08-09-49 v MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TOWN HALL ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 9TH, 1949 AT $ P.M. Present: F.P. Ganzel D.W. Bremer D.P. Mason, Counci lmen and Frank Thompson, Town Attornet Adele S. Grage , Town Clerk The bids for the Saltair Paving project were considered and upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Mason the bid as proposed by the Duval Engineering & Contracting Co. was accepted with the President of Council and the Town Clerk to sign for the Town, and the following Reso- luti on was adopted: 1110 Upon motion of' Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Mason the following Resolution was adopted setting up a Special Fund known as "Salt Air Street Improvement Fund" : "WHEREAS Ordinan ce ,ll25 provides that the revenue derived from payment or settlement of such special assessments on paving of certain Saltair Streets shall be deposited in a special and separate account to be designated as "Salt Air Street Improve- ment Fund" NOW THEREFORE BE IT R ESO, VED BY THE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN CF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, That A separateaaccount be opened at the Beach Bank as designated above, said Fund to have the usual Town Signatures ." The Engineering proposal presented by Harrje Associates covering the Saltair paving has been accepted' by the Council and the Attorney is to draw up the acceptance papers for the Towh. Bond from the Saltair Holding Co. , etc . in the penal sum of $1050. covering engineering and inspection services was presented and accepted. Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Bremer the Town Clerk was authorized to give the Bull-Terry Homes a letter stating that the Duval Enge me eri ng & Contracting Co. has been awarded a contract covering the paving of specified Saltair streets, and was also instructed to issue receipts to cover any payamnets made on this project, as covered by the preliminary assessment roll. The: Tows Clerk advised that letter had been received from Mr. Tighe E. Woods, Housing Expediter advising that the rent in the To of Atlantic Beach had been decontrolled. Upon motion of Mr. Mason the meeting adjourned from day to day. F.P. Ganzel, resident Attest: •/ 'dele S . Grage , Town Cler t I r