10-03-49 v MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN C OU NC IL IE LD AT THE TOWN HAL L ON MONDAY, OCTO BER 3RD, 1949 AT $ P.M. PRESENT: F.P. Ganzel D.P . Mason W.G. Kirby Rex Thames, Councilmen and G,,L. Rosborough, Mayor Frank Thompson, Town Attorney R.] . Panto ti, Town Super visor Adele S. Grage, Town Clerk The meeting was called to order by the President , Mr. Ganzel . Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconddd by Mr. Thames bill in amount of p27.00 from Janes Spell to cover shell for roads was Approved for payment. Upon motion of Mr. Thames; seconded by Mr. Mason the paymmn t to the Bei? ch Bank in amount of $21.7.83 on motor grader was approved for payment. • Mr. Mason advised that he hoped to' have the budget ready by next meeting, but moved that in the interim the Town employees be paid in line with old budget, seconded by Mr. Thames and carried . Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Kirby the Town Clerk was authorized to pay Mr. Frazier in full for the 3 months leave of absence previously granted . Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Thames the Town Clerk was instructed to write a letter of sympathy to Mr. Fra zier on the death of his Mother and to send floral offering in amount of 10. There was a discussion on Bhalging the name of the Plaza and' since it would work a hardship on owners who have records , etc. under name of The Plaza, but who also agree completely that Mr. Frazier be honored for his long service to the Town, it was decided to Name the parkway down the middle of the Plaza from East Coast Drive to Sherry Drive "Fra ziex Park" and that suitable plaque • he placed t here by the Town . Upon moti on of Mr. Mason seconded by Mr. Thames an Ordinance to name the parkway "Frazier Park" was passed by title only on first reading. Upon mot ion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Thames it was passed on second reading. The matter of cigerette tax Ordinance was discussed and upon mot i on of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Kirby An Ordinance to cover the Cigerette Tax (as suggested by form received from Fla. ida League) was passed on' first reading. Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Thames, it was passed on second reading. It was re ported that Mr. Payne is repairing his seawall, and requests that the Town put a tie-back at the street- end. This was turned over to Mr. Panton to look into and report at next meeting. Mr. Panton made verbal report on work being done . The Count it advised Mr. Pan ton to make a survey of the playground aid present an estimate of the cost of suggested improve- men is . 'Ie is also to inv-soLate and report on needs of *I the colored playground . Mr. Panton advised that unless Council instructed other- wise that he was going to cut down the ` diagonal groin at the north side of the 7th street runway, as he believed wave action caused by the position of this groin was causing damage to this runway . The Council approved this work by Mr. Panton. Mr. Panton advised that the second-hand dump truck was broken down and the estimate cost of repairs' is Maximum of `'496. Mr. Panton advises that it is essential that we have a dump truck, and that we are renting one for emergency use right now, which was approved by Council. The matter of a new truck with bids which have been secured by Mr. Pal ton, was referred to the Finance & Taxation Committee whp will report at regular meeting. There was a question of new police car, and this was also /referred to the Finance & Taxati on Committee. ' The Mayor asked about the sins for the school zone, and Mr. Panton advised that he has been given two signs which will be put up' as soon as received. / Waterworks waS the next matter of business, and Mr. Panton regomrre nded' that the site of the plant be at the NW corner of Sherry Drive and 11th street on the land just east of the incinerator site. The three sites discussed were the one west of the Incinerator, the one west of the inciner- ator and the park site. Councilman Mason introduced and caused to be read in full a bill for an ordinance, entitled " AN ORDINANCE authorizing and providing for the issuance of '150,000 Water System Bonds of the Town of Atlantic Be ch, Florida, and for the payment of same as to both principal and interest from the levy of taxes, and in addition, the net income and revenue from the operation of the municipal water system a said Town , " and moved that al 1 ru les be suspended and that said pro- posed ordinance be declared passed on first reading, which motion was duly seconded by Councilman Kirby; and said moti on having been duly considered the President put the question thereon, and upon the roll being called the follow- ing voted: Aye: Ganzel, Mason, Kirby, and Thames. say: None Whereupon the President declared said motion duly carried and said pr oposed ordinance duly passed on first reading. Councilman Mason therempon moved that all rules be suspended and that said proposed ordinance be read the second time, which motion was duly seconded by Councilman Thames, and said moti on having be en duly considered the President put the question thereon, and upon the roll being called the fol- lowing voted: Aye : Ganzel, Mason, Kirby, and Thames° Nay: None Whereupon the President declared said motion duly carried and said proposed ordinance was read in full the second time. Councilman Mason moved that all rules be suspended and that said propos ed Ordinance he declared passed on second reading, which moti on was duly seconded by Councilman Thames and said motion having been duly considered the President put the question thereon and upon the roll being called the following voted: • Aye: Ganzel, Mason, Kirby,' Thames Nay: None Whereupon the Pre sident declared said motion duly carried and said proposed ordinance duly passed on second reading. On moti on duly rro de, seconded and carried said proposed ordinance was placed on file with the Town Clerk pending further consideration as required by Section 13 of the Charter of said Town. Counci lman Mason introduced and caused to be read in full a bill for an ordinance, entitled "ORDINANCE calling and providing for a special election in the Tom of Atlantic Beach, Florida, in connection with the issuance of bonds of said Town for water sys- tem purposes, " and moved that all rules be suspended and that said proposed ordinance he declared passed on first reading, which motion was duly deconded by Councilman Thames; and said motioh hav- ing been duly considered the President put the question there- on, and upon the roll being called the following voted ; Aye: Ganzel, Mason, Kirby, and Thames. Nay: None Whereupon the President declared said motion duly carried and said proposed ordinance duly passed on first reading. Councilman Mason thereupon moved that all rules be suspended and that said proposed ordinance be read the second time, which motion was duly seconded by Councilman Kirby, and said motion having been duly considered the President put the question thereon, and upon the roll being called the following voted: Aye: Ganzel, Mason, Kirby, and Thames. Nay: None Whereupon the President declared said motion duly carried and said proposed ordinance was read in full the second time. Councilman Mason moved that all rules be suspended and that said proposed ordinance be declared passed on second reading, which motion was duly seconded by Councilman Kirby, and said motion having been duly considered the President put the question thereon, and upon the roll being called the follow- ing voted : Aye: Ganzel, Mason, Kirby, and Thames. Nay: None Whereupon the President declared said motion duly carried and said proposed ordinance passed on second reading. On motion duly made, seconded and carried said proposed ordinance was placed on file with the Town Clerk pending further consideration as required by Section 13 of the Charter of said Town . On moti on and vote hhe meeting adjourned. ii- / / � Attest : F.P. Ganzel, P esident of the Council • CLte-ge. Adele S. Grage, Tovaz Cl k