07-25-49 v MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TOWN HALL ON MONDAY, JULY 25TH, 1949 AT $ P.M. Present : F.P. Ganzel D.P. Mason Hugh Rawls W.G. Kirby D.W. Bremer, Councilmen and G.L. Rosborough, Mayor Frank Thompson, Town Attorney C.R. Frazier, Town Supervisor Adele S. Grage , Town Clerk The Ipeeting was called to order by the President , Mr . Ganzel who recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor' Mr. A. Greig introduced his brother-in-law Hr. • Newlands , who placed verbal application for the position of Town Supervisor. He was requested to submit his application in writing to the Town Council. Waterworks was next discussed . Mr. Thompson advised that the question which was holding up the election was the difference in opinions of the bond kompany lawyers and himself as to the qualified electors. I1r. Thompson thinks a freeholder who has lived in the Town for 30 days , while the Bond Company lawyers think they should live here 6 months . Mr. Carrison of Clyde Pierce Co. had suggested to Mr. Thompson that perhaps it could be arranged to hold the election with qualified electors in line with the Bond Company wishes, with a straw ballot on the outside for those who had only lived in the Town 30 days . Thdre was a discussion, and upon motion of Mr. Rawls , seconded by Mr. Bremer it was decided to have the freeholder election as perscribed by the Bonding House , with a separate ballot for those freeholders not eligible , and that the Council take into consideration the total of affirmative and negative vites of both ballots in making their decision. Mr. Thompson is to take this up with the Bond Co. and see if it meets their approval . Mr. Ganzel spoke of the condition of the dirt roads and streets in the Town and the urgent need of equipment to work with. He advised that Gibbs Corp. has an Adams motor grader Model 511 (used) which can be had for .'2750. cash or $3000. on time. There was a discussion and upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Rawls it was decided to purchase this motor grader on time , paying $580. cash and the balance $200. per month. On the Hotel Reservation Hd . Ganzel advised that the County Commission would beet at 2 : 30 P.M. to-morrow, June 26th , and he requested that the Councilmen, the Mayor and Town Attorney appear with him to request funds to be put in the budget Bnr paving of this road. The Mayor advised that he wouldbe out of the city and could not attend. There was a discussion of the referendum covering the Legislative Acts , and Mr. Thompson advised that he would have to look up the General Act covering referendum elections and will advise. There was a discussion of the handling of the applications for Town Supervisor's place , and upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Bremer the deadline for receiving applications was set for 111 August 15th, the Council to sit that night to make decision on Town Supervisor who should tome September 1st if possible. This is to be an executive meeting. A letter was read from the Kiwanis Club requesting co-opera- tion in placing 7 Walter' s Torpedo Life Buoys along the ocean front in Atlantic Beach. The Mayor suggested that Mr. Frazier contact property owners and see who will invest and report back to next meeting, the results . The Town Clerk instructed to acknowledge Kiwanis letter . A letter was read from the A & N Club advising that the Mayor and Councilmen had been elected to honorary membership in their Club. Mr. Ganzel expressed to I•Ir. Geo. Bull , who was present , appreciation of the Council and advised it was their desire to co-operate whenever possible . Upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Bremer the B.B. Mc- Cormick & Sons bill in amount of $312. to cover clay and grader servnce on ball park was approved for payment . Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Rawls Thomas & Co. bill in amount of $2$. to cover 3 bases , home plate and pitcher' s box was approved for payment. Upon motion of Mir . Kirby, the meeting adjourned from day to day . F.P. Ganzel, President Attest : a‘,...glee. / , 11 i Adele S. Grage , Town Cler' July 26th theu July 31, 0949 - no quorum •