12-12-49 v MINU'T'ES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TOWN HALL ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 12th, 1949 AT $ P.M. Present : D.P. Mason D.W. Bremer R.S. Thames, Councilmen and G.L. Rosborough, Mayor J .D. Brotchie, Town Manager Adele S. Gra e, Town Clerk The meeting was called to order by Mr. Mason, who presided in the absence of Mr. Ganzel. Upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Bremer the minutes of the regular meeting of November 14th, 1949 were approved as read. Upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Thames the minutes of the adjourned meeting of November 2 5th, 1949 were approved as read. Upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Bremer the minutes of the adjourned meeting of December .28, 1949 were approved as read. Mr. Mason recognized visitors present, and called for any business from the floor. ;-,r. Ernest Keyser presented the subject of Lot Cleaning, and there was a discussion on this. The 1949 Lot Cleaning program is over, and it has not been determined yet what procedure will be follwed for 1950. Thare is an item for lot- cleaning set up in the budget. Mr. Geo. Bull advised that a substantial payment had been made by them on the Saltair St. Paving. He felt this information was of interest to the Council. Mr. & Mrs. O.M. Ball appeared to protest the assessment against their property on Lots 20 & W-i of 1$, Block 4. Mr. Ball addressed the Council on the subject , and- there was a discussion. The Council advised that they regretted that there was nothing they could do at this time, as the Roll has been passed on final approval but that the matter would be referred to the Tax Assessor when making the 1950 roll. A letter from Miss Annie Ingraham relative to her assessment was referred to the Town Clerk, to give Miss Ingraham the same information. The Treasurer did not have a report, but a memo giving balances was studied. Chief En r. City of Jacksonville Eled.Dept. A letter from Mr. C . Washburn, Jr./quoting a price of $134. for cost of a street light to be installed on Saltair Blvd. at Sea- spray was considered, and discussed. Mr. LeRoy Johnson recommend- ed that the light be installed. Upon motion of Mr. Bremer, sec- ; onded by Mr. Thames the installation of this light was authorized, and the Torn Clerk instructed to so advise the City of Jacksonville Electric Dept . Mr. Johnson advised that tae would like to remove 1-40' pole that is on Atlantic Blvd. , and that he can secure 2 small poles for it, and the smaller poles will do for use it the colored Playground. Upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Thames approval was given to Mr. Johnson to proceed. The Mayor and Councilmen contributed money to cover the Tuberculosis J Christmas Seals, and the Clerk was asked to forward to the Asso- ciation. Upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Thames the Auditor's bill in amount of 4250. was approved for payment, to be trans- mitted with a letter of appreciation for the work done on this audit. Upon motion of MrA Bremer, seconded by Mr. Thames approval was given for payment of $25. bill for materials used in repairing the traffic lights. This payment to be made to Town of Neptune Beach, and coveres one-half the total bill which has been paid by Neptune Beach. After discussion and uppn motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Bremer approval was given for payment of the $100. to thS Signal Bureau for maintenance of the traffic lights. The Town Clerk was directed to write letter to Mayor Lighty wishing for him a speedy recovery. This letter to be over the Mayor's signature. The Mayor is to write the Pepsi-Cola Company thanking' them for the nige "police" traffic signs. Upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Bremer approval was given for payment of Massey Motors bill in amount of $1$50. This covers Dodge dump truck. Upon motion of Mr. Bremer seconded by Mr. Thames approval was given for payment of Bayne Garrison,Younger & Co. bill in amount of $277.70 covering earned premium in line with . payroll records. There was a discussion of the bill received from Frank D. Walker in amount of $100. to cover a palm tree which he advised had been moved from his Lot 49, Block 13 . Mr. Brotchie and Mr. Russell her? investigated and find there has been no movement of dirt on this lot in years. The bill was referred to the Town Manager and Town Clerk to answer, advising that we disclaim any respon- sibility for removal of palms or trees from this lot. The Town Clerk advised that Seawall Bonds #131-132 with cp�uuppons 33 ,34,35, and 36 attached to each, have been r edeemedz, . pon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Bremer the Town Clerk was directed to destroy these Bonds by fire. Bills from Smith-Gillespie and Clyde Pierce Co. were deferred to later meeting for approval. Letters from Mr. Harcourt Bull relative to Seawall Fund Deficit , and also Referendum Election were discussed and referred to Mr. Thompson for recommendations. Mr. Brotchie made a report on work in progress at this time. Mr. George Bull suggested that the Council consider making a thruystreet to Mayport Road out of either the Plaza or Eleventh 9t. There, was very favorable discussion of this matter, and it was r eferred to Mr. Brotchie who will make some study of such a project and will report back to the Council at an early date. Upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Thames the foilow$ng bills were approved for payment : General Waterworks Atlantic National Bank $ 65.1$ - Allweather Tire Co. 107.15 - Beach Auto Parts 7.75 - Beach Bank ( Grader) 217.$3 - Cameron & Barkley Co. - 7.75 Carmichael's Hardware - 3.99 H. & W.H. Drew Co 16.60 - City Elec. Dept. , City of Jax - 55.$0 rn rn rr U rt rr — 2 .50 Fla.- Ga. Tractor Co. $3 .12 - Fla. Equip. Co. of Jacksonville, , , , , 59.22 - Hal Lynch Motors 14.70 - City of Jacksonville Beach (radio) . . . 30.00 - con't General Waterworks J & W. Motor Co $ 1 00 - Express Company 1 32 - Mason Smith Co. 8 08 - Massey Motors, Inc. 34 54 - MuS. Darley & Co. 19 30 - Town of Neptune Beach (fire) . . . . 60.00 - Sherman Concrete Pipe Co. 174 93 - Sou. Bell T. & T. Co. (Town Hall) . . 11.29 - " " " " " " (Health Unit ) . 5.60 - Standard Oil Co 28 83 The Texas Co. Garbage $ 5.13 Police 20.93 Grader 16.66 Streets 10175 . . . 53 .45 R.E. Wilkerson & Co. 139 64 - Zaun Equipment Co lt2 - 1,13995 70.04 Upon motion of Mr. Thames the meeting adjourned from day to day. N D.P.\Ma •n, Vice-President Attest(: 0_cage , Adele S. Grage, own , lerk •