02-05-46 v MINUTES OF THE PEGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TON COUNCIL HELD AT THE TO S,J4 HALL ON TUESDAY, FEBRU- ARY 5TH , 1946 at 8 P.M. 11, PLESEN T: E.L. Chiasson Beale Travis Don Doodling E.L. Jones, Councilmen and G.L. Rosborough, Mayor C.R. Frazier, Town Supervisor Frank Thompson, Attorney Adele S. Grage , Town Clerk Tlie meeting was called to order by E.L. Chiasson, Vice- president in the absence of the president. } inutes of the lust meeting were read and approved on the motion of L.L. Jones, seconded by Beale Travis. Mr. Frazier has inspected the Greig property and found same isnow a single family residence in line with the Zoning law. The lights for Saltair Boulevard have been ordered, and will be put up as soon as oossibleJ The matter of the septic tank at the N.P. Simmons place was brought to ;h attention of the Council. Notice of -i the condition of this tank and instructions to have same repaired were sent Mr. Simmons under date of Dec . 10, 1945 , and he advised that same was being taken care of. The Town Supervisor was instructed by the Council to write Yr. Simmons advising that he would be allowed 10 days in which to correct this condition, and if not done by that tile, the City would have same done and charge to the property. Upon motion of. Beale Travis, seconded by E.L. Jones, an ordinance "Re*Zoning Lots 838 thru 854, inclusive, Saltair" was passed on third and final reading. Upon motion of E.L. Jones, seconded by Beale Travis, an Ordinance "To Change name of Park Ave. to Davis Ave. ,and Lakeview Ave. to Sturdivant Ave . " was passed on third and final reading. Yr. Frazier dill report on Lot Cleaning at the next meeting as he has been unable to get information to-gether. Mr. Jones did not see Mr. Adams relative to dedication of Hotel Reservation Road, but will handle before next meeting. Mr. Travis reported that a new Ford has been pursed for the Police Department at a cost of $1063.49. The Plymouth was sold for ; 950. Mr. Jones advised that he saw Mr. I3elote and talked to him regarding the County Roads in the Town, and Yr. Belote was to come to the beach, but to date has not . Mr. Frazier is working on the Street Paving fur the Town , arid same is continued until next meeting. Upon motion of Beale Travis, seconded by Don Goodling, the Treasurer's report was approved. The report showed a balance in the General Fund of e6 , 820.34, and the Seawall Fund of 0,362.16. Mr. Frazier advised that he has ordered some playground equipment , but hasn' t been very successful in getting same. The matter was carried forward to the mext meeting. Upon motion of E.L. Jones, Seconded by Bcale Travis the following bills were approved for payment : City of Jacksonville Beech (Radio) p30.00 Mrs. 0. P. Likins (garage) . . . . 5 00 The Texas Company, police $36.52 garbage 29. 70 66 22 Jax. Beach Truck Line 67 Futch Letter Shop 6 94 T.P . Janes Service Sta. 1 50 E. N. Connell (change radio , policu car) . . . 20.00 Mason Lumber & Supj Co. 1 21 T.S. Darley Co. (arrow sign) . . . . . . . . . 3.30 Hal Lynch Co. ( slat covers) 17.50 Bill's Garage(re . on plymouth) 10 39 Beech Recappern ( spare for new Ford) . . . . 18.69 Merman Concrete Fipr Co. 32 40 Pablo Garage(Rep. to Plymouth) 20 90 Southern Bell T. & T. Co.(Heraltb Center) . . ,_x.54 n H H It " ( Tuwn Hall) . . . . 4.76 Home Utilities ( 3-taps) . . 45.00 The Texas Company, police '31.78 garbage 27.91 59.69 347.67 Mr. Ganzel appeared before the Council le behalf of the new Memorial Stadium which is to be built at Fletcher Jr. - 410 Sr. High School. He outlined the plans for financing and building the stadium. He advised that all member; of the Council viith Mr. Rosborough , Hr. Thompson, Mr. Frazier, Mr . Russell and Mr. Geo. Bull were asked to be on the stadium committee end to meet on Monday night, February 11th, 8 P.M. at Fletcher. The Council assured him of their support of the stadium. A. request from C .D. Treadwell for plumbing contractors license was presented. Mr. Frazier advised that Ur . treadwell was one of the best plumbers on the beach, but due to his pollee record at all the beaches for the pasi: few years , he wanted the Council 's advice on the matter. They left the issue- ing of the license to 1"r. Frrazier's judgement ; with the under@ mtanding that it could be revoked at anytime that circumstances warranted. A communication w as read from Mr. Neill Corley relative to an accident which his younger son had, and !Jr. Frazier reported that the Plaza is a County Road, and the City is not respon- sible. lir. Thompson' s opinion was thai. Mr. Frazier write to Yr. Corley stating the facts to hila. 41, Application was read from William F. Dudley, colored, to operate a taxi between the Donner section end Atiangic Beach. The Council recommended that this license be granted provided: 1- no stand in Atlantic Beach 2- pay neces:-ary license fee 3- show full insurance coverage for passenger service . Upon motion of Beele Travis, seconded. by Don Goodling the Tax Collector was authoriaed to accept