08-19-49 v MINUTES CF THE EXECUTIVE MEETING OF' THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL HEED AT THE TOWN HALL ON FRIDAY, AUGUST 19TH, 1949 AT $:00 P.M. Present : Mr. F .P. Ganzel " D.W. Bremer "' D.P. Mason r" W.G. Kirby, Counci lmen , and Adele S. Grage, Town Clerk The Council interviewed Mr. Robt . Panton of St. Augustine and Deland , Fla. relative to the position of Town Supervisor. It was brat ght cut that we wished an engineer acceptable to the Bond Co. and to act as engineer on the new Waterworks project , thus saving the Town on Engirieert s fees. Mr. Panton advised that he was a recognized engineer and could handle the engineering on the WaVerworks project . He advised that if his application was favorably :received that he would like to give his em ployers 2 weeks noti ce . He advised that if he came for $5000., he would not be making a dime more than he is now. After some further discussion, he was excused. Mr. Rawls was next interviewed. Mr. Rawls withdrew his spplicati on, and there was a discussion with the Council on this matter . Upon moti on of Mr. Ma soh, seconded by Mr. Brerner, Mr. Rawls was chosen to fill the 'vacancy on the Council subject to his acceptance and confirmation of the Council in regular session. The Council gave a vote of confidence to Mr. Rawls. The vote for him was unanimous. There was discus si on of the Town Supervisor successor , and upon motion of Mr. Mason, sefonded by Mr. Bremer the Council chose Mr. Robt. Panton for the position of Town Supervisor at a salary of $5000. yearly, subject to his acceptance and confirmation at a regular meeting. The vote was unanimous. The To1411 Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. Panton, and to release to the press upon his acceptance and confirmation. Upon moti on of Mr. Bremer, the fleeting adjourned from day to day. F.P. Ganzel, resident Attest: aca,e, ./ , , Adele S . Grage, Town Cle • MINUTES OF THE ADJOSNED MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN (LUNCIL HELD AT Tf 1DWN HALL ON FRIDAY , AUGUST 19TH, 19+9 AT 7:30 P.M. Present : F .P. Ganzel D.W. Bremer D.P. Mason W.G. Kirby, Councilmen and Adel? S. Grage , Town Clerk Mr. Mason presented a replat of the unsurveyed strip lying on Sherry Drive between 2nd and 3rd Sts. This was approved subject to the signatures of the President of the Council and the Town Clerk on the official copy. A statement from the Miller Fog Company for two foggings $150. per fogging ( total $300. ) was approvedfor payment upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Bremer. Upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded byMr. Bremer The Town Clerk was authorized to refund 12. 03 to Mr. W.H. Lozdiska for untility tax collected by the Protane Gas Co. in error, as Mr. Loznicka _lives outside the Town. Upon motion of Mr. Bremer the meeting adjourned from day to day, am the Council went into executive session. /41--- r‘L F.P. Ganzel, President Attest: Adele S . Grage, Town C S