08-29-49 v MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TOWN HALL ON MONDAY, AUGUST 29TH, 1949, AT $ P.M. • Present : F.P. °Ganzel D.P. Mason D.W. Bremer W.G. Kirby, Coundilmen and G.L. Rosborough, Mayor Frank Thompson, Town Attorney C.R. Frazier , Town Supervisor Adele S . Gra ge , Town Clerk The treeting was called to order by the President, Mr. Ganzel . . Upon suggestion of Mr. Bremer, there was a moment of silent prayer preceding the consideration of bus ine ss . The appointment of a Town Supervisor to succeed Mr. Frazier was brought up, and upon motion of Mr . Mason, seconded by Mr. Bremer, Mr. Robert M. Panton was appointed Town Supervisor at a salary of •$500O. yearly, effective Septanber 1, 1949. The Town Clerk was instructed to write a letter of appreciation for their applications and Interest to each applicant . It was recommended that the title of Town Supervisor be changed to Town Manager . The attorney advised that Ordinance #73 which created:the office of Town Supervisor could be amended to change the title of the office to Tann Manager withait changing the duties, the duties as set forth in Ordinance #73 remaining the same . Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Bremer An Ordinance Amending Ordinance #73 by changeing the title of Town Supervisor to Tom. Manager was passed on first reading. Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Bremer it was passed on second reading. A request from Miss Anna Ingraham that the light in front of her house be shaded was considered and upon the suggestion of Mr. Mason, it was referred to the City of Jacksonville's electrical representative on maintenance for recommendation. Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Bremer, Mr. Richard Hamilton was appointed Tax Assessor for the year 1949. Appre cia tion was expressed for the work done by Mr. Leroy Johnson during and after the storm in restoring our electrical service , and also the assistance given by Mr. Bremer and Mr. Russell . Upon suggestion of Mr. Mason a letter will be written to the City Commission commending Mr. Johnson for the work done during and after the storm. Mr. Kirby recommended that either barriers of some kind or signs be put at the dead end streets to keep out traffic, as they drive down into the soft sand before they know it is dead-end . There was a discussion and upon motion of Mr. Kirby seconded by Mr. Bremer the Town Supervisor was instructed to place piling at street-ends where needed for the protection of traffic. A letter re: General Electric Co. Seawall Storm damage bill was referred to the Finance & Taxation Committee who will 111 make re commen .dation at next meeting. Mr. Ganzel advised that he had a letter from Mr. Rawls to be read in open meeting, but that he was not reading as it was competing with rumors, one does not need to compete with rumors. He spoke very highly of Mr. Rawls, and wants it to go on record that he would like to see Mr. Rawls on the Council. He has worked with Mr. Rawls at Gibbs CcDporation, that he was held in high esteem, and made a success. He ad- vised that the Council had unanimously selected Mr. Rawls , in executive session, to take his place back on the Council as the people had elected Mr. Rawls , and he would like to , see him gain on the Council. Mr. Rawls advised that he does not choose to come back on the Council for business reasons, and that since resigning does not think to best interests to return , and his business will not permit either. Mr. Rawls asked permission to address the floor, which was granted. He stated that if any rumor mongers have anything against him or wish to say anything about him to say it to him in ,public before witnesses, or write it over their signatures. That the rumors that had been circulated had nothing to do with his staying off the Council. A Resolution was presented by Erven Bowery and George Bull which they requested the Council to approve and send to the Legislature for passage at the special session. This Resolu- tthon had to do with providing for recall of public officials, Mr. Thompson was asked for an opiniorj, and advised that he did not know whether this particular was good or bad as he had not had time to study it , and that he does not believe this coming legislative session will consider matters oftthis kind, as they are conveneing for revenue purposes. He feels the whole charter should be re-written, rather than additional amendr►rnts. He stated that he personally was opposed to recall, as it encouraged pressure groups who interfer with the independence of the Council, and that if a recall provisi on wa s included in a new charter that he would vote against it . Mr. Ganzel advised that Mr. Charles Luckie reported that he wqs introducing a bill' covering recall for the whole state . Upon motion of Mr. Mason seconded by Mr. Kirby the matter was referred to the Laws and Rules Committee for further study and recoi'nrnendation. Mr. Thomps on advised that he had no further information from the Bond Co. , but that he hoped have the information as to the referendum soon. There was a discussion on the needed sidewalk on Atlantic Boulevrd, and Mr. Thompson wi 11 advise as to referendum procedure on this, as the Legislative Act taking this strip of land into the Town provides for a referendum vote. Upon motion of Mr. Kirby the meeting.adjourned. F.P. Ganzel, President, Attest : Q Ade e S . Grage , Town Cler •