounts to and constitutes a nuisance endangering the general health, safety and welfare of the community at large , NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL OF THE SAID TOWN , that it hereby declare the condition on said lots a nuisance endangering the general health , safetyflk and welfare of the community at large and directs the Town Clerk to forthwith notify the owner of the premises upon which said nuisance exists to abate such nmisance within 30 days from date of notice . Mr. Harcourt Bull asked that as much speed as possible be used in passing on the Resolution to Legislators , advised that there is no fire plug in the vicinity of 10th St. arra East Coast drive in case of fire in that locality, and commented on Saltair Street paving project . kr. George Bull also commented on the action of Council in re the Saltair Street paving. Upon motion of Mr. Rawls , the meeting adjourned from day to day. • F.P. Gamzel, President Attest : .(/ f J ,, aA,62- Adele S . Grage , Town C1- 'k 4 ,.., .... t.... .- r--- ..- i.". .t• - ,, 1,0.4 10.4 or, - .,...... • C? et es. 4-# e+ rt et r+ rt Ct t c* et et Ct C C? rt e- t- 0- u' tit t 1.-, NAT -4 0 -' i-. a„, t-, I-4 No 1" 1.a ‘CiCX ., ...1 Ct x4. -,... "..3 r.-- t7 1-0 ' t": t: i'....- 127:- t..7,' tr r•-- ty7.7 tr tr tilt- ,--, 1,-. t.,-, r--0 i..• }.--.4 ,....., k, 1.4 ,,,,..., 1.4 .....41, irm, il,-.1 ?`-,..' ;cr. Pc. A' r.i-' c'. .1•.- P•;" 4.N.' 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Block 1 Block 7 Block 10 N. 1/2 Lots 2 & 4 Lot 1 Unplatted strip Lot 3 Lot 27 Lot 5 Lot 30 Lot 7 Block 2 Lot 11 Lot 19 Block 11 N 1/2 of Lots 1& 3 Lot 21 Lot 5 Lot 24 Lot 2 Lot 4 Lot 28 Lot 5 Lot 8 Lot 30 Lot 8 Lot 32 Lot 11 Lot 34 Lot 12 Block 3 Lot 35 Lot 13 Lot 16 Lot 13 Lot 17 Lot 14 Block 8 Lot 18 Lot 17 Lot 19 Lot 18 Lot 13 Lot 21 Lot 21 Lot 18 Lot 23 Lot 22 Lot 24 Lot 24 Lot 26 Block 4 Lot 35 Lot 27 29 Lot 6 Lot 36 Lot o 31 Lot 7 & El4 of 9 : Lot 33 Lot 8 Block 9 Lot 35 Lot 13 & Ei of 15 Lot 37 Lot WI. of 15 & all of 17 Lot 1 Lot 39 Lot 19 Lot 8 Lot 41 Lot 9 Lot 28 Lot 11 Block , Lot 10 Block 12 Lot 13 Lot 1 Lot 15 Lot 3 Lot -111 of 2 & all of 4 Lot 17 Lot 7 Lot 6 Lot 24 Lot 4 Lot 7 Lot 25 Lot 9 Lot 8 Lot 28 Lot 12 Lot 10 Lot 39 Lot 14 Lot 13 Lot 16 Lot 18 Block 10 Lot 18 Lot 26 & E2 of 28 Lot 20 Lot 1 W 30' of Lot 19 & Lot all of 21 Block 6 Lot 7 '. Lot 5 Lot 11 LotLot 12 7 Lot 16 Lot 13 Lot 15 Lot 22 Lot 16 Lot 24 Part Lot 22 Lot 39 & Unplatted strip Lot 22 4 .. . ^ T Page 2. Block 13 Block 25 Block 4k Block 59 Lot 3 Lot 3 Lot 1 Lot 1 Lot 4 Lot 4 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 5 Lot 5 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 7 , t,` Lot 5 Lot 9 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 11 Block 29 Lot 6 Lot 12 Lot 13 Lot 1 Block 49 Block 60 Lot 15 Lot 2 Lot 17 Lot 3 Lot 1 Lot 1$ Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 19 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 21 Block )0 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 23 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 1 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot6 Lot ? Block 14 Lot 8 Block 31 Lot 9 Lot 1 Block 50 Lot 12 Lot 4 Lot 2 Lot 2 Lot 13 Lot 3 Lot 14 Lot 4 Lot 3 Lot 15 Block 16 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 1 Block 34 Lot 7 Block 62 Lot 2 Lot $ Lot 6 Lot $ Lot 10 Lots 1,2,3 & 4. Lot 9 Lot 11 Lots 8,9,10&11 Lot 12 Block 17 Block 39 Block 63 Lot 1 Block 53 Lot 2 Lot 5 Lot 1 Lot 1 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 2 Lot 1 Lot 6 Lot 3 Lot 7 Lot � Block 1$ Block 4.0 Lot 6 Lot $ Lot 7 Lot 1 Lot 7 & pt .of 1 Lot 9 Lot $ Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 10 Lot 9 Lot 4 Lot 4 Lot 11 Lot 10 Lot 5 Lot 12 Lot 11 Lot 6 Lot 13 Lot 12 Block 23 Lot 14 Lot 13 Block 43 Lot 14 Lot 3 Lot 15 Lot 4 Lot 1 Block 54 Lot 16 Lot 5 Lot 2 Lot 1 Lot 6 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 2 Block 64 N 531 of 7 & Lot 3 Block 24 all of $ Lot 4 Lot 1 Lot 9 Lot 5 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 6 Lot 4 Lot 4 Block 41 Lot 5 Lot 5 W $7' of 9 and Lot 6 all of 10 Park Terrace Atlantic Beach Terrace Lot 5 Lot 9 Lot 7 Lot 10 Lot $ Lot 11 Lot 28 Lot 29 :Atlantic Beach Parkway Lot 38 Lot 39 Block 1 Lot 40 Lot 41 Lot 1 Lot 42 Lot .2 , Lot 43 Lot 3 Lot 44 Lot. 4 Lot 45 Lot 5, Lot 46 j,oic $ Lot 47 Lot 9 Lot 11 Lot .i Block 2 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 - Lot5 Block 3 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lots Lot 6 Block 4 Lot 1 Lot2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot, 5 Lot