the payment of teR $26.44 covering general tax for years 1932-44 on Lot 35 , Block,7, puid by the County from tax sale and covered by our ,ecei_pt"#1417-A. The correct amount should have been x:31.50. The difference to be deduc ted:"from 1943 end 1944 taxes. A letter from the Jacksonville Leaches Board of Realtors was read, asking that the Town work with the Board and representa- tives from other beaches toward getting more recognition and co-operate on from FHA. The Chair appoint.ed Mr. Frank Thompson Town Attorney, G.L. Razboeough, leayor, and Beale Travis; Council0 - man as a committee to meet end cork with the other committees and the Board. The intent set forth in the letter wus endorsed by the Council . Upon motion of Beale Travis, seconded by 7..L. Jones the ful- lowing Resolution wae passed: WHEREAS, State Road No. 140, the Beach Road to Jacksonville, is in poor reoair in many palces, and, WHEREAS, the sumer season is near and traffic will soon be very heavy an the said Road, and to leave it in its present condition will not only _:cflect upon the Beaches but the ^taste of Florida as well, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED By' the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Atlantic Beach, Duval County , Florida: That the State Road Department of the State of Florida be , and it is hereby urged to undertake at the earliest possible date the needed repairs to the said State Road No. 140, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That a copy of this Resolution be furnished the City of Jacksonville Beach, the Town of Neptune Beach, and the Jacksonville Beaches Chamber of Commerce in the hope that they,too, join with the Town of Atlantic Beach in making this request. Don Goodlingresented the hazard to school chil- dren in crossing the Atlantic Boulevard. Mr. Frazier advised that he had talked to Mr. Jarboe , the Marshall of Neptune Beach, and offered to co-operate with them in putting up 4 signs, and that Atlantic Beach would pay half the cost. Mr. Jones will talk with Mrs. Chambers, principal of Atlantic-Neptune school , about getting the School Boy Patrell to funstion at some definite cross- ing on the Boulevard, and Mr. Russell will co-operate in getting traffic trained to slow speed in that area, and also help the School Boy Patrol in whatever way possible. Upon recommendation of Mr. Goodling, the Council gave recognition to the return of Mr. Harcourt Bull , a former. council member, from the service. Mr. Harcourt Bull requested that the Council have ' a fire plug installed in the vicinity of 11th St. and Beach Ave . Upon recommendation of Mr. Jones, Council instructed Mr. Frazier to have one installed, cost not to be over $150 . Communication was read from Mr. James A. Cranford, President of the Council , resigning as Councilman . The protest against this resignation was unanimous, and upon motion of E.L. Jones, seconded by Don Goodling, Mr. Cranford's resignation was not accepted. The Town Supervisor' s report for the month of January was read and filed. A list: of building permits issued during the month was read, showing permits in the amount of $33,000. (Approx- imately) had been given. By unanimous consent the following resolution was passed: WHEREAS, the Agreement with the City of Jacksonville , Florida, whereby a Franchise was given the said City to furnish electrical cureent to the consumers in the Town of Atlantic Beach, Florida, provided that the City place a maintenance man in or near the Town to bc. . available at all times, and WHEREAS, during the war the Town did not insist on a literal compliance with this provision but managed to make out with the help of the man stationed in the Town as a representa- tive of the Auditing Department, and 111, Whereas the said representative of the Auditing De- partment of the said City has rendered valuable assistance in helping take care of the system in the said Town, and WHEREAS, nearly five years have elapsed since the system has had any sort of general overhauling; that many lines have become obsolete ; have become loose and in some in- stances grown into by palms and other shrubbery to the extent that minor breakdowns are sure to come more and more often , and WHEREAS, in case of trouble on the lines of the system it is now necessary under the present arrangement to await a repair truck from the City, thereby causing unnecessary delays in making repairs-, and WHEREAS, the conditions have now changed and that a strict compliance with the Franchise agreement can be \\ carried out , NOW THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH , FLORIDA: That the Maintenance Department of the Electrical Department of the City of Jacksonville , Florida, be re- quested to bring about a compliance with the said Fran- chise Agreement by placing an experienced and fully equipped maintenance man at or near the said Town. • Upon motion of E.L. Jones, the meeting was declared adjourned. V ► — / jlw r E .L. Chiasson, Vice-president Attest:0,04_122. Q �O . Adele S. Grego Town Clerk.